7/13/98 RICK MARTIN [Canadian Customs, Customs Mail Center, 685 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C. V68 2R4; (604) 666-3413.] The other 39 B.C. papers, under Late last week the phones rang sporadically with separate covers, were rounded up, bundled and shipped off to Ottawa, concerned British Columbia subscribers. The reason for Ontario to Revenue Canada, for exact determination. [Revenue Canada, their concern? They had not received the June 23rd issue Ottawa, Ontario; (613) 957-3504—Michele Cleroux, media relations or of CONTACT [Vol. 21, No. 5], but they had received a (Please see Customs Confiscation Of CONTACT, p.21) Notice of Detention Determination. It seems that Canadian Customs had confiscated at least a handful of papers that we knew of, so with that in mind the investigation began. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Here’s what we found. The News Desk, p.2 When the June 23rd issue reached the border to British Columbia (under an unmarked, plain brown envelope), one The Big Boy’s Canadian Customs “inspector” opened an envelope. The Luciferian Creed, p.7 paper was tagged as, potentially, hate . Examining The Life Of CONTACT PRESORTED He Dared To Tell The Truth, p.11 P.O. Box 27800 FIRST-CLASS MAIL Las Vegas, NV 89126 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Soltec: Averting Disaster MOJAVE, CA 93501 Through Wise Decisions, p.19 PERMIT NO. 110 FIRST CLASS MAIL More On The Bush Family’s Crime Syndicate, p.25 Hidden “Jewish” Parasites; Zion’s , p.28 CONTACT ’S WEB ADDRESS: TOTAL PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS: 1153 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

and heavily lobbied for the appointment of the French Finance Minister. The original launch of the ECB was scheduled for the first of May, in Brussels, when the E.U. leaders met for the The News Desk official launch of the Euro. The launch was then postponed due to the 7/10/98 DR. AL OVERHOLT [The powers of the] pretentious cultured and nasty controversy about the appointment of its refined classes [of the 19th century] were based president. WHEN EVERYONE IS POOR, upon the sweat and blood of these so-called free The ECB will be one of the world’s most NO ONE IS POOR White men, women and children of the North, powerful financial institutions. It could be who toiled even harder than the chattel Black surpassed in resources and international financial From the INTERNET, 7/2/98: [quoting] slave of the South, and who did not receive a and economic clout, only by the Federal Reserve The current economic scenario, as it now fraction of the care and thought bestowed, as a Bank of the U.S. The Euro is an amalgam of the appears, is one of near-term collapse. This corollary of property, upon the Black slave. national currencies of Germany, France, Italy, current outlook is based on some fairly good Already the capitalists of the North had a slavery Austria, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Ireland, sources: The Nation magazine, The Financial system in force far more effective than the Belgium, Luxembourg and Holland. Britain, Times, Roger Altman (a former high-ranking chattel system of the South—a system the Sweden, Denmark and Greece will not join the Treasury Department official), and an article by economic superiority of which was destined to EMU—the first three for domestic political reporter Mike Meyers of the Minneapolis Star- overthrow that of Black slavery. reasons and Greece has yet to meet the economic Tribune newspaper. Slavery did not end in 1865; a new, improved criteria as defined in the Maastricht treaty. Euro Says The Nation (June 29, 1998): “Growing form of slavery gained ascendancy. In the old coins and currency notes will not come into fears” that the “wheels” of the “good economy” chattel slave system, the slave was property and circulation till 2002, although banking and may be coming off. Japan slipping into had to be provided a minimum of care—if not, trading transactions in Euro will commence from depression. “All Asia feels the effects.” Fears the chattel slave, as property, would decrease in 1st January next year—now six months away. that China may devalue its currency soon after value. The new, ascendant, slave system Today, Britain officially handed over the six- Clinton’s visit. Russia the next economic required the worker himself to provide for his monthly rotating presidency of the European domino to fall, followed by Brazil, then own basic care. A further refinement on the Union to Austria, which will now overlook all Argentina, then Mexico. “improved” slave system has been the growing preparations for the launch of the Euro. Says The Financial Times (April 22, 1998): use of temporary workers. Increasingly, the The European Central Bank represents an The U.S. stock market is an over-inflated bubble. worker must not only pay the cost of his own extraordinary “leap of faith” by 11 E.U. member- “The longer the bubble lasts, the greater the upkeep (so as to maintain himself as a smooth- States, and it is the first time in financial history financial instability...” running part of the machinery), he must also— that a group of prosperous and influential Says Roger Altman, in articles appearing somehow—warehouse himself when his labor is countries have voluntarily surrendered control recently in the International Herald Tribune and not required. over national financial sovereignty to an the Los Angeles Times: “A financial firestorm is We are now approaching a fork in the road. independent body which does not have to spreading across East Asia, Russia, and parts of The apparently imminent collapse of the “good answer to any Government. Latin America.” Altman claims that “the U.S. economy” will mean either greater repression of All this also personifies the European quest Federal Reserve and Treasury are increasingly millions of working Americans, or it will mean for more prosperity and economic security under worried about a world market meltdown.” a great uniting of all workers, of all races, the umbrella of the European Union, which is Says Mike Meyers of the Minneapolis Star- leading to greater liberation of the common fast emerging as the world’s largest and most Tribune: Senior researchers at the Minneapolis people. When everyone is poor, no one is poor. prosperous trading bloc of some 370 million Fed say there is a “systemic crisis in the global From economic collapse can come labor prosperous citizens and consumers who now earn monetary system”. solidarity and the lessening of petty class about a fifth of the world’s income. Well, it’s about time. After years of “good distinctions. [End quoting] The ECB president last night acknowledged economy” stories in the midst of increasing The forecast for the rest of the summer looks the heavy responsibility facing the bank when for repression, cynicism, “downsizing”, growing very gloomy from many aspects—be prepared the first time it will set the interest rate for Euro disparity in income, and “the ‘temping’ of for anything!! on January 1. This will be the real barometer of America”, an economic collapse would at least the health and strength of the currencies of the be a dose of reality after so many years of lies. EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK European Union. So that’s the good side of it: no more “news” (ECB) LAUNCHED The ECB’s second most important task will reports about “the good economy”. The bad be to monitor the E.U.’s inflation rate and take news is that couch-potato America is about to Excerpted from the INTERNET, courtesy of appropriate measures to keep the inflation rate get a rude awakening. But that awakening will Calvin Burgin, , 7/3/98: under check. at least open some eyes heretofore sewn shut. [quoting] The Euro has aroused many expectations and “It’s the economy, stupid,” said the Clinton History was made at Frankfurt—Germany’s also controversies in the member-States. A vast campaign in 1992. They were right. The financial capital this week when the European majority of the E.U. citizens see the Euro as a economy is the driving force beneath so many Central Bank (ECB), which will serve as the beacon of new prosperity and stability in the political, cultural, and social events. The guardian of the European single currency, the E.U. which has experienced ravages of recession periodic eruptions of crime and terrorism are Euro, was launched by the German Chancellor, and high unemployment. The current ephemeral; but they are based upon economic Mr. Helmut Kohl, and other European Union unemployment rate in E.U. countries averages at bedrock. The economy may be “a yawn” to leaders. 11 per cent. Chancellor Kohl, the guiding spirit some, but such people do not yet understand how The ceremony was attended by seven of the behind the European Monetary Union said the much an economic upheaval can in turn effect so 15 E.U. member State Prime Ministers and Euro would have “immensely positive” impact on many things. An economic upheaval will tend to most of the E.U. Finance Ministers and top the global financial system and the quest for wake a lot of people up. It can also lead to central bankers. European unity. martial law and detention camps, as is being Prominent absentees were the French The launch of the Euro on January 1, 1999, forecast now in some quarters. President, Mr. Jacques Chirac—who is in South has special significance for Indian trade and This is a slave society. Slavery did not Africa—and the Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel commerce as nearly 30 per cent of India’s export suddenly disappear in 1865, even though Jospin. Some analysts today commented that the and import trade is with the European Union, hundreds of thousands of “evil White males” French have not yet come to terms with the which is India’s second largest trading partner, sacrificed their lives fighting against it during appointment of Mr. Wim Duisenberg, as after the U.S. the American Civil War. Gustavus Myers, a President of the ECB. Mr. Duisenburg, a Today, one third of the world’s business is “leftist”, pointed out the true nature of the Hollander, was the consensus candidate, both transacted in dollars, but in a few months the ongoing slave system in his classic book, History because of his nationality and competence. European currencies under umbrella of Euro will of the Great American Fortunes. Writes Myers: The French wanted to have their own man account for about 40 per cent of the world JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 3 trade.... [End quoting] uranium into refined, weapons-grade plutonium millions of dollars by Philippine plutocrats and The noose is tightening every day. that is used in the production of nuclear the U.S. State Department. warheads. Plutocrat Corazon Aquino and plutocrat and RESPONSE TO Prior to the transfer of the Pelindaba facility, CIA flunky, lame duck President Fidel Ramos, MULTI-TRILLION-DOLLAR SPOTLIGHT sources explained, the Red Chinese backed by the globalist media, spent millions to HEIST ARTICLE lacked modern facilities to produce large amounts stop Estrada from winning. of refined plutonium, thus limiting their In a last-minute move, the other populist From a CONTACT reader,7/8/98: [quoting] production of nuclear warheads for their bombs presidential candidate, Congresswoman Imelda Dr. Al: and missiles. Romualdez Marcos, told the 6-million-strong Now, apparently, thanks to the new South registered Marcos loyalists to vote for Estrada cafr.htm African government, that burden has been eased and withdrew from the race. Estrada won by a Since this [homepage] ties in with the article for the Chicom nuclear weapons industry. landslide, you published on pages 30-32 [States Hide According to SPOTLIGHT sources, the sale The establishment was caught by surprise and Trillions Of Dollars...] in the June 30 issue, you of the Pelindaba plant was orchestrated by Trevor did not have the time to rig the election as they might be interested. [End quoting] Tutu, son of South Aftican Bishop Desmond had done six years ago. The chief State Yes, I’m very interested when readers follow Tutu... [End quoting] Department plotters of the coup against Marcos— up on information put out in the CONTACT. It The world is ganging up against us and they Michael Armacost, Stephen Bosworth and ex- shows that we on the staff are accomplishing our have good justifications. Are we going to Rep. Stephen Solarz (D-N.Y), who had grown purposes. continue letting the rot take over this world from rich during the Aquino-Ramos regimes, were on This Internet homepage has the their headquarters here in the U.S. while we good hand to ensure that neither Estrada nor Mrs. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports citizens pay the penalty because we are too Marcos would win anything. (CAFRs) for all of the states. So make good ignorant, lazy, or feel helpless?? As it turned out, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. won use of them with your politicians, local papers, the Ilocos governorship by a landslide, Imee flyers, etc. SCHOOL VOUCHER WIN Marcos won a congressional seat by a landslide I haven’t had enough time to really check this and so did half a dozen Romualdez candidates. site out yet. But I have my suspicion, with the From THE SPOTLIGHT, 7/6/98: [quoting] The momentous news of the Marcos problems I had while on the site for a short time, Wisconsin became the first state to allow tax comeback and the election of the populist Estrada that someones doesn’t like it on the web—one paid school vouchers to be used in religious was downplayed or blacked out by the controlled guess who they are!!! Let’s make loud noises schools when the state supreme court voted 4-2 world media. Clearly, the establishment did not over this while there is still a chance!! in favor. The winning argument was based on want the public to hear about the stunning poverty, not religion. The decision is opposed Estrada and Marcos victories. “There were other CHICOMS GET by People for the American Way, the Milwaukee plans for them,” this reporter was told. Chillingly, PLUTONIUM FACTORY Teacher’s Association, NAACP and others. Both the establishment would rely on either the sides want the issue to go to the U.S. Supreme assassination of Estrada followed by a declaration of Threat to United States Increased Court for final judgment. [End quoting] martial law by lame duck Ramos, or would try out the vice president-elect, Gloria Arroyo Macapagal. Excerpted from THE SPOTLIGHT, by Mike PARANOIA OR REALISM— She is the handpicked handmaiden of the Aquino- Blair, 7/6/98: [quoting] NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST Ramos cabal and would contiue the elitist rule in the Philippines... [End quoting] Red China now has a plant From THE SPOTLIGHT, 7/6/98: [quoting] This could turn out to be a real bloodbath if to produce weapons-grade plutonium to go U.S. intelligence officials say Pakistani this comes about. However since this is given with U.S. ICBM technology. Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmed notified both it may help in keeping it from the U.S. government and UN Secretary-General happening. They could use many prayers to help While details of the Clinton administration Kofi Annan that at the time of nuclear tests it their country to stabilize. turning over sophisticated missile technology to expected “a dawn attack by Israeli and the Red Chinese, which has enabled Peking’s Indian war planes equipped with long- military to target American cities with its range refueling gear operating out of ICBMs, has made headlines in America, India”. Red China, an ally of Pakistan, elsewhere in the world the Chicoms have been was concerned as well, say these same busy building up their nuclear capability. sources. [End quoting] The SPOTLIGHT has learned—confirmed by We are constantly kept on the brink the South Aftican embassy in Washington—that by the gangster elite, but one of these ORDER Red China was sold, apparently earlier this year, days—in the not distant future—we are a massive South African nuclear enrichment going over that brink. Be prepared! THE PAPER THAT facility. The plant had been developed by the ousted White-led government of the African FILIPINO COMMIES VOW GIVES YOU “THE OTHER SIDE nation to develop a nuclear weapons capability. ASSASSINATIONS When Nelson Mandela, a leader of the OF THE NEWS” communist-dominated black African National Filipino Reds, with Congress (ANC) became president of South tacit approval of an Africa in early 1994, the government began internationalist cabal REPORTS ON EVENTS WHICH ARE initiating close ties with various nations, of plutocrats, including Red China, that present serious have vowed to assassinate VITAL TO problems for U.S. national interests. newly elected populists. According to SPOTLIGHT sources, South YOUR WELFARE Affica’s long top secret nuclear enrichment Excerpted from THE SPOTLIGHT, facility at Pelindaba, located in the northern by Paul Motier, 7/6/98: [quoting] MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND WHO IS BEING Transvaal, roughly 250 miles northeast of When Jose Erap Estrada won the HONEST WITH YOU— Johannesburg and near the Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) Philippine presidential elections last and Mozambique borders, was sold to Red China. month, the cabal which overthrew the THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA OR THE SPOTLIGHT The Chicoms immediately began dismantling it democratically elected President (YOUR WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FROM WASHINGTON SINCE 1975) for shipment home, where it is believed to be in Ferdinand Marcos 12 years ago went the process of being rebuilt. into shock. TO SUBSCRIBE— South Africa, which is rich in natural Like Marcos, Estrada is a populist, ' call 1 (800) 522-6292 toll free. ' uranium, used the Pelindaba facility to transform and as such was fought with fury and Page 4 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

CLINTON SIGNS BILLS ON has led the CIA to see the need for an expanded Dodi’s father, Mohamed, remains “99.9- , HOLOCAUST cadre of spies. Without having an agent in place, percent certain” Diana and Dodi were killed by the CIA has found it much harder to gain access his own enemies, or on the orders of the British From THE MODESTO BEE, 6/24/98: to secrets from rival governments, terrorists and establishment—which did not want Di to marry a [quoting] international organized crime groups. Muslim. President Clinton signed bills Tuesday to As a result, in 1998, the CIA plans to hire Security expert Steinberg admits it’s increase penalties for fraud and more than five times as many case officers than conceivable the royal family—especially Princess create an advisory commission on disposing of it did in fiscal year 1995, when the agency hit its Diana’s one-time father-in-law Prince Philip— Holocaust-era assets in the United States. The post-cold-war recruitment low, U.S. officials “called the shot”. telemarketing Fraud Prevention act requires that said. The agency plans to hire even larger “Looking at his background, looking at the people convicted of fraud get up to an additional numbers in 1999. [End quoting] fact that he was livid over the idea of this five years if the crime was committed through Do you believe this bunch of baloney?? Do relationship—and was livid that Diana had telemarketing, and up to an additional 10 years if you recall the story of the Indian nuclear test that become a very significant thorn in the side of the the fraud was targeted at senior citizens. The we had no inkling about prior to detonation and House of Windsor—certainly creates a U.S. Holocaust Assets Commission Act Hatonn told us that we have no spy satellites circumstance where I can’t rule [that] out”, he established a presidential advisory commission to because our enemies have knocked them out. So says. [End quoting] research the collection and disposition of now we have to go back to the “ol’ fashioned” Little by little some more information is Holocaust-era assets that came under U.S. control way—one man at a time ON THE GROUND! leaking out. Hopefully they will get this one after Adolf Hitler took power in 1933. [End The more technology we get the more we have to solved so the perpetrators can reap their rewards. quoting] go back to the basics. Here’s one of the biggest con-artists of all AREN’T WE A time, who is costing us taxpayers hundreds of POWERFUL COUNTRY?? billions of dollars, creating an anti-fraud bill and OR ARE WE? WE ARE an extortion racket bill! SITTING DUCKS WAITING TO BE MASSACRED. SENATE: RECALL TROOPS WAS DIANA MURDERED? From THE MODESTO BEE, 6/25/98: [quoting] Investigation Heats Up In a cautiously worded appeal, the Senate voted 90-5 to ask President Clinton to bring U.S. Excerpted from THE troops home from Bosnia in “a reasonable period STAR, 6/23/98: [quoting] of time”. Senators from both parties noted Things to think about, Wednesday that U.S. soldiers have been in according to the Star: Bosnia for three years in an operation that has Chauffeur Henri Paul, the cost the United States close to $9.5 billion. [End driver of the Mercedes, had a quoting] 20 percent level of carbon Then why don’t they sign a law demanding monoxide in his blood—which Clinton bring them home—NOW?? made him “halfway dead” even before he got behind the GETTING BACK TO BASICS, wheel. C.I.A. IS HIRING MORE SPIES Paul is reported to have been a clandestine employee Excerpted from the INTERNET, 6/28/98: of both the French Secret [quoting] Service and several foreign The CIA is beginning the largest recruitment intelligence agencies. drive for new spies in its history, in an ambitious Paul had recently effort to rebuild its espionage service, which has accumulated nearly $200,000 been severely damaged by spy scandals, budget from a secret source—more cutbacks and high turnover since the end of the than a hard-spending driver Cold War, officials say. earning just $30,000 a year With Congress already providing increased could ever be expected to financing, the Directorate of Operations, the save. CIA’s clandestine espionage arm, will hire record Off-duty Paris policeman numbers of case officers—spies—beginning this David Laurent, who was year as part of a new strategic plan to repair the driving into the tunnel just decaying espionage capabilities of the United before the crash, says he was States by 2005, officials said. overtaken by the speeding In addition to expanded hiring, the CIA also white Fiat—which suddenly plans to reopen several overseas stations that slowed, as if waiting for were closed in the early 1990s after the demise something. of the Soviet Union led Congress and the White “It had no reason to slow House to reduce the CIA’s budget sharply. down, but it had come to a The recruitment plan is a sign that the CIA virtual standstill just before recognizes that it has become far too dependent the tunnel entrance,” says on so-called technical intelligence, or Laurent, who now believes the eavesdropping devices and spy satellites. Now, Fiat was waiting for another the agency wants to get back to espionage basics, car—possibly Di and Dodi’s In a painstaking re-creation of what might have happened on the night by increasing its ability to place a spy behind Mercedes. Dodi and Di met their deaths, French investigators are concentrating on enemy lines or inside the offices of a rival Others report seeing the a Fiat Uno, like the one above, which was spotted speeding to the government. Fiat speed out of the tunnel entrance of the Paris tunnel—then slowing down, as if lying in wait. The spread of new technologies like shortly after the crash. The After a glancing collision (above) the Fiat sped away, but Diana and encryption and computer networks has eroded the car and occupants have Dodi’s Mercedes careened down the tunnel with Henri Paul at the value of spy satellites and listening devices and disappeared. wheel until the final, fatal impact with the 13th pillar. JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 5

CANADIAN FARMERS CAN of conduct by the President. “There is a Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA: GROW HEMP double standard because the Commander in Electronic implants in brain and teeth Chief has allegedly conducted himself in a Targeting: Long range From PLANETARY CONNECTIONS, issue manner that would be a court-martial Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously #16, 3/98: [quoting] offense for military personnel for sexual during abduction For the first time in 60 years, Canadian assault and sexual harassment regarding the Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver farmers will be allowed to grow hemp this allegations by the Democrat staffer in the implants spring. White House, Kathleen Willey. [End Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior Health Minister Allan Rock confirmed that quoting] control, conditioning, programming, covert commercial cultivation of hemp will be allowed This double standard IS the standard operations for the 1998 growing season. Hemp has been operating procedure. Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of banned in Canada since 1938 because it is a the Brain, E.S.B. member of the cannabis family and contains the JAPANESE ON substance THC, which gives marijuana smokers U.S. GUN CONTROL Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA: their high. Drugs, electronics and electroshock However, there is relatively little THC in From MILITARY magazine, 7/98: [quoting] Targeting: Short range industrial hemp. Shintaro Ishihara, a Japanese politician, wants Frequencies: VHF, HF, UHF, modulated at Hemp is now being recognized for its many gun control and a 55 MPH speed limit for ELF other uses, including paper, textiles, construction America. He also feels we need a police box in Transmission and Reception: Local materials and rope. —Coloradoan, March 1998 each neighborhood. Oh, he also says the “rape production [End quoting] of Nanking by Japanese soldiers” is a lie made Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of It looks like Canada’s economy is desperate up by the Chinese. [End quoting] “cyborg” mentalities enough to overturn the old law. Typical times where the people who can’t Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by As Hatonn and I have written—in the past— rule and control their own nations try to rule suggestion this would be an excellent cash crop for the U.S. someone else. Subprojects: Many and could benefit this country tremendously. Pseudonym: Project Artichoke However, its great range of values is why the CLINTON STRATEGY Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of elite keep it from us. Memory, E.D.O.M. From MILITARY magazine, 7/98: [quoting] CLINTON WILL USE The attack on Ken Starr, Rep. Dan Burton Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F: EXECUTIVE ORDERS and Rep. Newt Gingrich is a strategy to keep the Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB TO OVER-RULE CONGRESS media and the public talking about them Targeting: Short range, in person and not “crimes and impeachable offenses by Frequencies: ELF Modulation I [Dr. Al] saw this comment on the Clinton”. . . and it’s working. [End quoting] Transmission and Reception: Radar, INTERNET, 7/7/98: [quoting] microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies President Clinton will use this strategy to INDIA’S REASON Purpose: Top security personnel debriefing, move his domestic agenda past GOP resistance. programming, insure security and loyalty He starts today with an announcement of From MILITARY magazine, 7/98: [quoting] Pseudonym: “Dreamland” warning labels for unpasteurized juices. [End India has said the reason they developed and quoting] tested nuclear weapons is because the U.S. has MK-DELTA, 1960, CIA: I hope everyone realizes Clinton has just been selling nuclear and missile technology to Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal declared himself dictator. He’s “thumbing his Beijing. . . a failed Clinton foreign policy. For programming nose” at congress and if we let him get away years India has had the ability to produce nuclear Targeting: Long Range with this, the least we should do is refuse to pay weapons, but had not done so because they didn’t Frequencies: VHF, HF, UHF, Modulated at congress because they’ll be worthless—as if they fear China’s limited nuclear capability. [End ELF aren’t less than that now. In one sense it’s more quoting] Transmission and Reception: Television honest since we’ll have only one person taking Typical bully tactics—demand that you stay antennae, radio antennae, power lines, mattress orders from the top—behind the scenes—boss defenseless while we arm your neighbors. spring coils, modulation on 60 Hz wiring. rather than pay over 500 so-called legislators to Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes vote to have their orders accomplished. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT in general population Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behavior POPPY ERADICATION From MILITARY magazine, 7/98: [quoting] dysfunction and social criminality, mood RESEARCH SHARED It’s about time. In the past we have pointed swings out that the President is not held to the same Pseudonym: “Deep Sleep”, R.H.I.C. From THE MODESTO BEE, 6/29/98: standards of moral conduct that are expected [quoting] from a buck sergeant or a second lieutenant... PHOENIX II, 1983, U.S.A.F, NSA: Britain and the United States are funding and he has conducted himself accordingly. Location: Montauk, Long Island biological research aimed at developing a virulent Thanks to Rep. Steve Buyer (IN) and his Electronic multi-directional targeting of select fungus that destroys opium poppies, the HR3616, being attached to the FY99 defense population groups raw material for heroin. The Sunday Times budget, Chapter 3 of Title 10, United States Targeting: Medium range reported that the two nations are sharing the Code will be amended to require that “the Frequencies: Radar, microwaves. EHF, UHF $500,000 cost of the research program. [End President, as Commander in Chief, and modulated quoting] the Secretary of Defense. . . show in themselves Power: Gigawatt through Terawatt What do you want to bet this is to wipe out a good example of virtue, honor and Purpose: Loading of Earth Grids, planetary their competitors’ crops. It certainly wouldn’t be patriotism. . . . and put an end to all dissolute sonombulescence to stave off geological activity, to wipe out their own crops—would it?? I don’t and immoral conduct. . . .” specific-point earthquake creation, population think these gangsters got to the top offices of the If passed, Clinton will no longer be able to programming for sensitized individuals nations—and HIGHER—by being stupid. meet with Monica. [End quoting] Pseudonym: “Rainbow”, ZAP I hope we’re wise enough by now to not REP. STEVE BUYER expect Clinton to pay attention to any law. TRIDENT, 1989, ONR, NSA: Electronic directed targeting of individuals or From MILITARY magazine, 7/98: [quoting] MAJOR ELECTROMAGNETIC populations On the House floor Rep. Buyer, chairman of MIND-CONTROL PROJECTS Targeting: Large population groups assembled the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, spoke Display: Black helicopters flying in triad of the need for a high moral and ethical standard From the INTERNET, 7/6/98: [quoting] formation of three Page 6 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

Power: 100,000 watts LEARNING TO FLOAT “Thatagirl! Aren’t you wonderful!” I was Frequency: UHF startled by a woman’s encouraging voice. I saw Purpose: Large group management and Every time I got my her about a hundred feet away, an older lady behavior control, riot control head above water roughhousing with a big Labrador retriever. The Allied Agencies: FEMA something else weighed me down woman was dressed all in white, a floppy hat Pseudonym: “Black Triad”, A.E.M.C. fitted snugly on her head. From ANGELS ON EARTH, May/June 1996, She flung a piece of driftwood and her dog RF MEDIA, 1990, CIA: Guideposts, 39 Seminary Hill Rd., Carmel, NY ran full speed toward the water’s edge to get it. Electronic, multi-directional subliminal 10512: [quoting] Barking and practically wagging its whole body, suggestion and programming I yawned and rubbed my eyes, looking up the rowdy Lab ran back and jumped up on the Location: Boulder, Colorado (Location of from my accounting textbook as the subway woman’s legs. “Good dog,” she said. main cell telephone node, national television doors opened at my stop. After a day of classes Their frolicking annoyed me. The whole beach synchronization node) at San Francisco’s Golden Gate University, then was empty. Why did they have to play near me? Targeting: national population of the United the hours put in at my bookkeeping job, I could I got up to leave, passing by them to get to States hardly stay awake. But midterms were in a couple the path home. Brushing the wet sand from my Frequencies: ULF, VHF, HF Phase of days and I needed to study. I stepped onto the clothes, I noticed that the woman’s pants were modulation platform and climbed the stairs to the dark street. immaculate. No paw prints, I mused. That’s odd. Power: Gigawatts I had to pass through a seedy section of town “Isn’t it a great day?” the woman said. “One Implementation: Television and radio to get home. Until I could afford to get my old can always find peace at the beach.” communications, the “videodrome” signals hatchback fixed, walking fast was my best Her remark stopped me. Not always, I Purpose: Programming and triggering defense. I hunched my shoulders and held my almost muttered. behavioral desire, of psychic abilities books close to my chest as I hurried past the “The ocean has lots of lessons for us,” she of population, preparatory processing for mass liquor store. That’s where he often stood—the went on. “For example, that piece of driftwood electromagnetic control man with the crooked yellow-toothed grin who out there.” She pointed to a gnarled branch bobbing Pseudonym: “Buzz Saw”, E.E.M.C. leered at me whenever I went by. I worried in the surf. The Lab sat quietly at her side. “It about him following me. Thankfully there was doesn’t resist the tide. Know what I mean?” TOWER, 1990, CIA, NSA: no sign of him tonight. I had bigger problems. I shook my head. Electronic cross-country subliminal The pressure to do well in school was “‘I would I were a driftwood, upon God’s programming and suggestion overwhelming. I need to get As, I kept open sea,’” she recited. “Ever hear that poem?” Targeting: Mass population, short-range repeating, in every subject. I hadn’t, but she didn’t wait for my response. intervals, long-range cumulative I was putting myself through school with the “We need to be more like that driftwood out Frequencies: Microwave, EHF, SHF help of a scholarship that was contingent on a there. When we let God direct us, we experience Methodology: Cellular telephone system, ELF high grade-point average. I already devoted ebbs and flows, but we can trust that he will always modulation every spare second to my studies, and now that keep us afloat and guide us safely to shore.” Purpose: Programming through neural my boss had increased my hours, I wondered “Look,” the woman said, pointing to another resonance and encoded information how I was going to manage. If I ask him for piece of driftwood. It rode the crest of a wave Effect: Neural degeneration, DNA resonance time off he’ll probably replace me, I brooded. then settled gently at the water’s edge. Without modification, psychic suppression I didn’t know where to turn. My family being commanded, the Lab loped down to the Pseudonym: “Wedding Bells” lived hundreds of miles away. Friends hardly shoreline, fetched it, then dropped it at my feet. called anymore since I invariably turned down The three of us stood together and watched HAARP, 1995, CIA, NSA, ONR: their invitations to get together. And why would the gulls and pelicans crisscross the sky. After Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass my professors care about my personal problems? a few minutes I idly picked up the piece of population control I let myself into my apartment, fell into a driftwood and started down the path. What the Location: Gakona, Alaska chair and kicked off my shoes. Suddenly there woman had said made a lot of sense. “I’m glad Frequencies: Atmospheric phase-locked was a loud knock. I slid the safety chain off the I ran into you and your . . . “ I said, turning to resonant UHF, VHF door and opened it a crack. wave. But the beach was deserted. I looked out Potential: DNA code alteration in population “I’m gonna get you!” It was him—the man at the open sea. Guide me, Lord, I asked. I and mass behavior modification who’d been watching me! With all my strength know I don’t have to be afraid. Your waters are Power: Gigawatt to Terawatt range I threw my body against the door and forced it filled with people who’ll help me if I just ask. Step-Down reflective frequencies: Approx 1.1 shut. The man tried to push his way in. He When I got home I called my boss and GHz, Human DNA resonant frequency, cellular yelled and pounded. Shaking, I grabbed the explained why I couldn’t take on the extra hours. system phase-lock phone and called the police. “Studying is important,” he said. “Let’s rethink Seconds later I heard sirens—then footsteps your schedule.” Next I told my accounting professor PROJECT CLEAN SWEEP, 1997, 1998, running. I tried to settle down as the officers my predicament. Incredibly, one of the strictest CIA, NSA, ONR: took a description of the man. teachers I ever had let me reschedule my midterm! Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass “We know who he is, miss,” one of them Then I called Cheryl, a friend I hadn’t spoken population control said. “We’ll take care of him. But if I were to in some time. “I know how busy you’ve been Location: Nationwide you, I’d move to a safer part of town.” with school and work,” she said. “I didn’t want Frequencies: Emotional wavelengths, It was 2:00 A.M. by the time the officers to bother you. What’s up?” data gathering through helicopter probes left. I sat on my bed, frightened to the core. My The minute I said I was looking for a new following media events—rebroadcast in order to car, my job, my safety—how can I deal with all apartment Cheryl jumped in. She searched the restimulate population emotional levels for of this right before midterms? classifieds and spread the word. In no time I recreation of event scenarios. Ref: LE#108, I woke up early the next morning and stared found something affordable in a safer March 1998 out the window into the dismal, gray sky. Every neighborhood and had a list of long-lost friends Potential: Mass behavior modification time I get my head above water something else who volunteered to help on moving day. Power: Unknown. Possibly rebroadcast comes along to weigh me down. What next? I Years later that piece of driftwood sits on a through GWEN network or cellular tower paced around the room. Maybe a walk along the table in my living room as a reminder: When I frequencies, coordinated from NBS in Colorado. shore would help clear my head. Somehow I had don’t know where to go or what to do, God does. [End quoting] to overcome the crushing apprehension that I had feared the worst would happen. I thought Are we a “wired” society or are we a seemed to fill every corner of my life. I would look weak if I asked others for help. I wired society? CONTACT readers are already The nearby beach was cold and desolate. Fog worried I’d lose my job or flunk my tests. But familiar with many of these programs, all hung over the cove. Alone with my thoughts, I those things were only in my mind. They didn’t leading to the creation of a slave class of dropped onto the wet sand. happen. God had sent his guide to help me zombies under elite control. Welcome to the God, I prayed, show me the way. I don’t through the rough waters. —Jackie Rogers, New World Order! know what to do. California [End quoting] JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 7

