Spoken Cochabamba Quechua, Units 13-24

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Spoken Cochabamba Quechua, Units 13-24 - REPORTRESUMES ED 012 031 56 AL 000 523 SPOKEN COCHABAMBA QUECHUA,UNITS 13-24. BY- SOLA, DONALD F. LASTRA, YOLANDA CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA,N.Y. REPORT NUMBER BR-5-1231.-6 PUB DATE 30 AUG 64 CONTRACT OEC.-SAE-9513 EDRS PRICEMF-$0.27 HC -$7.6$ 192P. DESCRIPTORS- *QUECHUA, *DIALECTSTUDIES, *INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, *AUDIOLINGUAL SKILLS,LANGUAGES, COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA, ITHACA UNITS 13-24 OF THE SPOKEN COCHABAMBAQUECHUA COURSE FOLLOW THE GENERAL FORMAT OFTHE FIRST VOLUME (UNITS1-12). THIS SECOND VOLUME IS INTENDEDFOR USE IN AN INTERMEDIATE Cl!' ADVANCED COURSE AND INCLUDESMORE COMPLEX DIALOGS, CONVERSATIONS, "LISTENING-INS,"AND DICTATIONS, AS WELLAS GRAMMAR AND EXERCISE SECTIONSCOVERING ADDITIONAL GRAMMATICAL 'POINTS. SOME MATTERS OFSTRUCTURE ARE DEALT WITHIN MORE DETAIL THAN WAS POSSIBLE INTHE BEGINNING COURSE.THE CULTURAL REFERENCES ANDVOCABULARY USED REFER TO THEAREA IN AND AROUND THE CITY OFCOCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA. (JD) goci-c-43513 " 6PoicEiNt COCHABAMBA QUECHUAh Units 13-24 Vol. II r-- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE 1 OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. L 023 Y1:1, it 57423 j Cornell University August 30, 1964 " G170 KCN COCHABAMBA QUECHUA 4 Units 13-24 L7gwalet Seid: EYotanda/06terci, Quechua Language Project These materials were preparedunder Office of Education Contract No,SAE - 9513; US Department of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare, authorized by PL 85-864, Title VI, Part A, Section 602. Cochabamba QuechuaVolume II, Units 13 2k PREFACE TO THE STUDENT This text was prepared by theQuechua LanguageMaterials Pro jec of CornellUniversity undercontract with the US Department of Health, Education,and Welfare, Officeof Education Contract No. SAE-9513, authorizedby Public Law 85-864,Title VI, Part A,Section 6020 Some of the essentials of CochabambaQuechuagrammar were presented in Spoken Cochabamba Quechua,Units 1-12. Units 13 -24w areintended for use in an intermediateor advancedcourse, and more complex Dialogues, Conversations,Listening-ins, and Dictations,as well as Grammar and Exercise sectionscovering additional grammatical points 0 Some matters ofstructure are dealt with in more detail thanwas p?ssible in thebeginning course. ST..s,'SWiVryriFOSAW!,,, S TmT t;"-Trg,'TSVAVY:,a'Fir'r"..4.'7NP,r,"tk7:s,..,n76;,,,r,W-r.TgL75 .611010etraMmerows.v....... Cochabamba, Bolivia UNIT THIRTEEN Dialogue Teodora, ayoung woman who has just had her firstbaby is visited bymama Victuka, an elderlywoman. T. Teodora. V. Victuka, V. be born nasiy give birth nasigi-kuy Good morning, Teodora. How bwenos dias, teodora. are you? Have you given imaynaid kanki? birth yet? nasini-kunkifiaUu? T. sit (polite) tiyari-kuy Yes, mama Victuka. Cane in. art, mama bihtuka, yaykurimuy Sit down. d. tiyari-kuy. V. A little.boyor a little girl? q"arisitueu, warmisitaeu? T. expect, wait suyay A little girl, ma'am. Her warmisita, mamdy. tatan father was expectinga earisituta suyasarqa. little boy. V. first, ancient ilawpa The first child shouldbe Flawpah wawitaqa warmisita a girl, so she will help kanan, wasipi yanapanawan- us at home. dahpah. 7.NW,WWW7- - t , ir 117Y) 110,0111111110KAIIIilr. 