THE JOURNAL A magazine for alumni and friends of the UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG Spring/Summer 2003 journeys... Return to: The University of Winnipeg University Relations ??. 4W21-515 Portage Avenue THE JOURNAL Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 T HE U NIVERSITY OF W INNIPEG The University of Winnipeg’s Board of Regents is pleased to announce the establishment of THE UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG FOUNDATION The University of Winnipeg Foundation is dedicated to fundraising and asset stewardship in support of the mission and vision of The University of Winnipeg. INTRODUCING Susan A. Thompson, Chief Executive Officer The University of Winnipeg Foundation Former Mayor of the City of Winnipeg Former Consul General of Canada, Minneapolis Class of ’67 Collegiate & Class of ’71 The University of Winnipeg FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Director of Advancement Janet Walker | tel: (204) 786-9148 | email:
[email protected] features. COVER STORY: THE ROAD FROM TRANSCONA TO PARLIAMENT HILL | 4 Bill Blaikie on the twists and turns of his political career CULTIVATING A NEW WAY OF THINKING | 8 UWinnipeg alumna Ann Waters-Bayer and the sociology of agriculture ANDY LOCKERY | 14 From the UK to UWinnipeg, the career path of professor Andy Lockery CKUW | 16 The incredible journey from PA system to homegrown radio ARIEL ZYLBERMAN | 18 Philosopher,teacher,and student of life- UWinnipeg’s newest Rhodes scholar content. 4. 14. departments. 16. 18. EDITOR’S NOTE | 2 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES | 6 UPDATE YOUR ALUMNI RECORD | 6 UPDATE U | 7 ALUMNI NEWS BRIEFS | 10 ALUMNI AUTHORS | 13 CLASS ACTS | 20 IN MEMORIAM | 23 Editorial Team: Editor, Lois Cherney ’84; Communications Officer, Paula Denbow; Managing Editor, Annette Elvers ’93; THE JOURNAL Director of Communications, Katherine Unruh; and, Director of Advancement, Janet Walker ’78 | Alumni Council Communications Team: Thamilarasu Subramaniam ’96 (Team Leader); Jane Dick ’72 (Asst.