
Meoonl he never would have succeed! ' la embarking. Having Uft hla mother's Jewels with j! Valentine, his sola fortune consisted of Secret tbe Plundered not quite a thousand francs, sod Hlth of Safe thla paltry sum In his pocket, a fctftivt J from Justice, and with do prospect ( J 1 The Department of Airleu'tnre now By EMILE OABOKIAU wm si imb m w nuwU WW IWSt we proposes Valparaiso. to turn the Cautenoalao outs, Before Uaston had been oa board tha tro'jght to this country to subdue th cotton Tom Jones forty-eig- hours he aaw that boil weevil, loose on th aavagt rhanra had cast him amnn a roll-tlo- a pctato bug. of the most depraved bandits and cut Several Inventors are now at niAPTKR XIX. deceive Andre aha hoped work blue-eye- that aha was inroeia. ids vessel, wmcn seemea io on a The ruddy, d elderly man In would be safe to carry and get In I noiseless typewriter, aa aoun.l sail 110 lived In bis ancestral cast now even with -' the fate. have recruited at all points of the rum- the blue serge coat, who waa address- we belonged. ii (lie hank of tlit Ithon the old Mar Oua rainy of a large number in an office grates back to where While November day her husband pasa, possessed a rrtw composed of er ed as "captain" qui do Cm-fo- il on by bis two friends In we were doing this a big sea broke Clameran aud hi two sons, had gone to Provence on business. She ery variety of thievish knaves; euch one's nerves. One mai has madj and I.011U. They f the smoker, was commenting on a re- over our quarter and washed a Nor- wrr the objects was sitting, gating Into the bright Are, country had contributed a specimen. I rubber device to kill the noise, and f lilx low In Hi ! cent newspaper account of suffer- wegian mm measure fur and thankfully meditating npon her pre- - But Gaston's mind was undisturbed aa the second has mad a glass cat the sailor overboard. He waa a liU lints he viewed his neljiMxtr, Hik ! ings of some shipwrecked men who good nt happlueas, when the servant brought to the character of the people 'th which inclose everything but tha key. powerfully built fellow and a t'l.nnlesa d It Vcrherle. Ktcrn, old and her letter, which had been left b whom his lot waa several board were taken from an open boat by a seaman, and we were short handed, ' cast for and the roller. arrogant, alia would hav been tha gen- stranger, who refused to glva hla name. months. The Tom Jones set eall for passing vessel. so as soon as the skipper saw him go Individ-ua- Geographers eral iteteatslloo aa aha ws Ihla l Without tell us that In places well-travele- the faintest presentiment of evil Valparaiso, but certainly went In a "Of course, on a d track be roared out to heave to and lower a one, Iiml It the Pacinc is e not been for her beauti- she carelessly broke tha seal, and In an roundabout way to reach her destination. more than twenty-nin- Ilk that there's always the cbanc of boat But as soon as he gave the or ful aud geulU (Uuichtrr, Valentin. Instant waa thousand feet almost petrified by tha The real fact waa that Captain Warth deep. In other word, being picked op," he said. sooner der be realized no could live The estates were separated out by wonls which met aye: If "I'd that boat her terrified proposed visiting the Gulf of Guinea. the loftiest mountain on the globe, In th her flow-- be a shipwreck than a railroad In that sea, so be regretfully counter- river, narrow bnt awiftly I "Madame: Would It be relying too Gaston saw that he waa eervlug hla ml veres t. 20.002 feet hlirh we. n if. t wreck. There's nearly always an op- manded It and we had to let the poor It was tin barrier for love. Valen- much upon the memories of the past to apprenticeship on a slaver, one of the Placed In tin aaw the Pacific Ocean at its1 portunity to a or fellow go." Gaston, and from that moment hope for half an hour of your time? To many ships which msde Immense for- greatest launch boat lash Ida Imag tilled depth, the summit of tha ci- hrr heart lint ai many morrow, between two and three, I will , by Al- some gratings before a ship goes down, The captain paused to relight his tunes carrying on the slave trad. mountain would obstacles separated them! Vft they met do myself the honor of railing upon yon. though thla discovery filled Gaston with Just about reach th or to grab a life but If anything gar, but the first two match head surface of belt liapplly, until nna fatal evening, when "THK MAHQUI8 OF CLAM KUAN." Indignation and shame, he waa prudent the ocean. hlta