FAMU's victory over B-CC has earned the -o41.otie Index FAMU 31 MEAC title and a NEWS 1-2, 4 berth to the Division B-CC 28 I-AA playoffs. HEALTH 3 Sports 11 RlFam CAMPUS NOTES an CLASSIFIEDS TVCOLIA UVS OPINIONS ITwi.thefam an.rom LIFESTYLES 8-9 VOL. 92 No. 23 / TALLAHASSEE, FLA. I SPORTS 11-12 - NOVEMBER 20, 2000 - Supreme .T~l SCourt to Valerie 0. White -i] [; I [ : I- _I decide on Complete -j recounts freedom By Gustavius R. Smith Staff Editor

The state Supreme Court will includes meet today at 2 p.m. to decide whether hand recounts of bal- A lots in three South Florida speech counties will figure in final election totals. If the manual tallies are allowed, it could be a Free speech. This topic matter of days or weeks before seems to escape many inthe we know if either Texas Gov. university community. Most George Bush or Vice President people know that free speech is -, amisnpus, Marice Cohn Al Gore is the president elect. a right guaranteed by the U.S. If the recounts are not per- Constitution, but these same Ivy Korman, of the Miami-Dade County election board, shows some of the federal write-in ballots that have mitted, it appears that Bush come people falter when it comes to in on Wednesday, Nov 15, 2000 but have not yet been counted. The state Supreme Court will hear will be win the electoral vote. respecting another person's arguments today to decide whether the manually recounted ballots will count in the final total. With absentee ballots now in opinion from overseas, Florida's With the arrest of Chemistry Secretary of State Katherine professor Robert Flakes for Harris said Bush holds a 930- carrying a sign criticizing vote advantage over Gore as of President Frederick BOR chooses Orlando Saturday night, which was the Humphries, it is clear that deadline she set for certifying there is an intolerance of Members vote unanimously in city's favor the vote before the case was other's expression. Regina taken to the Florida Supreme Stone, editor in chief of The official site for Florida A&M biggest advantages Orlando Court. Gore hopes the recounts Famuan, wrote a sarcastic col- By R.C. Rique University College of Law. offered was it proximity to a will allow him to eclipse the umn in the first issue Staff Editor of this FAMU President Frederick black community. Bush lead. semester. Comments poured in It's official, finally. Orlando Humphries and Chancellor "This professional Friday, the Florida Supreme mainly in favor of her opinion, support is the future site of FAMU's law Adam Herbert presented network in Orlando, coupled Court told Secretary of State but there were some who dis- school. Orlando as their choice after with approximately 2,000 Katherine Harris that she sented. Even recently. Gov. Jeb During a Board of Regents two months of reviewing the FAMU alumni and 200,000 could not put her stamp of Bush's public relations person meeting at Florida proposals from Orlando, African-American citizens in approval on the statewide total called to demand a front-page International University on Tampa, Lakeland and Daytona the metropolitan area, provides Saturday night and that she retraction of a column criticiz- Friday, members voted unani- Beach. must wait until the high court ing Bush's One Florida execu- mously to select Orlando as the Herbert said one of the Please see Law/ 4 decides what should be done tive order. about a series of hand recounts All of the above scenarios in the three South Florida show specific intolerance of counties: Palm Beach, other people's opinions. Vietnam visit to open doors Broward, and Dade. Needless to mention, the above Denied the opportunity to address the past but on how found here, like a standing por- episodes were speech waged By Michael A. Lev certify the results Saturday, America can improve tion of the infamous "Hanoi against public figures and pub- TMS Campus Harris released a statement law Vietnam's future. Hilton" prison that held lic officials. The is clear in with current totals, HANOI, Vietnam - At Mrs. "Of course I'd like it if he American POWs. But the ener- absentees these instances. The law basi- included. The tally showed Hang's tiny beer stall, just apologized, but politically gy of this very pleasant lakeside cally says criticism of their Bush picking up 1,380 votes work is fair before President Clinton was that's very unlikely," Dan said. city, teeming with motorbikes game. from overseas and Gore 750. Differences of opinion make scheduled to arrive here So instead, he hopes to see and dotted with cellular tele- Thursday, The Florida Supreme Court for lively discussions. The idea there was lively talk signs of a deepening relation- phone stores, is all pointed of the war, of names is made up of seven justices behind free speech is to allow from his- ship based on trade and invest- away from historical reflection. tory like Johnson and Nixon ment that will bring prosperity. After decades of war fol- appointed by Democratic gov- more ideas into the market- ernors, and of customer Nguyen Van "Whether we close the past will lowed by 20 years of isolation although they formally place, not to limit ideas. The have no Dan's two fateful days in 1965 depend on what America does." and then some hesitant partisan ties. Today consensus of First Amendment will be the first time they hear scholars isto encourage more when his anti-aircraft battery This is the prevailing view attempts to join the global shot down American oral arguments concerning the speech, opinions and ideas. jets. from Hanoi, a city still deeply business mainstream, Vietnam "I recount. When speech is limited who is was so proud," recalled etched in the American psyche has a pragmatic rather than Dan, who said Yesterday lawyers for Bush to say what is good speech and the pilots eject- as an enemy capital. psychological point of view. It ed in the distant sky. Nonetheless, in the reality of is looking at the Clinton visit as filed legal briefs with the what is bad speech. Florida Supreme Now a 60-year-old construc- modern Vietnam, Hanoi a way of enhancing its political Court prior to The Supreme Court has spo- Monday's key court hearing, ken concerning that as well. tion manager, Dan's anger at appears far less preoccupied legitimacy and jump-starting the United States over the war with history than Clinton will international investment rather arguing that no extraordinary But the terminology is not circumstance justifies the good and bad speech but pro- has never faded completely, be during his four-day visit, than settling accounts. but his extension of the statutory tected and unprotected speech. perspective has soft- which will focus on American Vietnam's government has ened and his interest in the MLA.s and unexploded mines as been silent about any expecta- deadline of Nov, 14. The brief Some areas of unprotected also stated their position that speech include obscenity, libel first visit by an American presi- well as business ties. tions it has for how Clinton will dent to a unified Vietnam is There are still some Harris was correct in omitting Please see White/ 6 focused not on how Clinton will reminders of the war to be Please see Vietnam/ 4 Please see Election/ 4 2 The Famuan / November 20, 2000 www.thefamuan.com News

