Ending Childhood A Study on Estonia Statelessness: Working Paper 04/15 EUROPEAN NETWORK ON STATELESSNESS © European Network on Statelessness. All Rights Reserved. This paper and sections thereof may be distributed and reproduced without formal permission for the purposes of non-commercial research, private study, news reporting and training, provided that the material is appropriately attributed to the authors and the copyright-holder. This working paper was commissioned by the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) a civil society alliance with 100 members in over 30 countries, committed to addressing statelessness in Europe. Among other objectives, ENS advocates for the enjoyment of a right to a nationality by all. This working paper is part of a series that has been produced in support of the ENS Campaign “None of Europe’s children should be stateless” which was launched in November 2014. ENS wishes to acknowledge the generous support for this campaign received from the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This paper was researched and written by Aleksei Semjonov, Director; Jelena Karzetskaja, Lawyer; and Elena Ezhova, Lawyer – Legal Information Centre for Human Rights (an ENS Associate Member). European Network on Statelessness Club Union House, 253-254 Upper Street London, N1 1RY United Kingdom Charity Number 1158414
[email protected] www.statelessness.eu For further information about ENS, its activities or proposals for research or other collaboration, contact ENS Director Chris Nash at
[email protected]. The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion is an Expert Partner for the ENS Campaign ‘None of Europe’s Children should be stateless.