as now at the rate we're going broke. ha aaw har turar swim tha tlda at. th Ah! ahe had hoped and believed that enough to conceal his Impressions. Mr. Palfour. the Enailsh what chance would we bare? "Was he rescued?" asked some one. greatest al- rick, and fall at her feet, the fatal past was atoned for, and bailed when Gaston bad been with Captain la quite a rich man. bavlni most exhausted. an Inctm "I was cruising In the south sea The captain checked himself In th lu oblivion; and now It stood before ber Warth about a year the Tom Jones stop- of about f2.V).0()0. money "la It youf" aha trying to pitiless threatening. The was about twenty year ago," be continued, application of the third match. "What'a murninrrd, and ped at Itlo Janeiro for a month, to lay Ifft him by his krandfather. who made he asked. . , Ufa him up. "Then heaveu baa heard The dreaded day came, and with It the In supplies. II now derided to leave reflectively. "We were clear out of thatr a Mg fortune In ' tny prayer, and had pity." man. Her emotion waa too deep not to tho ship. II possessed twelve thousand India, and as a naval any of the trading routes, after an ed "Wa he rescued?" "No," was hla gloomy answer, "heav-- u serve hla purpose, and though aha pre- francs, as hla share of the profits, when contractor, having been r ported to Island that was said to be one The captain looked reproachfully at hoa not been pitiful, for I am furred served enough coolness not to place her- hi landed at Bra ill. muke as much as f UiOO.OUO in a vear. part coral and ten parts guano. Ther the speaker. 'Now that's an awful (o lire. Our lore la tha a port of tha self In his power by accepting hla Action Aa a proof that the alave trad waa Iorlng the Iloer War the rremler bad came up a stiff gale one night and the foolish question to ask," be said. rustics, aud to puulxh tha Insolent I hsve of Gaston dying In consign- his arms and repugnant to hia nature, be left th to Land over bis salary to pay hi In seas rolled In on us mountain high. "Didn't I tell yon that he was washed tiesrly killed two of tha scoundrels. Hut ing him to the cure of his son, she could th come slaver moment he poasessed a little tax. We had shortened sail as much as overboard 1,000 miles from anywhere what doe thla exile matter? You will not altogether shake him off. capital with which to enter some honest A Ixmdon we dared, considering the seas, we away from the of any sort erouipnny uie, aud ahara my ho in a iu On the other hand, she dared not con- btialnesa. Finally, after toll and strug- Jeweler recently bad a and and track (ha thermometer wilds." fess to her husband, who would never gle, h was worth a million In gold, bo- - stolen from his shop, and scudded along before the wind all of vessels In a sea that no boat could "I cannot leara my mother, Gaston." hnve confidence In her again, and she sides Immense tracts of land. the next day put up the fallow-I- no-- night We were driven clear out of have lived in? Why, bow could he be "Kiit If your mother knowa wa are refused the aympnthy of Madeleine. The Arranging to to his land, tlce In the space where our course. At noon the sun came out rescned? That fellow couldn't evea " return native the thermom- untried girl had divined that she was In distress, h waa taken ill and died, but left his eter once hung: "Will the misguided a little and our skipper took an ob- swim. Must have gone down ilk "You are poor, la and aha detrrmlied and pleaded hard to loam the cause. fortune and Instructions to his faithful individual who took the servation and made out that we were lead. I ahull marry a wealthy man, thermometer that die The plotter gave time for the poison ci.ukIo Menotil. The latter came to without leave In the exact middle of nowhere and "Xo, that Incident only goes to show may end her day a In luxury." to work; when the other day please he communicated with . An Iron mill was for sale near return 1,000 from any land. as danger- bit-lerl- the same. He has a mis- miles that sometimes It's about "She shall have It." hi Id Gnston. her again. It wna to ask her to rnll at Oloron, on th borders of the G;rn; he make take. can be no "Toward evening the wind dropped ous at sea as on a railroad." Chicago "nuike hrr wait three year, when his hotel. The poor woman, In the cnlla, bought It with the Intention of utilizing It of use to him lu nli the place enough so skipper thought Dally News. I nil return rich, or you will be free dared not stny away. Here