13.2 T. That's true. Lapis ahnaiatah. V. Her father probably wants dahrapAdd yanapanampah a boy to help him in earisituta munagan the field. tatanqa. T. It must be for that. daypandd kanqa. V. Who helped you? pitah yanapasorqa. T. Dona Filomena. dorla filomeha. V. midwife partera Yes, she is a good arl, sumah parteraIa midwife. T. Yes, she seems to know. arf, yadalandus sina. I wonder what she made imatadd uhyadiwarqa. me drink. V. strong sindi hurt, pain nanay It must have hurt a lot. sinditadd nanaykusorqa. =1Oli en,' It 17.7771775r4W.7,771:7.7s7777:7 T. take, hold hap'iy Yes, the pain got me in ark. 'eahrapiiiatah nanay thO field. hap'iwarqa. V. poor pobre Poor Teodora. pobre teodora. T. consciousness yuyay lose Sinkay I think I lost consciousness yuyaynisrtapunf sina when I got here. dinkaSi-kapusgani kayman Sayaymusaspa. V. Poor thing! pobresital T. I wonder how I gave birth! imaynapiSus nasidi-korganipis! V. It's that way with the ahnapuni fiawpah wawapeqa. first child. o T. It must have been that ahnaIatahed qampipis karqa. way with you. 77';''',"FweRFAVireF4agegnfoWimatwimoselsoo.o.............!.....0..44.2anveAwiasiszk r, 13.4 v. elder kurah My first child was born kurah wawayqa tarpukikimpi in the fielditself. nasiykuwarqa. T. then cants (daymantatah) Poor thing! Wasn't there ay pobresital mans dantd ni any one there to take pipis q "awarisuh care of you? karqa? V. There wasno one. I mana ni pipis karqadu. gave birth alone. sapataypinasidi-korciani. P.11,7F4r;:7,70,7,,7,jr;47,:grPrr,7177X,,, , Pi77 14,v7 ,NriTKNr.TrrA:,7!77,,, 13.5 DialogueAMEE V. bwenos dias, teodora. imayna1d kanki? nasidi-kunkillaeu? T. ail',mama bihtuka. yaykurimuy d. tiyari-kuy. V. earisitudu, warmisitadu? T. warmisita, mamdy. tatan earisitutasuyasarqa. V. fiawpah wawi taqawarmisita kanan, wasipi yanapanawaneahpah. T. lapis ahnalatah. V. dahrapidd yanapanampahq"arisituta munagan tatanqa. T. daypandd kanqa. V. pitah yanapasorqa. T. dofia fllomena. V. arf, sumah parterala. T. arf, yadaianeus sina. imatadd uhyadiwarqa. V. 'sinditadd nanaykusorqa. T. arf. eahrapigatahnanay nap'iwarqa. V. pobre teodora. T. yuyayniytapunf sina einkael-Impusqanikayman dayaymusaspa. V. pobresital T. imaynapidus nasidi-korganipisl V. ahnapuni ilawpahwawapeqa. T. ahnalatahed qampitdskarqa. V. kurah wawayqa tarpu kikimpinasiykuwarqa. T. ay pobresital mans cants nipipis q "awarisuh karqa? V. mana ni pipis karqadu. sapaiaypi nasidi-korqani. e teg 1 13.6 Grammar 1. Some special verbs. Illustrations eiriwan. I am cold. eiriwaneah. We (incl.) are cold. eiriwayku. We (excl.) are cold. eirisunki. You are cold. eirisunkleah. You (pl.) are cold. eirin. He is cold. larq"asqawan. I am hungry. e,akisqawan. I am thirsty. pufiuy atisqawan. I am falling asleep. gustawan. I like it. (It is. pleasing to me) gustariiasorqaeu? 111 kay eahra,kawsay gustariwan. ,11M=MN Drill Substitute as suggested. Examples: 1. Inst. eiriwan. Stud. eiriwaneah. 13. a. Iareasqawan. b. d'akisqawan. c. puiluy atisqawan, d. kay gustawan. 2. Inst. kay dahra kawsay gustariwan. Stud. kay dahra kawsay gustariwayku. a. aeanayawan. b. lawa gustawan. c. diriwan. d. d'akisqawan. 3. Inst. dirisunki. Stud. di risunadah. a. puriuy atisqasunki. b. aqtanayasunki. c. mana.aeanayasunkidu. d. mana kay !ahta gustasunkidu. 4. Inst. mana diriwandu. Stud. mana dirindu. 