South Bend Clayigh H School ______Thursday, I May 2, 2001

- Volume 57

May 10 May 19 May 23 May 25 May 28 May 30 T 11 e Choir Concert • Mu lti cu lt u ral Society pr o gr am • S pr ing o rchestra c o ncert • Jazz Ba n d Conce rt • Memorial Day • Senior Awards Ceremony ~ r I er auditorium 7:30 9:3 0 -10:5 0 7:3 0 au d it o rium 7: 30 audito ri um n o sc ho ol 7:00 pm

Ben gay V The Lost Letters As we were looking through the medicine cabinet for ointment, we found these letters that were never sent. ® Dear Penn High School Walkout Partici­ pants: Great protest you made, there. It was really creative and ingenious. That reminds us; there are a lmost 1300 students at Clay. That's 1299 times w hy we like C lay better than you (giving you the benefit of the doubt) . ® Dea r M.J .: Please don't spoil it. Stay at home and cut the grass or something. ® Dear Christopher Walken: You are a very stylish actor. So how come you get parts in Puss in Boots and other films we've never heard of? ® Dear Saturday Night Live: You are not actua lly live, yo u a re n ot ac­ tually on Saturday, a nd you are n ot act u ally funny. ® Dear Yoko Ono: If J ohn Lennon were alive today, he would Clay Baseball Swings Int . ction be ki ng of whatever music style he chose. ® Dear White House : Mandy Clark h ave w ha t it ta kes t o com e ou t vic­ tur ed a hove), Ryan Glover , Dewey You were lucky to have the D u k e a n d STAFF WRITER tori ous ? " Yes," sa id Senior M att Pa rk er n d Ji m Wilki e. I t hink Lady Irish basketball teams gracing your Meyer. we're competitive and I think by floors. Still, even excellent representatives Clay baseball has kicked off We hope he 's right. sectional time we'll be as competi­ of excellent institutions couldn't scrub the tive as everyone else," Kasper con­ this year's season. With head At press time, the varsity dir t from y ou . reco rd i s 4 -4 (2- 1 NIC. ) Th e team ti nu ed. Junior infie lde r Chri s coach C hip O'Neil, an d h is ass is­ ® Dear Bosses a round th e world , tant coaches Dan Kasp ·er, M ike will be co u n ti ng on produ ction Hu rlbut a lso fee ls t h at the tea m h as When you say, "I see Timm, and Alex Parker, Clay's Va r ­ from Sen ior catche r Jeff Fox and promise. "We hope that C lay w ill sity team has a good chance of suc­ pitcher / outfielder Tim Hudnall. come out on top of NIC #1 and win our organizational in- cess. "We're inexperienced and lack sect iona ls," Hurlbut sa id. fra st ru ctu re h eading in ,, Lukewarm seasons in the past baseball sense," Coach Kaspe r a diff er en t direction should see an end this year, as a said. To overcome the team's green an on ," w hy don't yo1 new season b rin gs renewed hope m ake-up, the coaches wi ll need to CONTIN UE D / pg 6 ju st say, "Y ou 're fi red"? for a strong performance. Do they re ly on Seniors Matt Meyer (pie- X ·something Big Comes Out of Clay Jacob Schpok Jacob: How would you define various band members, OPINION EDITOR your music? Pop punk? well. .. bass and drums and just this last summer they picked up Clay High School's own, Zach: I like emot ional rock n roll a new bass p layer . When my Senior Zach Dav is, has a f u ture cause there is so many punk other band Duncan was break­ everyone dreams of. His band, type bands. We have bad char­ ing up due to people going to col­ Student Rick, was s igned just acteristic to define today's mu­ lege they asked me to sit in and a little wh ile ago and is about sic. Pop punk does fit but it's eve r since late august we've been to h it the road this summer. more rock influenced. Yeah, that four. Two guitarists, that He's been playing the drums emotional rock n rol l. both sing, a bassist, and a drum­ with many loca l bands and fi­ mer (t h at's me). nally found one worth hi s tal­ Jacob: So what's the story be­ ent. His band has been play­ hind the na m e of the band? Jacob: What's your favorite song ing at Higher Grounds in down­ you do? town South Bend and will soon Zach: N*Sync was taken. So we be touring non stop. Clay High went with Student Rick. Zach: Probab ly October Skies, Schoo l m ight have the most that or Yeste rday. During Yester­ Jacob: How was SR sta r ted? day typica lly everyone starts to famous stude nt th ey ever had Cloy Senior. Zoch Davis, (for left) will hit the rood this summer on the sing a long. in their bu ild ing today . I spoke Victory records Tour. In the future. his bond Student Rick hopes to tour to Zach, and he re's what he Zach: SR has been together for Europe, Japan. and Australia . To find out more about Student Rick. had to say: a few years ... but went through CONTINUED / page 5 check out or

11tews ®pinion §potfigfjt :feature • Featured §ports Athletes: • Moor Bill visits Clay Crafton has loyal The Mouse That Talent Show Kay Pancheri readers? Roared ~7Y-~ Nate Konop inski REVIEW ,~. . • "How do you get your • China , groove on? " • Not into prom? • Baseball talktoY1J1y 2 A Serious Message to Girls: Date Rape Could Happen To You

