Cheerleading: A year-round sport Graduating staff says ·see ya" Northern Kentucky University THE ·NORTHERNER Edition 33, Issue 14 w·ww.thenorthemercom Wednesd_E,_ Jlec. I0, 2003 Former mayor added to faculty BY Roflt:IIT JOII..,SO"' Conlribulo. Qualls to teach, advise university on how to support local officials Roxanne Qualls robnrjqlt~JtHilU6{gJtolmall ~ full -hmc professor Full-tune many enllaJemenu. she wtll leadeD undeni.Bnd the policy ctalsandpobltcscctor leaders, • Cincinnati City Council behmd aovemance, Mnd for andbcanadviJOrtotheuniver- Nor1hern Kentucly profes\01"5 at NKU typically make a salary comparable to a member (1991- 1993) make bet-...een 5.50.000 and full-ttmc faculty member." she 11ndemics to understand the 1\y 011 the issue of pohhcal i ~hc lhn g out bis Univcl'liny politics of aettina policy imple­ education. blH;:ks for a b111 -name faculty $80.000 per seme5ter. said. "In lddttion to her teachmg Quail~ is "widely vtewed. mented,"Qua.lbsatd. QuaJIJ will al!o conduct member. a c ~~rr~~incinnati re~pon~1bilitte1, she wtll be e\en by her opponents, WellssatdQual1515"Untque­ f'l'Jional need! tistS§ment to Bc:ainmng th1s spnna. for­ u a invohc:d m J;Cvc:ml inmati\ts peNOn wOO cornbmed v1~ion ly 4uahlicd to bridge the dctennine how the univenuy mer Cmcmnati mayor Ro~anne and pohtkal yvvy durins her worlds of theory and pw:dce can best 5uppon the work or • Rc:cetved a master's QuailS Will teach ClleCUtiiC: Wtth the Center for Civ1c Enaaaement. creallnl a days u Cincinnati mayor," related to local government local officials. accordmg to of pubhc administra­ lc:adenh1p in the ma~tcr 's of leadership." NKU PrestdentJafT'Id Votruba. tion from Harvard publlc.tmmtstnuonprogrnm demandingschedule,"utdGatl Well s said "My year1 of serv1ce made Quails Will help develop edu­ He 1.11d he behc\·es Qualb Univentty(2002) Quails will be constdered a Welb. dean of arts and 'Ci­ ca\lonrroJlllmlatthcuni\·c:DI­ "w1ll bring a combmation of v1sttina profeuor. but wtll be ences. me: aware: of how helpful it "Bc:cause ofthts. along wuh would be to ha\e pobhc !i«lor ty for local l(lvtmment offi- paid S.W.OOO.Ihc Yme rntc as a Sft QUAllS,~l University celebrates Kwanzaa Thition hike to be discussed 8 \' TMA\ IS Gr.Til'S COJI)'Edt!CJI' II'UliJ...}IOI'JIIt,.,tr(jyrOIIMil.oo"" Stu.dcnts Will be given an opponunily at the stan of ne110t semesttr to \'Oict the ir concern! over a proposed tuttion Increase, v.hich the Board of Regents isexper:tedtopass mJanuary. 1lte Student Go\cmnltl1t~sociation tuition committee wtll hold an information forum Tuesday, Jan. 14,at 4 p.m. m the Duo M. Budig Titeatcr. All students are UTjled to attend to learn more TonyR~I/Photofdltor about the incrca.w, as wcllu the bud1et Ulonfall Annie Ruth (above), visual artist. poet and admimstrnton say necessitated the hike. which is author, presented "Cultural E.tq)fession" at t~e annual uper:ted to be SJ00.$400 per year, dT«:tive for l<wanzaacelebr;~tionl>« . 