Traditional Phytotherapy of Balaghat District, Madhya Pradesh, India
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 10 (2), April 2011, pp. 334-338 Traditional phytotherapy of Balaghat district, Madhya Pradesh, India SP Jain *, Sarika Srivastava, J Singh & SC Singh Department of Botany & Pharmacognosy Division,Cental Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Lucknow-226015, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail: Received 26.05.09; revised 22.03.10 Madhya pradesh, the largest state of India, is the home of many tribals and harbour a number of plants species in their forest areas. Nearly one fourth of the total population of the state is inhabited by tribals such as Baigas, Gonds, Korku , etc. tribes. An ethno-medico-botanical survey among different tribal pockets of Balaghat district, viz. Gangulapara, Lamta, Laugur, Langi, Baihar, Bithali, Lalbarra, etc. was carried out during the year 2007-2008 and folklore information was collected on 50 medicinal plants species belonging to 50 genera and 31 families with the help of tribal medicine men. Out of 50 plants, 15 predominant plants used in refractory diseases such as cancer, malaria, rheumatism, liver disorders and respiratory diseases, etc. These uses are not reported in earlier published literatures. Keywords: Phytotherapy, Balaghat, Madhya pradesh, Tribals, Ayurveda IPC Int. Cl.8: A01D 4/04, A01D 4/34, A01D 4/50, A01D 20/46, A01D 9/01, A01D 7/31, A01D 20/16, A01D 11/00 Plants play a significant role not only in day to day knowledge in healthcare management and development livelihood of human being but also in economic of new and novel medicaments, the present development and health management system in form of investigation has been taken up.
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