pick up Judy. They go out to the and wishes for more than any­ Manson-liking wierdos. Many into the other room for date rape. Kurtis Meyers finest steakhouse in town, Steak thing to be home in the safety cases of date rape include close STAFF WRITER & Ale. Over dinner, Rudy tells of her parents ' home. After the friends or "perfect guys." The 3. Stay with friends. Judy that he rented a hotel and job is done, Rudy leaves Judy victim doesn't realize that even You are more likely to be sexu­ A girl, whom we will they and a coup le of friends passed out on the bed while the most perfect guy could be ally assaulted when you are just call Judy for privacy sake, would be partying there after­ he kills a forty and then goes capable of such a horrific act. alone. Try to stick with other is a senior in high school. She wards. Judy isn't pleased and home. So no matter how close you are, friends. It is harder for a rape to is an attractive woman but has knows it's not right, but Rudy be aware. occur with other people around. never attended a dance. Her seems like a nice guy, right? Does this story sound Be sure to be surrounded with parents condemned any familiar? If so, chances are 2. Don 't let ~ other girls whom you trust and dances until Senior Prom. So You're wrong. After a you or someone you know has him slip you a who won't let you make bad de­ when April rolled around her night of dancing , Judy and Rudy been a victim to date rape. I mickey. I.~cisions (like drinking or leaving senior year, she was looking check into the hotel. A few other don't want what happened to Wherever you are, ~ to be "alone" with you r date). forward to it. A boy, whom we dates show up Judy to happen to you (be­ watch your drink. _.J will ca ll Rudy, is a football with some alco­ sides the Steak & Ale dinner , Many unsuspecting C- · --:-_, Throughout this article player and who gets good hol. After some of course). So I am here to victims have had pills it sounds like on ly gir ls are vic­ grades and just got out of a coaxing, Rudy share with you a few ways to slipped :nto their drinks while tims. But that's not true. Some long-term relationship. A 4 gets Judy to avoid what is commonly re­ they are dancing , in the bath­ boys are taken advantage a lso. coup le of friends tell Rudy that loosen up a little ferred to as date rape: room, etc. Word of advice is to Whatever sex, be sure to be care­ Judy is available and asked her with a few drinks. never let your drink out of your ful and follow the three rules to prom. She says yes and they Once she is good 1. He seems like the sight. And never let your boy­ above, and you should have fun order tuxes and all that other and wasted, perfect guy. friend mix your drink. Also, it nights full of eating and dancing prom-preparing stuff. Rudy takes her Rudy seemed like a nice guy-­ isn't a good idea to drink alco­ and free of date-rape. into the bedroom. He then pro- an all star holi c beverages . The more you The big night rolls ceeds to rape her in a drunken with a 3.8 GPA. Not all rap­ drink , the easier it is to get you around, and Rudy arrives to rage while she screams and cries ists are white trash, Marylin McVeigh--Approaching Execution in May China-u.s.--Who's to Blame Riley; his entrance scores were by his sister Jennifer, who accident. Kyle Burkett among the highest they had ever had taken a job as a bikini­ China has called for an end t COPY EDITOR seen. McVeigh excelled at Riley, clad wres tl er facing off U.S. surveillance flights near i he was first in his platoon to make against men in a vat of jello. United States' spy plane col­ borders. The U.S. side had sat On April 19, 1995, ap­ sergeant and the military psy­ Upon his return to society lided with a Chinese fighter jet it will not negotiate the point an proximately 90 minutes after chologist described him as hav­ McVeigh also me t a man on April 1st. The U.S. plane wanted to talk about the repai the Murrah Federal Building ing the most potential and best named Terry Nichols. needed to land immediately. and return of the Navy plane. went up in cloud of smoke; a leadership skills. By the time he On April 19 , 1993 ey landed on Hainan Island The agenda for the talks wi man was arrested for driving was 20, McVeigh had begun to McVeigh an d Nichols without permiSsion from the China included an American without a license plate. The make homemade explosives. His watched together as David Chinese. plan to retrieve the badl -dam man's name was Timothy knowledge of all forms of weap­ Koresh and 80 of his follow­ Each nation blames the other aged U S p.