Cheerleading: A year-round sport Graduating staff says ·see ya" Northern Kentucky University THE ·NORTHERNER Edition 33, Issue 14 w·ww.thenorthemercom Wednesd_E,_ Jlec. I0, 2003 Former mayor added to faculty

BY Roflt:IIT JOII..,SO"' Conlribulo. Qualls to teach, advise university on how to support local officials Roxanne Qualls robnrjqlt~JtHilU6{gJtolmall ~ full -hmc professor Full-tune many enllaJemenu. she wtll leadeD undeni.Bnd the policy ctalsandpobltcscctor leaders, • Cincinnati City Council behmd aovemance, Mnd for andbcanadviJOrtotheuniver- Nor1hern Kentucly profes\01"5 at NKU typically make a salary comparable to a member (1991- 1993) make bet-...een 5.50.000 and full-ttmc faculty member." she 11ndemics to understand the 1\y 011 the issue of pohhcal i ~hc lhn g out bis Univcl'liny politics of aettina policy imple­ education. blH;:ks for a b111 -name faculty $80.000 per seme5ter. said. "In lddttion to her teachmg Quail~ is "widely vtewed. mented,"Qua.lbsatd. QuaJIJ will al!o conduct member. a c ~~rr~~incinnati re~pon~1bilitte1, she wtll be e\en by her opponents, WellssatdQual1515"Untque­ f'l'Jional need! tistS§ment to Bc:ainmng th1s spnna. for­ u a invohc:d m J;Cvc:ml inmati\ts peNOn wOO cornbmed v1~ion ly 4uahlicd to bridge the dctennine how the univenuy mer Cmcmnati mayor Ro~anne and pohtkal yvvy durins her worlds of theory and pw:dce can best 5uppon the work or • Rc:cetved a master's QuailS Will teach ClleCUtiiC: Wtth the Center for Civ1c Enaaaement. creallnl a days u Cincinnati mayor," related to local government local officials. accordmg to of pubhc administra­ lc:adenh1p in the ma~tcr 's of leadership." NKU PrestdentJafT'Id Votruba. tion from Harvard publlc.tmmtstnuonprogrnm demandingschedule,"utdGatl Well s said "My year1 of serv1ce made Quails Will help develop edu­ He 1.11d he behc\·es Qualb Univentty(2002) Quails will be constdered a Welb. dean of arts and 'Ci­ ca\lonrroJlllmlatthcuni\·c:DI­ "w1ll bring a combmation of v1sttina profeuor. but wtll be ences. me: aware: of how helpful it "Bc:cause ofthts. along wuh would be to ha\e pobhc !i«lor ty for local l(lvtmment offi- paid S.W.OOO.Ihc Yme rntc as a Sft QUAllS,~l University celebrates Kwanzaa Thition hike to be discussed

8 \' TMA\ IS Gr.Til'S COJI)'Edt!CJI' II'UliJ...}IOI'JIIt,.,tr(jyrOIIMil.oo""

Stu.dcnts Will be given an opponunily at the stan of ne110t semesttr to \'Oict the ir concern! over a proposed tuttion Increase, v.hich the Board of Regents isexper:tedtopass mJanuary. 1lte Student Go\cmnltl1t~sociation tuition committee wtll hold an information forum Tuesday, Jan. 14,at 4 p.m. m the Duo M. Budig Titeatcr. All students are UTjled to attend to learn more TonyR~I/Photofdltor about the incrca.w, as wcllu the bud1et Ulonfall Annie Ruth (above), visual artist. poet and admimstrnton say necessitated the hike. which is author, presented "Cultural E.tq)fession" at t~e annual uper:ted to be SJ00.$400 per year, dT«:tive for l« . 3intheOttoM . BudigThe;~tre the 2004-2005 intheUniwnityCentet. Khool year. so~~~~~~~ ~~h~:n al~":n'~~~\;ra: Input will be "No/bing sooahtfrom~tudcnts to celebrate the African family, community and cuhure. on ideas for budget could send a Thee¥eotleaturedAiricandanceandstOfytellingl)fe-­ cuts and how a sentations. tuilion increase stronger lnfonnationonKwanzaaisfeaturedlntheholidaydis­ could personally playcaseinStetfylibral)'. aiTC('tthem. message to the "We really ~~oant as many st udents to (university) showup as poss1blc, because nothmg administration could send tbcm a lot of stronger nlts~ge to the (UnllerSII)') students admmtstrliiiOM than a lot of ~mdc:nt~ being tbere." be1ng thc:rt." !>ll id Joe Mayer, SGA senator - Joe Mayer, RHA seeks to rent old, unused The SOA el(C('U­ SGA senalor til·e cabmet and computers from the university tUitiOn com mtttee Will meet Dec. II to dtKUSS the unt \'ef'!> l\ )' budget, WhiCh IS Underfunded by for use in campus dorm rooms S26nulllon.occurdm&tostateestnnatu. SGA hopt~ to gather mfonna11011 from stu­ dents und admmistrotors about how the funds IC:nc:rntc:d through the increase cooldbe used to benefit students. ~a1d Enc Fegan. SOA ex«:um·e \ictpn:stdtntandHuuoncornmJtteechatr. "We can't prt\cnt ~ tmuon tncrease." Fes an s.;ud. "That 's not ~~ohat llt're here to do. We just 1be Residenti al llall A).>OCiahon h trym1 to put a computer m10 ~~oant to ma~e oure all re\enue sources are every dorm room on campos by the spnn1 seme;;tcr uplorcd." RHA wants to lease approxumucly 200 unused ~-ornputtfll front the Fegan -...111 pi'tsentthe tUitiOn commtllcc'i ~ · univcn;ityand tnstall them mcampusdormuory rooms forresulents' Photogtolphtfillul,trationbyMiktBrMIIMI omrncnda11ons hn 16 to SGA at us retreat at use. Blue Ltck Battltfield Suue Park 1n CW"hsle. Ky. Titc:oraanizationplans torentthc:CtHnputersto studcntsll'ln&lnthe PU!ns art undefway to distribute university-owned tomputtn pi'tvlwsly ktptlnstoragttodormroomsforuudtntto~Miorpaptnandr·mall. Dunng the lll'etkend·IOnll retreat, SOA wtll dli­ Ruidenual Villastforane,umatc:d feeofS'lOper\Cnlt,ter cuss and malt its final 1otc on m tuiuoo rccom­ "I thin.l this projll'alll would really benefit rtstdenttal Mudcnt.s -...ho toeraseunyconfidenttal information that n1a) s ullut~t mcndahons. do not ha\'t a computer," utd RIIA Pre~idcnt Lmdqy llunter. She Slltd this process 11 Ill take an) 11 hef'l' from half-an-hour to ooe NKU rc:cel\eS IC:S!i State II!Oilt)' per full-time 'The computcr:s aren't great- they're old and that 's why tilt uniH~r­ hour per computer, and RHA ts t~mJ to Of¥& nt~ e the elTon. student than 1111 )' other Kentuck y uni\'eTSity and sit)' is done wuh them. lh.)llcver, they -..·ould be pt

Stress stinks! Graduation Day! December gr.aduates: Are )OO read)1 \\-l1at c-.m ~oo do 10 relax ~~oith fXMillS kxwnlng~ Page 3 Page 7


\'le•pohtlj :fX~J:e5 ure a nn1e1: /K'# 7 Al1li a. Enwl'1al.runent: pglJ.9

0424.tif lilt< ~OR'IIIFH "Jf H.

SectionEdttor Amanda VanBtntchotcn 8591721260 camQusbriefs nationalbriefs m :£ 62003 Comm on Ground holds ht~o. "•·<.e\Ulll and trnn~aender N011hern Ken!lld.)' um~erstt)' children Will ~~~~·e IICC«ItO the 1 anKiuateproaramsare invttedto ba'ketball. r.cquetblll. ~olley· trl~~~ ;een~r~~ :~~:~fon S•turda) ?:JIIp.m. sexual orientation forum JtahaniCtenllm Slid til tend the Graduate Swdent ball and !IOCCercouns and to the De<:. 5 C'la~\tficahon MEDICAL ((1111~'" Ground ... ,n huld an """~'"e•re. "'Ill' hils thn:e ~ay thatcocaineandecstuytri&aer ~htldrcn ... t.arteU the C'mcmn.ttt ~~~~t:;n 6 m the Otto =mina pool and aymnastiCI RESPO:-.I~E - Squad open forum about e infor- Admlu10n I' $10, which Theater ln the UnherSt~tance dents,facultyand\tafftl'lat pro lo hereditary material. They Yid durittg break wlhTC:qUC"\teo.lforasub~tat wk:5 suppon and a yfe en\ 1 371~~ !!~!lore 0;nr~~~~t1t~n. ,~~~ Fr'(;~~:!ti0b;~~ ~k~J5nta the lonaer a penon uses the ronment fOf ~tudent~ of all a! T~ Wekumc Center ~~ lo.:lll· Kid ~ lnviled lo Chrbun" Buddtes Party. with tr.msponedtoSt Luke lioo.pttal edonthei!I'UUildflO.J.( \MH'II ttr" tnaddttlontoacceptmglctters CREST/SYCAMORE· SEC· " \\e'\e turned The tothel' cdttortal ~1alf for the "'' cduor m chtef. she hope~ \pnng 2004 ;oeme'li S a stalf people." she said. Squad rr'pondcd SubJKt ... as aui~ t ant Ernie Fletcher was sworn in Amanda \'anllcn..chotcn ~<>ill " It\ a ~tullcnt pubhca11o11 Two ednor posi· transported 10 St. Lu~e Hoo;pual scncascduormchtcf and should refll'CI the \IC~i of "(1 am) lookmg forward to nons have also been filled for 111 aovemor of Kentucky De<:. 8 E.astforfunhere\aluattonand Vanllcnwhoten has been all ~tudcnts on campus," she covcnng 1mportant tssucs that the spring semester. at midnight. Fletcher is the ~ tate' s fint Republican aover· 10\0I\cd ~<>tth The t-.onherncr Studenu care about, gettm& Dommlck Wi~e, current norln32years. for two scmcstcr§ She 10.11~ ~'"\.'aniJcn~hotcn s:ud that underneaththctssues,"hesaid. "Football Picks" columnist, OC\OoScdttOttht<,\l'lllCStcr nc~t scme~tcr. for the ftrst Jun1or JOurnaltsm major will be 11.sststant spans edttCM"" Fletcher and his running Tih'"tJ""IIt<·/utr}/l'<'f"J.r/S l.nuly Chalfant w11l be the and stalf writer Jonathan mate. Steve Pence, defeated uiofm.rrr,tdtuJflllt> VanBcnS~.·hoten s:nd 1ehWtUI haH!acoomphshcd thtsscmc~- dcnbforthc\'tC'\\I'I(IInbpagc. Thts tS Chalfant's second editor. ~Ill' 1/(H'H 11t11 ~J11 JpJ to the Kentucky Post.

