—It takes a woman to do —The real bone of a bang-op job of parking contention is in the a car. The Glengarry News jaw. THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO

VOL. LXII—No. 17 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 24th, 1953 SINGLE COPY 7c Officers Named By Bruneau Glengarry Priests Visit Grave Of Away Since 1907 But Flying Seguin From B.C. To District Soldier Killed In Japan Still Wants Home News Among our new subscribers Stand Trial In Hurd Murder Group Are Not Accepting Posts this week is a Glengarrian who has been In the West for 46 Six Key Men Advise Eastern Ontario years but who, in his own Defence Lawyers May Ask Change words, is “still very interested in Liberal Federation Head That They the news from Glengarry”. Of Venue From Cornwall To Ottawa Do Not Recognize New Group John A. McNaughton of 220- Prisoner Being Brought To Toronto 6th Ave. West, Prince Rupert, Aftermath of a meeting at Hawkesbury last Friday night when a B.C., writes that he was bom in Henry Seguin, 35-year-old Cornwall man, is being flown from British Lancaster, May 9th, 1883, and rival group to the recently organized Glengarry - Presoott Federal Liberal Columbia to Toronto on Sunday, to face trial in the murder of Leonard left for the West in June, 1907. Association formed a new two-county association — six men named as Hurd, Maxville, shot (to death in his taxi near Maxville last August. My brother, Peter McNaughton Inspector Robert Wannell of the Ontario Provincial Police, Toronto, and .key officiais of the latter group have indicated they do not recognize it of Green Valley, sends me a and are not accepting any office. Their decision was contained in a copy now and again, he writes, Cpl. Jean Paul Laperriere of Lancaster, both of whom worked on the letter forwarded early this week to J. C. Allen of Ottawa, president of but I would like to get it regu- Hurd- murder, left Toronto by plane, Tuesday, for the West Coast to the Eastern Ontario Liberal Fed-* larly. * escort Seguin to Toronto. eration. Thanks for the missionary There are reports defence attor- All but one are on the executive Native of Lochiel work, Peter, and you can now neys may seek a change of venue -of the Association formed at a stop forwarding your paper to Glen Robertson Has for the trial from Cornwall to Ot- meeting here, April 19th. They are: brother John. tawa because of the publicity given Dr. D. J. Dolan of Alexandria, Dies At Age 93 A Milk Problem to Seguin’s arrest and trial in Brit- president of the Glengarry Liberal ish Columbia. The Ottawa legal Association, and a vice-president of Friends and relatives were grieved Glen Robertson residents are in firm of Mirsky, Soloway, Assaly and Houston has been engaged to de- the new two-county association, to learn of the death of Mrs. A. A. Capacity Audience something of a furore over the Kennedy, aged 93 years, at her fend Seguin and the defence will be who was named a vice-president at question of milk, following a ruling the Hawkesbury meeting. residence, 9th Concession of Corn- conducted by Louis C. Assaly and Glee Club Concert by Board of Health oflicials that former Assistant Crown Attorney Eugene Macdonald, Alexandria, wall Township, on Wednesday, April E. J. Houston. .secretary - treasurer of the Glen- 15th. there must be no further sale of On Friday night, the Alexandria Seguin is regarded as a transfer garry Association and English sec- Mrs. Kennedy had not been in the unpasteurized milk. High School Glee Club held its an- prisoner because of the fact that he retary of the new riding group, who best of health for some years, but The village has no pasteurizing became seriously ill about three nual concert in the Alexander Hall. is now under sentence in British was named one of two treasurer^ at The capacity audience was gra- equipment and dealers are being Hawkesbury. weeks previous to her death. Columbia. He will be taken direct She whs the last surviving mem- ciously .welcomed by Cecile Lan- supplied by an Alexandria dairy- to Kingston Penitentiary and held George Lefebvre, Alexandria, a thier, chairman for the evening. •director of the Glengarry Associa- ber of her family. Her maiden man. But it seems some residents there until he appears for prelim- The programme began with three tion, who was elected a vice-presi- name was Mary Ann Cameron, and prefer the unpasteurized product inary hearing on the murder count, selections by Grade 9C, accompanied possibly next week. dent at Hawkesbury. she was a daughter of the late Dun- : by Mrs. D. M. Macleod—“God Bless because of an “unpalatable taste Marcel Bourgon of St. Isidore, a can Cameron and the late Margaret o Our Queen”, “Boating Song” and in the glairy milk. And they were secretary of the Prescott Liberal MacMillan of Lochiel. Advised of the death of a felloW Glengarrian through reading the “Mighty Like a Rose”. Grade 10., -Association, and French secretary In 1894 she married Alexander A. securing locally produced milk- des- News, two Glengarry priests in japan, Fathers Cleaily Villeneuve and also accompanied by Mrs. Macleod, Allan Weir Dies -of the new Glengarry - Prescott Kennedy, who predeceased her 20 pite the health laws which prohibit Alex. McDonald of the Scartooro Missions, recently visited his grave in sang, “With a Song in My Heart” group, who was named to the same years ago. She spent her entire sale of unpasteurized milk. the Commonwealth cemetery at Yokohama and placed a wreath thereon. and “Down in the Glen”. Grade In 84th Year post in the Hawkesbury slate. married life on the' homestead, Pte. John Sauve, 19, was accidentally killed, January 14th, while serving A second Alexandria dairyman where she was known as a good 9E presented, “I Heard You Go By”, C. P. Butler, Caledonia Springs, with the Canadian forces in Japan. “Keep On Hoping” and “Swing Low was asked to bring milk in but he Allan Weir, a widely known and English secretary of the Prescott neighbor, possessing a kind and charitable disposition. She was a A son of Peter Sauve of Mille Boches, the young soldier had resided Sweet Chariot”, with Gisele Trottier is on record as declaring the road respected resident of Alexandria for Association and treasurer of the at Apple Hill and attended school there before joining the armed forces at the piano. more than 30 years, died late Sat- joint-county group, who was named faithful member of St. Anthony's is so bad it would be unprofitable some 18 months ago. He had been in Japan, serving with the Princess Two pieces were sung by the Glee urday afternoon at the home of English secretary at Hawkesbury. parish, Apple Hill, and was fortified for him to make the trip to the by the last rites of the Roman Patricias, less than a month when he met death. Club—“Tramping Song” and “Come Mrs. R. M. McLeod, Bishop street Leslie McAllister of Pendleton, a Glen. north, where he had been residing vice-president of the new associa- Catholic Church. He is survived by his father, Peter Sauve; seven sisters, Mrs. Alex. to the Fair”, with Mary Beth Mc- Bilmer, Monckland; Mrs. Bernard Bilmer, Monckland; Mrs. Hilliard Donald accompanying. The quar- Latest move by Glen Robertson for several years. In his 84th year, tion, named to a like post at She leaves to mourn her passing, folks, we understand, is a largely- Mr. Weir had been in failing health Hawkesbury. two sons, Myles and Donald, on the Harris, Northfield; Mrs. Bari Lafave, Mille Roches; Misses Shirley, tette, composed of Adrien Chabot, Darlene and Doreen Sauve, Mille Roches, and two brothers, Garnet, Lloyd Chandler, James Proulx and signed petition to the Counties since Christmas and suffered a In the joint letter to J. C. Allen, homestead. One daughter (Flor- Mille Roches, and Peter, Cornwall. John James Macphee, sang two Board of Health requesting its as- stroke ten days ago from which he president of the Eastern Ontario ence), Mrs. Frank Morgan, of Spo- sistance in establishing some kind failed to rally. In forwarding the above picture to us. Father Alex. McDonald, a son lovely songs — “Stars of the Sum- Federation, these six men point out kane, Wash., died three years ago. of competition or in permitting Mr. Weir was the last surviving of Mrs. Duncan A. McDonald, Alexandria, reports both he and Father mer Night” and “The Voice in the that at the Alexandria meeting, at- She is also survived bÿ 16 grand- residents to buy from the farmers. member of his family. si Villeneuve, a son of J. Domina Villeneuve of Cornwall, formerly of Old Village Choir”, accompanied by tended by large delegations of Lib- children and eight great - grand- One housewife is quoted as de- Born at lot 37, 3rd Kenyon, Jofie Maxville, are both well and happy, despite their struggles with the Arthur Stimson. erals from -both counties, they were children. claring she, was brought up on un- 21st, 1869, he was a son of James Japanese language. They are staiioned at Tokyo, Japan, and were visiting Miss Catherine MacRae, the music elected to office in accordance with The funeral took place from her pasteurized- milk so it should be Weir and his wife, Catherine the Commonwealth cemetery at Yokohama when they came on the grave director for AHS, trained and di- the constitution of the Glengarry- residence on April 17th to St. An- good enough for her children. Fraser. As a young matt he did Pxescott Federal Liberal Associa- of Pte. Sauve, (whose death they had noted in this paper. Father rected each of these groups. On o thony’s Church, where the Requiem behalf of the Glee Club, Nancy police work at Superior, Wisconsin, tion. They further point out that High Mass was celebrated by Rev. McDonald points out that in the same cemetery axe buried the Canadian Graham presented her with a and on his return to Glengarry they axe guided- by a letter of April J. D. Roland Rouleau of Glen Rob- boys who fell at Hong Kong in 1943. beautiful bouquet of roses, “a small farmed fqr a time, on the family 16th to Mr. Butler in which Mr. ertson. Present in the Sanctuary As Father McDonald requests, the picture is being forwarded to Mr. Sauve at Mille Roches. indication of how greatly we appre- St. Raphael’s Store homestf,ad. More than 30 years ago, Allen, as president of the Federa- were Rev. C. F. Gauthier of Lochiel, ciate all your work, Miss MacRae!” Mr. Weir came to Alexandria to re- tion, states “he has no hesitation in and Rev. Francis Foley of Dickin- side with his sister, Miss Margaret recognizing the Association formed son’s Landing. Friends and relatives from a dis- Interspersed among these group Entered Last Week Weir. Since her death 15 years songs were most entèrtaining solo at Alexandria on April 19th.” Pallbearers were: Francis Cam- tance were: Frank Morgan, To- ago, he had resided in the McLeod Glengarry Dance At pieces, a -piano solo by Muriel Ontario Provüncial Police are in- Though invited to the meeting at peau, S. J. McDonell, Donat Levac, ronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Connell, home. Hawkesbury, last Friday night, Mr, Myles Campeau, Frank Morgan and Charlefoois, and a vocal solo by vestigating a break-in and robbery Mr. Weir served on the police Massena, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Adrien Chabot, accompanied by at Macdonell’s General Store, St. Allen did not- attend. Noel Ber- Delphis Carrière. Leclair, Potsdam, N.Y. Montreal A Success force here for a short time and on Arthur Stimson. Raphael’s West, which took place thiaume of Hawkesbury, who was A large number of Mass cards and The body was placed in the vault many occasions filled the role of . The Glengarry Club of Montreal sometime Thursday night of last footed to the presidency of the letters of sympathy were received. to await burial later. Our guest speaker, Professor D. extra policeman during his active group formed Friday, declared the chalked up its second big success, M. Shepard, Director of Classics at week. years. News of his passing was re- meeting at Alexandria was “uncon- Friday night, when some 509 county Carleton College in Ottawa, was Cigarettes, overalls, boots and ceived with regret by relatives, stitutional”, that he had not been folk were re-united at an enjoyable introduced by Mary Beth McDonald, shoes valued at approximately $299 friends and acquaintances. advised of the meeting though at Suggests Glengarry Forum Might dance in the Palais d’Or dance hall and spoke on the qualities of a were take». The largely attended funeral was the time, he was temporary presi- on Stanley street. An estimated 209 student. A good student, he said, Entry was gained by throwing a held Tuesday morning at 19 o’clock (Continued on Page 5) Organize A County Museum motored to Montreal from Glen- is one who has the ability to work rock through the glass of the front from the McMillan & Steinberg garry for the affair. well and who has learned to think door. Funeral Home to St. Finnan’s Ali McGowan’s orchestra provided for himself. Duncan A., Macdonell, proprietor (A letter to the Editor) Cathedral. Rev. John D. MacPhail, music sweet and hot and he made J. T. Smith, Principal, spoke of of the store, discovered the robbery rector, chanted the Requiem Mass Lancaster Legion Lochiel, April 21st, 1953. and, no doubt, since that time many a big hit -with his band’s rendition the kind co-operation of Mr. Cre- when he went to work Friday morn- and the prayers at the graveside, To The Glengarry News: priceless relics have left our county of “I Want To Go Back To Glen- vier and the. Shepherd Bros, in ing. He has been in business in in st. Finnan’s cemetery, were Plans Street Dance We follow with keen interest the in the truck of the antique dealer. garry”, with McGowan doing the sending the buses around at night this -stand only since February 7th, recited by Rev. C. F. Gauthier, story of the Craigs on the CBC It is my personal sentiment that A street dance will culminate vocal. It came as a pleasant sur- to pick up the pupils who would following the fire which destroyed Lochiel. farm broadcast, and especially en- Glengarry Forum has within its Coronation Day activities at Lan- prise to his Glengarry audience. (Continued on Page 5) the Macdonell store late last year. Honorary pallbearers were: Mayor caster, June 2nd, members of Claude joy that phase of the drama dealing membership all the qualities neces- with the prospective community sary to make it an important cog For the old-time dances there was George Simon, E. B. Ostrom, D. N. NUnney, V.C., Memorial Branch of McRae, Ulric Laionde, James museum to be housed in the anti- in the entire national Forum con- the best music this side of Mont- the Legion decided at a meeting Duggan. quated home of “'Minnie ODonell”. servation scheme but that it’s de- real, eight of Glengarry’s top Friday night. Music will be by One Hour Less Of Sleep Saturday The active bearers were: Charles It brings to mind a suggestion velopment is greatly hampered by violinists. “Dusty” Morrison and his orchestra. McKinnon, Arnold Weir, Donald brought forward by a young man a lack of committees to deal with The evening was entirely informal Weir, Thos. Kemp, Andrew McRae The day’s activities will open with from Charlotbenburgh township, at the various lines of work, e.g., the with no speech making whatever. As Summer Time Comes Into Effect church service in the morning, a a Farm Forum county annual two preservation of our heritage, the Lucky winner of the door prize and A. J. Cameron, Lochiel. Among relatives present from a free show and, possibly, a sports years ago, that the founding of a work of cultural and intellectual de- was Miss Dorothy O’Connor of Daylight Saving Time comes into ment elsewhere in this issue, the program in the afternoon, though county museum be considered as a velopment and the discovering and G!en Roy. effect in Alexandria, as in most distance were Donald Weir, Rouge- CNR is adopting a new policy of mont, Que.; Ranald Weir and plans are not yet fully finalized. likely project. The idea was shelved, development of leadership among Canadian communities, at midnight, low-rate fares for return trips to the ranks of our rural youth. Saturday, and- our readers are re- daughter, Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. various points on its -lines during minded to turn the clock forward MacDonald, Cornwall; Jack Weir, Might I dare suggest that a com- midweek periods of slack travel. one hour as they go to bed tomor- Lancaster, and many others from mittee for Historical Research could Summer Resident The first affecting Alexandria are row night. Failure to do so in the Lochiel, Greenfield and other dis- have used the suggestion by the available next week to Montreal and :: LEGION ACTIVITIES :: past has resulted in church services trict points. young member from Charlotten- Ottawa. At Lancaster Dies being missed' on Sunday morning. Lovely floral tributes were re- burgh to good advantage and pos- Alphee Mercure, local agent, an- Summer time, With its extra hour ceived from neighbors and friends Now that the hookey season is are being made to have a fly-past by sibly would have, at this time, an nounces that the ticket office at the Funeral services were held re- of daylight each evening, will be in on Bishop street north, as well as over for this year, we hope to see jet planes of the RCAF from Up- enviable collection of relics for dis- cently in Verdun, Que., for a well station is closed during the period Mass cards and other expressions of play? Lacking a ‘Minnie O’Donell’ effect until midnight September the dart experts and cribbage play- lands Airport or St. Hubert. The known summer resident of Lan- from 11 am. to 4 p.m. each Sunday. regret and sympathy. drawing for the TV set will be part establishment, who knows with what 26th. ers meet at the Ciubrooms on Sat- caster. of the evening programme. results a delegation might have met, The switch to summer time brings urday nights. Charlie Dear will be Dr. Charles E. Borland died at St. its changes in timetables of the The Ladies’ Auxiliary held a fare- if they had appealed to the High Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, in his there to welcome you, so if you well party for Mrs. John Malkin, School Board for a small space in railways, bus and other transporta- 75th year. Dr. Borland and his tion facilities. Although the CNR have nothing else to do come along their past-president, on Monday. the new school to be dedicated as a :: A.H.S. CHIT-CHAT :: family spent the summer months at remains on Standard Time, we pub- and pass a few hours at the Club- We of Branch 423, wish her every museum, .‘in memory of the pioneers Lancaster for several years and his- lish the new hours of arrival of rooms. success in the future and wish to of Glengarry county”. This could wife, the former Stella Martin, of passenger trains at Alexandria with By MARY BETH MCDONALD At a joint meeting on Monday thank her for all she has done serve as a tourist attraction as well Verdun, is formerly of Lancaster all times given as Daylight Saving night plans for Coronation Day for us. as an interesting course in local We are gradually coming back to capacity. We would like to extend and Cornwall. Time. For those who do not ob- were discussed. A giant Street Fair * * » history for pupils and staff. the grind of studies at AHS, but our thanks to Professor Donald M. Dr. Borland- was a graduate of the first couple of days were a little is planned- similar to the one held Attention, Cribbage Players serve fast time, one hour should be Shepherd, who took the time and Once again, at our latest annual Chicago University and served in lopped off each time given. hazy. by the Red Cross in 1942. We are Alexandria Branch is out to cap- meeting, the need for a committee effort to attend our concert and to seeking permission to block off the U.S. Navy during the Spanish- Effective Sunday, the CNR sche- With the aid of this beautiful give us an entertaining few min- ture the Molson’s cribbage trophy, bn public relations or publicity was American War. He also saw service Main street from Ottawa street to at Vankleek Hill on Sunday. This dule is: California weather, the softball utes telling us how lucky we are to obvious, when a generous offer came in the First World War with the Westbound Kenyon street, which will all be is a beautiful trophy, which we want teams have begun training. The 'be in High School and the qualities from the Kenyon Agricultural Fair Royal Canadian Army Medical DS Time— decorated. We hope our business- to win from Cornwall Branch. The girls’ teams are called A, B, C and of a good student. Board (space for a Forum Booth at Corps. 10.37 a.m.—Daily. D (very original) and their cap- men in this area- will make plans Provincial President will be guest Preparations are underway for a Fair time, at a nominal fee). Surviving, in addition to his wife, 6.24 p.m.—Daily, except Saturday. tains are Rita Marcoux, Nancy to put on their gayest and gaudiest speaker at Vankleek Hill at the Would not these and several more spring dance held annually with the are a son, Joseph, of Boston, and a 19.53 p.m.—Daily. Graham, Cecile Laiithier and Claire exception of last year. It is to be displays. Mayor Simon has offered Zone Rally. Any members and committees provide an outlet and us the town’s supply of bunting, sister, Mrs. Audrey Robinson of To- 3.98 p.m.—Saturday only. Marcoux, respectively. The opener sponsored by the Year Book com- THEIR WIVES may go. The meet- opportunities for the development ronto. etc., and the labor to put it up. ing starts at 1.39 sharp, so anyone 8.42 p.m.—'Sunday only. of the season was held on Tuesday mittee, whereas previously it was of much potential leadership? Wè The funeral was held at St. Willi- F.astbound Maybe the FUC will add a few seeking transportation should be at between teams C and D. The score under the management of the Cadet have qualified as a ‘listening group’ brod’s Church, Verdun. Many Mass 9.53 am.—Daily, except Sunday. strings of colored lights to add to the Hub at 12.30 (noon) on Sunday. was 17-0 for team D. Corps. and perhaps with a bit more organ- cards and floral tributes Were re- 8.25 am.—Sunday only. the display. On Coronation Day it (Don’t forget that’s DST). We still Our annual Glee Club concert We hope you’ll be with us next 1 ization within the ranks we might ceived from friends and relatives. 6.24 p.m.—Daily. is planned to have a band, street need a few more cribbage players, held in the Alexander Hall last week and that you enjoy reading advance to the “action group” stage. Mrs. Borland is a sister of William 9.29 p.m.