“...The truly amazing thing about the Luciferian conspiracy is the way those who directed it down through the centuries have been able to cause officials of both church and state to brush aside the evidence of proof, even when The Big Boy’s it has been put before them by men whose lives had proved their honesty and integrity and desire to serve God voluntarily. The fact that those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy are able to hold this control over people in high places in politics and religion simply confirms the words Luciferian Creed of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It illustrates in the clearest possible manner the supernatural characteristics of the conspiracy. It proves that supernatural beings, ‘Angels’, both 7/9/98 #1 HATONN were planned years and years ahead, and designed to ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’, exert a great influence on ultimately bring about the destruction of ALL human beings while we are here on Earth I have a lot of inquiries about “other” doctrines, existing forms of government and religion in order undergoing our period of trial. It proves that the creeds and branches of organizations that have other that a totalitarian dictatorship might be imposed on wiles, the cunning, the lies, and deceits of ‘Fallen than to do with Communism, Zionism, Nazism, etc. what is left of the world’s population after the last Angels’ often affect adversely the council “Why don’t you run such information—if you can.” social cataclysm has ended; but I didn’t know for (inspirations) of the ‘Good Angels’. It proves Well, I can, and as we write Mr. Martin will be certain, as I feel sure I know now, that the W.R.M. that our human nature, because of the fall of our locating the son of the author of material I wish to is an exact replica of the struggle Lucifer and his first parents, inclines more to ‘evil’ than it does use to CLEARLY define Satan, Lucifer, et al. I followers put up for control of the Universe in that to ‘good’, until we are born again spiritually...? could tell you until we both turn purple, then blue— part of the celestial world we know as heaven....” WGC but you will listen only to physical beings, it seems, “I fully realize that the Devil’s agents have it to get your confirmation in a PHYSICAL unpopular to believe in... know I shall be ridiculed LUCIFERIAN CREED MANIFESTATION TO SUIT YOUR OWN because of what I write... BUT I KNOW THAT MANIFESTATION. Therefore, never minding me— WHAT I WRITE IS THE TRUTH.” 1. Where God requires a human being to PROVE we will offer information along these lines of [H: Unfortunately, we will find that in this it wishes to love and serve Him voluntarily for inquiry. offering of the Luciferian Creed that the author eternity, out of respect for His infinite The author is deceased so this requires going has “explained” things and has affixed his own perfections, Lucifer says, “I will enslave the through a Publisher, finding responsible parties and interpretations. I find this suitable for an human race under a totalitarian dictatorship, all the skullduggery of getting permission to use author’s privilege of doing so, but I would have and deprive them of their physical and mental copyrighted material. For teaching purposes I may preferred a simple and succinct listing of the liberties, and so negate their ability to use their use a limited amount of the material “in context” Creed’s statements in Doctrine format. To do intellect and free will as God intended.” (This prior to clearance. At this point I don’t want to that, however, from this text would mean taking is the purpose behind the make further comment. However, this material things OUT OF CONTEXT which is not our World Health and World Mental Health goes along with our “Hidden Parasites” series and privilege or right. We will offer what is printed Organizations, both of which international is most useful to fill in blank spots on your digest in the book but without footnotes for they have movements were started by Dr. Brock board. no meaning in excerpted format. Chisholm, of Canada.) My point is to urge you to stop being foolish Am I inferring that there are errors in 2. Where the Commandments of God make in your pointed blame on anyone other than self for perception? Yes. For instance the “Creed” itself perfectly clear what He considers sin, whatever mess your world might have achieved. speaks of Lucifer’s demands—but the “demands” Luciferians and their agents teach the inversion The WAR ITSELF is much higher in identity than are set forth by physical MAN. Therefore of the Commandments of God. Pike and other you of physical presentation, and until you can BEWARE and use caution in jumping to this High Priests of the Luciferian Creed state: accept some modicum of understanding of that conclusion or any other author’s conclusion based “Everything God has made known to be FACT, you can’t accurately JUDGE and certainly on Biblical teachings or sheer insight. Lucifer’s displeasing to Him, is pleasing to Lucifer.” cannot wisely DISCERN. purpose as represented in opposition to God 3. God’s plan for creation required everything to [QUOTING: EXCERPTS ONLY; SATAN, Creator is as a TEACHER and TEMPTOR to be made different. There are no two leaves PRINCE OF THIS WORLD, by , test every individual human soul in the classroom. exactly alike! No two snowflakes. The R.D., Commander R.C.N. (R). Omni, 1997. The classroom, you must understand, is made up Luciferian ideology requires regimentation, so ISBN:0-88418-009-3, Lib. Congress: 96-70858. of students fresh from one prison and into the that everything can be centralized and made as (Omni Publications, P.O. Box 90566, Palmdale, CA human format to further his education. For much alike as possible. Integration is the most 93590.)] instance, if you have demons and realize you have typical example of this theory being put into demons—YOU have to get rid of them—nobody practice. Integration does not mean simply that FOREWORD, excerpt; pgs. 5-6: can do that FOR YOU. the public shall accept the principle that people “I feel I would be remiss in my duty to God We have a friend continually writing from a of different races, colors, and creeds shall enjoy and my fellow man if I did not make this additional prison in Brazil who insists I rid him of his the same privileges and considerations as, say, information public. I know the enemies of God will demons. I CAN’T RID HIM OF “HIS” White people. Integration means: “To bring ridicule me and point out statements published in the DEMONS—THEY ARE HIS, NOT MINE. together parts so they form one whole” (i.e., other two. [H: Reference is to two prior books, With this small introduction let us move “To make up and complete as a whole.”). Pawns in the Game (1955) and Red Fog Over directly to the information on the Luciferian The Luciferian ideology requires that the human America (1957)] I publish what I believe to be the Creed (Doctrine) beginning on page 56. And, race be integrated absolutely so that Reds, truth—I never claimed inviolability. To err is oh yes, this is a WRITTEN code given forth by Blacks, Yellows, and Whites be mixed into one human—to forgive, divine. the “Big Bad Wolf” and is housed in places vast conglomeration of humanity without any “In fairness to myself, I wish to state that the such as the Temple of Satan and Luciferian distinctive features, cultures, racial traits, or ONLY real mistake I made was that I had been organizations of SECRET RITUALS. The other peculiarities. (The UNESCO man.) unable to tie in the supernatural relationship of the information in its more modern form was 4. God’s plan requires that there shall be Luciferian revolt in Heaven with the World presented openly by the Bavarian Government numerous worlds. The scriptures speak of the Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.) as it is being in 1786. It was published again in 1789 during Seventh Heaven (2 Sam.22:8; Prov. 8:27-29; conducted today. I blamed the international bankers; the French Revolution to expose the 2 Cor.12:2). They name the different choirs selfish international Capitalism, Nazism, and conspirators responsible for the Revolution. of angels, their nature, office and Communism as the root-causes of our evils. I knew, And, I would like you to carefully attend this characteristics. They tell us that even in each deep down in my heart, that wars and revolutions next partial paragraph:] choir, every angel is higher or lower in scale Page 8 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

than another. We are told it is possible for dictatorship when established on this Earth will used for breeding purposes, and reproduction those in the lowest choirs to work their way have at its head a King-Despot, whose will is will be achieved by artificial insemination up so they achieve higher status by merit, or to be enforced by Satanic despotism. practiced on an international scale. descend down the scale because of lack of 6. Where God’s plan requires “Love” to be the Investigation has proved that experiments are merit. The Luciferian ideology requires that creative, and “Charity” the governing force in now being conducted in both Canada and the there shall be only two classes: 1. Those who Nature, the Luciferian Creed says “Lust” shall United States to determine if the semen of govern, i.e., the ‘Holders of the Light’—the be the creative force and “Right or Might” the human males cannot be preserved and kept super-intelligent beings, and 2. Those they governing force. fertile indefinitely, the same as the semen taken enslave. Where God permits, encourages and 7. Where God ordered that each class of His from prize bulls. Recent discoveries have rewards individual initiative, Luciferianism does creatures on this Earth shall increase and made it possible to keep semen taken from not tolerate it in any shape or form. multiply, each according to his kind, the bulls indefinitely by freezing quickly to a 5. God insists that in order to ensure perfect Luciferian ideology requires that in the final temperature of approximately 130o below zero. peace and happiness in Heaven, every soul He stage of the conspiracy only the governing Already huge banks have been established in selects as one of His Elect must have proved body shall have the “liberty” to enjoy the which several million samples of graded semen that it honestly and sincerely, without pleasures—”Lusts” of the flesh, and the are stored. Orders received for a particular qualification or revocation, desires to love and “Right” to gratify their carnal desires. All type or strain can be flown to any part of the serve God voluntarily out of respect for His others are to be made into human cattle, and world. Smaller banks are now being infinite perfections for ALL eternity. It is to enslaved physically, mentally, and spiritually, in established in suitable locations to serve the produce PROOF of this desire that we human order to ensure permanent peace and social needs of cattle raising states. This statement beings are being tested so thoroughly. God security. Procreation will be strictly limited to is fact, not fiction. doesn’t intend that there shall be a second types and numbers determined scientifically as 8. [H: Next is a good example of what I said revolt in Heaven. Luciferianism, on the other sufficient to fill the requirements to the State, at the beginning. This man Carr has not hand, says that permanent peace shall be (god). According to Bertrand Russell on pp. only interpreted his version of Lucifer but assured by the King-Despot, exercising absolute 49-51 of his book, The Impact of Science on also interprets GOD’S PLAN. No, this is despotism over his subjects. The Luciferian Society, less than 5% of males and 30% of not acceptable—GOD HAS EVERY Protocols say: The Luciferian totalitarian females, will be selected from the Goyim to be CAPABILITY OF PRESENTING HIS PLAN QUITE EFFECTIVELY WITHOUT THE OPINIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THOSE WHO BECOME SCHOLARS OF BOOKS Books And Video Tape WITHOUT TRUTH AND TAMPERED VERSIONS OF “OTHERS’” RAMBLINGS. Recommended by Jordan Maxwell ALL YOU CAN SURMISE OF GOD’S PLAN REGARDING SEX AMONG SYMBOLS, SEX, AND THE STARS HUMANS IS THAT THE PURPOSE IS PROCREATION AND ACCORDING TO In Popular Beliefs THE INSTRUCTIONS—THERE MUST BE RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR THE ACT ITSELF.] An Outline of the Origins of Moon and Sun Worship, Astrology, Sex Under God’s plan, reproduction of the human Symbolism, Mystic Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many species was, and is, intended to be the most holy and sacred function performed by a male Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions and Religious Beliefs. and female, joined together in one flesh for the by Ernest Busenbark duration of their mortal lives. According to God’s plan the primary motive to indulge in With Preface by Jordan Maxwell sexual intercourse is to procreate another 88 Plates, Containing over 300 Illustrations and Diagrams, 396 pages human body into which God can infuse a soul $25.00 + 5.00 S&H which He wishes to give the opportunity of learning to know Him and love Him, and the will to serve Him voluntarily for all eternity. SYMBOLS, SEX, AND THE STARS [H: You have to understand that RIGHT HERE the assumption is incorrect. If God (Part One) wanted to simply produce another being— 90-Minute Video/Slide Presentation HE CAN PRODUCE ANOTHER BEING— SO THIS ACT IS NEVER PERFORMED On Hidden Occult Symbols FOR GOD! THIS IS A VERY HUMAN $25.00 + 5.00 S&H ACT OF PHYSICAL INTERCHANGE AND IS ABOUT THE MOST TELLING ON ANY INDIVIDUAL AS TO INTENT, History Of The Christian Religion USE, AND ALL MANNER OF OTHER To The Year Two Hundred THINGS. Sexual intercourse is just about the most unholy and non-sacred act man by Charles B. Waite, A.M. has yet conjured to offend God.] Highly Recomended by Jordan Maxwell Theologians admit that in giving the ability of 556 Pages reproduction in accordance to His will, God gave Buy 3 Items us powers not even enjoyed by the angels. [H: $25.00 + 5.00 S&H and pay S&H How does this man KNOW? You simply have a most vulgar way of expressing your $10.00 reproduction methodology which usually insures Send Check or Money Order to: a non-Godly intent of birthing.] They are all, Buy 2 Items BBC Of America both “Good” and “Bad”, created beings. [H: No, $5.00 19528 Ventura Blvd. #449 there is right and wrong but only a and pay S&H PERCEPTION of “good” and “bad”. There is Tarzana, CA 91356 Right (Goodly) and Wrong (Evil) BEHAVIOR. Remember the definition of “evil” is simply “that JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 9 which intentionally, by self or another, pulls you are totally false. There is reference to the chips? from the path TO GOD-NESS. “Sin” is error. Liberator without reference to the fact that Green This man concludes with a couple of things I Stop putting your own definitions onto God’s was the going Top Banana. It even misclassifies would share: intent.] The powers God gave to human beings America West Publishers as “The American West caused those angels who had joined Lucifer to Publishers”. Then there is a statement: “The CIA “It is going to get worse before it gets become jealous. That is why Lucifer and/or Satan is a strange organization. They are supposed to better. BUT JESUS IS ON HIS WAY. decided to “foul up” God’s plan as far as procreation be an American Government Intelligence Service REJOICE IN CHRIST!” and, of the human species is concerned. [H: TOTAL gathering information for the defense of the United “All these are the beginning of sorrows. B.S. I won’t even use more of this material. States. But they have turned into a maverick Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, This man is going to bring down into a printed group, who murders, directs drug trafficking and and shall kill you; and ye shall be hated of all format what God, what Lucifer, what Satan and is also now starting a new SPACE RELIGION. nations for my name’s sake. And then shall what the brotherhood of angels thinks and does. This whole thing would be like a bad joke where many be offended, and shall betray one another, It is wrong in information and exasperating as an it not for what they said in their publications and and shall hate one another. And many false example of Man’s foolishness. “Satan fouled up who they have snared into working for them. The prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. God’s plan...” (???) SATAN CANNOT FOUL information given in their books and publications And because iniquity shall abound, the love of UP GOD’S PLAN—REMEMBER? YOU ARE indicates that military intelligence is feeding the many shall grow cold. But he that shall endure LIVING OUT GOD’S PLAN, CHELAS. THE writers, but with much . The style unto the end, the same shall be saved.” POINT IS “HOW” YOU LIVE OUT GOD’S and the language of their publications suggests that Matthew 24:8-13. PLAN BUT I DON’T WANT YOU TO EVEN the writers are Kids fresh out of college, who have THINK BECAUSE WE UTILIZED THIS had few courses in religion.” What an interesting Ok, he said it, I didn’t. We do not claim INFORMATION FOR A PURPOSE OF conclusion. psychic ability, fortune-telling or prophesy, so it is INFORMING YOU THAT YOU MUST BE Mr. Torell was even more bashing to Col. “Bo” hard to follow just what this man who does claim CAREFUL AND MUST LEARN, THAT YOU Gritz: “It is interesting that Gritz embraced the to KNOW and SEE says and sees. He obviously WILL BE CARELESS AND TREAT THIS AS Mormon faith some years ago. There is a prophecy does NOT SEE TRUTH nor does HE SEEK IT SO TRUTH IN GOSPEL FORMAT.] in the Mormon religion that some day the United THAT IT CAN BE ADDED UNTO HIM. States will be in danger, and the Mormon Church BEWARE!! And, if I were this man, I would be [END OF QUOTING] will be used to save the U.S. Constitution. pretty nervous along about NOW. Somehow Gritz believed he was a kind of Messiah Mr. Torell does have some good points to ponder So, if I am not going to use the book itself, why and by joining the Mormon church he was going to when he says: “...My closing question is this, Why ask Rick to follow up? Because it appears the fulfill this prophecy. At the present time, the does one li(e)r want to expose another liar?” My author’s son, William Guy Carr, Jr. is familiar with officials of the Mormon Church have withdrawn their response is that I suppose for the same reason you Peru and we want the connection if that be so. If support of Gritz.” write, sir. it should be that Mr. Carr LIVES in Peru—we have This person then goes on for pages about the “The Christian prophetic ministry is greatly a winner. CIA connections, Gritz and John Coleman. He then threatened. The World Government’s intelligence ALL the information from the original Contract at some point proves his points by claiming we services have created a number of ministries that are 3392 Bonus was MOVED from the records, except somehow misquoted the Bible and corrects us set out to lie, discredit, destroy and scatter the sheep through reference, from the Los Angeles Peruvian preceding the quoting by: “In 1992 their main of Jesus Christ. Those of us who are genuine born Consulate in 1997 (last year) because of such intense publication was named, The Phoenix Liberator, and again believers in Christ, must understand we live in interest in the documents. The U.S. Government, the prior to that it was called “The Journal” (Blatantly a ‘JUNGLE’ and only by knowing the Word of God, Federal Reserve, and odds and ends of criminal thugs false). In 1994 it has been renamed Contact, The walking closely to Jesus and living in the truth can tried to heist the material for the purpose of Phoenix Project. This, again, is a typical mode of we survive. destroying it. Therefore, the entire file on the matter operation for the CIA...” ... “I can see the motivating “To those of you who read The Dove this might was moved to the Lima, Peru governmental archive power behind this group by just looking at the be more than you can bear. Just remember Christ for protection of legal documents. In this way there that they publish beneath their name. Here dwells in you and the Holy Spirit will guide you into IS PROOF of the exchange, the debt acceptance, the is what their slogan was in 1992: ‘THE TRUTH all truth. When you read something; read between reaffirmation, the reconfirmation of a certificate into WILL SET YOU FREE.’ In the 1994 version, their the lines, pray over it, and search out the motive a legally binding CONTRACT. THE DOCUMENTS slogan has changed. It now reads: ‘YE SHALL from the person who gives you the information.” WERE MOVED TO PROTECT PERU AND THE KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL Good idea, too bad this man didn’t follow his AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS AND KEEP THE MAKE YOU MAD!’ They have perverted the own preaching. Keeping in mind, however, that this CONSULATE FROM BEING DESTROYED TO words of Jesus, and because most people do not read was presented in 1994. The man knows NO MORE DESTROY THE RECORDS—sort of like Credit the Bible, they would not be able to tell the TODAY THAN HE DID AT THAT WRITING. Lyonnaise in Paris. difference. Here is what Jesus said: ‘And ye shall But, no, we would NOT like to bring down these The intent from writing parts is to start you know the truth and the truth shall make you people—how else could you readers have relative THINKING. Didn’t you notice that it actually goes free.’” information from which to glean TRUTH? TRUTH against the very teachings of living itself? Everyone Which version do you think this man used in his WILL STAND INTO INFINITY—BUT THE LIE is welcome to his own opinions on any topic and ABSOLUTE quoting from this Bible of his? King WILL EVENTUALLY “OUT”. I don’t think I’ve that includes God and Satan. Anyone who tries to James or one of the more than 600 versions as misquoted the Bible here but it is possible. put connotations on you THROUGH THE VOICE printed today? This was a SLOGAN, nothing more, OF GOD is presuming and assuming things that are and if this dude can’t tell the difference—I suggest IMPORTANT at best, opinion, and at worst, total fabrications. he is another one you had BEST NOT FOLLOW Where does this put Dharma and Hatonn? Right OR BELIEVE—FOR ALMOST EVERYTHING HE CONTACT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS PAPER OF where you SHOULD be with Mr. Carr—question, SAID IS FALSE INFORMATION. ANY SORT! THE JOURNALS MAY WELL question, question, and then read the work carefully I don’t want to be a wet blanket, readers, but this SPEAK OF SPIRITUAL MATTERS—BUT ARE and SORT. guy smashed into Cathy and Mark about “Project NOT RELIGIOUS JOURNALS. WE SEE Just this morning on Dharma’s chair was a paper Monarch” of which he claims to be an authority. He “PROPHECY” AS THAT WHICH IS COMING somebody had sent to her and it would bear more smashed Serge Monast. He really smashed MI-6 AND ANY DULL-BRAINED IDIOT CAN SEE attention than the above I’m sure. It read: “In the John Coleman and then brought up “The Mystery of THINGS ARE IN A MESS AND THAT THE 1993 summer Issue of The Dove, John S. Torell Patricia St. Louis?”. Who in the heck IS Patricia MASSES OF PEOPLE DON’T HAVE EVEN A exposed an organization which at that time published St. Louis? I don’t believe we misinformed you FOGGY NOTION OF WHAT IS GOING ON OR The Phoenix Liberator, and had ties with James “Bo” about this person—we don’t know this person. She COMING DOWN. THAT INCLUDES THIS Gritz, Dr. John Coleman and the CIA. (A Possible was to do an investigation into “Carl Sanders and TORELL. Let me reassure that if false information CIA sting operation)” [Thank you “E”.] his work with this author.” (???) Who is Gary Kah and disinformation is coming forth it is from exactly This goes on and is quite lengthy but quite who did the commissioning? So, we don’t know those sources wherein you have uninformed nit-wits interesting in its total lack of information or Truth. Gary Kah, Carl Sanders, Patricia St. Louis OR JOHN heading the pack such as The Dove, Mr. Torell. Parts are quite well copied and other assumptions S. TORELL. So just WHO is tossing about the B.S. How in the heck did he THINK GOD WOULD Page 10 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

SHOW UP? DID NOT GOD PROMISE TO SEND the greed and assumptions of power and desire for find respite in death or transfer—OR PAROLE. BOTH THE WORD AND THE HOSTS? wealth and control. Yes indeed, we honor those such Shall we consider paroling the poor soul? Certainly CONTACT’S whole intent and promise is to offer as Mr. Tesla who are ACTIVELY a part of this we can forgive him any transgressions and honor you-the-readers whatever we can cram into a paper journey TODAY as we confront incredible things him for doing such a good job as his mission of TRUTH and present those things that are ahead. But remember that each thing, each season, demands. misinformation, disinformation AND FOOLISHNESS each life—passes and in the passing comes great and You can have whichever you choose—DANTE’S SUCH AS THIS NONSENSE. Do we get personal? amazing knowledge and insight—i.e., EVERYTHING inferno OR GOD’s consciousness in LIGHT. The You bet! Do we get down and dirty? NO—we is but MEMORY—except the SPLIT SECOND of choice is truly YOURS alone. GOD IS ABSOLUTE respond in KIND to those who are down and interpretation in PERCEIVED action. All future is LOVE—there are quite a large number of dirty. but an unexposed film of memory in the making. “conditions” on living that you might experience that Bo Gritz once said something extremely Since you are the camera-person for your diary—isn’t “unconditional love” as well. But those are YOUR revealing: “IF YOU’RE CATCHING FLAK—YOU it time you became informed? Which picture do you LESSONS—those conditions! Furthermore, no MUST BE ON TARGET.” Well, we welcome the wish to have end your play? Heaven? Hell? Well matter how you ruin and blow up those conditions— flak for it keeps us on target. We will, every time then, I suggest you wake up and get with God’s plan GOD ALLOWS AND LOVES ABSOLUTELY. Like we can do so, reveal the crooks, criminals, thieves and let us rewrite a bit of history—and never mind His child, which you are, He allows you to grow and liars to the best of our ability—and those who Lucifer’s threat to bash you if you change a word through your lessons, stumbling, falling, getting up are closest are the easiest to KNOW OF WHAT or meaning of the garbage-instruction-plan dumped again, reaching out—and moving ever on to your WE SPEAK AND WRITE SO THAT WE DON’T off on you through the ages of time by the One conclusion once again—WITH Him in creation/ BLUNDER AS THIS POOR PUBLISHER JUST World Controllers. Lucifer guards well his kingdom creating. YOU ARE RIGHT NOW CREATING DID IN THIS REPRINT FROM 1994. AND of physical domain—who wants it? Only the narrow YOUR PLAY—HAPPY SAILING! JUST WHERE DO YOU SUPPOSE THIS thinkers and UNKNOWING ignorant beings caught SATAN has no power over YOU! GOD HAS GOODLY GUY IS TODAY? DOING THE in the trap to and from GOD. Let us just say that POWER OVER YOU—HE JUST DOESN’T USE SAME THING AND WHINING ABOUT IT, Lucifer is playing out his sentence in a prison of IT! For GOD IS FREEDOM; SATAN MOST LIKELY. his own making and one in which he cannot ENSLAVEMENT. Salu. And readers, stop oogling and ogling such as a so-called man of God whooshing and blowing on an audience and it all falls down. What for would a man need to wipe an audience off its feet—you can’t serve God or anything on your backsides. A little Incorporating bit of dynamite can accomplish knocking everything down—and it isn’t “faith healing” fabrications. Man will heal SELF or there will be no healing—except through GRACE of our Creator, can we demand such a thing without understanding what we do. Let me assure that if we work for the CIA, which we don’t and to our knowledge have ONLY In Nevada BEEN INVESTIGATED BY THEM, they are the worst paymasters on the globe even with their “black ops” budgets. The closest thing we have going with the CIA is their monitoring teams who tap by Cort W. Christie everything. Frankly, WE ENJOY THAT SECURITY. You’ve spent hundreds, possibly thousands to incorporate! Now for only $19.95*+ I wish to thank Dr. Young for offering such a tax, (retail value $29.95) you can do it yourself and learn all the secrets! gracious appreciation in honor of Nikola Tesla in this past week’s CONTACT. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE ABOUT, READERS. We recognize the ones who STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES FOR ESTABLISHING A NEVADA came forth “out of their time, ahead of their fellow- CORPORATION WITH CONCISE EXPLANATIONS REGARDING STATE LAWS man” to test the waters, present truth and great gifts AND HOW THEY CAN BE APPLIED TO BENEFIT AND PROTECT THE and verify that man is not yet mature nor good of OWNER. SAMPLE DOCUMENTS INCLUDED. intentions enough to be given the greatest gifts of God unto His children. These great scientists and IMPORTANT (not necessarily famous) energy-people Learn from Nevada’s leading expert on corporate strategies and formation... hover over us constantly to assure input and we welcome them and so honor them in their willingness *Maintain complete financial privacy! to share. This most surely DOES include such as *Form any Nevada Corporation on your own! Germain and Russell, whose presentation caused great distress and stress. We also welcome that *Hidden advantages to incorporating! learning experience for sorting is NEVER a pleasant *What your Attorney and CPA forgot to tell you! task as the thistles present as beautiful flowers until *Secrets to multiple corporation strategies! you pick them. So what do you do? YOU PUT *Tax strategies formerly undiscovered! ON HEAVY GLOVES, OF COURSE, AND MOVE *How to get the lowest incorporating cost anywhere! RIGHT ON ALONG. No gift is ever actually LOST, nor is it BURIED except for a time in your *How to title property! perception of man’s narrow vision. IT IS SO SAD, *Everyday business deductions! HOWEVER, THAT THE BRINGERS OF THE *Maintain complete liability protection the right way! INFORMATION AND THE MESSENGERS MUST SUFFER THE SLINGS AND ARROWS OF FREE SOFTWARE INCLUDED! MINDLESS MASSES WHO CAN’T TELL UP FROM DOWN AND REFUSE TO LOOK TO A 3 1/2" disk full of corporate forms and documents necessary to run your Nevada EITHER SIDE—SAVE TO FEATHER THEIR corporation while avoiding costly attorneys! OWN NESTS IN CAPTURING ANOTHER’S PRESENTATIONS. To Order, call Nevada Corporate Headquarters, Inc. at 800-398-1077 GOD knows that which He does and HE knows those with whom He dwells and chooses for *available only to those with Nevada corporations! particular tasks so that they are not pulled away by JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 11

supported himself and his wife by running a sawmill. In 1891, Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. This event signified a conscious decision on Ford’s part to dedicate his life to industrial pursuits. His Examining The Life Of Henry Ford promotion to Chief Engineer in 1893 gave him enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on internal combustion engines. These experiments culminated in 1896 with the completion of his own self—propelled vehicle-the Quadricycle. The Quadricycle had four He Dared To Tell The Truth wire wheels that looked like heavy bicycle wheels, was steered with a tiller like a boat, and had only two forward speeds with no reverse. Although PART I Turning directly to the copyrighted brochure Ford was not the first to build a self-propelled BEFORE AND AFTER on Henry Ford titled Henry Ford, printed by the vehicle with a gasoline engine, he was, however, THE INTERNATIONAL JEW Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village and one of several automotive pioneers who helped reprinted here with permission, we read: this country become a nation of motorists. If you picked up a starving dog and made him [Quoting] After two unsuccessful attempts to establish a prosperous, he will not bite you. That is the Henry Ford’s life spanned the period from the company to manufacture automobiles, the Ford principal difference between dog and man. Civil War to past World War II (1863-1947). Motor Company was incorporated in 1903 with —Mark Twain During this time, America was transformed from Henry Ford as vice-president and chief engineer. a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial The infant company produced only a few cars a 7/14/98 RICK MARTIN one. Henry Ford, who left the farm for the day at the Ford factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit. factory, helped develop mass production, Groups of two or three men worked on each car from We at CONTACT wondered what ever assembly-line methods of manufacturing, and put components made to order by other companies. happened to Henry Ford after he published The America on the road with an affordable car, both Henry Ford realized his dream of producing an International Jew? In fact, several of us were symbolized and contributed to this American automobile that was reasonably priced, reliable, curious about the circumstances surrounding his transformation. and efficient with the introduction of the Model death. Any investigation into the T in 1908. This vehicle initiated a life of Henry Ford will reveal a new era in personal transportation. MOUNTAIN of books on the It was easy to operate, maintain, subject. Each individual, I’m sure, and handle on rough roads, will have an OPINION as to which immediately becoming a huge would be the most relevant to success. By 1918, half of all cars present here. When we recently ran in America were Model Ts. To The International Jew in several meet the growing demand for the issues of CONTACT, the story Model T, the company opened a ended rather abruptly with no large factory at Highland Park, indication about WHAT CAME Michigan, in 1910. Here, Henry AFTER. OBVIOUSLY MUCH OF Ford combined precision WHAT CAME AFTER HAS BEEN manufacturing, standardized and BURIED. BUT, ALSO interchangeable parts, a division of OBVIOUSLY, SINCE WE DON’T labor, and, in 1913, a continuous KNOW WHAT HAS BEEN moving assembly line. Workers BURIED OR HOW TO LAY OUR remained in place, adding one HANDS ON THE BURIED component to each automobile as it MATERIAL (BUT IF ANY OF moved past them on the line. YOU READERS HAVE SUCH Delivery of parts by conveyor belt MATERIAL, PLEASE SHARE), to the workers was carefully timed WE HAD TO BEGIN OUR to keep the assembly line moving SEARCH SOMEWHERE AND smoothly and efficiently. The THE LOGICAL PLACE TO BEGIN introduction of the moving FOR AT LEAST AN ACCURATE assembly line revolutionized SEQUENCE OF EVENTS (IF NOT AN Henry Ford, born on July 20, 1863, was the automobile production by significantly reducing ACCURATE ANALYSIS OR UNBIASED first of William and Mary Ford’s six children. He assembly time per vehicle, thus lowering costs. EVALUATION OF THOSE EVENTS) WAS grew up on a prosperous family farm in what is Ford’s production of Model Ts made his company RIGHT AT THE HENRY FORD MUSEUM IN today Dearborn, Michigan. Henry enjoyed a the largest automobile manufacturer in the world. DEARBORN [20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, childhood typical of the rural nineteenth century, The company began construction of the MI 48124; (313) 271-1620]. I began by checking spending days in a one-room school and doing world’s largest industrial complex along the banks their website, which is: farm chores. At an early age, he showed an of the Rouge River in Dearborn, Michigan, during Then, we paid a nominal fee for the Ford Center interest in mechanical things and a dislike for the late 1910s and early 1920s. The massive to conduct some original research on our behalf. farm work. Rouge Plant included all the elements needed for The results of that search are in and are, to say In 1879, sixteen-year-old Ford left home for automobile production: a steel mill, glass factory, the very least, interesting. the nearby city of Detroit to work as an apprentice and automobile assembly line. Iron ore and coal Let’s begin with a brief AND VERY machinist, although he occasionally returned to were brought in on Great Lakes steamers and by GENERIC review of Henry Ford’s early years (for help on the farm. He remained an apprentice for railroad, and were used to produce both iron and those of you who have no idea about his early three years and then returned to Dearborn. During steel. Rolling mills, forges, and assembly shops life), and then we’ll move directly into the years the next few years, Henry divided his time transformed the steel into springs, axles, and car immediately following publication of The between operating or repairing steam engines, bodies. Foundries converted iron into engine International Jew. We would not expect to read finding occasional work in a Detroit factory, and blocks and cylinder heads that were assembled any “revelations” in a brochure such as you are over-hauling his father’s farm implements, as well as with other components into engines. By about to read. This is presented here strictly for lending a reluctant hand with other farm work. Upon September 1927, all steps in the manufacturing sequence of historical events. his marriage to Clara Bryant in 1888, Henry process from refining raw materials to final Page 12 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 assembly of the automobile took place at the vast 1925 the Independent began to accept . Earth”. “But for the authority of the Ford name,” Rouge Plant, characterizing Henry Ford’s idea of At the same time, the weekly was enlarged from he maintained, “they would have never seen the mass production. [End quoting.] thirty-two pages (it had graduated in size from light of day and would have been quite harmless There are two times in a man’s life when he sixteen pages in May 1925) to forty-eight pages if they had. With that magic name they spread like should not speculate: when he can’t afford it, and and was given a new format, covers in color, and wildfire and became the Bible of every anti- when he can. —Mark Twain. improved illustrations. The editorial content had Semite.” [Here is one of the first “brandings” of improved steadily from 1920, when arrangements Ford as anti-Semite.] SHEDDING LIGHT ON were made with free-lance writers in various In America, Ford was widely criticized for his FORD’S LIFE sections of the country to represent the role in encouraging anti-Semitism abroad. AFTER PUBLISHING Independent on an assignment basis and the Norman Hapgood, writing for Hearst’s THE INTERNATIONAL JEW magazine began to buy articles from newspaper International Magazine [A WIDELY KNOWN AND and magazine staff members. RECOGNIZED KHAZARIAN (FALSE-JEWISH) Now we will turn to a book called The Public Starting in 1925, the Independent purchased PUBLICATION—VERY PREDICABLE], reported Image Of Henry Ford: An American Folk Hero And articles and poetry from “name” writers such as that Ford had been “sold his anti-Jewish mania” His Company, written by David L. Lewis, Edwin Markham, Robert Frost, Hugh Walpole, by a czarist pogrommaker and that the copyright Wayne State University Press, and Hamlin Garland, Carl Sandburg, and Booth industrialist was a tool of Russian imperialists reproduced here with permission. Although I had Tarkington. Perhaps the most prolific outside who sought the restoration of the Romanoffs. initially wanted to withhold analysis of this contributor to the Independent was Allan Benson, Ford’s picture was said to be on display in a material and the material which will follow until Socialist candidate for president in 1916, who place of honor at the headquarters of the German the second part of this series, upon second between 1924 and 1926 sold fifty-seven stories to National Socialist Party, and the manufacturer was thought I’ve decided to include some commentary the magazine for as much as $500 apiece (the reported to be financing the Hitler movement. as we move through the material so that the magazine’s top rate) Hitler denied receiving funds from Ford; in fact OBVIOUS bias of the author does not slide by From 1922 to 1924 the Independent’s criticism his agent reported that, “if I had been trying to without being recognized. I do believe that our of Jewish people was only sporadic, like its sell Mr. Ford a wooden nutmeg, he couldn’t have long-term readers will be able to see through a criticism of arms-makers, bankers, bootleggers, shown less interest in [our] proposition.” given author’s bias, as it does reveal itself Wall Street, and Hollywood. However, during this Although denied Ford funds, Hitler acknowledged throughout. Even though this book is written period other products of Ford’s anti-Semitism that “the struggle of international Jewish finance with a particular slant, and it WILL BE were at work. [Here is where it starts. Readers against Ford...has only strengthened the OBVIOUS WHAT I MEAN AS YOU READ. THE of The International Jew that we recently sympathies of the National Socialist Party for SEQUENCE OF EVENTS IS WHAT IS presented, will KNOW that the information about Ford and has given the broadest circulation to his IMPORTANT HERE, FOR IT ACCURATELY jews WAS NOT anti-anything—it was an book, The International Jew.” Hitler’s ravings and REFLECTS WHAT HAPPENED TO FORD AND informative, investigative, balanced, analytical, public speeches against Jews frequently were THE PRESSURES THAT CAME TO BEAR scholarly document. So, right off the bat we get based on Ford’s anti-Semitic . [Now if DIRECTLY UPON HIM, HIS COMPANY, AND an inkling of the author’s own prejudice by that isn’t an inflammatory statement, I don’t know HIS FAMILY—AND THUS, BRINGS IN FOR painting Ford with the anti-Semitic brush that so what is!] Ford, moreover, was the only American LANDING THE STORY WE STARTED SO many were eager he be tarred with. Ford was not mentioned in the American edition of Hitler’s MANY MONTHS AGO. a racist nor was he an anti-Semite. Others of Mein Kampf. Insisting that Jews were Just one other comment, you are about to read lesser intent may well have taken this material by “increasingly the controlling masters” of of a film called The Dearborn Independent—the Ford and used it for their own ends, which is most American labor, Hitler noted that “one great man, Dearborn Independent was a newspaper, that also unfortunate.] Between 1920 and 1922 Ford Ford, to their exasperation still holds out produced this promotional film of the same title. arranged for the publication of four brochures, independently.” Hitler also repeated several of the Please don’t confuse the two. each containing a score or more of the ninety-one Independent’s charges against Jews. Turning now to the material, we read the articles in the Independent, as well as for a more In April 1924 the Independent launched its following: [Quoting] comprehensive compilation of these articles second series of anti-Semitic articles under the entitled, The International Jew. More than 3,000 general title, “Jewish Exploitation of Farmer THE HIGH PLATEAU (1920-32) of these publications were sent gratuitously to Organizations”. The articles dealt in large part friends and acquaintances of Henry Ford and to with the activities of Aaron Sapiro, a prominent A number of promotional schemes were tested Dearborn Independent readers who had written to Chicago attorney who, as a counselor in farm by the Independent’s staff in an effort to build the newspaper about its anti-Semitic articles. economics, had written a standard contract circulation. Two -promotion films, The Moreover, The International Jew was translated binding growers in a cooperative Dearborn Independent and Romance Of Making A into most European languages by foreign anti- arrangement and had done much to promote this Modern Magazine, were widely shown by dealers, Semites, chief of whom was Theodor Fritsch, arrangement. For some time Sapiro had been who distributed free copies of the publication at editor of the Leipzig publication Der Hammer. It laboring to draw deeply discontented midwestern exhibitions of these and other company films. was eagerly seized upon by the nationalist, farmers into a vast new wheat-marketing The Independent maintained display booths at a reactionary, and other groups from France to organization. Among the numerous friends of this number of state fairs and expositions. Both full- Russia. The booklets undoubtedly influenced organization were Bernard M. Baruch, Julius time solicitors and part-time salesmen were many readers, all the more because they carried Rosenwald, Otto Kahn, and Eugene Meyer. The employed, and the Independent even tried to enlist the imprint, not of a crackpot publisher in an Independent promptly concluded that a Jewish school-children and church organizations to sell alleyway, but of one of the most famous and group was trying to obtain control of American the magazine. Service fees were paid to successful men in the world. Baldur von wheat farming. The subsequent attacks were laced newsstand operators (the Independent’s five-cent Schirach, leader of the Hitler youth movement, with offensive references to “Jewish price discouraged most newsstands from handling declared at the postwar Nuremburg war crimes combinations”, “international banking rings”, and the publication) in return for merely stocking the trials that he had become an anti-Semite at the age “Jewish international bankers”; Sapiro, weekly. Still, the great bulk of circulation was of seventeen after reading The Eternal Jew (the specifically, was accused of cheating his clients. obtained through the Ford dealer organization, German title of the brochures). “You have no idea The upshot was a million-dollar suit by Sapiro street sales averaging only .009 percent of the what a great influence this book had on the against Henry Ford (not the Independent) for total. thinking of German youth,” von Schirach said. defamation of character. [And this was the attack Although the Independent’s circulation “The younger generation looked with envy to the against Ford which REALLY had an impact—this averaged 650,000 during 1924 and 1925 and the symbols of success and prosperity like Henry lawsuit for defamation.] annual subscription price was raised from a dollar Ford, and if he said the Jews were to blame, why The widely publicized suit came to trial in to a dollar and fifty cents in 1925, the publication naturally we believed him.” A prominent Jewish Detroit in March 1927; the chief issue: the steadily lost money. Total losses incurred by the attorney, after completing a world tour in the mid- responsibility of Ford for the libelous matter. weekly over its eight-year history were 1920s [you can almost see these next comments Editor Cameron took the stand as Ford’s chief $4,795,000, no small sum even for Ford. In an coming ahead of time], stated that he had seen the witness. Testifying for five days, and maintaining effort to alleviate the financial drain, in October brochures in the “most remote corners of the perfect aplomb under severe cross-examination, JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 13