16 '' Extra Large Cheese Pizza 99 Need Cash? • 781 -3311 Ft. Thomos/Newport/Southgate/NKU tft. lhomos Ptozo behind Jell Wyler)

S!Qil>HO\.<} Qpl>n ol It om everyday Sunday - lhundoy open unto! midnight ffldoy ond Saturday open until 1 om ------•



Have you ... ? The Guide to Graduation

Northe rn er "To Do " List: ] Cap and JOW" Dec. 20 ar.~Suatu may pick up cap and I

Hononcords 0 Any araduate with a current overall GPA of 3.5 or above and at least 64 credit hours 11 NKU is eliaible to wear Honon cords at the December commencement ceremony. C'hcd:: wi th your dcan'soffJCe to lind out if you are eligible to graduate with honors. Fall 2003 semester arades will be available Dec. 22 and will determine if honon will be liSied on transcripc aod diploma.

1\hstcrsundldatu 0 Hoods must be purchased for presentation at the commencement ceremony. Masten candidates must brina the hood to the ceremony and &ivc it to your colleae reprc.xntal!ve upon arrival at U.S. Bank Arena.

Dlplomn 0 Diplomu will be available to pick up at the Office of Alumm Affairs aner Feb. 15, PhotocontributedbyUniwnityCom~atloosotfice 2004. Tilt otrtce is located in the Mark R. Hemnann Center on !he C()fTI('r of Nunn 2002 rN$1~$ gr.OU.tes Mlow oHM goodt aft" III¥IY hard of wOO. Drh'C and U.S. 27,1tte NKU main enuance. If you are 1101 able to pick up your diploma, call the Office of Alumni Affairs at Ellltlntervkw (859) 572-5486 to arranae to have the diploma sent to you. D vi~~:~~:::~:~i~':~~ :i~u~: t::~i;;ti, ~~;7t· ~:t~~::r: ~~p7~!~'~:~1 ~~I;.~~~: Pitt urn cial assistance depanmcnt with questions at (859) 572-5 144. 0 A professional photographer .... m be at ltle commencement ceremony taking pic­ tures of all araduates as President James Votruba presents the diploma case and con­ Puldn r; ~lmbunt:mtnt gratulations. The phocography company will contact graduates when photos are avail­ 0 StudenL• 110( returning for classes for Spring ~me~te r uc: eligible for a pro-rated reimburse­ able. menton parking. Students/graduates may return parkmg pa sse~ to the Bursar ·~ office: wtthm the month of Addrnsehange mbertorecci\·e aSJ2refund. 0 Be sure to ll()(ify the Registrar's office of any address or other oonlaCI infonnation changes as soon as possible. questions or inf\JfTTiation contact Sand• Cunningh~m . a~sist:mt re & t ~ trar.i859J 572-6-U8 or [email protected]. Thert is a lmk to commencement mformauon on the NKU mam page

Attending Graduation at US Bank Arena

Dtil'ftCindld•tn U.S. Bank Aren:1 is l oc:~ted in downtown Cincmnati at Broadway and Pete J(zy;e Way (Second SU«t). Graduation candidates should arrhe no later than 8:30a.m.. Saturday, Dec. 20 and enter near the Box Office on Broadway. Parting'' M\arlable fOJafee atsevcrallocatronsdowntovon includmg the East Garage, adj:~cent to U.S. Banl Arena. Western-Southern garage on Third Street and other gmgc:5 and lots throughout dov.ntown. Candidates will firstret:eive M name card and then be directed to the area reo;cn·ed for thcrr rcspcctr\'ecolltgc. Gr.lduatesfromtheCollcge of Ansand Sciences wrll be called fir<>t andothc~ will followinalphiibcticalorder.

G uuu Guests should enter at the Concourse le,·elriDI at the Broady,ay le\·el. No tickets nece s~. Tony Rtdtii /Photofd1tor first-come-fir.;t-ser.e sealing. 'The ceremony Yo til TonyRtdeii/Prlorofd•!or US linkArena ,loult~onthi!Ohio RIWflnCincinna!l,hoststhefall2003 NKUgraduationc~. begin at IOa.m. Graduates may~tturnparking pasus during the monthofDecemberfor lpro-ratedrelund. Dlnbled ar• dual lo n e~ndl d•t esa nd gunts Pete Rose W.y (Second Street) Disabled candidates and guests may enter 11 the hy biJ, ~ta rron onto E1N Coon Sm.•et Tum left 1-- Co!K'oursc: le,·el 'ia the fifth floor of the Elht ont o Rco:d yStrect.thcfi,._t •tr«tonleft.Tumltft stairs Concourse level from street Garage or the entrance ne:lr BrQ.ldV.a) and at hght onto Eggle~ton A1enue FoliO\\ Eegle<.~on Mehring Way. unnlrt ends at Pete Roloi: \\J).turn rt!!hl atlrght follov. !'etc Ro.c: \\ay and U S Bank Arena "'rll f beOII)Ollrlcft Dl recrlons to U.S. Bank Arena ! 5~; •Fnm1 1-7 1n5 l'orth: U.S. Dank Arena i located drrt"ctl y aero~~ the Tai.e the Second Strett e~n. Sta) rn the nllhl rh·er from the NeYoport Aquarrum and Ney,·pon on hme andf<>IIO"' Sl-cond Strcer unnl u end, .it p._.,~ the Levee and nn1 to the Great Amerrcan R()o,e \\ J}. n,llht m front ofL.S Bo~nlArcnJ Ballpark, Cine1Jy field. and Paul Brown Stadrum. • From 1-471 \orlh: Gro.tu.tln$ ·From 1· 75 South: Stay in ngh! lane aero~' bru.fgc F<>llmo. :">o'o.111h I 9tudtnll Take the Second Street uit Stay m the nght 75f\ LS ~0 e\lt SIJ) nght and e\lt on 1rd Etlltl~ln II II laneiSldfollowSeoondStr«tunlllttcndsatPete Door• t it Street. Tum lei! at liN lightvnto Bn.\iiJ"'J).l.S Rose Way, right rn front of U.S. Bwrk Arena or BanlArenJr.,atthecornerofBro.dv.J) o~nJPett CJl take the Freeman A\·enue exit. Freeman An:nue Rose Wa) teme c~. I ..T Photo ends at Mchrina Way. Go left on Mehnng Wa) StudeniAIIIImblyAree Snslon U.S. Bank Amra is on the left. after pa~>sm& Paul Some: mformauon/Jtl\'~hon' comprkJ trom the 8r0'4n Stadium and CirltiJY Fteld. U.S Bank ArenJ \\ch .. nc at Vov.v.u.,l'>;lnLJre na.corndndthcNK\,.: \\cb\IICJtV."'" nluedu ltlustrationbyMibBlrnnan •From 1·71 South: Vi)ltV.V.Yo nlueduf

Qu a II s Continued from IJQge one 'tin' ? graphic design? academic screnath end practi­ Qualls brina• an im~nive ProfeJsor QuaiiJ will help wn g. cal experie~e ltl at would com­ resume wiltl her to NKU. She insurt thAt the direction v.e pliment our current MPA fac­ wuelectedtoCinclnnatiCity W:e to suppon local i:{l\'tm· photography? ulty." Council in 199 1, 1nd was ment leadership will be He said Qualll i1 "not only el«"tedmayorin 1993,!iervin& aroundc:d In both rek,ant ~It-informed about the reali­ until 1999. In 1998 Quail• 1'111 ~eho l an;hip and the realitie1 of tie of localao~emment and iu aaainit Rep. Steve Chabot for a politicalpriCtice,"Wett "id. challenau. bllt she is also Jpot In the United State House "Professor Qualls will be edi . , deeply informed on the current ofRepRRntativel,butiOit. worlc.rna with colleaaues rn Do you &ke ••• litenturt on citieJ and their In 1999, Qu11i5 left the both the MPA prosram and in future. This combinacioo will mayor'•officeafteruhaustina theScrippt: HowtudCenterfor intetviewing? ling. be ol &real value to our uu­ her tenn limiu. She tauaht 11 Civic Enaaaement. We loolc. denu, facuhy and community," Harvard Unh-eRity's Kennedy forwatd to her cootributions to VotNbt he bopeJ Qualls Scbool of Government, where NKU." will brina • combinacion or lhe alto AIKiied tnd rcoccived " I intend to bnna both my online design? layout? Pllbllc admlnluntion theory hu mastert in public adminl•· appm:iation and lc.nowledae of and pBC(ice ltlat "is eutnti•l tntioa. public policy and my \cry for any practice-oriented pro­ "With her unique perspec:· pracdcllllld pnamatic uperi· aram" and will be benef~eial to live both rrom the acholarly ence in poUticli to the MPA the university. end ' real world' arenu, proanm.'' Quells uid.