—Sunday only. dancing, souvenirs, etc., and efforts so let’s turn out to win this trophy. Friday, was a success and we were this column half as much as do we EDNA M. MaoMILLAN. J. Martin of Lancaster. As will be noted in an advertise- very pleased to see the hall filled to in writing it. Page 2 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953 ■ THE TWO REASONS Who Really Rules Canada We don’t live the kind of life or — THE GLENGARRY NEWS — do the things we would like to do,, Member of: (The Rural Scene) With Our mainly for two reasons. One is lack Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association; Audit Bureau of Circulations During a strike of the employees ed the owners of these birds from of money, the other is public opin- ion. Some Would like to travel, see PUBUJISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY of the Swift Canadian Company’s sending them to places where they could be cared for. Where were the other countries, stay at expensive hatchery at Stratford, some 60,000 Rambling Reporter THE NEWS PRINTING COMPANY police and the magistrates, whose hotels and live a life of ease, but P.O. Box 10 — ALEXANDRIA — Phone 9 bahy chicks emerged from their duty it is to maintain law and order, they haven’t the money to do it. Others with less expensive tastes EUGENE A. MACDONALD, Editor and Publisher shells and began to cheep for food when this lawlessness was going on? —By Tom Johnston and care. And where did the Humane So- would probably like to own a yacht, SUBSCRIPTION RATES (eSective January 1st, 1953): $3.50 per year, Unable to look after the birds in ciety get the authority to order the nice cars, have a summer home by anywhere in Canada, payable in advance; United States and the side of a lake or river, but all the strike-bound plant, the Com- company to -destroy its own prop- We were walking along Main KIDS WILL TELL Foreign, $4.50 per year. pany proposed to send them out-to erty? these things are beyond- their means. street Saturday afternoon when we Everyone in moderate circumstances: farmers in the district where they And why does this organization were accosted by three little girls, has a dream of what they would do DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Casual, 50 cents per column inch. could be cared for till the strike was call itself a Humane Society when each with a handfull of brightly if they suddenly came into riches, Contract rates given on application. COPY MUST BE IN OUR OFFICE over. it orders the kiEing of baby chicks colored leaflets advertising a cer- but it would never do for everyone But ’the pickets, whom the strik- rather than order a picket line to NOT LATER THAN 9 A.M. THURSDAY. tain brand of Easter hams. The to have wealth or the world would ers had placed around the building, be opened? Is it a Society for the advertising was done up in bright come to a standstill, there would be Authorized as Second Class Matter by the Post Office Department, would not allow this and the birds prevention of the opening of picket red and yellow colors with a flock of no one to do the work. Ottawa, Canada. were in danger of dying from neg- lines? Easter chickens. “Will you buy one In our everyday life we are bound lect. If it had any authority at all in of these for a cent?” they asked. hand and foot by public opinion- A lady, visiting in a local home, ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 24th, 1953 Then the Humane Society stepped the matter, why did it not go to the “But I can’t read it”, we told them. We don’t do lots of things we would into the picture and issued an ul- mayor of the; city or the chief of “It is printei in French and I can’t was asked by the little daughter if like to do because we are afraid of timatum to the Company, ordering police and demand that they do read French.” “Well”, said the she had been away. what people will say or think of us, “Why, no, I haven’t been away. FLASHES IN THE EDITORIAL PAN it to feed the birds or destroy them. their duty and make .the pickets smallest, a tot about four years old, but people Wouldn’t worry so much 1 What made you think I had?” We would hardly term it a new feature, but under the The Company yielded to the de- open their lines, so that the chicks “you can look at the pictures.” We about what others think of them if above heading we are introducing in this issue some random mand. Thousands of chicks were could be moved to places where dug down for a penny, and the “Because my mummy and daddy, they realized how seldom they are observations which while not rating editorial treatment may killed by gas, under the supervision they could be cared for? three youngsters went away chuck- both said that you and your hus- thought of. of the Society’s officials, before the Have we come to the point in ling to think they had found some- band had been at Loggerheads for nonetheless be worthy of comment. two or three weeks.” Sometimes we would like to poison Our choice of a name is not meant to infer that we are police finally intervened to. permit Canada where police protection is one gullible enough to buy a worth- or shoot the neighbor’s dog or cat training our guns on anyone, and, incidentally, mis-firing. the removal by the company of only for those who defy the law and less piece of advertising matter. when it becomes a nuisance, or we Neither do we intend that this column will not have a regular other chicks. become a law unto themselves? Earl Leroux, well-known Alex- would like to wring the necks of the This is a strange proceeding for Surely the Canadian people can andria angler, can scarcely wait for neighbor’s hens and throw them spot on the editorial page, though it is possible there will be a free, self-governing country. the fishing season to open. Earl just the odd lapse when the editorial “pan” is a little more dense do better than this at governing In grandma’s day, when she want- back over the fence when they The strikers, unlawfully, prevent- themselves. ed a pie, cake or pudding, she got heard of a new Way for catching scratch our garden seeds out, but than usual. We’ve found that christening a column is even out the old family cookbook and fish and is dying to try it out. You more difficult than finding a name for the baby. if we did we might be summonsed made it according to instructions, or cut pieces off a plug of chewing to court and the thought of the We would ask the forebearance of our readers if at times Hospitalization Is Highest In from one of the hundreds of recipes tobacco and throw them in the publicity we would get stays our we insert something that is meant to be witty. If you can’t she carried in her head. Then, the water. The fish catch the chunks hand. find the humor, consider the source. You can always laugh Government-Run Saskatchewan proof of the pudding was in the eat- and go to the bottom, but they have Often we feel like saying nasty at us, if not with us. ing. Today, the proof of the pud- to come to the surface to spit and things, or taking a poke at some- you just1 knock them on the head (The Letter-Review) ding is in the ready-mix package. one’s jaw, but if we got ourselves The housewife goes to the store, with a club and haul them out. The OCF mass petition for na- of a petition signed by a scattered into a brawl, there it is again — buys a package of ready-mix for public opinion. We just can’t do ail IF WE HAD A CEILING ON PUBLIC tional health insurance seems to handful of the electorate. Either pies, cakes, puddings, tea biscuits, have flopped. Presenting it to the Mr. Coldwell knows nothing about Two little boys were playing at the things we would like to do and pie fillings and numerous other the post office corner when the SPENDING House of Commons, Mr. M. J. Cold- parliamentary practice, which seems so -we stick to the straight and nar- things. She comes home, dumps it twelve o’clock bell rang. “I’ll have An Edmonton housewife has pointed out an obvious weak- well said it had “considerably more highly improbable, or else he was row path, perhaps not because we in a bowl, adds milk or water, mixes to go home”, one little fellow said. ness'in public administration — that of allowing governments than 100,000 signatures.” This can are so fine and upright, but because the willing participant in what was it up and shoves it in the oven, and “Aw, let’s have another game”, the to prepare a list of all the things they want to do, and then only be taken to mean that it had nothing more than a bizarre pub- we are afraid of being talked about. voting them the money to do it. Governments are like people, out it comes in a short time, no other one begged. “No”, said the fewer than 200,000. licity stunt. fuss, no bother, no flavor. The first one, “I have to wash my hands she avers, in that they will always spend all the money they Yet the CCL, trade union ally of Advocates of a state-managed, young husband compliments her on and face, comb my hair and brush GRANDFATHER SNARKEY have or can get their hands on. the CCF, has 350,000 members alone. taxpayer-financed national health her fine baking and doesn’t know my clothes before my mother will SEZ: The only way to check their spending is to put a limit on Where were they? And where were scheme might find it to their ad- the difference until he goes to let me sit down and have dinner, their income, reduce it to the point where they have no choice the 550,000 members of the TLC, vantage to study a Dominion Bur- empty the garbage and finds ready- and if I stay for another game I but to retrench. As this woman puts it, “cut ta'xes first and which at recent annual conventions eau of Statistics report on Cana- mix packages for everything he has will be late.” then let them figure how to make ends meet, just as the house- has come out strongly for national dian hospitals, most recent issue of been eating. “Nothing like that at my house”, wife does.” health insurance? The fact seems which reveals that cost per head of the other boy said. “I just go in, Her solution to the problem of our ever-rising tax burdens to be that trade unionists are no population for hospitalization in throw my jacket on the floor and sit is so self-evident that it Could not have escaped our fiscal ex- more enthusiastic about signing Canada is highest in Saskatchewan, “Did you get that cheque I sent in to dinner. My mother doesn’t perts. It must be that governments don’t want to restrict their OCF petitions than they are about where a provincial government hos- you?” a man asked a local merch- Worry about a little dirt.” expenditures and instead have taken the easier road of bud- voting for CCF candidates. pital scheme is in force. ant. “Gee”, the first little boy said, “I The number of Canadians who One reason given for the high cost “Twice”, the merchant said, “once wish I had a dirty mother like Man, is incomplete until he be- getting merely for the amount of tax monies that will be signed Mr. Coldwell’s petition may of hospitalization in Saskatchewan from you and once from the bank.” yours.”. comes a father—then he is finished. needed to coyer estimated expenditures. be compared with the number who — $18.90. per head, compared with That appears to be the. extent of budgetting done by most hold voluntary medical or hospital $11.60 in Manitoba — is, according municipalities and Alexandria, as far as we know, does not insurance — a million in one case, to the, DBS report, “incentive to even budget to that extent. For the past few weeks we have three million in the other. These overcrowd hospitals because a drop been reading in the press of tax rates for the y Car set by other figures may help to explain why the in patient occupancy means a cor- •municipalities. We have not heard what the tax rate will be petition did so poorly. Most of the responding decrease in hospital this fall, for Alexandrians and we cannot recall, during our people who really want health in- revenues.” In other words, in Sas- Itrief association with council, seeing a budget this early in surance have already provided katchewan in 1951, on the evidence the year. Our tax rate is struck late in the fall, only after most themselves with it. of an official PBS report, malinger- •of the year's actual expenditures have been toted up. Puzzling, too, is why so experi- ing was encouraged in the knowl- N'A^?erha.pS. we are wrong. Perhaps the administration al- enced a parliamentarian as Mr. Coldwell should imagine that Par- edge that the provincial government ready has its budget, knows what tax monies will be required liament has any constitutional would foot the bill with the tax- DWARD I. TARLTON, for many years foreman of partment of Agriculture of his selection for the post this falk tô meet! expenditures. If so it is operating on a more authority to legislate on the basis payers’ money. E efficient béisis than its predecessors. the paint shop at the Munro & McIntosh plant, of Hog Grader, with headquarters at the Union Stock But whether or not our total expenditures for the year here, was fatally injured at Orillia. Tuesday, Yards. Alexandria Lodge A.F. & A.M. this week have been carefully estimated, wouldn’t our taxpayers get a Who Says Toronto Is Dull? when struck by a truck. Two sons of W. J. Le- purchased the valuable property, comer of Main and break if, as this Edmonton housewife suggests, all our govern- groulx, Alexandria, are Elgin streets, from the estate of the late Mrs. Mary ments, and other tax bodies, federal, provincial and municipal, TEN YEARS AGO among RCAF graduates. McMillan. The residence will make an ideal club- (Ottawa Journal) Friday, April 23rd, 1943 LAC C. O. Legroulx won rooms and the adjoining lawn an attractive bowling first set a tax rate based on what is a fair burden for the tax- in 18 accidents; one body pulled green. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Begg, Moose Creek, payer, then budgetted expenditures within the limits of that The things some people say about his “sparks" at ‘the No:. Toronto are no secret — that it’s a from the lake; one indecent as- 4 Wireless School, Guelph, while AC Lawrence Le- have rented a house in Maxville, and will shortly move income ? sault on a juvenile; three premises dull, dull town, that nothing ever groulx completed an Aero-Engine Mechanic’s course there. Miss Hattie Daniels is now installed as night That way, a lot of the frills would have to be sacrificed in entered and robbed; two sudden operator at the Maxville phone exchange. happens between Saturday noon at St. Thomas. LAC R. H. Metcalfe, son of Mr. and the name of economy — a word which governments appear to deaths from heart attacks and 35 Mrs. Rupert Metcalfe of Maxville, also received his have dropped from their vocabularies. and Monday morning, that in a assorted fires with one woman “sparks” at Guelph, while LAC J. A. Lalonde, son of ☆ ☆ ☆ manner of speaking they fold up slightly burned. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lalonde, Apple Hill, received his E residents of Apple Hill -and vicinity have now a the sidewalks after business hours. “Police arrested 156 persons, 105 r pilot’s wings at St. Hubert.——John Ross MacLeod of One would think, to hear some banking institution of their own, as on Saturday, of them as common drunks, in the MoCrimmon, suffered a severe gash to his left foot REMEMBER, THIS IS A POLITICAL critics, that they made a practice period between 4 p.m. Saturday a branch of the Hochelaga. Bank was opened of shooting cannon balls down (or and 9 am. Sunday. Eight motor- while cutting'wood in his bush, Saturday. John D. under the supervision of T. W. Munro. The Board MARRIAGE Campbell, well known Cornwall contractor and wood up) Yonge street every Sunday ists Were arrested for driving of License Commission- The placid polities, at least federally, that Glengarry has forenoon to prove Toronto’s reaction while their ability was impaired, dealer, died of a heart attack in his car at Cornwall, FORTY YEARS AGO ers for Glengarry met known in the last half century appear to be a thing of the past. to that celebrated test of rural ser- one was charged with dangerous Tuesday morning. Mrs. Campbell is the former Isabel Friday, April 25th, 1913 here on Saturday, when Through election after election we have gone our uneventful enity. driving, another for driving while McFhee of Alexandria. Among Glengarrians pass- a license was granted to way, almost always returning a Liberal Member to the Com- But the critics are wrong, and we his licence was under suspension ing Dairy School tests at Kemptville were: E. Leduc, D. R. McDonald, North Lancaster. Reckless driving mons after a campaign noteworthy only for the infrequent prove it by this quotation from the and two will receive summonses J. A. Marjerison and G. McBein, Apple Hill; E. Girard, down Main street resulted in a serious accident Tues- in-fighting of candidates seeking the Liberal nomination. Toronto Globe and Mail of Monday: for careless driving.” RR. 2, Alexandria, and A. Lavigne, Dalkeith. G. Val- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gareau were driv- Once his hat was in the ring, the Liberal stalwart had only “Seventeen turbulent hours pre- And what more could any reason- ade, St. Raphael’s, passed conditionally.—Capt. H. L. ing north when they noticed two buggies approaching to go through the motions, confident in the knowledge that a ceded the calm of Easter morning able person expect in the way of ex- Cheney of the Dental Corps, qualified for the rank of at a fast clip. In trying to get clear the three buggies in Toronto. citement? Toronto dull! Why, Acting-Captain, at Three Rivers, Friday. He has been collided and Mrs. Gareau was thrown out, suffering big majority of the fans would be cheering for him. And the 1 path to the ringside was usually short and unobstructed by “There were two knifings; one there’s more going on than you transferred to Brockville to establish a new dental injuries that confined her to her home. Donald A. challengers. itraffic fatality; 21 persons injured could shake a stick at. clinic there. At Ville St Pierre, on April 17th, Macdonald, having completed his course at Osgoode Evelyn Winnifred, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Toronto, arrived at Garry Fen, yesterday. That was in the days when Glengarry was enjoying its Robert Whittal, was married to Donald Stewart Cam- Miss Ada Chisholm, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Peter single state of blessedness, was politically pure (comparatively Flashes In The Editorial Pan eron, son of Mrs. Donald MacLeod of Laggan and the Chisholm, Lochiel, on Monday entered the Western speaking) and could be wooed and won without undue ex- late Archibald Cameron. Hospital, Montreal, as nurse-in-training. News has travagance or even out-of-pocket expenise. been received of the death, Wednesday, at Blairmore, That day may be past. The shot-gun wedding arranged That was quite a 20 percent rise in long distance rates the ☆ ☆ ☆ Alta., of Bennie McDougall, son of D. P. McDougall, for us by Ottawa has changed our status completely. Now we Bell Telephone Co. added on last year. It used to cost 10 or 15 Maxville. His venerable father was with him at the cents to phone Maxville. Now we note we’re paying 35 cents. DD. MCRAE has gone to Vankleek Hill, to join the have to learn to work and live in double harness and like any staff of McLaurin & Sinclair. A nomination time. other marriage, even only of convenience, this one is going to Sounds more like 200 percent than 20. They must have had meeting is to be held at Maxville, tonight, to fill ☆ ☆ ☆ take some adjusting to. the ‘wrong number’ in their application for the rate increases. the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hamilton J. T THE annual meeting of the License Commission- We’re learning, at least the more Liberal part of us is dis- *** *** * * * Morrow, Messrs. Â covering, that our ‘better-half’, Prescott, is more mixed up, ers for Glengarry held here Wednesday, licenses In the interests of better public relations between our TWENTY YEARS AGO Ernest and Charles were granted to 21 hotels, while 5 applications more complicated, perhaps even with more explosive a per- town and-trading area, wouldn’t it be a good move if the Police Friday, April 21st, 1933 Brady o f Lancaster, were held over to next meeting, three of them from sonality than we had realized. We know that fundamentally Commission or Town Council were to advertise salient points were recently appointed Maxville. Licenses were he is much like ourselves, Liberal by nature, dependable, and of our traffic rules and regulations? Our police might not have agents of the Allan Oil Co. Ltd., in Lancaster and FIFTY YEARS AGO granted 4 Alexandrians, that he can be counted on when the chips are down. But in to hand out so many warnings for infractions if visitors to Charlottenburgh township.——Miss Mora M. MacLeod Friday, April 24th, 1903 J. R. McMaster, Ottawa these first days of the honeymoon we had expected to find him town, and townspeople, too, knew just what is permitted, what has just returned to Maxville from Toronto, where she j House; J. A. Cameron, more relaxed, more tractable, more mature and less given to completed the two years’ course of study in the Pres- Grand Union; Cartwright and H. McDonald, Com- is illegal. byterian Missionary and Deaconess Training Home. flinging his arms about. *»*■* *** * i * * mercial; A. Gagnier, Atlantic. The marriage of As with any marriage, it is the long haul that counts. We Mrs. Duncan McLeod passed away at the home of Miss Mary Elizabeth McDonald, daughter of D. Mc- must have patience, firm in the belief that things will work out, We’re wondering if anyone else is getting as ‘browned-off ’ her daughter. Mrs. Neil M. McLean, Baltic’s Comers, Donald, Esq., of Cornwall, ex-warden, to Archibald J. confident, that our betters at Ottawa were wise in their choice, on Coronation publicity as we are. The week-end papers are April 10th, after an illness of some months’ duration. McDonald, merchant, of North Lancaster, was solem- have not mis'-tnated us. While holding to our standards and full of it and the dailies and magazines seldom miss an issue. Oliver McRae of the Northern Electric Co., Mont- nized in St. Columban’s Church, Cornwall, on Wed- The event itself will be an anti-climax if they don’t ease up. real, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McRae, Stewart’s Glen, nesday.——Lachlan P. MdDonell left on Saturday for withstanding any attempts to lower them, we must have has been transferred to the Toronto branch. respect for our helpmeet and overlook apparent weaknesses *** *** *** Copper Cliff, where he will spend some time. Dan which can be eradicated with time. Put us down on the list of constant readers and admirers ☆ ☆ ☆ McKercher, Athol, has purchased A. H. Robertson’s And we should not lose sight of the fact that the skeleton dwelling house on Catherine street, Maxville, and will of D’Arcy Finn’s ‘Once Over Lightly’ column in The Ottawa ARE-ORGANIZ ATION meeting of the Alexandria shortly move to town. Mr. Watt of Howick, has at this wedding feast was the question of who should be best Citizen. But we’ve often wondered how a big; hulking Irish- Board of Trade was held Friday, when the speak- purchased from D. McDonald of Montreal, the fine man. With this choice settled, as amicably as possible, there man like T.D.F. could possibly go over anything LIGHTLY, ers were the Bishop of Alexandria; Rev. Dom. farm north of Lancaster, lately occupied by Mr, Mc- should be little cause for friction. unless it was the back of the curling “house”. Perhaps he Bede Jarrett, Provincial of the Dominican Order Donald. D. J, Bathurst was elected Reeve of Lan- After the honeymoon, with this first election over, we will developed some light foot work dodging the puddles out on Capt. the Rev. J, A. H. caster township in the ballotting April 13th, with a probably find our espoused more sure of himself, less compli- Alta Vista Drive. THIRTY YEARS AGO McLean, J. H. Prieur, 42-vote majority over Finnan McDonald. Norman cated and more adaptable to teamwork. We should remember, * * * * * * * * * Friday, April 20th, 1923 Dr. J. T. Hope, F. T. McNeil and John Chisholm of Skye, leave shortly for too, that he has his problems, must learn to put up with us even The Senate is at it again. Seems those hoary has-beens of Costello, J. A. McRae, Maine to work on the steam shovel. A fashionable as we must learn to share. the Upper House wake from their somnolence every few years J. H. Mitchell and A. G. F. Macdonald. M. J. Morris wedding in St. Finnan’s Cathedral, Tuesday, was that The Liberals of Prescott and Glengarry must be prepared to worry about the profits of the packing houses. They initiated was elected president; J. A. McRae and G. D. Sa- of Miss Mae Macdonald, daughter of Mr. Duncan A. for many adjustments, and even the odd tiff, before their the move to lift the ban on margarine in 1949. Now we see the bourin, vice-presidents; R. R. Macdonald, secretary- Macdonald, PM., and Mr. Donald Macphee, Jr., eldest marriage can be said to ‘have taken’. And the threat of the treasurer, and active committee chairmen were ap- son of Mr. and Mrs. D. O'. Macphee. His Lordship Senate’s Banking and Commerce Committee voting 10 to 4 in pointed. On Monday, Mr. Donald McKinnon, son Bishop Macdonell officiated. The first sale on Lan- eternal triangle should be kept in mind. Another may move favor of exempting the butter substitute from sales tax. of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKinnon, “Hillcrest”, left for caster Cheese Board took place last Thursday When in on the marriage, if we can’t get along. Senator Euler should be pronouncing his name “oiler”. Toronto, after being notified by the Dominion De- 67 white and 97 colored sold at 12% cents. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953 Page 3