\&M McVeigh. onry was expanding, and as ers were consume d in a vio­ for the incident. which resulted mand that the U Born in 1968 , McVeigh Desert Storm approached it ap­ lent flame. The stan doff be­ in the U.S plane's 24-member grew up in Middle America and peared the McVeigh's training tween Koresh an d the gov­ crew being held on Hainan for was the perfect picture of me­ would not be wasted. Unfortu­ ernment had capt ivated 11 days. The crew was finally diocrity. He was a typical kid nately , the two bullets McVeigh Nichols and McVeigh. They :reed from Hainan Island on in highschool, a bland under­ fired in the Gulf War did not saw Koresh as a martyr, and April 12. after the l S. said it achiever, but he fostered a se­ quen ch his thir st. After the war wer e determined to make an as ·very sorry" for the Joss of cret obsession with guns. McVeigh trie d out for the Green impact of their own; the revo­ McVeigh imagined himself kill­ Berets. lution had begun. McVeigh ing communists in the third During the Gulf War and his merry band of back­ World War and obtaining McVeigh had not been able to woods survivalists were unsurpassable glory. McVeigh keep in his best shape, and when headed for the big-time. ese airport. secluded himself from every­ the Green Beret trials came On April 19, 1995, a Now the U.S. is trymg to get one, especially girls, and stuck around, he failed. He was devas­ date that McVeigh found ap­ he severely damaged plane re­ to his rifle collection. tated. His disappointment even­ propriate, the Oklahoma City urned home. China Is not wili­ At the end of tually led to return to the blue­ Bombing took place. It be­ ng to discuss returning the highschool, McVeigh decided to collar work force from which he came the most significant act lane so the U. S. has sus­ join the army. It was a shock wanted to escape. McVeigh felt of mass murder in American cnded further talks with to almost everyone except for shortchanged as a white male re­ history. McVeigh was ar ­ hina until they agree to dis- McVeigh himself, he had turning to civilian life because of rested shortly afterwards and uss returning the plane. A known he was going to join for the recently adapted affirmative on June 2"ct, 1997 McVeigh .S. official in Beijing said the better part of his childhood. action laws. He felt that they pro­ was convicted. He is cu r ­ there would be no resolution · McVeigh applied at a prominent moted reverse discrimination. rently scheduled for execu­ til the two sides could agree military station called Fort McVeigh was supported partially tion by lethal injection for what caused the April 1st next month. The Colonial Moor:Respect for Teachers 19131 Darden Road Jeni Car michael certainly not least, is Mr. "Teachers are among South Bend, IN 46637 PHOTO EDITOR Garrian-Moor's 8th grade math the most unappreciated," says Editor-m-Chief ...... - ..- ...... - ...... ,,w ...... _ ...... Cluu-eeHoft<>way teacher. Moor was influenced Moor. He shou ld know; he's Copy Editor ....._,,_ ...... _ ...... - ...... _ ....- ...... - ...... -. Kyle Burkett in the ways of math-so much taught a few classes at IUSB, ' Front P8!,,Manager ...... _ Megan Walktr would a newspaper write r again, I would lik e to be a !~'~;:i:;r ...... ~ ...... _... ,...... ~!~;::::.:man talk to future teachers you teacher-fu ll time-and in ­ Repo,·tcrs ...... _ .. _ .. _ .._, Krnten Andenon, ask? Moor has been in­ fluence kids." Michael Brzezinski, Aakash Chauhan. \land} (111rk, Andy Crafton, Julie Ksdman, Sarah volved with teachers Moor 's three children l,auer. Jamila MeMorris, Kurti, Mey~r,, \ ijay Ramanan •. \dam Sheer, Shahaab Uddin. throughout his life. went to school here at C lay . JamlCll Womack All were active in sports; all Ad•i~or ...... - ...... -··-·· C~ntbla Brosoan He told Project Th• Col ,nial i5 ,t h1v.e-el..l ucv. pape "nu_,n anJ tlne th,., grade teacher and track ful to all the teachers and right to edit an)· µart of the kncr 1h,1tmay he.'consider,'ut the intenlion of the letler will education. remain lhc same ported and conso led him Editorials represent the opinions of the edi orial boanL This ue' editorialwas when he lost All-City in Conc ludin g the meet­ written by Megan Tarbet The editorial doc 001 ecc.saril represent the opiwon.~of all of the long-jump by two inches. ing , Moor wished all Project ad1rum,11-aun. staff or student. lhc Coloma! w ,unot pnnl ol:>scen1t1eor ythins !hatmvades Mrs. Kern, Moor 's 11th grade members a great year and pnvacy of any group or mJtvidual. Eng lish teacher and newspa­ lots of luck with college and per advisor is now 92 years how many miles per second he with future careers. old , and still corresponds with traveled. her former student. Last, but 3 Clay C olonial' s Editorial Crafton's View The point of view of the Co loni a l's Editors. This issue's editorial was written by Megan Tarbet. Spotlight EdiLOr.