giving birth to another child, and I Williams was raised by a grandfather. Williams later finished high school B News and Morris Brown College and taught RIEF chemistry briefly. He joined the civil rights movement full time in 1962 while living in Hosea Williams, civil rights activist, Savannah. He recalled his children " died of cancer last Thursday at a hos- crying in a Savannah drug store when pital in Atlanta at the age of 74. he told them they could not join white P! Jailed more than 125 times, he con- children spinning on soda counter tinued his battle for civil rights 30 stools because of segregation rules. years after the death of Martin Luther Over the years, Williams served in King Jr., who he worked with through- the Georgia Legislature, on the Atlanta out the 1960s. City Council and on the DeKalb In 1970 Williams started what came County Commission before retiring to be one of the largest feed-the-hun- from politics in 1994. He also operated gry programs in the country. His Feed a bonding company and a chemical the Hungry and Homeless program, company that specialized in cleaning which serves 35,000 meals on supplies. Thanksgiving and Christmas, will be His wife, Juanita Williams, died temporarily taken over by his daugh- Aug. 23 of a form of anemia at the age ter, Elisabeth Williams-Omilami. of 75. Their son, Hosea II, was 43 Williams' following was strongest when he died of a rare form of among older blacks, who identified leukemia in 1998. with his hand-clapping, singing rhetoric that recalled a more turbulent Compiled by R.C. Rique time. Sources: The Associated Press, The Florida A&M University & Williams was born in Attapulgus, Washington Post and The Atlanta Ga., the son of a blind girl who fled a Journal and Constitution state training school when she discov- Florida Department of ered she was pregnant. She died while Suit against UM challenges Health Bureau of HIVIAIDS Breaks the Silence About AIDS affirmative action practices with the Unveiling of the By Maryanne George admissions. The case has been certified TMS Campus as a class action. International AIDS Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, another DETROIT - In a downtown courtroom law firm based in Washington, is Thursday, lawyers will clash. Principles responsible for defending the Memorial Quilt & will be on trial. And a possibly historic University of Michigan, UM President legal odyssey will begin. Lee Bollinger, former President James HIVIAIDS Awareness By the time the case ends - quite Duderstadt and the UM Board of possibly in the U.S. Supreme Court - a Regents. The law firm is known for liti- lawsuit against the University of gating civil rights cases. Campaign Michigan could determine whether the The intervenors, called the Citizens nation's public colleges can rely on for Affirmative Action's Preservation, or Tuesday, Nov. 28 - Friday, Dec. 1 affirmative action to give minority stu- CAAP, is a coalition of minority stu- dents a leg up in the admissions dents and civil rights groups. process. The coalition includes the National FAMU Grand Ballroom U.S. District Judge Patrick Duggan Association for the Advancement of will hear arguments Thursday on Colored People Legal Defense & whether to decide the case - filed by Educational Fund, the American Civil two white students against the universi- Liberties Union and the Mexican SPECIAL EVENTS: ty's undergraduate admissions policies American Legal Defense & Educational - without a trial. Duggan is expected to Fund. Tuesday, Nov. 28 -- 9 a.m. to 12 noon rule on the motions in a few weeks. If The minority intervenors will take the he orders a trial, one could begin in traditional approach - that past and Opening Ceremony and Unveiling of early December. present discrimination at UM justifies While other lawsuits have challenged admissions policies that consider race. the use of affirmative action in college The university will focus on the AIDS Memorial Quilt admissions, the UM case is unique in results of affirmative action - a diverse several ways. student body. It marks the first time a university The detailed defense of diversity, the Wednesday, Nov. 29 -- 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. has been subject to two lawsuits chal- presence of the intervenors and the fact lenging its undergraduate and law that the university faces a second affir- school admissions policies simultane- mative action lawsuit creates the poten- Educational Seminars ously. The law school trial is set to begin tial to take both cases all the way to the in January. U.S. Supreme Court, observers say. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The case also represents the first time "This is an important case. They are a group of minority students has suc- not arguing abstractions this time," said cessfully petitioned to intervene as Susan Low Bloch, a professor at "Let's Talk About It: equal parties in defense of suit involv- Georgetown Law Center in Washington. ing admissions policies. and expert in affirmative action cases. A Town Hall Meeting on HIV/AIDS" The lawsuit was filed in October 1997 Part of the university's strategy has on behalf of Jennifer Gratz, 23, of been to show that there is a groundswell Southgate, Mich., and Patrick of support for the value of diversity. Hamacher, 21, of Flint, Mich., who Over the past three years, UM support- The South African Memorial Quilt claim they were denied admission to the ers, including former U.S. President university in 1995 and 1997, respective- Gerald Ford and more than 20 Fortune will be displayed. .in favor of less-oualified minority 500 companies. have written articles or students. Gratz and Hamacher were filed supportive briefs on behalf of UM. hand-picked as plaintiffs by the Center "Virtually every sector of society is Call 599-8414, 599-3827 or 599-3301 for more information, for Individual Right., a Washingtoii- saving diversity is important to us," said or visit www.famu.edu basec law firm that has crusadeLt Liz Barry, the university's deputy gener- again.% using affirmatv: ac:tio; in al counsel. www.thefamuan.com November 20, 2000 / The Famuan 3 health Bringing women's issues to the forefront By Stacey-Ann Clarke experts, information on various tion that \\ ' a tdailahli'1l\ax ecno )r graphic' design student pec'nei ut t hec'-5.6h-46 AlIDS Staff Writer health issues and topics. health dif ferent pubhIic andlp rivate tram Cincinnati, Ohio. "It has cases repo rtecd through screenings, healthy fruit snacks organizations ac'ross Florida. been quite an exper'ienc'e and I December 1999. The Ladies of Delta Sigma and the opportunity to win The March of Dimes offered have learned a lot." "Ev en if I only attract one Theta Sorority Inc. and FAMU prizes. information on Pre-Natal Care. The message that the spon- person to my 1booth then I Campus Recreation did their "We are really hoping that sickle cell screening and infor- sors hoped to get across to the wxouldl still feel like I have part to help increasing awxare- this wxill raise awareness mation pamphlets. The Lady' of women was clear. There were accomplished something." said ness by sponsoring Women's among young black women," America Gym offered free body issues such as AIDS/HIV and Pat Simmons, representative of Health Fair 2000. said Stacia Humphrey. the fat analysis and a week free Lupus that needed to be the Florida H IV/AIDS Hotline. The event was held on the coordinator of the ev'ent. "I trial membership. There were brought close to home so that "We would have done some- Set from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on think that sororities on campus also representatives discussing students could take them seri- thing positive." Wednesday, Nov. 15. The need to do more to help instead HIV/AIDS and Lupus. ously. According to the Florida women on Florida A&M of just talking about it." "I was curious about what Department of Health, blacks Univ e rsity's campus were Students could take advan- was going on so that is why I comprise 13 percent of ex pos.ed to v arious nutrition tage of a plethora of informa- came by ." said Tanika Stamps. Florida's population. but 46 Black men get wake-up call on health By Sherea Harris Correspondent The second1 annual Men's Healtih Seminar, put on by the Chaires Masonic Lodge #259 , which took place las' Tuesday in the Black Archives building. was an opportunity for the organization to educate students on campus about various health issues prominent to black men such as prostate cancer, dia- betes, colon cancer and glaucoma. "Our organization is built on black empowxerment and uplifting and informing our community," said Adrian Anthony, creator of the event. Students were very curious, asking numerous questions about various. health issues they have encountered and advise on how to stay healthy and free of problems that may arise in the future. "I am curious about my' health care because of my lifestyle ... a college stu- dent on the go," said Jabari James, a freshman pharmacy student. "This wa'- kind of like a wake-up call for mce because now 1 am more aware of what is out there for someone my age and race." The Famuan RaShani Boynton David Boone and Rachel Drayton. FAMU men interested in their health listen intently during the men's health seminar in the Black Archives. registered nurses a Ayers Surgery Center in Gainesville, were the guest also another important piece of advice Anthony. "It is important for our young seminar by presenting Dr. Eaton, direc- speakers for the event. They were on ,11,en since many health problems can brothers to know what the most com- tor of the Black Archives, with a piece of hand to educate students on every u-uailx be solved betore they' become mon diseases are so they can be more history to add to the historical archives: aspect of health including the impor- e,\trenlelx serbous. aware and begin to open up and act a photograph of the members of tance of eating properly and frequent Black men are dying of diseases upon it." Chaires Masonic Lodge #259 from the check-ups by a physician. because they are too proud to talk about In addition to the informative ses- 1900s. Detecting health problems early was it or go get it checked out," added sion, the Chaires lodge concluded the Folic Acid helps to prevent birth defects By Khristal Gooding "A lot c vwome n don't kno dvancement in the School of cervical and colon cancer. The Florida Folic Acid Council. Staff Editor the imp( tany'e of taking a ;Pharmacy at the University of vitamin is also important for Throughout the month, there multi-vit:nin' sa~d Yolanda Southern California. overall wellness. Studies have will also be a designated table With hectic schedules, late- Graham. ehaimar f the Birth defects usually occur linked folic acid deficiency to on behalf of the March of night cram sessions and early- Collegiat Coun.a' We w(xithin the first 28 days of a defects in DNA synthesis and Dimes Collegiate Council morning classes, many stu- to bring :,.aree _y tutrent~ j'woman's pregnancy. However, also to defects in DNA repair. where students will be served dents do not make nutrition a on its im

1-Hour Photo Operations 4400 W. Tennessee St. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK www.thefamuan.com November20, 2000/ The Famuan 5 Campus Notes

