University of Mcgill College, ~ Montreal, 1861·62
== =-- ------- UNIVERSITY OF MCGILL COLLEGE, ~ MONTREAL, 1861·62. ------~~ BENEFACTO:RS ~: OF THE oo'nihcf.sity of Ilc~iU O{;Dllege, I THE HONORABLE JAMES The Honorable John Molson, ~ McGILL, by his Idst Will and Thomas Molson, Esq., ..... £6,000. Testament, under date 81h January, William Molson. Esq .. 1811, bequeathed the Estate of for the foundation and mainten Burnside. situated near the City of ance of the Chair of English Lan Montreal, and containing lorty guage and Literature. seven Acres of Land, with the John Gordon Mackenzie, Esq., ... .£500. Manor House and Buildings there Ira Goul,l, Esq., .................. 600. on erected, and also tbe Bum of tell John Frothingham, Esq., .......... 500. thouaand pounds in money, unto John Torrance, Baq., ............. 600. 1\ The Royal Institution for the James B. Greenshields, Esq., ..... 300. Advancement ,·f Learning," con William Husby Lambe, Esq., ..... 300. stituted by Act of Parliament ill l:Iir George SimpROI1, Knight, ..... .. 260. the Forty-First y_ear of the reign Henry Thomas, Esq., ...........••. 250. of his Majesty, King George the Johll Redpath, Esq., ......•.•..... 250. Third, to creet nnd establish an James McDougall, Esq., •.....•..... 260. Universitr or College for the pur James MitChell, Esq., ............•• 260. po.cs of education, nnd the ad James Torrance, Esq., •.•••. , ..... 250. "ancemcnt oflenrnlllg in the Pruv Honomblc James Ferrier, ..•.••••.. 260. ince of Lower Canada, with " John Smith, Esq., .............. ~ .. 250. cOlOpelent number of Professor. Harrison Stephen~ Esq., ' .•••.••. 200. 'I and Teache r8 to render ~uch Es Henry Chapman, .t<Eq., ........•••.. 150. lablishment effeclual and beneficial Mr. Chapman also founded a Gold {or the purpo,.s intended, requir Medal to be given annually f(,r ing that one of the Colleges to be the greatest general proficiency ill comprised in the said University, th" :(raduating cl~ss in Arts.
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