platform under the whey tank to Bit of DDT, a Lesson . . . and No Typhus prevent seepage. White is the pre- • NEWS New Sanitary Regulations ferred color both inside and outside • OF INTEREST MAX VILLE “ST : the factory, although other forms of • FROM SURROUNDING • Will Apply To All Cheese Factories construction such as brick or cement with white windows and doors is BELLEVILLE, April 14.—The On- the most critical inspection, said acceptable. Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew Fischer and Skene were guests at the manse tario Cheese Producers’ Association Mr. Lackner. The water supply of the factory Mr. and Mrs. G. H. MadDougall at- with Rev. Dr. McLean-Bell, Mrs. went on record as supporting the must be approved by the Provincial McBean-Bell and Miss Moss, on Flies and Rats tended the golden wedding of Mr. new factory regulations on sanita- Main points of the program are Board of Health, even if it means and Mrs. John Goth of Billings their way to the Coronation. tion explained' to them by C. E. drilling a well. Extra precautions Wilfred McDougall and son, measures to control the fly and rat IBridge. Lackner, director of dairying for nuisance at factories and to prevent to prevent flies entering from the Bruce, of Stittsville, spent Sunday C. B. MoDermid is in Toronto this Ontario. other extraneous matter from get- receiving room are necessary, such with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. week. The decision came after they ting into the cheese. The regula- as fans, or properly constructed Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McDougall, D McDougall. viewed slides of some of the de- traps. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacRae spent tions cover both the interior and Mrs. Neil McDonald, Fred Mc- plorable conditions found in cheese exterior surroundings of the factory. The possibility of Government aid the week-end with relatives in Ot- Gregor and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lamh- factories by Dr. A. S. Thatcher and Good drainage to assure the rapid in the form of a grant or loan to ton attended the 50th wedding an- tawa. his staff of the Food and Drugs Di- factories having to make major re- Harry McKercher is spending disposal of all moisture around the niversary celebration of Mr. and vision of the Department of Health factory is one of the main points pairs was suggested by several dele- Mrs. Alex. Cameron, at their home some time with his son, Wilmer, at and Welfare. gates and it was decided to investi- North B^y. stressed. at St. Elmo, Monday evening. Dr. Thatcher, while showing slides The regulations will mean major gate the possibilities of such a move. Mrs. Sam Gardiner is the new Miss Audrey Metcalfe spent the o of the conditions he found, pointed overhaul of some of the older fac- Ï’ brarian, replacing Mrs. F. Jones, week-end with Mr. and Mrs. V. K. out that the price the industry had tories in order to bring them up to An hour’s work by, the average ^ who is'moving to Athol. Metcalfe. to pay in adverse publicity due to the standards or else these factories Canadian worker would buy in 1947 Donald and Ray Ferguson visited Rev. D. A. Smith of Vancouver, the few factories that did not come will be forced to close because they at least four times the goods and their father at Montreal General superintendent of Chinese work in up to a satisfactory sanitary stand- will lose their licence. services got for an hour in 1847, Hospital, where he underwent a Canada of the Presbyterian Church, ard was too great a one for the All Parts according to recent statistical successful operation on Monday. addressed the Spring Thankoffering industry to bear. The regulations cover every part studies. Everyone wishes him a speedy re- meeting of the WMS on Monday As a result of this study and of the building, all utensils used in o covery. night. He spoke of the work in others made by the dairy industry, the manufacture of cheese, and the It is estimated that rheumatic The Very Rev. Dr. J. B. Skene of Canada among the Chinese. He dress of the cheesemakers. Cement Vancouver, past Moderator erf the was the guest of Rev. Dr. McLean- the new factory regulations have set diseases cause 30,000 Canadians to up a standard which will pass even floors are a necessity as is a cement ’ be off work every day. General Assembly of the Presby- Bell and Mrs. McLean-Bell. Congratulations are extended to FAR UP IN the mountains of Bolivia, Maria Mamani (right) dusts terian Church of Canada, and Mrs. DDT powder into her child’s hair. She has just learned the use of the DDT, supplied by the United Nations International Chil- dren’s Emergency Fund, from Delfin Ibanez (left), a technician. The DDT kills the louse which carries typhus. Father of the child, Quispe Mamani (standing), looks on at the dusting process. 1937 - Morrow Motor Sales i PONTIAC — BUICK — Q.M.C. Mr. and Mrs. Donald John Kippen where the funeral service was held of Toronto, on the occasion of their Tuesday afternoon. | silver wedding anniversary, which Rev. Dr. McLean-Bell conducted 1 Maxville, Ontario they are celebrating Saturday. the service. Burial was in the 1 George Dixon is spending some family plot, MaxviUe cemetery. I time at Oakville, Ont. * * * Mrs. Ralph Collins, missionary on | Educationists Are Outstanding for PERFORMANCE ... unsurpassed for VALUE furlough from Africa, will speak at Entertained the Thank-offering meeting in the The parents and pupils of Max- . .. that’s PONTIAC! United Church on Friday afternoon. ville High School district enter- She will address the young people The Greatest Buick in 50 great years is the tained their teachers, district Pub- r; at a supper meeting on Friday at lic School teachers, clergy and j six. school board, to a social gathering 1953 GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY BUICK! Miss Margaret Stewart spent the in the Community Hall on Friday week-end with friends in Montreal. evening. For any load ... on any road . . . there’s a G.M.C. TRUCK Thirty-five 'enthusiastic curlers Allan Vallance was Master of to suit your need motored to Hawkeshury on Monday Ceremonies for the concert, and evening, where they spent a pleas- paid tribute to Mrs. J. Gumming, ant evening on the Hawkeshury who is .ill, a^nd was not able to be rink. Ladies and gentlemen report with her committee for the evening. good games. A sing-song Was led by Edward The invitations are out for the Hunter, accompanied by Mrs. Morrow Motor Sales annual High School Dance, in the O’Hara. Dancing numbers were by Community Hall, April 24th. Joan Hurd and the Scott sisters. A card party in aid of the local Violin numbers by D. MacLeod, ac- curling rink will be held at the home companied by Barbara MacLeod. of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McEwen, Quartette, Fraser Gumming, Donald on Monday evening at. eight. MacLeod, John Sahourin and Man- Mrs. Remi Beaulieu entertained ford Colbran, accompanied by Bar- at a card party on Wednesday eve- bara MacLeod. Scotch numbers by ning last, in aid of the Curling Club. the MacLeods of Dunvegun, accom- "CoM (/0U tom Mrs. W. R. Mac'Ewen was the win- panied by Mrs. Ferguson. ner of high prize, and Mrs. E. S. Feature of the evening was an Winter, .the consolation. address on Education by Mr. Kend- * \^/hen you need help in a hurry, you reach The annual Pot Luck Supper of rick, principle of Ottawa Normal the W.I. will be held Friday at six. School, Later, the crowd assembled for your telephone . . . Think of the difference The OGIT met at the home of in the dining-room to enjoy a their leader, Mrs. C. B. MoDermid1, it makes — just knowing your telephone is bountiful lunch, served at tables by and plans were made for the sum- the committee in charge. mer activities. there, ready to serve you in any i H. K. Carleton thanked the par- Mr. Kendrick of the Ottawa Nor- ents and friends for their hospi- emergency. No price can measure its usejulnots. mal School, has been visiting tality and explained many points what? schools in the United Counties, in- about the school curriculum. He terviewing prospective teachers and also suggested, the organization of a Side by side on the merchants’shelves ' observing student teachers who are THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Home and School Club. teaching their two weeks in district After the lunch, dancing was en- Canadian materials and "imported goods. Do yoti public schools. joyed in the hall to music by Mr. get any advantage when you go for and Mrs. Martin Ferguson. "imported” products? Real Estate Deals -———o And Residence Changes In textiles, at least, the answer is simple. Canadian Moving day is the 1st of May. $300,000 Cheese mills turn out fabrics and yarns that match or Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott and family are moving into the home they re- Storage Plant Planned better the production otany other textile country ; cently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. oj the world in quality. F. Jones. Options have been taken on two They are made by Canadians who are paid J û* ty TRAM Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones are mov- Winchester properties by the On- f 1 ing to the Campbell cottage at tario Cheese Producers’ Association good Canadian wages; they are designed to p.ease f m Athol. . for a huge new refrigeration and Canadian tastes, meet Canadian needs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong have storage plant. purchased the J. Robinson home on The properties are owned by This is no plea to shun "imported” materials. _ Peter street. Mr. and Mrs. Robin- Thomas and Ernest Brown, and Neil They should be considered along with domestic son are planning on building a Gray. They are located aijacent products by every Canadian consumer, but on a cottage. to the CPR tracks about a mile Mr. and Mrs. G. H. MacDougall south of the village just off High- strict wbat-do-I-get-for-my-dollar basis. are moving to their new home, the way 31. Ask for Canadian textiles if you want the best Alex. Robinson home. 'Cost of the new plant, which will for your money. Mrs. L. MaCNaughton is to oc- be erected as soon as sanction has cupy the apartment recently vacat- been received from both the pro- ed by Mr. and Mrs. McDougall. vincial and federal governments, is The Scott home has been pur- estimated at $300,000. Both govern- DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED chased by Mrs. MacLean’ of New ments would supply financial back- Manufacturers of Top Ouahty Brunswick. ing for the project. Canadian Products Which Carry The Association officials looked over Famous Trodô Name Regret Coming Departure the sites recently before taking the Of Rev. J. H. Hamilton options after discussions • with Chamber of Commerce officials. Maxrviile and district residents are sorry to hear that Rev. J. H. Hamil- .The proposed plant in Winchester will serve Eastern Ontario as the ton and Mrs. Hamilton will be leav- ing the village to take up residence one at Belleville serves the central in Ottawa, where Mr. Hamilton has district. accepted the position of assistant pastor of Dominion United Church. eq/oy your top Rev. Mr. Hamilton has faithfully served the Maxville United Church for the past twenty-two years, and You get more for your travel dollar when you go by train! during that time has made lasting Lean back and take it easy... enjoy the scenery, read or chat friendships. In the future, when in air-conditioned comfort. You can make good use of your Mr. Hamilton retires, he will be welcomed back to make his home time... on many cars, you can have a table set up to play in Maxville, where he has served cards — to write a letter or report. Train travel is tops in so well. convenience ... dependable schedules ... free baggage check- • * * ing through to destination, up to 150 pounds ... half-fare for Miss M. C. Cameron Dies children 5 and under 12, under 5 they travel with you free. When At St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, you arrive at any major point, you can have a drive-yourseif on Saturday afternoon, April 11th, there occurred the death of Miss car waiting for business or pleasure. Mary Catherine Cameron, daughter of the late Alexander Cameron of For reservations and information, see, write or phone Dominionville. She was the only your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. sister of the late John A. Cameron, a prominent businessman of Do- minionville and later of Maxville, until his death in 1933. CANADIAN NATIONAL Miss Cameron spent the greater THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES part of her life in Montreal. Her body was removed to the home of her niece, Mrs. W. D. Campbell (Florence), in Maxville, Page 4 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953

☆ ☆ THE FIRST BONNIE HILL ^ ^ Visitors to this section during BIG BINGO Easter Were Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and children, of Montreal, who spent last Sunday with Mr. GLENGARRY GARDENS and Mrs. A. A. Hay. May Have Lacrosse Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fraser and May 22nd children of Maxville, spent Sunday and every two weeks Workout On Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mrs. A. Grant, who spent the MacDonald. thereafter. Patching of the asphalt floor of winter months With her daughter, Miss Katherine McDonald visited the Glengarry Gardens is now un- Mrs. Alastair MacKenzie, in Ottawa, her sister, Florence, in a Montreal derway and there are tentative arrived home on Saturday. West hospital, where she is very ALL CASH PRIZES plans for the first lacrosse practice Miss Betty MacKinnon, R.N., of ill. We hope to hear of her recovery of the season, Sunday afternoon. It Deep River Hospital, spent the soon. Keep this date open. is hoped to have the Montreal and week-end at her home here. Mrs. Mary Seguin, who was visit- Cornwall imports out as well as Mrs. P. Pechie and daughter, Miss ing her daughter, Mrs. Albert La- f local prospects for the team, which Bessie, of Cornwall, visited with her vigne, was taken very ill and had has its first game here, Sunday, brother, D. A. Gray, and sister, Mrs. to be conveyed to Hotel Dieu Hos- Kinsmen May 10th. Stevens, and Mr. Stevens, on Sun- pital, on Friday. A full turnout of fans is asked for day. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hughie Mc- the lacrosse meeting to be held in Miss Margaret MacNeil, Montreal, Donald and their daughter, Helen, Community Sale attended the Glengarry Dance in the Gardens, next Tuesday night at spent the week-end with her aunt, 1 8 o’clock. Mrs. A. Fraser. Montreal last Friday night, and re- Glengarry Gardens officials are Mr. Dan. J. Stewart visited his port a very good time, with lots of Postponed planning on a series of big Bingos sister, Mrs. M. L. Stewart, and Mr. Glengarry music. to be run every two weeks com- and Mrs. James Urquhart, at Vank- A few friends gathered at the to mencing May 22nd. Weekly dances leek Hill, on Sunday. home of Miss Janet McDonald on are another possibility as soon as Misses Katie F. and Tena- M. Thursday evening. All enjoyed a Saturday, May 30th the weather warms. Urquhart, who spent the winter in very pleasant evening. o Cornwall, returned to their home Alex. R. McDonald had dinner on here, Thursday. Sunday with his brother, D. A. Mc- Due to the fact the originally Suzanne Lanthier Mrs. D. Wm. MacLeod is spend- Donald. advertised date of May 2nd ing this week with her daughter, Tea tasting is an art which requires years of practise. A demonstration of it fascinated guests who attended falls in the seeding season, it Heads Tennis Club Mrs. H. Capron of St. Eugene. the recent opening of the new Salada Tea Company Building in Montreal. J. I. GILMORE, the Salada has been decided to postpone Neil MacLeod, Ottawa, spent the Tea Taster, has practised his trade for 36 years. , The taster determines each daiy what proportion of the the Kinsmen Community Auc- Miss Suzanne Lanthier was elect- week-end with his brother, John D. teas received from various gardens in Ceylon and India should be used to make up a particular blend. tion until May 30th. MacLeod and Mrs. MacLeod. ed president of the local Tennis Next to Mr. Gilmore is S. FAYAZ ALUM, Commercial Attache from Pakistan. In the insert at left, is Mrs. J. A. Stewart and daughters, Donations of articles will still Club at a re-organizatdon meeting shown one of the most valuable pieces in the famed Salada collection of oriental art displayed in the new Misses Muriel and Isabel Stewart, be accepted at any time. held Wednesday night at the Hub. building. A tea pot in the form of the Chinese good luck symbol which dates from an ancient Imperial G. P. Miles was elected vice-presi- Ottawa, spent a short time here on Phone 62 — Alexandria dent and Miss Oecile Lanthier is Sunday afternoon and made several Dynasty. and they will be picked up. secretary-treasurer. calls on friends. -^Other officials and committees Sympathy of friends in this dis- groups at all times. are to be named at a later date. trict is extended to Mrs. John K. Will Be Here For William J. Major, M.P., Glengarry, Some 15 enthusiasts were in at- ☆ ☆ Dewar on the death of her husband. told the meeting that a group of tendance and discussion centred I GLEN NORMAN I Monsignor D. R. Macdonald called Federation Picnic agricultural members at Ottawa was ATTENTION! for the most part on the possible on old friends in this district during compiling information about the The Government of Ontario was installation of lights for night play. Our cheese factory opened last the past week. Various phases of the vegetable oils Our New and Modern commended by a recent meeting of The officers are to meet with K. of week, with A. Harkin as cheese- Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McDonald systems. He stated that a great the Glengarny Federation of Agri- C. officials in an endeavor to further maker. and family, Cornwall, spent the amount of the oils used in synthetic the plan. week-end with Mrs. Charles Maville culture for its action in passing Bill foods is derived from soya beans Shoe Repair Shop We are sorry to learn that Mr. 71 prohibiting the sale of synthetic A tentative schedule of fees was Colin MacDonald is at present a and family. the bulk of which is imported as is now open for business food products. However, most of set though this may be altered if patient in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Miss Carol, Master Sheldon and the raw product, to be crushed later in the former Town Office, the members believed that the fight the courts are lighted. Adult mem- Cornwall. Peter McLeod spent the week-end in Canada. He also said that the against the vegetable oils threat was Mill Square, Alexandria. bership will be $7; married couples, Little Miss Linda MacDonald of with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and tagging of vegetable oils was diffi- not finished and the greatest vigil- $10; juniors, $5. Hawkesbury, spent the week-end Mrs. J. Latreille, Glen Walter. cult because manufacturers would ance must be maintained by dairy The courts are in good shape and with her grandparents, Mr. and o then use Canadian produced soya 20 years’ experience will be ready for play as soon as Mrs. Rod. P. MacDonald. beans. Mr. Major assured the in the trade the weather clears. members that he would use his vw Miss Mary C. MacDonald is ☆ ☆ o spending some time with her sister, DALKEITH influence in keeping vegetable oils CIGARETTES ARE # # — QUICK — from further injuring the dairy We doctor your shoes and cane ☆ ☆ Mrs. Jas. A. McDonald and Mr. CHEAPER McDonald, Cornwall. producer. handle all kinds of orthopaedic I CURRY HILL I Mr. and Mrs. Beverley McQueen 1 Sunday afternoon visitors at the CANADIAN QUIZ The meeting accepted an invita if you roll your own, and cheaper work with special care for of Dunvegan, spent Sunday after- tion from the Charlottenburgh still if you buy your tobacco in half home of Mrs. A. Sayant were Mr. noon with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mac- — from — every shoe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mont- Memorial Park Board to hold the pound tins. We have your favorite and Mrs. Archie Sayant and chil- Leod and family. real, were recent visitors at their dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Quick Canadian Facts Federation picnic in its park on brand. Also— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Denovan of Give us a Trial home here, “Hillcrefet”. Donald and little daughter, Debbie, Saturday, July 4th. An interesting Montreal, were week-end visitors 1. At its mouth what is the distance CIGARS Mr. and Mrs. Rene Clairmont, all of Vernon, Ont. programme is being planned and Satisfaction Guaranteed Montreal, were with Mrs. Clair- here, also Miss Kathleen Sandilands. across the St. Lawrence River? H. Fletcher Thomas, Ontario Min CIGARETTES r .mo parents, Mn- and-Mrs. N, (Intended for Last Issue) Ovide Vachon left- for Windsor, 2. ister of Agriculture, has promised to TOBACCOS ' For its spending on welfare and Lagrois. . Recent visitors at the home of last week. He had .been employed social security Ottawa this year he guest speaker. Chocolate Bars, Life Savers, Romeo Belair Her many friends are sorry to at the Ethier Bakery for the past must collect in taxes $5 000 a day, The meeting also approved the Mr. Dan. R. Macdonald were Mr. Candies, Salted Peanuts and many Mill Square — Alexandria hear 'Mrs. F. Mitchell is in poor and Mrs. John Hayes and Miss two years as delivery man. Albert $250,000 a day, $750,000 a day, payment of $956.50 as dues to the other items. health. All hope for a quick im- Flora Macdonald, of Montreal. Tessier has taken over. $1 million a day, $2 million a Ontario Federation of Agriculture provement. Messrs. Ian T. McDonald and Mrs. J. W. MacLeod and her day?? for 1953. Mrs. Dan Roy is visiting friends Dave Cumming of Montreal, visited sister, Mrs. Norman McDonald of 3. What city is known as “Canada’s Mrs. Mack MacCuaig, one of the in Howick, Que., the past week. recently with the former’s grand- Vancouver, B.C., attended the fu- Pittsburgh?” delegates to the O.F.A. convention Fred Curry, Cornwall, spent the mother, Mrs. A. Sayant, and other neral of the late Miss Bertha Mc- 4. What is the average annual cost in January, gave a very interesting week-end with W. J. Sullivan and relatives. Dougall, at Maxville, on Thursday in license fees, gasoline taxes, report of the activities of the Wo sisters. o last. etc., of driving an automobile? men’s Section of the Federation. Daylight Miss Mary Mitchell, Montreal, is Mrs. Mack McCuaig is spending a 5". Of all taxes to be paid by Cana- spending some time with her ☆ ☆ I GLEN NEVIS I few days in Montreal this week. dians this year how much will be In a few weeks a new business mother and Billie. spent on schools and education? will be combined with our Miss Joan McVichie was in Corn- # # J. K. McLeod is now taking a teaching course with Mrs. McPher- ANSWERS: 5. More than 93 cents Studio, which permits us to Saving Time wall on Wednesday last. Mrs. Lyman McLeod, Montreal, son in McCrimmon East school. of the tax dollar will go to other spent the week-end with her par- spending, less than 7 cents to give you good Re-Organization Meeting ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKay. Benoit Deschene had the misfor- schools and education. 