There is too much ad­ a tall stranger approaching the was taken from them? Maybe As a few loyal readers had played for the national miration in ourselves than car. We quickly locked the they were not aware, or too may have noticed, my column team in the World Cup. They thanksgiving within our fami­ doors. When he saw our fear , young at the time to realize that was absent from the last is­ obviously took the whole '"soc­ lies. There is too much igno­ he detoured behind a few life was going to get harder from sue of The Colonial. It's not cer aerobics'" thing more seri­ rance when it comes to the holi­ bushes and a brick wall, sepa ­ that point on. Are you "broke like I was stressed for time or ously than I did. When one of days. It's all about taking. All rating us from the dumpsters. as a joke ," because you don't out of ideas - I just didn't feel the coaches came into my we can think about is what will A few minutes later he have an extra 60 cents for that like writing. Hey. it's my col­ room and found me sound we look good in, or what will came toward us again. He was chocolate cookie following your umn and I'll neglect it if I want asleep in my bed, he pulled out taste good. How can we improve walking faster. The first thing chickenburger, fries, fruit, and to. Besides, the added free his whistle and blew it directly what we have?Th is is the most that I noticed was his hand that milk. time allowed me to recuper­ into my ear. I woke up so asked question in our hearts. was frozen at mid-section of his When we look down at ate from my Spring break startled and surprised that I How many people don't chest. His fingers were bent in that arrangement of food pro­ hangover, thus allowing this didn't even realize where I was have a choice in what they will different directions. I rolled the vided by our school, we imme­ week"s column to actually be for a couple of seconds. After be wearing or eating for that window down a margin and diately complain. The quality or legible. That said, I'll refrain a brief session of being cussed day? We take things for grante d. hesitated. He only came close the quantity is just not satis­ from writing a log this Issue out in German. the coach This country is lax in education, enough so that we could hear factory to what we really desire . and instead focus ahead to the grabbed my arm and pulled and our material possessions him. In a congested yet soft So we can't have the double­ summer. me all the way out the dorm. are exploited in envious faces. voice, he said, "Wil l you buy me decker cheeseburger. We can't I used to hate sum­ Dressed only in a pair Everyone knows this though, so something to eat?" The look in order a frosty, and we will never mer. Back in middle school, of boxers, I was forced to 1un what am I getting at? his eyes let us know that there have the smell of Nacho Bell my dad would send me away the mile to the gym with the Look into how a small was a much younger person Grande lingering in the air. We to ··professional~ sports dude chasing after me. con­ donation or service from you controlling that broad body. My are still guaranteed a meal ev­ camps. For two weeks at a stantly shoving me forward. can better someone else's life. friend Mary Nolan looked at me. eryday. time, I'd be sent off to remote Once there. I was given a soc­ You're older, so you should be Eating our food after this man's In conclusion , if you locations in the U.S. and ba­ cer ball and told to do my wiser. Be responsible for others. encounter would not be right. have ever done something sically be tortured until It was stretching over on the girls' It doesn't matter how you met So I looked back at him and charitable, which isn't just time to leave. I actually side. For some reason, I them. They might question your nodded. cash, guys, but volunteering wouldn't have minded so couldn't help but feel self con­ motives, but if you are better Saying nothing but your time in someone's life , you much if the things we had to scious when every time I had off than they are, then it will thank-you, he walked to the get a high off it. You get high do at these camps weren't so to do an awkward stretch. the connect with them later. Cross window where we would pick because you know that your ac­ USELESS. girls around me seemed to be ... that bridge of making a differ­ up our food. As the woman gave tions are responsible for the For example, at a soc­ unfocused. I felt if one more ence the best way that you us our sandwiches and condi­ brighter day that someone is cer camp in Denver. we had pair of eyes focused on my know how. Don't take credit for ments, I looked at the man only feeling at that moment. If your to wake up at 5:00 in the backside, it'd burn a hole in it, but always be willing to do five feet away, waiting for his parents donate to different morning every day. jog about my boxers. rm not a frickin' more, even if you do not have dinner. My heart sank knowing functions, then rock on! When a mile to a gym. and do some­ piece of meat! the means. that my refrigerator was filled you step down for someone else thing called ~soccer Aerobics~ Yes. my summers Do you feel bombarded with leftovers. I remembered to step up, you will be higher. (it was basically an attempt to were filled with such traumatic by the world when it comes to that morning, going through ev­ Your heart is that much bigger . mix yoga with a soccer ball ... ) experiences as the one de­ donating to the poor? ls your erything, shouting to my If you help someone else eat, for an hour and a half. I scribed above. Fortunately. response to such plies, "If l give mother that I was starving. your food will taste better. couldn't see the point in wak­ my Dad grew out of the '"turn a guy a few bucks, he's going Now, I stared at this man as When you clothe some­ ing up at some obscene hour your kid into a super-athlete" to blow it on booze and nothing Mary collected the food and I one else, your clothes are worn so I could '"become one With phase that parents go through . useful." Once a girlfriend and I knew that I had never starved with a higher appreciation. the ball," so I decided to sleep However.some of~ were going through the down­ before. Wh en you comfort someone lnone~ worked at the past two sum­ town Burger King drive-thru. It Instead of giving some else, you will be more confident J;ooking back. this mers have Jed me to believe was late at night, and we were guy change, buy him a sand­ when you are in weird situa­ was a really stupid thing to do. that maybe those camps tired, but most of all, we were wich or coffee. Do you believe tions. Everything in your life The camp was run by a bunch weren't so bad. after all. hungry. We saw a tall, heavy that people were born poor and will be fuller, when you give to of German soccer players who man walk towards the ca r. Here that they never had a chance those who have less then you. we were, two young girls, with to make it. Maybe that chance

Okay, here's the deal. I had a little white space to fill and couldn't think of anything clever to put here and I hate clipart. Our teacher had this joke about Quasimodo (Did you hear about the Quasimodo look alike contest? They had to end it short because the crowd began to look ugly .) I know, I know, it's a sick English teacher joke but it's the best thing we could think up. So instead of boring you with an explanation of this wasted space I'm just going to say sorry and hope this wasn't the best thing you read in the paper so far this year.

Thank you, Jacob Schpok Opinion Editor

Nathan Ferrone ART DIRECTOR Wait e0 ,~ pa Ce .....How do you get your groove on?

