690Th Network Support Squadron Tests New Help Desk App

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690Th Network Support Squadron Tests New Help Desk App A PUBLICATION OF THE 502nd AIR BASE WING JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 71 No. 20 • May 23, 2014 690th Network Support Squadron tests new help desk app Photo by Senior Airman Lynsie Nichols Mance Clark, 902nd Security Forces Squadron, tests the new Virtual Enterprise Service Desk application for the fi rst time May 16. The product, also known as vESD, is a client-based application that serves as a communication platform between the Enterprise Service Desk and all 850,000 users in the Air Force network. The product is going through a trial period and is expected to be released in October 2014. See story Page 3. INSIDE | News 3 Community Briefs 14 What's Happening 15 Sports 17 ONLINE | http://www.jbsa.af.mil PAGE 2 commentary TALESPINNER May 23, 2014 Joint Base San Antonio- Lackland Knowledge is power! Editorial Staff BRIG. GEN. BOB LABRUTTA 502ND AIR BASE WING/JBSA COMMANDER TODD G. WHITE 502ND AIR BASE WING/JBSA Are you fully energized? PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR OSCAR BAllADARES JBSA-LacKLAND PUBLIC AFFAIRS CHIEF By Senior Master Sgt. Chas Buterbaugh of the knowledge I learned and had access to take advantage of these programs, with 318th Cyberspace Operations Group to. Luckily one of my mentors thumped me force shaping there may not be a later. I LESLIE E. FINSTEIN INTERNAL COMMUNIcaTIONS CHIEF on the head and forced me to look at all the was fortunate I had time, and did not wait MANAGING EDITOR nowledge is power! How many things I learned and the advantages the Air too long before using these programs to 671-4111 times have you heard people say Force had given me. I took a step back and improve myself and open additional doors SENIOR AIRMAN KRYSTAL M. JEffERS that? For me it’s been hundreds of decided the time was right. for myself both as a military member and in K EDITOR times between the quotes, speeches, bill- When I first joined after high school I the civilian sector. boards and movies everywhere. Now anyone MIKE JOSEPH had zero intention of ever pursuing formal It is a simple equation; By educating SENIOR WRITER who knows me will confirm that I can be a education again, but because it has been yourself, you expand your options. With a pretty slow learner and depending on who given to me so freely through tuition assis- Community College of the Air Force associ- JOSE T. GARZA, III SPORTS/STAFF WRITER you ask they will tell you that tance, the GI Bill, professional organization ate degree, technical school training and I still have a long way to go, but in my scholarships and myriad other programs four or six years of military experience, you DOROTHY LONAS PAGE DESIGN/ILLUSTRATOR own defense, I also know that I’ve come a available, I finally broke down (others would immediately have an advantage over some- long way. say got smart). So, I decided to power up. At one who has none. When I was 16 years old my mind was the 10-year point of my career I decided it If you have a bachelor’s degree you put Office made up; I didn’t like school, I was joining was about time to use those programs and yourself one rung on the ladder above 2230 Huges Ave. the military and swore I would never take JBSA-Lackland, Texas begin my college journey. Twelve long years that group. Finally, with a master’s degree, 78236-5415 another class again when I graduated the later, the kid who hated school so much that American Census data has shown you can 671-2908; following year. Funny thing is the more I he joined the Air Force to get away from it earn close to 20 percent more each year (fax) 671-2022 fought against studying, taking tests and completed his master of science degree with than those with a bachelor’s degree depend- Email: [email protected] taking college courses, the more I did those Commander's Action Line distinction. Crazy right? ing on your field of study. With a Doctorate, http://go.usa.gov/jhXh very things I swore off years ago. I soon I never truly realized the power an edu- you may change your tax bracket. Keep Straight Talk: 671-6397 (NEWS) found out that basic training was just one cation could provide me both in uniform and in mind you can also earn multiple certi- more cram session mixed with gym class, out. When you take time to learn, you im- fications thereby setting you up for future For advertising information: EN Communities housekeeping and camping on steroids. I prove yourself, you improve your organiza- success. P.O. Box 2171 can still hear my training instructors yelp, tion and, believe it or not, you improve oth- The best news in this article is that right San Antonio, Texas 78297 “What are you looking at? Get your