Cameron declared that he had the sole changeover from the Model T to the Model A, and periodically in the Dearborn Independent, and responsibility for whatever the Independent had he unquestionably knew that many branch have been reprinted in the pamphlets mentioned, published; that he had never discussed with Ford managers and dealers were complaining that justifies the righteous indignation entertained any article on any Jew, had never sent Ford an Jewish hostility hurt business. Many individual by Jews everywhere toward me because of the advance copy of the weekly, and had never even Jews and Jewish fleet owners and a number of mental anguish occasioned by the unprovoked seen Ford read a copy. The defense, in short, took Gentile fleet operators, in response to the reflections made upon them. the position that Ford had given Cameron and his insistence of Jewish financial backers, now found This has led me to direct my personal staff a free hand in shaping policy and had simply in the Chevrolet, Dodge, and Willys-Overland attention to the subject, in order to ascertain been an innocent bystander. The question of quite practical alternatives to the outmoded Model the exact nature of these articles. As a result of Independent General Manager Liebold’s relations T. The Sapiro suit also may have brought home this survey I confess I am deeply mortified that with the staff and with Ford was not explored. to Ford’s well-insulated mind the volume and this journal, which is intended to be It was unquestionably true that Ford had paid force of the public criticism of his obnoxious constructive and not destructive, has been made less and less attention to the Independent as the campaign. Moreover, Ford may well have been the medium for resurrecting exploded fictions, years elapsed. But it was obvious that he bore the genuinely frightened over the prospect of going on for giving currency to the so-called Protocols of ultimate and direct responsibility for the articles the witness stand in front of 118,000,000 the Wise Men of Zion, which have been on Jews and on Sapiro. Indeed, on any number of Americans. [Now, readers, PLEASE pay VERY demonstrated, as I learn, to be gross , occasions, Liebold and Cameron and the CLOSE attention to these next two sections. You and for contending that the Jews have been Independent’s promotional literature boasted that will notice that this “retraction” was NOT EVEN engaged in a conspiracy to control the capital the “Dearborn Independent is Henry Ford’s own WRITTEN BY FORD—BUT BY TWO POWERFUL and the industries of the world, besides laying paper and he authorizes every statement occurring JEWS AT THAT TIME—AND THEY EVEN ADMIT at their door many offenses against decency, therein,” and that “the paper has the personal THAT, IN PART, THE RETRACTION WAS AIMED public order, and good morals. assistance of Mr. Ford’s guidance and instruction AT MAKING FORD APPEAR TO BE Had I appreciated even the general nature, and the benefit of his keen foresight and “RIDICULOUS”. The upshot of this retraction to say nothing of the details, of these utterances, experience”. “We never step out on any unusual was to reverberate throughout the remaining years I would have forbidden their circulation without program without first getting his guidance,” of Mr. Henry Ford, and would be “spun” in a a moment’s hesitation...I deem it my duty as an Cameron told a Ford branch managers’ convention thousand ways.] honorable man to make amends for the wrong in 1924. In any event, details of a retraction were done to the Jews as fellow-men and brothers, by Haunted by memories of Mount Clemens, worked out by two of Ford’s friends, Joseph A. asking their forgiveness for the harm that I have Ford was naturally reluctant to testify. He was Palma and Earl J. Davis, and two prominent unintentionally committed, by retracting so far spared the agony by two dramatic events, an Jews, Louis Marshall and former Congressman as lies within my power the offensive charges automobile accident and a grave blunder by a Nathan D. Perlman. Marshall wrote the laid at their door by these publications, and by juror. On the day before Ford was to appear, a retraction, which, he hoped, would not only giving them the unqualified assurance that coupe he was driving was sideswiped and forced serve as an apology to Jews, but would also henceforth they may look to me for friendship down a fifteen-foot bank near the River Rouge, make the industrialist appear ridiculous. “If and good will. where it struck a tree. The sixty-three-year-old I had his money,” the Jewish leader wrote a Ford, badly shaken, bleeding, and half-dazed, former law partner, “I would not [make] such In addition, Ford promised that he would staggered to the gatehouse of his estate, whence a humiliating statement for one hundred publish no more offensive articles and agreed to two days later he was removed to the Ford million dollars.” To Marshall’s astonishment, withdraw The International Jew from the book Hospital. the industrialist signed the retraction without market. Out-of-court settlements were made with The accident was reported on the front page changing a letter. Ford was, in fact, willing to Sapiro and Bernstein. Ford also discharged of virtually every newspaper in the country, and sign any statement to make peace with the Liebold from the general managership of the initial reports were highly sensationalized. Jews. “I don’t care how bad [the apology] is,” Independent and Cameron from his editorial post, Streamers shouted, “HENRY FORD NEAR he told a protesting Bennett, “just settle this though both remained in his employ. Ford had DEATH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH,” “PLOT TO thing up...the worse they make it, the better.” decided as early as the spring of 1927 to suspend ASSASSINATE FORD SEEN”, and “FORD The retraction, said by the American Hebrew to the weekly, having instructed Black at that time INJURED BY ASSASSINS: HURLED OVER be the first public recantation of anti-Semitism to work out a liquidation plan. The paper stopped RIVER BANK IN CAR”. The New York Graphic in history, was issued at Ford’s request through accepting subscriptions in July, and Ford—in carried a composograph (imagined photograph) of Brisbane: [Emphasis added.] [Quoting from the answer to Brisbane’s Hearst-backed offer of Ford, the first and only such portrait of the retraction:] $1,000,000 for the property—stated that he was manufacturer, which showed the industrialist, his going to convert the Independent into a house head about two sizes too large for his body, For some time past I have given organ. [Isn’t it fascinating to see how the BIG “bearing up bravely under intense pain” as he consideration to the series of articles BAD HEARST-BACKED KHAZARIAN WOLVES “underwent the knife of a high-priced surgeon”, concerning Jews which since 1920 have MOVED IN FOR THE KILL BY OFFERING TO with presumably lower-priced surgeons and nurses appeared in the Dearborn Independent. Some of BUY OUT FORD OUTRIGHT! HE WAS WISE hovering in the background. Cameron quickly them have been reprinted in pamphlet form ENOUGH TO JUST SAY “NO”!] However, the issued a statement denying any foul play and under the title “The International Jew”. magazine was suspended permanently in reporting Ford’s speedy recovery. The Although public publications are my property, it December 1927. manufacturer, in fact, did not undergo an goes without saying that in the multitude of my From a standpoint, Ford’s operation and left the hospital after only two activities it has been impossible for me to devote retraction, albeit humiliating, scored heavily in his days. personal attention to their management or to favor. [The facts are that the retraction created The juror’s blunder: an accusation by a woman keep informed as to their contents. It has a great deal of “confusion”—many of the Jews of on the panel that Ford’s counsel showed excessive therefore inevitably followed that the conduct the day really appreciated it—most didn’t trust anxiety to keep the case from going to the jury, and policies of [my] publications had to be it—those opposed to the retraction saw it as an resulted in the declaration of a mistrial in April delegated to men whom I placed in charge of outright sell-out. How does the adversary work? 1927 and adjournment of the case for six months. them and upon whom I relied implicitly. Create dissension, division, derision; divide and This decision gave Ford an opportunity to settle To my great regret I have learned that Jews conquer. The fingerprints are all over this thing.] the case out of court, and on July 7, he published generally, and particularly those of this country, To be sure, nobody was taken in by his professed a personal apology to Sapiro and a formal not only resent these publications as promoting ignorance of the existence of the Independent’s retraction of all his past attacks on the Jewish anti-Semitism, but regard me as their enemy. anti-Semitic articles. Many Gentiles wrote Ford people. He appears to have acted on his own Trusted friends with whom I have conferred that he had “turned yellow”, “was built on the initiative; certainly Liebold, Cameron, and the recently have assured me in all sincerity that in jelly-fish order”, “was a pitiful quitter”, and had defense attorneys were taken by surprise. their opinion the character of the charges and “sold [his] birthright for a mess of porridge”, No doubt Ford’s motives in issuing the public insinuations made against the Jews, both while an equal number of them congratulated Ford apology were complex. [A correct assessment.] individually and collectively, contained in many on his retraction. Four-fifths of the hundreds of His company was in the midst of the critical of the articles which have been circulated letters addressed to Ford in July 1927 were from Page 14 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

Jews, and almost without exception they praised December 1927, approximately 12 percent of the “since the book has not been copyrighted in this the industrialist for his “courageous and manly $1,300,000 advertising appropriation went to country” (a correct statement). He made no statement” and his “breadth of character and Jewish newspapers; no other “minority” mention of Ford’s 1927 public apology to the Jews broad-mindedness”. The attitude of the great newspapers were used. Ford found time to attend or his simultaneous letter to the German majority of these correspondents is typified by a a number of dinners in behalf of publishers of The International Jew, demanding letter from a New York rabbi: prominent Jews and Jewish fund-raising banquets. that publication of the volume be discontinued. I am deeply touched by your statement On one such occasion, at the mere mention of his The Brazilians, correctly assuming that Liebold published in today’s papers. Since I had the name by one of the preliminary speakers, the had given the green light, printed 5,000 copies of occasion to learn of your humane and generous entire gathering—2,000 guests—stood and the book from the German translation and treatment of your employees, I couldn’t conceive cheered the manufacturer for a full minute. The displayed Ford’s name prominently on the front how a man with so fine a character could magnate also called at the New York office of cover. promote animosity towards a whole people, and Louis Marshall and expressed readiness to do This fact was brought to Ford’s attention I am therefore inclined to believe that your anything that Marshall might suggest to (assuming that Liebold showed his employer the statement was made wholeheartedly and most “minimize the evil that has been done”. During letter) by Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, Detroit’s sincerely. I am happy that the ill-feeling of my the conference Ford offered the Jewish leader a leading rabbi and in years past one of Ford’s brethren will henceforth cease toward a man Model A, which, at the time (January 1928) was closest friends, who asked the industrialist to who has done so much for the country beloved in tremendous demand. “I respectfully declined,” cable the American consul in Brazil to halt by all of us.... the Jewish leader wrote his son, “informing [Ford] publication. A month later Liebold sent a flabby You may be proud for possessing the of my devotion to pedestrian locomotion.” letter to Ford’s Brazilian manager, requesting courage and the righteousness to confess The honeymoon ended in the early 1930s, “whatever facts you are able to secure in publicly your error and to my people belongs when copies of The International Jew, often with connection with this report and what the the honor of forgiving a man who caused them Ford’s name on the title page or with his circumstances are warranting this publication”. so much pain and humiliation. photograph inside, began turning up in large The manager checked with the publisher, was numbers throughout Europe and South America, shown Liebold’s letter of virtual approval, and Most Jewish publications also accepted Ford’s and when Ford’s anti-Semitic [Notice how tartly replied that after seeing the letter he “felt apology. Some metropolitan dailies, however, frequently this author includes that phrase, almost it unnecessary to investigate further”. Liebold gagged on the manufacturer’s plea in extenuation. as if subliminally “imprinting” it into the then (three months after receiving Franklin’s “Nobody but Mr. Ford,” said the New York Herald subconscious as a “fact”. I can’t help but wonder letter) blandly informed the rabbi that he had not Tribune, “could be ignorant of a major policy of whether this author has ever even READ The replied sooner because he had no knowledge of his own newspaper. Nobody but Mr. Ford could International Jew, in full.] past was thoroughly the book. At the same time Liebold wrote to the be unaware of the national and international aired by a Congressional committee investigating company’s Brazilian manager, telling him to repercussions of this policy of anti-Semitism.” Nazi propaganda in the United States. request that the publisher discontinue the use of “He phrases his statement,” stated the New York The International Jew was published in Ford’s name in the book. The publisher agreed to Times, as if his attention had ‘recently’ been Barcelona, Porto Alegre, Brazil, and Leipzig. The insert a note in future editions disavowing Ford’s drawn to the grievous wrong which he had done. Brazilians inquired of Ford in 1932 whether they authorship. The fact is, of course, that for several years he has might buy the translation rights. Liebold assured Liebold reacted in much the same way had the matter brought to his notice, both them that permission to publish was unnecessary regarding German publication of the book, privately and publicly. Till now he has remained unyielding.” But most publications regarded the apology as “handsome” and “courageous” and rejoiced that it “healed a sore spot in national life”. “The pity is,” said the Atlanta Constitution, BOOKS ON TAPE “the retraction was not made long ago.” Tin Pan Alley cashed in on Ford’s apology. “Since Henry Ford Apologized to Me” briefly achieved popularity on the strength of these lyrics, written by the future theatrical producer, Billy Rose: [Now if this isn’t the typical insult added Space-Gate to injury, I don’t know what is.] Hatonn provides facts concerning the Governmental cover-up of extraterrestrials visiting and crashing upon Earth, starting in the late 1940s. He discusses various “secret” agencies and I was sad and I was blue societies, such as MJ-12, The Jason Society, The Bilderbergers, the “Grey Men”, along with But now I’m just as good as you details regarding their strategies and operating methods. Also, we are given clarification about Since Hen-ry Ford a-pol-o-gized to me the mission of The Hosts of God vs. Satan during these “end times” and the correlation between I’ve thrown a-way my lit-tle Che-vro-let Christ and extraterrestrials. (4 TAPES) And bought my-self a Ford Cou-pe I told the Sup-’rin-ten-dent that $20.00 + S&H the Dearborn In-de-pen-dent Does-n’t have to hang up where it used to be I’m glad he changed his point of view And I even like Edsel too, Pleiades Connection Vol. 1 Since Hen-ry Ford a-pol-o-gized to me Topics include: Constitution Of The United Nations Industrial Development Organization— My mother says she’ll feed him if he calls Pleiadian Spacecraft & Metals Used—Pleiadian Dwellings And Their Possible Use Here—Definition ‘Ge- fil-te- fish’ and Mat-zah balls Of TRUE Love—“666” And Its Significance—World Leader Genetic Robotoids—How The Planet And if he runs for President Venus Got Into Our Solar System And Details About Its Surface (Not As Some Have Told Us)—The I would-n’t charge a sin-gle cent Danger Of Certain Comets In Our Past And Immeditate Future—And More... (7 TAPES) I’ll cast my bal-lot ab-so-lute-ly free Since Hen-ry Ford a-pol-o-gized to me. $30.00 + S&H

For half-a-dozen years after 1927, Ford See Back Page Of This Paper For Ordering Information enjoyed excellent relations with the Jewish public. The Dearborn Independent was defunct; The PHOENIX SOURCE DISTRIBUTORS International Jew was dormant. Furthermore, the Ford Company and the industrialist went out of (800) 800-5565 their way to heal the breach. During the introductory campaign for the Model A in JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 15 although, of course, in that country it is doubtful reason for many Jews to suspect the manufacturer and hung in the public arena with men such as whether any amount of pressure from Ford would of duplicity. [That last sentence is a mouth-full.] this as the JUDGE AND JURY—with the have stopped publication of the volume or the use Jewish fears appeared to be justified in mid- American “Jewish”-controlled press as of the automobile manufacturer’s name. 1938 when Ford, on his seventy-fifth birthday, accomplice.] The National Encampment Answering one of Liebold’s routine complaints, accepted the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order Committee of the Jewish War Veterans of the the manager of Ford of Germany, Edmund C. of the German Eagle, the highest honor the Reich United States, which had gathered in Detroit to Heine (an American citizen), explained that The could then bestow upon a foreigner. Ford was the plan for the organization’s forthcoming Detroit International Jew had government backing and first American and the fourth person (Mussolini convention, declined Edsel Ford’s offer to supply was an important factor in educating the nation was another) to receive the award, created by seventy-five autos for delegates. The group urged “to understand the Jewish problem as it should be Hitler himself in 1937. [Guilt by association.] Henry Ford to repudiate the decoration, saying that understood”. Heine further pointed out that The decoration was bestowed in Ford’s office by his acceptance of the award implied “endorsement of Fritsch, who insisted that “it is Henry Ford’s book Consul Karl Kapp, of Cleveland, with Consul the German-American Bund and their subversive un- about World Judaism which hits the Jews most Fritz Hailer, of Detroit, and Liebold and Cameron American activities and other anti-democratic groups severely,” would not relinquish his “publication in attendance. The citation accompanying the subsidized here by Nazi funds”. rights”. Liebold cooed in reply: “We understand medal (offered “in recognition of [Ford’s] Others joined the attack on Ford. Professor the matter perfectly and this thoroughly answers pioneering in making motor cars available for the Clyde R. Miller, director of the Institute for our recent inquiry.” By late 1933, Fritsch had masses”) was read by Kapp at Ford’s birthday Propaganda Analysis, declared that acceptance of published twenty-nine editions of The dinner, attended by 1,500 prominent Detroiters. German decorations by Ford and Charles A. International Jew, each of which carried Ford’s Hitler’s personal congratulations were Lindbergh “expressed approval of the Nazi name on the title page and lauded Ford in the simultaneously extended to Ford. government,” and suggested that they be returned. preface for the “great service” that he had done Attacked by the leftist press, prominent Jews, The sharpest blast was delivered by Ickes, who, America and the world by attacking the Jews.” and Harold L. Ickes, secretary of the interior, Ford before the Cleveland Zionist Society, orally Copies of the German edition of the book as declined to comment on why he had accepted the horsewhipped Ford and other Americans “who well as English-language reprints of articles from decoration. Liebold, who himself received the obsequiously have accepted tokens of the Dearborn Independent were widely distributed Order of Merit of the German Eagle, First Class, contemptuous distinction at a time when the in the United States by the German-American in September, only six weeks after Ford accepted bestower of them counts that day lost when he can Bund, Rev. Gerald B. Winrod’s Defenders of the the Grand Cross, very possibly influenced Ford. commit no new crime against humanity”. This Faith, and William Dudley Pelley’s Silver Shirts In reply to Ford’s critics, Liebold pointed out that statement received worldwide publicity and of America. Alarmed, Rabbi Franklin, in August the company employed 3,500 Germans and prompted the German government to attempt to 1933, suggested that Ford publicly restate his marketed 15,000 cars annually in Germany. “For deliver a sharp to the State Department. 1927 position so as to make it clear to German a nation of 70,000,000 to recognize the The note was abruptly rejected. Privately, Ford and other publishers that his repudiation of the achievements of a man in another land seems to be was unmoved by the criticism, telling an associate: Independent’s articles and The International Jew an honor which cannot be disregarded or ignored. “They [the Germans] sent me this ribbon band. They was sincere. In conversation, Ford agreed to sign We have interests, physical, financial, and moral, [the critics] told me to return it or else I’m not an a letter to this effect, to be prepared by Franklin. which have taken many years to establish, and American. I’m going to keep it!” However, when the letter was presented to him he consequently such foundations cannot be uprooted However, in December 1938, Ford, after a refused, without giving a reason, to affix his overnight to comply with propaganda intended to conference with Rabbi Franklin, permitted the signature. He did, however, tell the rabbi that he arouse American sympathy.” latter to issue a statement which denied that Ford’s had not changed his attitude, as expressed in the Of course, a recommendation from Liebold acceptance of a medal “from the German people 1927 apology, and that anyone attributing anti- would have meant nothing had not Ford himself ...involved any sympathy on my part with Semitic views to him did so without his authority been receptive to the idea of accepting the award. Nazism.” He expressed the view that the German and with his “definite disapproval”. In January Harry Bennett attributed the manufacturer’s people were “not in sympathy with their rulers in 1937, Ford issued a statement to the Detroit decision to a combination of ignorance, their anti-Jewish policies, which is the work of a Jewish Chronicle, “disavowing any connection mulishness, and a desire to anger President few war-makers at the top.” “Those who have whatsoever with the publication in Germany of the Roosevelt (with whom Ford was at odds). Perhaps known me for many years,” Ford added, “realize book known as The International Jew”. Issued at closest to the truth was Oswald Garrison Villard, that anything that breeds hate is repulsive to me.” a time when publication of that book was not a who observed: “I honestly do not think that Mr. [Please go back and reread that sentence because topic of general currency, the statement did not Ford has the mentality to understand the it truly says it all, in the man’s own words— receive any attention in the daily press. significance of actions like that...a boy of 12 ”anything that breeds hate is repulsive to me.”] If renewed publication of The International would do better....I do not believe he ever thought The manufacturer also said that he believed that Jew led the Jewish community to question Ford’s there could be another side to accepting the the United States must continue to maintain its sentiments, publicity which linked the magnate’s decoration from Hitler. He has a Ford factory in traditional role as a haven for the oppressed and name to the Nazi Party and leading figures in Germany and employs a lot of German labor and promised to do everything within his power to Germany contributed equally to a deterioration of so I have no doubt it seemed to him just a give oppressed Jews an opportunity to rebuild his relations with Jews. In 1933 a congressional pleasant gesture, quite harmless”. their lives in America. committee investigated reports that the Outside of the leftist press, relatively little The statement, which naturally was welcomed industrialist had contributed heavily to Nazi publicity was given Ford’s acceptance of the by the Jewish press and various liberal coffers in return for Hitler’s promise to reprint the award. Several newspapers carried a photograph organizations, lost some of its effectiveness when Independent’s articles. Ford also was reported to of Ford, wearing the wide sash of the order, it was attacked by Father Charles E. Coughlin, the have paid $300,000 to Prince Louis Ferdinand, standing at attention as Kapp attached a cross and anti-Semitic priest of Royal Oak, Michigan, and second grandson of the deposed kaiser, during the star to the cloth. Most newspapers tended to play muddied by Harry Bennett, Ford’s chief aide. two-and-a-half-year period when the young down the event. Rather surprisingly, the general Coughlin, in his weekly radio address, charged nobleman was employed by Ford as a salesman in press seems to have expressed no editorial that Franklin was the author of a “totally Argentina and production trainee at the Rouge. comment whatever. inaccurate” statement attributed to Ford and that Ford officials admitted that the company had been Nonetheless, the award made a vivid the industrialist, far from condemning Nazi solicited by the Nazis, but they emphatically impression on American Jewry. Eddie Cantor persecution, actually had said that he believed denied that any contributions had been made. A sounded the first note of scorn, telling a women’s there was little or no persecution in Germany, and company spokesman also declared that the use of Zionist organization that Ford “is a damn fool for that if there was “it was not due to the German Ford’s name on Nazi propaganda was unauthorized permitting the world’s greatest gangster to give government, but to the war-mongers, the and that Louis Ferdinand received only regular him a citation”. The entertainer added, “I international bankers.” Coughlin substantiated wages during his employment by the company. question Mr. Ford’s Americanism and I question these charges by quoting a signed statement given Although the committee accepted the refutations, his Christianity. The more men like Ford we have, to Social Justice, his weekly magazine, by the widely publicized charges, when set against the more we must organize and fight.” [Oh, Bennett, speaking “officially for the Ford Motor Ford’s anti-Semitic background and the concurrent wow—and this in a “FREE” country? Poor Mr. Co., and in the presence of Mr. Ford”. Bennett, circulation of The International Jew, were enough Ford was tarred, feathered, tried, found guilty, who had arranged the Ford-Franklin meeting, Page 16 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 talked on all sides of the matter. He admitted that Ford Company. The union also insisted that Edsel American men knew of Ford’s racial prejudices. he and Ford had authorized a statement written by Ford resign his directorship and sell his interest As the Jackson (Mississippi) News reported in Franklin, that they had agreed to change this in General Analine and Film Corporation, the 1941, “millions of persons regarded Henry Ford statement from third to first person, and that they American subsidiary of the German dye-and- as an implacable enemy of the Jewish race.” [Wow, had authorized the revision and its release to the chemical trust. The younger Ford complied with more tar and feathers.] In 1944, Elmo Roper, newspapers. At the same time he said that he had these demands in 1941, at a heavy financial loss after sampling the American public in Ford’s signed the statement to which Coughlin referred to himself. Ford’s name was frequently linked behalf, drew the inescapable conclusion that and that the priest’s remarks regarding this with the , which, without Ford’s Henry Ford had alienated Jews to such an extent statement were virtually correct.” Bennett, an old permission [a key phrase—WITHOUT HIS that they had virtually stopped buying Ford hand at duplicity, denied that he had told Social PERMISSION], was reprinting Ford ads on products several years prior to World War II. Justice that the Ford statement was “totally Americanism in its publication, The Fiery Cross, Henry Ford was unimpressed by the magnitude inaccurate”; rather he had told it that “it was not and circulating copies of The International Jew. of the problem; indeed he refused to admit the totally inaccurate”. Finally, Ford was attacked by a number of existence of any sort of , even after sales The Detroit Free Press rushed to Franklin’s American intellectuals, among them Robert E. officials showed him figures and charts which defense, pointing out that he and Ford had been Sherwood, twice a Pulitzer Prize winner, who, in could lead to no other conclusion. Shortly after friends for many years, “and the Doctor’s a radio message broadcast throughout the British America’s entry into the war, however, Ford, in a reputation and standing in this community is such Empire, denounced Ford and Lindbergh as burst of patriotism, undertook to close the wide that when he issued the statement, and said that “bootlickers of Hitler”. gulf which now separated him from the Jewish it was authorized by Henry Ford, no newspaper in Ford had no one but himself to blame for public. Following a meeting with Richard E. this city had any reason to question it. Nor have some of the abuse which was heaped upon him. Gutstadt, national director of the Anti-Defamation they now.” The Free Press assured its readers that [Does anyone ever deserve “abuse heaped upon League of B’nai B’rith, the industrialist issued a the Ford statement was an exact copy of the one them”?] His willingness in 1940 to become a nationally publicized statement intended “in our prepared by Franklin and authorized by Ford, godfather to Louis Ferdinand’s second son might present national and international emergency” to adding that Coughlin was not to be taken be ascribed to personal attachment, but some of “clarify some general misconceptions concerning seriously as he attacked the Jewish people every his public statements gave gratuitous confirmation my attitude toward my fellow-citizens of Jewish week and had a “congenital inability to tell the to the allegations against him. When, in late faith.” Ford stated that he did not subscribe to or truth”. Coughlin thereupon sued the Free Press August 1939, he was asked his opinion of Hitler, support any agitation which promoted antagonism for $4,000,000. The newspaper answered the he replied, “I don’t know Hitler personally, but at against Jews and that he considered the “hate- charge by preparing seventy pages of direct and least Germany keeps its people at mongering prevalent for some time in this country conflicting statements made by the priest, who work...Apparently England’s reason for going to against the Jews of distinct disservice to our hastily dropped the suit. Bennett also backtracked war is that she doesn’t make enough use of her country, and to the peace and welfare of quickly, stating that “Father Coughlin crossed me land.” The manufacturer also voiced strong anti- humanity.” Regarding reprints of the Dearborn up. I am going to get in touch with him and tell Semitic statements to newsmen. In June 1940 he Independent’s articles, Ford insisted that he had him so. The statement as published was accurate told David J. Wilkie of the Associated Press that “sanctioned no one to use his name as the sponsor and expresses Mr. Ford’s sentiments.” “international Jewish bankers” were responsible or author of such publications”. Criticism of Ford’s alleged Nazi sympathies for the war. “He would propound ideas about the Ford’s statement brought to a close his and his anti-Semitism mounted as Europe was Jews and about the press that left one speechless,” generation-long effort to explain his attitude plunged into war and as Americans became wrote a reporter for the Manchester Guardian who toward Jews. His prejudices were born of increasingly conscious of the German menace. interviewed Ford in 1941. “The best he would say ignorance, but after consideration he came to The employment of Fritz Kuhn, leader of the about the Jews was that you couldn’t do without believe in their validity. [How can anyone who German-American Bund, as a laboratory them. The Gentiles wouldn’t work if the Jews has ever read The International Jew, which is one technician by the Henry Ford Hospital and the weren’t here.” of the most well written, well researched articles Ford Company between 1928 to 1937 was During the late 1930s the combined weight of on the subject ever written, come to such a repeatedly mentioned in the press. Leftist the anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi accusations against conclusion as “born of ignorance”?] On various publications tried to link Kuhn and Cameron as Henry Ford began to trouble officials of the Ford occasions he apologized to Jews or “clarified” his fellow conspirators, even to the point of Company, who reasoned that declining sales in stand toward them. But his apologies were self- publishing a forged letter in which the fluent certain areas of the country were attributable to serving; his anti-Semitic beliefs remained with Cameron allegedly told Kuhn: “an active and effective boycott” of Ford products him to the end. Ford’s anti-Semitism was the by Jews and other Americans unsympathetic to the darkest blot on his career. [A blot created by Several inquiries were made to our industrialist’s views. The sales slump was those wishing it to be so—AND CREATING THE Personnel Department by reporters from New particularly acute in the company’s eastern [sales] ANTI-SEMITISM IMAGE OF THIS York newspapers, (by phone) asking whether or region, which had the largest Jewish population in COURAGEOUS MAN. And yet you will notice not, you are employed by our organization as a the nation. That region’s manager, W. K. that, from the signing of the “retraction”, chemist, at each and every instance, we denied Edmunds, wrote in 1944: “Mr. Edsel Ford everything then became distorted.] knowing you. Some important matters came up, understood this situation thoroughly, and just At the time Ford issued his 1942 statement, which have to be cleared away before I can prior to the time we discontinued making the Ford Company’s attorneys finally brought leave for New York, but you can look for me by automobiles, he had allotted us a special fund strong pressure to bear on publishers and the first of the month, at that time we will [approximately $50,000] to be used for sales distributors of The International Jew. The Ku outline our next move. H. is in Florida, but promotion and advertising in this area to improve Klux Klan was threatened with a lawsuit if it did keeps his eyes and ears open. our sales and counteract the existing antagonism.” not stop printing and circulating the book with A company-conducted investigation also revealed Ford’s name thereon. The Klan’s Imperial Wizard, Another barrage of unfavorable publicity fell that, in Hollywood, “Jewish interests...agreed to J. A. Colescott, thereupon informed the company on Ford in 1941 when Edmund C. Heine, ex- ban all Ford units from their studio lots and that his organization was complying with its manager of his German operations, was tried and forbade employees and stars to buy Ford request. Letters also were sent to the governments convicted on espionage charges in the Federal products.” The report added, “A few stars are in of Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Chile, and other Latin District Court in Brooklyn. Earlier the same year, a position to disregard the order, but many sales American countries, asking them to take measures in a complaint filed in the Federal District Court are being lost.” to suppress the circulation of the volume. The in San Francisco against German Consul-General Other surveys also emphasized the seriousness International Jew continued to circulate in Latin Fritz Wiedemann, Ford was accused of working of the situation. A poll conducted for Ford in American countries until 1944. By 1945, with Wiedemann and Lindbergh “to lull the nation 1940 by Maxon, Inc., one of the company’s however, the Anti-Defamation League could report into a false sense of security”. In an open letter advertising agencies, revealed that an astonishing that no Ford-related anti-Semitic literature was to to the Army and Navy Departments, the UAW- 80.3 percent of the American male public had be found in bookstores or libraries of the ten CIO, which had reasons of its own for attacking heard that Ford was anti-Semitic. Another Maxon Latin American countries which it had Ford, demanded in 1940 that the heads of the two survey, conducted in late 1942, substantiated the investigated. “This improved situation,” noted the services investigate the “Nazi sympathies” of the earlier figure by showing that 78.6 percent of league, “develops from the direct efforts of the JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 17