Sophomore Alan Miller Mr. Baldwin Junior D ustin Marciniak "I flex at the females ... " likeI g roovea super freak." "Eat a sugar. lot of I wake up groovy.'' 4 Clay's Curtain Call: Joey Ramone songs were never longer than Kyle Burkett three minutes, but to the inner The Mouse that Roared COPY EDITOR city kids of the day they were On Easter Sunday , musicalgeniuses. TheRamones arrie Kush Matt Thomas). Charee has "very set was incredibly professional 2001, the world lost another rose, along with bands TAFF WRITER good acting ability and was very looking," said Mrs. Gerhold. great man . Joey believable," according to Col­ The production featured Ramone, singer of compliments Few lhings can draw an the always progres- leen Dorn, Junior. Staff writer intelligent blend of humor, o1va11oo crowds to Clay High like one of Sarah Lauer played both Mary both slapstick comedy and po­ sive and highly in­ our plays. The Mouse that and a WAC named Jill. "Sarah litical satire. fluential punk rock Roared is.the newest in band the Ramones Junior Sun jay a !isl of fine theatrical died of Acharya and Sopho­ lymphoma . performances by our After being hospi­ more Ryan Yates were many talented actors talized for nearly a exceptional in their and actresses. In case month, his death portrayals of The Sec­ you weren't fortunate was confirmed on retary of State and enough to see the play, President of the the morning of it takes place in a small April 15 '". The Duchy named Grand United States, respec­ tively. The set crew punk rock god was Fenwick. An An1erican only 49 years old. company threatens their also rose to the chal­ lenge of the scene The Ramones started like Television , The Dead Boys, livelihood, wine making. in 1972 when the four changes. The play ran mem­ and The Talking Heads, and es­ and their economy suf­ bers smoothly because of met and decided to build tablished themselves as kings of fers. A plan is formu­ a band designed their incredible ef­ to destroy the underground scene . The lated by the Duchess to disco. The band named forts. The audience them­ musical form was given a name declare war on America. selves in honor seemed to enjoy the of Paul when the first issue of Punk hoping to lose. and Compliments of Kartikeya Bhat profit. McCartney, whom they had magazine was distributed from the rehabilitation show. From older seen touring under the name among the fans. aid often supplied by the adults to young kids, brought a hilarious qual- Paul Ramone. At the height of The Ramones played United States. By a fluke, a tiny everyone was into it. ity to the play with her portrayal the disco-pop era, the Ramones their final farewell show in Los mouse of the country becomes Unfortunately, for the of Jill. She acted like she was started an underground club Angeles. The show featured the most powerful in seniors in the cast this was the world on steroids." said Mr. Kingston. scene that emerged when the members of bands such as and has the United States at its their last production. How­ Pearl Erin Lewis, Spotlight Editor, Ramones first played at a club Jam, Motorhead, and even lhe mercy. In the end the ever. judging by the reaction conflict played an assistant to Profes­ in New York called CBGB's. boss-man. Bruce Springsteen is resolved and all is well. The to the show, this was a great sor Kokintz. played by Adam note to end on. Their talents The Ramones, who ap­ was in attendance. The part of Duchess Gloriana was parently had no Peters and Dean Heintzelman. were evident during the entire prior musical Ramones have influenced every­ played by Rachel Moore and experience "Dean's hair style was quite ex­ performance. Congratula­ , picked up instru­ one from Liz Phair and Public Rachel Weaver. Christine Lass, traordinary. He did a wonder­ ments and played through hor­ Enemy, to Nirvana . The music Junior said, " I was impressed tions to the entire cast and ful acting job: his accent was ribly distorted amplifiers. They industry and fans alike by Rachel Moore's portrayal of crew for a job well done. The will very well done. I was im­ didn't play solos and their sorely miss Joey Ramone. the Duchess. She was great." ending tied the theme of the pressed," Junior Megan play together by featuring the The cast even featured McGrew stated. some of our multi-talented Co­ symbolic mouse. Though it The Mouse That Roared was a bit "cheesy'" it lonial staff. Charee Holloway, left the is a wonderful story and the audience roaring with laugh­ 4 Editor-in Chief. played Mrs. cast did an excellent job of Bascom, mother of Tully ter. (Pun intended). brtnging their characters to Bascom (Ashley Ghiaseddin/ life. "The cast was excellent and the - V Graduation Announcements• . Slurr~d Vision: ti~ kn~w no boundari~s ti~ just had faith . ~egan Tarbet FEATURE EDITOR and his enemies. He remains der all conditions . selfless in all circumstances This article has noth­ You've earned a celebration. There is always some­ Order Announcements and Open House one in your life that you will re­ and has been brave in the face ing to do with our school or any of fear. activity connected to the school. member as your mentor . Some ­ Invitations from Papyrus ... and get on with it! one that wa s always abl e to give The reason that I write I wanted you to know. however. about this man that there is a lo you all the lime. There is a is because he man right now has been diagnosed with can­ in a hospital very speci al man that I know by bed that is so hon­ cer. My life orable, that the name of Denis Nolan . Mr. has been very I could not let this Nolan is a father of eight and a blessed with