VOL XXIX #2 1 July 2007 I n t e r n a t i o n a l F l e e t C l u b N E W S L E T T E R Editor / Publisher From the Editor mailing well over 400 hard copies Jim Catalano world wide. Last issue we sent out over 200 requests for updated info to 8 Westlin Lane Wildly optimistic, I started the open those we hadn’t heard from since Cornwall NY 12518 cockpit season off on April 1 with two 1999 – and received only about 10 great flights in 60-degreee weather, responses. We have no idea whether E-Mail clear skies – then it dropped to 35 these 200 folks are receiving the
[email protected] degrees and snowed on and off for 2 newsletter, or are enjoying it or weeks. I thought for about a minute couldn’t care less – but it’s almost like Telephone about putting on the old MacKenzie throwing leaflets overboard on a fly-by 845 - 534 - 3947 Airservice wooden skis, then thought and not knowing what impact we’re better of it. having. Fleet Web Site Ninety de- web.mac.com/fleetclub grees here If you’re one of this today, great Silent Half, we would for warming Fleet Net love to hear from you. up 2 gallons Don’t just sit there on groups.yahoo.com/ of oil, short- your er …ah… seat group/fleetnet ening up my pack, send news, pre-flight by several minutes so I can send photos and con- Cover Photo quickly get up in the sky and go no- sider sending a dona- Mike O’Neil’s 1930 where fast in 615S! tion of at least $10 a Model 7 Fleet - N756V year to keep us ahead Club membership now hovers around of the financial power Designer 450 strong; 5% receive the newsletter curve.