177.7,r45FS.54,1,1,74 F=`,3^ .; 13.8 a. mana misk'i gustawaneu. b. mana pufitly atiwan8u. c. mana Vakisqawaneu. d. mana Wanayawandu. Drill Translate the English items in parenthesis in order to complete the sentences below., 1. (he likes) kay Iahta kawsay (you [pl.] probably like) kay Iahta kawsay (you probably like) kay Iahta kawsay 2. (I don't feel like having chicha) kunitanqamana (we don't feel like having chicha [excl.]) kunitanqamans (they don't feel like having chicha) kunitanqamana 3. (I am thirsty) haku aced uhyamuna, (you are thirsty) haku ace& uhyamuna, (they are thirsty) haku aq'uhyamuna, Drill Answer the following questions. 1. punuyeu atisasunki? 2. aceanayasasunkidu? ,. v.raswastrowNIAIMMI 13.9 3. e'akiscian8d. 4. lareasaned wawata. 5. wasin gustasunkiu? 6. nirisunki8ah6u? 7. a'akisunkidu? Grammar uants In English we say 'I am hungry, thirsty,cold, sleepy'. We use the verb 'to be' and an adjective. Quechua speakersuse verbs whose subject is a thirdperson; what in Englishwould be a subject is an object inQuechua. Thus, 'I am cold° is eiriwan Lit. 'It is cold for me' or 'to me'. Notice the patternin the Illustrations. The verb Eustav,borrowed from Spanish,is used the same way. .t% So are a number ofexpressions meaning 'tofeel like something'or 'to have a yen forsomething' suchas aglanlym 'to feel like drinking chicha'; -na and -va are deriVatcVe-suffixes. 2. Omission of hu Illustra:tions. haqay uhrah. imd sutiykiri? bwenituIaSuprofesorniyki? .....111111YIN saritaykipis k'ar)italaqa. i,r.n1,1!.,,,t, karuraheu tokoman? maypitah alohamyentoykiri? owsonmwommmumerrommormallierownwe imapahtah tukuy eayri? Drill Answer the following questions. 1. hatuneu wasiyki? 2. imaynatah fyesta? 3. sarayki yuraheu? 4. kayeu eayamoh wawayki'? 5. hatueah papayoheu tarpuykeqa? 6. aka uawasniyohdu mamayki? 7. tukusqaiiaeu wasiyki? Grammar points The verb kay 'be' is frequently omitted lu Quechua. One can say: wasi hue'uv kagan. or wasi(91) hue'uy. 'The house is small' The topic marker Isa is often included in sentences where the verb haz is omitted. These sentences will be called verbless equational sentences. The verb k is omitted in another type of clause where a relational occurs with one of the items: "eviMP,1474Tipl'ii57,7xgr:47:FAIR,'W-"zwir-1,7P, ,v,17,z^r, psTrivt.-51,1- 13.11 ima=pah-tah tukuy, eavri? 'what for (tah 'all' 'that' [-ri is an indep. suffix] signals a question) 3. Modifier and head IllUstrations q"ela funa lazy man manday hatun eahra a very large field nawpah wawitaqa the first child kay hatun sad'a this large tree agk°a hobero wawitas these blond children wasi punku house door mayu kantu sana river edge tree wasa kali back street qaeiu t'ikas yellow flowers pisi q'omer abas few green beans yurah sarata apamusan. He brings white corn. puka polerayoh purisarqa. She was going around witha full red skirt. kunan pada right now eaymanta pada eayamun. He arrives from that very place. daika unayta einkant He has been lost for sucha .long time! Vika sineita paraykamunt It has rained such a long timet ....momehr"hahnshOWOW ^ : 13.12 may Vika watasta mana mayu How many long years the nayamun6u1 river hasn't risen! , . bay Vika pisita apamusani He brought so little! Drill Translate the English items in parenthesis in order to complete the sentences below. 1. (from, a large beautiful town) hamuni. 2. (this nice town) punata sutiyoh. 3. (candy balls) qosayki. 4. (white house door)mana gustan6u.
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