his intercession of issue go in without sharing this grandfather of six children. This peace and charity. In every part of my life with you. struggle that I have had and I'm not a part of his man has dedicated most of his University shared with him, he has family bloodline wise Park Mall 21~273-8584 life to young people by minis­ taken , but he tering for the Catholic Church. it in his arms like an infant. and has made a seat for me in his I have known this family for lhe cared for each detail that life as a daughter in Christ. This past two years. This man has needed mending. man has taught his children This man that there is been a lighl to me when life be­ has been a nothing that they came too dark for me to under­ father to countless people . His can not do with Jesus Christ in stand all the things this world laughter has invested warmth their corner, and because of The during the holidays creating Bullpen wants me to succeed in . Almost that lesson they will become the every lime thal I have come to unity in his family that will best parents , the most fearless Visit ASAP never unravel. the house to pick up his daugh­ explorers, and the most opened Located between the main office ter Mary; he has always given I can 't really describe hearted individuals . me papers and pamphlets this person because he has 1 am so grateful that doors and the main entrance about saints and martyrs. He touched too many people, and this family came into my life. I has been mailed letters from has given so much of his llme never did anything to deserve around the world about the to those that never asked, but these life long friends. Anyone he was able to see through Blessed Mother, and the lalest their who knows this family has news from Bosnia. eyes and into their heart that must of thought the same Denis Nolan has ob­ made him appear indestructible thing. This isn't school related, tain ed gre a t wisdom from the to them. He will remain in the 1 know , but this man is time- most sacred part of Church. He has been a fighter my heart. l . less in my eyes. I wanted you lhrough and through. After recognize him as an awesome to know about him, because he many obstacles , Mr. Nolan con­ servant of God that only knows will remain faithful and holy in linu es to love his neighbors, how to sacrifice, and love un- my eyes for a very long time. Thank you. mer. Wh en are you leaving don 't want to pass up so they (Zach's Band , South Bend? After school? are very supportive; they always have been. They are at every lo­ Clay Studentsh Sow cont'd . fro m Zach: Once graduation hits we cal show we have. Ha , they're plan to tour with all of the great my biggest fans. Front) Victory Record's bands on the Jacob: There are some of your Victory Records Tour, then tour Jacob : Is there anything fans Their Talent! tracks on Napster, is that you nonstop for the next year or so. can do to help out with your Krysten Anderson go to waste."' drumming in all of them? In the next few years we will be successes? STAFF WRJTER Miller also wanted to hitting up Europe and hopefully This sprtng the stu­ add that many different people Zach: Not for all of them. Like I Japan and Australia. Zach: We are setting up a street dents at Clay High School will act and show their skills at the said they went through differ­ team. We have a web site now show off their talent skills at talent show and anyone who ent drummers, but for October Jacob: You still going to play at the Multicultural Society Tal­ wants to Skies that was me, we redid Higher Grounds then? studentrick, but soon it will be ent Show which we have get Yesterday also so I don't know We work every year. In May, fellow what version is online. Zach: We play there a lot and very hard to include everyone students will show off their love playing hometown but who wants to be involved. Right ability to act. dance, sing. re­ Jacob: So, what's the name of we're not going to be playing now fans can contact us cite poems. or perform tiny the label? there in the near future. All of through our guest book and skits. our concerts now are out of mailing list. I'd like to say Students like Marleen Zach: Victory Records out of town; we thanks to all Miller. Jetaun Gordon. and Chicago. They 're very big in are going of our fans Kia Styles are going to show Indie. They have signed bands to be part and the ones off their talent by dancing in like Boy Sets Fire, Snapcase, of a mini who 've sup­ this year's show. Marleen out Thursday, Catch 22 ... tour with ported us. We Miller has performed in the there and Showoff, love you all, Multicutural Society Talent show it should. Mr. Jacob : What's going on about a band on well, the Show for three years. When Marty lnVin is the director of your record deal? Maverick's fans. she was a freshman she the talent show. If you have label. We rapped on stage with her older any questions about the tal­ Zach: We signed for four are also Jacob: "and brother, Clay graduate ent show, you can set up a records and we are happy with writing we won't for­ Michael Miller. It was excit­ meeting with Mr. Irwin or the deal. I can 't really get into new ma­ get South ing to see a brother and a sis­ watch the announcements specifics though. We plan to terial and Bend on a ter perform together on stage. and find out when the next record our first C.D. early July working tour"? Not many siblings at Clay even meeting is. in Colorado at the Blasting hard on talk to each other through out You·u find Room. We will work on produc­ our up­ Zach: Totally, the day. let alone rap together. more information tion with many great people