Ford Company.” and made several public appearances that year in available “in bulk quantities”. The Anti- The formidable task of rebuilding and support of the conference. William Clay Ford, the Defamation League of B’nai B’rith asked the Ford maintaining good relations with the Jewish public youngest of Ford’s grandsons, and Ernest R. Company to stop Smith from reprinting and lay ahead for the Ford Company. Starting in 1941 Breech, executive vice-president of the company, circulating the tract. Since the literature was not with the special appropriation by Edsel Ford, the also served on boards and committees of Jewish copyrighted, the firm expressed its inability to company annually budgeted large sums for organizations during the immediate postwar intervene. In 1966 Smith, correctly claiming that product and institutional advertising in the Jewish period. Breech was awarded a NCCJ brotherhood Henry Ford never changed his original opinion of press. In 1943 the company spent $83,709.72 in award in 1953. In 1956 Ford’s board of directors Jews, serialized The International Jew in his Jewish publications. [This is the beginning of the took a step unprecedented in company annals, magazine, The Cross and the Flag, and re-offered “bleeding” of the Ford company. Remember the naming a Jew, able Wall Street investment banker for sale bound copies of The International Jew. material we’ve represented on parasites—well, Sidney J. Weinberg, to a directorship. Articles in The International Jew were revived keep reading as you see the very life-blood sucked Shortly after Bugas joined Ford in 1944, the again in 1972 in a book, None Dare Call It from this once great Company of Ford’s. And as company retained a Jewish friend, Detroit attorney Conspiracy, which was distributed free on a you read on, you’ll see the life-blood (money) Alfred A. May, a fellow alumnus of the Federal massive scale by the John Birch Society. Neo- being sucked out of the company to a greater, and Bureau of Investigation, to advise the firm on its Nazi publishers and other anti-Semites including greater, and greater extent!] This amount, almost relations with the Jewish community. For three Arab organizations have repeatedly reissued The nine times greater than annual expenditures in decades May’s recommendations have played an Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The reprints and such media between 1935 and 1940, was all the important part in many of Ford’s decisions literature promoting them usually state that the more significant in that during the war Ford had affecting Jews—from lending courtesy cars to documents were endorsed and previously nothing to sell except prestige. Breakdowns of Jewish organizations, advertising in Jewish published by Henry Ford. Jewish reference works the company’s postwar advertising appropriations newspapers and banquet programs, and framing a provide no comfort to Ford’s memory. Some of do not show the amounts expended for advertising reply to charges that the company underemploys them simply say “Ford, Henry, see ANTI- in Jewish newspapers. Undoubtedly the sums Jews to deciding how much money should be SEMITISM,” then describe him as “one of the were considerable, however, as correspondence given Jewish causes and determining the degree first to undertake anti-Jewish agitation in the shows that the company spent as much as $11,117 and kind of assistance to be extended to the State U.S.” or as a purveyor of “strong anti-Semitic for just one institutional ad running of Israel and Israeli institutions. Most of May’s propaganda by means of his newspaper the simultaneously in sixty-four Yiddish and Anglo- work has been conducted behind the scenes. He Dearborn Independent”. Jewish (English language) newspapers across the advises; Ford acts. Occasionally, however, May The editor of the Jewish News, voice of country. The list of publications in which the negotiates directly with Jewish organizations in Michigan Jewry, protested vehemently in 1963 Ford advertisements appeared was prepared, at Ford’s behalf. But because many leading Jews against Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh’s proposal Ford’s request, by Nathan H. Seidman, president have come to regard the attorney as an apologist to name a civic plaza for Ford. The newspaper of the Inter-Racial Press of America, Inc. for the Ford Company, his influence within the also censured two Jews, one of them Michigan’s Seidman, on dozens of occasions starting in 1941, Jewish community has declined over the years. In senior reform rabbi, Leon Fram, for accepting also sent Ford Motor Company news releases to the late 1940s, the Ford Company also retained membership on the Henry Ford Centennial Jewish editors, with a personal request that they rabbis in Detroit, Chicago, New York, and other Committee of Detroit. Jewish publications publish them in their newspapers. large centers of Jewish population to assist in denounced even more forcefully the A number of Ford officials, led by Henry Ford overcoming its reputation for anti-Semitism. [unsuccessful] efforts of Michiganians to induce II, Henry Ford’s grandson who was elected to a Since 1944 Ford has been repeatedly the United States Post Office Department to issue vice-presidency of the company in 1944 and to the embarrassed by the circulation of anti-Semitic a stamp in 1963 in commemoration of the 100th presidency in September 1945—made personal literature linked to Henry Ford and occasionally anniversary of Ford’s birth. “We may as well,” efforts to improve the firm’s relationship with the by efforts to honor the founder’s memory. In thundered the newspaper, “think in terms of Jewish public. [And here is where the REAL 1947 Henry II found it necessary to declare issuing a stamp in honor of [Jew haters] SELL-OUT of the Ford Company began—by none publicly that The International Jew and a second Pobedonostzev or Krushevan or Torquemadea [or] other than Henry Ford’s own son!] In 1946 the book, Henry Ford And The Jews, then being Hitler.” In 1968, when the Post Office issued a youthful president addressed the Community circulated by rabble-rouser Gerald L.K. Smith, twelve-cent Ford stamp as part of its prominent Committee of New York in behalf of the United was “entirely without the sanction, authorization American series, the Jewish News again insisted Jewish Appeal. Two years later he was awarded or approval of Mr. Henry Ford, the Ford Motor that “the bigotry in [Ford’s] record should rule out a certificate by the National Conference of Company or [myself].” Taking note of the such an honor”. Christians and Jews (NCCJ) for his contribution disavowal, the Canadian Jewish Review observed, Conscious that a special, sustained effort was to brotherhood. In 1951 Henry II, while serving “He was doing something which he probably will necessary to regain the goodwill of Jews, the Ford as chairman of the NCCJ’s first national special be called on to do at intervals during his whole Company has cooperated more fully with Jewish gifts campaign, was responsible for a Ford Motor life because his grandfather unloosed an evil organizations and done more for world Jewry than Company gift of $1,000,000 to the conference for which will not be cleaned up in the grandson’s any other American firm during the past three a national headquarters building in New York. The time”. The dimensions of that “evil”, as far as the decades. Aside from its $ 1,000,000 gift for a same year he was awarded an America’s Jewish public was concerned, was re-emphasized NCCJ building, the company has made substantial Democratic Legacy Award—presented annually by in a nationwide survey conducted by Elmo Roper donations to Yeshiva University and the Albert the Anti-Defamation League, the civil rights arm in 1948. The general public, when asked which Einstein Medical Center (attached to Yeshiva) and of B’nai B’rith—for “distinguished contributions American company it “would least have liked to contributed generously each year to national to the American heritage of freedom”. see go out of business”, gave Ford the nod by a Jewish organizations and causes. The Benson Ford, a second grandson of Henry comfortable margin over any other firm (one in contributions for years have been made without Ford, served as Protestant national co-chairman of three respondents cited Ford). However, a similar fanfare, the company not wishing to publicize the NCCJ from 1951 through 1954 and was sentiment was expressed by only one-eighth of the among the general public its largess to the Jewish chairman of the organization’s national special Jewish public, one-third of which named Ford’s community. Conversely, the firm has gone out of gifts campaign in 1953-54. John S. Bugas, the chief competitor, General Motors, as the nation’s its way to acquaint the Jewish public of its special Ford Company’s vice-president—industrial most indispensable business institution. Subsequent interest in Jewish affairs. When, for example, Max relations, became a director of the NCCJ in 1947 Ford-sponsored surveys among New York Jews Fisher, of Detroit, was named general chairman of revealed a “substantial residue of ill feeling” toward the United Jewish Appeal’s 1965 campaign, Ford was YOU MAY SUBSCRIBE the firm and Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln cars. the sole industrial firm to extend congratulations by In 1964 the Thunderbolt, organ of the National means of a paid advertisement in the Motor City’s TO CONTACT BY States Rights Party, serialized many of the Jewish newspaper. Dearborn Independent’s anti-Jewish articles, Ford also has taken extraordinary care to avoid CALLING running Ford’s by-line and official company any misunderstanding with the Jewish community. picture with each. That same year, Gerald L.K. When the 1949 Ford was introduced at the time 1-800-800-5565 Smith proudly announced that “a new popular of the Arab-Iraeli conflict in 1948, one of the car’s edition of Mr. Ford’s The International Jew” was colors was called “Arabian Green”. A number of Page 18 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 dealers, fearful of offending their Jewish that it would not invest “one cent in operations remain for ages. I have owned cars for many customers, asked the company to reconsider the inside Israel”, and claimed that its expansion was years but just cannot allow myself to buy a Ford.” name. “In a flash...the company scrapped all more a matter of degree than of principle. The Some older Jews also show copies of the kinds of already printed promotion material and firm noted that its trucks had always been shipped Dearborn Independent and dog-eared editions of changed the name to ‘Meadowbrook Green’.” to Israel in a semi-knocked-down state to save on The International Jew to their children and When the Anti-Defamation League charged in transport costs; its Israeli dealer had always grandchildren; others buy newer editions of the 1963 that there was a “serious under-utilization” assembled the parts. The dealer, said the company, booklet for the same purpose. One of the author’s of Jews in white-collar positions within the auto now wanted to assemble completely knocked-down Jewish students said in 1967 that his New York industry, Chrysler and General Motors withheld units to avoid payment of a new Israeli tax of 180 grandparents threatened to disinherit him if he public comment. Ford, however, immediately percent on fully-assembled imports. bought a Ford car or Ford stock; to do so, they issued a public denial of the charges as they Ford’s plea was rejected by the league, which said, would be to “trade with the enemy.” Another applied to the Ford organization—and the next on November 20, 1966, declared a boycott of Ford Jewish student the same year inquired of his day flew four officials, headed by Allen W. vehicles and Ford-Philco television receivers, “usually mild-mannered” father about Ford’s anti- Merrell, vice-president—civic and governmental refrigerators, and air conditioners—a ban which Semitism. The father, a Brooklynite, replied: affairs, to New York to confer with Arnold Forster, remains in effect as of 1976 and shows no sign “You ask about my attitude toward Ford. I did the League’s general counsel and civil rights director. of being rescinded. Ford’s Egyptian plant and have an unlimited hatred of the Henry Ford—that Following the meeting, which Forster described as a Moroccan facility, financed by Moroccans, were old ignorant hating bastard, who, in my mind, was “happy” one, the civil rights leader contrasted the closed; and its dealers, unable to obtain new a vastly overrated genius who cheated some of his Dearborn company’s prompt response to Chrysler’s vehicles and parts, were phased out. The early associates and by his conduct must have and General Motors’ dilatory replies. company lost an estimated $200,000,000 in sales helped drive some of them to untimely graves, To the new and unstable State of Israel, Ford during the first three years of the boycott, including his own son. But, certainly the grandsons in 1949 extended the most liberal credit terms according to Mohammed Mahjoub, commissioner- have given every indication of being enlightened, of ever offered to a buyer of Ford trucks. [Here it general of the Boycott Office. In contrast, making every effort to atone for the sins of that starts, readers. Pay attention.] During the 1950s General Motors, which had exported cars and contemptible old bastard ignoramus. You must have the company began exporting passenger cars to trucks to Israel since the late 1940s and privately gathered that I didn’t like him.” Israel from the United States, England, and informed Arab leaders that it had no intention of Almost all Jews, however, including those who Germany. The thirteen-member Arab League, establishing an assembly operation in Israel, went have neither forgotten nor forgiven Henry Ford, which in 1951 set up a Boycott Office to monitor on to increase its sales to Arab countries. In 1974 are gratified by the friendliness and generosity of and blacklist firms doing business with Israel, General Motors sold approximately 2,000 cars and the Ford family and the Ford Company toward the protested Ford’s cooperation with the Jewish state, trucks in Israel, approximately 30,000 in Arab Jewish community since the late 1940s. “The but stopped short of declaring a boycott of the states. That year the big auto maker announced grandchildren, and Mrs. Edsel too,” observed the company’s products. The Arab League also that newly formed General Motors Saudi Arabia head of a large Jewish welfare organization, “are expressed disapproval of the Ford Company’s gifts Ltd., 60 percent owned by General Motors, 40 just fine, just wonderful”. “It would be difficult of funds and equipment to Israel’s Weizmann percent owned by private Saudi interests, would to find a family which is so completely free of Institute of Science, Hebrew University, and begin producing Chevrolets and GMS commercial racial or religious prejudice as the Ford family,” Technion and Henry Ford II’s personal gifts to the vehicles near Jedda in late 1976. echoed a prominent Detroit rabbi. “The new United Jewish Appeal. Executives of Ford Henry Ford II never wavered in his decision generation of Fords,” declared an influential Overseas Automotive Operations (OAO) which to forsake the increasingly lucrative Arab market Jewish editor in 1970, “looks back at the era of administered an assembly plant in Alexandria, for Israel, and American Jewry. [Perhaps instead their grandfather with a sense of deep regret, Egypt, a dealer assembly operation in Casablanca, of maligning Benedict Arnold, we might consider rejecting whatever smacked of prejudice and of Morocco, and dealerships throughout the Arab the phrase, “he’s a real Henry Ford II”.] In 1967, anti-Semitism. The Liebold-Cameron-Bennett world—representing a company-dealer investment he permitted his company to accept an award of chapter of bigotry is treated with contempt”. of $60,000,000—pleaded with Henry II to soft- merit from the American-Israel Chamber of Because of the Ford Company’s acts of atonement, pedal his personal contributions to Jewish causes Commerce and Industry for its decision to most Jews, according to an official of the Anti- and requested permission for the company to assemble vehicles in Israel. “That is all we need,” Defamation League, base decisions on whether or donate an equal sum to the United Nations Relief a Ford overseas executive groaned at the time. not to buy a Ford car on the merits of the product and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. The Three years later Henry II told a delegation of rather than on their estimate of the company or its OAO officials also asked Henry II to resist Jewish visitors to his office that his only regret founder. A few Jews, according to the welfare mounting pressure from American Jewish and over his decision was “the harm imposed on executive, are sufficiently grateful for the Ford Israeli leaders to set up a dealer assembly plant Ford’s Arab dealers who were innocent victims”. family’s and Ford Company’s contributions to for trucks and tractors in Israel. The company, In 1972, Ford visited his company’s Nazareth Jewry, to be biased in favor of Ford cars. argued the executives, outsold all rivals in the assembly plant, whose 1,200 employees built That Ford products are no longer Arab world, and should not sacrifice annual sales commercial vehicles and the Escort car. “I have discriminated against by many Jews may be of 20,000 to 22,000 units for one-tenth that been a friend of Israel for many years,” Henry II regarded as highly gratifying progress in Ford’s number of Israeli sales. Henry II endorsed a told Transport Minister Shimon Perez, “and after campaign to regain the goodwill of the Jewish matching company donation to the refugeee my visit here, I am even a bigger friend.” community. If, in time, through the company’s agency, a gift which was publicized in Arab The boycott of Ford took on a new dimension good works, large numbers of Jews come to look nations, but not in the United States, for fear of in 1975, when Henry II visited London’s money upon Ford as a firm sympathetic to them—and for offending American Jews. Henry II insisted, market in search of Arab financing for Detroit’s that reason include a Ford car in their future—Henry however, on pushing ahead with plans for Israeli Ford Company-sponsored Renaissance Center, a Ford II and his associates may well congratulate expansion, and sent technicians to the Jewish state huge hotel-office-apartment complex. The Arabs, themselves on having conducted an exceptionally to start up a dealer assembly plant for knocked- pointing to the inclusion of Ford’s name on their intelligent and mutually beneficial long-range public down vehicles. “Ford,” a spokesman for an blacklist, summarily rejected the company relations program. [End quoting.] American Jewish organization said later, “was chairman’s appeal. The Ford Company Well, readers, I tried my best to refrain from thinking of the market in Brooklyn, not Tel Aviv.” subsequently put up the money to permit Center interrupting the commentary too much, but I just Henry II’s decision to expand in Israel, in the face construction to proceed. couldn’t help myself. A writer will always let you of Arab threats, evoked hundreds of letters of Where does the Ford Company now stand with know “where they are coming from”. And this appreciation from Jews around the world and a American Jewry? Most older Jews have not writer was no exception. But it is VERY barrage of favorable editorials in the Jewish press. forgotten, and many have not forgiven, Henry USEFUL to know the sequence of historical Although committed to Israeli expansion, the Ford for his anti-Semitic braying. [Did you catch events that came against Ford—AND THEY company tried vainly to appease the Arab League, that phrase? Wow, this guy really shows his true WERE MASSIVE. You’ll see in the second (and offering, according to the Jewish Telegraphic colors.] Some elderly Jews will not buy a Ford final) part of this article that even after his death, Agency [a worldwide Jewish press service] to vehicle because of Ford’s anti-Semitism, and are Mr. Ford was slammed, hammered, and nailed to export cars and trucks from Egypt to help that critical of Jews who purchase Ford cars. “Time the cross. It has always been thus. country earn foreign currency. Ford also declared heals all wounds,” said a Jewish leader, “but some [To be continued.] JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 19 Soltec: Averting Disaster Through Wise Decisions

7/11/98 SOLTEC can have the opportunity to grow past your the help of a Black man who has come to current state of limitation. rescue him from, say, his burning house? No, Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Toniose Life is eternal and so are each of you. The especially if the lives of other family members Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of physical body is but an interfacing mechanism are at stake. Do you see that when basic Creator Source. Be at PEACE!!! which allows you to participate, and interact survival is the issue, there is often left behind All is unfolding according to God’s plans. with others, in a focused environment within a the prejudices, hatreds, and other petty There will always be the ebbs and flows of life. specific set of agreed upon rules. differences that you ones like to hold onto? Let not the delays (ebbs) We witness all too often dissuade you from your This caution is not placed here to worry anyone; it is ones of the same family path. There will always who will go years without a be offered that which you just a reminder that safety and security are by-products of word to sons, daughters, need in order to find your inner emotional and mental energy emanations. Let not brothers, sisters, etc., way. You must actively the course of external events cloud your personal because ones feel they have seek your confirmations; judgement or cause you emotional turmoil. Learn to stay been offended in some way. rarely will they just “fall” These petty differences into your lap. calm and HEAR your inner Guidance—and act upon what signify the need to grow on We are always willing you hear without unnecessary hesitation or procrastination the part of the one holding to assist any and all who born of fear. such a “grudge”. This would desire assistance. condition is immature and We will always present that which is in the The adversary tries desperately to keep you out of balance. In the end, the only one who best interest of the one who is seeking, even if ignorant of the rules, and thus keep you from truly suffers is the one who maintains and feeds that one cannot see same. Be patient and kind recognizing your own inner Higher Potential. the emotional state of anger. Yet, look around; to one another, for each has their own set of And, as you who make an effort to observe it is all too common an occurrence. challenges and none is greater than another in what is going on in the world can see, these We who have come as Higher Guides to you terms of personal perception of challenge days the adversary is having quite an easy time ones in the physical are most often frustrated magnitude. distracting you ones with everything under the by your lack of attention to your own inner There is fast approaching a sequence of Sun. feelings and sense of values. With just a few events which will have a tremendous impact on In the times ahead, you will have your moments of conscious connection to Source, you there in Tehachapi. Many will not know massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, you could achieve a point of balance and what “hit” them. Remember that your along with great shifting of the planet’s awareness of what has TRUE value. Then you prophecies speak of “cleansing by would quickly release the petty fire” and that there will be NO These experiences will cause you ones to prejudices that you use to place left untouched. somehow establish the ego- This caution is not placed become quite focused and determined to survive generated ideas of “right” here to worry anyone; it is just as a species. In this state of new found versus “wrong”. This sort of a reminder that safety and determination, you will recognize an inner Power judgement of one another will security are by-products of that you have been afraid to acknowledge and only lead you to more and more inner emotional and mental even more afraid to use. This is just the experiences that will cause energy emanations. Let not the YOU to be judged in like course of external events cloud beginning of the awakening process for most of manner. your personal judgement or Earth’s inhabitants. It is often the ones who yell cause you emotional turmoil. loudest about discrimination Learn to stay calm and HEAR your inner waters. None of this has been changed or who are, in fact, the ones who perpetuate Guidance—and act upon what you hear averted. discrimination and discriminate the most. If without unnecessary hesitation or These experiences will cause you ones to you must play favorites with one another, procrastination born of fear. become quite focused and determined to instead of being objective with the facts before The physical is a fleeting thought projection survive as a species. In this state of new you, then you are discriminating and judging that will eventually fade. Life is what you found determination, you will recognize an one another based not upon actions or abilities, make of it, yet many perceive that they are the inner Power that you have been afraid to but upon personal likes and dislikes. victims of chance happenings and at the mercy acknowledge and even more afraid to use. We in the Higher Realms are appointed to of the swing of luck. This is just the beginning of the awakening our positions based upon our abilities and our No! You each create your own future and process for most of Earth’s inhabitants. need to experience the projected challenges that your own realities. You experience those In these times of great change, do you think we may encounter. This is determined by our things that you need to experience, so that you that a White man in the deep South will refuse past accomplishments (actions) and by going Page 20 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 within and discerning what part of our being who will help you to find a balanced solution to decision is of a balanced nature. If the we would like to focus upon so that we may whatever it is that you are confronted with. A intention of focus is merely to prove value to grow in understanding. Creator is always made wise person will always gather as much data as another or gain acceptance from another, then a part of the decision-making process. they can prior to making an important decision. the chances are that the decision will feel good in ALWAYS! Remember that you are rapidly approaching the short term but will ultimately only perpetuate Your world is full of ones who make a time when you will be confronted with more of the same insecurity that is behind such an decisions NOT based upon objective data or by challenges of all kinds. The successful unbalanced decision in the first place. going within to ask for assistance from Higher overcoming of these obstacles is not going to You see that it can be a tedious task to Source. Rather, your world is full of ones who “magically” occur because you have a “buddy” monitor closely your thoughts, and the only look to trying to impress one another by who “may” know something about, say, pulling emotional associations with those thoughts. It offering their “buddy” the choice takes discipline, patience, continual contract or position—and thus you The point here is that, with a balanced practice, and honesty with self. The often end up with projects that are approach to decision making, you will rewards are greater and faster growth. doomed to fail because you have This approach will greatly help your under-qualified people in key begin to turn around your “bad luck”, personal Guides to help you to steer a positions. and the bumps in the road will begin to productive course through any and all This will end up generating a occur a little less frequently for you. challenges that you may be faced with in “merry-go-round” of karmic-type your current life experience. And it “misfortunes” for the ones who simply refuse to out a stump with a tractor—when your expert cannot be over-emphasized that ALL associated let go of these old ways of doing things. To farmer neighbor remains an overlooked and with Earth at this time (whether those of you in break the cycle, we would suggest that you thus untapped resource. the physical or we in non-physical guidance ones monitor very closely each choice and There are ones who almost always do this capacities) are here for the tremendous growth decision you make. sort of objective decision-making that I am that can come from experiencing the great Ask yourself at least the following stressing here. And if they are faced with a challenges soon to come upon your planet. questions: situation where they cannot see a clear choice, The road to greater freedom and knowledge “Why am I so inclined to make this they will always seek within and note carefully is always the one which requires personal particular choice?” the “gut feeling” associated with each option. discipline. No one can do it for you, but these “Have I indeed looked at ALL of my The point here is that, with a balanced words are given with great love and compassion options?” approach to decision making, you will begin for each of you who ask for insight. If this “Have I consulted with any and all who to turn around your “bad luck”, and the message seems to “hit a nerve”, then I suggest would be able to offer a qualified perspective bumps in the road will begin to occur a little that you examine closely what it is that is other than my own (if for no other reason than less frequently for you. bothering you. for confirmation)?” Remember: What you experience in your I am Ceres Anthonious Soltec, Guide, “Have I inquired what God might do if He life is a direct result of the choices and Teacher, and Messenger. I am sent by our were in my position of choosing?” decisions that you make. The emotions that Father—Creator God. It is His Divine Will If you honestly pursue the answers to these you feel while making any decision will often that I serve. kinds of questions, you will be guided to ones give you clues as to whether or not your In Light, blessings to you all. Salu. Wisdon Of The Rays: The Masters Teach


This large collection (over 400 pages + 4 “Our Elder Brothers from the Higher color photos) of popular spiritual writings Realms of Creation are attempting to from the CONTACT newspaper includes a detailed introduction to the 14 Higher Authors, communicate with ALL of us at this time. plus several commentaries unique to the Why? Take a look around you. The old purpose of this volume. ways of doing things aren’t working. Our The expansive yet compassionate nature of planet is entering a time of massive, the messages delivered in WISDOM OF THE turbulent change and renewal. To put it RAYS: The Masters Teach not only challenges bluntly: we NEED help! And that’s where those already firmly committed upon the this book comes into the picture. Yes, spiritual path, but also provides a serious first step to help ones who are just awakening to eventually ‘the Phoenix will arise from the (and inquiring about) the magnificent Spiritual ashes’ after this Great Cleansing process, Transformation now sensed by many to be in but the ride could be quite a bumpy one, progress upon this planet. especially for those ill-prepared for what Phoenix Source Distributors, Inc. is to happen. “Just how we choose to deal with such P.O.Box 27353, Las Vegas, NV 89126 change is THE question each of us must Phone: (800) 800-5565 or (805) 822-9655 confront. Yet confusion swirls everywhere upon Inside US: $18.40, priority ship incl. Earth at this time. And restless searchers cry Outside US: $25 (US funds), priority ship incl. out for that which may help them cope with these truly challenging times ahead. Thus * * * these messages courtesy of our most loving In Canada, phone: (800) 294-5250 or (250) 832-0085 Elder Brothers from the Higher Realms of or send CAN $26 to: The Preferred Network, Inc. Creation who are but further along the same P.O. Box 1275, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P4. spiritual path we all must eventually walk.” JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 21

Canada, military or scientific information that may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada.

Sedition Customs Confiscation 3. Goods that are of a seditious character are, for example, goods which advocate the use of force, without the authority of law, as a means of accomplishing governmental change within Canada.

Hate Propaganda

4. Goods that may constitute hate propaganda, Of CONTACT based on the criteria in the following paragraph, should be detained and forwarded to Headquarters for review. [Continued from Front Page] 5. Goods that constitute hate propaganda under the Criminal Code are those which advocate or Annie Carruthers, Manager, Prohibited Memorandum D9-1-15 promote genocide or promote hatred against an Importations Unit (613) 954-6942.] The papers, Locator Code: 820A identifiable group distinguished by color, race, I was informed, would be read by “senior religion, or ethnic origin. In particular, goods analysts”, at the earliest possible time, for Ottawa, February 3, 1998 should be prohibited as hate propaganda if they classification as to “status”. I was informed advocate or promote the destruction, in whole that as the “exporter”, CONTACT really could not find out the status of the classification, as SUBJECT or in part, of any identifiable group by: it was the property of the “importer” (i.e., the (a) killing members of the group; or subscriber). In other words, if the person REVENUE CANADA’S INTERPRETATIO (b) deliberately inflicting on the group receiving the paper makes the inquiry, then POLICY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION conditions of life calculated to bring about its answers can be given. If you British Columbia OF TARIFF ITEM NO. 9899.00.00 — physical destruction. readers care about getting your CONTACT, like HATE PROPAGANDA, it or not, you’re going to have to take a TREASON, AND 6. Goods that promote hatred against an proactive role in finding out what is going on identifiable group by incorporating some or all with YOUR mail! This Memorandum outlines and explains the of the following characteristics may be subject I will also add, however, that the individuals interpretation of subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) to prohibition under tariff item No. 9899.00.00 I spoke with at both Canadian Customs and at under tariff item No. 9899.00.00 of the List of as hate propaganda: Revenue Canada were forthright in sharing Tariff Provisions to the Customs Tariff. (a) goods that blame an identifiable group information about this matter. for serious economic or social problems; It was interesting to note that when I LEGISLATION (b) goods alleging that an identifiable phoned Canada Customs again this morning, the group is manipulating media, trade and finance, clerk immediately responded, “I know what The List of Tariff Provisions to the Customs government, or world politics to the detriment you’re talking about, let me transfer you.” Tariff states that importation into Canada of any of society as a whole; When asked under what legal basis this material goods enumerated, described or referred to in (c) goods alleging that an identifiable was being held, they referred me to two things: tariff item No. 9899.00.00 is prohibited. group seriously threatens society as a whole. the Customs Act and the Criminal Code. When Tariff item No. 9899.00.00 reads, in part: I asked them what author or article was Books, printed paper, drawings, paintings, 7. In assessing goods under tariff item No. “questionable”, the response from Carl Bennett prints, photographs or representations of any 9899.00.00, full recognition should be given to was, “We saw the goods and they may fall kind that freedom of expression. In particular, goods that within our Hate Law provisions, so they were (b) constitute hate propaganda within the may constitute hate propaganda will not be shipped to Ottawa for a ruling on that.” He meaning of subsection 320(8) of the Criminal classified under this tariff item if there is a went on to inform me that the paper was Code; possibility that the goods may: flagged based on the past history of confiscated (c) are of a treasonable character within the (a) communicate statements that are Journals at the border, not based on CONTACT meaning of section 46 of the Criminal Code; or established to be true; content specifically. Quoting, “All I know is, (d) are of a seditious character within the (b) predominantly express, in good faith, a number of books normally come up from [the] meaning of sections 59 and 60 of the Criminal an opinion upon a religious subject; Phoenix. In the past, some of them have been Code. (c) be relevant to any subject of public denied entry. So, basically, that’s why the interest, the discussion of which is for the decision was made on the newsletters GUIDELINES AND public benefit and, on reasonable grounds, [newspaper].” GENERAL INFORMATION believed to be true; or Reiterating, “So, it wasn’t any particular (d) be intended in good faith to point out, article?” 1. This tariff item covers books, magazines, for the purposes of removal, matters producing Responding, Carl said, “No, it was more of newspapers, pamphlets, drawings, paintings, or tending to produce feelings of hatred towards a past history thing.” When asked about the prints, photographs, film, videocassettes, an identifiable group in Canada. law, he brought up Memorandum D9-1-15 recordings, and computer software in any format “Policy On Hate Propaganda, Treason & and representations of any kind. 8. It should be emphasized that a book, film, Sedition”. That memorandum lays down the videocassette, etc., is to be assessed in its guidelines for determination by the analysts. Treason entirety. It is to be considered as a whole and Additionally, I was referred to Criminal Code its overall nature and dominant characteristic 320.8, which deals with “hate” crimes. 2. Goods that are of a treasonable character assessed. A section containing subjects outlined For all of you Canadian readers, let’s are, for example, goods which advocate the use in this Memorandum must be assessed as part take a more in-depth look at what, exactly, is of force or violence to overthrow the of the entire work and in the context of its the “policy” in Canada concerning the Government of Canada or a province, or which theme. However, goods essentially made up of newspapers and other material you read. communicate to make available, without lawful many elements are not to be treated as a whole [Quoting:] authority, to an agent of a state other than and may be prohibited on the basis of any one Page 22 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 of their elements that falls within the of humanoids. In this category place the Jewish wondrous creative power on Earth in prohibitory provisions of tariff item No. people. They are only the human tribe of the consciousness? 9899.00.00. For example, a magazine or moment—for since the beginning the parasites The Elite Parasitic Class is but an oversized newspaper is to be considered on a segment-by- have used whatever resources were appropriate buffoon, huffing and puffing, gaining his own segment basis. [End quoting.] and available. These are not “Jewish People” power through the overpowering of you, his who are the problem—it is the Elite Parasitic subjects. He can’t function if you cut off his CLOSING THOUGHTS Class who maintains itself through mystical food supply and his ability to live in his little might and purchased FORCE off your bodies compartments of self-proclaimed stature. The It is not our intent here to inflame or and souls. There is being established, as we EP evolve from merging with the EPC and provoke anyone, as the jury is still out write, a new RELIGION—a world religion. becoming OF and WITH them—but what ARE regarding the exact status of CONTACT in What will it be? Perhaps it will be the Uuga- THEY? They are a sick group of incestuously Canada. However, it is clear to the discerning Uuga? How silly and nuts can you get, slaves? incompetent and greedy clowns. They are reader of the above guidelines that a multitude I find your thoughts about “freedom” as actors who can’t even “act”, but gain your of sins can be protected within well-intentioned- mystical as any other approach to anything that attention and accolades in order to “stay looking wording. you have going. You live in a mysterious alive”—even if it is only to feed the non- Our purpose is to merely inform our bubble of gigantic acceptance, and within that civilized in this uncivilization you have allowed readership so that you may be aware of what is large bubble is your own little singular bubble and in which you now participate. taking place on YOUR HOME TURF. We’ll you have blown/created TO ENCIRCLE Yes, you CAN “trash the gods”. THE GOD just have to wait and see how things unfold. YOURSELF. I find a contradiction and can use CREATOR CANNOT be trashed, my friends. as a parable: A man has been incarcerated and This “GOD” IS PART OF YOU and is just 7/13/98 #1 HATONN he is finally, after much legal battle, marched about fed up with your trashing of SELF which to the front of the concentration camp and given trashes this unlimited PIECE OF HIMSELF. TEACHINGS his FREEDOM. Wow, but before him is a My suggestion is to change the approach TO REMEMBER! firing squad, a pack of starving lions and the and the language into “TRASH ALL TAX COLLECTORS. How free is this man? RELIGIOUS GODS”. Now, I have offended— I speak of Parasites and our words are Free from and for what? equally—all of you who are umbilically tied to banned at national borders while we are accused Oh readers, yes, of course, from time to a religion for any purpose other than to get of being anti-Semitic. What CAN THIS time brilliant insights occur along the way and together for a social pot-luck supper (free to the MEAN? It means that the parasites are these dangerous entities are allowed to work Elite, of course). You would never think of protecting the LAST VESTIGE of allowance of themselves up into and within this Parasitic charging the EPC! Can’t you gather some humankind to know the truth about what has Class and become so involved and needing CONSCIOUS people together and go to supper happened through the hands and minds of a acceptance so much that they lose their very and you will find that it actually costs you less. minority of useless controller PARASITES. focus and form in becoming the Parasite itself. You think you have to have a church group to These Elite Parasites (EPs) have so sucked The Black race has a name for this which I comfort, attend and be REQUIRED to accept your UNIVERSAL life-flow from you that you won’t repeat—but it means that the Black you because you accept “their god”? Do you somehow singularly can’t function in the REAL Brother who succeeds in the Parasitic Class— have so little contact with your REAL GOD to WORLD of Universal Man. BECOMES THE PARASITE and in such as the feel ALONE the minute you are not with some A new “person of thought” came up with a U.S. that is usually afforded a label like: other chattering being? How do you serve? Do rather brash sounding instruction within this becoming “White”. These so-called “leaders” you serve another because the love and need century to “TRASH ALL GODS”—then finished then have to protect their new status by feeding within self is to serve? Or, do you serve off the statement “for unlimited Wealth”. Then off their own brothers—for they don’t “turn another because it is the “thing to do and think finishes off with “Guiltless Riches through...”. White in color”, do they? in that church building of doctrines”? Do you If all you want are riches and wealth as I will repeat something right here—the serve so that another will serve you if you need indicated by the definition commonly accepted FIRST SLAVES IN AMERICA—WERE it? Not a bad idea, but CALL IT WHAT IT here and now for Wealth and Riches—perhaps WHITE—not Black. And in the paper only a IS AND MAKE A CONTRACT! you had best use that Universal Mind to think few days ago was a tiny little notice which Do you just serve those who lean upon more clearly and more “generally”. stated that there are over 300,000 White-women you—you know, in your little group? Do you I speak of this now because I was asked to slaves in the Ukraine. This is such a problem go forth and serve someone who wants to be comment on this attitude. I agree and yet, I that the nation has to address the matter. And one of you—but you don’t cater to so much? disagree. The only GODS you can know are what of the female slave trade from the Asian Who really GOES OUT OF YOUR WAY to the GODS presented to you as set forth to countries? What of the Chinese slave trade into serve another in need? Or, is it, “Well, I don’t better control you. Oh, the speakers and the garment industries around the nation of the know, it is a long way to —— AND I don’t feel teachers began their human travels U.S.? What of the children taken and turned so good myself, and I can’t afford the trip, appropriately—but the Parasitic Elite power into every kind of slave you can name? And AND WELL, I JUST DON’T LIKE HIM/HER brokers tainted the truth and twisted religious these are used mostly by that Elite Parasite VERY MUCH ANYWAY.” Can you not just gods to suit their uncivilized needs to maintain Class, the EPC. make a conscious decision and give a REASON power. Oh, don’t lie to yourselves, readers, as we and stop making all the confounded excuses? If My suggestion would be: Trash all Human- have been naming the guilty parties for over ten you find ONLY excuses within self—then why Presented GODS. If you put away all the years now! Writers and historians have been don’t you make an effort to call, send flowers, mysticism about religious rituals, requirements telling you about them and naming them for a book, mail the paper—do something and you and attitudes which give away power instead of some generations and centuries. You witnessed might just find the REAL VALUE IN THAT allowing the power of God IN self to flourish— them in some tampered documents you call OTHER PERSON THAT YOU HAD MISSED you simply present food for the Parasites—those Bibles, for millenniums. IN YOUR NARROW JUDGMENTAL EPs who have maggotized the dead carcasses of How can a different and true “civilization” ATTITUDES REGARDING SAME. YOU ARE civilization. These Parasites work only and be created? By CONSCIOUS beings applying NOT TO JUDGE—REMEMBER? directly for UNCIVILIZATION and you didn’t the eternal principles of Nature TO life. In this Many of you are bored silly when others notice until you had put them into power so way civilizations can be created by billions of just take a moment to give me some that through force they could garden you like conscious beings or by a single conscious being. appreciation. How came you to be so self- onions or carrots, cattle or sheep. Therefore, as a conscious creation it can be important as to be bored by anyone? Are you Why this information is STOPPED is that, created and expressed—even in writing and of the parasitic class as well? Yes, you are if it is not stopped from being received by the shown in documentation as historical proof of when your own ego pronounces another to be public, it will be noted that you have NO ONE functioning actuality. anything seemingly “less” that you and certainly TO HATE AND NO ONE TO FEAR. These Think about it, please: The ancients saw this a boring non-contributor. LOOK CAREFULLY, parasites feed off you while preserving incredible creative power in the outer universe. FRIENDS, EVERYTHING, EVERY INCIDENT, appropriately their shielding forces in the form Why can you not integrate this great and EVERY REACTION AND RESPONSE IS JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 23