nose in ers around you as well. By powering up and now you can get a professional certification, 250-2440 that Airmen’s Manual.” Guess what, time to expanding your personal knowledge, you associate, bachelor, master’s or perhaps a study. share that knowledge with others, improving doctoral degree free. Yes 100 percent. How This newspaper is published by Finally, after six weeks I had graduated… their approach to looking at things. When many of you have stood in line for free EN Communities, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, no more studying, sitting in classrooms, it comes to knowledge, the Air Force is also game tickets, free Starbucks or buy one get under exclusive written contract with finally. I was wrong again. one big power plant. So I ask you, are you one free deals? That may only have hours JBSA-Lackland, Texas. This commercial enterprise Air Force newspaper is an From the minute I joined the Air Force powering up? Are you fully energized? or maybe months of pay-off. Why would you authorized publication for members it has been one non-stop classroom and In a time when the Department Of not want to take advantage of a free educa- of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Talespinner are not necessarily it never stops. Not one year has gone by Defense is trying to have their dollars go tion that will have a life-long pay-off? the official views of, or endorsed by, that I wasn’t studying career development farther, they are looking at every measure Whether you have been in two years or the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the courses, promotion fitness examination, (yes they can to cut budgets and reduce spend- 22 years now is the time! Power up while Air Force. us old farts carried PFEs not professional ing. If you think tuition assistance will be you can, because eventually the Air Force The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or development guides), promotion material, there in its current state forever, you may power plant may cut its output and you supplements, does not constitute attending professional military education. be fooling yourself. could be left low on knowledge and even endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air For the longest time I didn’t take advantage If you sit back until later in your career shorter on power! Force or EN Communities, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without JBSA Sexual Assault One of the regard to race, color, religion, sex, Straight Talk Line best things national origin, age, marital status, Prevention and Response physical handicap, political affiliation, about ICE is or any other non-merit factor of the For current, automated information during a natural disaster, that people purchaser, user or patron. JBSA SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE • 808-SARC (7272) Editorial content is edited, prepared crisis or emergency, call your local Straight Talk line. can let ser- and provided by the Public Affairs Office DoD Safe Helpline • (877) 995-5247 of the 502nd Air Base Wing. All photos, •JBSA-Fort Sam Houston: 466-4630 vice providers know when they do unless otherwise indicated, are U.S. Air a great job, not just for poor service. Force photos. •JBSA-Lackland: 671-6397 JBSA CRISIS HOTLINE • 367-1213 Deadline for story submissions It takes 5 minutes or less to submit is noon Wednesday the week prior •JBSA-Randolph: 652-7469 JBSa Duty CHaplain • 365-6420 a comment at http://ice.disa.mil. to publication. May 23, 2014 TALESPINNER news PAGE 3 NEWS IN BRIEF 690th NSS tests new virtual helpdesk app JUNE 19 ing time with a new prod- across JBSA and the Air essary except for extreme HOME BUYERS’ SEMINAR A home buyers’ seminar is from 1:30- uct called the Virtual Enter- Force Personnel Center cases where connectivity is 4 p.m. June 19 in the Fellowship Room at prise Service Desk. to test the beta version of completely lost.” Freedom Chapel. The product, also known vESD May 16, at the ESD fa- The vESD will benefi t Seminar topics include the home buying as vESD, is a client-based cility located at JBSA-Lack- the Air Force as a whole process, how much money is needed, cur- application that serves as land Kelley Field Annex. by educating and empow- rent market conditions, mortgage basics, a communication platform “Our goal is to demon- ering users to resolve their information about the Veterans Adminis- between the Air Force En- strate the product and allow own issues as well as get tration and Texas Veterans loan programs, terprise Service Desk and users to provide feedback status updates on existing credit information/tips, and a question-and- all 850,000 plus users in on its functionality and the trouble tickets and allow answer session.
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