another sur- the Immense qunntity of wood, which, to which he Is going, as it the It In wed for money. Meanwhile keep for prise awaited her. The mnriils wan tint for want of means of transportation, was only registers 125 degrees of beat" die these Jewels of my inother'a, which In tho rooms. He who received hef vns being wasted In tho mountains. The 1900 census 1 shows thnt white FAMOUS OF . Throughout his life he was an admirer Towed ahould ba worn by my beloved a cherubic youth, who announced him- He was soon settled comfortsbly In farmers operated 4.970.129 farms !n of prob- alone." self In a aweet voice, which wrung her his new home, and enjoying a busy, ac- the , and it Is thU country, with a total 798 008,- - Will Long Perpetaato tie Nam of tho She aeeepted the pledge, and watched henrt. aa ltaoul Valentino "Wilson." It tive life. One evening, as he wns rumi- of able that his will lhi acres, 1.- Late Sculptor Bartholdi. ler lover depart lu the doom. Three was her castaway son! nating over the past, a servant brought and valued at 1 19.091. IS - do as much to perpetuate his name a 889, Long his shall be indistin- day after he waa on ahip, bouud for This voice wa so like Gaston's that him a card, and said the gentleman was exclusive of products. Negroes afer dust any other, perhaps alL of his works. ViilpiirnlNo, happy that he had (milled she seemed ouce more to bu listening to waiting to see him. He read tha name operated 740,717 farms, Including JS,-- guishable from its mother earth the Justice, while ahe was In misery acute. the lover of ber almost forgotten jouth. on the card: Louis de Clameran, who acres, and valued at $49y.rvi3,- - name of Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, 8TOP DISORDER ON DIAMOND. Her aoou amry mother had beard the It seemed only yesterday that Gaston hailed him aa a friend of his brother. w-- Indians had 10 010 fnrmn r ih the famous French sculptor, who died of her aeeret marring". It waa tempered had pressed her to his faithful henrt; Oat-brea- k "We will have to do the best we can," at $38,239,478, Chinese 1,842' farms, in recently, shall be remembered Hootlnar at Umpire and Similar 1y but two cause for rejoicing In thla she saw hint still, saying, gently: he said, "and keep house for ourselves. Japanese and revered In this country. The colos a Menace to Gam. dirked woman's believed years, 070 and Hawaiian 489. Of heart; all that "In thrca Valentine! Wait for W will live together Ilk two old bach- sal Statue of Liberty on Bedlow's It requires no stretch of the Imagina- 2aMot! hud been drowned In the Hhone, me!" the entire number of farmers, 3,149,-5J- J elors, as we are. and be as happy as Island, , is the first object tion to predict that some time or an- and tha fear that thla waa true had car- Andre, her two sous, Madeleine all kings: owned their entire farm, and iiil,-61- 5 we will lead a gay life and enjoy to greet Incomer as he enter the other, somewhere and somehow, some- ried denth to hla father'a heart. were forgotten In this new-foun- d affec- everything that can be enjoyed." we) part owners. the Valentine could w chief portal of the new world, and as thing 1 going to happen to that Im- bare lulled death tion. She Imagined that Madeleine look- A few days after Menoul was taken The Kaiser Is taking great Interest liad Included her lu thla swoop, but for ed at her atrangely on her 111. the satue Is a commemoration of the portant American functionary, the bas return from II had a sort of vertigo and waa so In Hans, the wonderful thinking horsu one reason to preserve her. Hlie waa the Hotel du louvre. She must suspect dlzty 11 traditional good feeling existing be ball umpire, and if we do not misin- that he waa forced to down. that has been exploited by Professor oou to be the mother of Gaston's child. something, but she did not suspect the "I what is th matter," h said. tween France and the United States terpret the steady drift toward Th Fhe not Moeblns of the Berlin toological gar- hud revealed thla aeeret to him, truth. "I have often been 111 In this way at the age will be many before Its sig lence on the diamond the happening liut her mother divined lu dens. Hans counts up to one hundred, For several days she asked embarrass- Rio. A couple of hours' aleep will cur nificance 1 lost sight of. With that will be a trifle more serious than a 8h waa a woman for emergendea. has an eye for color, an mu- ing questions as to where her aunt went, roe. I will go to bed, and