Participation, Role and Position of Slovenian Women in the World War II Resistance Movement
«Qualestoria» n. 2, dicembre 2015 Participation, Role and Position of Slovenian Women in the World War II Resistance Movement di Vida Deželak Barič Abstract ‒ Participation, Role and Position of Slovenian Women in the World War II Resistance Movement The following discussion focuses on the mass participation of women in the resistance move- ment during the occupation of Slovenia (1941-1945) and compares it with the women’s position in the anti-communist and collaborationist political camp in the context of the civil war, which took place in certain areas of Slovenian territory during the occupation. It analyses the aspects of the liberation struggle activities which women took part in. These activities included the activist fieldwork in the context of various organisations (Liberation Front of the Slovenian Nation, Slovenian Anti-fascist Women’s Association – a special women’s organisation), inclu- sion of women in the Partisan armed formations, intelligence operations, as well as cultural and educational activities. The discussion underlines the monopoly of the Communist Party, the transmissive role of the resistance organisation in the eyes of the communists, problems with the implementation of the equal position of women in the men’s world, as well as fatalities among women. Key words: Slovenia, resistance, women, partisan women, emancipation Parole chiave: Slovenia, resistenza, donne, donne partigiane, emancipazione The resistance and politicisation of women World War II had a substantial impact on the traditional gender roles in Slovenia. Under the influence of the dramatic situation brought about by the occupation in April 1941 and the functioning of the ideological mechanisms, at that time women in fact took a large step and entered the public space which had until then been in the almost exclu sive domain of the male half of the society however, this does not mean they were not present in the public sphere.
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