Classical Images – Greek Ursa Maior
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Classical images – Greek Ursa maior Boston, MFA Boston, MFA Hemidrachm of Mantineia with she-bear Fragment of a red-figure krater with head of Callisto (note ears) (minted in Arcadia, Peloponneosos) Apulian (attr. to the Black Fury Painter), 390-330 BC late Archaic (500-480 BC) Acc. no 13.206 Acc no 04.907 1 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Los Angeles, Getty Museum Boston, MFA London, British Museum Marble statue of a bear bronze statue of a bear (9 mm / 3” tall) Bronze figure of a bear or hound Roman, c. 100-200 AD late Hellenistic (possibly Egypt), 1st C BC Roman, 1-3rd C AD acc. no 67.627 Acc no 1873.0820.7 2 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Miletus, Greek Theatre, the stage building Relief depicting Eros hunting c. 250-225 BC credit: Flickr (Carole Raddato) 3 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior London, British Museum London, British Museum London, British Museum Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Mould-made pottery lamp Mould-made pottery lamp with Mould-made pottery lamp with Museum with running bear standing bear standing bear Two-handled jar with relief of Found in Pozzuoli, 40-80 AD Roman, made in Cnidos, 2 C AD Roman, made by Augendus, a bear Acc no 1856,1226.498 Acc no 1859,1226.117 c. 175-225 from Djerba, 3rd C AD Acc no1756,0101.632 Inv. 12.375 4 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior North African redware Boston, MFA Boston, MFA Boston, MFA Fragment of mould for a bowl with Fragment of mould for a bowl with Red slipware bowl of Orpheus and the animals youth attacking a bear youth attacking a bear Late Roman (probl. Tunisia) from Arezzo from Arezzo Acc no 1981.658 Acc no 13.147 Acc no 98.851 5 Classical images – Roman (Callisto) Ursa maior Los Angeles County Museum of Art / The Getty Villa Callisto and Diana with bear hunt in border From the Villa Laure 6 Gallo-Roman, 3rd C AD Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Vatican Museums From the Temple of Diana on the Aretine Hill, 1st C AD Damnatio ad bestias (source?) Libya, Villa Selene Credit: Wikimedia Detail from decorative border 7 2nd C AD Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Tunis, Bardo Museum 8 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Los Angeles, Getty Museum Fragments of floor mosaic found between Bacoli and Pozzuoli, Italy 4th c AD 9 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Paris, Musée du Louvre Fribourg, Switzerland Beast hunt in an amphithatre from the Villa at Vallon, ea 3rd C AD Cf Ling, pp. 16-18 10 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Leptis Magna, Amphitheatre The execution of Garamantes wall mosaic from the Villa Dar Buc Ammera, c. 70 AD 11 Classical images – Roman Ursa maior Cf. K. Dunbabin, Mosaic of the Ancient World, 1999. 12 Classical images – Roman (Orpheus with beasts) Ursa maior Los Angeles, Getty Museum form. Dallas Museum of Art( Palermo, Museo regionale Antonia Salinas Orpheus with animals and 4 seasons returned to Turkey in 2012) Orpheus and the animals Gallo-Roman (Saint-Romain-en-Gal ) Orpheus with animals from Building A, Piazza della Vittoria, c. 200-300 AD c. 150-200 AD credit: Wikimedia (Marie-Lan Nguyen) Cyprus, Paphos, House of Dionysus Bristol Museum of Art (? - displayed there in 2013) credit: Floor mosaic from Roman Villa in Newton St Loe, /2005 (Rui Reino Bapista) 13 late 3rd-ea 4th C AD Classical images – Roman (Orpheus with beasts) Ursa maior Libya, Tripoli Archaeological Museum from Leptis Magna, Orpheus Mosaic Villa 14 Classical images – Early Christian Ursa maior Boston, MFA Bronze container (ampulla) in the form of a bear Late Imperial/ late antque (c. 4th / 5th C AD) Acc no 62.1203 15 Classical images – late Roman/ ea. Christian Ursa maior London, British Museum Papyrus fragment with bear Egyptian (?), 3-4th C AD cf. Age of Spirituality, cat 86. 16 Classical images – Byzantine Ursa maior Boston, MFA Libya, Qasr Museum Silver ring engraved with a bear (and a lion on the reverse) mosiacs from Olbia (?), 5th C AD Early Byzantine, 6-7th C AD Acc noo 2005. 291 17 Classical globes Ursa maior missing from globe Naples, Farnese Atlas Paris, Kugel Globe Mainz globe (drawing © Kunzl) 18 n.b. – facing tip of Draco’s tail, long tail n.b. – facing tip of Draco’s tail, short tail Germanicus mss Ursa maior I. = z stemma Leiden, Univbibl Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibl. Mun. Bern, Burgerbibl, Voss lat 4° 79 Ms 188 Ms 88 n.b. – inside last curl of Draco, short tail, same n.b. – same facing outwards vs. planisphere vs. planisphere same position, but facing inwards same position, but facing inwards 19 Germanicus mss Ursa maior II and III. = O stemma (O1 or ν ) II. III. Basle, OBU Aberystwyth, NLW vs. planisphere Ms AN.IV . 