Toy Industry President and CEO LEGO Builds On
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Volume 1, No. 3, March 2010, ISSN 1729-8709 Fi t for kids • Guest Interview : Toy industry President and CEO • LEGO builds on ISO standards © ISO Focus+, Contents Comment Kevin McKinley, ISO Deputy Secretary-General – Our kids, our future ............... 1 ISO Focus+ is published 10 times a year World Scene (single issues : July-August, December-January) International events and international standardization ............................................ 2 It is available in English and French. Guest Interview Annual subscription - 98 Swiss Francs Individual copies - 16 Swiss Francs Arnie Rubin, President of the International Council of Toy Industries ................... 3 Publisher Special Report ISO Central Secretariat (International Organization for Fi t for kids................................................................................................................... 6 Standardization) Raising awareness – Child safety is no accident ! ..................................................... 8 1, chemin de la Voie-Creuse CH - 1211 Genève 20 Safe play – Leading the world’s toys to safety........................................................... 11 Switzerland Building blocks – A global effort for safe and fun play ............................................ 13 Tel.: +41227490111 Fax: +41227333430 Wheels of change – Children’s bikes take new turn ................................................. 16 E-mail: [email protected] Like a fish in water – Building confidence in children’s flotation devices .............. 17 Web: Out of reach – Child-resistant packaging for dangerous goods ............................... 20 Manager: Roger Frost Restraint systems – Improving safety of children in cars ........................................ 23 Editor: Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis Protecting children – Indonesia takes action ............................................................ 28 Assistant Editor: Maria Lazarte Communication Officer: Sandrine Tranchard Safety smart – Teaching kids worldwide .................................................................. 30 Artwork: Pascal Krieger, Pierre Granier, Consumers care – Standing up for the youngest ...................................................... 33 and Alexane Rosa ISO Update: Dominique Chevaux Centre-fold Translation: Translation Services, ISO Central Secretariat ISOPlay Pursuit ................................................................................................... 24-25 Subscription enquiries: Sonia Rosas Friot Planet ISO ISO Central Secretariat Tel.: +41227490336 News of the ISO system ............................................................................................ 36 Fax: +41227490947 E-mail: [email protected] CDC Accra kick-off – Regional consultation for developing countries ............................ 38 © ISO, 2010. All rights reserved. Climate change – How ISO standards help .............................................................. 38 The contents of ISO Focus+ are ISO/CASCO’s interpretation process ........................................................................ 39 copyrighted and may not, whether in whole or in part, be reproduced, stored in a How ISO standards benefit and protect consumers .................................................. 39 retrieval system or transmitted in any Certification and consultancy of management systems ........................................... 40 form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, Management Solutions without written permission of the Editor. Flying high – Major benefits for Ferrovial through integrating MS ........................ 41 The articles in ISO Focus+ express the views of the authors, and do not Standards in Action necessarily reflect the views of ISO or of any of its members. LEGO Group – Seeking perfection using ISO standards ........................................ 44 ISSN 1729-8709 New Releases Printed in Switzerland Reference materials – ISO/REMCO’s work provides economic Cover photo : ISO, 2010 and social benefits ..................................................................................................... 48 Coming Up 49 © ISO Focus+, Comment Our kids, our future Prime motivations for developing standards When you were a child, were you ever told ,“ If you lean back Children also cause us to change and on your chair, you’ll fall and hurt yourself.” Or, “ Look both ways improve. The 10th anniversary of the ISO before crossing the street ” ? We are born into this world without prior 14000 Kids Programme shows how chil- dren can readily understand the environ- knowledge, experience or judgement – we are blank pages. We pro- mental aspects and impacts of our daily gressively gain insights from our parents, family, friends, the media behaviours (see World Scene). and the world around us. The programme also demonstrates how informed children are often the best teachers. Their newfound conviction for sound everyday environmental manage- Adults hope that their words of wis- ures. From its guidelines on child safety ment means they bring their ideas home dom will help guide children through life, (ISO/IEC Guide 50) to specific standards – ensuring that Mom and Dad use appli- avoiding, to the fullest extent possible, all related to child restraints, bicycles, child- ances effectively, turn off lights and don’t injury, pain, illness, discomfort and sad- resistant packaging, water safety and toys drive when they can walk. ness. But their advice only goes so far. – ISO ensures the safety and security of In an effort to harness the energy, imag- According to the 2008 United Nations children through its portfolio of Interna- ination and initiative of the world’s youth Children’s Fund and the World Health Or- tional Standards. in overcoming the challenges facing hu- ganization (UNICEF/WHO) World report Time and again, ISO standards are prov- mankind, from enhancing peace to boost- on child injury prevention, every day the ing effective, in reducing the incidence of ing economic development, the United lives of more than 2 000 families are torn injuries and the severity thereof, as well as Nations proclaimed an International Year apart by the loss of a child to an unintention- saving lives. The impact of some of these of Youth starting on 12 August 2010. It’s al injury that could have been prevented. far-reaching standards are highlighted in appropriate that this edition of ISO Fo- Once children reach the age of nine, the this edition of ISO Focus+. cus+ highlights the efforts of ISO and the biggest threat to their survival comes from Although International Standards are effectiveness of its standards in providing unintentional injuries. Among the leading not a substitute for parental supervision, proven interventions for our youngest. causes are road traffic crashes, drowning, considerable savings to the health care I hope you enjoy this edition of ISO burns, falls, and poisonings. Nearly all of sector and society could be made if all Focus+. It’s a departure from our normal these injuries could have been prevented. countries adopted similar standards. technical and sectoral approach to stand- The price of failure is high. On current It may sound like a cliché, but children ardization – but one which reinforces the estimates, unintentional injuries claim the are the future – they represent our dreams important things in life – our kids, our lives of around 830 000 children world- and aspirations for this world. Their un- future. wide every year. For children who survive spoiled, unbiased judgement means they an injury, many will suffer long-lasting, if also have the potential to see things that we not permanent, disabilities. do not, or cannot, because of daily preoc- No amount of preparation and safe be- cupations. What child has not asked, “ Why haviour can avoid all potential terrible is there war ? ”, “ Why are the animals dy- outcomes. In standardization, I have seen ing ? ”, “ Why are those children starving ? ” no more compelling argument for change In effect, children help to remind us of than to save the life of a child. what’s most important for the future, the Setting and improving standards for big global challenges that we all need to children pushes us to consider the more address : climate change and the environ- personal and human side of our daily life. ment, social justice and responsibility, This is natural. The hope and potential of education, food safety and security, etc. our society rests with them. We do what Hope for our children and future gen- we can to ensure our children are safe, erations are prime motivations for de- secure, happy, confident, educated and veloping standards that address these eventually successful – however you de- challenges, standards where the impacts fine this. are not seen in next quarter’s production ISO is playing a central role in injury cycle, next year’s software release or next Kevin McKinley prevention by providing proven meas- season’s equipment retooling. ISO Deputy Secretary-General ISO Focus+ March 2010 © ISO Focus+, 1 World Scene Kids success with ISO 14000 The annual workshop of the International continues Cooperation on Education about Standardi- zation (ICES), an informal group of aca- It has been more than nine years since demic institutions with an interest in stand- ISO signed a Memorandum of Understand- ardization, will also be hosted by ISO, IEC ing with ArTech, a Japanese non-profit, giv-