A S Y M B O L O F P R O G R E S S I V E R a I L R O a D I N G a S Y M B O L O F P
A Symbol of Progressive Railroading A Symbol of Progressive Railroading EASTERN STANDARD TIME EASTERN STANDARD TIME All stations are in Maine Index to Stations showing table numbers unless otherwise designated Amherst, NS 19 Charlotte • 9 T airfield • 1, 2 Ke-enneb'xz i 27, 28 ew Haven. Ct 27 Quebec Jet., NH • 12 Tunk Lake • 9 Ashland 15 Cherryfield 9 Fairfield, Vt 12 ew London. Ct 27 Twin Mt., Nil • 12 Auburn 2, 5 City Point 16 Farmington 5. 6, 27 ewport. Vt 12 Augusta 1. 15, 19, 27 Clinton 1, 2 Forest 10 ewport Jet. 1. 2, 15 Ayer, Mass 27 Coaticook, PQ 18 Fort Kent 15 ew York. NY 27 Ayera Jet, 9 Columbia Falls 9 Franklin 9 obleboro • 4 Raangelc y 5, 6 Concord. Vt • 12 Fredericton. NB 19 orth Belgrade • 2 Ueadfield © 2, 27 uJ. nionville • 9 Conway Ctr., Fredericton Jet.. NB 19 Lamber: Like O 10 orth Berwick 28 Unity 16 o. Concord. Vt • 12 Redstone, NH O 12 NH • 12 Freeport 1. 4 Lanca^'Tr NH 12 Richmond 1 Cornish 12 Fryeburg 12 Lawren-e. Mass 27, 28 o. Conway. NH Z 12 orthern Me. Richmond, PQ 18 Costigan • 10 Leed? ' e-'-rr _ 5 Rockland 4, 7, 27 Crawford Notch, Leeds in 2, o ct. 1. 2. 15 Rumford # 5 NH© 12 Lennos-r_* PQ 18 orth Haven 7 ••altimore, Md 27 Lewist«2-5. 19, 27 orth Jay • 5 Bancroft • 10 Cumberland Ctr. • 1, Van Buren 15 Lincoln 10. 19 orth Leeds • 5 Vanceboro 8. 10, 19 Bangor 1. 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 2.
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