FEBRUARY 2019 What’s Inside PREZ SEYZ Page 2 GALLERY OF BOWLS Page 4 TEN HARDEST WOODS Page 12 USE OF SPACER BLOCKS WITH PENS Page 15 PEN WOOD OF MONTH Page 18 Purpleheart Tree PREZ SEYZ 2 Hey woodturners, How you doing? What can I say, just keep shoveling! So much for a mild win- ter. As most of you are aware, the February meeting was canceled because of weath- er. If you didn't get the email notice, I apologize. It may have gone out on an older mailing list. So that being a situa- tion, if you need to send info out to club members, make sure you have the latest list. You can get it from Randy. If you have bowls yet for "Feed My People " please contact me at
[email protected] and I will get them from you. Each of you who are signed up to do a demo at a club meeting, please just move your demo forward one month. If that can't work, let me know. We are always looking for new ideas for demos for club meetings. If you would like a demonstration on a given area of wood turning, let me know and we will try to get in in the schedule. For those of you who like to turn natural edge bowls, now is the time to cut the trees before the sap starts to flow. The bark is less likely to loosen. Obviously because on no meeting this month our letter will be somewhat shorter. I give Tom credit for his creativity in making it informative, Thanks Tom ! Well again as Bugs Bunny sez, "That's all folks" Prez Duane.