you can send ear for statue the name and fame of Bar profane bombardment of the eardrum, he escorted her daughter to England, aom m sic, and can spell simple words. and with whom ahe had beeu during one to awaken when dinner is If tholdi are Inseparable. more serious than any of the disgrace- 'where the child waa born, and left with these lonir absences from home. This ready, Ixiula; I shall be all right by that you ask him (In German, of course), hired to adopt It, Bartholdi was born In 1834 and was ful things yet noted in connection with, lierxona without, of disquietude and seeming curiosity chang- time." now many sevenths must be added to course, knowing what an aristocratic Intended for the legal profession. He this feature of the great American ed the affection which Mme. Fauvel had At the same time he ordered Manuel, to make a whole, he taps anion they were foNtering. hitherto felt for adopted daughter bis old Spanish who had chose sculpture Instead, and at an game. What happened in Jackson, her servant, lived twice with his fore hoof. Experts In The young mother, bereft of her eon Into positive dislike. with him for ten years, to prepare him early age entered upon what proved to Miss., to Umpire Harlow, when it be- and hla home education have taken his case In hand, of father, returned with She regretted having plnred over her- aome lemonade. . be his lifework. Ills first statue was came necessary for Mayor Heming- tier mother lu passive resignation. Hlie and declare that he shows real pow- self a vigilant spy from whom she could The next day Menoul appeared to be exhibited when he was 22 years old, way to visit him at his hotel and as- wrrowed for four years without reetlv not escape. She pondered what means much better. He ate his breakfast, and er of thought and not mere training. lug and thereafter the greater part of bis sure him of protection, and what hap- any Intelllgrnre of either. Then ahe oho' coiihl take to avoid the penetrating was about to take a walk, when the A rbyslclan Jen tells the Washington life was devoted to his chosen pursuit pened to Umpire Glfford at Monroe, rued Gnstou waa dead. Her mother wntclifiilnets of a girl who was accus- pnina of the previous day suddenly re- Tost It Is a widespread but erroneous La., rumiined a marble Image to her, hut she tomed to rend In her face every thought turned In a more violent during a game there, are but form. notion that the growth of Ivy ou the wiih nlive to her selfish lutereNta. She thnt crossed her mind. With unspeaka- Without consulting his cousin, Louis a.irmiiiii straws showing the drift of the wind. looking exterior walls of residences was nlwnya about her for the ble sntlsfnction she solved the difficulty sent to Olnron for a physlcinn whose creates a Baseball Is a great game. It has a rlHe poverty, damp inrniiN to from her in a way which she thought would wonderful cures had wou him a wide habitation. He Is satisfied u lit splendid recreative value. It sweep and nt this period it presented Itself. please all parties. She would have her reputation. The doctor declared thnt tle reflection will convince any oae of toe away 'They mnde the citizen from the dull cares, the acquaintance of married and thus removed from her there was no danger and merely pre- the fallucy of this proposition. The young bunker, Andre Fauvel. the sweat and grime of life's routine path and her son's. scribed a dose of valerian, and a blister Ivy, Instead of contributing to damp- The firnt time he met Valentin he and often tints the sunset of existence Clnmernn espoused her Iden, want- with some graina of morphine sprinkled ness, has by henuty, mid but rather an opposite Influence, with somewhat of the glow of yester- was struck her after ed to moilify It; It wna himself ou looking into her large, melancholy ryea thnt he it since It must extract moisture from day, though proposed for the girl's hand, undertak- (To b continued.! for we have slipped into lila admiration deepened Into lore a the brick or stone that it overruns. groove age ing to shelve Ilertomy, to whom she had the slim 5 of and may be dove so and passionate he The dampness of these Is earnest that been tncitly engnged, and he promised, THE FARM BOY what gives hurrying to a hole in the ground, we felt ha could never be happy with- to that as a substantial Inducement for the life the plant, so that the lnter.or of may yet be boys again, and thrill with out her. banker's wife to consent to change, Need