Defense Cost and Resource Center the Defense Cost and Resource Center: an Update

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Defense Cost and Resource Center the Defense Cost and Resource Center: an Update Defense Cost and Resource Center The Defense Cost and Resource Center: An Update Ronald Lile 40th DoDCAS February 2007 We need good data reporting!! Acquisition Executives need to make decisions based on “actual” experience 2 DCARC Mission & Objectives • Mission – To collect historical Major Defense Acquisition Program cost and software resource data and make those data available for use by authorized government analysts to estimate the cost of ongoing and future government programs, particularly DoD weapon systems. • Objectives – Make CSDR reporting as inexpensive and least disruptive as possible for contractors. – Provide wide availability of CSDR data to legitimate government users. – Maintain integrity and accuracy of data collected. – Improve quality of data reported by industry. Primary Objective: Ensure that DoD cost estimates provided to senior management reflect as accurately as possible DoD’s experience 3 “Actual” Contractor Cost Data • Provides basis of cost estimates of future systems – Long and painful DoD experience has shown that “actual” cost of producing systems are, by far, the best basis for cost estimates • To be useful for this purpose, definitionally consistent historical data are needed • CCDRs are DoD’s only systematic mechanism for capturing actual data 4 Software Resource Data • Software is a cost driver on many systems and the DoD has little historical data upon which to base future estimates – There are no data to compare estimated software cost and size with actual program results; no records of software metrics – Tried and failed to match CARDs with CCDR data – Software data routinely reported as “red” at annual DoD Cost Analysis Symposium 5 DCARC Goal • Collect and make available data that are: – Comparable (i.e., across programs) – Meaningful (i.e., level of detail that provides insight) – Transparent (i.e., well defined) – Accurate – Auditable 6 So…where are we? 7 DoD 5000 Compliance 8 ACAT IC/ID CSDR Status Post-Dropping of Advisory Ratings Active Programs w/CAIG Active Programs w/CAIG Active Programs w/CAIG Approved CSDR Plans & Approved CSDR Plans & Approved CSDR Plans & Pre-MDAP Programs Not Rated No Issues Minor Issues1 Major Issues3 AARGM AMRAAM ADS 21" MRUUVS AWACS Upgrade AEHF** B-2 RMP C-130 AMP** ACS C-5 AMP AIM-9X CEC CH-47F AIAMD ERM ARH CH-53K COBRA JUDY APS FAB-T ATIRCM/CMWS DDG 1000 (DD(X)) CVN-21 AR/LSB JSTARS BRADLEY UPGD** E-2C REPROD EELV BMTC MEADS** C-130J F/A-18 E/F** F-22 CG(X) RMS C-17A F-35 GLOBAL HAWK** DCGS-A SIAP C-5 RERP FBCB2 GMLRS DCGS-AF VTUAV Fire Scout E/A-18G** FCS H-1 Upgrades** JNN No Action E-2D ADV Hawkeye JLENS JTRS GMR (CL 1) LBSD Programs Waived EFV LPD-17** JTRS HMS (CL 5) NGLRS EXCALIBUR MPS JTRS Joint Waveform ODSI CHEM DEMIL FMTV NAVSTAR GPS** LAND WARRIOR SR HPCM GBS NPOESS LB APACHE BLK III* STS CONNECTOR JPATS HIMARS SSGN** LCS** MIDS LVT JASSM V-22 LHA Replacement AOC-WS NAS JDAM (EMD) WIN-T MH-60R E-10 SSDS JSOW MIDS JTRS ECSS MH-60S MM III PRP JTRS AMF Programs Grandfathered MM III GRP MP RTIP MUOS NAVSTAR GPS UE B-2 EHF CVN77 P-8 (MMA) SM 2 (IV) BAMS DDG51 PATRIOT PAC-3 SSN 774 