for coming that's the When on the talent a week and then head out to release . main thing we asked about why show coming in record. People like Trey Grey of stress and tell she likes to ex­ May in The C1ier. Faith Hill, that's her drummer, Jacob: everyone. press herself in So tell your semi­ is going to help. A lot of other How a r e This is our the talent shows, nar teacher to great musicians are going to your par­ scene. It is Marleen com­ sign up so that help also. Our first release is ents tak­ started here mented, ..Besides you can go. Come going to be amazing. It should ing all of and we love it the fact that I've I out and support be in stores before 2002, if not this? here . We want to make South been in it since" your fellow stu­ sooner. We are planning with Bend a great place over the next my freshman dents as they the label to have it out by late Zach: They are excited for the few years, known for its music. year. I feel that show off their October 2001 band and me. It's an opportu­ I have a tale n t talen t. ni ty ve ry few get a n d they rea l­ Th an ks Zach for yo ur time. We in wh lch I Jacob: You're touring a ll sum- ize that it's someth ing that I all wish you the best of luck . don 't want to •••••••••••••••••••• No Fun at Pvo-wv? •. • The Village • • • Megan W alker the Pythagorean theorem or family. Visit the World's Larg­ BUSINESS MANAGER quadrangle angles. Well, you're est Ball of Yarn or attend the • • • Did you not have as in luck. There was a massive Lumberjack Compelilion and • •. Stylist •. • good a time at prom than you math competition the same day bob for pigs' feet or walk on a had expected? Not planning on as prom this year. So, if you log in the water. • Full Service Salon • • going next year? Wondering are planning on majoring in Take a group of non­ • • • Perms starting at...... $20.00 • • what to do instead of getting all math or even business plan on prom goers and go bowling . dressed up to go to dinner and attending an educational alter­ • Hair cuts • Those sme lly bowling shoes are ...... $8.00 dance the night away? Well, native to prom. one hundred times more com­ • • here are a few suggestions. Consider just chillin' fortable lhan any shoe you • Tanningl • • Have an anti-prom with your closest friends . would wear to prom anyway. 15 sessions for $25 party with all of your friends Maybe take a trip to Nick 's Pa­ Plus, you can wear comfortable • • • who aren't going to prom. At tio and drink the night away. clothes, too! Bowling is much sss 1~ s. 'it:. 1tol1d the party, you can talk about (Coffee, of course.) Not going to cheaper than prom also. • • • how much more fun you are prom is an excellent opportunity No matter what you do • • S o«d ~e.d. '1'Jt466 37 • having at the party then you to hang out with your friends on prom night, have fun and • (219) 272 - 0SSI • • would have had at prom. Have from other schools. you won't regret not going to •• • •• Call for an Appointment or Walk In • the guests wear the ir rattiest , Take a road trip to no­ prom. There are many alter­ • • dirtiest attire and tell them not where special. Just start driv­ natives to shelling out hun­ e Located insi de North Village Mall e •e to bother to shower. You are ing and see where it takes you. dreds of dollars for just 'one guaranteed to have a blast! Who knows where you'll end night of pleasure. Finding the Maybe you are more up? Maybe you'll find a new right alternative is the hard •••••••••••••••••••• interested in polynomials and vacation spot for you and your part.

Cartoon by: Erin Lewi s 6 Crafton's 2001 NFL First-Round Draft Projection Baseball Notre Dame Players Taken in the Draft 3) Although they didn 't fill every need, San Diego arguably made the smartest move in the draft by cas hing in their Vick chip . Had Name Position Round Team the Chargers not done this, they would have had to settle for an con't Mike Gandy OG 3 Chicago only average RB in the second round. Now, they have both an Brock Williams CB 3 New England excellent RB and QB. We can't forget abou Jabari Holloway TE 4 New England J.V., they are just as impor­ Tony Driver s 6 Buffalo 4) Kansas City made its impact in the draft by dealing its 1 sLand tant as Varsity and will deter­ Dan O'Leary TE 6 Buffalo 2nd round picks to St Louis for QB Trent Green and WR Tony mine the team's future. Two Anlhony Denman LB 7 Jacksonville Horne. They used their third round pick to grab WR Marvin key players on J.V. are Sopho­ "Snoop" Minnis. The weekend was capped off by picking up RB mores A.J. Horvath and Mike . The two-day holiday known to football fans everywhere Priest Holmes. The Chiefs' only real holes heading into the draft Stemmer. Not much is ,vrit­ NFL draft was held in Madison Square Gardens on April as the were on the Offensive side, so all the wheeling and dealing paid ten or said about J.V. so I can't even began, San Diego surprised 21 and 22. Before the draft off. inform you about their status. experts by trading the #1 overall pick (which happened to be the I can tell you that they did beat electric ) io the Atlanta Falcons for their #5 pick. 5) Following last year's horrible free-agency deals, Washington Washington 9-5 on April 18. confused at the time, the Chargers proved Although many were headed into the draft looking to smooth out its rough edges. The The game on April 1 they knew what they were doing by drafting the best RB in the Redskins addressed their two biggest concerns by taking WR Rod against Washington epito­ and the second best QB (Drew Brees). draft (LaDainian Tomlinson) Gardner in the 1sL round and CB in the 2nd. It's not