18 Ms 735 C n.b. – larger n.b. – same size, stars show that larger bear at head of Draco vs. planisphere vs. schema vs. hemisphere 20 similar to planisphere Germanicus mss Ursa maior IV. = O stemma (O2 or μ ) Va. = O stemma (O2 or μ = Siciliensis) Cologny, Bib Bodmer NY, Pierpont Morgan Libr Cod lat 7 Ms M 389 n.b. – slightly smaller same Vb. Madrid, Bib nac Vatican, BAV Ms 19 (16) Barb lat 76 21 n.b. – same size, stars show larger bear at head of Draco n.b. -- same Germanicus mss = ‘Siciliensis’ Ursa maior VI. London BL Egerton 1050 n.b. – smaller (!) VII. = fragmentum ... repertum in Sicilia ? ? London BL Naples, Bib naz Add 15819 XIV D 37 22 n.b. – same size Germanicus mss ( = ‘Siciliensis’) Ursa maior VIIIa. Madrid Bib Nac Vatican, BAV Vienna, Schottenstift Ms 8282 Barb lat 77 Ms 51 n.b. – slightly smaller VIIIb. VIIIc. IX. Vatican,BAV Florence, Bibl Laurenziana Montpellier Urb lat 1358 Plut 89 sup 43 Ms H 452 23 n.b. – pig-like Ps-Eratosthenes Ursa maior Hemispheres – smaller bear (!) near tail Vatican BAV, Vat grec 1087 planisphere – larger n.b. – larger, short tail 24 Cicero Ursa maior missing from manuscript missing from manuscript London, BL London, BL London, BL Harley 647 Harley 647 – planisphere larger Harley 2506 missing from manuscript missing from manuscript missing from manuscript London, BL London, BL Gottweig, Cotton ms Tib B.V., pars 1 Cotton Ms Tib C. 1 Stiftsbibl Ms 7 25 Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior I. Dresden, Landesbibl. Ms D C 183 – Paris BN n.b. – slightly larger standing to left Lat 12957 n.b. – similar running to left, shaggy Dresden -- hemispheres globe on stand Paris – hemispheres globe on stand n.b. – UMa missing = UMa or UMi ? UMa beneath feet of Cepheus 2 animals = UMi and Uma ? 26 Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior I. Prague, Univbibl Ms IX. C. 6 (1717) n.b. – head in profile, bears different standing to left, claws missing from ms? Prague – hemispheres 27 Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior Ia. St Gallen, Stiftsbibl Hemispheres globe on stand Ms 902 UMa under feet of Cepheus 2 animals = n.b. – same size, tongues out standing to left, tongue out, claws UMa and UMi? St Gallen, Stiftsbibl hemispheres globe on stand Ms 250 UMa under feet of Cepheus 2 animals = 28 same size standing to left UMa and UMi? Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior Ib. missing in manuscript Gottweig, Stiftsbibl. on hemisphere globe on stand Ms 7 (146) rabbit = one of bears? n.b. – larger standing to left, tongue out, claws missing in manuscript missing in manuscript missing in manuscript Siena, Bib com on hemisphere Ms L. IV. 25 29 Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior I. (distant relative) image missing from manuscript image missing from manuscript Paris BN Munich, Staatsbibl. n.a. 1614 Clm 560 n.b. – snake with dragon’s head standing to right, claws image missing from manuscript hemispheres Hemispheres 30 n.b. – UMa as scorpion under feet of Cepheus? Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior I. (distant relative) Vatican, BAV Reg lat 1324 n.b. – bear on tail slightly smaller Hemispheres globe on stand UMi near Draco’s head animal near Auriga as horse 31 Revised Aratus Latinus Ursa maior II. missing from manuscript missing from manuscript Cologne, Dombibliothek hemisphere globe on stand walking to left Ms 83.11 32 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior I. Oxford, Bodleian Padua, Bibl Antoniona Laud misc 644 Ms Anton 27 n.b. – stand to left same Venice, Bibl Marciana Draco inter arctos as part of zodiac rota Paris BN Ms VIII, 22 lat. 14754 n.b. – walks to left same 33 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior Ia. Dijon Draco inter arctos as part of zodiac rota Bib mun, Ms 488 n.b. – same size stands to left 34 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior IIa. Paris, BN Paris, BN Lat 5543 Lat 5239 n.b. – short tail, claws similar ‘Felix arcturus maior’ 35 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior IIb. Klosterneuburg, Vatican, BAV Zwettl, Stiftskirche Stiftskirche, Ms 685 Vat lat 643 Ms 296 n.b. – shorter tail, tongue out, back ridge closer to Klosterneuberg 36 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior III. Laon Rouen, Bib mun, Ms 422 Bibl mun, 26 n.b. – standing to right, claws similar, but with tongue out 37 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior Singletons missing from manuscript missing from manuscript Amiens Durham, Cathedral Libr Bibl mun, Ms 222 Hunter 100 38 ps-Bede, De signis caeli Ursa maior Singletons Montecassino, Freiburg-im-Bresgau Badia, Ms 3 Ms 35 n.b. – stand to left n.b. – walks to left, shaggy 39 De ordine ac positione Ursa maior Ia. Berlin, Staatsbibl, Berlin planisphere Ms lat 130 (Phill 1832) n.b.– stands to right, back ridge Monza, Bib capit Madrid, Bib Nac Ms F.