3intheOttoM . BudigThe;~tre the 2004-2005 intheUniwnityCentet. Khool year. so~~~~~~~ ~~h~:n al~":n'~~~\;ra: Input will be "No/bing sooahtfrom~tudcnts to celebrate the African family, community and cuhure. on ideas for budget could send a Thee¥eotleaturedAiricandanceandstOfytellingl)fe-­ cuts and how a sentations. tuilion increase stronger lnfonnationonKwanzaaisfeaturedlntheholidaydis­ could personally playcaseinStetfylibral)'. aiTC('tthem. message to the "We really ~~oant as many st udents to (university) showup as poss1blc, because nothmg administration could send tbcm a lot of stronger nlts~ge to the (UnllerSII)') students admmtstrliiiOM than a lot of ~mdc:nt~ being tbere." be1ng thc:rt." !>ll id Joe Mayer, SGA senator - Joe Mayer, RHA seeks to rent old, unused The SOA el(C('U­ SGA senalor til·e cabmet and computers from the university tUitiOn com mtttee Will meet Dec. II to dtKUSS the unt \'ef'!> l\ )' budget, WhiCh IS Underfunded by for use in campus dorm rooms S26nulllon.occurdm&tostateestnnatu. SGA hopt~ to gather mfonna11011 from stu­ dents und admmistrotors about how the funds IC:nc:rntc:d through the increase cooldbe used to benefit students. ~a1d Enc Fegan. SOA ex«:um·e \ictpn:stdtntandHuuoncornmJtteechatr. "We can't prt\cnt ~ tmuon tncrease." Fes an s.;ud. "That 's not ~~ohat llt're here to do. We just 1be Residenti al llall A).>OCiahon h trym1 to put a computer m10 ~~oant to ma~e oure all re\enue sources are every dorm room on campos by the spnn1 seme;;tcr uplorcd." RHA wants to lease approxumucly 200 unused ~-ornputtfll front the Fegan -...111 pi'tsentthe tUitiOn commtllcc'i ~ · univcn;ityand tnstall them mcampusdormuory rooms forresulents' Photogtolphtfillul,trationbyMiktBrMIIMI omrncnda11ons hn 16 to SGA at us retreat at use. Blue Ltck Battltfield Suue Park 1n CW"hsle. Ky. Titc:oraanizationplans torentthc:CtHnputersto studcntsll'ln&lnthe PU!ns art undefway to distribute university-owned tomputtn pi'tvlwsly ktptlnstoragttodormroomsforuudtntto~Miorpaptnandr·mall. Dunng the lll'etkend·IOnll retreat, SOA wtll dli­ Ruidenual Villastforane,umatc:d feeofS'lOper\Cnlt,ter cuss and malt its final 1otc on m tuiuoo rccom­ "I thin.l this projll'alll would really benefit rtstdenttal Mudcnt.s -...ho toeraseunyconfidenttal information that n1a) s ullut~t mcndahons. do not ha\'t a computer," utd RIIA Pre~idcnt Lmdqy llunter. She Slltd this process 11 Ill take an) 11 hef'l' from half-an-hour to ooe NKU rc:cel\eS IC:S!i State II!Oilt)' per full-time 'The computcr:s aren't great- they're old and that 's why tilt uniH~r­ hour per computer, and RHA ts t~mJ to Of¥& nt~ e the elTon. student than 1111 )' other Kentuck y uni\'eTSity and sit)' is done wuh them. lh.)llcver, they -..·ould be pt<rfect for t)'rtn& a The orgamzatH)n plan ~ to store the computet) in and dt~tnbute them the yearly tUitiOO of 53,744 I thUd·hi&hest paper and checking e-nuul, 11 hich i~ the matn u.