CSAR-X BMDS SBIRS HIGH T-AKE JCA SDB I JHSV SM-6 (ERAM) JPALS Proper CSDR Planning STRYKER JUCAS TAC TOMAHAWK Early Problems KC-X UH-60M Upgrade LUH VH-71 (VXX) MPF(F) WGS As of January 10, 2007 NAVSTAR GPS III 1- Or Agreed Upon Path Forward NMT 2- Includes Data Issues or Plan Implementation Issues SDB II 3- Includes No Progress on Data Issues or Plan TSAT Implementation Issues *-Initial Assessment **-Withhold program on a get well plan 32 18 25 33 18 TOTAL PROGRAMS 126 9 Analytical Activities • CSDR Plans – Approved Plans CY2002 CY2003 CY2004 CY2005 CY2006 Total Plans IC ID Total IC ID Total IC ID Total IC ID Total IC ID Total IC ID Total Program4263131615173232457925336379110196 Contract 11 1 12 12 18 30 34 27 61 71 97 175 58 118 189 186 261 467 Subcontract00003355762361431852710012968303379 Total 15 3 18 15 34 49 54 101 155 139 285 439 110 251 381 333 674 1,042 – Plans in progress Plans in Progress Plans IC ID Total Program 1 4 5 Contract 10 18 29 Subcontract 5 13 20 Total 16 35 54 As of December 31, 2006 10 CY 2006 CSDR Plan Statistics Distribution of Plans Approved in CY06 250 Program Plans Approved 203 200 Contract Plans Approved Subcontract Plans Approved 150 129 100 79 64 65 62 58 50 37 28 24 23 17 1 4 0 Army Navy Air Force DoD Total 11 CY 2006 CSDR Plan Statistics- Cont’d CY2006 CSDR Plans Approved More than 50% of CY2006 Plans were 250 revisions 200 93 150 Revised New 100 67 110 50 44 62 21 0 Program Plans Contract Plans Subcontract Plans 12 Analysis of CY2006 CSDR Plans NEW 1st Revision(R) 2nd Revision(R1) 3rd Revision(R2) 4th Revision(R3) Count 192 135(70%) 62(32%) 12(6%) 4(2%) Air Force 69 36 15 5 Army 49 57 33 7 4 Navy 71 33 14 DoD 39 Aircraft 62 41 24 1 Air Force 18 11 Army 26 7 An Example CSDR Plan Revisions Navy 17 14 DoD 1 9 Missile 11 18 2 4 3 Army 18 Ordnance 45 1 Revisions Air Force 2 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Navy 2 3 M issile 18 Electronics 43 14 5 1 1 Army 18 Air Force 7 3 Javelin Jt Venture, Orlando JAVELIN Army 10 9 Raytheon, Tucson JAVELIN Navy 24 2 LMM&FC, Orlando JAVELIN DoD 2 LMM&FC, Dallas PAC-3, HIMARS GMLRS, HIMARS Space 36 20 5 3 Aerojet GMLRS Air Force 36 18 General Dynamics GMLRS Navy 2 CAUSALITY: Surface Vehicle 6143 - AMCOM Army 12 - EDUCATION & TRAINING Navy 6 2 - DEVIATIONS IN CWBS FROM MIL-HDBK-8881A MISSILE SYSTEM WBS Ship 15 10 2 - MULTIPLE PHASES PER CONTRACT Navy 15 10 - MULTIPLE VARIANTS PER CONTRACT UAV 11 2 1 - IMPROPER RFP PACKAGES Air Force 4 2 - LACK OF PRIME-SUBCONTRACTOR-GOV'T PLANNING & POST-AWARD Navy 7 EXECUTION - WRONG WBSs in RFPs Sys of Sys 411202 - LACK OF PRIME OVERSIGHT ON SUBCONTRACTOR REPORTING- Army 11 13 Why so many Plan Revisions? • Systemic Problems- What we are doing wrong – Incorrect, Incomplete & Non-Compliant WBS in RFP (e.g. NLOS-LS) – Lack of CAIG-Approved CSDR Plan in RFP (JTRS SRW 1 day notice before contract award) – Program Manager’s & Contracting Officers uninformed/don’t care about CSDR Requirements (e.g. MDA- SM-3) – Prime-Subcontractor Flow-Down Requirement Deficiencies (e.g. Lockheed Martin failed to flow down requirement to Boeing on RF Missile Seeker- PAC-3) – Lack of Discipline & Management Oversight by Gov’t CWIPT leads (F-22 10 Years of neglect lead to Resubmissions by Prime & Subs) – Acquisition Reform Policies (e.g. AMRAAM, JASSM retroactive reporting) • Program