CHRISTMAS CONCERT Room 201 B. The deadline for all applications is 5 p.m. SowN ON AFRICAN LAND The Florida A&M Annual Christmas Concert featuring today. On Wednesday, Nov. 29, come and witness the birth the Messiah with full orchestration will be held on Dec. Pm BETA SIGMA of SOAL (Sown on African Land) in the Rattler's Den 3 in Lee Hall Auditorium. Alumni concert choir mem- from 6 to The brothers of the HARD Alpha Eta Chapter of Phi 8 p.m. This event will include a visual pre- bers will also be in attendance. Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. will be holding an informa- sentation of a study abroad trip to Gambia, West Africa, A-OK! tional on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 7:14 p.m. in Howard modeling and refreshments. This is an oppor- Hall located inside the ROTC Building. tunity to provide support for a black-owned, student- Attention all sophomores, the A-OK! (Application of owned business, as well as learn about African cul- Knowledge) Mentoring Program needs your help. The ture. interest meeting will be today at 7 p.m. in Tucker Hall Room 116. This is a program designed to assist stu- dents of the 2003 graduating class at FAMU DRS. FOOD DRIVE

The office of Student Financial Aid and Service Classifieds Leamrning will be accepting can goods and non-perish- able food items to help families and students needing food assistance. Students, faculty and staff can drop BURGER KING $1,000's WEEKLY is looking off food items in the Office of Student Financial Aid for you! Stuff envelopes at home Part-time positions now through Dec. 12. Families and students needing are avail- for $2 each plus bonuses. food assistance can contact Mr. Ralph Coleman, Jr. at able at your local Burger King. F/T, P/T. 561-2916. You can work flexible hours Make $800+weekly, that won't conflict with your guaranteed! Free supplies. JUDICIAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE classes. Please apply at your For details, send one stamp The Judicial Branch of the Student Government nearest Burger King. to:N-47,PMB 552,12021 Association has openings for the following positions: Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, Supreme Court Justice (2) and Director of Special HAUGABROOK CA 90025 Programs. Applicants must have at least 30 hours APARTMENTS (sophomore standing) and have a 2.5 GPA. Recently renovated, furnished SPRING BREAK JAMAICA Applications are available in Student Government 2BR apartments, central air from $419 MEXICAN Association. The deadline to submit all applications is and heat for rent. Five min- CRUISE from $499 plus 5 p.m. on Nov. 30. utes from campus. Call 668- Bahamas ReggaeJam Tours 8930 or KAPPA DELTA PI Free info 222-6101 for information 800 "U" REGGAE Don't miss the opportunity to become a member of (9-6 live: 24/7 recorded) Kappa Delta Pi. Pick up an application from GEC-C 1

FAMU CAREER CENTER Recruitment Schedule

DATE COMPANY . MAJOR(S) APPLICANT TYPE : . . Monsanto Company:..11/17/00 AGR,AGE,BIOCHM Permanent/Intern

11/20/00 Tru Green Chem/Lawn All Majors Permanent 11/20/00 Georgia DOT civil Eng, Civil Eng Tech Permanent/Co-op 11/20/00 Forestry Service. Co-op 11/21/00 Information Markets Cor cPs Permanent 11/21/00 Kimberly Clark IE Permanent/Co-op 11/21/00 Equiva Services CHE, CIV, EE,ME Permanent/intern 11/21/00 American Power Cony. BUS, CIS, CPE, EE, MBA Permanent 11/28/00 Alcoa CIS, ME, EE,CHE Internship 11/28/00 Staples 11/28/00 Target Distribution IE,BUS, MBA Permanent 11/28/00 State Farm ALL Permanent 11/28/00 US Patent&Trademark ORH,FOS,BASE,BIOE,PHY,MBA Permanent ME,CHE,CHS,CMB,CPM,CPS,EE :: 11/29/00 Walgreens BUS Permanent.... 11/29/00 Target Distribution IE,BUS Permanent 11/29/00 Coca Cola All Majors Permanent 11/29/00 Sherwin Williams 11/29/00 Agilent Tech, Inc. Fiinance, Accounting Permanent 11/29/00 Ingalls Shipbuilding EE, ME, CIV Permanent 11/30/00 Carolina Power &Light EE, ME Permanent 11/30/00 Carolina Power & Light ME, EE,CIV, CHE Permanent 11/30/00 St. Paul Companies Bus, Liberal Arts Permanent 11/30/00 Visteon IE,BUS, MBA, ME, EE 12/1/00 Nuclear Regula. Comm. EE,ME, CHE Permanent I'S IL k~ U* C 12/1/00 St. Paul Companies i ______AII Permanent/Intern 12/1/00 Steak & Shake Majors LUfI l *, ROOMMATE LARGE LUNCH 12/5/00 Best Buy _ _ _ t Buy SPECIAL SPECIAL 1T SPECIAL 1 Philip Morris SPECIAL opping . Medium Small 2 Medium and 2 liter * 1 Topping and 1 Topping Visit our website at 1 Topping bottle of Coke 2 Cans of Coke $3.99 . onyonly oni careercenter.famu.edu for only carryout only * $10.99 , : g$8.994 undates or call (599-3700) offer expires at 4:00pm U . good until at 4:00pm U


over $20.00 don't carry .Driers any oth&ioffr r _liol valid with 6 The Famuan / November 20, 2000 www.thiefamuan.com Opinions

The Famuan Editorial Board Opinions Editor Asst. Opinions Editor Editor in Chief Managing Editor Antione Davis Gustavius R. Smith Regina Stone Lamar Wilson Dish out some humanism this Thanksgi ving Humanitarian and civil rights leader's death should spark a desire to give back this holiday season.

By week's end, the Hill will he led a historic march across Feeding Metro Atlanta's Americans often indulge in mostly be vacant as students the Edmund Pettus Bridge in hungry and homeless on family and food during this brave the airways, highways Selma, Ala., March 7, 1965, Thanksgiving Day has been so holiday season without a and railways to return to safe better known as "Bloody successful that the program thought of others' suffering. havens of love and home- Sunday," when white law has grown to include For Hosea Williams, that cooked meals. enforcement officers attacked Christmas, Dr. Martin Luther wasn't good enough. But in the wake of the death the marchers with tear gas, King Jr. Day and, in 1996, In grieving Williams, King's of civil rights legend and nightsticks and whips. Easter Sunday. Among the widow, Coretta Scott King, told humanitarian Hosea Williams, Moreover, Williams was with planned events this year, more The Associated Press: "An irre- Rattlers should be inspired to the Rev. Martin Luther King than 115,000 needy individuals placeable giant of the modernm- do more than just fill their own Jr. in Memphis for a protest on will be fed. day civil rights movement has bellies throughout these and the night of King's April 4, But Atlanta is not alone in fallen. started under the umbrella of its He fought tirelessly unto future Thanksgiving holidays. 1968, assassination. plight with poverty. Virtually his last breath to help the bro- Williams, who died Thursday His work continued after the Metro Atlanta SCLC chap- ter that he every American city abounds ken, the hurting and the down- at age 74 of cancer, is known King's death, and thus, he founded. with homelessness. In According to the program's trodden have a better life." for, among other things, being indeed left a legacy of activism. Tallahassee alone, hundreds of Doubtless, no one person a field worker for the Southern But more than that, he, himself Web page at accessatlanta.com, impoverished individuals 10 volunteers fre- can replace Williams, but Christian Leadership a reverend, was a man of faith fed roughly 100 quent the single shelter avail- people for Thanksgiving in Rattlers, let us not be satisfied Conference. whose humanitarianism could able. this weekend with chowing His participation in marches be a lesson for all. 1970. Now dubbed Feed the Census data reported Hungry and that down on delicacies with our and sit-ins in Savannah, Ga., His presence especially will Homeless, the more than 34.5 million loved ones. catapulted him into the fore- be missed in Atlanta, where for program touts more than year Americans live in poverty, Let us go out and give back. front of the civil rights move- the last 30 years, he has been 3,500 volunteers who last according to the Salt of the fed some 30,000. They did it ment. involved with the Feed the Earth - without Williams, who was online. Lamar Wilson for With .U.S. Rep. John Lewis, Hungry program, which he ill In this land of and unable to attend. plenty, the EditorialBoard