3. Hamilton, TOWNSHIP OF CHAELOTTENBURGH Neil McDonald attended the Glen- tune to have his car badly damaged Ont., centre of Canadian steel pro- PROFESSIONAL of the garry Re-union in Montreal, Friday on the county road east of St. Anne duction. 1. 26 miles. 4. $88 per year. Daylight Saving Time will be in effect evening. de Prescott, on Monday. 2 More than $2 million a day. within the Alexandria Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLeod and o PHOTOGRAPHY Murray have returned to South (Material supplied by the editors Township of Charlottenburgh Africa, after spending the past two LANCASTER of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- for your Wedding Reception Lacrosse months with members of their # ^ book of facts about Canada.) etc., at a much lower cost a from family here. to you. Club Miss Maria Morrison, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Ferguson, eron, who spent the week with Mrs. 12.01 A.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 26th at Glengarry Gardens spent the week-end with her Lome Park, Ont., spent the week- Conley. Make your reservations now. brother, Clarence Morrison. end with Mrs. Ferguson’s mother, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray McDonell and Mrs. J. C. McGillis. The people of this vicinity were MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th TUESDAY EVENING family and Mrs. Jim Gill McDonell Mr. and Mrs. Harding, with sorry to learn of the illness of Dr. TO CLEAR FOR NEW spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ' Peachey and that he is a friends from Montreal, spent the SUMMER STOCK April 28th Angus D. A. McDonald and Mr. and week-end at their summer home patient in Cornwall General Hos- W. J. MURRAY, Mrs. John A. Shago. pital. All Cameras and Accessories at 8 o’clock here. Clerk-Treasurer. Mrs. D. James McDonell spent the Mr. anid Mrs. Clifford Jehu and 'Mr. and Mrs. Flanigan and family, 15% off week-end in Montreal With friends. three sons of Lachine, visited their Montreal, spent the week-end at Roll Film — 10% off Mr. and Mrs. John D. A. Mac- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. their summer home in South Lan- If you want lacrosse, fans — donald and Ann spent Sunday with McDonald, over the week-end. caster. Exclusive Dana Frames at half price come out to this meeting and Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Macdonald Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, who spent Mrs. Reid, who has been with show you are interested. and family, 4th Kenyon. the winter months in Montreal, "1 Miss Ella McDougall for the past have returned to their home on Gerry Portrait Studio number of months, is spending a ALEXANDRIA Main street. South Lancaster. NOTICE couple of days this week in Orms- Main Street Phone 358 Î William Cummings of McMaster town. University, Toronto, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Looke, who spent There’s nothing like giving i PERI UP YOUR CAR D. N. Cummings. the winter months in Montreal, Mrs. Allen Derry is spending a have returned to their home, West folks what they want \ few days this week with her son Front. Daylight With -and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. i Gerald Derry, Dorval, Que. DEATHS Mr. and Mrs. Dodds, Montreal, Electro Motor spent the week-end at their home MacDONALD—at hospital in Corn- i in South Lancaster. wall, Saturday, April 18th, Mr. Saving Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McLachlan Archie B. MacDonald of 5th Lan- and little daughter, motored to Ot- caster, aged 82. The funeral was j Tune Up tawa on Sunday, and spent the day held Tuesday, from Marcoux & with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Conley and Morris Funeral Home, Alexandria, f ■family. On their return they were to St. Raphael’s Church and Time Service accompanied by Miss Mary Cam- cemetery. i shall be effective in the Town of Alexandria With these instruments we can give you visible evidence of your from i car’s condition, incorrect adjustments, wear or defects. A Advancing Publication Date twenty-minute check-up will show you a thorough picture of 12.01 A.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 26th f your car’s condition. Advertisers, correspondents and other contributors to to these columns are notified that, starting next week, the pub- i lication day is to be advanced from Friday to THURSDAY. MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th We will endeavor to go to press at noon Thursdays, in an Laurier Lefebvre’s Service Station effort to speed the week’s news to our readers one day earlier. r Authoraed bottler ©f Coco-CoJo under contract wit»» Coco-Cdo ML P. A. CHARLEBOIS, TELEPHONE 391 ALEXANDRIA, ONT. Advertising deadline will be NOON on Wednesdays and Clerk-Treasurer. correspondents are asked to have their copy in this office as ï Champlain Oil Products. CORNWALL Alexandria, April 22, 1953. early in the week as possible. BOTTLING WORKS —THE GLENGARRY NEWS. Cornwall, Ont. Phone: 516 i The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953 Page 5

☆ ☆ W.A. MEETING Couple Honored Toronto Friends Officers Named... MacDONALD’S GROVE V ^ —The regular meeting of the W.A. Enjoyed Re-Union (Continued from Page 1) of Alexandria United Church will CffWtii age_ On Silver Date dent of the association. Mrs. Scott McLennan returned be held at the home of Mrs. Herman The “Annual Gathering” of the He challenged the election of home on Sunday, after spending the Parsons, Main street, Thursday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Gagnier, 6-4th Glengarry Highland Club of To- Roland Pilon as president along past week with her mother, Mrs. ning, April 30th, at 8 o’clock. ronto, was held on Thursday eve- Kenyon, were “surprised” Friday with a group of executive members R. Chisholm, Ottawa. o SOCIAL and PERSONAL night by friends who invaded their ning, April 9th, at West End Vet- to office the previous week. Every 24 hours, your heart beats home to celebrate the silver wedding erans’ Hall. Many ex-Glengarrians On the platform also was Ray-, Mrs. Garnet Upton and daughter, 103,689 times; your blood travels date of the popular couple. The and their friends enjoyed a gala Helen, of Alexandria, and Miss 168,000,000 miles; you breath 23,240 Mrs. Earl MoVicar of Montreal, is Misses Mary Janet and Frances monid Bruneau, MP for Prescott, evening was enjoyed in music, song evening of modern and old-time times; you eat S’A pounds of food, spending this week with her par- O’Shea, nurses - in - training, St. who agreed with Mr. Berthiaume’s Margaret MacGregor, Ottaw'a, spent and dance, highlighted by the pres- dancing as well as a programme of stand. and you speak 4,800 words. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emillen Vian, 1st Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, week- the week-end with their mother, : entation of a well filled purse. piping and Highland dancing. Lochiel. ended with Mr. and 'Mrs. Duncan The cdnstitutionNpf the associa- Mrs. A. G. MacGregor, and Mr. and Howard Morris read a complimen- The programme included bagpipe Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MacGillis, Morris. tion was read to the meeting in tary address and the presentation selections by Pipers Cohn MacKay Mrs. David MacGregor. (North Lancaster, were among those Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lalonde, who both French and English. was made by Alex. Lavigne. and Archie Finlayson; Highland It was decided that the matter Mrs. P. Wyatt, Winchester, is COLLINS GRAPHIC who motored to Montreal, Friday had spent the winter months in Rev. C. F. Gauthier, Lochiel, and dancing by Ruth Mickle, and Scot- spending a few days with Mr. and evening, to attend' the Glengarry Florida, arrived home on Monday. be turned over to Hon. Lionel Chev- ATLAS Rev. A. L. Camerdn, Alexandria, tish reels by Matthew Sutherland rier, MP for Stormont, to decide Mrs. Alex. Cameron. Dance at the Palais d’Or. They flew home, fortunately, for the $2.75 and some members of his dance Weldon McLennan, (Miss Eileen Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kennedy of Florida-New York train that eve- were among those present «nd each which group would officially repre- class. McLennan, R.N., Miss Audrey Mc- The World set before you. Stratford, Ont., visited late last ning was wrecked with heavy loss of spoke briefly. sent the Liberal Party in the com- Mrs. Gagnier is the former Laur- . After the programme, lunch was Lennan and Miss E. MacCuaig, Ot- week with his son, W. E. Kennedy life and injuries. bined counties. served. Then modern and old-time tawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, while en route ette Leduc of Alexandria, and their Others who were elected to office Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Macintosh, marriage took place in Sacred Heart dancing was resumed until the close and Mrs. Rtoddie McLennan. home from Halifax, N.S., where at the meeting were: Dr. D. J. Dalkeith, were Sunday evening Church, here, April 9th, 1928. They of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacDonald Wilfred McLeister they had been present at the wed- Dolan, Alexandria; Dr. Eugene guests of Mr. Andrew McRae. The Glengarry Club is planning and son, Bruce, Maxville, spent STATIONERY ding of another son. Able Seaman have nine children: Claude of Belle- Auger, Vankleek Hill; Aleodore La- Miss Mary Chisholm, Ottawa, another evening of dancing, to be Sundaly with her parents, Mr. and for Home, School and Office George Kennedy of the BCNVR. ville; Ernest and Gerald, Montreal; riviere, Hawkesbury; Leslie Mc- spent the week-end at her parental held at High Park YMCA, in the Mrs. Phil Guindon, Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Villeneuve Colombe, Rita, Clarisse, Lucille, and Allister, Pendleton; George Le- ALEXANDRIA, ONT. home, Lochiel. very near future. A. J. Wilkes was a visitor to spent Saturday in Ottawa, the the twins, Louis and Louise. febvre, Alexandria, vice-presidents; Miss Margaret Mac’eod, Ottawa, o The club is also making tentative Marcel Bourgon, St. Isidore de Fournier on Wednesday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russéll Hogg. 1 was a week-end guest of her arrangements to celebrate the Cor- On Sunday they motored to Ren- Prescott, French secretary; C. P. mother, Mrs. D. M. Macleod. onation of Queen Elizabeth on June frew, where they were sponsors at Butler, Caledonia Springs, English Ed. MacRae of Montreal, spent Takes Possession 2nd. The first of these, celebrations the christening of the infant son. of secretary; Eugene Macdonald, Alex- takes place in the form of a dinner Mr. and Mrs. Nick Haramis. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 3. andria, and Z. Petrie, Hawkesbury, Of Alexandria Hotel and dance, sponsored by the To- YOU HAVE THE MONEY . . . Mr. and' Mrs. Alex. McDougall D. MacRae, Laggan. treasurers. ronto Northern Scots Society, on and children of Montreal, were Miss Ann Williams, Sandringham, On his election, Mr. Berthiaume Lucien Daoust, new owner of the June 1st, at the Oak Room in Union ... WE HAVE THE BARGAINS week-end guests of his parents, Mr. week-ended with Mr. and Mrs. Rod declared that it was the task of the Alexandria Hotel, arrived here Station. It is hoped that the club and Mrs. Archie McDougall, 4th McCrknmon at McCrimmon. group to weld the Liberals of both AT Tuesday to take possession from will be. well represented at this Kenyon. Miss Janet Ajine MacDonald, New counties into one strong unit. Lionel DesGroseilliers. Purchase of festivity. York, spent the week-end with Rev. He regretted the split in the asso- the hotel by Mr. Daoust was com- On the afternoon of June 2nd, Ewen J. Macdonald and Miss Jessie ciation, but declared .that no ample pleted several weeks ago. the Glengarry Club expects to hold Roger’s Groceteria Macdonald at Greenfield. Mr. Daoust comes here from Nor- notice had been given of the former a picnic at High Park. It is an- meeting. Not even the seated Mem- ROGER CONSTANT, Prop. Jack Weir of Lancaster, spent a anda. His wife, the former Gertrude ticipated that a great many mem- Farrell of Pendleton, joined him ber had been invited to attend, he PHONE 60-J-2 GREEN VALLEY few hours in town on Monday. bers and their friends will be said. Donald Weir of Rougemont, Que., here yesterday. They have an in- present. fant daughter. and Rannie Weir and daughter of THESE SPECIAL PRICES GOOD APRIL 24, 25, 27 Cornwall, were here Tuesday at- Alexandria’s newest citizens will be made welcome here. Capacity Audience... tending the funeral of their uncle, Fund Of $400,000 Is’53 MIXED CANDIES Ib. 25e the late Allan Weir. ★ ★★★★★ Objective Dairy Farmers (Continued from Page 1) GLOBE CHOCOLATES — Assorted lb. S5c Murdie McLennan, Lancaster, was have been unable to attend other- in town for a few hours on Tues- POTATOES — No. 1 10 lbs. 25c Maxville WCTU wise. FRI. — SAT. day. A $400,000 June advertising set- FAB — Giant, plus one large one FREE 75c APR. 24 — 25 — aside. this year is the abjective of A novel feature of the evening Mrs. Jack Malkin, who intends Holds Medal Contest the Dairy: Farmers of Canada, ac- was an excellently rendered French TOMATOES — Choice 28 oz. 19c leaving for Toronto shortly, was cording to secretary - manager Erie recitation, “Le Corbeau et Le SALMON — Cloverleaf 1 lb. 39c MEET MAYOR AUTRY! surprised by a group of friends re- A successful medal contest was held in the Institute hall on Friday Kitchen, Toronto. This total has Renard”, by Marsha Greenspon. SALMON — Keta % lb. 19c cently. She was presented with a never been reached by the . three In the absence of Mr. Sloan, PT gift of money. A tasty lunch was evening, April 17th, under the aus- TENDERSWEET HAM 58c pices of the Women’s Christian previous set-asides. The nearest director, team crests were presented served and a pleasant get-together approach was in 1950 when $344,- to Raoul Picard, captain of the WEINERS ï lb. 39c was enjoyed by all. Temperance Union, with many par- ents and friends of the contestants 000 was realized. Meteor Kings, the winning hockey BREAD — 24 oz. — Save 3c 15c Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McDonald present. Mr. Kitchen pointed out that, team, by Mr. Kennedy. of Cornwall, renewed acquaintances Mrs. R. MacKay, president, was based on June,. 1952, milk produc- Grand finale of the evening was a tion, this year’s objective is just here, Tuesday, while at St. Ra- in the chair. group of old melodies beautifully Plenty of Parking Space under 80 percent, of the amount phael’s to attend the funeral of his A very interesting and informa- ■ sung by Grade 9E, and the crowd possible and represents an increase Open Every Day and Evening of the Week uncle, the late Archie B. McDonald. tive film called, “It’s the brain that left With many pleasant memories of about 23 percent, over the 1952 Bdr. BUI Gammon of the Royal counts”, was shown by Rev. J. H. of another Glee Club concert. set-aside of $325,000. We have SEED POTATOES in stock. Canadian Artillery, Victoria, B.C., is Haihilton, and was much enjoyed Discussing the need for a greater spending his leave with his parents, by all present. set-aside, O. J. W. Shugg, director A SALE OF Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gammon, Mc- V;. Four groups of 29 contestants of publicity for the Dairy Fanners, Dougald avenue. Mr. and Mrs. took part and the selections were said that new, abnormal conditions Gammon and Audrey spent a recent mostly well recited by the juniors influencing the dainy industry’s HOME week-end visiting friends in Aylmer as well as the seniors. course at the present time made it and London, Ont.,. . M?, John Loranger, Mrs. A. D. imperative that both, product adver- Master Roger Lemieux, son of MacDougall and Mr. W. S. Mac- COOKING tising and public relations programs will be held in the ' Mrs. Christine Lemieux, returned Lean acted as judges of the contest be expanded to meet the new situa- Some Spring Suggestions home, Tuesday, after undergoing an and gave careful consideration to tion. There must be a greater fre- Masonic Rooms appendectomy in Hotel Dieu Hos- each contestant. Alexandria quency of impact on the public and at pital, Cornwall. Mr. J. Loranger very capably gave even a $400,000 fund would he Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McIntosh, Dal- their decisions in each group with strained to do the job dairy pro- keith, were Sunday evening guests some kindly suggestions for im- ducers require. All dairy producer Saturday, May 2nd of Andrew McRae. proving gestures and voice to give organizations must lend their sup- at 3.30 p.m. Mrs. Grant Whitehead underwent better expression to the well chosen port if the new objective was to be Under auspices of the W.A. of MARCOUX FURNITURE j an operation in Cornwall General recitations used. reached, Mr. Shugg said. Alexandria United Church Elgin Street, Alexandria — just off Main Hospital on Tuesday. Her mother, Master Richard Kane, 5th school, o Mrs. Fred Jones of Waterloo, Que., won the Bronze Medal In Junior 1 is visiting here, this week. and Junior 2 group. «ni SUSAN CA801 HAYMOW URtENlEAf HENRY MARCO • Scrw» Former Resident VWr ny Blend* Wtisbwg and Haiold Greene Produced by W*il»e» Miss Grace MaoEwen, 5th school, MadVinaid Directed t>» William Rerk* Major Angus McDonald, reeve, Paints Electric won the Silver Medal in the Inter- was in Cornwall last week, attend- Robert Pimm Dies EUCHRE We are carrying a full • Canadian Paramount News. ing the April session of Counties mediate group. Grace also holds Brooders Council. the Bronze Medal. A former resident of Alexandria, line of JAMESWAY Mrs. Roy and children arrived Miss Shirley MaoEwen, 5th school, Robert Pimm died at Cornwall BRIDGE SHERWIN . WILLIAMS MON. — TUES. — from Montreal, Monday, to join won the Gold-plated Medal in the General Hospital, Wednesday, April | PAINTS 500 chick capacity. • Chief of Police L. P. Roy. They Senior group. 15th, following a heart attack. APR. 27 — 28 — are occupying a house on St. Paul 43 books won as prizes by the Mr. Pimm was bom in London, street. children from area schools who had Eng., 77 years ago last October 21çt, Five Hundred MOFFATT ELECTRIC Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Morris had written the temperance study a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Linoleum With them over the week-end, Miss courses, were presented by Mrs. R. James Pimm. After the outbreak Marilyn McPhee of Sampson, N.Y. MacKay, president. Blotters and of the Boer War he enlisted for by the yard Barn Water Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. instructive pamphlets were given active service and was in South SACRED HEART HALL and RUGS Hugh Danford of Montreal and Mrs. out. Africa for three years during those A complete line to choose J. E. Morris of Andover, N.B. Miss Grace MacEwen and her troublesome times. He afterwards Î Heaters Mrs. Cornehus Lalonde arrived brother; David, sang a duet, which went to Australia and came to Can- Wednesday, Apr. 29 from. home Tuesday from hospital in. was much enjoyed. ada in 1910 and settled in Gaspe, at 8.30 p.m. Montreal, where she had been un- The meeting closed with the Na- Que., where he was married to Miss DOOR PRIZE AND LUNCH |§ dergoing treatment. tional Anthem. Zadie LeBoutillier. He came to Drop in and see our big stock of Furniture, Home ( Miss Helen Chisholm, R.N., of o Alexandria in 1914, being joined Admission — 50 Cents Furnishings and Appliances. | North Bay, was With her parents, later by Mrs. Pimm, and was for Mr. and Mrs. Angus Chisholm, or nine years office manager at the SSSS2! a recent week-end. PICNIC GROVE Mupro & McIntosh Carriage Works. Mrs. James MacDonald and son, When that business ceased to oper- Phone 685 Rear of Post Office Leroy, of Murray Hill, N.J., were ate, the family went to Kitchener, here this Week visiting her .father, John Foumey, Sr., of Cornwall, where Mr. Pimm was employed for • Time Gallops On. Dr. D. A. McMaster, and Mr. and has spent the past ten days with three years, coming to Cornwall in Mrs. George Fourney and family. Special Sale of Used • Warner-Pathe News. Mrs. R. H. Cowan. 1925 . on the opening of Courtaulds REID’S Mrs. William Kemp returned to .Mrs. Lilly McGinnis spent the (Canada) Limited, where he was Ottawa, Tuesday, after spending a past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. engaged in the purchasing depart- Photo week with her sister, Mrs. Arnold J. C. McPherson. ment. He retired 10 years ago. He SINGER SEWING MACHINES A WED. — THURS. Weir, Mr. Weir and June. Mrs. Jas. Wightman has returned had made his home on the East Studio APR. 29 — 30 — Mrs. Duncan A. McDonald was in from Windsor, where sFe spent the Front since 1940. One of the best 1 Treadle Drop Head $40.00 Pembroke this week to attend, the past week visiting friends. known and most highly esteemed 1 Treadle Drop Head $35.00 funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Mrs. E. L. residents of the district, his sudden Michael Mulvihill, whose death oc- McNaughton, Mrs. D. Mason Mc- death will he sincerely regretted. 1 Treadle and Electric $65.75 curred in hospital at Montreal. Lennan, Mrs. A. E. McNaughton, He is survived by his wife, four WEDDINGS fou yet/M .Dr. and Mrs. D. D. McIntosh had Mrs. Geo. MoCallum attended the • At the Church. 1 Portable, reconditioned $49.50 lr, m sons and a daughter -— Robert S. with them for the week-end, Misses Montreal - Ottawa Synodical meet- Pimm, York Mills, Toronto; Leo 0 At the Studio. 1 Portable, reconditioned $39.50 Pat and Mary McIntosh and ing held in Knox Crescent Church, Pimm, Valois, Que.; Arthur Pimm, • At the Reception. Dorothy Davis, Montreal. Montreal, last week. Stamford, Conn.; Gordon Pimm All machines guaranteed for one year. Mrs. Wilton Cardinal is a patient Mrs. J. C. McPherson entertained Montreal; Mrs. Vernon Lemoyre PORTRAITS in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, the YWSM, Tuesday evening. (Marjorie), 33 Leona avenue, Corn- Use this Handy Coupon for a Free Demonstration where she underwent an operation Howard Snider, Alex. McNaugh- wall. • Family Groups. in your home this week. ton, Jas. Wightman and Edgar Mc- He also leaves two brothers and • Babies a Specialty. Miss Gabrielle Gormley, R.N., Cuaig were among those attending a sister — Charles Pimm, Montreal; • Glamour for Individuals. Montreal, spent the week-end with a meeting in Kemptville last Tues- Arthur Pimm and Mrs. Victor ! SINGER SEWING MACHINE, day. ' 74 Main Street, her father, T. J. Gormley. Hodgson, both in Oipin^ton, Kent, COMMERCIAL Gerard Macdonald of Dorval, was Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McOallum were England. HAWKESBURY, Ontario. JANET LEIGH FAGAN • Banquets. here for the week-end with Mrs. Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. D. The funeral was held Saturday, Dear Sirs: McRae, the manse, in Alexandria. ■ • Places of Business and ! CARPEWtR • KEENAN WYNN FEARLESS FA6AH Macdonald and children, who are at 1.45 pm., to Trinity Church, Please arrange to demonstrate your $ .- visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornwall. Interiors. machine, advertised in the News, at this address. No 2nd FEATURE Arthur St. John. Miss Sarah McDonald. Montreal, obligation to buy. Friends who called on McGregor spent a few days with her brother- In the table of precedence for • WESTERN COMEDY DRAMA brothers, Cote St. George, over the in-law, Geo. R. McDonald. Canada, the Prime Minister ranks SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK week-end were, Mr. and Mrs. Aid- Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kennedy and immediately following the Gov- Name ford, Mr. and Mrs. McEwen, Mont- son, Billie, of Ottawa, and Bill ernor-General officer administering For all babies born between Apache War Smoke July 22, 1952, and July 29, 1952, real and Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Prescott, were at their the government. Address starring MacLeod and daughters of Lan- home over the week-end. we will give a free sitting on GILBERT ROLAND caster; Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Fred MacRae, Laggan, is at Ninety per cent of Canadian milk condition appointments are GLENDA FARRELL children, and Mrs. MacGregor, present in Montreal visiting mem- production moves to market by made not later than April 30, HENRY MORGAN Bainsville. bers of her family. truck. 1953. V. Page 6 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953