Have No Regret for 111 Training the house Is rendered dryer than ii (Slit this the remembered passions and excite- Before being Introduced to her hla and Early be to transfer to Itnoul all the dower that Environment. would otherwise. ments of the schoolground. But base- Jieart hod surrendered Itself to her came with the bride. No boy need ever regret thut he wns He wna wealthy, a splendid ca- ball Is too often robbed of it poetic charm. This time the creature In hla talons born lu the country and reared on a Vacation on the reer wna open to him, aud he vowed that Farm. color and the fine exhilarating value presumed to rebel. II left her with farm. He He visited the dear old of Valentino should be hla. conlided all nay lack the keenness nnd farm, game by lie fear that his plana were not working Where In his boyhood days the Just suca disturbances aa Ills matrimonial plans to an old friend polish of hla city cousin. He may be smoothly aa before. Clameran had cause The weather never was too warra-- v noted at Jackson and Monroe. Um- of Mme. de lit Verberie, who luul no embarrassed by his own awkward- tmn nnnntfl for fear. Mme. Fanvel'a determination Or cold to win his d raise. m pires, like other men, are made out sootier breached them to the match-makin- g ness, aud feel that he Is at a hopeless was not feigned. She was Grin in her And now he didn't do a thing of clay. Being clay, they must err. than the alliauca wna ar- disadvantage In race, nuiiumu resolve to confess. the but the coun- liut mop, or fan and groan, Bias may now ranged. try boy and then dominate "Yes." she cried, with the hns a wider range of practical Or say, in Franco-Prussia- n Eighteen months her marriage enthusiasm accents blithering: During the war them and shape their Judgments. Con- after of a noble resolution; "yes, I will Ideas. From the very first hia little "This heat .Mine. Fuuvel presented her husband tell would melt a stone!" Bartholdi served with distinction and sciously wrong sometimes, uncon- Andre everything!" services are In demand. He becomes with'a son. Hut neither thla child, nor fought under Garibaldi. In the days sciously wrong de- She believed herself to be aloue, but once a He longed when in the at others, in the a second son horn a year after, could at part of the force that Is mak- city pent of the Commune he visited the United turned nround suddenly lit the sound To driuk from old cision they make, they are no better make her forget the first one of nil, the ing for home comfort and prosperity, the well; to pursue of footsteps, and found herself face to Tin dipper In his States, being unable his and no worse than .the common run of jioor, forsaken bnlie who luul i.een nnd feels the Independence of one who hand, he went fnce with Madeleine, who wns palo nnd They heard a dismal yell! studio work In Paris. The magnificent partisans, whether they are of the dia- thrown upon strangers, mcreennries. swell-eye- Is helping to aupport himself add d from weeping. nnd The windlass position presented by New York har- not. vho valued the money, but not the child that he loved to turn mond or The presumption of hon- - "You must obey this mnn," she quiet- to the general store. The farm boy is Had hit him bor for a statue of colossal dimensions for whom it wan paid. such a crack, esty should run In every man's behalf, ly said. "I despise M. de Clnmernn, and likely to regnrd his life as one of He saw a a body dis- Louis do Clnmernn wna now Marquis million planets burn struck him, and when of whether he be baseball umpire or slmll always regnrd him as the basest drtidgery, and such It mny be, If he In the old well, soci- Clnincriin; he wns free, nud compar- alack! tinguished Frenchmen formed a what not, until there is good proof to of of men; nevertheless, I will marry him. loses Interest In his surroundings is atively rich. He who had never had or ety to carry out the project his design the contrary. I will not suffer dishonor to foil upon pressed The water had a bracki taste; twcnly-liv- e in hla pocket nt once with a continual rouud of duty. was approved. In fire years France sub- this house, which Is my home, while I 'Twas not the fluid cold In any aspect of the case the dis- now found himself the possessor of two There Is something heroic In the coun- scribed the $250,000 necessary for that have power to precvent it. Am I not He used to drink with fev'rish haste orders which now so often mark the liundrcd thousand francs. try boy's struggle