1 JLfflil

Regina Stone Editor in Chief Lamar Wilson MIanaging Editor Nicole Collins Copy Desk Chief Angela Gunbs Deputy Copy Desk Chief Roberto Monzdn Jr Visual Editor Pho.toitor :.Antonio. Slaton Specialessues Editor Alesha Dixon Asst. Special i:ssues Editor Anita Baldwin Asst. Special issues Editor .C- Rique News Editor Kerline Astre Asst. News Editor WHI . con Richard Nicholson Asst. News Editor Kara Palmner Lifestyles Editor • TaMaryn Waters Deputy Lifestyles Editor flora .Mpinja Asst. Lifestyles Editor Marion A. Walker Sports Editor WHITE: Too often, readers confuse Core Murray Asst.Sports Editor Antione Davis Opons Editor Gustavus Smith Asst.Cpinions Editor FROM PAGE 1 n 9ws stories with opinions Khrstal E. Gooding Health Editor and invasion of privacy. None Oftentimes readers confuse the front page column could be Stacey-Ann Asst: Health Editor Clarke of the incidents mentioned columns (opinion) with news the reason behind the calls for Cassie Smith Circulation Manager above fall within these cate- stories. They are not synony- censorship, I do not believe Shauna Jones Campus Notes Editor gories. mous. News stories should be that is the case. This logic Valerie McEachin Advertising Manager Thus, any legislation or balanced revealing all angles, D. would not prove effective for Valerie White Advise threat levied to restrict speech sides and opinions of the major the Flakes incident. Therefore I is unconstitutional. For exam- players. Columns are not held must return to the original con- ple, the Student Government to the same scrutiny. Columns clusion-few people are toler- The Famuan, published by students at Florida A&M cannot threaten to withdraw are intended University, to show the bias ant of other people's opinions, is published every Monday and Thursday during funding from the student news- of the writer. the fall and spring semesters, exdept especially when these opinions for holidays. Special paper because an unfavorable Perhaps it is the location of differ from the status quo or Issues are published once a month on Fridays in addition to the column is published. That the opinion piece that causes are different from our own. regular issues. We welcome the views and opinions of our action would be an infringe- confusion. The front page is The plan of action when readers but reserve the right to edit all material. Deadline for ment on the constitutional usually reserved for timely something is written or submitting opinion articles and letters to The Famuan is 5 p.m. rights of the reporters, photog- news (hard news as we say in expressed in the newspaper Thursday at least one week prior to publication. Submit materi- raphers, graphic artists and the business), but this editor in that really catches your ire is to als to The Famuan, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL columnists who comprise this chief chose to put a column on write a letter to the editor. The 32307; to The Famuan office at 309 Tucker Hall (850) 599- award-winning organization. the front page. Famuan does not get enough of 3159; fax number (850) 561-2570. The adviser to the student That means an opinion piece these. In fact, The Famuan gets The Famuan is partially funded by revenues and by activities newspaper is not a censor. My is mingled with the news of the hardly any. Readers do have an and service fees paid by all students and administered through role is to teach and to train day. But there are distinct dif- avenue. You do have a the Student Government Association. The Famuan was named journalists and to ensure that ferences. The columns have the recourse. the best nondaily newspaper in Region 3 by the Society of their First Amendment rights writers' photograph on top Professional Journalists. are not infringed. The teaching with a title for the column. Valerie D. White is The and training part takes time. That style is used to avoid con- Famuan's adviser. She can be The First Amendment right is a fusion. reached at vdwhite@africana. guarantee. Even though confusion about corn . www.thefamuan.com November 20, 2000 / The Famuan 7 Opinions Divine hand guides election process Despite having a some kind of manual error was found. If students had listened to the Rev. angry veins of many Famuans who led headache, dizziness, As a huge amount of black students Jesse Jackson's speeches and voted ear- them to march to the Capitol to sit in fatigue and a cold, I either were directed to the county lier, then we would have known who the because of the unfairness of the presi- alked to the Grand clerk's table in the ballroom or advised president was around 11 p.m. Tuesday. dential election. Ballroom to cast my to head down to City Hall, my smile Yes, I believe there is a hidden agen- If you want to rise, then let us all ote in the presiden- turned into a frown. da behind all of this Bush propaganda. come together and rise to vote. In Sal election. To my Isn't it funny how when minorities He's extremely too cool and confident future congressional, state, local or -urprise, my other decide to utilize their constitutional in the midst of this election recount as national elections, remember to exer- Alleagues, hun- rights to vote in huge numbers, some- he makes declarations as to who's going cise your right to vote and make a dif- :reds of them, did thing or someone in our governmental to be a member of the next U.S. ference for our nation and your com- ie same. system seems to create road blocks to Cabinet. However, I know there was munity. ARETHA It was heart- prevent us from doing so? some kind of divine intervention that We all have personally witnessed the FRISON warming to see my Well, it happened. First it was voting led Gore to call Bush and say, "Now, outcome of how a political campaign fellow black coun- taxes on blacks; now it's discrepancies look don't get snippy with me." That can affect us. The only thing holding us terparts stand in in voting registrations. What will they intervention is prodding him to court. in place right now are the things "we" line to receive their ballots and to hustle think of next? I believe the Divine made it possible do not do and those 20 percent of us to the booths to participate in one of the This is my point: We can make a dif- for the senior citizens in Palm Beach who didn't vote. most controversial elections in history. ference. Count)' to come together with black res- But what I also noticed while standing Our vote counts because FAMU, with idents to petition for a redress of their Aretha Frison, 22, is a newspaperjour- in line was that many were turned away 1,418 students voting, had the highest grievances in this election. And I espe- nalism student from Detroit. She because they weren't registered, or voter turnout in our school's history. cially believe that Spirit ran through the can be reached at [email protected]. Progress marks a true democracy LE' '"IT .. S Hundreds of ments of our society to minimize the In our ongoing persistent shift toxwards r." .- -- . . ,-e ., ------"-"F--.- questions have been chance of error, then we must question our true democracy, we must gradually make -/ - raised during the polit- commitment to progress. There is no rea- changes in this Athenian Democracy. ical confusion of this son similar charges of voter fraud are Something as simple as our voting practice year's presidential elec- found in the election of 1876 and 2000. now becomes a major movement in this TO TH ElITrrW! tion. It seems to me As we all know, we do not live in a true shift. Our major adversary in this process that all the countless democracy but a derivative called is those who have become accustomed to The brothers of the Alpha I hours of "rhetoric" by Athenian Democracy. In this, a bureaucra- the political power and control over the Eta Chapter of Phi Beta F? these numerous "vot- cy is created which gives way to a small masses that a bureaucracy has provided Sigma Fraternity Inc. grace- S . ing experts" seem to number of people having large amounts of for them. fully submit this letter to the E---- skirt the central prob- political power, otherwise called an oli- In layman's terms, what we are really university so that we may ANTIHONY lem that the average garchy. saying is that we have an electronic system show our sincere apprecia- DIXON American can detect in This room for error now becomes a nec- that can keep up with millions of e-mail tion to all of the organiza- five to 10 minutes. Our essary tool for control because it provides accounts, safeguarding them with the sim- tions and persons who sup- voting process is sim- opportunity for an international "mistake" ple usage of a password; yet, we cannot ported Phi Beta Sigma's ply outdated. The process we rely on like these confusing ballots. If we eliminat- come up with a system to utilize in the vot- annual food and clothing leaves room for error. ed this room for error, then greater ing process. Yeah right?!! collection for the homeless I understand that anytime humans are progress will be made. Therefore, we rec- and our annual sleep out for involved there enters a chance of human ognize that the technological advance- Anthony Dixon, 22, is an african-ameri- the homeless. This event error, but when you have the knowledge ments of not the past fifty but fifteen years can history graduate student. was a great success as we and capability to correct it, then progress has made punching a hole in a card archa- collected countless items of is made. If we do not utilize the advance- food and clothing for fami- lies in need and donated the items to the Echo Organization who will dis- perse the items free of charge to needy families. The organizations Phi Beta Sigma would like to recog- nize for assisting us in this glorious event are the ladies of the Rho Kappa Chapter o- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.. Miss Phi Beta Sigma 2000- 2001 and her Royal Court the FAMU chapter o: Progressive Black Men, the FAMU Chapter of SISTUHS and the Casanovas. All o these organizations played key role in the food and clothing collection as well as the sleepout, and for their i efforts we would like to extend our deepest grati- tude.