Canadian naval aviation has two Mercury is the smahest planet in To Serve All Faiths squadrons of fighters, two of anti- the solar system. -COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE- Board To Take United Presbyterial submarine aircraft, a training air iVfi î \ group and a helicopter flight. ceived the best of good wishes from The value of Canada’s production ☆ ☆ All Surplus Cheese o of Ski poles and fittings in 1950 GLEN SANDFIELD all, it being their 30th wedding an- W.M.S. Meets ! I niversary. All sang, “For They Are Sugar beet growers in Canada now amounted to $287,142 and should be & Jolly Good Fellows”. The Cheese Producers’ Marketing The annual meeting of the Glen- are producing enough raw material even greater during the 1952-53 sea- Board will continue, until further Mr. Milton Miree spent the week- At 9.30 p.m. a short business garry Presbyterial, Women’s Mis- to supply roughly one-quarter of son since the sport is becoming ever notice, to support the price of cheese sionary Society, United Church of Canada’s sugar needs. more popular. end here. He is at present stationed meeting was held, with Mrs. E. L. on all Ontario exchanges, at 30 3/16 at Campbellford, Ont. Blair, president, in the chair, assist- cents for colored and 30 cents for Canada, will be held in St. An- The Misses Elizabeth and Marion ed by Mrs. Ella McGregor, who white. drew’s United Church, Martintown, Dewar spent a few days at then' acted as secretary in the absence of on Wednesday and Thursday, April the official secretary, Mrs. Stanley Following meetings of the Market parental home. Board and directors of the Associa- 29th and 30th. Ken McNeil is home, after being McKay. Roll call was answered by tion Limited at Belleville on Tues- Sessions begin at 2.15 p.m. and a patient in the Cornwall General paying yearly fees. 7.30 p.m. Wednesday, and at 9.30 MID-WEEK day and Wednesday of last week— Hospiatl. The chosen subjects from the Ex- after the county presidents’ meet- a.m. and 1.30 pm. Thursday. Ken McLennan .and family are tension Service book were named ing — the following telegram was ‘Mrs. S. R. Collins, Angola, and occupying their new home, recently and given to the district director, sent to all six Exchanges: Mrs. Wm. Yeudall, Conference purchased from Ailcide Bellefeuille. Mrs. Elmer McDermid. “Until further notice the support Branch, president, will be guest ' ■ o Report of Girls’ Garden Club day speakers on both days. BARGAIN RAIL price on colored cheese is 303/16 school held at Cornwall was given ☆ ☆ cents, white remains at 30 cents, all WILLIAMSTOWN by Mrs. J. A. Buchanan, leader. f.o.b. factory first grade. Present dif- Secretary Charles Heath left for On May 21st, Miss Kay Appleby ferentials remain for lower grades. Ottawa and on Thursday were busy of Toronto, will hold a Demonstra- Any cheese left on exchanges will interviewing cabinet members and The Holy Communion of the tion in the Community Hall. More COACH FARES! he taken at these prices for graded Department of Agriculture officials Lord’s Supper will be observed in information is to be given later on products.” in an effort to -obtain a decision on St. Andrew’s United Church on this matter. At U.N. Headquarters in New Immediately after the three-day the Government’s intention regard- GOOD GOING TUES. & WED. Sunday morning, May 3rd, at 11 Mrs. Gordon Scott was chosen York, men and women of all meeting, President W. O. Goon and ing handling the 1953 make. o’clock. delegate to attend the Guelph con- faiths gather from every part th th On Sunday morning, April 18th, ference. All convenors reported of the earth to try to find ways tire infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- fully on the year’s work. toward a better life for man, APRIL 28 & 29 man Cummings, Donald Bruce, re- and for world peace. To serve Commence return journey not later than midnight Convenors of standing committees the desires of many, a “Medita- 5^ 1 Thursday, April 30th, 1953. ceived the Holy Rite of Baptism, reported fully. tion Room” is provided where Rev. G. W. Irvine officiating. NEED o A complete, concise report of the they may seek to find spiritual year’s work was given. It was most guidance in their tremendously important tasks. Many visitors Return fares from Alexandria to ☆ pleasing to all members and proved ☆ to be one of the best in years, too have paused here during McCRIMMON I their tour of the U.N. home. 1 socially and financially. , At the close of the business part MONTREAL $2?° We extend our most sincere sym- of the meeting, the president vacat- RETURN pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Aurel La- ed the chair, and the nominating YOU SAVE $1.40 douceur and family on the death of convenor, Mrs. J. A. Buchanan, gave Glengarry Branch their infant son, Roger. the slate of officers for the year Mrs. Paul Laviolette and Paulette, 1953-54, which was accepted by the Organizes Auxiliary SEED, FEED OR SUPPLIES? of Lochinvar, spent Wednesday with society. The officers are: 1 jMr. and Mrs. Dan Crevier and Honorary president, Mrs. Wm. On Thursday evening, April 16th, CORKS IR oss4 folk it over with yoor INS monoter. < OTTAWA $2 5RETURN family. Merriman; president, MTs. E. L. the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Glen- Blair (3rd year); 1st vice-president, garry Branch, No. 312, Canadian Miss Chrisfena Kennedy of Corn- YOU SAVE $1.35 Sirs. D. J. MoKinnon; 2nd vice- Legion of. the BK.S.L., was organ- wall, spent Thursday with Mr. and president, Mrs. J. A. Buchanan; ized at Apple Hill. Mrs. A. H. Kennedy. . • YOUR PARTHIS secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Stanley The meeting was presided over by IN HllflNS Reduced fares also available from Montreal and Ottawa Mrs. H, J, MaoGiUivray of Kirk McKay (2nd year) ; district director, Zone Commander Cunningham of to intermediate stations and from intermediate stations Hill, is spending a few weeks with Mrs.. Elmer MoDermid (2nd year), Cornwall and Comrade Tompkins of CANADA DM0W to Montreal and Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacCrimmon. with Mrs. W. Tremblay as alternate; Brockville. Twenty-three members Mrs. Dougald MacGillivray at- directors, Mrs. Stanley Fraser, Mrs. were initiated. tended the Grand Lodge, held at Hector Guerrier, Mrs. Hugh Biair; Officers who were installed were; HALF-FARE FOR CHILDREN 5 & UNDER 12-CHILDREN UNDER 5 TRAVEL FREE Belleville last week. auditors. Miss Aline Montcalm and President, Comrade Ruth Single- • No baggage checked • No stopovers Congratulations to Duncan W. Mrs. Nelson McRae. ton; 1st vice-president. Comrade Tour BNS Manager is a Campbell, who celebrated his 82nd Buying committee, Mrs. P. E. Pearl Campbell; 2nd vice-president. good man to know. In Comrade Evelyn McDonald; secre- birthday on Friday. Doyle and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan; Alexandria he is J. O. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stewart of pianists, Mrs. P. E. Doyle, Mrs. tary, Comrade Ella Modler; trea- Emery Brunet, Mrs. E. A. McKil- surer, Comrade Joyce Dugas; stand- Bridge who also operates CANADIAN NATIONAL Viankleek Hill, accompanied by their our office at Glen Robertson. son, Flight-Lieut. Douglas Stewart, lican; press correspondents, Mrs. J. ard bearer, Comrade Mamie Hall; and Squadron-Leader Cecil Rudde A. Buchanan and Mrs. Currie Blair; committee. Comrades Mary McIn- of Vancouver, called on friends Blue Cross convenor, Mrs. W. H. tyre, Jennie Munro, Constance Mc- »SSSS8S2S83S8SS2S2SSSSSSS252SSSSSSSSS2SS2SS52SSSSSSSSSSSSS8S2S2SSSSSSSS5S' here. Scott; programme convenor, Mrs. Bain, Stenetta Howe, Florence Cam- Emery Brunet (she to appoint her eron; pianist, Comrade Catherine Mrs. Melvin MacRae of Vankleek own assistants) ; lunch convenors, Munro; social, Comrade Sylvia Hill, visited friends here on Sunday Mrs. Stanley Fraser,, Mrs. Chester Johnson; sick and visiting. Comrade afternoon. o Valley, Mrs. Claude Ryan, Miss Sara Munro. Bertha Beauchamp; Look-Out com- Zone Commander' Assaly of Corn- mittee, Mrs. Albert Villeneuve and wall, and légionnaires of the branch ☆ ☆ Mrs. Hugh McMillan, were present. a. GLEN ROBERTSON I All convenors of standing com- Meetings will be held every second mittees accepted their convènorship, Monday of the month, with next Robert McGillis went to Montreal but Citizenship and Education con- meeting set for May 11th in the where he Will spend some time with venor will be Mrs. Currie Blair. Mrs. LOL Hall. relatives and friends. Blair did not wish to accept for an- At the close of the meeting, lunch Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnott and other year, but stated she would was served. son, Murray, were here this week- preside at the May meeting and o end shaping things up around their reconsider. Canada has nearly 600,000 miles summer home in prospect of enjoy- Singing of ‘The Queen’ brought a of roads. Only 14 per cent are ing the coming holidays in the Glen. pleasant meeting to a close. paved. m>. Mrs. Wm. Lyman had for the week-end, her husband, Bill, her brothers, Pete ajid Joe Fowler, as (Announces well as Mrs. Pete Fowler. Her sis- ter, Miss Bertha Fowler, who spent IY THTIAILK CO (HER the winter with her, returned to Montreal with the others, where she The New Order Office Now Open will be for a couple of weeks or so. For a small town we sure have THAT’S 10 YEARS AHEADJ our city-like problems. Presently, PHONE 660 Main Street, Opposite Ottawa Hotel ALEXANDRIA it is the milk supply. The sole sup- plier of pasteurized milk has no FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ... A Simpsons - Sears Order Office competition, with a ban on the sale of the unpasteurized variety. When right here in town! You can order anyt hing from Simpsons - Sears catalogues — the former is at least palatable, we don’t mind enforcement of by telephone or at the counter and enjoy these’money and time-saving services at the law, but . . . Four restaurants handle trie sales here, so one or all the same time: of them contributed about forty names (all farmers) to the inspec- tor who did visit them with in- "AT NO letters to write ... no money orders to buy! Simply structions to cease handling raw phone your order or place it in person at the counter. You’ll milk for human consumption. Were get quick, courteous service. there extremes? Well, one nasty fellow did the horrible act of sup- plying a fussy little boy with two ★ Orders taken for all Simpsons - Sears catalogue merchandise quarts of milk per week. Fortun- — for Simpson’s Store daily newspaper advertisements — ately, some level-headed (meaning and for the Personal Shopping Service. flat-headed) informer settled that. All joking aside, we are ashamed of Returns and adjustments can be made right here. such people. ★ o TA- Applications for accounts and payments of all accounts may ☆ ☆ be made here for your convenience. I MOOSE CREEK I ★ 3 WAYS TO BUY: Cash, C.O.D. or enquire about an Easy Payment Account. Moose Creek W.I. Elects Officers THE ONLY MILK COOLER THAT The annual meeting of Moose Whether you are buying household needs or clothing for your family—whether you Creek Women’s Institute Was largely E*X*P*A*M*D*S TO TIT YOUR &IEEDS attended. At 8 p.m., the members You never need trade in a shop by phone or at the counter—we’ll give your order our prompt attention and be and their husbands, who are mem- Dari-Kool. When you want bers of the Board of Trade, enjoyed more space, just add another glad to help you make your selections at our new Order Office! a Pot Luck Supper. Supper tables section. No new ends to buy. were gaily decorated with flags and 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- and 12-can All customers placing orders at the new Order Office up to closing time Wednes- candles and many good things were Dari-Kools combine to make supplied for the inner man. any desired size. day noon, April 29th, will have an opportunity to win a set of wonderful J. C. Higgins Mrs. E. L. Blair, president, seated at the head table, gave a fitting Luggage. Leave your name and address with the salesclerk when placing your order. tribute to our Tate Dowager Queen DARI-KOOL SAVES MILK * SAVES MONEY MiaMy, followed by a minute’s silence. Freshly iced Glacial Waterfall Time-controlled sectional cooling Mrs. Currie Blair sang “Abide With cools the bacteria zone first, fast! cuts operating costs. Sturdy, sen- GOOD MERCHANDISE AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES Me”. Keeps bacteria count low. sible new design lasts longer The motto, “Another Milestone”, was presented by Mrs. Ella Me SIMPSONS - SEARS GUARANTEE: Gregor, who also gave the current LOCAL AGENTS events of the Institute. : . The toast “to the gentlemen” was D. J. BAXTER Satisfaction or Money Refunded offered by Mrs. Stanley Fraser, and Phone 122 Alexandria the reply was by William Legault. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Villeneuve, both members of the Women’s In- KEITH MacMILLAN stitute and the Board of Trade, re- phone 24 Lochiel Tlie Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953 Page 7 Counties Council Budgets For Martintown W.l. MONTREAL LIVESTOCK MARKET AUCTION SALE There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the premises of the MONTREAL, April 20.—Prices were mainly unchanged in quiet trad- Half-Mill Decrease In Rates In Year’s Review ing today on Montreal livestock markets. undersigned CORNER OF ST. PAUL AND DOMINION STREETS, ALEXANDRIA Twenty-one members and two Receipts; 766 cattle, 315 calves, 12 sheep and lambs, and 130 hogs. United Counties Council last of Morristourg and Iroquois and the One block West of St. Finnan’s Oatheidral. visitors were present at the annual Good to choice vealers 21-24, common and medium 17-20. Thursday struck its 1953 budget southern portions of Matilda and meeting of the Martintown Women’s Sheep 13-14. with good news for counties rate- Williamsburg townships. Institute, held at the home of Mrs Hogs and cattle prices not established. payers in a reduction of more than By-laws were passed, changing the SATURDAY, APRIL 25th, 1953 boundaries of the North Dundas Leslie West. Mrs. F. McIntosh pre- at 1 p.m. half a mill from last year’s rate. sided, opening the meeting with the The budget, struck by Council at District High School Area to con- 3-piece Chesterfield suite; 8-piece dining-room suite; Victor elective Ode and Creed, followed by roll call, the close of the April session, calls form with those of the new area. cabinet radio with phonograph attachment; Coleman oil space heater; “payment of fees”. MONTREAL EGG TRADE SLOW for a rate of slightly more than 11 Council awarded tenders for fuel buffet mirror, like new; 2 beds with springs, three-quarter size; 3 dressers; Once again the Martintown Wo- mills in those portions of the coun- for the various counties buildings men’s Institute has completed a chest of drawers; vanity bureau; wash stand; Beatty electric washing ties in fhich a High School levy is to five Cornwall and district deal- BUT PRICES TOP GRADES STEADY most successful year; reports from machine; desk and chair; kitchen table; 6 chairs; 2 rocking chairs; not in effect for county pupils. ers. the various convenors proved that Sunshine rangette; maroon folding carriage, in good conditibn; quantity That compares with last year’s rate The Forestry committee recom- Under light offerings and though 62c; A large, 59e to 62c; A large, our programmes had been instruc of kitchen utensils, dishes, tub, tub stand, and many other articles too of slightly less than 12 mills. mended Council purchase property the demand is slow the Montreal 59c to 62c; A medium, 60c. Retail: in Finch township from Foster La- tive and informative. Treasurer’s egg market has maintained a steady A ex-large, 68c to 69c; A large, 63c numerous to mention. The 1953 rate is based on a coun- report showed our financial stand- ties levy of $364,184 compared with grove of Berwick, for reforestation tone on top grades. Lower grades, to 65c; A medium, 62c to 63c; A TERMS CASH ing to be in good balance. Funds as has been the trend for some- last year’s figure of $665,815. Mem- purposes. small, 60c to 61c. MRS. HECTOR SAUVE, throughout the year were raised by time, are not in favor. Receipts on Butter — Open market, No. 1 pas- bers of Council were thus greeted Council (appointed Jerry Kearns ALBERT PAUBEIRT, Auctioneer. Phone 198, Alexandria. of Berwick, as weed inspector for serving meals at Williamstown Fair, Friday totalled 165 cases, 20 cases teurized Quebec fresh, 58c to 5814c; with a reduction of $31,630 in the catering for a banquet In the com' Phone 105-J-6, Alexandria. over-all levy. In addition the coun- Stormont. A by-law was also passed below a year ago. jobbers on prints, 5914c to 60c. appointing Lyle O’Shaughnessy as munity, and holding a euchre party. The cheese trade has been very Cheese—^Wholesale, Quebec white, ties collect for county pupils $3il,658 Donations were made to the which is levied on portions of Dun- counties assessor, succeeding Donald dull, little interest being shown. 3014c; colored, 3014c; Ontario white, A. McIntosh. Canadian Save the Children Fund, The potato market is generally 3114c; colored, 3114 c. das county not in a High School Canadian Cancer Society and the area. Council instructed the clerk-trea- unchanged. Potatoes — 75 lbs., No. 1, $1.25 to BERNARD CARDINAL, B.A. surer to advise Canadian Pacific Canadian National European Relief In dressed poultry the market is $1.40; PEI, No. 1, $1.50; 50 lbs., 90c While it showed the greatest in- Fund. Assistance was also given to firm, with storage stocks still the to 95c; PEI, $1; Maine, 90c to 95c; Licensed Public Accountant crease in last year’s budget, this Railway officials that freight trains were blocking traffic at the Monck- ward the library, the Girls’ Club main supply of all except broilers Florida white, $2.25 to $3.50. Comptable Licencié year’s levy for Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge under the direction of Mrs. S. Clark, and fowl. Live Poultry — Chickens, No. 2, formed the biggest single reduction land crossing “for as long as 45 Tel. 4089-J TeL 174 minutes”. The report of the roads and at Christinas time, baskets of Eggs — Gov’t spot: A ex-iarge, under 3 lbs., 33c to‘34c; 3 to 4 lbs., in the 1953 estimates. The amount CORNWALL, ONT. ALEXANDRIA, ONT. and bridges committee noted the fruit and candy were sent to our 55^4c to 56c; A large, 5414c; A large, 34c to 35c; 4 to 5 lbs., 37c to 40c; budgeted for administration and 402 Montreal Rd., Centre Street, matter was brought up by W. Stan- shut-ins. 5414c to 55c; A medium, 5214c to over 5 lbs., 42c to 45c. Fowl, under maintenance last year was $100,000, Canvasses were made on behalf of 54c; A small, 50c to 51c; B, 49c to 4 lbs., 28c to 29c; 4 to 5 lbs., 33c to which Was $12,500 more than this ley Fraser, Roxborough reeve, who said “it would appear that some the Canadian Red Cross and the 50c; C, 45c. Job lots; A ex-large, 35c; over 5 lbs., 36c to 38c. year’s levy of $87,50.0. servicing was being done to diesel Canadian National Institute for the Fowl — Under 4 lbs., special, 40c; Clerk - Treasurer L. Cameron locomotives and the trains were not Blind. Dime cards were sent in to Mary. Mrs. A. W. McArthur moved box A, 38c to 40c; B, 36c to 38c; C, Kennedy explained the reduction broken at the crossing”. the Cornwall General Hospital. a hearty vote of thanks to the re- 24c to 27c; 4 to 5 lbs., special, 43c; was a result of a surplus in opera- Council also instructed the clerk- Following the reading of the re' tiring president for the work, in- A, 42c to 43c; B, 40c to 41c; C, 26c tion of the institution last year. In treasurer to suggest to the Minister ports, Mrs. Susan Clark conducted terest and“ leadership she had shown to 29c; over 5 lbs., special, 45c; A, the first year’s operation counties oi Highways that the scales at Lan- the election and subsequent instal in the branch Institute’s programs. 