0426.tif 1'\ U N<~ we·re recruiting for the spring semester THE NORTHERNER

stop by uc 209 or call859.572 5260

editors staff writers photographers graphic designers layout designers advertising reps

0427.tif StctlonEditor5 OJ. Cartultori Cox viewpoints 819S12SU.O

[hiTOR I'll C ttiF-f' Letters to the editor LorlCc:u [ednomku eyahocu:Qm[ m our newspaper to publish Ignorance at anythin& wntlen in S\ICh [XtCUTIVE EDITOR How to write The Northerner fault for low knathydeWI. D.J Corler voter turnout Unlike, I do not Editon and s1aff of The Nonntmer welcome input from the behel'e lhll vOier apathy campY-' community. Submilleuers in the followina formal: keeps Sludents from the NtW! [OITOk If Ms. Amta Adkins m•sun­ polls. • E-mailleuers to the editor to • Lcuen must be I'CICicved on dentood the intent of my Jc1 . Graduating A"'Indo VunBe~~:~clloftn As she menlioned. nonhanc:r(lnku.e:du, or sub- Friday before publication in ter to the e:dltor (published Northerner Editors: Jnkunewsey•hoo.QOITI) "(M]my had no idea there mit knen by v•~ilin& the order lobe included. Nov. l2), then I' m sure she is w.u tl'tn an el«:tion aoina online e:dttion at · E~ntoror&llliulion What will JOU miss notalone. on. All wm uninformed on •nnounceme:n!Swlll not be about N KU? ftATUR£5 [DITOR Likehcr, l rcahzeilitl'hal­ who to l'Olc for."" • L..euen must Include writer's print«! on the Viewpoints SusonNellner ly importam forcolleae stu ­ Thi1 is ianorance, nol apa· name, telephone number, ciiH pages. SubmilloAmie\fort. [nkuJr.uurueylhoo.conll denu to consider the real thy,ltlditisnotwho11 ythe ye:armdm1p . voa• issues in pohdcs and not just flU II of lhe ind1vidual. • Lcttcn must be 400 words or •The:Northcrnerreserve:sthe: !he party line . As a 51udc:nt who has just le:ss. righttoednforcootenl/~e . PttOTO EorroRS Lile her, I am concc:mcd TunyRtde/1 about incxcunbly low voce:r =~f:at'~~:~;:·~ '--,.-,.,-,«-. -,,.-r~-1 1hat &Ol' · The JOUnd biles, !he: mud- [redella(gnku.tdu] turnout among young people care, bul they are embarrustd ernment is so far removed slinging, and the mtsle:ading - so concerned, in fact, that! to ask the: buic questions from lhe:m that1he1r partkipa· informatton ai~n by political ASSISTANT PIIOTO EDITOR h1ve wriuen 1 six-page pro­ about \IOiina that they feel don does not mauer. leaden and mediadonothin1 n,.,[Jov.•ntr posal on how to nise political they should already, bul 1 responded to Mr. Meeks' buttumVQteT$1WI)'. awarencssoncampusthrouah fnkupholoedtcoreyahou.coml don't. article because, u a student The:refore.sludentleade:n. an inleracti\le course that Some students do not VQ!e slarvins for political knowl· profe: sors, and NKU admin­ focu§C!I on cum:nt cvcnu 11 because !hey feel that all e:dae. l ha~ no tolerance for htratlon must conSider our Lor\Co1 SI'ORTS ED!TOft local. rntltOnal and intern•· poliucians lie 1nd break rne:dialhattreatsme.uthouah educauonal needs when ~hat­ EdilorlnChlff Kyle 8wft"lr lional lc~l s, and JIVes prom•ses any--.·ay. so VOlin& is I'm 1101 intelli1ent enough to ina information, in ways that [kjbnkueylhoo.rom] mstruclion about where to a waste of their already draw my own opinions. encourtae.rathcrthandis· " The people • dt_finiltl\·. urgu· find accurate, up-to-date: pres~ ti~. G1ve me in-depth 1nalysb couraae. our ci\•ic paruc:ipa· i11g •wit DJ. and the 1/up-­ informauon on cum:nt poli· Yes, there arc some who of issues. atvc me several hon. lruppy giggff's that go -..·111t CALL'I'DAR Eot·roR cics, c1ndidates and reall y don"t care. bul lhis is sides to coosider, and si~e me 1 u 111 Tuesday Jeadltn"" Amit ~Ogt to resister and also panly due to ignornnc:e, honest answers to my ques­ [qtmariellylhoo.cQmj voce. be:cause they do n01 reali ze lions. However. there is no place the imponaocc of an individ- l..A\ 'Ol/T I D ES IGIII' E or~ BruCulnun [nkubrftlly•hoo.tom)

W t 8.\IASTt:R editorialnote MikcB~nnun JBmmanmllnku.eduJ

Exr.ctmn; Corv EDITOR Hr)anA~h~rarl BryunAslrcruft Parting a sweet sorrow E~«utht Cop) Editor JbfyltWhcrllft•y.t~oo.coml "Titi$1<'U1Dpla.~ ~

Ella~ l"jjllr AD\'ISER ll ot~lll Ga1'ft18rvt'>'l'l Too many issues unresolved Clrkt!-"llrr>~triiPJ. \tOSTo•l [brownJenku .edu) "''J0Ur~<~lu"'f"1'k·•«>n oJIItil•· /rrtndJ /lrt ,,.hr.chl contactinformation of more - and w1th a hl.tly 8\• TitA\ISGI\n"\"S At its August relreat, SGA managed to gum addiuonal tuiuon increase 11. nd budget COI')'Edtlllr presented three ilrateg1c fundma. Northern Kenlucky goal~: take o,·er fundins for With budget cuts and cuts on the horu:oo, they' ll tru•·rsJf(HtMr n ~mut/.C'Qifl U niversity activhtcs proaramming. wiuon tncrcase:s \oouung. 1t 1\a\e an opponumt) to lest Unive:nily Center Room 209, increascunive:rsilyfundingof now appe:an unhke:ly. and thetr abthues. Highland Heights, KY 41076 Like: !heir coonte:rpans m SGA and re:loclle Disability unwise, to do so. A tuttion 1nformauon Conarcu, the Studenl Serviccs from lht Unh·e:nily Some senaloo are fruMrnt · forum. planned for the first Phone: 8.59-.572-.5260 Government Assodalion Center's third noortothefir:st ed by 1hi ~ SGA"• lack of ... ed. bacl. to school m Fu: 8.59-.572-.5772 ~gtu1 1his te:nn with 1 full n~. accomplishment. complainina January, is a aood )!art. and plate of legtsl:n.t•·e aoals and, · Of those, only the last item thai 100 many re:soluuons NKU itudtnts must do the:lt ema~l: [email protected] it appeared. the politiCill wli· has been set in motion, and rt"main in commmce and part by sho--.m& up and ruak­ darily 10 implement them. the university hid planned ne\'eTrtOCh i\"OIC. mgtho:lf,·uices heard. It 's Preside:nl Chris Pace IUid befou SGA's prescntldion to Too much meelmi lime is your um•·e:rs11y. and t!"s your Encuth·eVice President Eric mme Disability Services de\"ot«< to pl.anntnJ and dt s· money Feaan last sprina became the upon completion of the: new cuuin11 retreats and other Unhl~ most studtms. ~­ lint cand1dlltetltO run on !he: student union. .cuvittes,llndsenators have e,·e:r. SGA n'K"mbers hold the same ucket at Nonhero P~tt e in September Issued e.\prt~scd co~rn that 100 addthonal respons1b11i1y of Entire contents IIIC 2003 Kentucky University, 1nd copyri&h!ofTI!eNortlltrner. aneucuuveordertorcviewa much hme in committee se:nmJIUelectcd studentrep­ both came: 1n1o otflce with Maynotbcreprinle:din"on~lnCIUii ltllert Ml not bt prnt" SubrM Tllot )gf)(Hirr..-,.-t)"f" tht Fnt Amendmenl. lttlerttoThtNorti'Mimlrl l ~·nku«

0428.tif Till' r"o!OR lii ER'lf'R

\\tdneday Sectiont:d11or December 10. 2003 Amanda \'anBenKhoten 6 t:ditloo33.1swe 14 extra stuff 8591'l5l00

charm or c:mot1onal Slyk: Confidence: hghtfinanoalromrlrcauonsand AoiH w!llbeoffc:redareviiedworkpiiK.-e ~upport. and humor will be: de li ghtful 1hcme~ 10 n:\" isedbuslnc:ssprocedure•.Alklw (MiltCh 21-April20}. role or new htlc:. Job promouons wtll newrelationships.Watchforgroup pan~N and official~ ntrn tm-.e . Key Sudden intuttions n!quire a brienycausepolilical lensions.Stay \ 'lrp t\"ents.quickinvitauon,andfre\h deci~1on' !llld lona -tc:rm poliCy response. Bc:foremidweek expcct balancc:d.Aftcrfriday. IO\-·edonc:' (A ug.23-Sc:pt.22). in trodoctionstobe captivalinaand chan gcs maybe unusuall y dlflicull. lo'-ed ones to be moody, insiJhtful and may challenge C:5tab l i~d wdal BeforeWc:tinesday,workplac:enego­ habits or family rootints. Rc:..~pond llaltoo ~ or subtle comments from wonhwh1le. Thursday through Sunda). introspc:ctive.Askgentlyprobing AquarhtJ quc:stion5and watc h forntw le,-els of qulcklyandexpectgroupinllc:cisionor authorityfiguresmayprove mis lead­ aclosefric:ndorrtlatlvc:mayfc:eliso­ (Jan. 21-t-cb. 19). sensuality or romance:. All reaction5 dclaysinthc home. '"i· Area1 affe<:tc:d 11rt short-tcnn con­ latcd in the workplace. Unu~ual busi­ A,·oid de licate: bo~mc:ss ur fimmciul andcommc:ntswillbeclosclyscruli­ tructs,spc:clal assignmentsorrevisc:d nesspolitics wt ll rcquirellelicatc: C1ncer papcr.~.-ork . l nstructions may be social pl anni ni!.Ad\"UCalecaution and dt<;eUs~ions O\c:rthc: nul foor day . nized. Thursday through Sunday. UcforeThurslla y, lovedone!lorolder financlalrecordsmayprovemislead­ (June22-Ju ly22). un-...orkable. Ask furdaiityand wail ~ ubtlearoopdiplomacy. official• maybemoodyandunre~pon­ ina. Offidal documents and stKln-tenn Lo\·c: re lationships will expand to for new kie.11< Later th1J week, employment contniCU will demand include new goals or unique family plannc:dtamilyc:ventsmaybecan­ Sagin.rlus ~he. Areas affc:<:ted are monc:y decisions, adllcd negotiations. Carefully study all gatherings.Groupdynamicsandsoc.:ial celed orpoord1stant ing.Groupeventsandnewsoclal Personal spendmg and dally money orraresourcesofincorne. Lislc: n to ning. habitswillneedtobere-e\"llluatcd. ~ m~;ere advice and up«t -e tncn1. Stn.inwiilbebrief,JO OO(towurry friend may n!qUire exira c:noourqe­ Social,jovilatioos are unex pectedly Alpresent,theemotional expc:cta­ complex. Late Wcdne~ay. re~pontl liom of lo1 ed one~ are unpredictable:. c~mini Do. OOwe\'er. plan for exira rcp;nrs. nll"nt . Family triangles and romantic new obligations or sudden large pur­ doubt are iiCCC:nled: be di plomatic.