Omar Swinton. president of the Alpha Eta Chapterof Phi B'ta Siam Proternit i nc. 8 The Famuan / November 20, 2000 www.thefamuan.com Lifestyles

Entertainment Marley inspires a passion for culture By Jennifer Daniels .Jamaica. She came in with What is the point? But soon Harlem African-American them and decided to go as a they find out those dreads, Day Parade, the Martin Staff Writer volunteer. for example, were used in Luther King Parade, and the Intricate figurines, beauti- "I was told that they sculpture and now they're a Goombay festival in Miami. Whitney and Bobby to perform ful costumes, and brightly weren't going to Jamaica, but hairstyle. The halter tops and The group was recently at the Paul Robeson Tribute airbrushed T-shirts fill the they were going to Haiti. So I one-sleeve shirts date back to invited to dance at the Super R&B superstar Whitney Houston, her office of Dr. Jan DeCosmo, served as a volunteer phar- early civilization. Even the Bowl hospitality village, in husband, R&B singer Bobby Brown, founder and director of the macist there," DeCosmo said. study of color in modern art Tampa. The Junkanoos were and her mother, gospel legend Cissy Center for Caribbean Culture. "I grew to love the Haitian and science such as 'green a highlight in this year's Houston, will perform as part of a Bookshelves are packed culture, and I have been trav- with envy' or 'red hot' - goes Homecoming Parade, as they tribute to the life of fellow New with various books, maga- eling the Caribbean ever back to art history." have been for the past three Jersey native Paul Robeson on zines and informative videos. since. I never stay at home." CCC is currently exhibiting years. November 28 at the New Jersey In the midst of all of this sits The purpose of the CCC is its collection of paintings The Junkanoos also gives Performing Arts Center in Newark. a woman with a bright smile, to educate minority popula- from Haiti, Jamaica, and back to the community by Robeson (1898-1976), was a distin- a cheerful disposition, and a tions, as well as the general Bahia (a city in Brazil) in the holding workshops and pro- guished, Princeton-born athlete, passion for the Caribbean public, about the richness lower level of the art gallery. grams for children. scholar, singer, actor and humanitar- culture. and beauty of African folk- A proud tradition of the CCC Junior DeVaughn ian. Proceeds from the night, which Dr. DeCosmo has been a ways and culture as they were is sponsorship of the Woodside, an industrial engi- will be taped for airing on PBS in professor at FAMU since transported to, and transfig- Tallahassee Bahamas neering student from the March, will benefit inner-city stu- 1981. She started the center, ured in the Caribbean. Junkanoos Group. Formed in Bahamas, has been a mem- dents of Newark's Rutgers University, located in Room 108 of Last year the center spon- 1997, the Junkanoos consist ber of Junkanoos for the past Robeson's alma mater, and the Paul Foster-Tanner Fine Arts sored a Spring Break trip to of members of the communi- three years. "It's been won- Robeson Foundation, which teaches (East), in 1992. Trinidad during Carnival, ty and students at FAMU, derful, I left my home in the people about Robeson's life. Tickets "Blame it on Bob Marley," and this year's Spring Break , and Bahamas in 1997 and I joined range from $75 to $1,000. she mused. "He inspired my will take place in Havana, Tallahassee Community Junkanoos to polish my love for the Caribbean cul- Cuba. College. skills. It's allowed me to con- Keith Sweat keeps it coming ture. I just fell in love with "It is important for stu- Although they are invited tinue. It's always good to be with the release of his album his lyrics and what he had to dents to discover that art to far more events than they able to promote your coun- 39-year-old R&B singer Keith Sweat say." serves as a foundation for a can fit in to their schedule, try." recently released his eighth album At the time DeCosmo said lot of things," said Gylbert this prestigious group has Didn't See Me Coming. The singer she had heard of the Adopt- Coker, an Art History profes- been in a number of shows started his career in 1987 with his a-Village medical mission to sor. "A lot of students ask, and parades, including the debut album Make it Last Forever which sold more than 3 million copies. The album's first single, I'll Trade (A Million Bucks) with Lil' Mo, WWF receives top ratings in industry is one of six tracks that feature guest appearances. Other guests include By Donovan Davis Busta Rhymes and Rah Digga on Staff Writer Things, TLC's Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins on He Say She Say, David In the eighties it was Hulk Hogan. Hollister on Don't Have Me, and Lil' Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, Wayne on Why U Treat Me So Cold. and Andre the Giant who made the World Wrestling Federation famous. Philadelphia singer Jill Scott's Today, you might hear the fiery retorts debut album goes gold of Stone Cold Steve Austin or the Philadelphia singer Jill Scott's debut smooth-talking Rock making the fans go album, Who is Jill Scott? was recently crazy. But whether it was the eighties or certified Gold by the Recording today, the World Wrestling Federation Industry Association of America for is still one of the top rated entertain- selling 500,000 copies. "We could ment organizations in the industry. not be more proud of this honor for Today, with the business in the hands our first artist and first album," said of entertainment mogul Vince K. Steve McKeever. President and CEO McMahon and his wife Linda McMahon, of Hidden Beach Recordings. Scott is who also delegates some of the responsi- currently performing to standing bility to their son Shane and daughter room only crowds across the nation Stephanie, the WWF has managed to and will start a European tour later overpower the cable competition and this fall. place itself among the top cable televi- sion programs. Snoop Dogg considers working If one were to watch a episode of the w.,,w.gecaes.com WWF's shows, he or she would see why on a film project with Singleton catch phrase it could be compared to a . The Rock, who is probably the WWFs top drawing card, always has a new By the time Snoop Dogg's new album, every week, and the fans are thrown in a frenzy as soon as they hear his entrance music. Tha Last Meal, arrives in stores next With half-dressed women, enticing story month, the rapper could already be at lines and the drawing card of not know- nesses is the energy that each of the that the crowd on pay-per-view nights is work on a new film project from ing what might happen next, it is easy wrestlers brings to the table. They all usually predominantly male around col- director John Singleton. The 28-year- for someone to get hooked on the have different personalities and talents lege age. old Snoop (real name Calvin drama. The Rock, who is probably the and when you bring them all together "People usually come into watch Broadus) is weighing an offer to join WWF's top drawing card, always has a they make for a good product." WWF Sunday Night Heat beforehand, the cast of "Baby Boy," which new catch phrase every week, and the The WWF is also unique in that it is he says. It fills up pretty good. We never includes singer/actor Tyrese Gibson; fans are thrown into a frenzy as soon as not only a male-oriented show. Females, really turn people away and it's usually Ving Rhames, Taraji Henson and they here his entrance music. children and adults alike watch the standing room only." Omar Gooding. Snoop has completed But what makes the World Wrestling wrestling. Jeanne Freeman, a 19-year- But Lewis was not exactly certain work on another motion picture, Federation probably most unique is the old general studies student from Miami, what it was that attracts fans to the "Bones," which is due out in October effect that it has on its fans. Stanley said, "I like wrestling probably just as WWF so much. "I think it's kind of a 2001. Directed by Ernest R. Williams, a 28-year-old mathematics much as a guy. fad. The WWF is the top rated cable Dickerson, the movie will feature the student at TCC from Tampa, said, Freeman continued, "I like it because program in the country." first big-screen starring turn by the "There is nothing like the WWF. It gives the wrestlers are funny and they always The WWF has not stopped with its rapper, who plays a revenge-minded fans something new to look forward to give a good show every night. I also like entrepreneurship. The owner of the ghost who returns from the dead every week and the good thing is you Chyna because she gets in the ring and wrestling organization has recently after 20 years. never know what's going to happen takes on the guys just like a dude. She's organized a new football league called next. Plus, anytime you have The Rock one tough girl and she represents when the Xtreme Football League (XFL). The Compiled By: Bora Mpinia and Stone Cold on a program together, she fights." league will have eight teams in cities Sources: MTV newus, Hidden Beach there's bound to be drama." For one Sunday out of every month stretching from to Orlando to Las Vegas, Recordings John Stewart, a 21-year-old foreign there is a different pay-per-view event. The XFL season begins on February 3, language student at FSU from St. Michael Lewis, 21, a waiter at AJ's 2001. Most players will make a base Petersburg, agrees. "I think that what Sports on West Tennessee Street, said salary of $45, 000. sets the WWF apai't from other busi- www.thefamuan.com November 20, 2000 / The Famuan 9 Lifestyles A journey of growth through advent ure When I was young boy I my clothes as nice as they'were, that you gain the opportunity failed to realize was that while I would shiver with nervous couldn't even save me. to include international travel was in the company of new enthusiasm as I reached for the This past summer I had the experience on your resume, friends and experiencing new door that housed my new class- pleasure of traveling half way Letme you grow as an individual, and things, I distinctly became room. The first day of school is around the world to the distant Clear- my receive the opportunity to tour attached. Leaving became usually the most nerve wreck- land of Okinawa, Japan. With parts of the world many only more difficult than I had imag- ing for most children and I was the assistance of the Camp Throat dream of. Well needless to say I ined and saying goodbye to my of no exception. I remember Adventure program here at did tour the town by night vis- kids caused more tears than I two things that could clearly FAMU, I was trained in child iting restaurants, nightclubs, could've ever thought possible. make or break your probability management techniques that such as passports and uni- parks, and beaches, and on the So for those of you who love for finding friends throughout enabled me with the tools to forms. After the spring semes- weekend I learned to snorkel, to work with children, are the year. deal effectively with children ter is completed you receive climb mountains and I found searching for a fun and exciting The first item of discussion and teens alike. your tickets, money (yes you myself taking part in adven- way to spend your summer, that could make or break my The summer camp genuinely are paid), and instructions to tures that I was always told and who wish to earn up to 12 chances for friendship was runs 10 to 12 weeks long and your specific destination and were reserved for white kids. credit hours, camp adventure what I wore on Monday morn- has children in different age ship off for the summer of I went to Japan with the idea may just be what you need to ing, and the second was where groups ranging from 5-18 years a lifetime. of working with kids by day broaden your horizons. Who I went for summer vacation. old. To prepare for your sum- Camp Adventure is open to and touring the town by night, knows, with the help of Camp On occasion I had the pleasure mer abroad, camp counselors all majors and is truly a great never taking into thought that I Adventure you may just meet of sharing tales of adventure train during the spring semes- opportunity that anyone in any would become a part of those some new friends on the first about places I visited such as ter. The process for entrance to major could benefit from. kids lives. day of school. Disney World, Bush Gardens, the program involves inter- Some of the benefits you gain During the summer I gained and even the Caribbean, but views, weekly meetings, and from your experience with the personal strength and broad- unf6rtunately in other years the purchase of certain items Camp Adventure program are ened my horizons. But what I 'Days': Brady goes on the run to avoid ops -Tad plans to paid him off to marry her. Nicole makes his wedding day. Max tries to stop this file sexual harassment charges against love to Victor and he considers turning but nobody"can get in touch with the David but later changes his mind for Lucas and Kate in before he is implicat- hitman. Blair wanders around the Dixie's sake. Dixie agrees to attend ed in Franco's murder. Sami tries to get church claiming she is about to renew Ryan's big event and is nervous about the locker key from Angela in order to her vows with Max. Todd tries to con- running into David. Gillian advises her get that tape. vince her she is not insane. Later, Blair to focus on her husband. Erica gets a has a vision of her mother who urges dose of the libido drug meant for Tad - AJ refuses her daughter to seek revenge against and she voraciously attacks David. to give up on Hannah. Carly tells Sonny those who hurt her. Shots ring out in Later, she tells him to stay away from she refuses to give up on getting him the church and Viki is convinced she her. Gordon hears this and believes and Mike together. Juan attempts to get will never see Ben alive again. Later he David is experimenting with Erica. Alex Nikolas to keep Emily away from shows up at the honeymoon suite talks to Edmund about Dimitri's wish Zander, but Nikolas won't be used. unhurt and claims he has to return to that she stay away from him. Luke and Laura sign divorce papers on his former life. Max returns to Asa's and their anniversary. Andreas tells Helena Blair pumps a few bullets in his direc- THE BOLD AND THE dying and he wonders what's up. Kate that Stefan somehow left Nikolas one tion. BEAUTIFUL- Rick tracks Deacon claims he misunderstood her. million dollars which she has no control down and pays him $100,000 to agree over. Sorel pays a visit to Zander in jail THE YOUNG AND THE REST- to award custody of Eric Jr. to him. Rick DAYS OF OUR LIVES- Belle is and threatens to harm Emily if he turns LESS- Tricia talks Ryan out of moving and Deacon stop CJ's wedding to brought out of her coma and fails to states evidence. Bobbie continues to out and Victoria is disappointed in that Amber to announce that Deacon wants recall the details of the accident. Hope struggle with her memory lapses. decision. Nina learns that her book will the child. Sally catches on that the urges John to keep the fact that he is Helena tells Florence about the money be published and she is concerned Forrester's paid off Deacon and she her child's father from Bo. Brady goes Nikolas has and Florence tells Gia, she about exposing her story to the world. offers to triple the money if he awards on the run to avoid the cops. Hattie has is being had by Nikolas. Gia decides to Tomas assures her, the book will be a custody to CJ. Rick paid Deacon in her plastic surgery and Nancy has an move out. hit. Tomas gets the word his book is advance and this concerns Eric and opportunity to fill in for Marlena on the being considered for publication. Jonathan. Thorne tells Brooke his night talk show. Her crude demeanor lights ONE LIFE TO LIVE - Joey tells Kelly with Kimberly was meaningless and she up the switchboard. Chloe continues to he is still in love with her. Skye finds - By Mary Montanari claims she will never get over this. pull away from Philip each time he gets Blair cutting up her clothes. Asa TMS Campus Philip hears Kate talking about Philip passionate. Nicole tells Lucas that Kate arranges for a hitman to strike Ben on Scorpio: Use your resources wisely this wreek