44c to 45c; B, 42c to 43c; C, 28c to officials had no guide for cost es- caster be moved to a point “near lation of the following officers for As the District annual meeting 31c. timates, hence the levy was placed the Quebec border and east of all the year 1953-54: was to be held on May 22nd, mem- Turkeys — Under 18 lbs., young high enough to meet all eventu- sideroads in the township of Lan- Honorary president, Mrs. F. Mc- bers were notified that our monthly hens and toms, A, 50c to 51c; B, 41c alities. caster”. The roads and bridges Intosh; president, Mrs. K. Barton; May meeting would be advanced to 42c; over 18 lbs., A, 43c; B, 40c A $10,000 decrease was shown in oommittee reported the highways first vice-president, Mrs. S. Clark; one week. Delegates to attend the to 41c. thé levy for the United 'Counties department was considering re-lo- second vice-president, Mrs. E. San- District annual are Mrs. K. Barton, branch of the Children’s Aid So cating the scales. som; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. L. Mrs. A. W. McArthur, Mrs, D. S. Canada is the third greatest trad- ciety. The 1952 figure was $95,000 “While the scales are in this West; district director, Mrs. A. W. McIntosh and Mrs. L. West. ing nation in the world. compared with this year’s $85,000. vicinity (just east of Lancaster vil- McArthur; directors, Mrs. K. Mo It was decided that a donation be The decrease is due to a drop in lage) . . . heavily-loaded trucks Dermid, Mrs. M. D. McMartin, Mrs. made to the Canadian Cancer So- the numlber of wards under the were using county and township G. Kinloch. ciety and that we renew our mem- society’s care. roads to circumvent these scales,” bership in the United Nations Asso- Husbands! Wives! Agriculture and Canadian Indus- ciation. The levy for general county pur- the report said. tries, Mrs. H, McMillan; Community In his remarks' at the close of Mrs. J. P. McMartin then directed poses dropped again this year from Activities, Public Relations, Mrs. D. Want new Pep and Vim? the session, Warden Maginnis re- a contest, after which luncheon was Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- FOR BEST RESULTS $91,000 to $85,000. A contributing S. McIntosh; Historical Research, hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new served by hostesses, Mrs. F. Mc- factor to the $5,500 decrease was reffed to the Coronation and said Mrs. J. Graham; Home Economics vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies AD VERTISE IN • “THE GLENGARRY NEWS he was “sure that all our citizens Intosh, Mrs. M. D. McMartin, Mr£. iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen- the sale of a counties-owned house and Health, Mrs. J. P. McMartin; tary doses Vitamin Bi. Introductory or get- >*0«0*0«0«0«04K>*C*0*G«0«0«0*0*0*0«0*0«0«0*0«0«< E. sansom and Mrs. L. West. acquainted” size only 60$. At all druggists. in Cornwall. will join with all of Canada and Citizenship and Education, Mrs. A. Biggest increase in the budget the British Empire in jledging A. Edgar; Resolutions, Mrs. H. D. was $3,500 in a levy for administra- loyalty to Queen Elizabeth H”. He McDermid; Auditors, Mrs. H. D. tion of justice. This was necessary asked that everything possible be McDermid and Mrs. J. Graham. because that department showed a done in the counties to display flags Prior to handing over the reigns deficit in 1952 as a result of unex- and decorations for the Coronation of the presidency to Mrs. Ken pected heavy expenditures, includ- “as a token of this loyalty.” Barton, Mrs. F. McIntosh thanked ing cost of a murder trial. The all officers and members for their 1952 fifure was $42,000 and is up Coming and going: Shrimps, com- loyal support, the response to roll this year to $45,500. mon to Canadian coastal waters, calls and all who had furnished Only other increase was in the mature first as males in the first or their homes for the meetings. She United Counties Health Unit levy second year. After one or two sea- referred particularly to the Insti- of $34,953, an increase of $869 from sons as sexually active males, these tute’s loss of a most faithful mem- last year’s figure of $34,084. The shrimps change sex and function as ber, the late Miss A. Cresswell, also Unit this year has an increased females for the rest of their- lives. - to -the death of the Dowager Queen number of personnel. Counties Council approved in principle the formation of a new High School (Distric tin Dundas county as the April session wound AUCTION SALE up Thursday. It was the last step in organizing practically all sec- Farm Implements — All in Good Condition tions of the three counties into at Lot 6, East Half, 4th Concession, Roxborough Township High School districts. 514 miles South-west of Maxville, 314 miles North-east of Monckland, on Council gave first and second readings to a by-law establishing the South Dundas District High TUESDAY, APRIL 28th, at 1 P.M. School Area. The by-law now goes Cockshutt tractor “70” on rubber, fully equipped; side delivery rake; to Education Minister Dunlop for horse rake; Frost & Wood drop-head hay loader; hay rack; spring tooth approval and will probably be given cultivator for tractor; International ll-disc seeder; McCormick binder, final reading and passed at the 6 ft. cut; 2-funw tractor plow; 2 walking plows; 3-section steel land June session of Council. The South Dundas District High roller; tandem double tractor disc; team disc; 3-section harrow; 2 walk- School Area includes the villages ing cultivators; rubber-tired wagon; Adam truck wagon with 5” tires; manure spreader, Cockshutt No. 4; power take-off mower, 6 ft.; stonefooat; milk rig; cutter; buggy; double wagon box; cattle rack for wagon; 2 sets AUCTION SALE sleighs; rip saW; circular saw; Steer drag saw; double harness; shovels; — of — forks; pump jacks; set skidding tongs; De Laval cream separator; 500 sap buskets; 1,000.spiles; gathering tank, 120-gal. cap.; storage tank, 2x4x8; LIVESTOCK and Thousands of drivers are changing 30Q.-gal. oil drum; 2 8-gal. milk cans, new; 2 water tanks; chum, 5 gal.; FARM IMPLEMENTS to Ford because they’ve found that poultry water fountain; quantity of lumber; bricks; tractor logging chain, at Ford’s smooth Strato-Star 110-Hp. 30 ft. long; wire cable, 200 ft. long; pulleys; blacksmith forge; buffalo V-8 engine is the type of engine that LOT 20, 6th CONCESSION, robe; set dies for threading bolts; set dies for threading pipes, %” to 1”; LOCHIEL powers the finest cars, though 2-bumer oil stove; some household furniture; and many other articles. Ford is priced with the lowest. 114 miles East of Kirk Hill, 3 miles Quantity baled and loose hay. West of Dalkeith, bn They’ve found that Ford offers a Terms on Tractor, half cash; balance, terms of sale. choice of three modern transmissions TUESDAY, MAY 5th (Fordomatic*, Overdrive* and at 1 p.m. TERMS OF SALE—$30 and under, cash; over that amount, 4 months’ credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 2% off for cash. Notes Synchro-Silent shifting) and an MALCOLM MoCUAIG, Prop., unusually wide selection of styles, R.R. 1, Dalkeith. Ph. 4-R.-14. bearing interest at 3%. Strangers shall furnish bank references. colours, interior trims and fabrics. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Prop., ALBERT PAUBERT, Auctioneer. When you add up all the vitally ALBERT FAUBERT, R.R. 2, Maxville. Ph. 133-W-12, Maxville. Phone 105-J-5. important “extras” that Ford provides—like its smooth Auctioneer. Phone 105-J-6, Alexandria. “Wonder Ride”, its Full Circle Visibility, soft foam rubber seats, Centre-Fill Fueling and Key-Turn Starting—you AUCTION SALE begin to realize how much more there is to Ford than you — of — Looking for a good Dependable Used Car or Truck? ever expected in a car that’s priced so low. When Ford LIVE STOCK AND SEE gives you so much more . .. FARM IMPLEMENTS There Will be offered for sale by WHY TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST? Public Auction on the premises NORMAN LAPERLE of the undersigned AT MAC’S MOTOR SALES LOT 18 - 7 CON., KENYON TWP. in rear of Post Office, Alexandria 5 miles West of Laggan Cheese I am not trying to beat prices — I am doing my best at selling FIRST WITH THE FINEST FEATURES Factory; 3 miles South-East QUALITY and SERVICE. ÿfN of Dunvegan SEE ME NOW WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th - Dodge Trucks at 1 p.m. Residence 336 comet AMNivnsArr Of THt CttATOT 5 milch cows; 2 spring calves; sow, MSMf M MOtOftMQ due to farrow about date of sale; Frost & Wood binder, 6 foot cut, like new; Frost & Wood rake, 10 POMfifOwifh tie finest [Pfi/CFfimtitie kitresf foot cut, like new; Frost & Wood mower, 6 foot cut, like new; new rack; new walking plow; and many other articles too numerous to ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION AUCTION mention. NGE FOR YOU TO... TEST-DR/VE TERMS—$20 and under, cash; over HELD EVERY WEDNESDAY 'OUR FORD DEALER WILL GLADLY ARRA that amount, 3 months’ credit on furnishing approved joint notes, AT ALEXANDRIA hearing interest at 3 p.c., 2 p.c. off for cash. (Starting at 7 P.M.) Authorized Ford (Dealer, D. THEORET, Alexandria AMESDEE CADIEUX, Prop., R.R. 2, Greenfield. ALBERT FAUBERT, Auctioneer. Telephone 14-R-4 Lochiel. Omer Poirier SIGN OF VALUE WHEN^YOU BUY A USED CAR-SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Phone 105-J-5, Alexandria, Ont. Page 8 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953 pherson, M.P., as the chairman. of nationalism. The Clan Macpher- world wide membership, are a great News Of Scotland Clan MacPherson To In reply to criticisms that the re- son Association encourages and pro- factor for Peace — this is the heart- -COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE- vival of the Clan Spirit savors of motes the study and preservation felt aim of all members of the Clan A memorial cairn, built of stones Meet In Montreal nationalism, the Rev. G. W. E. Mac- of the history, folklore, literature, Macpherson Association. MOOSE CREEK MaoRae is improving, after meet- from the ruins of her home, is be- pherson gave the answer as follows: music, relics and tradition of the ing with a painful accident a few The fourth annual gathering of Clan. The Clan museum in New- ing eredted to mark the birthplace “Today, one would welcome weeks ago. of Flora Macdonald at Arivullin, the Clan Macpherson of Canada is tonmore, Inverness-shire, Scotland, Fresh or fast-frozen raspberries -any effort to revive the Clan ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aube spent Mrs. D. B. McKilUcan spent a few Milton, South Uist, Scotland. There being held in (Montreal for the first houses the Clan relics, a priceless may be used in raspberry trifle, Spirit and fervently ask God’s Friday with friends in Cornwall. days in Montreal visiting her will be a rally of Scottish clans at time, on the 16th May, 1953, at 4 collection dating back hundreds of which consists of oustard laid on blessing on oiir own Clan asso- Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacLeod, mother, Mrs. Bruce, and- friends. the unveiling in April. Members of pm. in the United Service Club, years, and forms a rallying point for successive layers of crushed maca- ciation, not for any partisan Kirk Hill, visited the former's Mr. and Mrs. John D. MacRae, the clan associations and other Sherbrooke west. Mr. Douglas Gor- all Clan members from all over the roons soaked in sherry and rasp- brother, Neil MacLeod, and Mrs. Muriel, Cornwall, and Mrs. Melvin Highlanders in all parts of the world don Macpherson, a well known and motive, but in the hope that in world. berries. MaoLeod, on Sunday. Begg called on Mr. and Mrs. Murnie contributed towards the scheme. prominent citizen of Montreal, will this way we may help to bring An annual magazine is published, back into our standardized and Miss Rosa Guerrier, Montreal, Empey, Berwick, on Sunday after- take the chair. All Macphersons called “Creagh Dhubh” (the “Black "OUT-DAZZLES spent a few days with Mr. and noon. The Chief of the Scottish Clan are cordially invited to attend, regimented age, some of the Rock”, in Kungussie, the traditional great human qualities we axe in Mrs. J. Boisvenue and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and MacLeod has announced that a whether they are members or not. rallying point of the Clan), which DIAMOND” N. Y. limes danger of losing.” I Mrs. Cecile Latulippe and daugh- Dianne, Kingston, are spending a history of the Clan, to be written The Clan Macpherson Association is published in Scotland and dis- New Wonder Gem of Science tested at ter, Linda, Montreal, visited her few days with his parents, Mr. and soon, will be published in North tributed free to all members, thus University ot Toronto. "Far Brithter Than is now world wide, with nearly 900 The rapidly growing World mem- Diamond." "Lastinf Brilliance." Over 70 parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Beau- Mrs. Boyd Johnson. America as well as in Britain. The members in the United Kingdom, bership coupled with the enthusiasm linking everyone together. "set in fold" rinis-1/10 price of a diamond. champ, during the week. history is to include the story of Eire, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, shown by members of the associa- Write now tor FREE catalotue. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Begg, Ron- It should not be forgotten that TANYA GEMS, DEPT B. 7H Yonxe. Toronto Miss Bella MacLeod, Lancaster, nie, Stewart and Barbara, Cornwall, the great settlements of the Mac- South America, UB.A., New Zealand tion amply refutes the selfish aims virile, united Clan Associations, with visited her aunt, Mrs. M. MacLeod, called on his parents on Sunday. Leods in such places as Prince Ed- and Canada. and Miss Mary A. MacLeod on Miss Annie Bruce, Montreal, spent ward Island and North Carolina. The Canadian members reach Thursday. her Easter holidays with her sisters, from coast to coach and include Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Mrs. D. B. McKillican and family Canadian Tour for Pipes many well known Canadians. The Maxville, visited with Mr. Dan Mc- and Dancer Hon. Ewan McPherson, Chief Jus- Keroher and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacRae and family. At the end of March two of Scot- tice of Manitoba, is the chairman, McKinnon on Sunday. o land’s foremost pipers and one of with Major J. A. C. Macpherson of ■Miss Tena McLennan is visiting her finest Highland dancers flew Ottawa as the vice-chairman. Mem- friends in Montreal. While there from Prestwick to make an exten- bers of the committee include Lt.- she will attend the sessions of the ☆ ☆ sive tour of Canada. The pipers Col. J. P.' C. Macpherson of Mont- Synodical convention of the Wo- I APPLE HILL I are Seumas MacNeill, principal of real; Colonel E. B. Macpherson off men’s Missionary Society of the the College of Piping, and Pipe- Toronto; Dr. Cluny Macpherson of FreSbyterian Church in Canada. ,Mrs. Alex. L. McDermid is spend- Major John MacLellan, of the Sea- Newfoundland, and Colonel G. W Mrs. Percy Fraser and family, ing a few days this week in Mont- forrth Highlanders. James L. Mac- Macpherson of Vancouver. Cornwall, spent last week visiting real. She was accompanied to the Kenzie of Aberdeen, is the dancer. 'Colonel E. R. Rivers-Maopherson her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh city by her grandson, Peter Mc- The trip is being made at the invi- of Ottawa, the founder of the asso- MacMillan. Caulay, who had been spending a tation of the British Columbia Pip- ciation in Canada, is the honorary Mrs; Alex. Emfoerg and Mrs. two-weeks’ holiday with her. ers’ Society, with the collaboration secretary. He arrived in Canada Gerald Bmiberg and daughter visit- of the Montreal Pipers’ Society and nearly six years ago with a special ed with Mrs. D. D. MacKenzie of Mrs. John Mitchell and daughter, other interested bodies. charge from the Clan Council In Dyer on Thursday. Miss Donna Mitchell, - Montreal, Concerts of piping and dancing Scotland to found the Canadian Friends welcome back Mr. and spent the week-end with the for- will be given in some of the prin- branch, and the latter operates di- Mrs. Leo Besner and family, who mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MadDonald. cipal centres in Canada, and pos- rectly under the Clan Council. spent the winter months at Coteau sibly in one or two cities of the Landing, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spink and little The honorary president is the United States. present Chief of the Clan, Cluny Mrs. C. M. Mitchell visited her son, Kevin, and Miss Joan Stirling, Seumas MaoNeill, one of the Macpherson, and of the world-wide sister, Mrs. Alex. McPherson and Cornwall, spent Sunday with their founders of the College of Piping, association, now resident ■ in Aus- family, of Tayside, on Sunday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George is a lecturer in Glasgow University. tralia. The founder of the present 'Mr. John Salbourin spent the Stirling and son, Elwyn. He is an authority on piping and week-end with friends in Ottawa. association in 1946, is the Rt. Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Donat Leblanc of broadcasts regularly, both as a per- Lord Macpherson of Drumochter, Rheal Boisvenue of Maitland, Sudbury, are spending a few days former and as a critic of piping af- visited during the week-end with now a member of the Clan Council with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John fairs, and is secretary of the Pro- in Scotland, with Major Niall Mac- Mrs. Boisvenue and family and Mr. Leblanc, and Mr. and Mrs. Lome fessional Pipers’ Association. John and Mrs. Cyprlen Aube. Leblanc and other friends. MacLellan was until recently Pipe- Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Raymond Major of the 2nd Battalion of the Smiths Falls, spent the week-end Seafortti Highlanders, and has been with Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacLeod. of Ottawa, spent the week-end with Y0U CAN DEPEND ON his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh a principal instructor in the Army When kidneys fail to * Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ross of Ot- School of Piping. James L. Mac- remove excess acids THE HOUSE OF Raymond and daughter. Miss Eileen and wastes, back- tawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kenzie has been for many years the ache, tired feeling, Ross and sons, Howard and (Donnie Raymond. disturbed rest often undisputed champion professional follow. Dodd’s of Cornwall, visited with Mr. and Guests on Saturday at the home Highland dancer of Scotland. Kidney Pills stimu- Mrs. Alex. Rpss on Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Munro o late kidneys to normal duty. You SEAGRAM were: Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Scott, feel better—sleep Ordinary life insurance is de- better, work better. Maxville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Get Dodd’s at any ☆ ☆ Hall and children, Alexandria. signed particularly to meet the re- drug store. You can SANDRINGHAM depend on Dodd's. MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTISE MODERATION TODAY I I Mrs. Vem Jensen and Mrs. quirement of people who need and Charlie Ross of Regina, Sask.; Mrs. are able to pay for moderate or sub- Lyman MCDiarmid, B.A., of the Pollard of Virginia, and Mrs. May stantial amounts of insurance. Maxville High School, spent the McEwen, Toronto, were guests last Rjster holiday at his home. week at the home of Mrs. Reta Col- Mrs. L. T. Stanley returned to her bourne. RAILWAY home in Russell, after spending two o weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. A. Fraser. TIME TABLE Bruce Kennedy, Avonmore, and Capital Of $35,000 Drive it Judy McDonald, Maxville, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W.. S. Needed To Start CHANGES Fraser. Effective The Misses Alice Bray of Perth, Farming Today Lillian Bray, Ottawa, and Wilma SUNDAY SHAWVILLE, April 14. — Bruce ... see how much Fraser, Westboro, spent the Easter Ay ear st of Quyon, a leading farmer holiday art their parental homes. in this district, and a diploma Miss Muriel Kennedy returned to APRIL 26th, 1953 her home in Maxville, after spend- graduate of Maadonald College, in ing several months with her sister, addressing the diploma class at your money buys Mrs. W. S. Fraser and Mr. Fraser. their banquet here, declared a far- W. S. Fraser is attending the mer who hoped to make a reason- session of the Counties’ Council in able livelihood today needed a Cornwall this week. capital of at least $35,000. Without Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fraser and this amount his living standard Bruce Kennedy called on Mr. and would be lower than It ought to be. Mrs. R. McIntyre, Friday afternoon. In breaking down this estimate he Mr. Falkard, R.O.P. tester, visited assigned $15,000 for land, $10,000 for WJ ifc (B&ûCW/ Afea) the Merriman & Fraserholm farms, farm machinery, and $10,000 for last week. livestock. This meant that his farm CANADIAN Mr. and- Mrs. Hugh Blair, Mr. and J must consist of 150 acres of good Mrs. Melville MoEwen, Gwen and j land, fenced, ditched and cleared. NATIONAL Joyce, visited with Mrs. A. A. Fraser Mr. Ayearst said that farmers had Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fraser, been for years the prey of various Sunday. pressure, groups that had made it Miss Dorothy Cameron, -Toronto, hard for the farmer to get his share spent the Easter holiday at her of the country’s wealth. parental home. He urged all young, farmers to Miss Ann Williams spent her holi- improve their living standards, to days at her home in MteCrimmon. study production, marketing and distribution, that they might be able ☆ ☆ to raise standards. ANT AOS ! TOLMIE’S CORNERS i

Mrs. Lawrence Cutten and family, "its time he talked things ove£ Brantford, are spending some time ■

NEW 108 H.P, ENGINE AMAZING BALANCED RIDE BEAUTIFUL BALANCED STYLING Pause, refresh with New! More power. More pick-up. More re- New truly balanced suspension controls roll— The new Plymouth is lower, sleeker, more ice-cold Coca-Cola serve for your safety. The new Plymouth gives pitch—jounce... levels road three ways. Gives beautiful, yet offers more head room. There is you smooth, lively performance ; ; : famous you the smoothest, softest ride you have ever over 8 inches more hip-room for rear seat passengers. Plymouth long life and economy. experienced. f ;. NEW HY-DRIVE* SAVES YOU GEAR SHIFTING BETTER VISION Just put in high. You can stop, go, drive in SAFETY-RIM WHEELS New one-piece windshield is optically curved traffic without changing. Wonderfully easy— In case of a blow-out, Plymouth Safety-Rim to minimize reflections. 15.7% more total glass simple — works from standard gearshift. Wheels hold the tire safely on the rim—helping area gives better all-round vision. E/ecfr/c wind- Hy-Drive has oii-cushioned smoothness—fast you to bring the car to a safe, straight-line stop. shield wipers maintain constant speed. fluid-torque pick-up.

