The 16th ANNUAL MEETING "DURABLE AGRICULTURE –AGRICULTURE OF THE FUTURE" SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 16th ANNUAL MEETING "DURABLE AGRICULTURE – AGRICULTURE OF THE FUTURE" 26th November 2020, Craiova, ROMANIA 9.30 – 10.00 LOG-IN OF PARTICIPANTS ON THE CISCO WEBEX PLATFORM 10.00 – 11.50 OPENING SPEECH FROM THE PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS 1. Assoc. Prof. PhD. eng. Liviu Aurel OLARU, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, University of Craiova 2. Prof. PhD. Cezar Ionuț SPÎNU, Rector of the University of Craiova 3. Prof. PhD. eng. Gigel PARASCHIV, State Secretary for Higher Education, MEN 4. Prof. emeritus PhD. d.h.c. eng. Valeriu TABĂRĂ, President of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Academy "Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti”, Romania 5. Mihai NICOLESCU, General Secretary of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Academy "Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti”, Romania 6. Prof. PhD. eng. Liviu VOLCONOVICI, Rector of the UASM Chisinau 7. COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc DHC mult., Rector of the "Angel Kanchev" University Of Ruse 8. PhD. eng. Valentin Nicolae VLĂDUȚ, General Manager of I.N.M.A. Bucuresti, Romania 9. Assoc. Prof. PhD Ion BACEAN, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, USAM Chisinau 10. Assoc. Prof. PhD Atanas ATANASOV, "Angel Kanchev" University Of Ruse 11.50 – 12.00 PAUSE 12.00 – 13.50 PRESENTATION OF PAPERS 1. ASPECTS REGARDING THE PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN SOME LOCAL POPULATIONS OF CAPSICUM ANNUUM SSP. GROSSUM UNDER STRESS CONDITIONS Ciucă (Paraschiv) Alina Nicoleta, Research-Development Station for Plant Culture on Sands Dabuleni,
[email protected] Diaconu Aurelia, Research-Development Station for Plant Culture on Sands Dabuleni Popa Daniela Valentina, University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture 2.