ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OP THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE Of TUii: M.GILL UNIVERSITY, POR TH8 THIRTY-FIRST SESSION. ioao-a4. \ MONTREAL: PRJNTED BY J, r.. BECKET, 38 GREAT SAINT JAMES f;TREET. 1863. McGILL UNIVERSITY. J.v.J:OJSTT:EL::E.A-L• SESSION 1863-4, VISITOR: 1 Bis Excellency rhe Right Hon. Viscount Lono MoNCK, Governor General of British North America, &c. CORPORATION. GOVERNORS: The Bon. CHARLES DEWEY DAY, LL.D., President. The Hou. JAMES FERRIER, M.L.C. THOMAS BROWN ANDERSON, Esq. DAVID DAVIDSON, Esq. BENJAMIN HoLMES1 Esq• .ANDREW ROBERTSON, M.A. CHRISTOPHER DUNKIN, M.A., M.P.P. WILLIAM MOLSON, Esq. .A.LEXA.."IDER MonRis, M.A., D.C.L., .M:.P.P. The Hon. JoRN RosE, M.P.P. PRTNCIPAL: JOHN WILLIAM DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. FELLOWS: RJIT. CANON LEA.CB, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. HENRY .A.sPINWALL HoWE, M.A., Rector of the High School. The Hon. J. J. C . .A.nnoTT, B.C.L., Dean of the Faculty of Law. BROWN CHAMBERLIN, M.A., B.O.L. w.1.L1'ER JONES, M.D. w. B. LAMBE, B.C.L. SIR WILLIAM E. LOGAN, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. G1110BGE W. C,rnPBltLL, M.A., M.D., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. ,Jo!IN H. GnAHAl>r, M.A..,Principal of St. Francis College. 3 The thirty fourth Session of this U11ivcrs1Ly, beini; the eleventh under its amended charter, will commence in the .Autumn of 1863. 'l'he Classes in the Faculty of Arts will open on the 6th of September, those in the Law Faculty, on the 2nd of November, those in the l\Iedical Faculty, on the 2nd of November, and those in the High School and McGill Normal School on the 1st of September. ' The courses of study in the University, and the distinctions which it offers, may be summed up as follows :- THE FACULTY OF ABTs.-The complete course of study in Arts extends over four Sessions, of eight months each; and includes Classics and Mathematics, with English Literature, Logic, Mental and Moral Science, Natural Science, and .Modern Languages, leading to the degrees orB. A. and M.A. There are also Honour Courses, Special and Partial Courses, and a Course of practical Chemistry; and facilities are afforded for the study of .Agricultural Chemistry, for the practice of Me­ teorological observations, and for the study of Hebrew and Oriental Literature. THE FACULTY OF l\iEmcrNE._ -The complete course of study in Medicine extends over four Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the degree of M. D., C. M. THE �'ACULTY OF LAw .-The complete course in Law extends over three Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the de­ grees of B. C. L. and D. C. L, II. .Affiliated Scltools. TnE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, offers a thorough English edu­ cation, with the French and German languages, and the Clas­ sical and Mathematical training necessary for entering the College course. TnE McGILL NoRlIAL ScHOOL provides the training requisite for Teachers of Elementary and Model Schools and Academies. Teachers trained in this School are entitled to Provincial diplomas. THE MonEL ScuooLS OF TIIE McGILL NoR.."