Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2011. Edited by 27 Neal L. Evenhuis & Lucius G. Eldredge. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 113: 27 –54 (2012) New plant records for the Hawaiian Islands 2010 –2011 1 DANielle FRoHliCH 2 & A lex lAU 2 O‘ahu Early Detection, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817-2704; emails:
[email protected];
[email protected] o‘ahu early Detection here documents 26 new naturalized records, 8 new state records, 31 new island records, 1 range extension, and 2 corrections found by us and other indi - viduals and agencies. in addition, several species showing signs of naturalization are men - tioned. A total of 42 plant families are discussed. information regarding the formerly known distribution of flowering plants is based on the Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai‘i (Wagner et al . 1999) and information subse - quently published in the Records of the Hawai ‘i Biological Survey . Voucher specimens are deposited at Bishop Museum’s Herbarium Pacificum (BiSH), Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Acanthaceae Megaskepasma erythroclamys lindau New island record This species, which was previously found naturalizing on o‘ahu, can be distinguished by its 1 –2" long showy burgundy bracts and white, tubular, 2-lipped corollas with 2 fertile stamens (Staples & Herbst 2005). Parker & Parsons (this volume) report this species as naturalized on Hawai‘i island. Material examined . KAUA ‘I: Hā‘ena, in neighborhood makai of highway, near Tunnels Beach, UTM 442390, 2457621. Coastal residential setting; sparingly-branched shrub to 6 ft tall, growing out of a hedge. inflorescence bracts magenta. Species is planted as an ornamental and sparingly natural - ized in the area, 9 Mar 2010, OED 2010030904.