MORE THAN EVER, THE NEW ’53 PLYM0UTHS ARE TOP VALUE IN THE LOWER-PRICED FIELD * • time to hove a Sun Life man arrange for a * Hy-Drive is optional equipment at extra cost. Cars as illustrated include certain extra see... drive. «. compare... at your CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER'S Sun Life of Canadci Retirement Pension policy. equipment items. Check with your local dealer MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, UMITED The Sun Life man in your community is for information on standard equipment. at the Belvedere Four-Door Sedan, Special Club Coupe (Hardtop). Cranbrook Four-Door Sedan, Club Coupe, Convertible Coupe, Savoy-Suburban. Cambridge Four-Door Sedan, Club Coupe, Suburban familiar red cooler LARRY J. McCOSHAM botH.i of Coca-Cola wide cooirac* with Coco-Colo Ud Office 401 Phones Res. 4850-W 4M&NWALL 4 Second St. E., Cornwall BOTTLING WORKS SHEPHERD BROTHERS Cornwall, Ont. Phone: 516 Phone 77 Alexandria The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24th, 1953 Page 9

There was talk of 25 million pounds expected, came in for a great deal No Agreement Yet With Either more than in 1952 being made this of discussion. President Coon grew Big Task Ahead In Re-Locating LETTERS year. wrathy over tank truck loads being TO THE EDITOR That the 1952 June set-aside from dumped at cheese factories from Villages Affected By Seaway * -* Government On Cheese Marketing cheese producers in Ontario was other plants, and over owners and unsatisfactory and would have to makers accepting such loads. It WRITER SEEKS INFORMATION At least $60,000,000 will foe needed cult to come to grips with problems be increased if other milk groups left no control over quality, he stat- New U.N. Chief ON MacGILLIVRAY FAMILY to cover costs of the St. Lawrence So far it has been impossible for and at times resembled a six-ring were to be satisfied. The value of ed. Mr. Lackner said there was April 14th, 1953. power project which will flood be- the Ontario Cheese Producers’ Mar- circus with three merry-go-rounds the Dairy Farmers of Canada ad- nothing in the regulations to pre- Mr. Eugene A. Macdonald, tween 10,000 and 11,000 acres of keting Board to establish a Sum- and the ringmaster missing. vertising and publicity campaign in vent this but that each individual Publisher, land on the Canadian side of the mer price, and this has slowed up increasing sales had been proven. farmers’ shipment had to be graded The Glengarry News. There was a definite tone of dis- international boundary. sales from stocks held by the Board Plans were made for a thorough at the original destination when re- Dear Mr. Macdonald: couragement over the lack of in- Acquisition of lands will take an in its warehouse. canvas. ceived and before loading in tank For the past eight years I have terest and support being shown by estimated $30,355,000; highway re- At the quarterly county presi- truck. spent a lot of my free hours in a Governments and the complete lack That many cheese factories in location at least $5,000,000; railroad dents’ meeting held at Belleville, study of Scots in Canada; especially of word as to any plans or intention Ontario and Quebec may find them- relocation $5,749,000; rehabilitation last week, it was made clear that with relation to the MacGillivrays on the part of the British Food selves in trouble this season over of Morrisburg a minimum of $6,430,- the Marketing Board had been un- of Glengarry. Ministry. The chief worry was the sanitary measures. Both the Fed- 000.; and rehabilitation of Iroquois a able, so far, to reach any agreement The Honourable John MaoGilliv prospect of an increased make this eral and Ontario departments are minimum of $4,325,000. with either the Federal or Ontario ray, Commissioner for Crown Lands, season due to dumping of surplus cracking down and will insist on At least $130,000,000 will be re- Governments on a plan to sell, store and resident at MaJcGillivray’s milk from other plants. better sanitary conditions. Clarence 'red to construct the works neces- or handle. Ontario cheese this sea- Bridge near Williamstown, returned President Coon was emphatic in Lackner, director of dairying for ary for navigation and power in- son. to Scotland in approximately 1852 stating factories did not want tank Ontario, read a new code of sani- cluding $64,768,000 for channel ex- There has been no word from to become XI Chief of the Clan. truck loads of doubtful quality milk. tary standards which, he stated, cavation; $816,000 for Galop Island Britain on her intentions. He was a Wintering Partner of the Otherwise the meeting heard: would be strictly enforced. ice cribs; $16,769000 for Iroquois It was made clear by President Northwest Company and a member That a second ’ storage and ware- This code will mean drastic dam and dykes; dykes, $3,085,000; g DAG HAMMAKSKJdLD Coon that it was not the 1952 hold- of St. Andrew’s Church, Williams- house will likely be built by the changes in many factories. There Long Sault Dam and attached over that was causing trouble but Chosen as the second Secretary- town. He married Isabella, daugh- Marketing Board at Winchester to was a suggestion that some might dykes, $28,000,000; new Cornwall General of the United Nations is the fact negotiations for a 1953 price ter of the Hon. Neil MacLean. take care of Eastern Ontario. An not be able to open. All certificates canal, $14,286,000. Dag Hammarskjold, Minister of were at a standstill — with con- He was succeeded as Chief by his option has been obtained on land' had been cancelled and every fac- Ontario Hydro Engineer H. D. State of Sweden. He succeeds siderable increased production in Trygve Lie, who is Norwegian. son, Neil John. Neil John bad three prospect as a result of dumping of near the CPR station there. tory would' be inspected again. Rothwell will foe in charge of the brothers, William, Farquhar and surplus milk from other markets That storage of surplus cheese The greater flow of milk now power end of the project for On- George. I have quite complete in- tario Hydro. One of his biggest into the cheese factories. may be a big problem this year. coming to many factories, with more formation on the last two, but have But the meeting stood fast in its problems will foe with regard to re- 48,000 In Armed not too much information concern- locating the villages of Iroquois, decision that every effort should be ing Neil John and his brother Wil- made to obtain a 30-cent price for Aultsville, Parran’s Point, Dicken- Forces Get Increase liam and their families—other than son’s Landing, Wales, Moulinette producers this season. A resolution the fact that Neil John was bom to this effect was passed unani- and Milles Rpdhe and the eastern The 48,000 married men in Can- approximately 1835, died 1886. part of MorriSburg, which will be mously although there was some ada’s armed forces Will get bigger His son, John William, Xin Chief completely inundated. subsistence or ration allowances, ef- talk of dropping the price drastically ma was bom 1864, died approximately Moulinette and Milles Roche may to discourage dumping from other fective May 1st. 1930 or 1932. I have been given to form one new village, while Dick- sources. Some 33,000 married' men living understand that he had a tremend- enson’s Landing and Wales may off-station will get Increased' sub- ous funeral and that a whole news- Some directors talked of asking form another separate new com- sistence allowances ranging from $16 paper almost was devoted to its des- the Government for a floor price munity and Aultsville and Farran’s to $30 a month. The remaining 15,- cription. It is my feeling that this but this was quickly talked' down. It Point still another village. The fu- 000 living on-station will get a $10- could have been your own news- was pointed out that a floor price ture of Iroquois and MorriSburg has a-month increase in ration allow- paper. would mean the producers and Mar- to be worked out. ance. John William, wife’s name un- keting Board would again lose con- Relocation of 26 miles of Queen’s Will Cost $10,000,000 known, had a son, John Lachlan, trol of sales and stocks and would Highway No. 2 between Cornwall Defence Minister .Claxton, after born about 1890. It is rumored that mean reverting to the old status. and Prescott is expected and high announcing the boosts in the Com- he went to Lidia, but I am unable As a result of the uncertain hopes are entertained along the St. mons this week, told a reporter the yet to credit this rumor. position the meeting, which lasted Lawrence front that the new road increases will cost the Government I would be very, grateful indeed if from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., found it diffi- will have four lanes similar to the about $10,000,000. you would be kind enough to pro- section between G'anamoque and He also announced in the House vide me with any and all informa- Brockville. that the Government will pay the tion you have concerning this At least 14 cemeteries in the area cost of moving dependents of Cana- family. Newspaper clippings or al- will have to be moved while néw dian servicemen stationed in Europe ternatively photostats thereof would schools and churches will be erected ■including Germany — to the area be valuable. I will happily pay for in new planned communities. where they are serving. any work of this nature that is re- The main features of the St. quired. Lawrence power project are a con- Up to now, dependents have had to pay their own way. The new As an additional clue, the Honor- trol dam in' the river above the plan, however, has two faMy-strin- able John MacGilliyray, mentioned village of Iroquois; a dam in the at the beginning of this letter, had Long Sault Rapids at the head of gent conditions: The serviceman a brother, the Honourable William Barnhart Island, near Cornwall; first must find suitable accommoda- tion for his family and hold a two- MaoGillivray, who was a member of two power houses to be located one year posting to a European theatre. the Legislative Council of Lower on either side of the international boundary at the foot of Barnhart The new subsistence allowance Canada and who became Senior for other ranks who are married Partner of the Northwest Company. Island. Will be $91 a month, ail increase of Anything regarding this gentleman The water level will be raised by would also be most welcome. the Long Sault Dam and Barnhart $30 a month for privates and cor- Yours very, truly, Island power house to an elevation porals in the Army or their equiv- GEORGE B. MacGILLIVRAY, which will provide an average head alents in. the Navy, and BCAF, $19 Vice-President and Mianager, available for power of 83 feet. The a month for sergeants and $10 a combined length of the two power month for staff sergeants and War- Leo Burnett Company of rant offleers. Canada, Ltd., houses will be approximately 3,500 107 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. feet. The raised water level will Basic minimum rate for officers— Editor’s note—We regret that in- provide a lake above the dam of except second lieutenants, who will over 40 square miles in the area. get the basic $91 rate for other formation in our possession on „he It is expected a new scenic road ranks — will be $110 a month. This MacGillivray family co-incides with what the writer already has on the will be built along the shore. will increase the allowance for mar- A NATURALIST working in the an INFINITE VARIETY .< colors with The task is one of the greatest ried second lieutenants by $26 a late George MacGillivray of Mac- jungles of Africa uses a portable ever presented to Canadian engin- month;" lieutenants $21 and cap- Gillivray’s Bridge. If any of our aluminum elevator to get to the tains $16. The increases do not ap- readers has the desired information eers but already Ontario Hydro ex- top of 150-foot trees to secure perts have devotedl considerable ply above the rank of captain. we would appreciate their contact- The ration allowance, which is ing the writer or the editor of the samples of plant and animal life. Interior — Flat, Satin & Gloss time to study of the project along He simply shoots a line from a Enamels & Floor Finishes with experts of the Ontario Govern- paid to married men who are sup- News. plied with married quarters by the rifle over a sturdy limb, attaches Exterior — Mildew resistant pain# ment in planning and development, trim & trellis, enortielt municipal aSairs and highways. services, will be increased by $10 to The greatest aggregation of apple it to the elevator cage and hauls $30. r-0 orchards in the British Common- himself up by working a hand Examples of Pay wealth is to be found in Nova winch fixed to the cage’s floor. Scotia. _ ^ Other C-D products include: • CROWN SATIN-super hiding lotex that tpplies like mogiC After May 1st, an Army private, His one-man elevator is almost or his equivalent in the Navy or certainly made of Canadian alu- . FLOOR, PORCH AND DECK-hord, lost dryng • CHINA WHITE-non-yellowing iolefier ponthu Charles MacDonald RCAF, will get a total of $219 a to the current $189. A captain will Çjjtgtfs' olkyd enomels enomel month in basic pay and subsistence minum. For by putting untamed get $405 compared to the current ■ DURONAMEL—beautiful lost-drying enomels • EXTERIOR PAINTS-mildew-resistont Died At Detroit and marriage allowances compared “white water” to work creating electrical power, Canada has made After a long illness, borne with itself the largest exporter of alu- Christian fortitude, there passed minum in the world. Aluminum away on April 5th at his residence Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan) Crtywn Diamond Products are sold by: in Detroit, Mich., Charles MacDon- ald, formerly of McCrimmon. ^ 1 M. L. TOBIN - Alexandria, Ont. Mr. MacDonald was born fifty- nine years ago at McCrimmon, a son of the late W. D. MacDonald and his wife, the late Mary MaeSweyn. The remains were conveyed from Detroit to the funeral parlors of Marcoux & (Morris, Alexandria. FROM GRILLES Funeral services at Kirk Hill Unit- ed Church were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Sam Delve, at 2 p.m. on TO GLASS Thursday, April 9th, and were largely attended. Burial was in the How many church cemetery. The deceased is survived by his New ideas in bank premises are wife, the former Violet MacKinnon ways do they  of Detroit; two sons, Lieut. Edson D. MacDonald, Tacoma, Wiash., and serve you ? |L designed to give you speedier, more Barry A. MacDonald, Detroit, Mich.; one brother and five sisters, namely, Angus MacDonald, Mrs. Duncan P. convenient service. They are part of the easy, MaeSweyn, Mrs. Dan. P. MaeSweyn, Guess ay win ! all of McCrimmon; Mrs. Hattie Avery, Montreal; Mrs. Christena All of these people serve you in In the same way your milk- De Pencier, Ottawa, and Mrs. Wit ^informal way you like to do your bankings useful ways through their jobs. man, lawyer or nurse may have liam Mitchell, Toronto; also five helped build new highways, nieces and four nephews. But, like people in all walks of waterworks, schools, power The pallbearers were Borden life, they may also be helping Canada’s chartered banks — built on Avery, Alex. J. Kennedy, Dougald you in certain important un- plants or other essential public works in your community. MacDonald, Duncan John Mae seen ways. Sweyn, Dan MacLeod and Rod. And—who knows—perhaps sound banking practice — continually MaoFhee. Take your postman, for in- your job too was created by these Relatives from a distance attend- stance. He may have helped to life insurance policyholders’ ing the funeral were Lieut. Edson build your home through his dollars, invested to develop adapt their services to meet new businesses and industries. ■ i ■ D. MacDonald, Tacoma; Wash.; ownership of life insurance. It’s Barry A. MacDonald, Detroit, Mich.; So anyone who owns life in- Mrs. Hattie Avery, Montreal; Mrs. possible — because the money surance — including probably changing, expanding needs. Harold Oughtred, Quebec City; Miss of thousands of life insurance you — does more than provide Joan Oughtred, Ottawa, and Roddie policyholders is invested for financial security for his family. 1 ' .v ■ ' ■. MacPhee, Montreal. them in building homes He also serves his fellow- V . Many 'beautiful floral tributes throughout the nation. citizens in all these useful ways! THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY were received from sorrowing rela^ lives and friends. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA More than 95 per cent of Canada’s "It is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance" wines come from the Niagara Pen' 1-12520 insula. Page 10 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Friday, April 24tli, 1953 Was Noted Teacher School Area Entertains To Speak At In Winnipeg At Martintown Ottawa Gathering "News" Classified Ad section TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Teachers of Oharlottenburgh Pub- Dunc.an A. L. MacDonald, assist- Federal Buildings—Province of Miss Bertha C. McDougall, daugh- lic School Area entertained friends ant managing editor of “The En- Ontario tei of Peter P. and Ellen, Robertson and relatives at a banquet in St. sign” and a native Glengarrdan, is WANTED EALED TENDERS addressed to McDougall, who was born in Max- Andrew’s Presbyterian Hall, Martin- to be the special speaker at the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES S town. Mrs. Gladys Munro, presi- annual Concert and Dance of the —Young girl or boy to clerk in the undersigned and endorsed ville, November 4th, 1882, died sud- (Effective January 1st, 1951) dent of Oharlottenburgh teachers’ Glengarry Club of Ottawa. The Grocery Store. Apply at EARL’S “TENDER FOR COAL”, will be re- denly, Sunday, April 12th, in Grace group, was mistress of ceremonies. gathering is being held May 15th in FRUIT AND GROCERY. Phone 62, ceived until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), WED- Hospital, Winnipeg, Man. Guests of honor were Mr. and the Normal School hail. For Sale, To Let, Wanted, etc.: 50 cents ïor thirty words or less; Alexandria. 17-lp NESDAY, MAY 13, 1953, for the Services were conducted in the a cents each additional word; extra insertions, 40 cent minimum. supply of coal and ooke for the chapel of the A. B. Gardiner Fu- Mrs. D. J. Hynes; John McLennan, o Births, Deaths: No charge. Cards of Thanks: 75 cents. In Mem- —WANTED: Man for steady travel Federal Buildings throughout the neral Home, Winnipeg, on April reeve of Charlottenibungh; Mrs. Mc- oriam: Minimum, 75 cents, 10 cents per line of verse. Public among consumers in Glengarry Province of Ontario. 14th, with Rev. W. A. McDonald and, Lennan, and members of the School Notices: 12 cents per line, first insertion; 8 cents per line subse- county. Permanent connection with Board and their wives. Isles Near Lancaster quent insertions. 