WITHIN YOUR TESTING TO SEE IF YOU irrationality of anticivilization. It is a crazy LITTLE GREEDY WAY, BUT YOU WILL WILL BE ABLE TO FILL THE TASK civilization ruled by parasites who can only HAVE FAILED IN THE GOAL OF CREATING POSITIONS AHEAD OF US. IF YOU FAIL drain and harm all people and societies. Every A WORTHY CIVILIZATION TO MERGE TO NOTE THE LEAST AMONG YOU—YOU thought must be turned to creative development WITH THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF HAVE MISSED GOD! in Universal-Cosmic ORDER—truth, honor, HUman. Will we of God choose you who think you integrity, respect, reverence—and note I did Now for the punch-line, and hear me well, know it all? NOT LIKELY. Some of you NOT say “worship”. Neither did I say a readers: YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR resent EVERYBODY who comes—even just to “golden age” nor did I refer to a New World DIRECTION AND THE UNIVERSAL ORDER visit. Is this not JUDGMENTAL to the very Order. To be accepted within the Universal WILL CONTINUE A BALANCED FLOW highest degree? And no, this is not Brotherhood of HUman—a whole lot of ego WITH YOU INCLUDED—OR—YOU WILL PROTECTION of something—this is being attitudes must be “adjusted” and those are only MARCH RIGHT INTO DEVASTATION FOR JUDGMENTAL—the one most gross expression adjusted by self. YOU NOW HAVE TECHNOLOGY TO REACH of EGO and offense to God and MYSELF. Therefore, how many will perish or cease to OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE AND DESTROY Each of you must look at your ACTUAL and exist in an Armageddon as you now expect, an ORDER. THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO REAL CONTRIBUTION, and perhaps you will apocalypse as you have now written into your HAPPEN. YOU WILL SIMPLY BE be far more gentle with another who is scripts? An “end-type” cataclysm is up to you ALLOWED TO GO WITH THE LIFE- searching, and has found, God within. and the consciousness of man’s expected DESTRUCTIVE FORCES OF YOUR I can get it flowing back to me every time training program. If your attitude is “I Can’t,” MANIFEST PLANET—ENCAPSULATED IN A I start talking about “having”. It is something “Well, IF...” “BUT, I...” you are going to be PLASMIC BUBBLE SO YOU CAN’T like this: “Well Big Boy, give away yours, but among the “moving-ons”. It can’t be any other DEVASTATE OUTSIDE YOUR OWN LITTLE you don’t be giving away mine.” From whence WAY because ONLY YOU can create your PRISON. WHATEVER HAPPENS WILL NOT comes YOUR abundance? BE OF GOD CREATOR— REMEMBER SOMETHING BUT OF MAN’S STUPIDITY ELSE: “DO THESE THINGS GOD WITHIN is the POWER that allows creation AND ARROGANCE. WHICH I COMMAND AND ALL through conscious THOUGHT manifestation of that Does this somehow mean THE REST SHALL BE ADDED that the BROTHERHOOD of UNTO THEE.” WHICH YOU NEED TO CREATE A DIFFERENT Cosmic Universe—HATES When we speak of actual “CIVILIZATION”. CREATE WHAT YOU NEED YOU? No, we LOVE YOU Armageddon, of what do we AND GET THE JOB DONE! IF, THEN, YOU AND OFFER YOU CHANGE. reference? Well, it is established CREATE A BIT OF EXTRA SPENDING MONEY— However, neither love nor by the Power Elite and their HAVE YOU SUCCEEDED? YES, IN YOUR hate has to do with these guard, Scribes and, yes, magnificent thoughts of what Pharisees. So, who gets into NARROW LITTLE GREEDY WAY, BUT YOU IS. Your experience as a Armageddon to the highest extent WILL HAVE FAILED IN THE GOAL OF free-will thought-form in “reality”? Those who CREATING A WORTHY CIVILIZATION TO manifest—the living, breathing structure it surely—if you refuse MERGE WITH THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD thought of GOD—will do to go and participate. (But you OF HUman. whatever it is you will do. If never do refuse, do you?) but a few of you can present Refusal is not always very wise Now for the punch-line, and hear me well, readers: a positive and goodly way to but sometimes it is quite safe YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION AND THE move toward Change—you and sane to say NO. But what UNIVERSAL ORDER WILL CONTINUE A will not be isolated from the is it? It is actually the BALANCED FLOW WITH YOU INCLUDED—OR— systematic order of universal culmination of the open-ended migration. If not, you will be Civilization of the Universe YOU WILL MARCH RIGHT INTO DEVASTATION zippered into your bubble of which will overtake Planet Earth FOR YOU NOW HAVE TECHNOLOGY TO REACH isolation AND with its presentation and OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE AND DESTROY DESTRUCTION and allowed affirmation by a given time—say ORDER. THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO to simply BE WHATEVER Year 2000 as your calendars of HAPPEN. YOU WILL SIMPLY BE ALLOWED TO YOU WILL BE IN THE the day reflect (erroneously but DARKNESS OF WHATEVER in consciousness). It is the GO WITH THE LIFE-DESTRUCTIVE FORCES OF COMES NEXT IN A WORLD opportunity to bring an end to YOUR MANIFEST PLANET—ENCAPSULATED IN WITHOUT LIGHT until you the dead-end un-, anti- A PLASMIC BUBBLE SO YOU CAN’T are all gone into non-being. Civilization with its parasitical DEVASTATE OUTSIDE YOUR OWN LITTLE The planet now made manifest Elite Class of Controllers. This PRISON. WHATEVER HAPPENS WILL NOT BE into a physical form will then will bring down the highly super- be set free to again reclaim Ego injustice and its stagnating OF GOD CREATOR—BUT OF MAN’S STUPIDITY itself in order to further ritualistic religions and conjured AND ARROGANCE. maintain order in your solar gods. These things can, and system. YOU can unbalance shall, expire if you consciously your planet—YOU SHALL move forward as individual unified non- personal play—regardless of all the PARASITES NOT UNBALANCE THE UNIVERSAL allowance of the parasites living off your lives eating you alive. Just as you CAN get rid of ORDER. and souls—literally. parasitic infestation of the body—you CAN GET Will there be confrontations? Have there RID OF THE PARASITES OF ANTI- DO I BRING, THEREFORE, not always been confrontations? YOU ARE CIVILIZATION FROM YOUR CIVILIZATION. TIDINGS OF GREAT SORROW? PEOPLE OF THE ILLUSION AND THE “But, Sir, we CAN’T actually do this IF...”; ILLUSION HAS BECOME THE TOTAL LIE. NO, you “WON’T” is the word choice to be NO! To those of my creative team—I bring used here. tidings OF THE GREATEST JOY OF ALL— ARE “YOU” REALLY READY GOD WITHIN is the POWER that allows THE WAY! Ah, but you are going to make FOR SUCH CHANGES? creation through conscious THOUGHT them walk every step in hurt and negative input, manifestation of that WHICH YOU NEED TO aren’t you? You are going to make some walk Are you ready for the acceptance and CREATE A DIFFERENT “CIVILIZATION”. alone on this journey to civilization while you integration within that Civilization of the CREATE WHAT YOU NEED AND GET THE actually follow the anti-civilization crowd of Universe? If you move within its great and JOB DONE! IF, THEN, YOU CREATE A BIT Parasites—not daring, not sharing—just existing. wondrous FREEDOM, you can never again look OF EXTRA SPENDING MONEY—HAVE YOU And no, this is not a “generally encompassing” back or waste a thought on the boring SUCCEEDED? YES, IN YOUR NARROW statement for many who are never recognized Page 24 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 serve every way they can—EVERY DAY IN the mind are manipulated, however, so that all TO SELVES BY THE PARASITES. EVERY WAY. WE DO NOT GO FORTH creative thought pertaining to the vanquishing of Remember too that the parasites have grown AND CALL ATTENTION TO THE ARMIES the parasites is wiped from the data bases of the fat and lazy while never thinking they will be OF PARASITE KILLERS—WE MARCH masses who are treated simply as assets of the either caught or disenfranchised—especially that STEADILY RIGHT THROUGH THE ANTI- Slave Masters. It is so powerful a plan that it the feeding tubes will be cut to their source— CIVILIZATION AND THEIR MASTERS. has become that one sheep will simply kill a you. If you don’t understand what I say here— We simply quietly recognize what the Elite fellow-sheep who is not exactly like the rest of go catch up with your 250 books of homework. Parasites ARE and we cast off and leave by the the flock. Your neighbor will turn you in to Dr. Al tells us yesterday that we have produced wayside the churches, temples, and gods set the power-nets just because you are alive and 250 journals to date—since Fall of 1989, not forth by and he recognizes his yet even a decade! through them to own zombie So, I say to my team—LET THE keep the food WE CREATE A BETTER WAY. status. DISTRACTIONS GO AWAY. I am, I repeat, supply docile and WHAT WE NEED TO ACCOMPLISH This does not not interested in boxes, toys, light bulbs, marching to the THAT BETTER WAY, WE SHARE give you the airplanes, automobiles (anyone’s), breakfast, Elite Piper’s tune. THOSE TOOLS APPROPRIATELY privilege, even if lunch or dinner (surely you can decide what you We work within WHERE ACCOMPLISHMENT CAN you think you want to eat) and I am not interested in diets or the laws “they” have the right, to food of earth. Fat or thin, I want creative (EPCs) make and BE CONCLUDED—AND ALL ELSE go about breaking thought and manifestation of that which is always within the WILL TAKE ITS COURSE ANY WAY laws of man or ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO DO OUR commandments of IT CHOOSES. God, just because INTENDED TASK. Be offensive if that is Universal you want or need required, but stop the wobbling course of every Brotherhood. WE a “better way”. interruption that comes along. If it doesn’t deal CREATE A BETTER WAY. WHAT WE Check what better way you seek and for what DIRECTLY WITH OUR TASK IN HAND, DO NEED TO ACCOMPLISH THAT BETTER purpose. If it is simply to be a “bigger sheep” NOT SPEND EVEN TEN SECONDS ON IT. WAY, WE SHARE THOSE TOOLS in the corral, then you have obviously only I cannot seem to make myself clear to my APPROPRIATELY WHERE short-term thought forms. When you reach out own team. If people come along who have ACCOMPLISHMENT CAN BE into the Universe and unto Creative/Creator gone against the laws of the land CONCLUDED—AND ALL ELSE WILL TAKE GOD, only then can you understand that you DELIBERATELY, and yet call themselves ITS COURSE ANY WAY IT CHOOSES. We have slipped your shackles and imprisonment. innocent—then they were not very bright to will not long, however, tolerate those who drag GOD WILL DELIVER HIS PEOPLE AND begin. In this I lump everyone who is doing along on our work to simply BECOME HE WILL DEMAND THAT THE PARASITES much of anything in “banned” stuff. If you are PARASITES, and then, through self-ego wishes, RELEASE HIS PEOPLE AND LET THEM GO! working on a “Rife”- or Priory-type apparatus— become tyrants in the new society. However, But YOU must build the foundation upon which it has already been done and I have no use for the Brotherhood realizes that it takes human growth can occur or be like the man out of that that doesn’t work but needs MONEY—our physical perceptions of time and space to build prison but now faces every other destruction money—PERIOD. and that time will be allowed—WHEN YOU man can conjure. CEASE TO GIVE THESE If ones cannot believe in our mission enough GET STARTED AND KEEP MOVING NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS POWER. THIS to go for concluding positively the mission— TOWARD BALANCE AND HARMONY. does not indicate a new need to break all laws, then let them go play in the world of parasites HOW MUCH “TIME” AND HOW MUCH for I tell you again, laws of man are made to until they do discern the difference. We will “SPACE”? Ah, indeed, you must see by the protect the Parasites—so there are plenty of use no more of our precious funds on question that you really DO NEED GOD. ways to “loophole” through the maze of ANYTHING EXCEPT GETTING FUNDING—IS Wisdom in all things will be your only motto restrictions. You must understand that GOD THIS CLEAR, SUCCINCT, AND if you are to succeed. KNOWING is the key CREATOR creates through the very opposite of UNDERSTOOD? realization of ability and capability. HOW that which is bounded by Man. The insipid If, in addition, you don’t understand ME, MANY WILL MAKE IT? ALL—for “making parasites make outlets for themselves and they then stop asking my secretary to explain it to it” simply means to somehow “make it” through make laws to ensure their security—USE you—for she has to ask me and you can do that to something “one way or another”. WILL THOSE PASSAGES AND NEVER MIND THE better than she if YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. YOU MAKE IT ALIVE? Of course, and that GUARDS FOR, IF THEY STOP YOU, THEY If you don’t have a place in negotiations—then is the saddest realization of all, isn’t it? Your TAKE AWAY THE PRIVILEGE ALLOTTED STAY OUT OF NEGOTIATIONS! And, no, body will die—your brain cells don’t come along offering a better will die—but YOU will not way without knowing die. You will go on and on EVERYTHING there is to know infinitely wherever soul about what we are doing— experiences—be it goodly or EVERYTHING! IF you have a HELL, whichever you choose in better idea/way—get your INTENT WITHIN WITH GOD. documents and go make it work— Why do you believe that then we will all be grateful. there are energies running See if we can get this around in the worst of all scattered about and covered by my manifest thought projections team this very morning—like now, doing these evil things upon please. I am going to object to your beings? Because they are every moment and every cent put eternal souls caused to manifest to anything except a bit of change on such as your place for they for clearing thought conduits and are unacceptable energies toward consummation of our task within the Cosmic Universal at hand—getting funding HUman realm of being in a FLOWING, not just more in-house balanced civilization of manipulations and time-wasting HUMANKIND. They do, dancing. I weary of my people however, have a way of killing acting like mice in the paws of off themselves out of sheer the playful cat. You will greed and avarice while trying accomplish exactly what you to maintain a garden of food DEMAND TO ACCOMPLISH— supply and useful bodies. The NOTHING MORE. brains and thinking functions of Good morning. JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 25

You will note that nothing has hurt Mr. Bush’s ability to make money from illicit business—Zapata just had the highest stock boost on the market for computer stock and nobody even knew Mr. Bush was in the computer More On The Bush business—well actually, it is in the INTERNET business. Just one more flow in the line of “doing business” with the same old products and set now in far more convenient forms and schedules. We don’t even WANT to play in such games. Even the cookie giant, Nabisco, is laying off some 35,000 people over the next little while as Family’s Crime Syndicate they try to cut costs and become automated. What does this tell you, sleepyheads? Right— business is falling and jobs will be in short supply when the politicians get through lying to 7/12/98 #1 HATONN INTELLIGENCE. Don’t wait to find out you. In fact, right now—where are the billions whether Pete is going to the meeting in of dollars promised for emergency management USE WHAT YOU HAVE September—CALL HIM AND ASK HIM. For and assistance, coming from? You fence money goodness sakes the man was a partner and life- to the IMF so are you now going to go to them You may well cringe at the tactics of those long friend of your parents. to borrow some more to add to your debt? More who prevail in a world of “getcha”—but just I use this because I hear all the time such loans from the Fed? Well, the bankers will love HOW did they “getcha” and did they break laws, things as “Yeah, but she has Hatonn!” “Maybe you—you know, those nicely and newly merged make laws, or just work around until they got so, but he gets from the Big Boy!” Gets what? feeding monsters. the laws covered? And, moreover, in that world About 18-20 hours a day work, responsibility for The IMF is bankrupt? So what else is new? of pursuit of wealth and power—are the players everybody who thinks of coming here, figure out They will fold at exactly the desired time to have wrong to use the tools at hand? No, you who do how to make a thing under legal and total assault the entire world sucked into the derivative not use them are simply unthinking prey and are work, protect interests when there is no personal trading markets they conjured and built. Then gobbled up before you know what hit you gain at all, have meetings on days when they collateral for all these loans will be called— between the ears. Breaking laws is wrong. would prefer not to have same, write for hours foreclosures accomplished—and the Big Boys Breaking good morals is wrong. Hurting another and hours with no more than a 15-minute break, again own the world and all property everywhere. is wrong, and thus and so. But, if you do not and on and on. But the only way YOU are ever It CANNOT be any other way—for the MONEY use the laws which protect the criminals—how going to get something done is to go to people of the world is not backed by anything; zip, do you expect to overcome the “bad guys”? who can get something done—one more step up zero—oops. But who you gonna’ sue? This is Breaking the LAWS OF GOD is totally the ladder of achievement. AND, THAT IS a massive world-wide corporation and they never unacceptable. However, how many laws of God NOW HAPPENING. allow the bad boys who do a deed to fall—only are given? Very few indeed and they all flow As you get better at writing proposals and the unsuspecting little guys who work as slaves with morality in easily defined order. meet the proper conduits to the “Big Do-ers” so for them. You might wish to inquire about the unfair that they can see the merits of working with us— Do you ACTUALLY think that George Bush practices of, say, a Bush Boy who can murder, see how well it flows. Then, finally, we get to is going to be prosecuted and found guilty of string along with Super Funds belonging to the decision and have to make it WORK. somehow trading in Drugs? Are you nuts? He someone else, stealing corporations and on and Our project funding has gone so far along the doesn’t allow anything to touch him—even on—but is he different? Betty Tuten stole three pathway to the TOP that we find it impossible to gossip. He is not only covered with Teflon—he corporations and the Judge ordered her to get the keep informed the ones working directly with us. is fabricated of it. Neither will anyone, family original books back and Mrs. Yount could keep Is this our problem or the disinterested parties’ or otherwise, get more than a wrist slap when a “copy”. Did this happen? No, so what is doing “their thing” and just waiting around for us things become public of misdeeds and criminal wrong with this picture? There is no to make their story a gigantic success? activities. Come on, look around. “JUSTICE”, only opinions and which lawyer So why do, say, Ekkers, go to the people But you don’t have to deal in drugs to use holds the most power in court—usually through who are sometimes unknown to them? Because good business systems. Be sure that the major some kind of “blackmail”. those people think they CAN DO players have GOOD SYSTEMS. It behooves you Do Mr. Bush’s books get stopped at the SOMETHING—and proceed to do it. It is never to utilize such care and interest in your own Canadian Border? No, just the ones “about” him successful to go with people who up front welfare. or his brood of twigs and cohorts. announce that they CAN’T do a thing—and You certainly don’t have to steal or replace, Is this hate-material? No, it is good teaching neither can you. Would you go with the attorney unlawfully, corporations to be successful—but material. Choose up the things that work, bring who says “You’ll never get a cent out of this you can take lessons in how to DO IT them in action WITHIN THE LAWS OF GOD, project!” or the one who says “I know the people CORRECTLY AND CAREFULLY. “It just and you have a pathway to success under and we CAN GET THIS DONE”? Well, that is doesn’t seem right to me and I will not sell my protection of “their wangled laws”. who we go with also. But, the toad-kissing in soul for...”. This was actually said to me. My Quit being stunned by the bending of laws search of the prince is a long series of kissing response: “What do you know about by the crooks who simply “know somebody”—it nothing but warts. incorporation?” Answer: “Nothing, but it doesn’t has ever been thus. Get to “KNOW Of course this is off track after mentioning sound good...”. WHY DON’T YOU FIND SOMEBODY” yourself and perhaps you can Bush and his buddies—or is it? We don’t even OUT—I SAY TO ALL OF YOU! FIND OUT make it to the ones who can ALSO “do” have a “thing” going against Bush—bad boy that WHAT THE LAWS ARE, BE WILLING TO DO something. You don’t have to bend laws, nor do he might be. It wastes time and energy to point A BIT OF PAPER-WORK AND PAY A FEE you have to blackmail anyone—to use tools to fingers, and for what? Do you really think that FOR SERVICES—AND PLAY AS IF YOU ARE assist moving ahead in your goal mechanism. we are more than an annoyance to Mr. Bush? IMPORTANT INSTEAD OF THE PUT-UPON If, for instance, you would like to personally Well, yes, we ARE more—but the facts are it MASSES OF NON-THINKERS. BE WILLING know Anthony Robbins—Diane, get a renewed will be long in arriving—and he still won’t have TO ADJUST AS YOU GO ALONG AND friendship going with Pete E. Call QVC when to concern about us for our direction is opposite WILLINGLY OFFER OTHERS SERVICES— Robbins is on the air and renew that friendship his own goals. Will we somehow destroy Mr. BUT ALWAYS DO IT RIGHT. right there with good things to say about both Bush’s ability to use his stolen contracts? No, How have Ekkers stayed alive and well Pete AND Robbins. He will even give you a we don’t even want to—it would collapse the during the most intensive assaults possible? BY free ticket to one of his seminars. Is this economies of several nations. He will answer to DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT! THEY NEVER wrong? THIS IS THINKING WITH the PEOPLE and to GOD, all in proper sequence. CUT CORNERS AND THEY THOUGHT OF Page 26 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

EVERYTHING POSSIBLE WELL IN the property case?” NOT YET, it depends on would be prosecuted if the name were not Bush. ADVANCE OF ANY RESTRICTING LAWS OR what we choose to do later! And we gained This has long been a historical pattern for the REGULATIONS THAT COULD EVEN CAUSE DON RHOADS—a diamond all polished and cut. Bush family, who have made a dubious tradition QUESTION IN A JUDGE’S MIND OR EYE. Just his presence is all that is required—and out of using politics and CIA manipulations to EVEN JUDGE GAMBLE NOW IS MOST THAT is what a good reputation and honorable foster their various business enterprises. FRIENDLY WITH THEM—HAVING JUMPED practices merit you in the long haul. Also note, Members of the Bush family have repeatedly TO EARLY CONCLUSIONS WHICH WERE it is also “who he knows” that will benefit us in displayed their adeptness at finding ways to INCORRECT. the most around about way possible. capitalize on the fact they are related to the If you run around with guns tucked into your People still love honor and integrity—it is President. They have also been skillful at socks, killing knives in your belt (or the other just not wise of the would-be-Kings to ever allow avoiding any responsibility and ducking any way around)—expect less than a cordial greeting you to see or experience much of it. So, the tiny punishment for highly questionable misdeeds, so from the Judge in whose courtroom you intend to handful of sordid thugs is all you see, over and it must have been something of a shock for go to war. TRUTH IS SUFFICIENT—EVEN IF over again, until the whole of the world is Jonathan J. Bush to be actually caught for doing AT THE MOMENT IT SEEMS OTHERWISE. represented—into the billions—by those something wrong. Of course, the price that And a lawyer who actually ASKS a client to lie presented for the show and tell. The Elite Jonathan J. Bush paid turned out to be typically on any point—is a stupid fool. Does this infer KNEW AND KNOW what they are doing—and it light for a Bush—not much more than a slap on that Gene is a fool? It does in regards to that makes it far easier to do business righteously the wrist. issue for it only points then to background where while they are occupied making misery and Jonathan is the brother of President Bush and the REAL NASTIES are uncovered which could immorality—usually on “their own”. head of J. Bush & Co., a New York brokerage send him up for the “three strike” lock-away. So, you want to know more about Bush now house. He was fined $30,000 for trading stocks But his “business partners” would do that to that I have again brought it up in front of you? for about 800 accounts in Massachusetts without him—not us. How much has it cost us? Fine, we can get started on a bit of insight and registering in the state as a broker, officials said LOTS—but then, education is expensive to come fact about the topic. After all, YOU paid for the on July 26. by and experience is the very best teacher in any publishing of the book—George Green just stole Bush agreed to pay the fine and limit the arena. A lot of people would like to change their that book also. Since we can only just get company’s business in Massachusetts for one minds and actions AFTER THE FACT, but started on the Chapter in point, we had best call year, according to Neil Sullivan, securities somehow it is always too late—isn’t it? this PART 1 and then we won’t be pressed. division chief for the Massachusetts Secretary of I guarantee to you, however, that with the State. education our team has gained—there won’t be PART 1 J. Bush & Co. signed a consent decree that errors in structure or projects. We now know includes an offer to buy back an undetermined through experience how to get the people we [QUOTING: Chapter 10, THE IMMACULATE number of shares it had sold to Massachusetts need as God presents the opportunity and we , The Bush Crime Family Exposed customers since January 1988, Sullivan said, know how to do everything necessary to protect by Russell S. Bowen. America West.] adding, “What we’re really saying here is that assets in this old hurting world. the state doesn’t have confidence that Mr. Bush Does it ever work out well to be “partners in THE SINS OF THE has adequate compliance procedures in place to crime”? No, only temporarily at best, for in the FATHERS...AND THE protect smaller investors.” The company is now criminal get-something-for-nothing world—one SONS...AND THE BROTHERS... registered in Massachusetts. will always tell on the other when it is pressing In January 1991, Harken Energy Corp. of on being caught. Every time—it has happened In the cozy, back-scratching, name-dropping Grand Prairie, Texas, signed an oil-production over and over in these very limited local cases. world of the Bush family, it is whom you know sharing agreement with the government of Several of the crooks have tried to dump the that makes all the difference. Having the same Bahrain, a tiny island off the east coast of Saudi garbage on Dixon and still he plays with them. last name as the most powerful man in the Arabia. The deal gives Harken the exclusive Is this self-destruction, fatal attraction or death Western world is the same as buying an exploration, development, production, wish? inexpensive ticket to enter a can’t-miss world of transportation and marketing rights to most of So, in considering who you know and what lucrative business deals. Bahrain’s offshore oil and gas reserves. The you know—use it, but always be aware of the It’s a world of preferential treatment where territories covered by the pact lie sandwiched dangers involved and cover your backsides. public officials condone the type of conduct that between the world’s largest oil field, off the YOU NEVER BREAK THE LAW, BEND THE LAW OR DO ANYTHING IMMORAL, AND YOU USE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND NEVER APPEND OR AFFIX YOUR NAME TO THE PAPERS WHICH WOULD MAKE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR WRONG MOVES. WHAT OTHERS DO WITH THEIRS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS UNLESS THEY SLOP OVER ONTO YOU—SO MAKE YOUR BUSINESS ALWAYS STAND CLEAR, OUT FRONT, PUBLIC AND CLEAN. Always manage in such a way that if someone else does wrong things—you are not in any way attached to them. It is like the old Texas Snipe-bird hunting, where the clever old coots take the unsuspecting out, at NIGHT yet, to hunt birds (???). They say to the youngster, “You hold the sack open here and we will go shoosh the birds into the bag.” Then, “Don’t move and if we don’t find the birds we’ll be back to pick you up.” There are no birds and they don’t come back to pick up anyone. That IS the game—leave the unsuspecting “holding the bag”. Green left our team holding the dead-beat bag after actually stealing from us and we have made the plan WORK in spite of everything that could be tossed at us. But you might ask, “Didn’t they actually lose JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 27 shore of Saudi Arabia, and one of the biggest resolved last April 4, when the Wall Street 1986, Bush merged his Midland oil company, natural gas fields off the shore of Qatar. Journal reported that Bush failed to report the Spectrum 7 Exploration, with Harken. According At the time the deal was announced, oil “insider” stock sale until March, nearly eight to the the New Republic, Bush “got no cash or industry analysts marveled at how this unknown months after the deadline for disclosing such role in Harken’s management, but he did get 1.5 company, with no previous international drilling transactions. According to the Journal, million shares of Harken restricted stock, experience, had landed such a valuable documents filed with the SEC indicate that on warrants to buy 200,000 more, and a seat on concession. “This is an incredible deal, June 22, 1990, Bush sold 212,140 shares of his Harken’s board.” At the time of the merger, unbelievable for this small company,” Charles Harken stock for $4 per share. The sale, Harken had annual revenues of just $4.4 million. Strain, an energy analyst at Houston’s Lovett representing 66 percent of Bush’s holdings in the In 1990, the company took in over $822 million. Underwood Neuhas & Webb, told Forbes company, raised $848,560. Despite this rapid growth, however, Harken has Magazine. Not mentioned in the article was that Bush sold his Harken shares at near top not made money since the merger. In 1990, the George W. Bush, eldest son of the President, sits market value. One week after Iraqi troops company lost over $8.3 million. [H: Is anybody on Harken’s board and is a $50,000-a-year marched into Kuwait, for example, Harken traded following these numbers? $822 million in a “consultant” to the chief executive office. Bush for just $3.03 per share, down nearly 25 percent lack-of-profit company seems a bit large, also holds roughly $400,000 in Harken stock. from the price Bush received for his shares seven doesn’t it?] [H: Now how do you suppose those Twigs got weeks earlier. In the past year, Harken has never As a result of its deal with Bahrain, however, that kind of money? He is now Texas closed higher than $4.62 per share and as low as Harken’s fortunes could change. Although the Governor and is worth billions of dollars. $1.12. Since the war ended in February, Harken only other oil-exploration effort off the shore of How do they manage?] has rebounded and is once again trading at Bahrain came up dry in 1961, Harken officials The President’s son would not be the only around $4 per share. believe the area holds vast potential. notable figure to profit if Harken struck oil in Under SEC regulations, Bush should have In 1989, Bahrain’s one producing onshore oil Bahrain. Involved also are: the billionaire Bass reported the sale by July 10, 1990. The Journal, field yielded 42,000 barrels a day. The country’s family of Fort Worth, which will pay for however, said Bush did not disclose it until estimated underground reserves for 1990 totaled Harken’s Bahrain expedition for a cut of the March, 1991. In the past, the SEC has mounted 112 million barrels out of the 660-billion barrels profits; Harvard University, which, through an civil suits against flagrant violators of insider- in the entire Persian Gulf region. “It’s a wildcat affiliate, is Harken’s largest shareholder; South trading rules, but such actions are rare. [H: prospect, so you have to give it a low probability African tobacco, liquor and natural resources What about all that income tax that would of success,” Faulkner told the Fort Worth Star- magnate, Anton Rupert, a major Harken have been due and owing on that whopping Telegram, “but it’s the kind of thing that, if it stockholder; and wealthy Saudi Arabian big sale for 1990?] hits, could make a ten-fold increase in the value businessman, Abdullah Taha Bakhish, who also Bush described himself to the Post as a of the company.” holds a large stake in the company. “small, insignificant” stockholder. According to It is not just these wealthy and powerful the company’s 1989 proxy statement, Bush [END OF QUOTING] groups that make Harken noteworthy, however. owned 345,426 shares of Harken’s common Research by the Observer reveals that Harken has stock, or less than 1.1 percent of the total. Now we all know that Bahrain is “owned” by links to institutions involved in drug smuggling, News reports in 1989, however, identified the Bushes and played loudly in the Gulf War. foreign currency manipulation and the CIA’s role Bush as the second-largest non-institutional The point might well be: where did Bush get the in the destabilization of the Australian stockholder. The company’s 1990 proxy money to invest in this company while also government. statement indicates Bush owns 105,000 shares of investing in myriads of OTHERS ALSO? Well, While it should be stressed that none of the common stock, less than 1 percent of the let us go back to the buddy system—and Bonus players involved in Harken stands accused of any outstanding total, and has warrants to purchase Contract 3392! Bush, Bentsen, Baker III, North, improper or illegal activity, the company’s another 28,286 at a substantially reduced price. et al.—had plenty of back-up cash-flow at a little association with these institutions raises serious As a director of Harken, Bush earned at least over two billion dollars a whack from individual questions. Many of these connections are subtle, $20,000 last year, according to the company’s banks—not to even mention the ones they hidden behind layers of corporate stealth. To proxy statement. He received an additional established to do “silent” deals. And you still fully appreciate Harken and its milieu, however, $120,000 as a “consultant” to Harken President think that contract is not real? Wow, what does these connections must be fully examined. and CEO Mikel D. Faulkner. This year, Bush it take? George W. Bush’s involvement in Harken will receive $50,000 for his consulting services I would close now for we have a meeting and was revealed in Oct. 1990 by Houston Post in addition to his pay as a director. I wish to discuss the Canadian border investigative reporter Pete Brewton. At the time, Following the collapse of world oil prices in circumstance. Good morning. Brewton questioned young Bush about Harken’s deal with Bahrain, which was then threatened by hostilities in the Persian Gulf. Moreover, as the Village Voice reported in January, “Harken’s investments in the area will be protected by a The Controversial 1993 Edition! 1990 agreement Bahrain signed with the U.S. allowing American and ‘multi-national’ forces to set up permanent bases in that country.” Bush, who is the managing general partner of the Texas Supply! Rangers baseball club, told the Post it would be Hurry, LIMITED “inappropriate to say the U.S. armed forces in the Persian Gulf are protecting Harken’s drilling rights off Saudi Arabia”. The Cure For HIV/AIDS “I don’t think there is a connection,” Bush said. “I don’t feel American troops in Saudi By Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. Arabia are preserving George Bush, Jr.’s drilling prospects. I think that’s a little far-fetched.” In his interview with the Post, Bush $19.95 $11.98 each, plus mentioned that he had sold a large portion of his Harken stock “in June or July” 1990, weeks Shipping & Handling before Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2. Within days of the invasion, the value of Harken shares dropped dramatically. Brewton could find See Back Page Of This Paper For Ordering Information no record of the transaction on file with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). PHOENIX SOURCE DISTRIBUTORS (800) 800-5565 The mystery of the missing documents was Page 28 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

the end of 1949 the Jewish population neared the million mark. Jewish immigration having Global Parasite Topic Continues: averaged more than 18,000 per month for the preceding eighteen months. Fighting continued along the Egyptian frontier in the Gaza district. Egyptian opposition melted away and armistice negotiations opened at Rhodes January 13 under Hidden “Jewish” Parasites the auspices of United Nations Acting Mediator Ralph Bunche. Election to the Constituent Assembly was held on January 25, 1949. Twelve parties contested for 120 seats. 484,000 votes were cast. The Mapai (Israel Labor Party) was first with 46 seats. Mapam (United Worker’s Party) was second with 19 seats. The United Religious Zion’s Fifth Column Party was third with 16 seats and the Herut (Freedom Party) fourth with 14. The Communists polled 3.4 percent of the votes and Editor’s note: This series began in the [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by were awarded four seats. On February 17, 1949 6/9/98 issue of CONTACT. Senator Jack B. Tenney:] Chaim Weizmann was elected president. Chaim Weizmann was born November 27, 7/7/98 #1 HATONN ISRAELI WAR OF CONQUEST 1874, in Motol near Pinsk in the then Russian part of Poland. After attending the universities ZAPATA OIL Meanwhile an Arab Palestinian government of Berlin and Fribourg, he became a lecturer in (CORPORATION) under Ahmed Hilmi Pasha as prime minister, chemistry at Geneva University, and later, was announced from Gaza, claiming all reader in biochemistry at Manchester University Readers, please pay attention to ALL the Palestine. Haj Amin el Husseini was elected in England. In 1916-19 he was director of the news—and you find tid-bits you never dreamed president of the new government National British Admiralty laboratories. He was of falling about your consciousness. What is Assembly. The state was immediately president of the World Zionist Federation and doing well this week in “stocks”? Ah indeed, recognized by most of the Arab League. While president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine Internet companies. ONE OF WHICH THAT this unexpected development was being from 1929 to 1931 and from 1935 to 1946. He WAS TOP OF THE INCOME LIST discussed by the Security Council of the United took the oath of office as provisional president YESTERDAY IS AN INTERNET COMPANY Nations, fighting again broke out with new of Israel on October 1, 1948. OWNED BY ZAPATA. Now, that company intensity in Palestine. With nearly three quarters of a million was started as an oil-drilling corporation. Oh, The whole weight of the Israeli army was civilian Arabs driven from their homes and they probably did a bunch of drilling but their thrown against the Egyptian positions in October farms into the desert, President Weizmann, main business was in the unlawful drug and, after capturing Beersheba, turned north and addressing the opening session of the first exchanges and networking. What do you thing drove out the last remnants of Kawukji’s Knesset Hagdola (General Assembly) of Israel, Mr. George Bush (creator of that corporation) is irregulars from Galilee. declared that the new state was built on solid doing in the Internetworking around the globe? The Israeli forces thus occupied various foundations of freedom, equality, collective How better to keep tabs, arrange schedules for territories not assigned to the Jews by the responsibility and national self-discipline. business, get messages in cryptic manners to United Nations, such as the Arab cities of Jaffa, These high-sounding phrases were obviously you workers, and without expense—only Lydda, Remie, western Galilee, parts of the city for foreign consumption because Israel is MAJOR INVESTMENT INCOME FROM THE of Jerusalem, and a corridor connecting probably the only country in the world, except PUBLIC. Keep your eyes open, friends, you Jerusalem with the coastal plain. Nevertheless the Soviet Union, that locks its gates against its are watching a major play for world networking these territories were put under Israel citizens who would emigrate. Immigration has control. This also insures that the adversary has administration. The Arab population of these never actually been voluntary, and emigration is constantly updated knowledge about what territories fled from their homes and farms. illegal. The Jewish Agency for Palestine sent EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING. Keep breathing, The number of these refugees is estimated at its agencies into the countries of the world America! about 750,000. The population of Israel became stirring the Jews to panic. Even America is I am going to move back to Zion’s Fifth overwhelmingly Jewish, estimated in 1948 at pictured as ripe for the rise of a new Hitler. Column and see if we can rather quickly wade about 800,000, increasing at the rate of over But once the unsuspecting Jew is in the through the topic and perhaps become more 10,000 Jewish immigrants per month. By the “national homeland” he awakens to the fact that current in our every-day experiences. Without end of 1948 the state had established its own he can not leave. Jews from India, brought to the background, however, you can have no real currency and postal system, and had entered into Israel by the Jewish Agency for Palestine at knowledge about what is taking place. diplomatic relations with a number of other great expense, learned that getting into Israel is Proposals and affidavits must be written with countries. a lot easier than getting out. They staged these lacks in mind, please. We are not public demonstrations protesting the law that interested in denying anyone anything, nor being CHAIM WEIZMANN denies them a right to return to their homes. so fickle as the already irresponsible persons Smuggling recalcitrant Jewish “nationals” out of involved in any arena on your political or By January of 1949 the Israeli government Israel is reported to have become a profitable religious globe. was in control of nearly the whole area over business. I moved away from this in-point-topic which it had claimed jurisdiction, with the because I had so many calls for information exception of Negev, the southern part of the DAVID BEN-GURION from the Apocrypha. I trust that readers can go country. The partition plan adopted November back and do a bit of review if topics seem 29, 1947 by the General Assembly of the David Ben-Gurion was born October 16, elusive. We will get journals printed as United Nations allocated 5,579 square miles, 1886 at Plonsk, Poland. When twenty years old permitted, and until then we have to ask you to including Negev, to Israel. This area had been he went to Palestine where he worked as a bear with us, please. We will take up directly reduced to 2,124 square miles, with Negev, by winepresser. He helped organize the Jewish following last Friday’s (July 3rd, ’98) Count Bernadotte in his report of September 16, Shomer (watchmen), who guarded Jewish farms presentation [on page 64 of last week’s 1948. [H: This was a major reason for the against the Arabs. In 1912 he went to Istanbul, CONTACT.] murder of Count Bernadotte.] After the Turkey to study law, returning to Palestine in armistice, however, the de facto area of Israel 1918 as a member of the Jewish Legion. After PART 15: HIDDEN PARASITES was estimated at about 7,800 square miles. By demobilization, he organized the Histadruth JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 29

