Abbreviations Introduction: Aryanism and the Webs of Empire
Notes Abbreviations AR Asiatic[k] Researches ATL Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington BL British Library, London CMS Church Missionary Society CO Colonial Office Records, PRO, London GBPP Great Britain Parliamentary Papers HL Hocken Library and Archives, Dunedin JPS Journal of the Polynesian Society ML Mitchell Library, Sydney MR Missionary Register NA National Archives, Wellington, New Zealand NZPD New Zealand Parliamentary Debates OIOC Oriental and India Office Collections, BL PRO Public Record Office, Kew PSC Polynesian Society Collection, ATL WMS Wesleyan Missionary Society Introduction: Aryanism and the Webs of Empire 1. Eric R. Wolf, Europe and the People without History (Berkeley, CA, 1982), 3. 2. Marshall G. S. Hodgson, Rethinking World History: Essays on European, Islam and World History, Edmund Burke III ed. (Cambridge, 1993); Sanjay Subrahmanyam, ‘Connected histories: notes towards a reconfiguration of early modern Eurasia’, Modern Asian Studies, 31 (1997), 735–62; Andre Gunder Frank, ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age (Berkeley, CA, 1998). 3. David Hancock, Citizens of the World: London Merchants and the Integration of the British Atlantic Community, 1735–1785 (Cambridge, 1995); P. J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion, 1688–1914 (London, 1993). Hopkins has articulated a rather different vision in his recent ‘Back to the future: from national history to imperial history’, Past and Present, 164 (1999), 198–243. 4. Most notably Antoinette Burton, At the Heart of the Empire: Indians and the Colonial Encounter in Late Victorian Britain (Berkeley, CA, 1998); Shompa Lahiri, Indians in Britain: Anglo-Indian Encounters, Race and Identity, 1880–1930 (London, 2000); John M. Mackenzie (ed.), Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986).
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