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Mise En Page 1 BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2011, N° 309 (3) 51 PLANTATION EN LIGNE Enriched secondary subtropical forest through line-planting for sustainable timber production Mark Nelson1, 2 Sally Silverstone3 in Puerto Rico Kelly Chinners Reiss4 Thrity Vakil1, 2 Molly Robertson1 1 Tropic Ventures Education and Research Foundation Puerto Rico 2 Institute of Ecotechnics Santa Fe New Mexico United States of America 3 Biosphere Foundation Los Angeles California United States of America 4 Center for Environmental Policy Environmental Engineering Sciences University of Florida 1 Bluebird Ct., Santa Fe, NM 87508 New Mexico United States of America Photograph 1. Mahoe products made from trees grown and milled at Las Casas de la Selva, Patillas, Puerto Rico from trees thinned after 15-20 years growth. Photograph T. Vakil. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2011, N° 309 (3) 52 LINE-PLANTING M. Nelson, S. Silverstone, K. C. Reiss, T. Vakil, M. Robertson RÉSUMÉ ABSTRACT RESUMEN ENRICHISSEMENT DES FORÊTS ENRICHED SECONDARY SUBTROPICAL ENRIQUECIMIENTO DE BOSQUES SECONDAIRES SUBTROPICALES PAR DES FOREST THROUGH LINE-PLANTING FOR SECUNDARIOS SUBTROPICALES PLANTATIONS LINÉAIRES PERMETTANT SUSTAINABLE TIMBER PRODUCTION IN MEDIANTE PLANTACIONES LINEALES UNE PRODUCTION FORESTIÈRE DURABLE PUERTO RICO QUE PERMITEN UNA PRODUCCIÓN À PUERTO RICO FORESTAL SOTENIBLE EN PUERTO RICO Entre 1984 et 1990, des plantations Between 1984 and 1990 line planting of Entre 1984 y 1990, se establecieron plan- linéaires de diverses essences nobles a variety of valuable native and intro- taciones lineales de diferentes especies autochtones ou introduites, dont l’acajou, duced broadleaf timber trees, including nobles, autóctonas o introducidas, como Swietenia macrophylla, ou le mahot bois- mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla, and la caoba, Swietenia macrophylla, o majó bleu, Talipariti elatum, ont été installées blue mahoe, Talipariti elatum, was carried o majagua, Talipariti elatum, en un cente- sur une centaine d’hectares dans une zone out on one hundred hectares within a wet nar de hectáreas de una zona de bosque de forêt tropicale humide au Sud-Est du tropical secondary forest area of south- tropical húmedo al sudeste de Puerto Puerto Rico. Compte tenu de l’accroisse- eastern Puerto Rico. Basal area (BA) Rico. Habida cuenta del incremento anual ment annuel de la surface terrière (Ba) des annual increment for mahogany indicates del área basal (BA) de los mejores tallos meilleures tiges d’acajou (25 %), une for the best 25% of the mahogany trees it de caoba (25%), serían necesarios durée de 176 ans serait nécessaire après la will take an estimated 176 years from 176 años después de la siembra para plantation pour obtenir une surface terrière planting to achieve a mean stand BA of lograr un área basal promedio por árbol moyenne par arbre de 0,20 m², ce qui cor- 0.20 m²/tree, which correlates to a mean de 0,20 m², correspondiente a un diáme- respond à un diamètre à hauteur de poi- tree diameter at breast height (DBH) of tro a la altura del pecho (DBH) de 50 cm trine (Dbh) de 50 cm en moyenne. Pour le 50 cm. By contrast, mahoe had a BA de promedio. En cuanto a majagua, el mahot bois-bleu, l’accroissement de la increment over three times that of incremento del área basal es tres veces surface terrière s’avère trois fois plus mahogany. In 57 years the mahoe trees más rápido que en la caoba, lo que pro- rapide que pour l’acajou, ce qui donnerait will reach a mean stand BA of porcionaría un área basal promedio de une surface terrière moyenne de 0,20 m² 0.20 m²/tree. The upper quartile of 0,20 m² en 57 años. Actualmente, en el en 57 ans. Actuellement, pour le quartile mahoe trees currently have a mean BA cuartil superior de majagua, ésta supera supérieur des mahot bois-bleu, celle-ci greater than 0.10 m²/tree and can already 0,10 m² por unidad, haciendo ya posible dépasse 0,10 m² par individu, ce qui per- be selectively harvested. In trials with una cosecha selectiva. Los ensayos en met désormais une récolte sélective. Les native species, Coccoloba pubescen, especies autóctonas (Coccoloba pubes- essais sur des essences autochtones Calophyllum brasiliense, and Cedrela cens, Calophyllum brasiliense y Cedrela (Coccoloba pubescens, Calophyllum brasi- odorata had the greatest percent increase odorata) arrojaron los mejores resultados liense et Cedrela odorata) ont donné les in height with favorable survival rates, but en términos de porcentaje de incremento meilleurs résultats en termes de pourcen- longer term studies are needed. Line en altura con una buena tasa de sobrevi- tage d’accroissement en hauteur avec un planting within secondary forests such as vencia, pero es necesario realizar estu- bon taux de survie ; mais des études à plus those at Las Casas can increase the value dios a más largo plazo para confirmarlo. long terme sont nécessaires pour les of secondary forests, providing both sus- Las plantaciones lineales en zonas fores- confirmer. Les plantations linéaires dans tainable timber production for profit and tales secundarias como las de Las Casas les zones