(General Federation of Jewish Labor) and Minister of Supply, a cabinet seat claimed by 1897, failed for lack of agreement among the became its secretary general. In 1930 he the religious bloc. The crisis lasted 17 days 480 delegates. It was agreed, however, that the became the chairman of the Jewish Labor Party, and came to an end through the pressure of task of Zionism was to strengthen the state of and in 1935 he was elected chairman of the United States Jewry. Ben-Gurion formed a new Israel, to facilitate Jewish immigration and to Jewish Agency for Palestine. administration which took office on November work for the unity of Jewish people everywhere. On May 14, 1948 he was named provisional 1, 1950. Israeli delegates insisted that it was the duty Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the On December 26, 1950 the Export-Import of all Jews to come to Israel. new government of Israel. In his policy Bank of Washington announced a new loan of statement, when forming the new administration $35,000,000 to Israel for agricultural PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in February of 1949, Ben-Gurion declared that development. TO ISRAEL Israel would seek friendship with all peace- By March of 1951 the population was loving nations, particularly the United States estimated at 1,555,000 of which 1,383,000 were Meanwhile American children in some and the Soviet Union. He said that the struggle Jews. 174,000 immigrants entered the country Jewish schools were being taught “Our between Socialist Zionists and Communist anti- during the year. Homeland is Israel Forever” while pledging Zionist Jews could not be compromised and that Ben-Gurion’s second administration fell allegiance to the “Jewish State” of Israel. The Israel must be built as a Jewish State or act as February 14, 1951 when he was defeated in the pledge, reproduced by the American Council for a foreign agency. Knesset on a motion dealing with religious Judaism, is as follows: education in immigrant camps. Elections were “Here is Our Pledge, Israel. WORLD SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL held on July 30 in which the General Zionists “I pledge my loyalty to God, to the Torah gained 13 seats and Mapai lost one. On and to the Jewish state, and I promise to live 1949 found the new state of Israel in October 7 Ben-Gurion was able to form a new some part of every day in a Jewish way, and financial difficulties. Finance Minister Eliezer coalition cabinet for his third administration. to be of some service to my fellowmen.” Kaplan, introducing his budget on June 14, Chaim Weizmann was reelected president on 1949, recommended an austerity regime. World November 19 by 85 votes to 11 in the Knesset. THE AMERICAN COUNCIL Jewry doubled its efforts to bolster the country’s FOR JUDAISM economy. A credit of one hundred million CHURCH AND STATE dollars was granted by the Export-Import Bank IN ISRAEL Opposed to Zionism and much of the in January while commercial agreements were activities of organized Jewry, the American negotiated with many countries. The most vehement advocates in America for Council for Judaism declares that it is a product Meanwhile most of the nations of the world, the separation of church and state are the of the American ideal. Composed of American with the exception of Arab and Moslem leading Jewish organizations. It is notable that Jews, the Council states that its basic principle countries, recognized the new State, and, on this stand is not official in the new State of is simple and clear. The religion of its May 11, 1949, the United Nations admitted Israel. Rabbi Judah L. Maimon is the Minister members is Judaism and their nationality is Israel to its membership. of Religions in the Israeli cabinet. He toured American. The organization believes that Peace settlements broke down on disposition the United States in 1951 under the auspices of observance of Judaism requires no segregating of the impoverished Arab refugees. The Arab Mizrachi Organization of America, the religious patterns in the communal or national life of the states demanded that Israel permit them to Zionists. American people. return to their homes and farms. Israel agreed The American Council for Judaism reports The American Council for Judaism to permit a hundred thousand of the 750,000 to that several leaders of Reform Judaism in condemns David Ben-Gurion’s proposal to settle return subject to the signing of a peace Cincinnati rejected invitations to sponsor the the youth of world Jewry on the soil of Israel. settlement. appearance in that city of Rabbi Maimon. Says the Council: “One of the most insidious By June of 1950 the population of Israel In rejecting the invitation to serve on the aspects of ‘Jewish’ nationalism is its efforts to was estimated at 1,247,000, of which 1,094,000 welcoming committee, Mr. Lester A. Jaffe is create in our youth a sense of separation and a were Jews. reported to have said that the Israeli rabbi and ‘volition to go to Israel’ and to view Israel as On December 9, 1949 the United Nations Cabinet Minister “is the spearhead of the their ‘homeland’.” [H: Now you can see why General Assembly decreed an international present movement in Israel to create an effective it was and is so important to make sure that regime for Jerusalem. This decision was union of church and state”. the U.S. became and remains the “accepted” greeted by defiance on the part of the Rabbi Stanley A. Brav of Rockdale Temple NEW JEWISH HOMELAND. These are, government of Israel, which immediately in Cincinnati declared that “the Ministry of however, the very Jewish population that will transferred the Knesset (Parliament) to Religions has not only contributed to open see to freedom in America, so you should Jerusalem, together with the majority of the discrimination in Israel against expressions of government offices. On January 23, 1950 Judaism other than its own strict interpretation, Jerusalem was declared to be the capital of but by its very existence violates against the ~ Israel. The United Nations did nothing to principle of the separation of church and state, implement its decision of December 9, 1949. and makes for an Established Religion.” * * It became apparent to the leaders of world The American Council for Judaism reported Jewry that the ordinary means of raising funds that Rabbi Maimon, at a press conference in for Israel, through the United Jewish Appeal and New York, reaffirmed his stand in favor of the New Gaia the various affiliates of the World Zionist re-establishment of the Sanhedrin as a supreme Organization, were insufficient and inadequate. religious authority for all Jews. The rabbi is The government of Israel thereupon adopted a quoted as having said that the emergence of bold course. It summoned an economic new “inventions” necessitates the establishment conference in Jerusalem from September 3rd to of such a body, which would be composed of Products September 6th attended by leading Jews from rabbis living in Israel. the United States, Great Britain and South Africa. Ben-Gurion proposed that a billion and 23rd WORLD ZIONIST a half dollars be raised within then the next CONGRESS (639-4242) three years to finance immigration and development, one third to be raised in Israel and The World Zionist Organization held its the remainder abroad, principally in the United 23rd Congress in Jerusalem August 14th to 1 (800) NEW-GAIA States. This proposal was adopted by the 30th, 1951. The state of Israel, as an conference. accomplished fact since the organization’s last for information and Ben-Gurion’s government fell in a cabinet Congress presented a problem. An attempt to crisis on October 15, 1950. The Prime Minister formulate a new program, comparable with the a free catalog had attempted to make a change in the post of program of the first Congress held at Basel in Page 30 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 never overlook the very probable helpful The Lateran Council (1179) laid down the delegates to the Republican and Democratic impact these people can have on our first principles of Jewish segregation which were conventions. project(s). They are in America to find only sporadically enforced during the next “This contemptible action by the American freedom, and what they have found is more several centuries. The Bull cum nimis Council must be branded for what it is—a manipulation and most of it from what they absurdum of Paul V in 1555 called for treacherous stab in the back. It is a vile and THOUGHT were their own people.] consistent enforcement and the Ghetto of Rome underhanded attack which fits the pattern of an The Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Ben-Gurion, was established in 1556. The Papal example anti-Semitic mentality. ... The rabid anti- speaking in New York City on the evening of spread through Italy, into Germany and into the Zionists in the Council could not be denied the May 29, 1951 asserted that the establishment of Papal territories of France. The formal practice right to espouse their own peculiar ideology, the new state was not the fulfillment of of Jewish segregation never generally prevailed even though their propaganda was not Zionism, and that the movement was more in the rest of Europe. [H: And most certainly infrequently reminiscent of harangues typical of necessary now than ever before. To this it DOES NOT happen in the U.S. or North certain anti-Semites. ... These would-be declaration the American Council for Judaism America—if there is segregation it is usually destroyers will not prevail. Their treachery will replies that “Judaism is a historic religious to the most affluent parts of any city, and stamp them for what they are—enemies of the faith, not a nationality.” ...and that “the certainly BY CHOICE.] Jewish people.” integrity of this faith of our fathers is being Within their ghettos the Jews were more or This frenzied and irrational editorial not subverted by a militant ‘Jewish nationalism’ less left to themselves except for oppressive only indicates the fanaticism of the Zionists which seeks to substitute secular concepts for taxation. A degree of autonomy prevailed toward their critics but points up the difficulties the centrality of God.” among them under Jewish authority. The encountered by patriotic American Jews in their “We believe,” says the Council, “that it is “official” Jew was an immediate result of the efforts to present an opposition viewpoint. necessary to enunciate these truths plainly and ghetto, and through the years of close [H: Let us pause right here LONG without equivocation in the face of misleading segregation the “official” status grew in power ENOUGH to take a look back in time and propaganda representing Americans of Jewish and influence. There was nothing that the space to ancient Egypt and Moses and the faith as seeking cultural and national individual Jew could do about it. Imprisoned bunch of Judeans who had served under distinctiveness in the United States, and of by the ghetto he was controlled by OFFICIAL these same Serpent-Masters who now call programs designed to transform Jews into a JEWRY and he bowed to its will or faced themselves “Jew” and “Zionist”, and needed nationalistic bloc with special interests in the excommunication. “Official” Jews always have to escape the Pharaoh’s enslavement. Do you foreign state of Israel. These are Zionist fought the dissolution of physical ghettos as actually think the “masters” have changed, objectives, now that the State of Israel exists.” they now fight the dissolution of the ghetto readers? NO, you the Judean or Jewish Referring to Ben-Gurion’s assertion that the symbol—the “Jewish people”. person is up against the same exact thing and Zionist movement embraces all Jews throughout Rabbi Elmer Berger, in an address delivered only the location has changed to an the world and that the movement has an at the first annual conference of the American imaginary world of total segregation. “LET important role to play in aiding Israel in Council for Judaism at Philadelphia in January MY PEOPLE GO!” IS AS APPROPRIATE maintaining its security, its immigration of 1945, recognized official Jewry’s opposition TODAY AS IT EVER WAS IN ANY TIME programs, colonization and dissemination of to Jewish emancipation. “In every year before PRIOR TO NOW IN YOUR TIME Hebrew culture, the American Council for and since,” declared Rabbi Berger, “after ACCOUNTING. I AGAIN SAY AND WARN Judaism counters by declaring that “organized emancipation was possible for Jews, ‘official’ THE MODERN PHARAOH TO “LET MY Zionism represents a fraction of Americans of Jews always have retarded that progress. PEOPLE GO!” Jewish faith.” Sometimes they did it openly. Sometimes more Just as the followers of Aton in The Council states: “no organization of subtly. The outstanding example of Jewry’s Akhnaton’s (Amunhotep IV) 1370-1361 b.c. Jews, including this one; and no group of inherent opposition to emancipation occurred in were buried along with the leader himself, Jewish organizations and no individual Jew, has Holland in the year 1795. At that time, you meet a critical confrontation, people of the right to speak for all American Jews. We ‘official’ Jews, with vested interests in the this Jewish faith who revere and respect condemn the frequent utilization of Israeli maintenance of a medieval Jewish community, GOD. That capability is being totally eroded officials by institutions or organizations of actually rejected the status of equal rights by the imposters now set to the throne—and Americans of Jewish faith as a means of offered the Jews of Holland. The method of if you think such as the President of the U.S. mobilizing American Jews into a bloc with rejection is historically significant. There were is NOT A KING ON A THRONE—THINK political or economic responsibilities. fifty-thousand Jews in Holland at the time. Of AGAIN. Being King does NOT necessarily Americans of Jewish faith have no national the fifty-thousand, one thousand signed their mean that that KING can control his responsibilities except those of all Americans to names to a rejecting equal rights and kingdom for it is rare that a King actually the United States.” insisting upon the right of Jews to retain controls ANYTHING but is likewise a puppet The American Council for Judaism points separate, Jewish communities. This was in the hands of his own MASTERS. So, I out that the Jewish nationalists in 1948 spent presented to the Dutch government as the repeat, and hope this gets to the important twenty-five million dollars in the United States will of ALL Holland’s Jews!” leadership of the Jewish people and to their to sell their program of segregation. They And Rabbi Berger goes on to say that the Masters: LET MY PEOPLE GO AND would “make the world believe,” says the process “is more than faintly reminiscent of PERHAPS YOUR KINGDOM MIGHT LAST Council, “all Jews have a ‘Jewish’ nationality; more recent events.” He finds that the tradition A BIT LONGER IN YOUR COUNTING.] that Jews can feel at home only in Israel, and of the eighteenth century Dutch “official” Jews that everywhere else, including America, Jews is “discernible in the movement known as JEWISH AGENCY live in Galut (Exile).” Jewish nationalism today”. Zionism, he FOR PALESTINE Should the Zionists succeed, declares the believes, is the last hope to maintain any trace Council, synagogues, religious schools and of ghetto control over the lives of individuals This international Jewish organization is a community centers would become outposts of who are Jews. foreign body, registered as such with the Israeli nationalism, cutting American Jews off Herzl had declared that “we (Jews) are what Department of Justice in Washington, under the from fellow Americans and from American the Ghetto made us.” Foreign Agents Registration Act. traditions and ideals. “Zionism,” asserts Rabbi Berger, “was Dr. Nahum Goldmann is the chairman of the created on the premise that Jews want to—and American Section of the Jewish Agency for THE “OFFICIAL” JEW must—remain what the ghetto made them.” Palestine. AND THE GHETTO The activities of the American Council for While the Jewish Agency for Palestine was Judaism are under constant attack by the Zionist originally a creation of the World Zionist The word “ghetto” formerly applied to the organizations. An editorial by Rabbi A. Allen Organization it is now an agent of the Israeli street or quarters of a city in which Jews were Steinbach, editor of the Jewish Examiner for government. compelled to live. The term is now used July 18, 1952 is typical. Says Rabbi Steinbach: Dr. Nahum Goldmann sums up the Agency’s loosely to designate a locality or place where “The American Council for Judaism has position and perhaps the views of the Jews congregate. been lobbying against Israel among the government of Israel in the following statement. JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 31

“It will become more difficult to fight in (Shertok) casting Israel’s vote with the Soviet but by the loftiest idealism” would be found behalf of Israel’s political demands when these Union against the United States in the United throughout the country who would be willing to demands do not conform with the policy of the Nations declared his vote not only represented settle in Israel. states of which Jews are citizens. ... For once the viewpoint of Israel but the viewpoint of the there is a (Zionist) state, clashes inevitably arise Jews throughout the world. So far as the record ZIONISTS AT THE with the needs and demands of other countries discloses only Lessing J. Rosenwald, President REPUBLICAN CONVENTION to which Jews owe loyalty. The problem of of the American Council for Judaism, voiced double loyalty cannot be lightly dismissed protest to the Foreign Minister’s statement. Although it was generally understood by the merely by saying that it does not exist.” The Lexington, Ky. Leader, on November members of the platform committee, before the 15, 1951, (reproduced in Council News, official Republican 1952 Convention opened in Chicago, JEWISH NATIONALISM publication of the American Council for that there would be no specific reference to any Judaism) concluded an editorial on Israeli’s country, the Zionist organizations were While organized Jewry may be international Foreign Minister by saying: “It was the hateful successful in securing the adoption of a plank in its operations, it is, for the greater part, doctrine of Hitler that there was an on Israel. It reads as follows: extremely nationalistic in its program for the ‘international Jewry’ whose members were not “The Republican Party has consistently Jews. Since the establishment of the Jewish loyal to the countries of which they were advocated a national homeland for the Jewish State of Israel this nationalism has become more nationals. Mr. Sharett comes dangerously close people since a Republican Congress declared in and more intensely aggressive. In one of the to affirming a similar doctrine.” support of that objective 30 years ago. In most successful Fifth Column operations in the providing a sanctuary for the Jewish people history of the world, the Jews, after ZIONIST ORGANIZATION rendered homeless by persecution, the State of progressively dispossessing an entire people of OF AMERICA Israel appeals to our deepest humanitarian their homes and farms, exemplify a chauvinism instincts and arouses our strong commendation. that has never been equalled. This fanatical The Zionist Organization of America was “We shall continue our friendly interest in nationalism not only permeates the masses of founded in 1897. Its purposes followed the this constructive and inspiring undertaking. We foreigners who now call themselves the citizens World Zionist Organization. It maintains a shall put our influence at the service of the of Israel, but is extended to foreigners who have Palestine Bureau, the American Zionist Fund peace between Israel and the Arab states and we never set eyes on Palestine. Few, if any, can and a Unity Committee. It engages in shall cooperate to bring economic and social prove that a remote ancestor ever actually trod propaganda projects in education, radio and stability to that area.” the soil of Palestine. films. It maintains a Hebrew University There was a strong opposition at the Ben-Gurion and authoritative Zionists imply scholarship. Its president, Dr. Emanuel Convention against the Truman Administration a distinction with but little difference between Neumann, testified before the United Nations policy in the Near East and some twinge of the “State of Israel” and the “Jewish Nation”. hearings in 1947 as a representative of the conscience concerning the United States’ The difference is interpreted as secular and not “Jewish people”. Its publications include The treatment of the Arabs of Palestine. Pressures religious. Mr. Berl Locker, chairman of the New Palestine, Dos Yiddishe Fold, and the developed sentiment among the members of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Palestine Yearbook. Its membership is around foreign relations subcommittee for an “objective makes this quite clear in the following (Jewish a quarter of a million. review” of the Truman policy on Israel with Agency Digest, December 22, 1950): Rabbi Irving Miller is ZOA’s 1952 emphasis on its attendant alienation of the Arab “They (American Jews) were not doing President. states from the United States. Some members enough, and the idea had to be removed once The Zionist Organization of America and the advocated a plank favoring the cause of the and for all that their aid to Israel was being a American Labor Zionist Organization appear Arabs. I.F. Kenen, of the American Zionist work of charity, guided only by humanitarian divided on the question of dictating Israeli Council, Congressman Jacob K. Javits, and motives. American Jewry had to realize that governmental policies. The American Labor others opposed the contentions of the where the consolidation of the Yishuv and the Zionist Organization is headed by Rabbi James representatives of the American Council for Ingathering of the Exiles were concerned, the G. Heller. The Pioneer Women, arm of the Judaism. whole of the Jewish People shared the historical Zionist labor group, numbers 40,000 members. The first draft on Israel by the sub- responsibility. There was no possibility of our The organization raised $1,400,000 for working committee was considered “undesirable” because imposing any disciplinary measures on American women’s institutions in Israel in 1951-52. of its “faint and unenthusiastic wording”. Jewry, but they of their own accord should Rabbi Heller, when elected president of the Senator Irving M. Ives of New York demanded regard themselves as citizens of Israel from the American Zionist Labor Organization, called for a strong statement commending Israel’s refugee point of view or responsibility for the common an “intensified and broader chalutziut resettlement program. He was reinforced by historical tasks that face both them and the movement” to spur settlement of young Senator Richard M. Nixon of California; former Yishuv.” American Jews in Israel. “Young Jews,” said Senator Wayland Brooks of Illinois, and sub- Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett Rabbi Heller, “inspired, not by hope of gain, committee chairman Senator Eugene Millikan of Colorado. [H: Anyone sound familiar yet? And WHO went on to become a traitor to the American people? I thought you might raise Red Lentils & Adzuki Beans your eyes a bit when the names begin to sound familiar.] After a “closed door” session the subcommittee agreed upon the plank which was Two of the tastiest, most “storable” foods are now ultimately adopted. Milton Friedman, in the Jewish Examiner for available in bulk, 50 lbs. per bag. Prepare and cook them July 18, 1952 commented: “From a convention which was at first indifferent, or at least just like pinto beans. Wonderful soup extender and both lukewarm, this resolution represented a Zionist make super salad/sandwich sprouts. victory. ... the plank gave American Zionists a basis on which they may ask and rightfully expect aid for Israel should a Republican Adzuki Beans 50-lb. bag *$50. administration be elected. It was an uphill Red Lentils 50-lb. bag *$30. battle, won by the determination of a few staunch friends of Israel who utilized the accomplishments of the state as arguments in Order From New Gaia—Call 800-639-4242 favor of the mutual value of the advancement * Plus UPS delivery charge of American-Israel friendship. Development at Chicago indicated a strong pro-Zionist sentiment Page 32 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 on the part of many Republican Congressmen...” The support given by the United States and the these activities more than Gentile Americans All of which, of course, demonstrates the Western Christian countries to the Zionists in because they are unwittingly involved. Willing strong political pressure of the Zionists of their subtle Fifth Column conquest of Palestine to join in a spiritual brotherhood with world America on politicians. Bartering support to a has endangered the future of Christianity in the Judaism, they insist on individual emancipation foreign nation for political purposes, both major Arab countries. and the right to be loyal citizens in the country parties have shown their willingness to brush Al-Misry, a Wafdist daily newspaper of their birth or adoption. aside considerations of equity and justice and an published in Cairo, Egypt expressing Arab Rabbi Elmer Berger sums up the situation eagerness to pander to the votes of an alien sentiment, July 1, 1946, indicates the basis of with these words: minority which is more concerned with a resentment that has grown in bitterness since it “I am convinced,” he says, “that there are foreign country than with the country of their was written. “In the U.S.A. there is a Jewish two ideological groups among Americans of birth or residence. colony,” says Al-Misry. “In the political field, Jewish faith. There are those who favor this [H: I will point out, as a reminder of they have made themselves a power. ... They secularized ‘Jewish peoplehood’. They have about which we speak: Remember the 3 can bring their influence to bear on the White so manipulated that they now have their kind BILLION DOLLARS paid in cash every year House. ... the American President surrounded by of Judaism and their kind of philanthropy. TO ISRAEL? DO YOU REALIZE THAT IT such men as Rabbi Wise, Baruch and And we know their future plans for a COULD BE AND WAS DEMANDED IN Morganthau, Zionism has won the President to completely collectivized minority of Jews in GOLD—WHEN THE U.S. CITIZEN COULD its side. ... is irretrievably in its grip. ... Arabs the United States. NOT RECEIVE GOLD IN EXCHANGE FOR have lost hope in the fairness of America’s “And there are also those who, evaluating ANY DEBT? HOW DO YOU THINK SO president, her Senate, her Congress, and her ‘Jewish peoplehood’ in theologically different MUCH GOLD GOT SHIFTED OUT OF THE Press...” [H: And this was half a century ways, are nevertheless joined in determination U.S. AND INTO FOREIGN CONTROL? ago!] that this secularized, authoritarian Then, the Israelis turned right about with interpretation born in the tribal nationalisms their free money and invested it in gigantic HITLER AND THE ZIONISTS of Eastern Europe and now taking the form interest-bearing things—such as even U.S. of pan-Israelism, is something completely stuff right out of the Treasury and [H: NONE of you are going to like this abhorrent, objectionable and unacceptable. Government accounting offices. Now you next.] “Between them and us is a chasm as wide don’t even KNOW how much flows to Israel There is an amazing similarity in Nazi and apart as the poles. Our Judaism is different. each year and still they try to strip more and Zionist totalitarian concepts, as paradoxical as Our philanthropy is different. Our ethics are more and more from you-the-people. Since this statement may appear when first considered. different. Our mentality is different. We when did Israel become YOUR HOMELAND, [H: Just remember that the , live in a world that is different in every way AMERICANS? Oh, indeed, I DO NOT protocols and instructions for Communism, from the obvious externals to the subtle, JEST!] Fascism, Zionism, Nazism and actually the indefinable, elusive differences in our MODERN democratic groups ARE FROM innermost souls.” [END OF QUOTING] THE SAME RESOURCE AND SOURCE.] The identifying principles are apparent in the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE May we leave this for thought food, please. Jewish nationalist literature and in the concept OF B’NAI B’RITH Salu. of a “Jewish people”. The racial “superiority” theory is identical. There is no difference The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith 7/8/98 #1 HATONN between the frenzied Israeli “ingathering of the is referred to in many quarters as “The Jewish exiles” and the ingathering to the Third Reich Gestapo”. While it is obvious that its activities GETTING THE JOB DONE of Hitler’s Aryan blood-brothers. The treatment are concerned with spying and snooping— of the Arabs by the Jews of Palestine and, ferreting out “anti-semitism”—it is unfair to We are working day and night to get our subsequently, by the Israeli government, fully label it “Jewish”. other work accomplished so we ask patience and parallels the Nazi treatment of the Jews, except Very few American Jews know much about consideration from you readers who aren’t as to scale and scope—and POWER. Requisition the actual operations of the Anti-Defamation getting what you “think” you want. Remember of Arab property, even from the Arabs who League. Its leaders, both on the national and this paper is to contact the team, keep in remained in Israel, continues, while the local levels, maintain a double policy in public contact with our citizens (and yes, even though disparagement of wages paid Arabs and Jews relations. The picture presented to B’nai B’rith it appears otherwise, we accomplish that), and for the same kind of work is the common membership is different from the picture held up do our best to also not neglect you who are practice. Social injustices and Jewish race and to the general public. finding your own way and realizing TRUTH is religious superiority are being written into It is quite obvious to anyone with not what you get elsewhere. Israeli law by the Knesset, reversing in every knowledge of the facts that the ADL is the And if it helps your feelings—I DON’T respect the Zionist propaganda for Gentile creature of the ambitious clique that controls it. LIKE THESE TOPICS, EITHER, FOR I HAVE consumption in Christian countries. There is a report that certain executives in some NO UNDERSTANDING OR TOLERANCE FOR In the United States the Zionists, through of the B’nai B’rith Lodges are presently making BIGOTRY, IGNORANCE, OR FELLOW- their multitudinous agencies, resort to character an attempt to disassociate their organization BASHING OF ANY KIND. And IF you would assassination, slander, intimidation, economic from the ADL, and that the ADL bureaucracy get yourselves totally informed—there wouldn’t boycott and economic pressures for the control is threatening to leave the National Community be any such thing running around sucking you of public information and communication, the Relations Advisory Council rather than consent into the muck. With that in mind, let us move press and public officials. Candidates for public to a reduction of its area of operation. (Since on through this Zionist material as quickly as office are quizzed for their stand on Israel and the foregoing was written, both the Anti- possible. immediately smeared as “anti-Semites” when Defamation League and the American Jewish their answers are unsatisfactory. Criticism of Committee have withdrawn from the National PART 16: HIDDEN PARASITES Zionist activities is always answered with the Community Relations Advisory Council.) [H: same paralyzing cry. Perhaps it would be easier for you new [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by It must be held in mind that the Zionists do readers if you do some background digging Senator Jack B. Tenney:] not include all American Jews in their on this topic and remember that B’nai B’rith movement. It must be remembered that many is THE major branch of such as MI-6 and THE ARABS AND patriotic American Jews look with abhorrence British Intelligence along with the Brookings THE UNITED STATES upon the un-American activities of American Institute, AND TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE IN Zionists and their agencies; that they resent the LONDON.] The Zionists have created a feeling of deep Zionist movement with fully as much vigor as While the ADL bureaucracy emphasizes its bitterness in the Arab world against the United any other American—and, perhaps with a better Jewish character for defensive purposes it does States, thus destroying the cordial relations that knowledge of the subject. In a sense these not speak for American Jews. The political had been established for over a hundred years. patriotic American Jews have reason to resent nature of its work is not revealed to the average JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 33

