International Philatelic Collectors Directory

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International Philatelic Collectors Directory ■ ■* Л , - .... ■ У. L-0ř^>5 . • - ' • - i -' ÿ i-Ls . * Л “ Vi.*; - *. - ■■ ■ \ ■■ ,-v ' ''Г •. 'i* P rice, $ 1.0 0 . f V • •: f ..Л:* , 'V • INTERNATIONAL PHILATELIC COLLECTORS 4 % ' DIRECTORY. COPYRIGHTED, Nachdruck Verboten. COMPILED BY A. O. DESLAM , JERSEY CITY, N. J„ — - - u- s- A' __ ±л~. V г INTERNATIONAL PHILATELIC COLLECTORS DIRECTORY, COMPILED BY A O. DEELAM, JERSEY CITY, N. J., Ü. S. A, 1 8 9 8 . NON PLUS ULTRA STAMP ALBUM IS THE VERY BEST AND UP TO DATE. After experimenting for the last ten years and spending large amounts of cash, I bave succeeded in getting up a book which will give satisfaction in every respect. The advantages of the Hook are : 1. The Sheets are removable. 2. Rubbing is avoided. 3. The mechanism is very simple— no strings to fasten, etc. The price of the Album is— 100 pages and patent cover— §5.00. Single pages Щ cents each. Different sizes and shapes made to order at lowest prices. I also make Stock Books with removable pages, the only Book a Stamp Dealer should use. Ask for circular and sample page. Discount to the trade. A. KRASSA, USTO- 81 ITASSA-IT STREET, NEW YORK CITY. GREAT GREAT BARGAINS MARVELOUS BARGAINS BARGAINS Of every etamp offered for sale I have a sufficient quantity on hand to supply ordinary demand and you need not be afraid to send your order. Could till every order I received on X my previous advertisements. г All stampa in fine condition. a ia Money cheerfully refunded if stamps are not as represented. «í U. S. a a P O S T A G E . My UNPAID LEXTER STAMPS. My Catalogue price [ price Catalogue price i price ft 1847 .$0 85 $0 40 30c. brown......... ......... 1 80 *30c. brow n.................. m 1851-5* le. blue II imperf. 30 ]4 50c. brow n....... ......... a ..1 00 40 *50c. brown.................. X ..1 50 60 80c. claret.............. ..4 00 1 85 £0c, claret................ ... .2 50 1 25 X 2 25 V. S. ENVELOPES (cut square) .15 00 7 00 Cat. No. ft *1861 lc. blue.................... 35 15 1302, 1853-55 3c. red, die 2 white pa 2 50 1 00 1861 10c. green.............. 15 07 1811,1S53-553C. red, die 2 buff paper, 1 25 50 1861 lie. black................................... 40 IS 1312, 1853 55 3c, red, die 8 buff pa,.3 00 1 20 *1865 2c. black.................................... 60 25 1317, die2buff pa.3 00 1 25 ► 1868 lc. blue 11x13 or 0x13 mm . 1 25 45 1318, 1853 5510c. green died buff pa.3 00 1 25 H 1869 1C. buff................... 75 85 1328. 1857-61 lc. blue, buff paper... 1 00 40 < M 1869 2c. brow n............................... 15 00 *1330, 1801 3c. pink on while paper. 50 20 m 1860 6c. blue....................................... 75 35 *1333, 1861 ec. pink on buff paper...2 00 90 *» 1869 12c. green...................... ....... 75 35 1338,186112c. brown and n-u on buffé 00 2 50 H 1869 15c. brown and blue.................2 00 95 *1339, 1861 20c. blueatid red on bu ff.8 00 4 00 Я a 1869 30c. bine and carmine.............4 00 1 80 *1340,186121c. green and red on buff,8 00 4 00 ft 1869 reissue 2c. brown................... 10 00 3 70 *1311, 1861 40c. redand;blk. on buff,10 00 4 50 > 1870 embossed 6c. carmine............. 4 00 1 75 *1357, 1804 lc. red brown on buff ..4 00 1 70 1870 embossed 10c. brown ..........10 00 4 50 *1358,1864 18c red on buff paper.. .3 00 1 20 1870-71 6c. cannine,.......................... 20 09 •1359, 1864 24c. blue on buff paper..2 50 1 00 a 1870-71 7c. verm illion....... ; ............. GO 28 *1360,1864 30c. green on buffpaper.2 50 1 00 x 1870-71 12c. violet............................. 50 22 *1301, 1804 40c. rose on buff paper..2 50 1 00 *1882 10c. brown re-engraved......... 50 20 *1302, 1804 3c. brown ou white........ 1 00 45 *1883 4c. green ..................... 15 06 •1303, 1861 6c. purple oil wbitepaperl 00 40 X *1887 3c. vermilion............................. 15 or *1365. 1864 6c. purple on buff paper. 60 25 a X, *1888 4c. carmine............................... 15 06 *1366, 18Í0 1C. blue on white ]i 75 30 m *1890 2c. lake...................................... 50 22 .4 00 1 75 > <4 1890 30c. black................................... 12 05 .4 0(1 1 75 я 1890 90c. orange................................. 65 28 *1374, 1870 21c. purple on white. .6 00 2 75 » 1893 Columb. 6c. purple................... 10 05 ,.5 00 2 20 ft Я 1893 Columb, 30c. orange................ 40 19 й» ,.2 00 90 H • t 1893 Columb. 50c. blue..................... 65 30 .4 00 1 75 1893 Columb. $1.00 salm on_______4 00 1 90 *1384, 1870 12c. plum on amber . .4 00 1 lí) a 1493 Columb. §2 00 brown red....... 2 50 1 25 *1393, 1870 24c. purple on cream .6 60 2 75 x 1893 Columb. $5.00 black................5 50 2 60 *1395, 1870 90c. carmine on crean .6 00 2 75 1895 Colomb. $1.00 black.............. 