Anomie and Violence

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Anomie and Violence Anomie and Violence John Braithwaite, Valerie Braithwaite, Michael Cookson and Leah Dunn Anomie and Violence Non-truth and reconciliation in Indonesian peacebuilding John Braithwaite, Valerie Braithwaite, Michael Cookson and Leah Dunn THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY E PRESS E PRESS Published by ANU E Press The Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200, Australia Email: This title is also available online at: National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Title: Anomie and violence [electronic resource] : non-truth and reconciliation in Indonesian peacebuilding / John Braithwaite … [et al.] ISBN: 9781921666223 (pbk.) 9781921666230 (pdf) Notes: Bibliography. Subjects: Conflict management--Indonesia. Peace-building--Indonesia. Social conflict--Indonesia. Political violence--Indonesia. Indonesia--Politics and government--1998- Indonesia--Social conditions--1998- Other Authors/Contributors: Braithwaite, John. Dewey Number: 320.9598 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Cover design and layout by ANU E Press Cover image: with thanks to Dr John Maxwell Printed by Griffin Press This edition © 2010 ANU E Press Contents Acknowledgments . vii Advisory Panel for Indonesian cases of Peacebuilding Compared . ix Glossary . xi Map of Indonesian conflict provinces . xv 1 . Healing a fractured transition to democracy . 1 2 . Papua . 49 John Braithwaite, Michael Cookson, Valerie Braithwaite and Leah Dunn 3 . Maluku and North Maluku . 147 John Braithwaite with Leah Dunn 4 . Central Sulawesi . 243 5 . West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan . 291 6 . Aceh . 343 7 . First steps towards a theory of peacebuilding . 429 Bibliography . 437 Subject Index . 481 Author Index . 491 v Acknowledgments An Australian Research Council (ARC) Federation Fellowship at The Australian National University supported John Braithwaite to plan and read for the Peacebuilding Compared project. ARC Discovery grants then funded its execution. The Grawemeyer Prize for Ideas for Improving World Order and the Stockholm Prize in Criminology also supported the research. Personal thanks to Jerry Lee—not only as principal benefactor of the Stockholm Prize, but for his financial support for our work at the Centre for Restorative Justice at The Australian National University over 15 years. Hilary Charlesworth has proved an inspiring colleague. Though she did not participate in this Indonesian research, Hilary joins us in the wider Peacebuilding Compared project. Leah Dunn provided wise leadership of diverse kinds in managing the data collection. Kate Macfarlane took Leah’s place as manager of the project as the Indonesian volume was being completed. We also acknowledge Kate’s careful research and data-management contributions to finishing it, as we do those of Celeste Ecuyer, Charlie Beauchamp-Wood and Nick Kitchin. We are also indebted to many wonderful colleagues in the College of Asia and the Pacific of The Australian National University who passed on helpful advice and comments in the corridors and in seminars based on their deep knowledge of Indonesia. Particular thanks to Valerie Braithwaite, who has influenced all chapters, though she is responsible as a co-author only for Chapter 2, with Michael Cookson (who has also been a font of wisdom and longstanding knowledge of Indonesia). Thanks to our ANU E Press editor, Margaret Thornton, and managers, Lorena Kanellopoulos and Duncan Beard, for sage advice and to Jan Borrie for careful copyediting. Their wonderful publishing model means this book is available free on the Internet, yet is also available at a modest price as a handsome hard copy. This is a special virtue for research of which the important readers are in developing countries. We are also grateful for the suggestions made by the anonymous referees who assisted them; these resulted in considerable rewriting that improved the manuscript. Our biggest debt is to the Indonesians, but also to folk in The Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Papua New Guinea and many other countries who were interviewed for the research between 2006 and 2009. Some gave a lot of their time and candour—in some cases, on multiple occasions. A few, particularly in Papua, took some risks in being seen talking to us. We cannot acknowledge them by name in accordance with our approval by the ANU Ethics Committee. Some who acted as interpreters and helped in other important ways also asked not to be named. Most of these people, however, agreed to become members of vii Anomie and Violence our advisory panel for one or more of the Indonesian conflicts. Most advisory panel members assisted with suggesting contacts to