mized what the Varsity team Miami(Fl) caused the largest buzz in the first round with clear if Deion Sanders will leave football for baseball, so picking needs to do. Dewey Parker hit attention grabbing were the num­ four players being drafted. Also up Smoot is good insurance. a two-out. two-run single to ber of defensive linemen (9) and wide receivers (6) taken. win the game for Clay and Tim Six Notre Dame players were taken, all coming in the 3rd Hudnall struck out eight bat­ round or later. This helps make up for last year's bust when only Team Player Position School ters and walked just one. one ND player, QB Jarious Jackson (7Lhround), was taken. !Atlanta Michael Vick, QB Virginia Tech Our team has a great 2Arizona Leonard Davis OT Texas deal of talent. but needs the Five Best Draft Grades: 3Cleveland OT Florida support of our student body to 4Cincinnati Justin Smith DE Missouri make it all the way. Until next 1) Seattle fared the best of any team in the draft, filling its three 5San Diego LaDainian Tomlinson RB TCU time, LET'S GO COLONIALS! biggest holes by taking WR , OG Steve Hutchinson, 6New England OT Georgia and second rounder CB Ken Lucas. When you combine the drafted 7San Francisco DE California players with the off-season acquisitions of QB Matt Haselbeck , 8Chicago David Terrell WR Michigan thlellc quipment * A war ettering OT John Randel, and LB Levon Kirkland, it 's hard to not con­ 9Seattle Koren Robinson WR N. C. State T-Shirts sider the Seahawks a likely Superbowl contender next season. lOGreen Bay DE Florida State Midwest Athletic I I Carolina LB Miami (Fl) Letter Jackets Last Name 2) St Louis had the best offense and the worst defense last sea­ 12St. Louis OT Miami (Fl) Last Name son. Obviously, the Rams' goal heading into the draft was to try l 3Jacksonville OT Georgia Free!! 517-519 N. Hill St. Free!! executed 14Tampa Bay OT Florida South Bend, IN 46617 and fill as many holes in the defense as possible. They Phone and fax: their plan almost perfectly by picking up OT Damione Lewis , S 15Washington WR Clemson (219) 232-9550 , OT , and fellow Florida State LBs 16New York WR Miami (Fl) We accept mail/phone/fax/ order and . The addition of CB Aeneas Will­ l 7Seattle Steve Hutchinson OG Michigan and aggressive this 18Detroit OT Michigan Offer Expires iams ensures that the defense will be fast May 18, 2001 season. 19Pittsburgh OT Texas 20St. Louis Adam Archuleta s Arizona State Last Free withName Purchase of Jacket Jeatured Atfi{etes Girls' Tennis: Off With Natlian Xonoyinksi & Start A Strong Xay Pancheri Julie Kselman the team took on Adams. They STAFF WRITER won easily. The Adams' team Abby Herreman and Mike Brzezinski The Girl's tennis took on Penn later that week, ADS MANAGER AND STAFF WRITER team began practicing at the and won. This gives Clay a beginning of March. The girls good chance of beating Penn . have been practicing their The team followed up -, . hardest since then, working the Adams ' victory with a loss towards what they are sure to St. Joe. The team was not Nickname: Nathan: Nate, K-nop. will be their greatest season. disappointed with the loss. St. Kay: K. P., Kay-dog. Practices start after school at Joe is ranked #4 in the state, Boxers or briefs: Nathan: Both. ·· •. 3, and run until 5:30. Prac­ and the team was very close Kay: Neither. tices are every day of the to beating them. Coach Cheryl Pre-game food: Nathan: A Caesar salad, week. Many of the girls take Flock said "St. Joe had fear in 12 Oz. Fillet baked potato, an assortment private lessons in addilion to their eyes the moment we of mixed vegetables, a slice of chocolate the learn praclices. stepped onto those courts." pie, and a glass of wine. The Varsity team is The team has been working Kay: Subway with K-Roll and strong this year. All of the hard at pra ctices since the St. Sarah. girls playing varsity played Joe match, and is ready to beat Favorite track moment: Nathan : Play ­ last year, and have only got­ them in Sectionals on May ing frisbee. ten stronger. Seniors Flynne 18L". Kay: Winning state last year, or Weingarten , Sarah Ansari , getting the regional record. Lauren Sylvester, and How is the love life treatin' ya: Nathan : Ellie Sevova have all been Good as usual. playing at Clay for four Kay: Wouldn't you like to know. years. Their leadership Funniest moment on the team: and posilive attitudes a re Nathan: When Chen quit for the second a great influence on the time. new players. Kay: RE-Re and I fight all the The season time. opened with a game Your most klutzy moment on the against La Ville. This was team: Nathan: As a freshman, the se­ an easy victory for the niors took my shorts and hung them in squad. The second game front the girls' tennis courts. of lhe season was against Kay: I don't know. Marian. Flynne Who would you want to be on a deserted island with: Nathan: Caruso, stop telling me to put Weingarten (number one Lauren Sylvester for this one. singles) and Allison Kay: Brad Pitt. Winegar (number three One thing you want to accomplish between now and graduation: Nathan: Be able to list all singles) both won their 50 states in less than six minutes. matches. Even though Kay: Nothing, I've got senioritis, big time. the res t of the squad gave Personal Quote: Nathan: Life's a garden, dig it. Senior Flynne Weingarten their best effort, the team Kay: You can always shoot too high, but you can never shoot too low. warming up before her lost the match. Ten years after High School you will be: Nathan: Catching up on the sleep I never got during match against Adams. The next week high school. Kay: Married with a good job.