Funeral Services for Kenhedy Aide Dave Powers
4-(K 11,41t1tr.1 A/02 —}1.4. L Ckc,16:1 ii L4 /I exact number of votes JFK got in each election. On Nov. 22, 1963, Powers was riding in the presidential motor- cade in Dallas when Kennedy was shot. When the president's limousine reached Parkland Hos- vave Powers, Kennedy aide and pital, Powers helped remove Camelot defender, dies at 85 Kennedy and put him on a stretcher. By AUSON FITZGERALD That afternoon he accompa- Associated Press nied Jacqueline Kennedy back to Washington, next to the casket BOSTON — Dave Powers, the on Air Force One. Boston Irishman who was John 'FoWers tecalled the trip back F. Kennedy's famously devoted aide every step of the way to the to Washington in an article for White House and served after Life magazine. JFK's assassination as the keep- "On that long, sad ride home, er of the Camelot legend, died Jackie sat next to the casket. She Friday, March 27, 1998, at 86, was so brave on the trip back to 'Powers came to be known as Washington. At one point she Kennedy's "coatholder" and 'San- turned to me and said, `Oh, Dave, cho Panze" because he spent his you've been with him all these life tending to,JFK'S censer: his years. What will you do now?'" widow and children, and finally recalled Powers. "I choked up - I his legacy, as curator of the John couldn't answer her." F. Kennedy Library museum. In "Johnny, We Hardly Knew "Jack loved Dave Powers like Ye," the book Powers wrote with a brother, and so did all of us in Kennedy appointment secretary Kenneth P.
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