with the elements. purpose. spent on statue indebted to you for more than life? In the dear days of old. Bartholdi the progress of ball games cannot do oth- This sudden, unexpected fortune ao Rain, snow and sleet only What would I now be had you not tnkeu braco his lie heard the frogs In croaking nearly ten years. Levi P. Morton, completely turned hla head that lie felt greet er than Injure the sport Aside from pity on me? A factory girl In my na- courage. The garnering of the crops, Their friend of other years then United States minister to France, fettered In the country, and hastened, the strictly baseball interest of the tive villnge. You warmly welcomed the the housing and feeding of the domes- And wonders why their received gift , 1884; it was after disposing of nearly everything, to music sweet the question, there Is an Issue of greater poor orphan, nud became a mother to tic animals, the gathering and prepara- To him so changed appears. brought over on a ship of state,, erect- Paris. lie plunged into the sea of dis- significance and of deeper public con- her. Is it not to your husband that I tion of the winter fuel give a purpose on sipation until the day enmo when he ed Bedloe's Island and dedicated cern. 1 owe tho fortune which excites the cu- He didn't find night Baseball a passion with the dragged himself out on tho shore, penni- and zest to his toll. Then there is the the treat at with imposing ceremonies October 28, pidity of this wicked Clameran? Are Of a mosquito smudge, young American. No other form of less, nud glad to live quietly, while med- long tramp, sometimes of miles, to the 1886, President Cleveland making the not Abel and Luclen brothers to ine? A Jolly climax of delight. amusement, no other kind of contest itating any means to regain wealth. district school, lessons learned before speech acceptance and And now, when the happiness of all who If he was any judge. of Bartholdi will so stir the blood of the American Forced to quit his country, he was eigh- loving and after long hours of labor. Is It statue. have been nad generous to me is And, tossing on a feather bed, himself unveiling the For this boy. No other game ha ever teen years abrond, living from hand to you I any devel- been at stake, do suppose would hesi- wonder there are keen wits That like a blister work Bartholdi made deep study , of mouth for the most of the time, when stuck, able to take Its place in his affections. tate? No. I will become the wife of oping all outside of graded systems He wildly rolled his troubled head colossal figures in , Greece and n gaming resort he broke the bunk He generally sees the game, staking ct Clnmernn." and In defiance of pedagogical order? And blamed his measly luck. eastern lands. The statue Is the largest jind thought that he might see his home Then begnn a struggle of all his youthful enthusiasm on one once more, where perhaps the evil It Is the Intensity of purpose with figure in the world, being 151 he between Mme. Fauvel and her ulcco as But now he's home, as Moses side or the other, though frequently had not lived hla which the mind acts under the Influ- meek, feet from the pedestal to the extremity lind done after depart- to which should be tho victim, only the His skin a solid tan; put to the stress of pouring his soul ure. He had been twenty-fiv- e yenrs ab- ence of vigorous health and the con- of the torch, the figure being 111 feet mom sublime, becnuso each offered her Great freckles on his robust cheek, through a knothole In the fence. But sent, but tho ojd tenants remembered life to other, scious value of time that accounts for high and the torch being 806 feet the not from any sudden He's quite a different man. no matter how, he sees the game and liitn, and warmly gave their welcome. Impulse, but deliberately and willingly. these results. So from the farm Is be- above the tide level. The burrs are sticking to his heels, its excitements and passions find lodg- He, the adventurer, the bully, the base world-worker- Hut Madeleine curded tho day, fired as ing supplied a stream of active The truth he does not flinch, masterpiece of Accomplice of London swindlers, delight- The his creation, ment In his nature. If for no other she was by that holy enthusiasm of sac- men not afraid to do their But says the farm to him appeals In ninrks of respect however, Is The Lion of To reason, game should ed these and rifice which is the sustaining element of bubbling over energy As a vacation