forestières secondaires comme preservation of biodiversity and the other pueden incrementar el valor de los bos- celles de Las Casas peuvent accroître la environmental advantages of mainte- ques secundarios garantizando, al mismo valeur des forêts secondaires en assurant à nance of forests. Enrichment and man- tiempo, una producción sostenible de la fois une production durable de bois et la agement of secondary forests should be madera y la preservación de la biodiversi- préservation de la biodiversité, ainsi que explored as a promising approach to sus- dad, así como las demás ventajas les autres avantages pour l’environnement tainable forestry. ambientales derivadas de la protección qui découlent de la préservation du couvert de la cubierta forestal. El enriquecimiento forestier. L'enrichissement et l'aménage- Keywords: mahogany, blue mahoe, line- y el manejo de bosques secundarios ment des forêts secondaires devraient être planting, secondary forest enrichment, merecen un mejor enfoque, prometedor approfondis en tant qu'approche promet- sustainable management, subtropical para una silvcultura sostenible. teuse pour une sylviculture durable. wet forest. Palabras clave: caoba, majó o majagua, Mots-clés : acajou, mahot bois-bleu, plantación lineal, enriquecimiento de plantation linéaire, enrichissement en bosque secundario, manejo sostenible, forêt secondaire, gestion durable, forêt bosque húmedo subtropical. humide subtropicale. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2011, N° 309 (3) 53 PLANTATION EN LIGNE Introduction Most of the original forests of Puerto Rico were logged then converted for agricultural uses over the last several hundred years. A decline in agricultural land use and social and economic changes have permitted these lands to revert to secondary forests. Puerto Rico is one of the few countries in the world reporting large amounts of forest gain, an increase of 211,650 ha from 1980 to 2003. Currently, forests cover 57% of the land surface of Puerto Rico, a sharp increase from a low of around 17% forest cover in the 1930s (Brandeis et al., 2007). Secondary forests can be broadly defined as poorer successional forests which result after log- ging or conversion of primary forest. As Chokkalingam, De Jong (2001) note secondary forest can result from natural or man-made disturbance, over short or longer time frames, and with significant differences in the naturally regenerating forest from the original forest in forest structure, canopy and/or species diversity. Secondary forests are increasing in extent worldwide, especially in tropical forest regions where replanting, managing of naturally regenerating forests and Photograph 2. sustainable use of timber trees is still only practiced on a Photographs along a line-planted row of mahogany trees, small percentage of forest (Lamb et al., 2005). Las Casas de la Selva, Patillas, Puerto Rico. Research into the ecological management of tropical Photograph A. Rúa. secondary rainforest and wet tropical forests for sustainable timber production for profit could contribute to preservation on is situated) where unemployment in some sectors is over of biodiversity by offering alternatives to forest clear-cutting 20% (Laus, 2011). Enrichment line planting could support or conversion to agriculture (Montagnini et al., 1997). One the local economy while protecting soils and maintaining reason secondary tropical forests are little utilized is that biodiversity. Pico (1974) estimated that 25% of the island they are seen as uneconomic since regenerating timber would need to remain forested to adequately protect the species typically take a very long time to be harvestable soils and watersheds. (Wadsworth, Zweede, 2006). But with restricted access to primary forest, secondary forests may become more valuable Study area a resource in the future. Studies have shown that in cut-over forest, remaining trees benefit from lack of competitors and Las Casas de la Selva (LCS) is an experimental sustain- access to crown exposure, significantly lowering time to mat- able forestry and rainforest enrichment project in southeast- uration of some of the remaining trees (Wadsworth et al., ern Puerto Rico in the Cordillera mountains, a part of the 2010). Another option for forest regeneration and economic island’s Upland province (Monroe, 1980). The 409 hectares enhancement of secondary forests is enrichment planting, (ha) forest is located on steep slopes at an average eleva- where valuable tree species are planted in cleared lines or tion of 600 m and receiving an average annual rainfall of blocks, simulating forest openings when tall trees fall, within over 3,000 mm. Because of heavy rainfall, high relief and current forest vegetation, offering soil erosion protection and generally steep slopes, most of the Upland province is facilitating forest development (Shono et al., 2007). highly subject to severe erosion and landslides, even when Montagnini et al. (1997) make the case that including well covered with forest. Most of the land was logged and species with shorter times to harvest may improve economic then converted to coffee plantation.
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