Jewish contributor, and its activities in this field brother, for they don’t even fit the “Semite” collective Jewish mind. Confidential material are carefully concealed from American Jewry definition and never plan to fit that category mailed to American Jews by organizations and the general public under either ethnic or (unless it is somehow convenient and appealing for funds is marked “to be destroyed religious cloaks. profitable politically and financially).] after reading”—thus creating an atmosphere of Therefore the Anti-Defamation League may Before the French Revolution Anti-Semitism terrifying secrecy and pending doom; the futility be properly termed a “private Gestapo”. had its basis in religious hatred against of appealing to the ordinary governmental The word “Jew” is used loosely by Jews and European Jewry. Because the Jews were agencies, and effectually cutting the Jew off Gentiles alike. There are those who attach a restricted to unpopular trades, such as usury, the from his American fellows. religious connotation to the term. Most sentiment also had an economic undercurrent. This technique tends to build the ADL into dictionaries define “Jew” as a member of the Since the dawn of the Eighteenth Century, the “only” champion of the Jew; the “only” Hebraic division of the Semitic race; a Hebrew: however, anti-Semitism cannot be said to have power that stands guard between the Jews and an Israelite. The word comes from Judah, its roots in either religion or economics as such. the “Fascist” Gentile anti-Semites. On the other meaning the son of Jacob and originally was Prior to 1930 the term “anti-Semite” was hand the ADL and other Jewish organizations used to indicate a member of the tribe, or the almost unknown to the average American. Not picture the Jews as the paragons of all virtue Kingdom of Judah. It is also used to indicate one in 10,000 would have been able to define while the Gentiles are cast in the role of the adherents of the religion of Judaism. it. In school, on the job—the American Jew persecutors and villains—the sum total of all It is apparent that most Gentiles use the was a fellow whom you liked or disliked in the that is evil, vicious and mean. term in its ethnic, rather than in its religious same way that you liked or disliked Pat or “It is currently estimated,” declares a sense, as, indeed do many Jews. Communists Tony. Like every other person you grew up spokesman for the Joint Jewish Appeal, “that are, of course, atheists [H: That is until it is with, the Jews were just Americans. They had 25%—or more than 20 million Americans—have inconvenient.] and oppose Judaism as they their faults, their prejudices and their virtues. an already rooted prejudice against their fellow oppose Christianity and other religions. When Like Pat and Tony they were sometimes citizens. Fourteen independent polls, conducted a Communist refers to himself as a “Jew”, it is obnoxious, petty and disagreeable, but more by impartial research organizations—reveal that, clear that he is referring to his Hebraic origin often, like Pat and Tony, they were pleasant, out of every four adults questioned, at least one rather than to the faith of Judaism. kind and friendly. has been infected with anti-Semitism... one is The average American Jew is much the same opposed to anti-Semitism... while a third... and ANTI-SEMITISM today as he always was. Left to himself he a fourth are, as yet, undecided.” integrates into the American pattern. Unlike Pat Thus 75 percent of the adult population, The term “Jew”, then, as popularly used has and Tony, however, the American Jew has the according to this statement, is either actively or no relationship to religious faith, and the term memory of centuries of persecution and potentially anti-Semitic. The one in four or 25 “anti-Semitism” carries no connotation of discrimination of his race in his thinking. percent opposed to anti-Semitism—and this religious hatred or persecution. Unlike Pat and Tony he is indoctrinated with a group must necessarily include the American The word “Semite” originally meant one of racial superiority complex and a sense of Jewish population—indicates that nearly every the people believed to be descended from Shem, international brotherhood with Jews everywhere. adult Gentile American—including American the son of Noah. Today the term includes the The horrible treatment of the Jews in Germany Negroes—are actively or passively anti-Semitic. Arabs; the Akkadians of ancient Babylonia; the under Hitler is fresh in his mind. But he would Whether the Jewish organizations behind the Assyrians; the Canaanites (including the be content to be simply an American if the Jewish Appeal intended to convey this Amorites, Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites, and clever men of his race would let him. impression is probably irrelevant, but the Phoenicians); the various Aramaean tribes His fears and his complexes are exploited by conclusion is inescapable. (including Hebrews); and a considerable portion the bureaucracies that control and direct the net- If the statistics quoted are true, the ADL of the population of Ethiopia. An “anti- work of organizations set up in his name and and its sponsoring B’nai B’rith Lodges should Semite”, therefore, is one who is opposed to the ostensibly for his protection. The laws of engage in some soul-searching. Either the Semites. [H: Which, of course, since most of America are not sufficient, he is told. There universal anti-Semitism indicated is deserved or us come from the tribe of Shem—means that must be a multitude of committees and the ADL and similar organizations are doing a the Jews are opposed (or “anti”) you and me, councils—a vast interlocking series of thoroughly miserable job in public relations. organizations that It is obvious to any student of the problem will work for his that the latter is the case. interest alone. CONTACT The Anti- JEWISH EXPLOITATION Defamation OF JEWS League is one of Subscription rates the most Under date of July 7, 1952, A.E. Kraus and aggressive of Paul L. Rolston, on the letterhead of the United these Jewish Jewish Welfare Fund, addressed a agencies. mimeographed letter to Jewish insurance have changed, Through its underwriters. exploitation Paul L. Rolston is the Chairman, and Arthur methods in its E. Kraus associate Chairman of the Insurance appeals for funds Division of the United Jewish Welfare Fund of many American the Los Angeles Jewish Community Council. effective June 16, 1998. Jews have The letter follows: become obsessed “Dear Fellow-Underwriter: with the idea that “May I apologize for our failure to contact CAN/ all non-Jews are you personally relative to your contribution to WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION U.S. U.S. FOREIGN either consciously the United Jewish Welfare Fund? I know you w/ENVELOPE MEX FOREIGN and actively anti- will understand because we, like you, have a Semitic or living to make. 13 ISSUES $30 $40 $40 $45 passively and “Although the worthiness and the need of potentially anti- this cause need no amplifying, let me give you Semitic. The one example—the attached is a true and 26 ISSUES $60 $80 $80 $90 scare propaganda shocking story. It touches everyone of us, of the ADL has whether we are in Life, Casualty or any other created a type of insurance business. The anti-Semites 52 ISSUES $110 $150 $150 $170 persecution who publish the dangerous filth described herein complex in the are well-financed. They have no trouble raising Page 34 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 funds. But the source of funds to combat American Jew is immediately confronted with Haberman, Hon. Herbert H. Lehman, honorary them—your United Jewish Welfare Fund—finds visions of pogroms and mob violence— Vice-Chairmen; A.C. Horn, honorary Treasurer; it much harder to get support. terrorized by the thought that the ordinary and Jacob Alson, Treasurer. J. Harold Saks is “We are critically behind schedule in protections of government will be denied him— designated “Community Service Director”, while meeting this year’s minimum quota, not only to that only the Jewish agencies stand between him Frank N. Trager is National Program Director. combat anti-semitism, but to support such other and doom! I.B. Benjamin of Los Angeles was a member of agencies as: taking care of the Jewish needs of It is this technique of exploitation of the the National Commission in 1947. men and women in uniform; supporting over 30 American Jew that is creating anti-Semitism in of our local agencies; saving lives of Jews in America. FOUNDER OF Israel, Europe and the Moslem World. THE ADL “Will you do your part? At this writing THE your contribution has not been received. I join TROUBLEMAKERS Sigmund Livingston is credited with with your colleagues in the Insurance Division founding the Anti-Defamation League. For in urging that you read the attached folder, then Benjamin R. Epstein is the National Director better than thirty years he acted as national promptly make your gift to the United Jewish of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. chairman. An Illinois lawyer, he appears to Welfare Fund—and make it generous enough to Arnold Forster is general counsel. The policies have approached some of the problems of anti- enable us to conquer the hate that threatens us of the organization are made by these men. Semitism constructively, attacking the myths all. It is apparent from even a cursory study of and libels against the Jewish people with facts “Your pledge card is enclosed. Sign it for the ADL and its methods that Epstein and and reason. the maximum amount, keeping in mind that you Forster, together with a handful of professional The Anti-Defamation League was may pay your contribution in monthly or Jews, constitute a self-perpetuating dictatorial incorporated into the B’nai B’rith shortly after quarterly installments. Please take care of this bureaucracy, more powerful than the sponsoring its founding. matter today so that we may all go back to the B’nai B’rith Lodges. Sigmund Livingston attacked anti-Semitism business of selling insurance.” The vast spy network is allegedly under the almost wholly from the religious point of view. Enclosed with the letter is an expensive— direction of Arnold Forster. Although this basis for anti-Semitism became and alarming—five-page folder. In red and Forster and Epstein have recently published negligible after the French Revolution, Mr. white ominous lettering against a black a new book on anti-Semitism, “The Livingston succeeded in dissipating many of the background is the legend “Violence Against the Troublemakers” (Doubleday & Company, Inc., fragmentary myths that tended to persist. In his Jew”. Super-imposed over a mass of wriggling Garden City, N.Y., $3.50). Skimming rapidly approach to and disposal of other facets of the arrow-pointed white lines is a red curling, through the pages an impartial reader comes to problem, however, he lost much of his snake-like figure. The overall effect is designed the conclusion that the authors must have had objectivity and judicial appraisement. Avowedly to be frightening. The recipient of the folder themselves in mind when they came up with the a partisan, as far as the subject matter was is led to believe that the drawing is the work title for the book. It would appear that the concerned, he became almost fanatically so of some sinister, blood-thirsty anti-Semite rather contributors to Mr. Forster’s 1951 budget of when dealing with factual questions. The than the propaganda “art-work” of the United allegedly one million, eight hundred thousand organization he founded is living proof of this Jewish Welfare Fund. ($1,800,000.00) dollars had a right to expect a statement. Reproduced throughout the folder are the little more for their money than they receive in His approach to the Protocols of the Elders title pages of a number of booklets dealing with “The Troublemakers”. If the authors intend to of Zion as a literary does not, in any Jewish questions. Not a single title page scare American Jewry into greater contributions sense, dispose of the context of the document. reproduced indicates violence against the Jews. and larger annual budgets for Mr. Forster, the Although Henry Ford apologized to Jewry for The overall effect of the folder, however, book is understandable. If the authors had any the publication of the Protocols in The conveys the terrifying idea that all Jews are in intention whatever to ameliorate racial Dearborn Independent in a letter addressed to deadly peril. intolerance and anti-Semitism in the United Louis Marshall of the American Jewish The second page of the folder warns: “Make States, then their effort must be marked zero- Committee in 1927, the apology did not wipe No Mistake: on every side there is DANGER to minus, and the book is incomprehensible. out his statement published in the New York our homes and families.” The word “danger” The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith World of February 17, 1921. In this article Mr. in inch-high, blood-red quivering letters. maintains regional offices in New York; Ford was quoted as saying: Under the name of Leslie G. Cramer, Chicago; Columbus, Ohio; Miami, Florida; “THE ONLY STATEMENT I CARE TO Chairman of the United Jewish Welfare Fund, Boston, Mass.; Portland, Oregon; San Francisco; MAKE ABOUT THE PROTOCOLS IS THAT is a further warning and appeal for “generous” Atlanta, Georgia; Los Angeles; Denver, Colo.; THEY FIT IN WITH WHAT IS GOING ON. contributions. “Read this evidence of an Washington, D.C.; Seattle, Washington; THEY ARE SIXTEEN YEARS OLD AND organized and terrible threat to America,” Milwaukee, Wis.; Indianapolis, Indiana; Kansas THEY HAVE FITTED THE WORLD declares Mr. Cramer, “and to the cherished City, Mo.; and Houston, Texas. SITUATION UP TO THIS TIME. THEY FIT freedoms enjoyed by yourself and those you Arnold Forster, in addition to acting as IT NOW.” [H: Emphasis mine.] love.” general counsel for the organization, is also Sigmund Livingston disposes of the main Stamped across the center page of the folder designated as National Civil Rights Director. In question—the context of the Protocols—with the is the admonition “CONFIDENTIAL . Please 1947 the Civil Rights Committee of the ADL following: destroy after reading.” consisted of the following: Jacob Grumet, “Others may base their antagonism upon On another page, in black and red lettering, Chairman, New York; Hon. David A. Rose, their belief in the absurd charge that the Jews is the following: “Today—and every day—the Vice-Chairman, Boston, Mass.; Leo Abrams, are part of an international conspiracy, as vicious peddlers of anti-Semitism are active Chicago, Ill.; Alan Altheimer, Chicago, Ill.; outlined in the infamous Protocols. This charge and... ONLY YOU... CAN STOP THEM!” Joseph Cohen, Kansas City, Kan.; Hon. Martin has been the ‘leader’ of all the merchandise of THE WORD “ANTI SEMITISM” is underscored M. Frank, Bronx, N.Y.; Lester Gutterman, New hate offered by the anti-Semitic propagandists. with a blood-red smear. York City; John Horwitz, Oklahoma City, Okla.; The folly of this charge must be apparent to The last page of the folder informs the Frank Kaplan, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Samuel Kramer, anyone who seriously investigates it. The reader: “These Agencies work day and night for New York; Charles W. Morris, Louisville, Ky.; Protocols, the foundation for this anti-Semitic you—for all America—to quell the hate- Bernard Nath, Chicago, Ill.; Louis A. Novins, charge, as has already been shown, are a mongers.” New York City; A.N. Pritzker, Chicago, Ill.; fraudulent invention. Even a superficial view of Following are listed the American-Jewish and Benjamin Samuels of Chicago, Ill. world Jewry should convince anyone that there Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai In addition to Forster and Epstein the is no truth at all in this charge. The Jews have B’rith, the American-Jewish Congress, the National Commission of the organization (1947) no recognized organization of world affairs. Jewish Labor Committee, and the Jewish War included: Hon. Meier Steinbrink, Chairman; They have not even a chief rabbi. They have Veterans. Harold Lachman and Max J. Schneider, Vice- no bishops, no arch-bishops, no pope, or any The psychological reaction to this sort of Chairmen; Richard E. Gutstadt, Executive Vice- other office of comparable dignity or power. propaganda is obvious. The average uninformed Chairman; Barney Balaban, Phillip W. Jewry is divided as much as Christendom, if not JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 35 more. The Orthodox and the Reformed faiths Jewry as its pawn, seeks world domination. forces and Veterans Administration hospitals. are as far apart as are the Catholic and In 1951 it created new local armed services Protestant divisions of Christianity. Even on [END OF QUOTING] committees; recruited 75 Jewish chaplains; the question of nationalism they have no real served 135,000 men in the U.S. and overseas; unity, for there are Zionists, non-Zionists and May you walk in the LIGHT. Salu. and helped in the reorganization of the United anti-Zionists. Furthermore, the numerical Service Organizations (U.S.O.) taking strength of the Jews compared to the population 7/9/98 #2 HATONN responsibility for 25 clubs. The membership in of either Europe, America or the world is 1951 included 331 Jewish community centers inconsequential. The story of a Jewish ‘world PART 17: HIDDEN PARASITES and Young Men’s Hebrew associations with conspiracy’ to overthrow existing governments 502,000 members and 40 national affiliated is one of the greatest ever perpetuated.” [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by organizations. The fallacy of Mr. Livingston’s reasoning in Senator Jack B. Tenney:] Jacob R. Marcus, Encyclopedia Britannica this statement is quite apparent. In the first expert on the subject, declares American Jewry place he assumes that one form of anti-Semitism THE “is highly organized”. He estimated (1947) that is the result of an imagined “Jewish B’NAI B’RITH the Jews of the United States spend at least one international conspiracy”—that all Jews are hundred million ($100,000,000) dollars a year to allegedly involved and, therefore, hated. This The B’nai B’rith is the oldest and largest maintain their various agencies. “If every premise is simply not true. There is no general Jewish membership organization in the United branch of every lodge were to be included,” hatred of the Russian people because Stalin and States. It was founded in New York in 1843. says Mr. Marcus, “there would be at least his Politburo contemplate the conquest of the In 1939 it had 85,000 members in 520 lodges 25,000 individual clubs, societies, groups and world. Conspiracies are never made by an in the United States and Canada, besides 40,000 synagogues in the United States.” [H: Anti- entire people; they are always made by a few women and girls in 300 auxiliaries. Today Semitic Cults?] leaders. (though statistics are lacking) it is reported that “I have an abiding faith,” declared Sigmund This argument does not dispose of the B’nai B’rith membership in the United States Livingston, “that religious prejudice and mass context of the Protocols. exceeds 300,000. In 1882 it organized hatred will be vanquished, in time, by reason Nor does the statement that the Protocols internationally. By 1930 there were B’nai and truth.” [H: Now wouldn’t that be nice?] are a “fraudulent invention”, together with the B’rith lodges in forty countries. During the It is the considered opinion of most students proffered proof, cancel out their contents. early thirties the lodges in Germany, Austria, of the subject that religious prejudice has The averment that “the Jews have no Danzig, Czechoslovakia, Brazil, Rumania, disappeared as a basis for mass hatreds. Here recognized organization of world affairs” was Poland, Turkey and Algeria were liquidated or and there isolated individuals and groups of not a true statement when Mr. Livingston wrote otherwise forced into inactivity by governmental individuals indicate an unreasoning hatred for it unless the use of the word “recognized” was action. There are lodges now in more than the persons of other faiths, and the Jews are deliberate. It is not true today. twenty foreign countries NOT EXCLUDED from this category. Anti- The assumed premise that anti-Semitism is The B’nai B’rith sponsors the Hillel Semitism does still exist and it is apparently founded in religious feeling is the basis of a Foundation at many American Universities; the increasing and expanding but it is not based major portion of Mr. Livingston’s reasoning and Aleph Zadik Aleph, junior B’nai B’rith for non- upon dislike of Judaism. It appears to be this premise, as we have seen, is false. college youth; a Vocational Guidance Bureau to confined to Zionists and to have its roots in Therefore the fact that the Jews do not have a further the occupational redistribution of Jews, opposition to Jewish organizational and political chief rabbi, bishops, arch-bishops or a pope, and the Anti-Defamation League. activities. It does not appear to extend to the proves nothing. In 1859 American Jews established the Jewish people as individuals but is directed at The final disposition of “the question of Board of Delegates of American Israelites, a the bureaucracy that controls and directs the nationalism” is particularly injudicious and protective agency against discrimination. This amazing network of Jewish organizations. borders on argumentative trickery. Again Mr. organization was succeeded by the Board of Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein of Livingston lays down the false premise that a Delegates of Civil and Religious Rights in 1878. the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith “Jewish conspiracy” involves all Jews, and then The B’nai B’rith interested itself in this answer Livingston’s fervent prayers with “The quite logically “explodes” the fallacy he, organization and aided it in its objectives and Troublemakers”, nearly forty years later. himself, has created. undertakings. Under the white searching light of reason No person in possession of the ordinary In 1906 the American Jewish Committee and truth the fog of bigotry, intolerance and faculties of reasoning would condemn an entire came into existence. This group is said to hatred melt away. people, either as an ethnic group or as a reflect the more conservative point of view of Under the direction of Epstein and Forster religious sect, for the actions or utterances of American Jewry. anti-Semitism appears to be on the upgrade. some of its members. It is obvious that a plan The American Jewish Congress was launched As a matter of fact anti-Semitism is the by a few Irishmen for the subjugation of the in 1922. It became the spokesman of the ADL’s stock-in-trade. Should it wither and die world is not a conspiracy by all the Irish Zionist organizations and purports to express the the ADL brass would be out of business, and people—even though the conspirators might base viewpoint of middle class metropolitan Epstein and Forster, et al. would be out of jobs. their plans on Irish psychological, ethnic and American Jews. It is alleged to be the Livingston’s purpose appears to have been religious reactions. The guilt of the handful of proponent of “a more democratic American- constructive; building good will and friendly conspirators is not disproved by arguing that no Jewish life”, whatever is meant by this phrase. relations between Jew and Gentile; the “Irish conspiracy” could possibly have existed It is an affiliate of the World Jewish Congress. puncturing of anti-Jewish myths and libels; the because the Irish are divided by religious faiths The Jewish Labor Committee was born in application of reason and truth to the dark and are numerically weak “compared to the 1924. It was designed to represent organized places of ignorance and prejudice. Although he population of either Europe, America or the American Jewish labor. could not escape his own prejudices concerning world”. In 1938 the foregoing organizations united Gentiles, he did what he could to enlighten The real question involved in any document with the B’nai B’rith to form a General Jewish them as to their prejudices against the Jews. is the truth or falsity of the contents. Whether Council The chief purpose of the Council was While the organization was a psychological the author was John Doe or someone else, is of to create unity and uniformity of policy and mistake in the field of race relations it appeared little moment in the final analysis. It isn’t like action among the several affiliated organizations. to have been sincere. a facsimile of John Doe’s signature on a The American Jewish Conference was a 1943 The ADL’s present policy is far afield from check—where it is the signature that counts. It development for the same purpose. The Livingston’s laudable objectives. It now hurls is merely a question of fact or fiction. National Community Relations Advisory Council anti-Semitism in political campaigns and links The real issue involved in the Protocols is serves the same objective. candidates, marked for destruction, with the unanswered by Mr. Livingston. The real The National Jewish Welfare Board was boogy-men it dramatizes in its publications. question is whether or not a hand full of Jews founded in 1917 and is authorized by the United Whatever Mr. Livingston’s plans were for have an organized world system; whether or not States government to serve the religious, welfare the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith the a self-appointed Jewish bureaucracy, using world and moral needs of Jews in the U.S. armed fact remains that it has become the world’s Page 36 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 most powerful gestapo; the brain center of a LINE TO THE WORLD BANK AND THE himself. vast spy network and the intelligence unit of a INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, What is done with all the information on myriad of Jewish organizations. Ostensibly this ORDERED AROUND BY THE U.N.? It anti-Semitism contained in the ADL’s banks of intelligence center only concerns itself with does, after all, become clear why the Federal filing cabinets? “anti-Semitism”. The thousands of nerve-fibres Reserve thugs were the next to try to get rid We are shown a roomful of girls pounding connecting the center with Gentile activities of the evidence—and hence the entire file was away at typewriters. Automatic Teletype tickers throughout the world appear to be stimulated sent home to security in PERU. WHY beat a machine-gun racket. Linotype machines only by the catch-phrases of anti-Semitism. WOULD THE JEWISH ADL B’nai B’rith be pour out molded lines of metal words and But there are those who say that the interested in a “so-called” non-valid phrases. We learn that the printing presses are organization serves other and more sinister instrument? My, my—doesn’t it just get disgorging tons of newsprint while hundreds of purposes. more and more interesting? And then, they thousands of propaganda books roll through Certainly its activities are not curbing anti- publicly (it just hasn’t caught up with the automatic binderies. Clerks and more clerks; h Semitism. “mouths”) acknowledge this “ Atonn” as being busy telephone switchboards. Motion picture so high up the security secret totem-pole as sets spring into action at the command of the INSIDE THE to be one of the most powerful operatives brain center; Mitchell cameras swing into focus. ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE around. If you don’t find that interesting— Miles of film developing in laboratories. what’s wrong with you?] Newscasters and commentators at radio Beyond the double doors of the American “What does it tend to prove?” we inquire microphones; radio towers flashing the ADL’s Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation innocently. propaganda to the four quarters of the globe... League of B’nai B’rith is a single door. On it “It proves that the amazing parallel between All this to off-set anti-Semitism, we are is lettered: “FACT FINDING, LEGAL AND the Nazi climb to power in Germany and the told. INVESTIGATIVE DIVISIONS”. present-day tactics of the enemies of human “Ceaselessly, tirelessly,” boasts our guide, Shall we enter? rights within our own borders can no longer be “through one of the largest mass education and “We are unwilling to guess about anti- denied!” declares our guide. [H: Say what? public relations programs ever attempted by Semitism,” an ADL spokesman tells us. “These Isn’t that a direct contradiction to what is private groups, the Anti-Defamation League of offices have long maintained a close watch on the “claim”? Well, it may be a bit confusing B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish the activities of Democracy’s bigoted enemies.” until you realize the man is talking about Committee are engaged in an all-out In spite of the double-talk involved in the YOU-THE-PEOPLE.] determination...” use of the term “Democracy” we understand His vehemence and emotionalism mark his His voice is lost in the roar of the presses, what the spokesman is saying. sincerity. He apparently is a victim of his own the clatter of typewriters, Linotype-machines and Our glance follows banks of filing cabinets propaganda. We know that he is talking about the automatic Teletype tickers. and, for a moment, we believe we are in the Record Department of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington, D.C. Clerks are busy at the cabinets, sorting and filing papers. Our ADL spokesman is very frank and informative about the entire operation, although we find that we must occasionally interpret his THE WORD propaganda double-talk in order to understand clearly. We are curious to examine some of the papers and cards contained in the banks of cabinets, but we are not afforded the opportunity. We are told that “carefully and Tapes, Transcriptions & Videos painstakingly documented evidence” is piling up in these files. [H: I think that here is a good place to Donations to cover the costs of tapes are $4.00 for one tape, $6.00 for let you in on a bit of intrigue: It was the two tapes and $2.50 per tape for three or more, except where otherwise ADL that first tried to negate and bury the noted. Postage is included in tape prices. Peruvian documents in the consulate in Los Please send check or money order to: THE WORD, P.O. Box 1498, Angeles. They had a big flap and then Tehachapi, CA 93582 or call 805-822-4176 if you have questions or you subsided saying that there were “other” ways wish to use your Visa, Discover or Master Card. of wiping out the new holders in conjunction If you desire to automatically receive tapes from future meetings, please with those who were already using the send at least a $50 donation from which tape costs will be deducted. We document. Now, who do you suppose they mean—sweet little ole’ Bush? The Savings will try to notify you as your balance reaches zero. and Loan Boys of the Club? The “sincere” Special Order tapes are noted by * and are not automatically sent. banksters of the International Zionists’ The following is a partial list of older items but including all of the most Bankers’ Club? WHO? Who do you current meeting dates, with the number of tapes in bold, in parentheses, suppose they meant to “wipe out”? Could it and mentioning if the meeting has a special focus: be like with Jason Brent in this town who 8/17/96 (4) “Little Crow”; 8/18/96 (4) & 8/19/96 (3) Teddy from Canada & shouted to everyone loud and clear that he Commander Hatonn; 8/20/96 (2) Road Tour of Tehachapi; 8/28/96 (4) ; would have the Ekkers dispensed with one 9/1/96 (3) Norio Hayakawa; 9/8/96 (3) JUDGEMENT DAY-1995, a dramatization; way or another? Well, he is very Jewish and 9/22/96 (4) Gary Wean & Field Report From The Clays; 10/6/96 (3) Farrakhan in very anti-SEMITIC, and very much PROUD of his stance that the old, the infirm, the Canada;11/2/96 (3); 11/24/96 (2);12/8/96(2); 12/29/96(2); 2/19/97(4) David Miller stupid, etc., should and must be dispensed Tapes; 2/23/97(2) Little Crow tape; 3/3-4/97(8) Eustace Mullins & Cort Christie; with. He also advertised to “like-minded” 3/10/97(2) David Miller Tapes; 3/16/97(5) Farrakhan Speech; 4/2/97(1) Cult Media Jews in the area to join him in his Blitz; 4/6/97(2); 4/7/97(2) EXTRA Interview; 4/8/97(2) Channel 29 Interview; established “club” only for Jews. Or, is it 4/13/97(3) David Icke; 6/1/97(2); 6/22/97(2);7/20/97(2); 8/15/97(3)*Corporation that these types of “Jews” give a bad rap to Lecture; 8/16/97 to 8/19/97(11) New Year Celebration meeting; 9/21/97(1); all Jewish people? It is just interesting, isn’t 10/19/97(2); 11/9/97(3); it, that you have the Treasury Department Christmas Party and Memorial for our beloved Zita 12/7/97(2); 3/8/98 (3); recognizing the “certificate in point” but 4/19/98(3); 5/9/98(4); 5/30/98(4) Ron Carlson; 6/14/98(3); 7/12/98(3). noting that it now falls as DEBT TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND ON UP THE JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 37

THE “Does the ADL plant propaganda in Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and other PRESS children’s comic books?” we ask. large veteran’s organizations.” “Comic books,” our guide replies, ignoring No segment of American life seems to have We enter a door marked “PRESS DIVISION, the form of the question, “carry strips been overlooked by the enterprising ADL and FEATURE SERVICES”. A man is at a desk denouncing native fascists and their use of inter- the American Jewish Committee. dictating to his secretary. He pays no attention group tension as a weapon against Democracy.” We are now in the “LABOR RELATIONS to our presence. The phraseology is reminiscent of the Daily DIVISION”. “Release number 61,” he dictates. “The People’s World and the Daily Worker...” “This Division,” our guide is saying, “works following constitutes additional background “Native fascists”, “inter-group tension”, closely with both the C.I.O. and the A.F.of L. material on...” “Democracy”—brain blinding from the on a local as well as national scale, determined “What do the newspapers do with the dialectical lexicon of Marx and Lenin. to prevent the promoters of inter-group tension material you feed them?” we ask. We enter a studio through a door lettered from spreading their poison through these “Information supplied to the newspapers “PRESS DIVISION, CARTOON SECTION”. ranks.” reaches the public in the form of editorials,” is Men are working at drawing boards. Cartoons We are beginning to understand something the answer. by Carl Rose and Eric Godall are prominently of the magnitude of the ADL’s operations. We We pass on through a door marked: “PRESS displayed on the walls. are beginning to appreciate its vast spy-network DIVISION, PULP SECTION”. We discover a “Cartoons are very useful,” explains our sprawling across the nation and throughout the large work table in the center of the room guide, “Some are prepared by the nation’s most world. Our imagination is staggered by its around which are several copy readers busily at popular artists and decorate the newspapers of apparent control of the avenues of work. The table is piled high with magazines, the land—pointing the fingers of ridicule and communications. We pause to remember that among which we see copies of “Famous scorn at bigotry and the purveyors of racial we are dealing with a private organization, Western Stories”, “Ideal Love” and “Crack hatred.” financed by contributions wrung from American Detective Stories”. Passing on down the corridor we come to a Jews; American Jews cut off from the healthy We are not sure whether the copy readers door marked “PRESS DIVISION, BOOKS”. intercourse of American life by the alarm- are searching the pages of the magazines for Our ADL spokesman tells us that the Book trumpets of fear and suspicion. tell-tale indications of anti-Semitism or Section is charged with “exposing the fascist We remember the provocative phrases of our cataloguing the articles and stories planted by trick of using anti-Semitism in its ‘divide and ADL spokesman: “native fascists”, “bigots”, the ADL. We are informed, however, that the conquer’ campaign”. We are told that efforts “racial hatred”, “anti-Semites”, etc., and we “Pulp Magazine Section “ is charged with the of the Book Section are reaching America’s suddenly recall that He who loved all mankind responsibility of utilizing the pages of the book-shelves in ever-increasing numbers. said: “These things I command you, that ye love pulps; planting stories and articles glamorizing “The fact is,” declares our guide, “that, one another.” (John XV, 17). We ponder the the Jews. Our guide does not elaborate on how today, a great percentage of all material psychological reaction of one who is branded “a the job is done; whether or not the ADL articles prepared by the Press Division is done so at native fascist” and a “bigot”; whether or not and stories are ever returned with polite the request of publications previously such a person is hardened in his bigotry or rejection slips. [H: I can tell you readers serviced.” suddenly transformed into the quintessence of this: They have a FULL INDEX of We observe some of the titles of the brotherly love. Robert Herrick paraphrased EVERYTHING in the Phoenix Journals, volumes that fill the book cases. “They Got the Ausonius (Ut ameris, ama) when he declared every bit of information from the CONTACT Blame”, “Out of the Many—One”, “We Who that “love begets love”. It would appear that and prior publications, the people, even those Are America”, “These Are Our Neighbors”, the ADL is more motivated by Econchard who don’t even like us—and all are cross- “Living Together in Today’s World”, Lebrun-Pindare’s harsh admonition “let us be indexed and printed, categorized as to “Brothertown”, “United We Grow”, “Strong as brothers—or I’ll cut your throat,” than the subject, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all The People”, “This is Our Town”, “These are gentle command to “love one another”. that nice information to make research and Our Friends”, “Early American Life”, “This is information more readily available to YOU?] Our Heritage”, “One God”, and “Under BOOK “Pulp magazines,” he declares with a note of Cover”. STIFLING finality, “with their enormous circulation carry We are hurried along to the “Research true stories of American-Jewish heroism in Division” and into the American Jewish Our hurried visit to the “Book” section of peace as well as in war.” Committee library. We are told that we are in the “Press Division” gave us little opportunity What other handful of private individuals in “an arsenal of information”; that the library to examine the full scope of the work of this the world’s history has had such power at its contains over twenty-one thousand volumes, and department. We were shown the propaganda fingertips? What private group of individuals “more than two million additional items dealing product and told that such volumes as “Under can maintain Fact-finding Divisions, Legal with Jewish problems and anti-Semitism in Cover”, “They Got the Blame”, etc., were Divisions, Investigative Divisions, Press America.” reaching America’s bookshelves in ever- Divisions? What other private organization can “And what is done with all this increasing numbers. say with assurance that its propaganda reaches information?” we ask. Nothing was said concerning “book the public in the form of newspaper editorials; “A special division channels this burning”—that hysterical pastime of Herr Hitler that it can utilize the pages of pulp magazines? authenticated material to that group of men and and Comrade Stalin. [H: Just as nobody, it [H: And this has gotten more and more women whose opinions are certain to have a seems, wants to talk ABOUT THE BURNING readily available to this group as the media deciding effect on America’s future...” [H: OF PHOENIX JOURNALS BY ORDER OF pushes them forward in a totally controlling Well thank God our opinions are not on the THE FEDERAL COURT UNDER THE atmosphere which appears to favor the Jewish list.] PRETENSE OF FREEDOM AND citizen. No, it ALWAYS FAVORS the “PROTECTION” OF INFORMATION. The powerbrokers and Puppet Masters and does MASS Jewish attorneys and Judge couldn’t wait to so with disallowing an alternative to the mis- ORGANIZATIONS hang an elderly woman GENTILE as the , dis-information. I want you to note that whole pack piled on and worked in coalition Sen. Tenney uses first person, i.e., “I” and We are now before a door on which is WITH THE VERY ONE WHO WAS NAMED “We”. He was in a position of demanding lettered “VETERANS DIVISION”. IN THE SUIT. GOOD NEIGHBORS? entry and explanation by his credentials and “It is of vital importance,” our guide is SPEAKING THE WORD OF GOD? a committee appointment—don’t expect them explaining, “that the American veteran—he who PERPETUATING GOODNESS THROUGH to just show you the works if you feel like has already risked his life in the struggle MEDITATION AND STUFF OF dropping by or asking a few dozen against fascism—has come face to face with it UNIVERSES? THIS IS SUPPRESSION OF questions.] and knows it for what it is—should be SCIENCE SINCE NOTHING WAS NOTED We are in another room. forewarned of the same danger at home... so SAVE SCIENTIFIC FACT AS MIGHT “This is the ‘COMIC BOOK SECTION’,” that he will not have to risk his life again. The (MIGHT) BE RELATED TO SOME we are told. fight is being carried on in the American SEMBLANCE OF TRUTH OF HOW Page 38 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

THINGS ACTUALLY ARE! Ah, the seeds of criticism of a book of this character brings it 7/10/98 #2 HATONN the Father brotherhood of club-members to the attention of many who would otherwise always shows through, don’t they? It shows know nothing of it. This results in added sales. Let us move directly into the next chapter from the symbols used to the people utilized. The less discussion there is concerning it, the of our ongoing topic, please. When you use and reference the dregs of the more sales resistance will be created. liars and cheats—you have revealed “We therefore appeal to you to refrain from PART 18: HIDDEN PARASITES yourselves, my friends.] comment on this book, which will undoubtedly The ADL does not go in for “book-burning” be brought to your attention sooner or later. It [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by as yet. [H: Well, they do now!] Obviously, is our conviction that a general compliance with Senator Jack B. Tenney:] such bonfires contemplate a degree of force only this request will sound warning to other found in lawlessness or in the hands of a publishing houses against engaging in this type [H: We are speaking of elements dictator. Pending such direct and conclusive of venture.” (divisions) of the Anti-Defamation League of action—or perhaps we should say in lieu of [H: Another way to insure “stifling” is to B’nai B’rith. We left off yesterday after such action—the ADL indulges in what it calls simply send in thieves who take the books moving through the section on BOOK “book stifling”. Applied to books displeasing and never are they seen again—just vanish STIFLING.] to ADL bureaucracy the “stifling” method into thin air.] appears to be quite as effective as applying the Mr. Franklin Hichborn, mentioned above, FOREIGN LANGUAGE torch; perhaps more so, as it catches the books has written a very interesting analysis of this GROUPS at the source, cutting off the channels of case. In reference to the “Nordic superiority publicity and destroying retail markets. [H: theory” he says: “THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE DIVISION” This more suitably describes the “There is a tendency among all peoples to of the American Jewish Committee and the Anti- circumstances with our books they took. The regard themselves as superior. The American Defamation League of B’nai B’rith concerns court ordered them burned, the holders and Indians were quite sure they were that. The itself with translating ADL propaganda into Mr. Green KEPT THEM to continue sales. Jews enjoy for themselves the same modest foreign languages and planting articles in the You can still get copies of the banned books opinion. Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, outstanding foreign language press. in point if you can get past the Green sales among his people, was quite sure of it, and so “In addition,” explains our ADL spokesman people who don’t seem bright enough to expressed himself the very year that Madison and guide, “this division keeps a constant check realize that one slip and Mr. Green is a Grant’s ‘Conquest of a Continent’ was on foreign language papers, representing some “dead duck” along with his pretty little lady- suppressed. Mr. Untermeyer proclaimed in sixteen different languages. This check makes duckee. We have patience—and yes, they speech and print that the Jews are the possible an accurate evaluation of trends of WILL hang themselves—already have in fact. ‘Aristocrats of the World’. (See Mr. thought taken by this special group of The stupid lawyers they have engaged opened Untermeyer’s radio address published in the America’s citizens.” the trap-door quite irreparably. They never New York Times for August 7, 1933.)” cease to use the same erroneous information, Commenting on the ADL’s charge that RADIO people, circumstances and greed-codes.] Madison Grant’s book was the “utter negation The Conquest of a Continent by Madison of any ‘melting pot’ philosophy with regard to In the “RADIO DIVISION” we are told that Grant is a book in point—and it is undoubtedly America”, Mr. Hichborn quotes from a foreword “there is no single road to the American mind”, illustrative of many others that experienced the written by Dr. Paul Hutchinson to Rabbi Elmer and that “every road must be utilized”. “stifling” method of the ADL. “The book was Berger’s book “A Partisan History of Judaism”. Consequently the American Jewish Committee driven from the market,” writes Mr. Franklin Dr. Hutchinson, Editor of the Christian Century, and the Anti-Defamation League make extensive Hichborn. “Sales were not only restricted, they after showing that American people expect their use of radio. In 1946 an average of 216 were stopped.” melting pot to melt, comments: individual radio stations broadcast ADL material How was it done? “In the light of this historic development— daily. The average is alleged to have doubled The following is a letter signed by Richard plain enough whether or not one regards it as since 1946. [H: Please note that at the time E. Gutstadt, Director-Secretary of the ADL, on justified or wise—I find it tragic to see so many of this writing there were few available the League’s stationary, dated December 13, of our Jewish citizens electing for an attempted television outlets. TV then became the most 1933 at Chicago: separate existence within our American society. important propaganda outlet, along with a While they insist that the idea of a divided full assault within the motion picture “TO THE PUBLISHERS OF ANGLO-JEWISH allegiance is as repugnant to them as to any of industry and, after the war, the focus rested PERIODICALS their neighbors, they nevertheless denounce the on the “Holocaust” which makes one wonder “Gentlemen: principle of cultural amalgamation. They if, in fact, the Holocaust itself was a well- “Scribners & Sons have just published a proclaim that the focus of their emotional and planned event. (!)] book by Madison Grant entitled The Conquest spiritual longing is elsewhere, and they show “We reach all faiths,” declares our guide. of a Continent. It is extremely antagonistic to themselves ready in the discharge of their duties “Programs like ‘The Battle of the Warsaw Jewish interests. Emphasized throughout is the as American citizens to subordinate all other Ghetto’, starring Raymond Massey, and ‘Behold ‘Nordic superiority’ theory, and the utter considerations to the interests of a foreign the Jew’, starring Aline McMahon reach negation of any ‘melting pot’ philosophy with nation. The very word ‘assimilation’ has millions of Americans... Where material regard to America. become a reproach on their lips. They insist prepared by this division has been judged “Scribners, in a sales circular concerning the that the melting pot must not be allowed to pertinent, it has been sought for use by book, points to Herr Hitler as the man who has melt.” (Emphasis on the concluding sentence programs such as ‘Kate Smith’, ‘We, The demonstrated the value of ‘racial purity’ in supplied by Mr. Hichborn.) People’, ‘The Doctor Fights’, ‘Mr. District Germany. The author insists that American We are not here concerned with the merits Attorney’, ‘Treasury Salute’, ‘Reunion, U.S.A.’, development depends upon the elimination of or demerits of books. We are presently and others enjoying the largest listening unassimilable alien masses in our midst. This interested in how the ADL operates. audience in the country!” book is considered by some as even more destructive than Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’. Mr. [END OF QUOTING] Grant also avers that ‘national problems are in Editorial Policy the end racial problems.’ [H: He doesn’t seem This is enough for today. I suggest that you to know or care that “Mein Kampf” was readers who have questions about these topics— Opinions of the CONTACT written by a Jew—Hitler was, at the least, go forth and research for selves—don’t, please, half Jew.] just denounce it off-hand as if WE are the contributors are their own and do “We are interested in stifling the sale of this NUTS and YOU are the authority. That only not necessarily reflect those of the book. We believe that this can best be will prove that you are an authority—ON NUTS accomplished by refusing to be stampeded into AND NOT ON SUBJECT MATERIAL. CONTACT staff or management. giving it publicity. Every review or public Good evening. JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 39