\IAL · SCHOOL are English Schools, divided into a Boys' Department, Girls' Department, and Primary School. Teachers in training in the Normal School are employed in these Schools, under the supervision of the Head Master and Mistress. The following "Announcement," relates wholly to the Faculty of \ Medicine, but full details of the Courses of Study, conditions of Matriculation, Fees, &c., in the other Faculties and Departments, will be found in the ANNUAL CALENDAR OF THE UNCVERSITY, · which may be obtained on application to the Principal or Secretary. FACULT Y OF MEDICINE. ) GEORGE W CAMPBELL A l. �I.D. , . , f inc lc e P th � o J>r i � and Practice of 8urg ry ro c. so f e p r Dean 'O the Faculty and f eat , 6: G St James Street 3 r . ARCHIBALD HALL .:\I.D. , , fei; f d P � Mi ifer and tl1c Diseaf'e.• ofWomen nnd Children ro o w y, , r o d ondc 1 I R eg Street a . WILLIAM FRASER :\I.D. , f , P fc:,so o the Institutes of :Medicine ro r , 1 Little St James Street 2 . WILLIAl\I SUTIIERLAJ.�D M D . ., , ofosso r P of Ch r emu;try, ea t :n G S . James Stree r t t \VILLL\:\ I E SCOT i\1.D . T ., , ofc P .�sor of Anatomy r , !I St. Bonaventure Stree . t WILLIA)! WRIGHT )ID., , fe r P of )Iateria:Medic a ancl Phanuac o �so y, r g 175 Cra Stree . i t ROBER T P HOWAR 1\1 D .D. , , f he ry e f T o and Practi :Medicin o o c o e, P e sor f the r � c 11 St Bona'\"entur Stree . t DUNCA N' C )IcCALLUM �l.D , . , . f i l diei nc P 'e!: of Cli l\le and Medical Jurisprudence o ca sor n r g , 152 Cra Stree . i t ROBER T CRAIK 1I. D. , , ofci r f P Clinic ;so al Surger , r o y 0 g 1 Cra Strc, · . 3 i t HORAC E NELSON -:\1.D ., onstra or D of Anatom , em t y 27 Little St James Stre . et. Th Pri ci ( fficio n al ex. o . e f p llPBII.L ) Pro sson -C.a. e , L H.t. L RA . F SER LAND So n . coT E.R S n T WRJOH l! . o W . H1 A x 11 OuuD: . Ca.a.11,. r LSON e r r II .N° D monst ato end 5� . Curaf h tor Mu m B Fo ltyseu- 0 W O 1i:t , AJI 111D. Deano t e cn u , . AVP11 r , ., . h hi i r T e -f s t , i f the �Icdic Fncult of tb ::'\IcOill t ty r , c � ono al e r y e the cu toma manner on l\1onday ni ne y , U er ity,d ill bb op in ntinue d g v s w e 3 o c 186 d and be c durin the six month e r o 2 .X m e , d; t c s th n v i ction in b be n dc rnt i , in the variou, conr� s whic w r!, g e to n ru h follo y t il d y dta e ure snbse uen e . l' 11 l l d f formatio n po n u n in i u tbe be:;t mann ' o y n e men nee o n er o g h t t di m in g es g ?gcSlion ppear e in to reco of ur-- t r s the follo w SU! a ­ p u g l ei u , t e e me d h i tj rofc l g n msv e v s. f o E l u e n ra l ed c:i , p ,;sion readin for :;om xc o u n n e i s ly ge e l ti dviso d e arati n s o me , whereb r vi o u to m tricu a n n as a pr p t a lip e ly a o is y ri i h l ill d ight f mi th tec ic t r be �ine , andan in� obtaine a t w a m,w h y bj e ht de e g d o n ou i be b u r noti durin lecture . nto t « ect to r � n c � e s it t h h rtc equired e e for Coll const u t e i; o :;t time r ge 'l'hou!!;h hree yenh r�t t t t e S ud t b libl'r to extend it a.q much furth en a ty er attendance, yet h it f n o d he l «cl'I t e add io n yeu o ev tw is consider to cn. n o r, r e e e :is p b tesh oml f , b efi i a b ; f it vi t e c g branche� within to en r o a r n o a f t t, o it ten«i c pi o g r fa b re a t nd m \'e nttninm nt of the to rie e m a rm s o ore cx c , pe b e e r ce. \ y m a tl1 i e n is eco men d d to b iv during the first Session to t t on r m ti e gn e h A ten r ri c e the second Session an increa e imar bran h en l d pr y c f y; u g se t p d l y e njoin i pr t t fin cou� m b profitably co r n woo n a s o e , n he ed G i h tecedent uired th f a as arc req ; while during the re. ,r :mc o n i the the dvance leti m i i n od fu is to be made by comp ng the cur­ a n g r r r a p i f didate raduation i l re ed th fo Clinica courst.s rcu u equ r o e can r g . l k t i m n ng ,J uld b t u dur the first Session.
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