Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information

Name Dr. Nabi Bakhsh Narejo Designation Assistant Professor & Incharge (BPS-19) Organization Department of Criminology of Office Address Metha Ram Hostel, Campus Hyderabad Cell 0305-3523543 Email [email protected] Present status: Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, , , Sindh,

Professional Qualifications

 M.A. (Applied Criminological Studies), University (1999)  Ph.D. (Criminology), Karachi University (2010)

Subjects taught and Research Interests

 Terrorism & Violence  Criminal Justice System  Violence against Women  Community Policing  Dacoity and Robbery as patterns of crime  Criminal Psychology  Juvenile Delinquency  Research Methodology  Fundamentals of Criminology

Research and Professional Experience

 2001-2008 Lecturer, Department of Criminology, University of Sindh  2008- present- Assistant Professor Department of Criminology, University of Sindh  Visiting Professor at Institute of Law, University of Sindh  Supervised more than two hundred Research Projects at Department of Criminology  Seminar organized capacity development programs with Police Management, at University of Sindh Jamshoro in collaboration with Police  Delivered lectures on Criminal Investigation, Community policing and Restorative Justice to ASIs of Hyderabad Region.


Publications  An analytical study of dacoities in Sindh: Causes, patterns and interventions, PhD  Terrorism in Pakistan: Causes, Effects and Controlling Strategy Biannual Research Journal GRASSROOTS Vol. XLVI DECEMBER-201  Kidney Selling: A Pakistani Perspective Biannual Research Journal GRASSROOTS Vol. XLVI DECEMBER-201  Analysis of Rape Incidents in Hyderabad,Sindh,Biannual Research Journal GRASSROOTS Vol. XLIII JUNE-2011  Drug Abuse in Rural Hyderabad-Sindh: Community Awareness and Response Biannual Research Journal GRASSROOTS Vol. NO. XLIV DECEMBER-2011  Study of Problems of Working Women in Hyderabad, THE WOMEN ANNUAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES VOL. 03,2011  Study of Causes and Correlates of Honor Killings in District Sukkur, Pakistan Journal of Criminology, Volume 2/ number 2/ Apl 2010  Paradigms of Homicidal Female Honour Victimization in Sindh, Pakistan Journal of Criminology, Volume 2/ number 2/ Apl 2010  Narco-Terrorism in Pakistan: An Organized Crime-Linkage and Counter-strategies, Pakistan Journal of Criminology,Vol. 2 No 1/ Jan 2010  Unraveling the Argument on Abortion and Its Etiology, SINDH UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL (SURJ) Volume 44 number 04 December 2012  Examining the Role of Forensic Science for the Investigative- Solutions of Crimes, SINDH UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL (SURJ) Volume 44 Number 02 June 2012  Pakistan and ASEAN Relations: Quantifying Threats and Opportunities, Area Study Center, Far East & South East Asia, University of Sindh, Jamshoro,Sindh Pakistan. 18th- 19th February, 2004

Secretary and Membership

 Secretary National Curriculum Committee of HEC on M.Sc Criminology, 2006  Member National Curriculum Revision committee by HEC on BS and MS program in Criminology,2011  Board of Studies of Criminology, University of Sindh  Secretary Criminologist Association for Reforms and Education  President Pakistan Society of Victimization and Justice  Member Board of Journals of Pakistan society of Criminology