To lace a classified ad: contact Briuan

Jo tts t arn 510-5125 forSun c:ys Holiday Help EnrnS25-S2S0forFocus Folt SA Ll 1990 NI\Sllll 240 sx SE. 5- Local furniture s1orc needs Groups speed, AJC, Fhp-up Sunroof. Fralcrmlles SororlttC:5 pan.time to help 111 Vtsn A Bed-$150 Dbl . Ptllow top POOAc:r WmOO-... s/LocU.. Clubs S1udcnt Groups warehouse and -...tlhdeh,er· Sc:t,Nc:winplasttc,Warranty, AMfFM/CD, Cnuse Control, Earn 51.000 th1s s.:meslcr Wt,T£1tA") WeliMamtamed-...1\h tc:s. M1.1s1be orgamzc:dand Sl'lti'G 8tU:AK Can deliver -...nh a pro~-en ablc:tomovefumtlore Call Records, M1lea~c 161,000 859-991-1073 (Vc:luclc:nc:arcllnlpu,) li,\Jil tampu~ FondrJiscr 3 hour $~$ 859-282-8019. A~lo; for John Skt& BeachTnps fundta1smgc:,cn t. Our free I...._.. \«Onn~..._ ..... IIU Flc:lltblc:. Colllocl Scull or on>alcnow! MattressSc:t-5120 Full Plllow Denni, 51J-2ll-32 12 i'rograms matefundrutsmg (==.:~ ~=~::,. Need an c:xtrn $36,000 00 a ww-... .sunchao;e.comorcall top, Nc:wlnplastlc, wtlhwar- easy -...nh nonsks yrar'l Vc:nd mjlrouleforsalc ~tl l •-...... ­ J-800-SL.\'CIIASE roduy.1 ran ty,Candehvc:r lundnusmg Sil · 211 - ~S4 ! 1~)41-6SOO 50htghtralfic locanons CO!It 859-991- 1073 Folt Rt:'r Oalc:)arefilhngqu~tly,so wwv. $5,000 l-800-568-1392 or WorldfanlOU)Tii.IBar! gct.,..llhthc pffi8rlltn! It ...... -wvcnd1 ~11ndp1per-Bcacon Beach Leather Sofa- $400 matching Condo One nllle frt)fn cam· pus.2 Bed. 2 bJih, pauo.loh lonlact Campus l-undra1se-r a\ Make money takmg Online: Re-.<>n loveseatSJS0. 11rand New, 10 """'' tl118-4jj118-111128 pluttc,Candc:h\er of ~torage. community pool 1-888-Q2J-3238,orvistl Surveys(cansub)lltutc:SS5 859-760-1703 formoneylfnc:ccuaryt -...-...-...!> 859-743-6182 -...-...-....campu)

Think fast · think FedEx . 0 ,b Fed Ex, Ground. Thinking about some fast cash and help with college? • Join the fast-paced Fed Ex Ground team as a part-time Package Handler. Help bring a child's laughter to a loving home You'll work up a sweat. And in return, get a weekly paycheck, tuition assistance and more. Our deepest desire i~ to start our family. but ' infertilit)' pre\'en t1i u1i from doing ~;o. You can help by becoming an CAA donor. Your con-vnitmenl would be one men'\trual c\cle. All of your expenses would be paid and you wOuld be Qualifications: generously compen~ated for this wonderful gift. • Must be able to lift 50 lbs Apply O~r ectly lo If you are a health y, int elligent and physica lly fit o S91o $9 50 plhr to stan, scheduled Ftd EKGr ound woma n between the ages of21 and 32 and would alter 90 days and 1 year 2 stufts ava~lable 9667 Inlet-Ocean Dr ive by 5PM-t()PM Mon·Fn Of 2AM-8AM Tue-Sal Cincinnati, OH 45246 like to enrich your life helping us fulfill o Ablbty to load, unload sort packages our dream, please ca ll today. I • 18yearsoroldef ltotJtO!t'IU,(Jf.. lt • Part-IJma 5-day week ~l/ltJ-M-IM~»pttN_,. 1·.,..~,~ -·~~ ~rw•u IWL

0429.tif 1111' '\jQ}(IIfllt'\;I'R

90•1noolay ScctlooF.dtiOr Octtmbcr t 0, 1:003 Sunn Ntltntr 7 times F.ditlon33.1swt 14 81917212(,() life ~ s ~~ / With exam week less than seven days away, man~ students are starting to feel the pressure on their brains. How can they relieve the tension?

8 VJ£..,VOI'IHOU 1101 to be afTec~td by stress. the KniOf psychoiOI!Y and pollucal sc•ence major dlstresse!i by drummma out hi5 frustra\lonJo. a hobby he has had (Of the swrrlJOSuholmullt'OM pastil years. Whetherplay•nathedllllllll.practicin&yogaorhnunalhe&ym,thereare The mmutes arc uck•ng unul your neJ.t clas~ begms, and you know that the K'eral variauom of uen:i..e that ha~c bun recoan•tcd as popular methods last te~t of the semc,tcr i~ waiuna for )OU JUSt bc)ond the da~•room door. ofcasm&thecfT«:l!lofstrcss While you're tf)'ll'l! to cram as tnoch mformatoon onto your d•Siracted Spcakin1 of uerc1sc, NKU'~ Campu~ W.tcrcauon Wcllne~' Oflke bram u pos!>lblc, on the bllotk of your mmd you're worrymg about the oil offen a uriety of fun. free worlmot programs. •ncludm& yoaa. kick­ change your car despentely ~h. the cell phone bill )OU've been puttma lxmna and step aerob1ts a.~ healthy. mtct1KII\e wa)'s of relcasm& ofT for too lona. and the cash that you don't ha~e to buy ]XeSCnt~ for stre\5. Chn~tmas. The Wcllncss Center' webs•te. http.//accus.nku.edulwellncss/, If yoo deal v.ith s tre ~s ~tmo larl y to sports fan Aaron Btddle. a junior edu­ &scribes hollsuc wellnc!i~ as s11 dunen~•ons: physical. socual. cation and history major. this ts about the umc that you dtal up your mother. em01ional. occupational. intelltcltlal, and ,pimual. all of 1111hkh "When l'nt stres~. 1 talk to my nlOihcr mosc," said B1ddlc. "Or 1 )\op represent the intc:rrclatcdneu of the mmd, body and spirit. By studying to watch a movie or play football. I just take some: tunc ofT to making healthy choices m each ditncnsion and making healthy breathe." dcc•s•ons a way ofhk v.ellne~s will be enhl•nced When strcu IS closing on on you and your ~anity. your mother's open cars Suun R01h is assodate director of Campus Recrealion. are no1 the only pair w11lmg to li ~ten. Free. confidenual. and professional and although she sees many students for tradotKmal reasons. help i~ available on cwnpus, as clme ll'l )oor nell\ class, at the Health. 1uch as desires to be fit and lose v.ctght. ~he also under­ Counseling and Prcvcnuon Sci'\ ice~ off~ecs loclltcd in the UnhcrsilyCentct. :::s":s the correlation between stress and phy"cal fit- lisa Barresi. one of four counselors at NKU, ack110Yo'lcdges that many people who come to her office already have someone to ta ll: to. but that some "AII [sb dimensions] roeed to be m balance. When find 11 helpful to ha,·c sotJrce' outside of the ~uua t ion to talk llt'ith. they arc cot of balance. that is ~~then people feel the "We most often .;ce ~tudcnt~ for depn:,sion and rclutionsh1p issues. and most strcs~:· said Roth. ot r c~~ can be a component of dcpressoon:· ~he sa1d ~Dcpre>sion and an.111ety Fitness programs offered by the We line:~' Center IS common. especially w1th college ~tudc:nt~. llt'ho may be dcalina llt'ith arebeinglllkk:dallthe ttnlC' . Forinform:mooon roommate ~>sues, parenllll i\SUC~. problem~ with the1r siantficant other or startmg a fitnes~ program or to obtam a sched· friends:· ulc of C\'ents. call the We line:~~ Depanmcnt at "We do give stress managentent presentations in claso;es, and YtC usually (859) 572·5197. speak to Un•~·crsity 101 clasM:s," she added. ''The center offer~ group help. "Quite 1 few stulknts come back and as well."' rcpon to Ill\: or M:nd me a note in the One focus of the counseling o;cnices is the pre•·em1oo of tre~s- While 11 mail aficrhearingmpn:semation is not alway~ pm~oble to pre,·cm the pressure felt by tesls. papers, cmp:y l gi\e toaclass.andthcytell walletll and re lationship trial~. there are wU)S to strengthen ~our 10lenmce to me I will ne~cr know such blood pres~urc prcdatOI"'. what that did for "Be rcah~tic v.ith oneself adv10r ''They v.oold have to be a good lt~tener. not to n«:tswily JI''C ad•oce. but to be untlerstandong and not fonn Judgments."' she satd. "Whether they ue male or female v.ooldn't matter." lfo,emvr pohucal.'>Cicn<.'e ma.)Of NKI: Brauer ~~terc lool:mg for a counselor tOtQlk to, he~Jud he Ytould prefer to tall. 11t1th a Yt'Ofllan '1'hey [counselors] ~~tould ha•e to be mellow -the) couldn't be on my face, that Ytould male me nen.•ous.~ §.llid Hnmer. "I ~~tould feel more comfortable Yt ith a v.oman. Thcy'rebettcrhSieoe~" On the 01hct hand. for conunuter student Just1n Hackett. a dedicated lis· tencr m•ght be hard to find when he's rchevmg ~trc~~. Although he chum~

