Examples of Gold Standard Workforce Development Partnerships October 2018 Prepared under contract PY17-BGCC-X-351-VAR for Workforce Snohomish BGCC Business Government Community Connections Annie Laurie Armstrong 22 West Armour Street, Seattle, WA 98119 (206) 619-0808
[email protected] https://bgccseattle.workpress.com/ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Study Methods 4 3. Assumptions Driving the Work of Gold Standard 5 Workforce Development Partnerships 4. Gold Standard Worksite Development Partnership Descriptions 8 5. Observations 23 6. Next Steps 24 Attachment 1 - Summary of Gold Standard Workforce Development Partnership Characteristics Attachment 2 - Key Contacts 24 i | P a g e Examples of Gold Standard Workforce Development Partnerships 1. Introduction Workforce Snohomish, a local workforce development board (WDB) located in Everett, Washington, is getting ready to launch a renewed focus on Snohomish County’s ambitious Blueprint Strategic Planning and Implementation process. Workforce Snohomish was a founding member in Snohomish County’s pioneering efforts to design services that address the needs of local targeted industry sectors through the Snohomish County Blueprint Partnership. The Partnership, formed in 2003 and active through 2015, was comprised of representatives from Snohomish County Government; the local economic development council; the local workforce development council; every public K-20 educational institution operating in Snohomish County as well as a private industry educational organization; and an aerospace industry association. The initial charge of the Partnership was threefold: 1. Lay the groundwork for the development of plans and programs supporting targeted sectors through the efficient and cost-effecting use of federal, state, and local resources; 2. Make the case that Snohomish County is a region for the development of the sectors; and 3.