cinch. the be kept clean bestowed upon him as repre- - duty, and with commemorate the defense of that place tlon, the martyrs. Chicago Record-Heral- and on the square for the good it may and ambition. Touch the country berd Franco-Prussia- n sentative of the house of Clamerau; It "Have courage; we two can fight the during the war he do to the American boy. Assault on boy, now the merchant prince or the seemed to make him ouce more feel a lit- world and eileucj our enemies. : You Queen' Name in Pnblio Places. sculptured the immense lion, a figure umpires, the profanity, the grumbling t, as If the successful professional man, and how tle future were not shall bo saved, aunt; only trust In me." Many English aueens have chosen 80 feet long and 30 feet high, partly and other violences in word uttrly hopeless. to sugges- and deed The Marquis of Clameran was agree- responsive he becomes every trees In cut In the rock and partly built up One of the was eager to buy Windsor forest whereon can do the young American no good fanners ably surprised that evening by receiving tion of moral life! The same cannot names, with stone, which, stands against tLe piece of land which he had rented so their with the dates of thtir and should not be countenanced. Base- a a letter from Mme. Fauvel, saying that be said of boys reared In the midst of face of the citadel's plateau. As a tes- long that he almost felt that It was his the choice, have been commemorated by ball managers should put a stop to all consented to everything, but must other surroundings. It Is the contact timonial of gratitude to for own; Louis disposed of It for ready have a little time to carry out plan. means of brass plate. In different this disorder and vulgar byplay on the with nature that makes, the Indelible service In the money, and, already tired of rusticity, A line from Madeleine, the narts of the forest, with seats around their sympathy and that diamond. San Francisco Call. at bottom of lmpremlon upon his life. No greater Lurried again to the gay city. the letter assured him that she fully con- them, are bearing the names of war the statue of Lafayette, In Union come to country Besides, he had learned the secret of curred with her aunt. gain can the at large Queen Ellzabetn, Queen Caroline, Square, wqs given to New York. It Travel in Japan. comes from Valentine; he knew of the offspring, of Poor girl, she did not spare herself. than that which the pro Queen Charlotfe and Queen Victoria. came from Bartholdl's chisel, a also The railway traveler In Japan buy girl his brother and the who was now The next day she. took Prosper aside, motion of the love and appreciation of subsequently did one of the publlo a first, second or third class ticket; the wife of one of the most opulent of and forced from him the fatal promise rural life. Health, .happiness, purity, Any Old luy. fountains of Washington and the four to go bankers. Louis meant to levy or, If he wishes cheaper still, h Parisian to shun her In the future, and to take to be married iu springtime," bas-relie- and peace are the natural inheritance "I want fs around the steeple of the tlackmail on her to increase his store. the responsibility can get a ticket entitling him simply upon himself of break- of those who dwell surrounded by She said, In her youthful days; Brattle Square Church, Boston, lu ing their engagement "Or else in the golden summers to stand on the platform! Many of the fresh air, beautiful scenes, bright skies named the faces of his CHAPTER XX. For winter I have no praise. the last friend cars can be entered either from the pure social Influences. Agricul- well-know- n Time had dulled the remorse and anx- CHAPTER XXI. and Or, perhaps, a little later, and public men are repro- side or the end. iety of Valentine. In the genial atmos- After leaving Valentine de la Ver-ber-le tural Epitomlst In the mellowing days of fall!" duced. phere of a happy home she had found Gaston underwent great peril and But now; she'd be glad to get Tue sculptures by Bartholdi are nu- After all, there Isn't a much worse the some marrie-d- reBt, and almost forgetfulness, She had difficulty In effecting his escape. But But for frames pictures Well, "any old time at all." merous. In 1865 he was decorated by sensation than discovering that a con- in ' suffered so much at being compelled to for his experienced and faithful cousin wouldn't be It Philadelphia Bulletin, the cross of the Legion of Honor. temporary looks suddenly old.