Santa arrives early to spread holiday fun Professor's yearl y transformation into Jolly Old Saint Nick brings good cheer to kids "E\C!)OOC wanb to hug you. Tea Time thesechtldrcn. andthemomstarted..obbtngall tdea be<.au~ the) thought they Throuahout the )'ear Dr Qnd ti.IU(h )OU. 1 put them on Russell Proctor II , prufo:,-.or 111 ''The&iftthechtldreccivc O\'eraaain."hesatd. couldma.l:tQdtflc~n.:e m) lapandaskthcm~~thatlhey he~ ought bcooc of the only " llool.:ed at 11 a> a SIS Joft. E'ery )·ear the club r.o•se• the commumcat•on department YtantforChmtmasandyouJUOI Qnd iid"sor to the Speech &ifb the Child &CIS durmg ttlt oobig()eal,butn')hugefor nwr~ey forttlC' p;~ny by ~lima ~~tatchthe•rb•ae)es ." Cummumcauon Club, spends holiday season," Proctor wud. the!IC ~~d~ and the-e p,orent\,~ \lli'IOIJ~ thmK~ Th1> )Car they MliJ candk~ ~nd r'di'Cd about Proctor has bun the lld~1ser hh time tCIIChlll& \IITIOU' "We lo~oC Mlhl of that.- he Proctor s~nd "It Yta) a 'er) pn: lOOtoS-lOOforap;ottythat rortheSI'ft'hCiubforlhepast ~ 1xech commum~allon ~'QUTSCS, ~aid. " 1 look atth•s and say 'Oh CIOU~ 11\0flo.Enl" t)·pKallycosh 500 ll)Car!i,and thiS)ear\ShiS bcmg an IMh 10 many ~to­ comeon. •t'IJUStatruck' Well. Tl'le idea for the Chn~tm<~~ •wr la~t. ht sa1d lie Slid it's both Q 11 mtJht be the only true!.. that pany came about sc•er,tl )ears \\uh the money the duh •s denb, bema a 10\lllj: hu,band combonauon of acttmt: olOM beinaa spc«:h On Dec. 4, m the Bapt1<.t club ~~tantcd to do wmcthm& each <;hild placed on thctr ""'~h Randy. maJor at Nonhcm Kcntucly What many people don't Sttidcnt Union, surrounded by forsooleOOCebc •n,tcadotju\t h~t. f>rollor ~:ud The) ~pend 20choldrcn, Proctor td he had lla\UIJ parue~ and guc:)t ,peaJ,.­ ahout Sl~ dollill"> on elloChch•ld. UnJ,en.•tY l:no~~t about Proctor ~~ that. \\.end) f'Qiato, another pro­ oncca)Cat,mplaceofhi a bird's eye 'ieYt of bow mvch crs,Proctor!ll•d Attht p;ut) Sant~p.a'~'out the prc...:nt,, and Proctor wud fessor in thesp«chdcpart­ c~cl')'d.a) attire he don\ red •·d · tho ChriStina.> pllf\y llo.EMnS 10 One of the v.omc:n m the dub ''All the C\\'T) tunc he doe~ It he fet'lS l mcnt, Yt tll become the coord•- \c\ pant~. 0\CTI.'OIIt, hat and !hefamilyandthecholdrcn hlld b«n '" the Head Stan '"'llll'rewualtnlegorl!her.: Proinun, and Proctoc $.Bid •he v.ann.andacnc:rou!l 1\1\tor next sc•ncstcr The club black boots. H•i flloCe" lnin.O· meet e\Cf)' other Wedncsdloy sudden I go fomlC'd Ytlth awhotebeard and ,_.ho, ~~then she opened up her remcmbcml thinas thlll were "It JU!ot feeb h I'm \CT)' '>I)«'U!.I,~ l'roctor h.ld "And at noon 1n t.lllldrum 108. 1on& wh•tehatr present it was a Sponaebob OOne for her a~ 11 child really from being me Yc,, Proctor is SantJ. Claus. SquarcplllltS. She opened 11 up meantaiOitohc'r that' acoolfeelm¥" Atle;u;t forthJIJreu from the (Qnd) her m01:her bunt onto lte wud the woman remem­ f>lay•na Santa one dl) out of the )el&l' h not only a Jood f«l· to being Head Start Pro&ram. 11th1ch pro­ tem,"ProctorYid. When•hcl bered that wmc:onc thrc.,. a '"II· 11'• nu.aoeal, Proctor s~ud . S..j<;jllftltlllll'l'lll#otFNIWIW 'ide~ day care for dlslki~11n­ Hhc mom) llnally )topped cry· Chnstmu party, and II Yta "All the su


lfob..t.y Section Editor 8 Oectmber 10. 2003 Susan Ntltncr f.ilitkinll.l""'l4 northern life 8595725260

To place an event: contact Amie Vogt at 859-572·5859

-- id Of'pnbatM• .. ,n ha•-e a "Suder for a kame· Feast rewards hard work from lOam-I \Opm tntheUCL.obby

•• Phlfi4UI,l'II~>IIIJI"f•mJ•m~ttiO pm.•ntheUCBllllfQilft1

· JM~,..,IIbel'oont \ 'k ll•tlonD•) from l l•H .\ p m. in the Steely Ubrvy '1\oekome Center .tb.ursda: Jl:toervauon,_retflll~,contK"t572· 1400 • There will be a \'oul J an Concert in OR'a\eJ Hall 11 8 p.m. Admission saturda is SJ and f*y.tlle atlhe door. • LASl ' DAY OF CLASSES!

•Th~ Fust for Final• will be in • There wtll be anothfr "Celchrution of the Norse Commoes from 8·11 Season" in Greaves Hall from 3-4:30 p m. Tickets Ire $5.00 are ava~lable by calling 572-6399 or you can purcha~ them at the

• The NKU Stll dtnt·Athlett AdviMry • De lt1 Sl1m• T htU Sororhy is havma Com mill« CSA.AC) ,..,11 be holdinaots -·theirFirdi&hlerChri5tmM . annualwinteTKid'JNiJhtOutlnlhe Tony AedeiiiPflotoeditor A.lbnJhl Kellh Center fn:ml 1- 11 p.m • The N•tlon•l ACT v.1ll be 1n Lalldrum Optntoa•rtlandboysinantdet I throuah .5 110from71m.·lp.m. Student' who art strtued from studying CM1 rtW¥d them~ with ht food on Thutsday. Oec.. II . Panlclpantswiiiiii~IIC«S&IO~kecb&ll With the r;emesu~r drawma studcnl'J fOf"makinaitthrough IO!Upportlhe&tudcnUthrough couru,theswimnunJpool, theJ)mftiiSUCI their exams. Last Fall and room.racquetiMII couru.YOIMyiMIIandiOC· to a close, eH~I)one cs geuma the semester. e\CliCd about wmter break but, All studcniS 1ft invited to Spnna 650 students attended «r. Theemtll SIO and to~ers aT-Nun for monda first, we have to O\"trcomc the come and enjoy a free break­ each event . tllee~ntandallll(k . Applicanonformsare fast scrv·cd by the faculty and This is also 1 Nonin' availtbleinAIIC2.SOorbycalhiiJ.572- b1ggest obstacle- finals. Exam week begins. administration employees. Aroulld event where students .5 193 Before students htt the books, Activilin There will also be ¥arious will be llble to receh·e ''thun­ der bucks." • Thc:rc,.·illbtJGI'ftk llollda)· rartyfrum Programming Boanl (APB) is activities. including wax having one last e,·ent for stu­ hands, D.Jrbrush 11111005, rame 'The fe~st is put on by sever· 1-12. Concact Student Life for more informa· dents to relax. prize giveaways and sand an, al organizations including, the The Feast for FifUII5 will be alongwilhaDJplayingmu,k:. Campus Life team, SoduOO. The Re si dent Housing University Hoosmg, Residenu • Theannualhohtb)'ti"MIIhonevent, held Thunday, De<:. II. from 8 to II p.m. in 1he Norse Association will make goody Housin g ASSOCiation (RHA) "Ce/ebnlti011o/I~St<»Otl ," ""'llbeat8 Commons. bags to siveoot. andtheAPB. p. m . inGrea•~Hall Tickctare$.5anda•'lul­ Health Services will be The Honan prosram. First ablebycallina.572..(i399oryounnpur­ • The Alpha K1pp1 Alphl "SKE EM APB advi~r Stephanie McGoldrkk said the feast is a there as well, administrating Year Programs. C1mpus clweiMmMthedoor. Week is in Norst Commons at 9 p.m. "~ tudy breal. for students." hand massagutorelieve!(J!liC Recrution and the University She added that this i~ a way of the study stress. Center also donate money to forthcunh·ersuy torewardthe McGoldricksaidtheeventis fund the event.

THEATRE R EVIEW 'Lucky Stiff' is fun, chaotic musical

plenty of surprises and loo of fullofplenlytwistandturns. 8v RvA~ S\UTit unusual ~qllt'st to take h1s c-o­ COI"J>SC to Monte Carlo for a laughs to see who can ge t the During lheplay the audience week of fun-filled acttHties money fin;t. whtle one lucky isnevcrsurewhatwlll happen ltorthenterf11..J1kludu that1ncludefishing.skyd1 Ving, stiff enjoys Monte Carlo one next, and all that buildup will scubadivmg and en,10ymg the last time. eventually leads to a shocking Imagine your e,·eryday life company of a seduct"e Each scene had entertaining cndins. bcmgsuddenly turned upside· dancer. mustcltl numbers from th e Overall, I would recommend down when )'OU mhent S6 mtl­ lfallthc~que(lcontend .,ith an eye The entire cast did a great that for you. justaotbctter, but m themusl­ doctor. Vinnte DIRUUIO, jobacting,singinganddanc­ The musical comedy, which cal comedy, " Lucky Stiff," whO!oeMstcr is the nean>1ghtcd in&:butthe highlightofthc IS based on the novel, "The v.hcn you get you to tnheril lo,er of Anthony mgh t was the intertction Man Who Broke tile Bank at that much money 11 only spells between Harry (pla yed by Monte Carlo," by Michael trouble. RuaLaPortJJ,~~thohadk1lled Anthony after findtng h1m Roderick Justice), Annabel Butterwonh, will run throu1h 1be musiCal comedy, which with a001her woman, cmhcz­ (played by Kell y Smmdemo) De<:. 14 (starting at 8 p.m., premiered Dec. 4 in NKU's zles the $6 nulhon {~h1ch Photocooncsvolthethtatrendaf'l(t~ t and the body or Tony Hendon except Sunday. which starts at Corbett Theatre, ts about lone­ Harry has) from IK-r h11man 'l ucky Stiff' Is the lint musical ollflt ytar lor the theatre dept. (played by Toby Vinup). 3 p.m.) at Corbett Theatre. ly shoe salesman, llarry husballd,raccstofind H lltl) to llltthreemadeagrcatcom­ TicketS arc $6 for students Witherspoon, who uncxpc<"t· get thcmone) edytrio,espc<"iallyinthc"Oog and faculty and staff are S9, edly inherits S6 milhon from monc) ll(t]o,c: Vinn1e i~ gocng nm\e Harry and corpse n1ake To top that off Rua tell' her Versus You" number. and can be purthased at the his uncle Antl'lony (~ho he has husband that Vinn1c has the tn ltJ-.c hi~ life to male ~ure Barry doesn't "Lucky Stiff" also kept the theatre box office, located m never met). A,lfthatl'n'tenoogh.hanl­ slipup or else, he warns. "the money and "-llOl the t.,o arc audience' attention with us the Fine Ans Buildina. The only condit1on 1s. Harry off to Monte Carlo to get the ~orlcn~;canlnechanty ~~torler 1T10nc) wcll go to the doss:· hilanous storyline, which WitS must take care of hts uncle'~ Annabel Ghcl foiiOYo) e\·ery Chaos roon ensues with