10 cents extra if not paid in advance; 25 cents Forms of tender with specifica- Dr. HarUy Joyce in charge. The extra if Box No. used. large mamfiacturer. Only reliable tions and conditions attached can remains were then brought to Max- Following the toast to the Queen, Termed Most Beautiful hustler considered. Write RAW- be obtained from the Chief of PuT' ville, where final services were con- the party sat down to a dinner, Copy for Classified Ads must be in this office not later than noon LEIGH’S, Dept. F-1134131, Mont- chasing and Stores, Department of ducted in the United Church, at served by the ladies of the church. The Canadian Travel News Letter, Thursday, to appear in current week’s columns. real. Public Works, Ottawa, and the Dis- 2 pm., April 16th, by Rev. J. J. E. Between courses a toast to the issued by the Canadian Governn trict Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Brownlee. Burial was in the family School Board was proposed by Mrs. MAN WANTED Travel Bureau, has the following BIRTHS FOR SALE Toronto, Out. -plot in the Maxville cemetery. Harriet Christie, to which Henry say about this district: “Below the —Married man, experienced, for Tenders should be made on the The pallbearers were all cousins McWhinnie responded. Miss A. L. City of Cornwall the St. Lawrence WOOD — At Hotel ftieu Hospital, —Big Findlay Range, with new dairy farm; house, Hydro, wood, forms supplied by the Department of the deceased, A. D. McLean, Ot- Dunlop welcomed the guests and River widens Into an expanse known Cornwall, Wednesday, April 15th, grates, for wood or coal, in A-l con- milk, good wages for right man. and in -accordance with depart tawa; Norman Morrison, Toronto; John McLennan replied, after which as Lake St. Francis, which is 25 1953, to Mr. and Mi’s. John Wood dition; also an Oil Stove, 3-burner, Apply to E. L. MoNAUGHTON, mental specifications and conditions Donald Colbourne, John McEwen, Mr. Hynes, Public School Inspector, miles long and studded with small (nee Theresa Massia) of Alex- with oven. Apply to FABIEN Bainsville. Phone 3773, Lancaster. attached -thereto. was called upon to speak. Rev. islands. As early as 1653, Father andria — a daughter, Patricia. STANG, 1st Kenyon. 17-lp Melville McEwen and Donald 16-2c The Department reserves the right Munroe. Norman Sharkey of Lancaster, was Simon Lemoine journeyed up the r DEATHS —M.-H. Electric Cream Separator, to demand from any successful ten- to have been the guest speaker and St. Lawrence, going from Lake St. derer, before awarding the order, a Miss McDougall was educated in 950 lbs. cap., slightly used. Apply DOMESTIC HELP WANTED the public school of Maxville, at- it was a matter of regret that he Francis to CornwaiTs present site. security deposit in the form of a DEWAR. — At Cote St. George on to EVANS MacGILLLVRAY, R.R. 1, —Married couple to look after the tended the Alexandria High School was prevented by illness from being Today this lovely lake offers admir- certified cheque on a chartered bank Friday, April 17th, John H. (Ken- Dalkeith. 17-lp cooking and general work. Apply and received her teacher training present. During the program, Ian able scenery and good fishing, m neth) Dewar, husband of Mar- in Canaidia, made payable to the McMartin of Williamstown High' his journal, Father Lemoine called —Brick house on Main street, Glen in writing, giving ages, references at the Cornwall and Winnipeg Nor- garet McCuaig, in his 80th year. order of ,the Honourable the Min- School staff, directed the showing of the islands of Lake St. Francis the Robertson. Apply to MYLES MC- and salary expected. LAKE ST. mal Schools. After teaching for a Funeral service, Cote St. George ister of Public Works, equal to 10 three interesting movie films. most beautiful in the world.” DONALD, Glen Robertson. 17-2p FRANCIS FISHING CLUB, Bains- short time in Glengarry she joined Presbyterian Church on Monday, ville, Ont. 16-2c per cent of the amount of the ten Expressions of thanks were ex- der, or Bearer Bonds of the Domin- the staff of the Winnipeg schools, April 20th, at 2 p.m. Interment, —1950 Meteor Sedan, like new; 21,- tended to the ladles of the church ion of Canada or of the Canadian where she taught for thirty-five Cote St. George cemetery. 000 miles. Phone: Alexandria 213-J, FEMALE HELP WANTED years. She was honored with a Life by Mrs. June MacGregor, and to National Railway Company and its Saturdays only; 17-lc Membership in the Manitoba Tea- those who had assisted with the MacDONALD—At Winnipeg, Man., —Girls for Restaurant work. Apply constituent companies uncondition- chers’ Association in 1944. She be- program by Miss Eileen Raymond. April 22nd, 1953, Mrs. R. R. Mac- —Seed Oats, Beaver, free of mus- to JOHNSONS GARAGE, Sum- ally guaranteed as -to principal and longed to St. John’s United Church o Donald, the former Flora Mac- tard. Apply to KENNETH W. Mac- mérstown. 17-2p interest by the Dominion of Canada, Donald, daughter of John R. Mac- DONAILD, R.R. 2, Dalkeith. Phone or the aforementioned bonds and a and was a former member of Cen- —Make money and win friends, sell- tral Congregational Church, Win- The Canadian coyote, unlike most Donald of St. Raphael’s. Burial Lochiel 4-R-33. 16-2c certified cheque if required to make ing our exclusive blouses, nylons, animals, usually mates for life. Friday, April 24th, at Winnipeg. up an odd amount. nipeg, Man. As a member of the lingerie. Satisfaction guaranteed. Civic Reception Committee of Win- Hunting is done in pairs. —Gladiolus Bulbs for sale at 70 ROBERT FORTIER, ENGAGEMENTS No investment. Good commission. nipeg she contributed to the re- cents per dozen and up by varieties. Acting Secretary. STENBER DISTRIBUTING COM habilitation of veterans following Apply to J. Y. HUMPHRIES, St. r Department of Public Works, MacLEOD - MadLENNAN — Mr. PANY, 30 McRoberts Ave., Toronto. the First World War. and Mrs. Donald John MacLeod Paul street, Alexandria. Phone 86. Ottawa, April 15, 1953. 16-2p 17-lc of Dalkeith, Ont., announce the The many and beautiful floral engagement of then' daughter, NOTICE OF APPLICATION tributes at both the Winnipeg and —Centrally located in Maxville, two WANTED TO BUY Margaret Isabel, to Mr. Lloyd The Liquor Licence Act, 1946 Maxville services were evidences of adjoining lots, ISO'xlOO' and Sffx MacLennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. —Anyone wishing to sell Hens or the esteem and affection held for 100'. Building 50'x25' with display Licensing District Number 10 Angus Kenneth MacLennan, Glen other Fowl, contact ALCIDE the deceased by hosts of friends. window'. Heavy wiring. Small barn Sandfield, Ont. The marriage to BRUNET, St. Raphael’s, phone TAKE NOTICE that Alexandria She is survived by three sisters, and shed. Reasonable. Apply to "Branch, No. 423, Canadian Legion take place shortly. Lane. 3375. 6-13p Mrs. John Garland Pollard, Rich- KEN MacLEOD, box 95, Dalkeith. of the B.E.SX,., of the Town of 15-3C mond, Virginia; Mrs. Vern Jansen LeGROULX - MAJOROS — The BABY CHICKS Alexandria, in the County of Glen- and Mrs. C. W. Ross, both of Re- engagement is announced, of garry, will make application at a gina, Sask., all of whom accom- —Quantity No. 1 Red Clover Seed, —Good chicks' for good markets Special Meeting of The Liquor Marie Pauline Flore LeGroulx, Gov’t grade certificate 321326. Apply Hillside Canadian Approved Chicks. panied the remains to Maxville for daughter of Mr. Jos. LeGroulx Licence Board of Ontario to be held interment. to HUGH F. MODONELL, R.R. 2, This Hatchery has had 35 years’ ex- at the Court House in the Town of and the late Mrs. LeGroulx of Greenfield. Phone, Maxville 158-W- perience behind them, can give Brockville, in the County of Leeds, Chatham, Ont., and Mr. Stephen 14. 17-lp prompt shipment of the breed or on Friday the 15th day of May, NOTICE OF APPLICATION Francis Majores, only son of Mr. cross you prefer. Dayolds, started. 14)53, at the hour of 9.30 o’clock The Liquor Licence Act, 1946 and Mrs. Francis Majores of —35 small Pigs, 5 weeks old. Apply Capons. A Liveability guarantee. (D.S.T.) in the forenoon for the Licensing District Number 10 Montreal. The wedding is to take to GEORGE CARRIERE, 4-3ra Ask me for particulars—RAYMOND issuance of a Club Licence (re TAKE NOTICE that Lucien place on Saturday, May 9th, at Kenyon. Phone 105-W-il. 17-lp LALONDE, Glen Robertson. stricted) for the sale and consump Notre - Dame - ces - Neiges D’Aoust of the Town of Alexandria tion of beer without meals to MEN in the County of Glengarry, will Church, Montreal. HOUSES FOR SALE —No fooling, your neighbors have TOWNSHIP OF LOCHIEL their eyes on the coming egg mar- ONLY in an establishment classified make application at a Special Meet- kets. They’re stocking up to get as a veterans’ club for the following ing of The liquor Licence Board of IN MEMORIAM —House on Dominion street, Alex- premises: Lot forty-nine (49) south TENDERS FOR DRAINS andria; all modem conveniences, flocks into good production for the Ontario to be held at the Court MacLEOD—In loving memory of a best prices. Bray Hatchery has day- of Elgin street, East of Main street, House in the Town of Brockville in with large shed, garage and garden. in the Town1 of Alexandria and dear brother, Norman J, Mac- Apply to MISS MARIA VAHiLAN- old, started pullets. Immediate de- the County of Leeds on Friday the ■SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked, will be received by the under- ILeod, who passed away April livery. Order your May broilers County of Glengarry. 15th day of May, 1953, at the hour signed until 2 p.m. Thursday, April 30th, for the completion of the J. B. COURT, Lochiel street, Alexandria. 1 Any person resident in the licens- 25th, 1952. 11-tf now too. Agent — AVILA TOU- of 9.30 o’clock (DST) in the fore- Proulx drain on an hourly basis, and the maintenance of the Sabourin- CHETTE, Glen Robertson. ing district may object to the appli- noon for the issuance of a public While he lies in peaceful sleep, cation, and the grounds of objection MdDonalid drain. house licence for the sale and con- His memory we shall always keep. FARM FOR SALE in writing shall be filed with H. J. F. Estimates of the Salbourin - McDonald drain are as follows: —Look folks, at these prices for sumption of beer in premises to —Ever remembered by his sister Stewart, Q.C., the deputy registrar —100-acre farm, west Yz lot 21-6th Hillside Poultry Farm pullets — which MEN and WOMEN are ad- Earth excavation, 1,900 cu. yards. and brother. (Canadian Approved chicks) Heavy of the licensing district, whose ad- concession of Kenyon. Good build- mitted, for the following premises: Tenders for completion of the J. B. Proulx drain to be accompanied Dunvegan. 17-lp breed, 2 Weeks, $32.00 — 3 weeks, dress is 21 Court House Ave., Brock- ings, convenient to churches, school ALEXANDRIA HOTEL, located on by a marked cheque for $100. $35 — also older pullets. And day- ville, Ontario, at least ten days be- and railroad. Hydro and telephone Main Street, in the Town of Alex- CARDS OF THANKS available. Apply to ARCHIE MC- olds. Variety breeds, crosses. Prompt fore the meeting at which the Tenders for Sabourin - McDonald drain to be accompanied by a shipment. Ask agent — RAYMOND application is to be heard. andria, County of Glengarry, being marked cheque for 10 percent, of the tendered price. CAMPBELL — We wish to express KINNON, R.R. 1, Greenfield; ’phone operated as a hotel within the re- Maxville 152-J-12. 16-2c LALONDE, Glen Robertson. DATED at Alexandria, Ont., this our sincere thanks and apprécia- 16th day of April, 1953. quirements of The Liquor Licence A. J. MCDONALD, Clerk - Treasurer, tion to our neighbors and friends —100-acre farm and a bam for sale. —We offer you our Large, Fast —Alexandria Branch, No. 423, Act, 1946. 16-2c Glen Sandfield. for their many acts of kindness For particulars apply to MARY C. Feathering, Canadian Approved, Canadian Legion of the B.E.S.L. Any person resident in the licens- during our recent bereavement. McOORMICK, Glen Robertson. R.O.P. Sired Plymouth-Barred Rock Per: ing district may object to the appli- —Mrs. W. D. Campbell. 16-2C Chicks. All chicks are hatched DR. J. W. B. VILLENEUVE, cation, and the grounds of objection Maxville. 17-lp from large eggs selected exclusively Alexandria, Ont., President, in writing shall be filed with H. J. F. AUCTION SALE Stewart, Q.C., the deputy registrar PAIEMENT — We wish to thank FARM FOR SALE OR RENT from our own flock of 6,000 layers. and The flock is accredited and has been of the licensing district, whose ad- our many friends, relatives and —130 acres land, with 10 acres bush; G. P. MILES, Secretary, constantly selected since over 25 dress is 21 Court House Avenue, neighbors for their visits, mes- frame house, barn and out build- Alexandria, Ont. 16-2c HIGH-CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE years. Ask for our price list or BROCKVILLE, Ontario, at least sages of sympathy, Mass cards ing, in good condition; electricity, There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the premises of the Telephone Lancaster 3264. MAJOR ten days before the meeting at and, other acts of kindness re- and water power In house and SUMMER OFFICE HOURS undersigned ROCK POULTRY FARM, R.R. 2, which the application is to be heard. ceived during our recent sad be- barns; telephone. 2nd Con. Gore, Green Valley, Ont. 3-18c DATED at Alexandria this 23rd reavement. Glen Robertson. Apply to JEAN —COMMENCING on Monday, April ON ELGIN STREET WEST day of April, 1953. —Mr. and Mrs. Medardi Paiement, LOUIS CUIERRIER, Glen Robert- 27th, and continuing until the 26th ALEXANDRIA —Bray pullets. In production for LUCIEN D’AOUST, Georgette and Roger. son. 16-lp of September, 1953, the law office your summer-fall markets. Hatch- of Messrs. Maedonell & Macdonald, Alexandria Hotel, Glen Sandfield. 17-lc ery has them in dayolds, started, in Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers, Alexandria, Ontario. Thursday, April 30th TO LET the breed you. prefer. Don’t put off. Alexandria, will be open for busi- 17-2c at 1 p.m. MacDONATP—To our many friends Ask us for particulars. Also May- —Furnished Room to let, with ness from 8.30 am. until 5 pm. daily Guelph kitchen stove; table and chairs; 2 rockers; Beatty electric washer; we extend our sincerest thanks broilers. Agent — AVILA TOI"1 board. Apply at the NEWS OFFICE. except Saturday and on Saturday and appreciation for their kind CHETTE, Glen Robertson. TURKEY-POULTS Philco electric frig.; electric clock; Norge oil heater; sofa; cupboard; sympathy, messages of consola- 18-Ip 1 from 8.30 to 1 p.m. Singer sewing machine; quantity of dishes; dining-room table, buffet and r— "T7 7" For urgent matters an appoint- —Turkey Poults for sale; we also do tion and floral tributes in our sad —Canadian R.O.P. Sired Chicks 6 chairs; 3-piece chesterfield; organ, electric; radio; 6-piece bedroom set, SUMMER HOME TO RENT ment may be made outside of regu- custom hatching, turkey eggs only. 1 bereavement, in the loss of a be- complete with spring-filled mattress; 'bedstead; bureaus; 3 tables; clothes •from our ayoredited flock. Large lar office hours by letter or by Apply to PACIFIQUE LALONDE, loved husband and 'father, Charles —Good country house, 4 miles1 West type fast featherijig Barred Rocks. phoning No. 138 or 225, Alexandria. Alexandria. 17-2p racks; fire extinguisher; oil trunk, also 30 gals, of oil; lawn mower; MacDonald. We especially thank of Glen Roy, to rent for summer or We never had a reactor from pul- step-ladders; wasbstands; tubs; clock, and kitchen utensils; carpenter’s Rev. Sam Defve, pastor, and the year-round; good well. Apply to MACDONELL & MAODONALD, lorum. Only choice eggs are set. Seven Royal Canadian Navy des- tools. And also property will 'be offered for sale. organist and choir of Kirk Hill LEO TBAUVETTE, R.R. 1, Apple Satisfaction guaranteed. Reduced Barristers, etc., United Church. Hill. 17-2p Alexandria, Ont. troyers served in Korean waters TERMS CASH prices from now on. during the first two years of the —Mrs. Charles MacDonald EMERY POIRIER, Proprietor. and sons. 17-lp LAROCQUE POULTRY FARM war, three of them completing two PASTURE WILFRID MIARCPUX, Auctioneer. Phone 49. Tel. Lane. 3835 full tours of duty. ■ —We 1 take rattle In pasture, water PERSONAL North Lancaster, Ontario AUCTION SALE for toe season. Apply to JOE — of — —STOP SMOKING without swal- 1-tf SAUVE, 9th Lancaster, R.R. 2, Alex- LIVE STOCK AND lowing anything or using any will andria. Phone 327-W-2. 17-lp power. For secret send 4-cent ad- STARTED CHICKS FARM IMPLEMENTS — at — dressed envelope to PAUL PIERRE, CAR BUYERS —also day-olds, hatohed March 5th 442 Birks Building, Edmonton, Alta. -31st. Red Sussex, Red Rock, Leg- Lot 17, 7th Con., Lancaster ' 46-tf —Before you buy your new or late horns and Legrocks. Early pullets at Glen Nevis, IVz miles West of model used car see us about our make bigger profits, so order today. Dalhousie Station, on AUCTIONEERS BARRISTERS New Scientific Method Low Cost Financing Service. Avail- Also heavy cockerels for immediate LADIES’ AND MEN’S able for either Dealer or Private TAILORING for delivery. Canadian approved. DEE- MONDAY, MAY' 11th WILFRID VILLENEUVE R. P. MILLIGAN, K.O. Sale. RAYMOND ROCHON, Alex- at 1 o’clock sharp RANK1S POULTRY FARM, Dick- ALTERATIONS LICENSED AUCTIONEER andria. Phone 220. 43—6-30—53 inson’s Landing, Ont. 12-5c Orders taken for Ladies’ and Men’s D. J. MaoDONALD, B.A. A. J. KENNEDY, Prop. Glengarry - Stormont - Dim das STOMACH TROUBLE Tailored-to-Measure Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries —DEADSTOCK removed from your ALBERT FAUBERT, Auctioneer. Bilingual One tablet before eating TURKEY POULTS Suits and Coats 165 Pitt Street \ farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Phone 105-J-5, Alexandria. R.R. 2, MAXVILLE also CORNWALL, ONT. — PHONE 277» prevents discomfort after. Telephone collect: Lancaster 229, —SPECIAL PRICES on April poults Phone: Maxville 52-J-5 ALEXANDRIA OFFICE: Cornwall 3730. to finish for early Fall markets. Dee- VIOLIN LESSONS 20-tfc Insurance Bldg., Main St. North EXECUTABS ST. LAWRENCE RENDERING bank’s Canadian Approved poults AUCTION SALE Thursday of Each Week, 9-5 COMPANY LIMITED are in demand year after year be- AGNES VALADE PHYSICIANS 21-53tf for Heartburn, Indigestion, cause of their uniform Broad — of — l-52p Breasted meat type, fast growth and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Kenyon St. W., Alexandria A. L. CREWSON, ELECTRIC MOTORS Hyperacidity. M.D., C.M. (McGill) L.M.C.C. LIVE POULTRY vigor. Broad Breasted Bronze, in the Village of St. Raphael’s Beltsville Whites, Ryor Hollands INSURANCE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Price $1.00 Glasses Supplied and Fitted NEW — REBUILT —Leave your name with us, the and Nebraskans. Descriptive folder Telephone 1245 buyer will call at your place on on request. DEEBANK’S POULTRY INSURANCE 132 West Second St., Cornwall, Ont. Repairs and Rewinds .y and Tuesday of each week. FARM, Dickinson’s Landing, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 2nd to all makes and sizes at 1 p.m. Fire, Life, Sickness, Accident, Auto- Please make appointment with McLEISTER’S* ;TE, Alexandria, Ont. 12-5c mobile, Plate Glass, Dwelling, Fur- the secretary — Prompt Service — . 1-tf TERMS OF SALE — CASH niture, Theft, Wind and Farm Office open 9-12, 1-5, Saturday 9-12 SURGESON & SON PASTURE Buildings, REXALL Tornadoes sometimes rise and fall. —I will take a number of heifers; ERNEST VALADE, ADVERTISE IN THE 29A Second St. E. Phone 5»2-J DRUG STORE .This accounts for the irregularity good supply of water. KHNZIE WILFRID MARCOUX, Prop. MORRIS BROS. FUEL AND STOVE OIL Phone 52 Ale: of their damage-pattern. MaoDONALD, Laggan. I7-ile Auctioneer. Phone 49. Phone 33 Alexandria GLENGARRY NEWS Cornwall, Ont.