ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Qatar seeks Common Islamic Market Business | 13 Friday 28 November 2014 • 6 Safar 1436 • Volume 19 Number 6263
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 GCC to monitor Jubilation greets Gulf Cup winners DOHA: The mood in Qatar continued to be jubilant with process for Qataris and expatriates taking to the streets last evening to congratulate the national team on winning the Gulf Cup finals against Saudi Arabia. hiring workers People, who were glued to TV screens across the country during the match, jumped and roared when the final whistle Sponsorship not discussed at meet blew with Qatar winning 2-1. Long queues of people started DOHA: The sponsorship sys- conditions of employment for mil- forming since Wednesday night tem in force in some GCC states lions of foreign workers in the and continued yesterday on most did not come up for discussion Gulf. roads. at a meeting of labour ministers The deal follows two days of The crowds were mostly head- of the six member states and 12 talks between ministers from the ing to the Corniche, carrying major labour-sending countries 12 Asian labour-exporting coun- Qatari flags and honking their of Asia, in Kuwait. tries and the GCC states, which cars, adding to an already patri- The meeting, however, agreed host at least 15 million workers, otic atmosphere. to implement a recommenda- mostly Asian. “It was very exciting, I don’t tion of International Labour They welcomed a proposal by believe it.