Parent supports gay children with pride dcrful way of telling hera:tory BY 1.011.1 CO\: Ga)'•l. an 1ntemauonalorgan1· ~~ l11ld of neat to see OOw my director for Greater astheUniversityofCmcinnati and Northern Kentucky and aetuna people to be I1"IOK EC'\uahty u ~~~nm~-~ they Ire /be only :~y d i d~~ Oflenaaysandlesbiansm Astdt from her work with lesblans.also for thtcrfam•he• PFLAG, Wcage, 69, has won ~~tell I) fanHI)· member~ or reP:ted by fwmly and friends and fnends. fnends trycna toundentand or ""'oo "'' one cmd !hey '"'•· """"' when they come out abotll other Mwardsmcludina Woman Mat~an Weaae. the mother a.ceptthetrlo,cdone~ hfc ! ion;c~~~h don 'I dare left ~~~~~~~e~ha~ their se•ualcty and, too often, of the Year by the Barony of or three aay th1ldrcn. faced "II l'llliJUStarclea~toUIIL Wrage, it is due to re li ­ Nonhem Kentucky. these feehn&J fOf"tht nrstume about my chtldren, wl'lo they ~~~~,~~rs~ anyone. Pc11·enls ~~~~'"~~a~~ i'OOJbehef. She served as chairperson 25 yean aao when she and her really v.·ere and how much I ''One yoona man's family for the AIDS walk in four chtldren lived In SCl11Ze. rople lo~cd lhcm.~ ~he ..a1d. ~~~;ack& feel lbe her~ toJd htm,'tfhe juitpr•yed',he Cux:innati and currentl y works Mich•aan. away from fam1ly would overcome hi1 honl.o$Cll· pan-time 11 the 5«rttary for Upon movmg bacL tO 1 and fncnds, and her elde~t CmC1nnat1 m 1985. Wcaae ~~:r~ fo~ It S really sctny" c~.~~~ ~~~· o ua lity," Wcaae Jaid. " He herchurchandarepraentative chtld confided to her lhat she rcahted there v.u 110 PI'LAG her compas· is much pr11ycd and pnyed and finally fOf" Grand Bahamu V.cation. WI51Jesblllrl, ( haptcr here, so she foonded don, leader- -M arian We 11 gt n10n: than a tnedtocommit suicidc." She is enrolled u a fine ''Gay feelltkethey'rethe aruttheatre at Northern ~. 11h1p and 1 up p or t '"( PFLAG) is a supPOrt major only one and they do!l'l date Kentucky University where She ~erv·cd u pre idcnt of ded1ca1ion I r 0 UP ," &roup for pam!U to help (UJ) tell anyone Parenti feel the the orgamlllton lor the fiflit to creauna a more peaccfullllld Oh U.ld, undtrstandwldacccptourchil­ •he recrntlyperformedin'1'hc aame lt's rtallyscary," Crucible". ".It yCIIS and then turned II just commumty, pan~euiW"Jy m Mit ' abo about lld\OCIICY dren'sl'lornolt:xuality,~ WcBJC oold. ovcrtonewleadersh1p. foondm1 the Cinccnnah chap- and rducahon." saki. "Ood made lhem thll But abo<.·e 111, Wcqe Wd lo Mkhipn, Welje d1scov· " l wutombctv. cenbelnJSO ter o( PFLAO. Wcaae ha~ been a IUC5t way. ll's u 1imple u thai," herJrHIClitiiCOO!ltplbhrnentil ered PFtAG (Puenl , f'amtly rcJ Jcvtd and not WllntlllJ tO "She'• not JUSt 1 mom w1th i at vatiOUI bu~i.-iei, •heaaid. her children "Eu!rybody and Friends of LesbtaM A 11ve up my baby," ~he iaid. " It I•Y kids," Jim Dins, t\ecum·e hiah schooli and collc&Ci uch Bhlil uld We ae twa won- ilmuldhave~hhkemine ."

0431.tif TilE NOH.IIIf'H NI'H

\lalr~ay Section Edtwr Susan cltner l)e(:embcr 10, lOtB 9 !!S9S,lmJO artsentertainment •:..lltKJtlH. IQ\lael4

RESTAURANT R EVI EW Enzo's coffee: A cup of relaxation

"We can beat Starbucks any day.~ uid En1.o's Coffee Shop owner AI Sheet . l::n Jo·~ I• a new prmet ooffcc \hop that moved mto the H1ahland Hciaht.'! Shopprna Center near Bl ockt:.J~ter and BWJ. ··we mo•ed from MamStraue rn Covrngton because thatplaccwa5dead.""uidSilects. With their new loca\1011 . thi ~ aounnet coffee ~ hop hopes to ca ter~ tov.ard the colkae crowd. "We lowered our prtces. especially on sandwtche~. and we ha,·e free wrrc l e~ Internet acceu.'' s:ud Sheet$. He ~ai d mm tly CluaJC Law (tudents come m to use the wtrele <~ l ntemctat"C~s. t:.lthehope togatheralltypesofstudenu. He also h~ added a student information board for local e\enl ~ betng held around the area. TonyRedeii/Pnotofd•trx The mtenor rs ne"'IY decorated and Whlll at Enzo's, antomers c.11 ~ t 1nd t!1fii'Y 1 c~ of cof1ee , browse tht ln1trntt st!Jdy or con­ pamted. The waiiJ arc lldorned "'1 th vtfSt In tht brand·MW and comkwable wtting. an uque cuffee adveltrsements and all the furniture IS new ttnd rn good shape. The The coffee il self IUS good 11ud the homework or takins a fnend for a qtuet most noticeable characteristic of this new atmosphere was rnviling. lbe li ghting was night out. Sheet said he normally tries to hangout i• it§ cle anlil"ll'S ~. ver)" rdaxing. and 1he o1·erall dcl.:or wa book live e ntcn ~ uune nt once a month, 1.1) 1.1 · lllc:bathroomsareimmaculateandthere all y on a Friday. aren"t e\en onyo;tain§on the newfumiture. eJtpc:nsive without looking too nt1y. The shelvt:' were covered in attruc1ive In the past. Sht-cls sa•d he has booked The 'ICat mg COilSi\t~ of a cumfy couch. a such famoo' acts as one of Eric Chapton '~ few plush sitting lha1rs and se\eral tall ivy. and 1he artwork consisted mostly of rebsuedantiqueooffcel6d•·en iscmenls and gu1tans1S. who rr ~es tn the area. 111ere are tables with hi gh chmrs. This ~ind of coffee slogans. che..o,s stU and magazine\ ava1lablc for ~hop tS more surted to th e " Reality t.he a new. espresso aud 10)" fnend had a hot choco­ late. The hot chocolate WllS one or the best store hasa··Mom and Pop" fed to ll . Tcmy Redell/ Photo Editor \tate-of-the-art es pre•~ol colTce ma~:hrne If you are loolnn~~: for a Starbuch· ltke thatcltl1makeeigh1cupsofcoffeeatonce. 1 have e1er tasted: you can tell Ento"s uses Enro 'sto tfe eshop Kioci t@d lnthtC~I'/Squ.trt~ngcen ii!'I'Or"l fineingredrents. coffee shop wichoutthe corporn1e u·appmgs OWIIt!f ··1 am big on customer ~ r vice and hate 10 MartN Laroe ColhM B'vd The ~ kt!'l to wy that !hew coffee can be•t o.. · ernll. the atmosphere wu \"try quiet or prices, thl~ I~ the place for you . .w:e people wau.~ Sheets said. S~rbotk'sanyday and i m im~ t e . h i a good place for doing

M OVIE REVIEW 'Elf' charmin9-movie for the holidays 'SNL' alum Will Ferrell aims for laughs in an unexpected turn as a human raised by Santa's elves in new light-hearted Christmas flick.

lillie of thatt)pt: of Ferrell" • M.urhJttun Su. Budd) lkod~' I 'Jr ~ b) \;uua. Jh J O,.\T110'1 1) 11 11"\ .,..,ldne\s and crnl)' humor m 10 \~II!Urt'" Lllltl111tlt h ~ .,..,,rtll hi Tht•mu\tch.t,allltletrrtuf ("oolnbut •.­ th,.characlcr·drm;:n comc:dy. n:unll~ .,.. rth h1• tamil~ ~>Cf) thrll }! northune r(u lrku .~l/ But dou't be di~11pp0rn r ~d Buttho:rt"" .U"r -cnuu• prnO Drrc1.·tur Jon l ..tlreau h.1, a Whm Ferrell doe\ u tremel) ktnl ~ern C)C ftw dJ"IC hnhda) .,..dltn this movie is create a 8 1.11.\Jy·, talh~r . pl:~)~r.l 0) nlll\IC• and )Otdl faOj,lllllt If tho:re'\ one thtng more n•rt.nn -.·cnc• 111 1::11 hom cenam than soc ~ ~ and under· pt:rwrtli that •~ lxMh h~eab l e J;un ~' Ca~n." J' mr,•:rl} '" othrr film<. lr~e •· fl u.,.. the .... ear for Chnstmas. it"s a holi­ and sc nou~l y ~o~uirk y EbcnrcJcr Sno"IJ!~ hnn,dt Ferrell pla y~ Buddy. a And. CICII .... l)f>.l'. H11tkh hJ" Gnw.:h S1vk Chn,tma··· anr.l day mo>- te auemptrn g ro be thc..tmmated Kudulfmo1tc funny wrthout bem& too corny. human "'ho \Oo U~ rlii SCd on the to dcJI \Oollh a .,..,wlr.l \:J•I al...:r fc<."Ctm Cll'f)llll~ hJ• Ill'! thctmc•pnrroiChrr•!ln;r' !lllf"l!"""'-'''ar.:tho:ht}!hli}!ht• ~on·~ o ffenngs in the Santa's toy bag lllo a b..tby 1- ~rrcll"• l"(llll t ~JI .mtro·, Jrki indude fd \'ncr pl:l)tn}! rh~ Christmas comedy ca tq~ory i\ Buddy had a hard trme lilhn}! an .,..ith the other e h·e~. but the ~.:hrldlt~C IIIIIOI."CII\;~ of 1111.' rJtht:r htgh .. rnmg \.ullJ and "Elf", starring Wrll Frrrell. t\e.,.,han", del tiel") n• And. unlike socbandunder­ could Jle\'er qutte unde!'tand char...,;t~r Budd) ncilt~ plcnt~ l';tp,;l l lf .,..ear. thiJ movie won't de1·el· .... hy. ol la uj,!h'~'hctnc•141Jr.lJj"II.IU 0Ciinr1cl~ a •harm· op holes or an a.,.,k.,..ard smell. Hisadopll\'e fmher. PiipaEif and lhang~ 1~ !"ott,., .,..,,rlr.luf ··ur·" (played b) Bob Ne.,... han). M.anh;nt.m tn\t holtd \OotllUICfthe~;rnn r ht' l;.~tl~r lruk ltj:hthc;.~rte< l , thr• film ··old School"'. mo~of hiscags ., then that he learned he .,.,,11 ma~e )UU a fan of m "" Elf" may be considered .,..a., not an elf ~••d ,pre;rd ho.•hd.L) Lho:er tu rhe .,..hole l"t t}. th;m~• 111 11.u1 ("hn.lnl;t~ a}!JIIl Photocoortnyofhollywood.corn .... atered down There') very Buddy :tl so learm'd th:at he has a real family hvmg tn to a ••:r .. ,h IJudrn~ 111 c.·nlrJI Ftrrell pt.ys Buddy, a man wno le~ tht NO!th Poll~ MfYthrng ht!knowslorMarlhananlni@Mchofhl'llamrly.