\.C uf a computer to from iu new offict in Woodcrcst Apartll~t:nt . among ~lllte unh·ef')tllc:S mthc: Commonwulth. many student ." The computers were fom~trly used by the umiCD11)', but \\'ere p1.11111 Prc:sidem Janlti Votrub<ltold SOA at its NOY i ~ Hunter Ytd the proJect r:urrtntly m progre)S. ahhou&h there are storage11hentheybecameoutdatc:d IOineetin&thattht~htkc ,w hlch~~o·ould cumntl)'se\·eralroadblocks. The untlel'liU)' ha~ aucuooed them ofT to the pubhc m the past, but nuse tuttion bet~~o ecn 8 percent and II percent. RIIA is workmawllh the lnformationT«:hooiQGy (l'r) department to the 8011rd of Rej;ents ended the aucuons 11 lltn a r:omputerthut luld con· ~~tJ.Snccessuatedbytncrta5edcnrollment. 1 procure ~ it e l iccn~ to install Microsoft Windoll s onto the cOI ~Lputc ni. fidenttlll inforrnlltton on its hard dm·e -... u ar:cide ntally dt stnbutc:d to Ho-..evc:r, Fc:aan ts ~ kcpctcal , nouna that tlunterSMtdthc computers'harddrllesalsomustbeclearedmorder thcpubltr:. tnrollmcnt arcw by only I 4 percentthts ~car Stress stinks! Graduation Day! December gr.aduates: Are )OO read)1 \\-l1at c-.m ~oo do 10 relax ~~oith fXMillS kxwnlng~ Page 3 Page 7 Inside \'le•pohtlj :fX~J:e5 ure a nn1e1: /K'# 7 Al1li a. Enwl'1al.runent: pglJ.9 0424.tif lilt< ~OR'IIIFH "Jf H. SectionEdttor Amanda VanBtntchotcn 8591721260 camQusbriefs nationalbriefs m :£ 62003 Comm on Ground holds ht~o. "•·<.e\Ulll and trnn~aender N011hern Ken!lld.)' um~erstt)' children Will ~~~~·e IICC«ItO the 1 anKiuateproaramsare invttedto ba'ketball. r.cquetblll. ~olley· trl~~~ ;een~r~~ :~~:~fon S•turda) ?:JIIp.m. sexual orientation forum JtahaniCtenllm Slid til tend the Graduate Swdent ball and !IOCCercouns and to the De<:. 5 C'la~\tficahon MEDICAL ((1111~'" Ground ... ,n huld an """~'"e•re. "'Ill' hils thn:e ~ay thatcocaineandecstuytri&aer ~htldrcn ... t.arteU the C'mcmn.ttt ~~~~t:;n 6 m the Otto =mina pool and aymnastiCI RESPO:-.I~E - Squad open forum about <oe,ual ()fiCO aenc:lic mutattons, in .ttdition tat1on l)e(:_ !Om theO!!Il BudtJ.I lh~ptcr nf PH AG, Parent\, tOCIUSin&lddictlonandntbing Lrw.:auon. DOM.MS/WOOO I ~mtl} anlll·nend~ nf l.e\b1an~ Attendee w11l rece1>e infor- Admlu10n I' $10, which Theater ln the Unher<iiiY Center uM:rs' risk of caneer.accord•na CRLS !'!'OA K SECOND rmmon on Spnng 2()1.4 1nK1uate includes 1 t·shtn and suck. To from noon unt1l 2 p m &Cia\~. tn l'IK, to a Reuters n:port. Sctenii SIS proaram~andha,etheopportu· place 1 n:.w:rvatiQTI, call !172- FLOOR Common Ground 1 an t1'1'j!Jnt saidthcdruasattackDNA,pro­ \\elcome Center mty tu purcha~ bool<.s and n:J· !1193. DI~I)O'IIton C l~ lahon of gay and ~tllltl!ht "'u voklna mutation! and altering renu1in Ol)l' n t~terforclasscs SummaryMedtcaiL">St~tance dents,facultyand\tafftl'lat pro lo hereditary material. They Yid durittg break wlhTC:qUC"\teo.lforasub~tat wk:5 suppon and a yfe en\ 1 371~~ !!~!lore 0;nr~~~~t1t~n. ,~~~ Fr'(;~~:!ti0 b;~~ ~k~J5nta the lonaer a penon uses the ronment fOf ~tudent~ of all <oe'l. 11\oe UOI\CI'oity'~ new 1 the h ~ ted locatton Officers and proal!~~ n~u edu The P1 Kappa Alpha fratemi• drugs. the areater damage ual orientauon \\elwme ('enter "''II he npen cauM:d totheoM"r'sDNA. Centro! Campbell Count)' on Dec. ;!:6, 29. _'l}und ll I)' sponsCM""ed its Jrd 11 nnual Squlld ~'\'~ponded SubJCCI~<>a! T~ Wekumc Center ~~ lo.:lll· Kid ~ lnviled lo Chrbun" Buddtes Party.
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