Unique- Normal Reasons for Revisions – Restructures – Contract Type Changes – Make/Buy Changes – Updated based on Contractor Responses 14 Analytical Activities • Validate CSDR Submissions – CCDR Metrics: CY2002 CY2003 CY2004 CY2005 CY2006 Total CCDR Reports Received 164 247 387 1214 1306 3318 CCDR Reports Validated 119 145 332 1239 1407 3242 CCDR Reports Accepted 25 16 101 585 860 1587 CCDR Reports Rejected 94 129 231 654 526 1634 Validation Rate/Yr 73% 59% 86% 100% 100% 98% Acception Rate/Yr 21% 11% 30% 47% 61% 49% – SRDR Metrics: CY2002 CY2003 CY2004 CY2005 CY2006 Total SRDR Reports Received 0 0 9 66 99 174 SRDR Reports Validated 0000111111 SRDR Reports Accepted 00002020 SRDR Reports Rejected 00009191 Validation Rate/Yr N/A N/A N/A 0% 100% 64% Acception Rate/Yr N/A N/A N/A 0% 18% 18% As of December 31, 2006 15 CSDR Training Statistics CSDR Training Metrics 600 > 1200 Students Trained 500 400 334 Industry 300 235 Gov't 143 # of Students of # 200 100 197 120 124 27 42 0 CY 2004 CY2005 CY2006 CY2007 16 DACIMS Holdings 17 Reports by Commodity Mil Handbook Number of Reports Aircraft 13635 Electronic/Automated Software 3507 Missile 9607 Ordnance 517 Ship 222 Space 1140 Surface Vehicle 708 System of System 9 UAV 95 Total 29914 18 Top Aircraft Programs Program Number of Reports F-14 772 F/A-18 726 A-4 688 EA-6 666 A-6 590 E-2 (Hawkeye) 583 P-3 538 A-7 517 UH-60 489 AH-64 455 19 Current Aircraft Programs Program Number of Reports F/A-18 726 AH-64 455 CH-47 301 F-22 279 C-17 151 V-22 140 F-35 100 EA-18 50 MH-60 50 H-1 Upgrades 45 E-2 (Advanced Hawkeye) 26 VH-71 (Presidential Helicopter) 20 P-8 (MMA) 8 CH-53K (HLR) 5 RAH-70 (ARH) 3 20 Top Missile Programs Program Number of Reports AIM-9 (Sidewinder) 1057 AIM-7; RIM-7 (Sparrow; Sea Sparrow) 973 AIM-54 (Phoenix) 707 LGM-118 (Peacekeeper) 597 AGM-84; RGM-84; UGM-84 (Harpoon) 548 AGM-114 (Hellfire) 540 FIM-92 (Stinger Basic) 441 MIM-72 (Chaparral) 434 UGM-96 (Trident I (C-4)) 376 MIM-104 (Patriot) 335 21 Current Missile Programs Program Number of Reports AIM-9 (Sidewinder) 1057 AIM-120 (AMRAAM) 292 LGM-30 (Minuteman III) 71 GMLRS (Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System) 64 AGM-154 (Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)) 55 MIM-104D (Patriot PAC-3) 26 MGM-164 (ATACMS BLOCK II) 24 NLOS-LS (Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System) 14 Extended Range Active Missile (Standard Missile-6) 10 RIM-66 (Standard Missile-2 (SM-2 MR )) 10 AGM-158 (Joint Air-To-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)) 8 RIM-156 (Standard Missile 2 (SM-2 ER)) 7 Joint Common Missile 6 R/UGM-109 (Tactical Tomahawk) 5 RIM-67 (Standard Missile 2 (SM-2)) 2 HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) 1 22 Top E/ASS Programs Program Number of Reports F-14 (Tomcat) 457 AH-64 (Apache) 279 B-1 (Lancer) 209 E-8 (Joint STARS) 185 Future Combat Systems (FCS) 153 F-16 (Fighting Falcon) 145 FBCB2 (FORCE XXI Battle Command Brigade & Below) 129 PLRS/JTIDS (Position Locating Reporting System/Joint Tactical Information Distribution 127 MIDS-LVT (Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminal) 115 F/A-18 (Hornet) 106 23 Current E/ASS Programs Program Number of Reports AH-64 (Apache) 279 E-8 (Joint STARS) 185 Future Combat Systems (FCS) 153
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