CD R EVI EW Strokes 'Room on Fire' is pure retro pop

C~~o s ablancasc\en quit dnnking Valen•I'SJilll &r§OOnds strange­ tnentary parh. The Stro ~ t\ ha1 ~ 8\ Snu.-r M .lt Kt:'l'.t t• for therrop:t. ly ltkca mooa synthesizer as il also become rna,tcu of the s t opo'~tart t((;hmque. often u""l c~­ Unltke thetr fil")t album. dances alona.,..ith CilSitblca.s·s IJI.Ittar bridge~ .,..,th no d ru rn~. "orthemer{JIJII;u~u "' Room on Fire"' is not dojlged angry~.:ruonmiJ . wrthiiCCusation5that""ullthe The be~t ~~ on this album vocal, or oo~~ Thrs add• to the quiet/loud d) namic of 1he 'ong They nught not be ··The !.Oiljl!lsotllw:l altke" • ~ ~under Control," .,...h1ch has the components a. 1he and mal.cs thetr rnu<,ac mu..:h Sa~ton of Rock "N' !loll'" or Throughout the entire alt:.Jm. ''The Coolest Baud Ahve,'' as 1he lt~tener 1.'! faced wrth rnter· faster tracls • .,..,th catchy mo~e\C IIIII I Trac~~ lr~ e "" Autom:tllc Stop" theyatesooflen hailed. but the estin& new hooks thllot &OUud 1rernolo guttar) and melodic b:us. but II 11 n1uch • lower combn ~e heauuful i1Uitar pan• StrokeJ can do one thina~ "o\clt: drfferenteooughtobcenllall­ \Oollh fun rneloJtes and rnt~rt\t n111ke a really Mood record. Not '"1· hut sumlar enou&h to be 1e111po doucd by the sophomore .... arrnly familuar. Th1s time the ln rhe ~a m e \C IIt as Led mx teadau11arhook> Zeppelin's " D")er Mo~er ." The Clltchy, •) tKUf' und Af1er 11 bnef stint with Srnaer C.t&!Wiblanctufs voc.11.b repeated lead xur tar pan~ . the producer Ntxel are charocreristrcall y dtstoned melody aod pourKhllll IJUIIliili, for an mstant 50n1 nally .:omc, ah•c und Oodnch, the S1roke ~tumtd 10 but thr ~ time you can make out pop mas· the1r first album') producer his hone)\, ~ m w. · wna lync ~. terpiece rock~ . Thas enure album'' ftlted Oot"donRapbac:J.Withastelldy lntermmently follo.,.,in& OrherSOIIIIS hle."llcpttha," \Oollh 1)1'1111011. UlllqUC: ·tiOU nd111& prodiiCer l oc ~ e d in. the Strolr;e Casabl&nc ll!i'a vocal melodte is showuse 1hc Stroke • abihty to rocl wtthout usiR¥ the modern matenal that, .,.. hen JU\Iliposed pumprd out IJ track'> of pure 11i1ck Vule1m·s m-etinglud xui­ clicht con\t ntloo ~ uf dt)tOfttoct wrtheachothcr, really bhtnr.:" re1ro pop. lat. This enxaarn& combmalion lf)OU lrle pop, rock or mu ~te 111 According to "" Rollin¥ especlalty•tand$out o.lthcar pedals and ' tud1o effects. P'llo10COUitt!'l~oftmllOI!Com ll"ntral. th• ~ 11tbum 111 11 areat Stone". l)()(urtou•ly deaantly dalkly bePutiful new ~t n w, l e ·· Repuha" has frantic auitan. TIM! covtf lor tiM! Sttok•l l"lfWail>l.lm "ltoomonfrtt" buy waued le.a r.l ~i n &~r Julian " 12:5 1." 1nthiscllchysona. that play dtfferent hut ~.:or nplc ·

0432.tif Jill l'iOlU IIFRNFR 10 D«t'fllbtr I 0 1003 norsesports s:,n:~: ~~t.Uon .H. IS6lte I~ ------~s~~~~n~5=:2~ Sports Scene NKU wins two at UW-Parkside Cheer team aims high

Teams finish on top

he fall spons ~eason has T come and sone for the teams at NKU. Games IU'_re played and litlu were ~·on, stanina with the play of thewomcn'ssoccerteam. TI!eteameoiC:rrd the season w11h wme q~stion marks about whether this aroup of players could continue the tremendous .wcccu ofthesocccrproamm since tiS 1997 inception. 1lJc: resoundmganswcr tothisques­ tion 1 ye. Senior Kendra Zinser helped lead the Norse to a 17-J-4 reconi,arcsularscasonCOflfer­ cnce championship and a fift h­ Sinllght tnp to the Elite Eight in the NCAA Di~isio n II tourna­ ment. Zinser led the teum with 13 Cheerleading at basketball games sools and Amy Law's §uccess­ ful freshman season was is just half of season for team rewarded with being named The tryouts fOf the squad Great Lakes Valley Conference 8 \ A ' Cf.lA M ANilll can be \cry ngorous. Once frcshrnanofthe)Car. th( squads lire selected, The women impro1·td NKU's Coouit..IOI' mursha(!3,11kw.cdu they continue with open overall record to an amazin& gym session~ thrcc·to-four 125-2.5- 11 in the htStOI'}I of the Basketball season at days a 111eck throughout the prognm. N KU has begun, and it's summerandarec:\pc<:tcd to Zmscr, Robyn Wlthen and time for Norse fans to pack litay tn top physical coodi· Becky Schneiders were all the stands with pain ted tion. In addit•on to these named tirsl-tcam A ll faces and black and gold requirements. the coed Conference Coach Bob pornpoms.Students,faculty ancnds a 1hrec-day Sheehan was named conference and members of the com· UCAcamp. co-coachofthc)ear munity will atl be out "The camp i~ a chance In volle)ball. NKU fought Men edge UWP, cheering the pla)ers for them to sholll·casc their through mJuries and a sluggish towiU'dsawinninJr.cason. sl:ills,leamnewtechmque5 earlyseasontofimshwuha26- But down on the side· that arc b•g this )'Car, and 12 m:ord. the rc&ular season lines. on the edge of all of JUSt baslcallyha\e&tCIIIll• conference tirle and a bcnh in to theaction.arc: thebisgcst building weekend,'' the NCAA tournament. None fans - the NKU Schacffersa1d. Junior Kristin Koralewskt women coast chccrlcadcn. Thcchccrlcafulfilllr.tason<.,v.t tha chance to 1111n m the do•tn~ Ch1ld hcrtlation trcJ IliOn m 01>-n tnlt!BIIOOill Mnd !\Ill( Kcl -.c:) led 1hc l'OI"o<' NCAA honors performed 111ell m the Fall IIIIth ::!2 potntiOn7·111·11 \btJI't 1'\KL: buth a 20·91eaJ (.til) Kromm ai\O eorunbutcd 18 Res tonal mcd, puttma them m mg and e1ght rch<>und• Kcl~~ tn the liN half "" 'iinMd•ln pv1nh nnJ ..e•cn reh~-Ufl.'l.l utoe point• \\h~on~m the Rangers. h ~t.a•thelll'\t lost the NCAAtournarncnt m the corn·encd fnut of ht<. fi1c thm: P..rl-•dc•alhedand(utdll!lcold 10 the conference for Koralewski ~pnna potnt .Jtot1 to lead 'I..:U. ''' 21!·27 wtth an I!! II run. but Wi..con~tn·Parhtlk. lllh tch now The men's soccer t(am onder Jc~-.c: Rut>e l'lO•tcJ I:! pomt• the /l.ur..: tci!)I.M'ldcd 11.1th a II fall• tn 4·l, 2·1 tn the Great new Ueotd COI(h John 8&Y~I)'Ia and Kc\a~.h lo. en~h1cld• "'-OTC\1( po111h 2 G LVC'I, lllhKh )ntl{h the1r NCAA Division II All· lllso111ru. named first team enceon the field ptckcd up ht~ 296th tNn·P.:trl•uk n1t th( tv.o·gJlll~ lo~in& Mrcal The AmcricanbytheAmcrican AII · Amcncan tn 1999. The cross·country &eason was Wtth the IKI•If) Oln kold m61-~6 11111h ~--'1 rcrn;un Nor!>t \hot 67.7 percent from Volleyball Coachei Molly Dono,·an {199!1) ht&hh&htcd by Tracy Inman Wt'iConStn·Parl\lde and NKL in!! 111 thc..n:toflllllullon a tlw:ficld mdud.wj;7Sperccnt Association. and Jenny Jeremiah (I'm) c11pturma AII·Confcre~ hon· tmpro•cdto 1~·4tnthciiiJ.tunc JUmper by Clll'n.: V.eor The 1nthc IC'COnd half - and led the Konlev.sk1, a junior oot­ eiiCh rccei•'Cd 5CCORd tean1 OA, the first 111'0/tllln runner tn J.er1e1 al!oun<.~ the R:ml!tr' NuN' rc>pooded 1111h a 14 I enllrt'iJillC dde hiller and a n<~tive of Ali-Amcnca honon for the .)ChOOI lustory to TCCetve SUCh Wt~oCDn~tn Pllfl•tde IIIII.\ led b) run. m 111hKh they C{ll\lert(dall Cvnntc M)~:~ !>Cored 10 of Muskego. Wis., fini5hcd illla,.'llrd Elartow v.ho h.W lY pumt• 1nd lllnfthclrlrcc throv. attcmph. her 12 ptllnt~ m the r.econd 1\alf the season wtth a team· """"NKU senior nght·51de The fall sporutcams ha'e set c1ght rebound~ The Ranl!c" /I.'Kl aho held tl\( Ran&cn to a rorthe Norsc, ~t.ho upped thctr lcading580 k1l b, 487 d11s hiller Camm1 We lter also uptbe year for the restolNKU fell to 2-4, (}.3 mthe GLVC 17.71ieldJoalpcfl.cnta&efor lead tn lilt' aiJ · tHnt !oCrtCJ Wlth and a .328 ht tt iTIJ pcn:cnl· recci•·cd national hon011. alhlcuuandtheothcrscuom The Not\e return to Rcv ~nt~ thCCIIUlC\t Y..t>eomin·Parhtdc to 18· 1. •aeuNKUposteda26-12 Welter V.IIS aiven honor· ~hould be JUSt as ~uccessful Hall for a &arne ll!~ in~t Central for the la•t Ill mmutC\ of Je ~tea Brock added II points, record and IMh anced to the 11ble tnCniiO!I AII·Amcticll V.uh ba.letball nantnJ up, StiltcUnt\er\ll)'lt74'ip.m on the,,unell.el\'ally•h1~ ""''"for NKU. Toumament She 111\b abo W~lter, 11 1raduate lJf act better. l aues~ we' ll ~ee in l nthellloniCn ·)~~.Sh.llrcll NKU head lOa<:h Nancy NKU 111111 mum home and named the G reat Lak.c5 McAulc) lliah School in Snardon .cored 21 poinb and Winstel. "l~n;u-don) JU)t doma· rewrncplaytu 7:~ p.m Dec:. Valley Conference Pl11ycr Ctn..:1nmr.u, fim5hcd With '~""" arabbcd ~~' rebound> a• the nat(J llhtdr .ltldt\l)el~! htl her 12 IIJIUbt KcndJII m the first ofthe Yt:ar thtSSCiiiOCI. .SOl ~l l h and 10 1 bloch Nonhcm Kcntud.y l ntll!l"'it)' lrt(·throJ'W\ ~od \llnl.: ley round of the Community Koralewsti recorded 26 thlsscason. womcn'l bas~ctball team JUillptl"o Recorder Oasilc in R~genu doub le-doub le~ this ~eason ~h Bwrrlt u rll' Sptwrs Edrror jw defeated the Um•cr•tl)' uf \l. l!tl,;(l/1\10 l'llflr.\1dt III'R\ 1-(d Uall a.ndadoJcd.5Ssel'\'keace .,... Non/lwr~r tow cult ,....,11 W1~on~tn - P..rl~1de tn 111 1oC'onn1 by Came \lot1r 111ho Koralcwsli is just the eAn/dr/11 $ponJ K,)·/~111 tJiM!I< o1.\oo.NM1 77·66 DeSIOlOile Gymruu;tum po\tcd 20 points Sammy KCond N KU I'OIIe)ball I~IHM