60 25 1.4 00 1 75 1895 Columb. $5.00 green................2 50 1 50 1.2 50 1 00 x U . S. D E P A R T M E N T S . *1413, 1876 15c. orange, white paper2 00 T. »Agriculture 2c. yellow........... .. .,.1 25 60 *1415, 1876 30c. black, w hilepaper..2 00 »Agriculture 3c. yellow ..................... 40 Я 18 *1416, 187690c. carmine, white paperi 50 4) •Agriculture 15c. yellow'..........................4 00 i eo Й г* *1429, 1876 1c. blue, die A. on araberS 00 ♦Executivele, carmine.......................... 10 00 5 50 *1430, 1876 2c. br . die A on am ber..4 00 > •Executive 2c. carm ine,.......... .. 10 00 5. 50 *1438, 1876 7c. vermilion on amber.5 00 Ц •Executive6c. carmine.....................20 00 10 00 *1439, 1876 Wc, hr., die A on amberi 00 •Executive 10c. carmine................ ..12 50 6 00 *1445, 1876 90c. carmine on am ber.10 00 Interior 10c. verm ilion............. 50 20 8 *1464, 1876 5c. blue, die A on creami 00 ► Interior 12c.............. 40 18 *1465, 1876 lc. blue, die A, on orange 50 Interior 15c. vermilion................... 50 20 *1515. 1884 July 2c. die В on faw n. .5 00 Я Interior 24c. vermilion.................... 75 30 *1887 30c. chocolate, any paper2 00 fi Interior30c. vermilion .......... 75 30 *1887 90c. purple on while, am­ Interior 90c. vermilion................... ..2 50 1 00 ber. manila or manila amber.,3 50 1 40 •Justice 1c. p u rp le ............................2 00 90 *1887, 90c. purple, o-iernai buff4 50 1 75 Navy le. bina.......................................1 50 70 1887 90c purple on blue...........5 00 2 00 ã Navy 2c. blue........... ......................... 65 30 Many other envelopes at low prices. x N avy 7c. b lu e ................................10 00 4 75 Navy 15c. blue.....................................3 00 1 40 U. S. R E V E N U E S (Imperi.) _ Navy 30c. blue.................................... 3 00 1 40 $100 Entry of Goods..........................1 50 70 X •Poet office lc. black.......................... 40 18 $1.00 L e a se ................... 2 00 90 Post office 2c. black ........................ 25 10 a Л $1.00 Life Insurance............... 5 00 2 25 Post office 12c. black........................ 75 35 $1.00 M an ifest.................... 2 50 1 00 > •Post office 15c. black......................... 1 50 70 $25.00 Mortgage..................................25 00 12 00 я •State lc. green.............. 3 50 1 60 •State 7c. green ....................................3 50 1 60 U . S. R E V E N U E S (perf.) ft 3c. Playing Cards, green,..,......... 8 00 ■ State 10c. green.................. 2 50 1 20 з го > Treasury 7c. brow n............................ 2 50 1 10 5c. Playing Cards, red...................... 90 40 m •ť Treasury 24c. brow n..........................5 00 2 10 10c. Foreign Exchange..................... 60 25 a S Treasury 30c. brow n......................... 35 15 15c. Foreign Exchange.................... 75 30 X Treasury 90c. brow n..........................2 00 75 20c. Foreign Exchange......................1 00 40 »means unused. * means unused. Cash with order or New York references. A. KRASSA, 81 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. BARGAINS I GREAT BARGAINS I BARGAINS I GREAT BARGAINS GEORGE J. CARTER, 265 HALSEY STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. C O L L E C T O R S in ail parts of the world would do well to write me what they want in the stamp line, or what they have to dispose of. I have an immense stock and am always ready to buy for cash, sell or exchange. Selections of stamps from any country sent on approval to parties sending references or cash deposit. Collectors in foreign countries having quanti­ ties of stamps to dispose o f should send same by registered mail with lowest cash price. I remit for, or return stamps same day as received. If you desire exchange, state what countries you re­ quire. 100 entirely different varieties of United States stamps (no revenues or post cards), including special delivery, postage dues, official seal and many rare varieties of postage stamps, post free to any part of the world for $1.00, 4/ , 4 mks. or 5 fcs. The catalogue value of this packet is over $5.00. GEO. J. CARTER, 265 HALSEY STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. XJ. S« LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. LISTE DER ABKUERZUNGEN. LISTE DES ABREVIATIONS. * Dealer ...................... Händler .............. Marchand. s .................. Stamps ...................... Rriefmarken....... Timbres. Stamps....... Briefmarken . Timbres. Pvc....... Postal cards with views...................... Ansichtskarten . Cartes postales avec des vues. Phil............. Philatelic ................ Philatelie. Philatélique. Ex.............. Exchange ................ Tausch ................ d’Echange. Lit.............. Literature ................ Literatur.............. Literature. Spec............ Specialties .............. Specialitéés. U. S............. United States.........
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