Aries (March 21-April 19). ment mid-Tuesday. stall. Odds are good you'll find important connection on Tuesday or Wednesday. The workload is heavy on Circumstances beyond your an alternative on Thursday that Monday. Knowing which but- Monday, but the party flag is control could interfere with neither of you had considered. ton to push helps you find the Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb 18). flying by Tuesday. Your luck your love life on Wednesday. resources you need on Tuesday If you have all the facts and fig- has just changed for the better Just save up your money, and Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). and Wednesday. A mess at ures, you could benefit quite on Wednesday. Watch for bar- you'll get a chance to spend it You're apt to be the one who home could throw you off nicely on Monday. Travel's gains and profitable opportuni- on Thursday. finds the answer on Monday. stride on Thursday. appealing on Tuesday and ties late Thursday and Friday. Financial rewards could be Wednesday, but not a good Cancer (June 22-July 22). yours on Tuesday or Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. idea. You're likely to clash with Taurus (April 20-May 20). Remember to do the errands Wednesday. Something you 21). Don't snap back at a criti- an older person or Thursday. Get your lovin' in early on you promised on Monday. find on Thursday could change cal older person on Monday. Monday. The work pace picks You'd like to sleep in on the way you do your work. Tell the whole story to your Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). up, and on Tuesday you'll be Tuesday, but your partner friends on Tuesday.Don't let Your partner's got all the racing at full speed with all the and/or your boss have other Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). them solve your problem for angles figured out on Monday. other rats. Avoid an attractive plans. By Thursday you're You could be faced with a load you on Wednesday.Let them If money's tight on Tuesday, distraction on Wednesday. ready for an outing, but it may of overdue chores on Monday. inspire you on Thursday. maybe it's time to go looking. Avoid a person who's all talk be late before you can get away. Your energy level's high Don't tell any work-related and no action on Thursday. through Tuesday and Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. secrets on Wednesday.He or Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Shop Wednesday. Thursday and 19). Looks like the coast is she is apt to find out on Gemini (May 21-June 21). for bargains on household Friday are fraught with peril. clear on Monday if you want to Thursday or Friday. Detailed work flows on items as much as you can on try something slightly danger- Monday. There's a mess-up Monday. If you and your mate Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). ous. If you've been keeping a - By Linda Black regarding a romantic appoint- can't agree on Wednesday, A friend can help you make an secret, be ready to confess it on TMS Campus .. . , / ., .-L nn 1nU ThyI he i-arnuan /iNovember -20. 2000 www.thefamuan.com

