The Legacies of History? From Colonization to Integration in Britain and France Erik Bleich Department of Political Science Munroe Hall Middlebury College Middlebury, VT 05753
[email protected] The Legacies of History? From Colonization to Integration in Britain and France “The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.” --Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte How do we understand the effects of colonialism and decolonization on integration in Europe and the Americas?1 One important way is to gauge the institutional legacies of history. During the colonial era, countries such as Britain and France established a host of political and administrative institutions to rule beyond their borders. These had significant effects on how people worked, where they lived, what they learned, how they interacted with one another, and even how they understood themselves. It is natural to assume that some of these institutions have had enduring effects on metropolitan societies, particularly given the increasing diversity—in no small measure due to former colonial subjects migrating to the heart of the empire—in Western European societies after World War Two. Yet the relationship between managing ethnically diverse societies in the colonies and managing them at home has rarely been carefully scrutinized. It is sometimes asserted that Britain and France had different colonial policies and that they now have different integration policies that seem in important respects similar to their colonial policies. Ergo, the logic goes, there must be a connection between colonial and integration policies in both Britain and France. Favell (1998: 3-4) sketches out the implicit argument as follows: The responses of France and Britain [to the problematic of immigration], as befits their respective colonial reputations, appear to be almost reversed mirror images of one [an]other: France emphasizing 1 I am grateful for the excellent research assistance of Jill Parsons in the preparation of this paper.