PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release 27 August 2013 Media Enquiries Sharon Chan General Manager Hong Kong New Music Ensemble Email:
[email protected] Tel: +852 90305649 “The Modern Academy” Press Conference and Info Session 6 September 2013, 16:30 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre Presented by Hong Kong New Music Ensemble In collaboration with Goethe-Institut Hongkong I. The Modern Academy Summary Among one of the 14 grantees of the 2nd round funding exercise of Arts Capacity DeVelopment Funding Scheme of the HKSAR GoVernment, the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble proudly presents The Modern Academy, a project under the Project Grant of the above-mentioned Scheme. The Modern Academy is an intensive course focused on increasing skills of adVanced students and young professional musicians in the performance and appreciation of music of the late 20th and 21st centuries. The first Modern Academy will take place 3-9 January 2014 in Hong Kong. 60 young string players, percussionists, conductors and sound engineers from Hong Kong, Mainland China and oVerseas will be giVen the opportunity to work alongside world-class mentors to study modern masterpieces and freshly-written works. A press conference and info session for teachers, press, parents and potential students will take place on Friday 6 September, 4.30pm (for press) and 5pm (teachers and students). The Academy brochure will be available and the Academy website will be activated on the day. A significant part of this project relies on the expertise of specialist foreign professionals who come to Hong Kong to perform, teach and inspire. This year The Modern Academy welcomes guests from Germany: the world-famous string ensemble Ensemble ResonanZ (Hamburg), conductor Manuel Nawri (Berlin) and sound engineer Sebastian Schottke (Karlsruhe).