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FAMU takes BCC, MEAC ti tle

By Jabari Ritchie when B-CC defeated the up in the beginning of the two and three than eight minutes remaining Rattlers 27-24. Staff Writer game. We shut them down runs for 58 yards. "We had to in the game. "You're talking about 63-14 early and that's what kind of find other means of moving the Vasquez made up for his ear- A record crowd of 70,719 got in '99," said Bethune-Cookman got us the game today." ball." lier misses by kicking two field what it paid for at the Citrus coach Alvin Wyatt, whose team Dailey had four sacks in the FAMU took advantage of goals of 23 and 34 yards to tie Bowl Saturday. has lost six straight games to game, including two in the first strong performances by quar- the game at 28 with 11:28 left A Florida Classic. the Rattlers. "You're talking two plays. He was announced terback Quinn Gray, who conm- in the contest and win it four With everything on the line, about 50-14 in '98 ... we got a as a first-team AII-MEAC play- pleted 30 of 56 passes for 388 minutes later. Florida A&M defeated its arch- big gain on them this year ... I er earlier this week. yards and two touchdowns and "That's the reason I'm here, rival Bethune-Cookman 31-28 thought we competed tonight. I "I just do what I do best," wide receiver Jacquay to kick field goals, so I know for their thought we played a tough, Dailey said. "I put a lot of heat Nunnally, who caught 12 pass- how to come through," said first MEAC physical football game and I on the offensive tackle. I got to es for 131 yards and a touch- Vasquez, who also kicked a champi- thought we had an opportunity [the quarterback] in key situa- down. Nunnally has caught 28 game winner two weeks ago in onship to win the football game but tions and in the first two plays passes in the Rattlers' last two a 50-49 victory at Southern. nsince 1996, the team just didn't get the job I sacked him. That was good games. "My teammates motivated me. I an automat- done." momentum for our team The Rattlers suffered from They told me to keep my head ic berth to FAMU's defense dominated because they were talking a lot special teams problems early in up because they needed me. the Division the Wildcats early in the game, of trash and saying they were the game. Vasquez missed field They came through when I I-AA playoffs and a year of sacking B-CC quarterback going to beat us. But we knew goals of 47, 43 and 46 yards as missed, so I came through bragging rights in the state. Pa'tell Troutman when they needed me to kick Before Saturday's game five times in the Wl field goals." against B-CC, which has the first quarter. By WE SHUT THEM DOWN EARLY AND THAT'S WHAT Dailey, who transferred from top rushing offense in the the end of the Youngstown State after the MEAC, Florida A&M coach game, the KIND OF GOT US THE GAME EARLY: 1997 season, said that it Billy Joe said his team would Rattlers had nine -Ebbie Parsons, defensive end "meant a lot" to be a major part have to force the Wildcats to sacks for 43 of the game that clinched keep their offense off the yards. that this game would be won well as the extra point attempt FAMU's first MEAC title in ground. Bethune-Cookman did not out here on the field." after FAMU's second touch- four years. Two plays into the game, get a first down until the mid- But once B-CC found its down of the game. FAMU fell "This is my first conference however, the Rattlers' defense dle of the second quarter. The offense, the Wildcats went on a behind 28-25 early in the championship," he said. "Back made it clear that B-CC's quar- Rattlers also held Bethune's roll. Bethune scored two touch- fourth quarter when Vasquez's in 1997, we were playing for terbacks would spend a lot of powerful running game to 139 downs in the final seven min- missed 46-yard field goal the conference title and we lost time lying on the turf. yards. The Wildcats averaged utes of the second quarter to attempt was returned 100- in the last game of the season. The game was the closest more than 250 rushing yards take a 14-13 halftime lead. yards for a by B-CC It kind of hurt me because we Classic in years, with the lead per game this season. B-CC After being held to 66 total free safety Rashean Mathis. went on to win the national changing hands five times had 296 total yards. yards in the first 27 minutes of Trying to make up for the championship that year. But before FAMU took control with "Our defense really showed the game, the Wildcats finished missed extra point, the Rattlers now I have a conference cham- a 34-yard field goal by fresh- up," said defensive end Ebbie the game with 296 total yards. failed to convert on either of pionship ring to add to my col- man kicker Juan Vasquez Parsons, a senior from Detroit. "We tried to stick to the two two-point conversion lection." halfway through the fourth "Jauron Dailey had an excel- game plan early, we tried to attempts. The three unsuccess- quarter. The last time the lent game. He proved that he's run," said Wildcat wide receiv- ful extra-point attempt proved matchup was settled by fewer an All-American. But the rest er Antonio Stanley, who had to be important as the teams than 17 points was in 1994 of the defense really stepped four catches for 117 yards and found each other tied with less Game notes: the face-off at the Citrus 3owl the first-team By Jabari Ritchie all-conference start senior quarterback Pa'tell pass from Suber with 6:59 down with knee injuries in the placekicker, missed field goals TrOutman, who returned from remaining in the first half was first half Saturday. Staff Writer Burrows, of 47, 43 and 46 yards as well a shoulder injury Saturday. B-CC's longest pass completion who attended Killian High, had ORLANDO - Florida A&M's as the extra point attempt after Allen Suber, a freshman from of the season. He caught four one tackle (for a one-yard loss) defense had a big day against FAMU's second touchdown of Tampa, filled in for Troutman passes for 117 yards and two and Vickers, an Edison gradu- Bethune-Cookman. The the game. Before the game, he in the Wildcats' wins over touchdowns. ate had no tackles before leav- Rattlers had nine sacks and made 12 of 16 field goal Hampton and Howard. ing the game. three other tackles for loss. attempts and 44 of 48 PATs. Troutman completed 6 of 18 This season's Florida Classic Defensive end Jauron Dailey, Vasquez's missed 46-yard passes for 97 yards and one was the most competitive con- The Rattlers and Wildcats who was announced as a first- field goal attempt was returned touchdown while rushing for test since the Wildcats defeated played before a Florida Classic team All-MEAC player earlier for a touchdown by Bethune 52 yards and no touchdowns. FAMU 27-24 in 1994. The record of 70,719 fans. The this week, had four sacks, free safety Rashean Mathis Suber, who alternated with Rattlers beat Bethune by at attendance for the Classic has including two in the first two with 14:13 remaining in the Troutman, threw for 60 yards least 17 points in each of the been steadily increasing since plays of the game. game. The touchdown put the and one touchdown and rushed teams' five meetings before it moved to Orlando in 1997. Wildcats ahead 28-25, but for -6 yards. Saturday's game, including 63- 56,351 saw that game, 66,245 Freshman placekicker Juan Vasquez redeemed himself by 14 and 50-14 wins in the past attended in 1998 and 70,125 Vasquez, a freshman out of making kicks of 23 and 34 Wildcat wide receiver two seasons. came to the game last year. Pat Coral Reef High School, strug- yards later in the fourth quar- Antonio Stanley had a strong Bonner, an All-American quar- gled early against the Wildcats, ter to tie the game and to give performance against the Two Rattlers, senior defen- terback for FAMU in 1998, was but he tied and won the game FAMU the 31-28 win with 7:25 Rattlers. Stanley scored both of sive back Darnell Vickers and one of the many in attendance. for the Rattlers. Vasquez, the remaining in the game. Bethune's first two touchdowns senior linebacker Pat Burrows MEAC rookie of the year and with receptions of 60 and 22 - both first-team All-MEAC Bethune-Cookman chose to Syards. The 60-yard touchdown players from Miami - went Want to write for sports? Come by The Famiuan, 309 Tucker HalI anytime, and get started right awa I. 12 The Famuan / November 20, 2000 www.thefamuan.com Sports Making a splash in the athletic world