0433.tif ''edne!day December 10, 200.} 11 Edition 3}, Issue I~ nors.espO.rtS T!IF NORT!IFRNFR s ortscalendar Sun Rowland, 10 I'd under Yankeu. I'm 51Ck of the hl&h · standv.hat it feels hke not to be payrollfranchltesbuymaallthe Men's Basketball or~hoot Just gOOllplaycnandkav•naalltiM: kKklma.Scan low·pa)"roll franchise with Saturday. Dec. 20 H SaamawValley Stme • 3.15 p.m hardly any pla)"en to chooK OJ : What female NKU a1hle1e? from Ell: FOfTilCr womcn't basket· Mondlly, Dec. 22 at Wayne State li!' 7:'\0p m ball player MH:helle Comell DJ : You Slid yoo thouaht the becltlscsheisthebe!itwoolCn't Tuesday. 10 v• Mt. St JO!qlh • 7:45p.m Dec. ba.sketballplayer r v·ee~rrnd ~:~~~~~C:~d H:: ~t!ufe:~ She knew how 10 take over a a~ulluu statement now' Fnday. Jan 2 Yl. lndtanapolt• ft 7 ·4.5 p m. gamcandv.1n in1hcclt11ch •:11 : nt admit il: 1 w~ WTOOJ.I 11m"'tekthetablcJaretumcd, can'lalwaysbcright. Mark my words, th1s time ncllt Thursday, Jan. 8 "''· Kentucky Wed~yan It 7:4.5 p.m. as Northerner becuuve Edhor DJ: You took M:~me heal for D.J. Carter puu Ehat on the hot someofyoor,earher.raclcrhot· year, the Steelcn w11l be a1op seat. Kll columns. Why d1d you 111ck the AFC Nonh and head•na inlo Saturday, Jan 10 ~•- Southern Indiana fill 3:1.5 p.m. by your guns and stick w11h the chc pli•yoffs whh home-field OJ: You arc the all-time rolurnn1 advan1aae. Tins season wat an Women's Basketball NonhcriK'r Trashketball EH : I lived for the pos•t•vc abcrrauon. As ociation ludin& JCoter. feedback 1 JOI from ~ludenu; I NO'\II', here at your retirement, wanted to a•ve Sludents lhe OJ: Who is 1he best Sport5- Communtty Rrcordcr Classtc (llt Resent~ Hall) DJ : What's \he be5t Dave whm do you attribute to your opportun1ty to rtall y rt'ftt the wnttr: who msp~res yoo7 •Friday, Dec. 12 vs. Kendall It 7:30p.m •: 11 : The late Dick Schaap. He Matthew's Band sona1 success? pll)erJ. [ U: It 's a 11e between "TWo •Satunlay, Dec. 1] "''· TBA • TIM was a areal Interviewer and EH : Hard work. Dedka1ion. Seep *41 ." "Tripp•na Billie.'." OJ: What was your most mcm· IHJitr. l alsoenjoy readinaRick Counlless houn of practice:. I'd "Pi&." "I'll Back You Up" and omblehotscatintc:i"'iew' Reilly in S/X)rl.r 1/luJir"Uied Monday. l:kc. 29 at Wayne State(# .5:30p.m. ha\e to thank God for zh mg me "Crosh" the abilhy aod my parents for [II: T11C intci"'iew w11h Chns e1erywcck. having me. Seabrooks in the r-eb. 2fi issue Friday, Jan. 2 vs. Indianapolis II .5:30p.m. DJ : Wha1's tiM: best local hiah OJ : What's !he be.stthmg you aot from doma th1s column? DJ: If you could make one pro­ school sport~ \cam' UJ : If you could become any EH: Gctung tu mee1 and lnow Thursday. Jat1 8 vs Kentucky Wesleyan liJI !i:30 p.m fessional §pons manaaement t:ll: Eldcrfootball.thebaclr.:-to­ NKU athlete for a sea~. v.ho the be~! athlc!CI at thiS 'IChool demion what \I.OUid 11 be? back Ohto .state football cham· would•! be1 (indiffrrentsports). Saturday, Jan. 10 vs. Southern lndtana fill 1 p.m. Ell: Men's Basketball player Ell: Dismantle 1he New York ~OM Colts to beat Falcons and Vick; Rams keep winning

siveoffenscs CanScau lequar­ Atlan ta Fa lconi a1 the The Falcons ha1·e become one Edgcrri n James 5hoold ha1e a an: averagmg over 30 points a of the NFL't wun.t tcanu. TllCir big day nmnmgagams1 ooe of llameat homelhisseason.and I terback Mall H a s~el beck act lndlanapollsColts M>me Pro Bowl recoannton ~uspcct ddenK can't tackle, theNFl..'SWOI"itf\mdcfensc. look for the trend to continue pleasc1 He ts ha~mg a career When the: NFL schedule came co1er anyone, or play tough On p.'lpcr lhi~ lool~ \Ike a a~ainsttheSeanleScahawks. scasonandispunmgupunbc· oo\attheb.:ginningofthisycar. dcfen~ - Tlte offen-.c hasSUllJ· blowO\lt, but wnh Vkk back, Th1s aame will decide the NFC West. Earlier this season Jiev•ablenumben. most pc<~p l e thought thi~ aame aled to put poinl§ Oft the board. th isaamewillbcclosc. Viclcan Now. the human hiahlight film sure make a strogg\lng team the Seah3wks beat !he Rams at The Rams ~hould hai"C won would be a preview of the Super lhelir..t•nceunlJbel-..ccnthcsc Bowl. The Falcons had high has reco1·ered from his injury playalotbcner. l'ey10nand home.butcheScahawlr.:sareonc aod is ready to end the season company \\ill be ready. The ofttlccleaguc''worst team,on t-..o. Rams defensl\e coonhna· hope~ before 1he sca'IOn began tor L.ovie Srnllh had the Rlims on a good ooce. cults will win !his game by len. the road. v.ilh the ~•rona play of t-.hchacl playina nickel defense on !he Vkk las\ season. Vic:k was a A victory again~! the Collli P~d lct i on : The h1gh-powercd Ram ~ are aoahnc mthc last mmuteofche humanhtghlightlilmhmsca!jl)ll thi sSundaywouldbeubigcon­ CoiU ) I Falcons2 1 back and"" is Marshall Faulk. game. and electrified the league wuh fidence builder headina inco -..ho has resurrected hi s career next season. On the other hand. Sc all l t Sc ah l ~>~k 51 11heS t . -..1th ~trong runmng of late. wnoc,·er plays rn• stake-frce hi~ du.lling nlO\t'S. Vick went footballanddocsn'twmtheball the Colts are on a roll to 1he LoulsR1m'l Norecei1·cr in 1he league has down with a \CI"ereankle injury over will win thi )garne I look preseason hasn'1 phl)offsandcan'laffordalet· been more cxplosh·eand domi· in the and for the Ram s 10 be on top of playcdumillthc:lasttwoweeks. down against the Falcons. This Ladtes and gemlcmun. mo1y I nam than Tony Hull, v.ho leads the league in recci~ing yards thcirgameandremamchcareat­ T11C bigqucs1ion when 1hc sea· could be a llllp game for the muoduce )'OU to the greo~test and will get plenty m thi~ e~t show Oil turf. son began W'oiS. can 1he F~lcons Colt Peyton Manning ~hould show on turf'? Thc:Te ha~ been no P~ di c t ton : win without V•clr.:'.' The ha1·eabigday pkkmaaparl a \cam beucr on its home turf than shootOtll . Th• ~ aame feawres Lou1~ t\looofthe league's most cxplo- Ra ms 41 Scahl -.. ksJI an~-..·cr... NO~ buspccl Falcons secondary and 1hc St. Ram•. The Ram s

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