interview and publications to read and commented on drafts as well as providing other forms of invaluable advice. Many were extraordinarily generous with their time. Of course they bear no responsibility for the interpretative and factual errors that remain in the final text. We are grateful to the wider community of scholars of Indonesia whose work has shaped every chapter. It is invidious to single out two, but Jacques Bertrand’s Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia (2004) and Gerry van Klinken’s Communal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia: Small town wars (2007) have influenced the development of the theoretical framework of anomie and Mertonian opportunity theory that infuses every chapter, alongside the themes of non-truth, reconciliation and ‘gotong royong’. This is not to suggest that either of them would necessarily find this theoretical framing attractive. All readers are invited to post comments and suggestions on the future direction of the project at John Braithwaite The Australian National University viii Advisory Panel for Indonesian cases of Peacebuilding Compared Bakhtiar Abdullah, Olaf Palme Center Mustafa Arahman, Center for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies, State Institute of Islamic Studies, Banda Aceh Dr Edward Aspinall, The Australian National University Alex Ibnu Afdhal, Borneoaccess, Pontianak, West Kalimantan Dr Chris Ballard, The Australian National University Father Frank Brennan SJ, Australian Catholic University Professor Harold Crouch, The Australian National University Dr Jamie Davidson, National University of Singapore Dr Chris Duncan, Arizona State University Petrus Farneubun, FOKER and University of Science and Technology, Jayapura Professor James J. Fox, The Australian National University Reverend Dr Benny Giay, Walter Pos Theological College, Sentani Keith Hargreaves, United Nations Development Program, Jakarta Brother Budi Hernawan OFM, Office for Justice and Peace, Diocese of Jayapura Sidney Jones, International Crisis Group Professor Peter King, University of Sydney Professor Damien Kingsbury, Deakin University Dr John Maxwell, The Australian National University Professor Adrianus Meliala, University of Indonesia, Jakarta Dr John Ondawame, West Papua National Council for Liberation Adérito Soares, The Australian National University Dr Rizal Sukma, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta ix Anomie and Violence Dr Gerry van Klinken, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies Theo van den Broek, Progressio, Dili Dr Chris Wilson, The World Bank, Indonesia x Glossary Abangan Javanese Muslims who follow adat as well as Islamic practices adat customary or indigenous AJI Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (Alliance of Independent Journalists) ALDP Alliance for Democracy in Papua AMM Aceh Monitoring Mission ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations BIN Badan Intelijen Negara (Indonesian National Intelligence Agency) BRA Badan Reintegrasi Aceh (Aceh Reintegration Agency) Brimob Brigade Mobil (Police Mobile Brigade) bupati regent or district head CIA Central Intelligence Agency (United States) COSA Commission for Security Arrangements (Aceh) Dewan Adat Papua Papuan Customary Council DPRD Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Provincial Legislative Assembly) DPRP Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Papua (Papua Provincial Legislative Assembly) Elsham Lembaga Studi, Advokasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Institute for Human Rights Study and Advocacy) (Jayapura) EU European Union FKM Front Kedaulatan Maluku(Maluku Sovereignty Front) FKPM Forum Komunikasi Pemuda Melayu (Communication Forum for Malay Youth) (West Kalimantan) FKUB Forum Komunikasi Umat Beragama (Communication Forum for Religious Harmony) FOKER LSM Papua Forum Kerjasama LSM Papua (Networking forum for Papuan NGOs) Forkum Communications Forum (Central Sulawesi) GAM Gerakan Aceh Merdekam (Free Aceh Movement) gotong royong A core tenet of Indonesian philosophy meaning mutual aid or ‘joint bearing of burdens’ (Geertz 1983b) or ‘reconciliation through working on shared projects’ GPK Gerakan Pengacau Keamanan (Gang of Security Disruptors) GPST Gerakan Pemuda Sulawesi Tengah (Youth Movement of Central Sulawesi) hibua lamo A cultural tradition of binding Christian and Muslim villages together in pacts of peace and mutual help in North Maluku ICG International Crisis Group ICMI Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals’ Association) IMF International Monetary Fund IOM International Organisation for Migration xi Anomie and Violence JI Jemaah Islamiyah kabupaten district-level governments KDP Kecamatan Development Program
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