By tices, which last 90 minutes. Staff Writer they also practice in the after- noon. In between, they go to In their song, "We Are class and some have jobs. Family," the R&B group Sister Harris has a full-time job Sledge sang about family and teaching grade school children unity. Those same words can how to swim. be applied to the members of A transfer student from the FAMU swimming and div- Tallahassee Community ing team, a dedicated and College, Harris said swimming close-knit squad that supports for FAMU is very fulfilling . one another. Last season she was one round "We really are a family," said away from competing in the co-captain Davida Martin, a 21- lOOm backstroke final at the year-old senior business Southern States Conference administration student from Swimming and Diving Fort Lauderdale. Championships. Despite lacking full-time ath- Jorge Olaves, in his fourth letic scholarships to offer to season as head coach, said this potential recruits, the team has year's team is his deepest in made strides to keep getting talent and potential. Last year better each season. Its motto is, the team only had two male "Each swimmer and diver has swimmers on the roster. This the potential for greatness." season Olaves has increased Supported and cheered on by that number to 13 as part of a a group of loyal fans that is 25-member team that will made up mostly of parents, the compete during a season that 2 +-:: _._._.. .._._ team hopes for more attention lasts from October until The Famuan/ File Photo from the FAMU community. February. Martin said people who aren't One of those newcomers is The swimming team has a 6 a.m. practice as well as an afternoon practice. Head coach Jorge Olaves, in his familiar with the team don't Torrance Ford. An 18-year-old fourth year, said he sees this season's team as the most talented yet. know what they are missing. freshman business administra- term, because top recruits will arship from the university. that happens, he expects the "People are missing a chance tion student from Decatur, Ga., want to come to FAMU. Ford said word of mouth on Rattlers to be competing at the to see African Americans suc- Ford specializes in the lOOm "We have some good fresh- campus got people to tryout for NCAA finals by 2002. ceed in a non-African butterfly and lOOm breast- men here that will keep it the team this year. Although this is his fourth American sport," she said. stroke. He was one of 80 high going," Harris added. Olaves said he is upbeat year as head coach, Olaves has "They are missing history in school swimmers who traveled Building a competitive team about the future because been at FAMU for 11 years. In the making." to Australia in July to partici- has been a long process for FAMU is making inroads in addition to his coaching duties, Along with Howard pate in swimming clinics. Olaves. He said it is difficult to competing with other schools he is also the aquatics director University and North Carolina Ford is confident that the attract top high school athletes to attract recruits. He is also at the Olympic-size pool on A&T, FAMU is one of only team has a lot of untapped because of the lack of full-time working to get FAMU included campus. three HBCU's to have a com- potential because of the strong scholarships the for the pro- as a member in USA His eyes lit up when he petitive swimming and diving freshman class. gram to offer. The majority of Swimming and Diving. As the talked about his team and program. Martin and fellow co- "This team has a lot of the money in its budget goes top swimming agency in the swimming in general. He was a captain Beth Harris, a 22-year- potential," he said. "The fresh- toward buying equipment such nation, it acts as a feeder sys- long distance swimmer in the old elementary education stu- men are the foundation." as swimsuits, caps and parkas. tem for high school seniors 1980s. His favorite event is the dent from Tallahassee, said Martin agreed and said that Most of the current team deciding where to attend col- butterfly, because it is "the team unity is strengthened consistent, strong recruiting members came to FAMU as lege. most beautiful stroke." through the dedication each will not only strengthen the walk-ons or received partial He said the key will be to get The Rattlers plan to create member demonstrates. team in the short-term, but it athletic scholarships. Martin the right people who have the beautiful strokes in the pool for In addition to 6 a.m. prac- will be beneficial for the long- received a full academic schol- heart and desire to compete. If a long time to come. Seminoles squash archrival Gators, 30-7

margin of victory will be The Gators needed to stay on lead which was enough for a Seminoles needed to win b 20 By Pete Cataldo enough for the Seminoles to the field longer. Weinke led the 'Nole defense that put the or more points. The FSView and Florida leap-frog the Miami team right back on the field on clamp on the UF offense. FSU "We knew that we needed to Flambeau Hurricanes for the No. 2 spot the next drive and lofted the held UF to 37 rushing yards keep them out of the endzone in the Bowl Championship 34-yard scoring pass to Minnis. and intercepted three Gator and we did that," FSU line- It was meant to be - Florida Series standings when the lat- In the normal quick-strike passes. backer said. State quarterback hit receiver est poll is released today. fashion for the Seminoles, the The seven points for the Three plays later, the clock Marvin "Snoop" Minnis for the FSU feels it was enough to go-ahead drive lasted three Gators were the fewest points a ran out and the Garnet and go-ahead touchdown pass to put them in a position to play plays and only 56 seconds. Spurrier-coached offense has Gold faithful were celebrating put FSU up for good. in the Orange Bowl for the Weinke found eight different scored since 1992 when the 23-point win. To symbolize No one knew that the pass national championship. receivers on the night for 353 Mississippi State beat Florida the possible birth into the would come in the first quar- From the start, this matchup yards passing. Minnis was 30-6. Orange Bowl, fans in the sold- ter. had all the makings of a Weinke's main target on the "We got beat thoroughly out crowd of Doak-Campbell Weinke tossed three touch- shootout, not a blowout. evening with eight receptions tonight," Spurrier said. "Give Stadium threw oranges out down passes on the night (two The 'Noles marched down for 187 yards and two scores. credit to Florida State because onto the field. to Minnis) as the Florida State the field on their first position "They were playing man-to- they played well. We had to "This is the best team in the Seminoles (11-1 overall, 8-0 in 10 plays eating up 77 yards. man and we know we had play our very best tonight to country right now," Weinke ACC) defeated the University The drive culminated in a some guys who can make some beat them in this game." said. "I believe we are playing of Florida Gators (9-2, 7-1 SEC) Weinke touchdown pass to plays," FSU running back The biggest stand for the as well as anyone in the 30-7 on Saturday. The win receiver Atrews Bell. said. "We spread defense may have came in the nation." marks the third straight time The Gators struck back it out and took what the final minute of play. However, now it is all up to that FSU has been victorious quickly. Quarterback Jesse defense gave us." With 1:44 left on the clock, a the computer to decide just over its cross-state rivals from Palmer found a wide-open The 353 yards for Weinke Keith Cottrell punt was blocked who will play for that champi- Gainesville. Aaron Walker in the back of give him enough to become the by Marcus Oquendo-Johnson onship. "Ithink we're a better foot- the endzone to tie the game at ACC's all-time leading passer giving the Gators possession on "I'd rather have the comput- ball team than we thought," seven apiece. surpassing Duke's Ben Bennett the Florida State nine-yard er decide who plays for the FSU head coach Bobby "We knew we had to lob it to with 9,839 yards. line. championship than a person Bowden said. "Ididn't know we the back of the endzone to "We executed as good as we The game may have been out who may have some biases," could play Florida that good." Walker," Palmer said. "We had all year," Weinke said. of reach, however in order to Bowden said. "That computer What remains to be seen is needed to play smart and try to FSU would go into the sec- gain more points in the upcom- better not betray me this year." whether or not the 23-point stay on the field." ond half holding on to a 14-7 ing computer rankings, the