CHRISTIAN entitled ‘Prompt Press’ (sec. 187).” is saying. “It is called ‘Appreciate America’. CHURCHES Turning to page 1511 of Appendix IX under It was founded by an ex-Marine Corps Major the title ‘Prompt Press” we find the following: Paul H. Douglas—wounded at Peleliu and “What about other religious denominations?” “The bulk of the literature of the Communist Okinawa fighting fascism abroad—non-profit we ask. “Are you able to get to them?” Party is printed under union label 412 by the making ‘Appreciate America’ has plunged into “More than 8,000 thoughtful men of God of Prompt Press... Union label 412 appears on the fight against fascism at home. ... Through many Christian sects and denominations, work done by the New Union Press. The latter this agency, to the steadily swelling arguments disquieted by the hostility stirred up against the is a dummy organization which uses the presses against bigotry have been added the civic- Jews, have been able—through this channel—to and other fixtures of the Prompt Press.” conscious voices of Hollywood stars whose get the facts for their congregations— What was the Council of United States faces are as familiar to most Americans as their ammunition to help in their part of the fight Veterans, Inc.? own.” against race hatred. Prominent among the men Says the House Committee on Un-American “What about this Chicago organization— of religion concerned by this problem is Activities, Appendix IX, page 166lf: Appreciate America?” we ask. “How is it forward-looking Rev. William C. Kernan, of the “The Council of United States Veterans, the financed? Is it part of the ADL set-up? Is it Institute of American Democracy.” latest form of communist-controlled veterans’ subsidized?” organization, has embodied in the statement of “I want to tell you about another cooperating INSTITUTE FOR purpose (see certificate of incorporation, New organization,” continues our ADL spokesman, AMERICAN DEMOCRACY York, March 22, 1937), aims which easily again disregarding our questions. “It is the conform to those of the Communist Party and Institute for Democratic Education. It is headed “Just what is the Institute for American the Workers Ex-Service-Men’s League, by...” Democracy?” we inquire. streamlined in accordance with the Trojan horse While waiting for our ADL spokesman to “The Institute for American Democracy policy adopted at the Seventh congress of the tell us about the Institute for Democratic sponsors hard-hitting Democratic propaganda, Communist International in 1935.” Education—”another cooperating organization”— appearing on from coast to coast. After comparing a section of the we are trying to recall what we knew about Stirred to enthusiasm by this program, civic organization’s statement of purpose with a Paul H. Douglas—the founder of “Appreciate leaders like the Hon. Maurice J. Tobin, section of the Constitution of the Communist America”. Our ADL friend had only touched Governor of Massachusetts, have backed it by Party of the United States adopted May 27 to on the glamorous highlights of the Professor’s personally presenting these democratic 31, 1948, the Committee goes on to say: career. arguments to their communities. In the “The foregoing weasel-worded provisions did Then we remembered! transportation systems of twenty-four cities not prevent either the Communist Party or Professor Douglas had been connected in sixteen thousand messages are being Gardner Jackson, the legislative representative of one way or another with quite a number of non- displayed. Supplementing its billboard and car- the Council of U.S. Veterans and sponsor of the profit organizations. As a matter of fact we card program, the IAD has produced a series of Washington Committee for Democratic Action, recalled that the professor seemed to have had one-minute films—dramatizing its message, from defending those who, in obedience to the a marked predilection for joining up with non- shown as part of the regular feature line of the Communist Party after the signing profit organizations. Through the years he was presentation in theaters patronized by people of the Stalin-Hitler pact in August 1939, led a member of the Executive Committee of the in all walks of life.” devastating strikes in defense industries, American Committee for Democracy and We had run across this organization in our opposed the national defense program, opposed Intellectual Freedom; member of the National studies (see The Tenney Committee: The investigation into subversive activities among Advisory Board of the American Friends of the American Record) and had learned that it was, Government employees by the Department of Chinese People; member of the Committee of like the Institute for Democratic Education, a Justice and other agencies, and picketed the the American Friends of Spanish Democracy; “front” or subsidized organization of the Anti- White House. Both the Council of U.S. sponsor of American Investors Union, Inc.; Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Our ADL Veterans and the Workers Ex-Servicemen’s member of a sponsoring committee for a dinner friend would have liked us to believe that the League provided in their statements of purpose promoted by the American Student Union in two Institutes were independent of ADL for cooperation with international veterans’ 1937; member of the National Advisory Board control—just two organizations “cooperating organizations like the Internationale Des of the American Youth Congress; member of the fully in this vital battle against bigotry”. Anciens Combattants and opposed any Arrangements Committee of the Chicago The Rev. William C. Kernan, we are told, discrimination regarding membership toward Conference on Race Relations; sponsor of the headed up the “cooperating” Institute for Communists.” National Emergency Conference; member Board American Democracy. We don’t know very All of which goes to prove that the Rev. of Sponsors of the National Emergency much about the Rev. Kernan except that a script William C. Kernan apparently found himself in Conference for Democratic Rights; and a writer for the Joint Jewish Appeal wrote a few some pretty bad company. It does not prove member of the Non-Partisan Committee for the lines for him. “It is no longer possible for any that the Rev. Kernan was a Communist, a Re-election of Congressman Vito Marcantonio. American,” declares the script writer via Rev. Communist fellow-traveller or even a (Dies Reports Appendix IX). Kernan, “regardless of race, color or creed, to Communist sympathizer. It may well be that Many of the foregoing “non-profit sit idly by in the belief that the purveyors of the Rev. Kernan was only naive; that he was organizations” are as unknown to the average racial hatreds and disunity do not mean them. fooled; that his good intentions and idealism American as is Professor Paul H. Douglas’ Who attacks one minority group, attacks all were taken advantage of for purposes never “Appreciate America”. The following from groups. The public must be made to understand revealed to him. Appendix IX of the Dies Reports on Un- this!” It may well be that his name was used American Activities are thumb-nail sketches: Page 1667 of Appendix IX of the Reports of without his consent; he was induced to head its “The American Committee for Democracy the House Committee on Un-American Activities dummy organization, the Institute for American and Intellectual Freedom is a Communist front lists William C. Kernan as a member of the Democracy. organization operating among College teachers Executive Board of the Council of United States “All of this must cost a lot of money,” we and professors.” (Page 323). Veterans, Inc. His name appears, among others, observe, “Does the ADL subsidize the Institute “The American Friends of the Chinese on a letterhead of the organization marked for American Democracy?” People: The word ‘American’ was added to the “Exhibit 1”. Our ADL guide ignores the question. He title in 1935 as a part of the general Following Rev. Kernan’s name under the covers his failure to answer by launching into streamlining process during the Popular Front geographical designation “New Jersey) is Past an account of a Chicago organization—”joined period. This organization faithfully reflected the Post Chaplain, A.L.” (American Legion). in the battle for unity”. current policies of the Communist Party on “It should be noted,” comments the House Chinese questions, on the general question of Committee on Un-American Activities, “that APPRECIATE loyalty to the Soviet Union, and on the question exhibit No. 1 which follows, a letterhead of the AMERICA of war in relation to America. ...” (Page 1477). Council of U.S. Veterans, bears union label No. “American Friends of Spanish Democracy. ... 412. ... For the significance ... see this report “It has a simple but all impressive title,” he For a full discussion of the place of this Page 40 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 organization among the Communist front is to form all these “organizations”, make it is planned that you accept the very “tone of organizations, see chapter entitled Spanish Aid them non-profit or tax-free, and you are in voice” in which the “news” is offered without Committees.” (Page 38 and page 1616f). like glue with ability to make untold income knowing any FACTS at all—in fact, the fewer “American Investors Union, Inc., was a without any OUTGO to the housing nation. facts you know, the better sheep you ARE. Communist front organized under the aegis of This is excellent business—even if not “good- And lie detector tests? Oh my: Consumers Union...” (Page 514). ly” business. It is the epitome of deception You have a new technology that is being “The American Youth Congress—for a and foolery. How can it be sorted when you called “At-home lie detector”, whereby the voice period of 7 years—from 1934 to 1941—was one have hundreds of similarly named, is played into a computer and the computer can, of the most influential front organizations ever patriotically named, and unnamed with the accuracy, or better, of a regular lie set up by the Communists in this country. The corporations housing these organizations, and detector, and the computer points out the lies. Communist control of the organization was so they go by such as ADL, AA, IFDE, IFDE II, So, in trial, Mark Fuhrman of O.J. Simpson adroitly handled (at various periods during its ACFDAIF, COUSVI, A.L., HCOUAA,, IFAD, fame: PASSED THE TEST WITH FLYING life) that a large number of unusually prominent TNEC, NECDR, NPCRC-VM and on, and on, COLORS ON THINGS WHICH WERE persons were drawn into the circle of its and on?] KNOWN TO BE LIES. Part of the Special supporters. In the end, however, it was all but Rabbi Philip R. Alstat in the Jewish Forces, CIA, Secret Service, and on and on universally recognized that the Communists Examiner for August 8, 1952 tells us that Col. down the line—require that the participating were in complete control.” (Page 525.) Jacob M. Arvey selected professor Paul Douglas individuals be ABLE TO PASS LIE “The Chicago Conference on Race Relations for the Democratic nomination for Senator from DETECTOR TESTS—RIGHT IN THE MIDST had such well-known and publicly avowed Illinois in 1948. Louis Cohen, a Chicago OF LYING. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT. So leaders of the Communist Party among its attorney, had already launched a “Stevenson for what else is new: you’ve been sleeping while sponsors as John Schmies, William Patterson, Senator” Committee, but Boss Arvey “persuaded the U.S. burned down, flag and all. and Joe Weber. Interlocked through their Stevenson to accept the gubernatorial Now think a minute longer on this topic: If personnel with the Chicago conference were nomination”. you wanted to have a big voice in anything— such well-known Communist front organizations wouldn’t you organize or get control of an as the following: National Negro Congress, CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF THE organization to accomplish exactly the opposite League of Women Shoppers, American League ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE of what the thing was so-called structured to for Peace and Democracy, International do? Workers Order, Workers Alliance, and the Our ADL spokesman speaks of the formation There is a LAW called “THE LAW OF THE German-American League for Culture.” (Page of the “Christian Friends of the Anti- BUREAUCRACY” which states that whatever 608.) Defamation League” as though the organization the bureaucracy announces it plans to do, it will “A conference on Pan-American Democracy was a spontaneous movement prompted by accomplish the exact opposite—more was held on December 10 and 11, 1938, in a “8,000 thoughtful men of God of many expensively and with total inefficiency. column edited by Harry Gannes, at the time a Christian sects and denominations”—and that So, why would the Jewish want to use so Communist ‘expert’ on Latin America ... The the ADL had nothing to do with its creation. many words “Jewish” in their titles if purpose of the conference was to send delegates “This is one of the clearest signs,” he “American” would be better? TO SUCK IN to a Communist-inspired Latin-American declares, “that all of America is slowly but THE JEWISH PEOPLE—NOT THE CITIZENS. Congress of Democracies at Montevideo, March surely becoming increasingly aware of the true YOU SUCK IN THE CITIZENS THROUGH 20 to 24, 1939.” (Page 672.) nature of anti-Semitism—and the threat it PATRIOTIC SLOGANS AND FLAG WAVING. “The National Emergency Conference met in constitutes to the country as a whole.” IT WORKS EVERY TIME! Washington, D.C. May 13-14, 1939. The We are becoming familiar with the Good morning and thank you, Salu. personnel of the sponsors of the conference propaganda tag-lines: “—the threat it constitutes indicates clearly that it was a Communist front to the country as a whole”; “who attacks one 7/11/98 #1 HATONN organization.” (Page 1205.) minority group attacks all groups”, etc. [H: “The National Emergency Conference for “Weapons of mass destruction!”] In PARASITES Democratic Rights teemed with confirmed it is known as the fellow-travelers and sympathizers of the “amalgamation technique”. It is very effective. Welcome to the land of parasites, friends. Communist Party.” (Page 1209.) In advertising, the clever ad-writer places the We are all parasites of one kind or another— “The non-Partisan Committee for the Re- prospective buyer in the pyorrhea category by feeding off and surviving off the presentation or election of Congressman Vito Marcantonio was declaring that “you, too, may have pink being of “another” something. organized during the congressional election toothbrush.” The Communist Party employs the I feed totally off the energy flow and light campaign of 1936. ... On the Non-Partisan amalgamation method in wholesale quantities. presence of universal being. Mankind feeds off Committee will be found the names of such “The Smith Act and the McCarran Act,” declare the very things of existence in a finite world of publicly avowed members of the Communist Communist Party propagandists, “are not really elements coalesced to form a body and then Party as Langston Hughes and Louise Thompson directed at the Communist Party! They are must use other “mortal” things to continue life. ... A check of the names ... will reveal the directed at labor organizations and minority And, you must have all things to bring forth extraordinarily large proportion of veteran groups!” perfection of body mortal. However, LIFE Communist fellow-travelers who were members Whether or not the busy boys in the ADL ITSELF, the energy presence flows from those of the Non Partisan Committee for the Re- had anything to do with the formation of the things “off-shore” and they can either give you Election of Congressman Vito Marcantonio.” Christian Friends of the Anti-Defamation life or kill the human form. (Page 1374.) League, it is quite certain that both the Institute At a point of so-called death of body, the Yes, it appears that we remembered for American Democracy and the Institute for soul must depart that “house” and find other Professor Paul H. Douglas—the founder of Democratic Education were its babies. (See The lodging, but returns to Spirit form. This is in Appreciate America—”joined in this battle for Tenney Committee: The American Record.) any which way you choose to look at that unity”; the man who fought “fascism” abroad— which is “YOU”. and who fights “against fascism at home...” [END OF QUOTING] I don’t mean to pick on, or at, anyone. We [H: I want you to look at the very shrewd are total parasites who must have some major way the people have named these Take this very seriously, readers. This is resource and source for our very being. Just as organizations. Does it come as any wonder exactly how things get brain-steeped into your mistletoe lives off the tree and moss must live that, say, Lucifer, would fail to take the title minds. Think: “Madman Saddam”, “Desert on a tree—it is from the air, the light from the as the Bright and Shining Light of the Storm”, “Save the Children”, “Watergate”, Sun, the stabilization from some kind of root world—or the Bright and Morning Star of “Spacegate”, “MonicaGate”, “IranGate”, “Iran- feeding system that allows continuation of what God? Come on, people, these gimmicks are Contra”, “Crisis in the White House”, “New you recognize as mortal life. If the tree dies, as old as humanity and never have to be Deal” and other repetitions on and on until your so too will the portion of the parasitic growth changed in the Plan because they work. minds react without having to respond. You stop its growth after the nutrients are converted Time after time—THEY WORK. The point don’t even have to hear anything else. In fact, back into their original particulate. BUT, JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 41 always, the SEED survives and is released in Farrakhan? No, only the narrow judges of the THEMSELVES JEWS—TO ESTABLISH the process to move about to find other housing. Elite manipulators. But who hurts the BLACK COVER FOR THEIR OWN UNETHICAL AND So too does the energy of LIFE move about RACE? All those who hear the Elite and try IMMORAL ACTS. after the so-called death of the mortal body, to to force change through radicalism and To further confuse the issue, these people find other expression. mandatory “love thy neighbor”. Does the latter call themselves Semites. No, they are NOT Things of mortal expression and ever work? No—but equality presented through Semitic other than a few may come from the manifestation HAPPEN! Sometimes the righteous neighbor-love and caring can bring areas of the Semites (Shemites). They have NO expression is of controlled design of human, equality—for it is between PEOPLE OF connection to the Tribe of Shem (the people of i.e., some forms of storms, quakes (explosions) MANKIND wherein the equality must be Shem [Shan]). The “Native” aboriginal Tribes and impacting assaults on life-style. Famines accepted. HATE becomes a living “thing” in are of the Tribe of Shan—it all depends on your bring hunger and strife to the body itself as it all its ugliness—by the very things that happen, perspective and the view from whence you is deprived of nutrients which are coalesced by like banning material which would allow observe the various nationalities and indigenous plants into a human-friendly food chain. insight, forcing man to discard reality in choices life. If, for instance, I meet someone from Sometimes it is Nature herself who brings of oppression from outside forces. The one Earth Shan moving about on Mars and I be changes through whatever is the root cause of thing that rings loud and clear: The people Martian—I will say they are Shanites. “Earth” say, quakes, as in physical stress, vapor clouds involved in the banning—HAVE NOT READ only means life-supporting/sustaining terra, which produce rain, and thus and so. But no THE MATERIAL, HAVE THEY? usually accepted as “able to bear and sustain resource except from Universal Source supplies I am going to repeat it again: The parasites HUMAN life”. the root circumstance of LIFE—soul, spirit. of which we speak FEED OFF THE JEWISH So, Shanites move onto Mars and take over You enhance the “feelings” of response of soul PEOPLE—FIRST. THEN THEY TAKE OVER the governments, the economy, make the laws to those things which allow fueling of the THE ENTIRE “TREE” AND FINALLY, WHEN to suit themselves, and thus and so. Guess energy resource—but spirit is not of mortal FORCE AND HATRED DO NOT LONGER what, you have now acquired a rather nasty and expression in its primitive format. “WORK” FOR, BUT AGAINST, THE VERY hateful aspect in the eyes of the Martians. In mortal death the body strives to become PARASITES THEMSELVES, ONLY THEN Well, readers, that is exactly what happened on again the particulate of its environment while CAN EQUALITY BEGIN TO GAIN EARTH SHAN! Do you call these people the soul must go to energy form in whatever FOOTHOLD. In this particular matter, the Greeks? Do you call this conglomeration from form it departs the body. Sometimes that is Jewish people also become the LAST to find Shan—Jews? Do you call them South Africans? nasty indeed and the particulate of energy flow equality because the parasites have called No, you call them Shanites because they are itself is interrupted and scattered—but the LIFE themselves the “tree” and presented the people from Earth Shan—or from Mars—Martians, SOURCE is always THE THOUGHT OF GOD as the parasites and, until you KNOW though they may well be Solenites, Andreanites, MANIFEST, and in its own seeking way returns DIFFERENCE, you can’t change for you have Pleiadians—whatever. to the realms of coalesced Spirit seeking and learned, been trained, to revitalize from the very What is meant by the big and merciful finally finding, Creator. In other words—ALL circulating SAP of the tree which is being eked sounding phrase: “We must sacrifice?” Is this things return ultimately to their own source. away from itself. These Elite parasites are no not from the Big Honchos of any government That with which we must learn to deal, IS more Jewish than they are Italian or Texan— or military head or top bananas? What they say DENSITY AND LIGHT attached to some type except of course, it matters not what they ARE, is really: “You little people beneath our feet of data (motor) base. If your battery is dead, it is what they wish to call themselves. will sacrifice and we big boys will lead.” This your motor won’t run, and if your motor won’t To become a living “thing” this tribe of is why the Elite never get killed in wars—they run, there is no way to sustain motion and life humans must choose the proper setting for aren’t at the war! They are in the security of recycling. TAKE-OVER. They have to have the group of the BACK lines pushing the gun fodder on the Therefore, in practical application of the people who are oppressed in order to move in front lines. Their sons and daughters do not go term itself, “parasite” is all there IS within with the cry of “you are persecuted and to danger in wars—they are kept in security by human grasp. oppressed”. This always sells—for how many deferments and pull of the brethren “leaders”. Jewish neighbors are poor and ghettoized? Do you realize that you can’t even start a BANNED IN CANADA LOTS AND LOTS, and you will find they are bank any longer without all the unlawful the true Jewish or Judean line of heritage. The pressures of a system gone wrong? Is this not We can share today what is happening at the Elitists were able to UTILIZE the Jewish the parasites feeding off you makers of an Canadian Border. CONTACT IS NOW communities, manipulate them, sacrifice them, economy and holders of IOU notes from some BARRED FROM CANADA—THEY SAY— murder them—for their own gain, and also cast Federal Reserve? The Federal Reserve is BECAUSE IT IS HATE MAIL/LITERATURE. blame onto unthinking humanity who don’t even private business, the IRS is a collection Hate? No, it is LOVE literature, balanced see the picture because of the darkness business for that Fed—and you don’t even get interchange for the very act of understanding surrounding the secret activities. money—you get a debt note that says the Fed LIFE and the food chain of ego and things Do these people in high positions of power owes you “whatever denomination” of your mortal. call themselves Judeans as a race? No, they note. But they don’t pay you in valid currency There came a headline which read: Hidden call themselves Caucasians if the question is of the government—they just give you back A “Jewish” Parasites. But in the typical focus of asked, and if the participant be Black or LITTLE PART of what they hold for you. human entities—it is decided it is hate literature Oriental—then they just sort of “don’t identify” The Fed takes your money and won’t even against the “Jewish” people—somehow. him. These “outside” races are not accepted allow you exchange in value for value. They WRONG! That means that the PARASITES IN except as the ability to “use them” is present. have no basis for money; they don’t have to POINT feed OFF THE JEWISH In other words, they aren’t given a ticket to the have anything to PRINT more money backed by UNSUSPECTING AND INNOCENT PEOPLE. “Holy Land” of secure and safe sheltering. nothing; you pay for the privilege of owing Who hates who? Hate? How can you classify Just as in an ocean where the greater fish them money and even have to PAY FOR THE anything as “hate material” without knowing feed off the smaller life-forms in the sea, so too BANKING to hold your “nothing” of value. Is what is written? Well, that is how the world do the people who can gain power by and this not parasitism? You “work” and does things—according to the Elite in charge— through force and coercion—feed off the masses supposedly earn so much “money” which you who are in ignorance of anything other than of “little” people and their production. immediately turn over 95% of the worthless their assigned tasks in service to the top-Elite. The PROTOCOLS do not read: “Jewish”— value to various entities set up to take it from In other words, KEEP THE MASSES they are presented by the “Learned Elders of you—THROUGH FORCE. These are the IGNORANT. Zion”. Right there you have the BIG CLUE— HIDDEN parasites, and the ones who have taken Let us consider this a fine example of that members of this tribe of “Zion” are NOT the very heritage of the Jewish people are the offering unlimited opportunities. Do not allow Jewish except in acceptance of the lie. most despicable for they literally FEED OFF the opportunity pounding on your door to be The fact plays into the hands, however, of THE VERY LIFE-HERITAGE OF A PEOPLE. sent away. the Elite that within the Jewish race come the The facts are that in Canada and California, Let us example Mr. Farrakhan and the most brilliant and shrewd minds of mankind. among other places ripped off by one Edgar Nation of Islam. Are the Jews hurt by Mr. They were smart enough, in fact, to CALL Bronfman—Mr. Bronfman is trying to see to the Page 42 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 demise of his parasite-antidote. Everybody who Anatoly Chubais? Yes indeed, just as soon as U.S.ians would waste time on 10 papers? partakes of Seagram’s products (liquor) is they can get at the documents. What has the THEY KNOW THAT GOD HAS TAKEN feeding that bigger parasite. World Bank and IMF to offer Russia? NOT INTEREST IN THEIR EVIL AND MAN’S ONE CENTAVO! They deal in more paperwork PRAYERS FOR HELP—NO MORE; NO DOWN which doesn’t even have to be PAPER any LESS. YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN WITH THE WORLD longer in your world of electronic networks. THAT WHICH YOU NEED TO CHANGE A And, NOBODY ends up responsible for losses— WHOLE PATTERN OF POLITICAL AND Let us look a bit deeper, as we see a notice for WHO is the culprit in these mighty traps BUSINESS INTERESTS WITHOUT DOING A in the paper which reads: “RUSSIA CLOSING who don’t even bother to get incorporated THING TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING—SAVE IN ON LOANS. All major issues should be but call themselves corporations? This is SET THE RECORDS TO PUBLIC AND TO settled this week in talks with two Western the nest of the bureaucracy—without “RIGHT”. WELL, IT IS TOO LATE, lending agencies that are drafting plans to responsible parties but a tiny handful of SUCKERS! YOU WOULD BE FAR BETTER bail out Russia’s sinking economy, a wealth-suckers at the top being served by those OFF TO “SELVES” TO TURN THE FRONT IN government negotiator said Thursday (7/9/98). puppets whose strings dance them about like THE OTHER DIRECTION AND READ, Anatoly Chubais, the government’s lead dummies. What goes INTO the IMF from such CAREFULLY, THE MATERIAL IN negotiator in meetings with the lending as THE BONUS CONTRACT is turned into CONTACT! agencies, said he had reached a ‘decisive’ derivative programs and massive roll-over We don’t even “put-down” evil or bad stage in talks with the World Bank and trading speculations. There is no “money” in intent—we simply tell you about it; the choices hoped to resolve any remaining problems the World Bank or in the IMF and the “dollars” are yours as to what you think or what you with the International Monetary Fund today required are printed as unbacked paper from might “do” about it. Freedom comes through (7/10/98).” their own counterfeit copy machines. Oh yes, KNOWING, however, so we have to assume So, whose money are the WB and the IMF at this time, still, it is measured in U.S. PROOF of our “right” and their efforts to using? YOURS, you nice U.S. sleepyheads. “Dollars”. The U.S. has become the hide, secret away, prevent reading and The only thing with gold backing is YOUR “homeland” of these Elite Controllers and outrightly banning historical truth. They CONTRACT ISSUED BY THE TREASURY Puppet-Masters. misspeak when they label the counters to the DEPARTMENT FOR PERUVIAN DEBTS What will YOU do about the confiscation of lie as “revisionism”—the REVISION came PRIOR TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. CONTACT at the Canadian Border? NO, I when the Truth was first changed into a They have no money and what they do is issue WON’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! These LIE. WATCH THE WORDS FOR THE more loans based on NOTHING except YOUR are the things needing attention by human life- FULL INTENT OF THIS BAND OF BACKS. Therefore, Russia, like Indonesia, et forms for the world manifest IS HUMAN HOODS IS TO CHANGE THE al., will fall into the bottomless pit of more RESPONSIBILITY! MEANINGS OF WORDS WHILE debt which requires more loans to balance the There is NO GROUP here. There is a YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION. SO, books. This is a system based on fundamental paper which has subscribers, and a IS CONTACT OFFERING HATE MATERIAL NOTHING. business department, Editor and staff, and OR TRUTH IN INFORMATION? It does Now, the logical question you-the-people THAT is all you find here. The next become quite obvious that CONTACT might wish to ask is: “Why don’t they base it question to answer, however, is: “DO YOU offers TRUTH IN INFORMATION AND on something?”. Ah indeed, why don’t they. HAVE A RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH HISTORICAL FACT. NONE OF US But, wouldn’t that cost you-the-people even AND FREEDOM OF THE PRESS?” “DO HERE EVEN “TALK DIRTY” TO FILL MORE because you would then have to get YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO TELL A CATEGORY OF “PORNOGRAPHY” gold to back the loans? Yes, but you-the- THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF THE PARASITES OR OBSCENITY. YOU BE THE JUDGE people WERE GIFTED BY RUSSELL DRAINING THEIR LIFE-BLOOD?” “ARE OF THESE ACTIONS—BUT WOULDN’T HERMAN 48% OF AN UNLIMITED YOU RESPONSIBLE UNDER THE IT BE NICE TO KNOW JUST “WHO” IS RESOURCE! If, therefore, you need funds for CONSTITUTIONS OF BOTH CANADA THE DECIDING PUPPET-MASTER IN yourself and to lend—GO TO THE AND THE UNITED STATES OF THIS JUNGLE IN YOUR NECK OF RESOURCE. Take your contract and tell these AMERICA TO SEE TO THE KEEPING THE WOODS? I PROMISE YOU parasites to “shove it”. Then you require a OF YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?” THAT THEY WILL BE COVERED BY payback of all STOLEN funds—in the rightful So be it! SUCH AS THE ADL, ETC., SO payment in GOLD! This is exactly what the Would ten of you take responsibility to send THAT NO PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE— contract covers! This hits the parasites in personally a copy of the missing CONTACTS FOR THEY FUNCTION AS AN charge of setting up this blood-sucking false to these individuals, please. CONTACT IRRESPONSIBLE GROUP WITHIN A agency controlling everything of value reports at least 10 calls from Canada from PRIVATE CLUB THEY CALL A monetarily in the world Shan. subscribers who didn’t get their paper. This CORPORATION—BUT DON’T EVEN But will you-the-people do it? No, you indicates that the “plug” is on CONTACT BOTHER TO SET UP A have had every opportunity to change your mailings—not individual mail. No, there is NO LEGAL CORPORATION IN ALMOST destination and have chosen to go by way of BAN ON OUR PUBLISHING. There is no ALL INSTANCES. THEY CALL Armageddon. This is a “Jewish” place, readers; LAW nor LEGAL ACTION in play—this is a THEMSELVES WHATEVER THEY CHOOSE, I can’t change the maps! show of even more blatant flaunting of power SET UP THEIR ORGANIZATION, ANSWER These organizations in point are run by, without law. These people don’t even have a TO NO ONE—AND WHINE IF owned by, sucked out by: some THIRTEEN notion who is being “hated” with this so-called NOTICED FOR THEIR UNLAWFUL (13) “FAMILIES” OF ELITE who know how to “hate literature”. Is it Bo Gritz they protect? ACTIVITIES. suck dry the world with their evil sucking Is it Mr. Bronfman they think they protect? Is Dr. Young strong enough to counter machines. And no, you can’t go shoot them— Who, just who, do they protect from all this this bomb? Of course, why do you think he you don’t have guns big enough! THEY HAVE “hate” they claim? Are they protecting is in the position of service which he YOUR GUNS! THEY HAVE THE Akhnaton? Perhaps they protect the Star- fills? God chooses, out of the MILITARY, THE GOVERNMENTS, THE People, you know, the Serpent Tribes? Are volunteers, no one save responsible and FALSE DOCTRINES AND AGREEMENTS— they protecting the people from the HATRED capable individuals. And, if you other citizens TO CONTINUE INTO INFINITY—UNTIL EXPRESSED IN HISTORICAL RECORDS OF support the “movant”, you have unity and the THEY COME TO THEIR “WATERLOO”: FACT? WHO IS DOING THE PROTECTING enemy will fold before your first counter- GOD! AND WHO IS DOING THE SINGULAR measure to SAVE FACE, and do dirt another Will you take God’s gift and prayer-answer HATING? day. to change these things? Thus far you have left Would it not appear that the parasites are You WILL FIND the ADL behind all of this the load to the tiny few to FIX IT FOR YOU— making their last efforts to keep the sustaining stupidity—which will better prove my point than and when they get it done, you’ll be there to tree in operation a little longer until they get anything on Earth I could write. So, with this “help”; sure, USE IT for self. But what will their roots into another resource for living for in mind, let us just move right along with our Dharma and Rick, E.J. and et al., do about selves? Do you think the Canadians or the historical presentation of a researched report JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 43 from Senator Jack Tenney: set the theme to which Dean LeSourd probably eloquent as he conducts us to the double doors. subscribed. “Everywhere,” Henry was quoted, “The American Jewish Committee and the PART 19: HIDDEN PARASITES “the common man must learn to build his own Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith are industries with his own hands in a practical confronting these attackers at every turn; [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by fashion. Everywhere the common man must attacking it now—this minute. ... The fight Senator Jack B. Tenney:] learn to increase his productivity so that he and costs money. Full continuation of it requires his children can eventually pay to the world contribution. ... I shall not insult your [H: We were writing on branches and community all that they have received. ... The intelligence by repeating countless reasons why organizations of the Anti-Defamation League methods of the nineteenth century will not work you should contribute to this year’s Joint of B’nai B’rith.] in the people’s century which is now about to Defense Appeal. Suffice it to say that as Jews begin.” you will want to give. As Americans you can INSTITUTE FOR And it is equally possible—although highly do no less. It is your duty!” DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION improbable—that Dr. LeSourd had no knowledge We were back in the clear, clean air of that the Institute for Democratic Education was America as the double-doors marked American “The IDE,” our ADL guide is explaining, “is a front for the Anti-Defamation League. Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League headed by Dr. Howard LeSourd, Director of We catch sight of a door labeled of B’nai B’rith close behind us. We had just Boston University’s Radio Institute. Their “INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES” but our seen the inside workings of a private espionage program embraces bringing the lessons of guide rushes us along without an explanation. and propaganda agency; an agency organized Democracy home by means of electrical We are before the department on with, and maintained by, private contributions; transcription. ... These transcriptions—titled “INTERCULTURAL ACTIVITIES”. the nerve center of a world-wide net-work ‘Lest We Forget’—dramatize the stories of great “This work in school systems,” says our whose tentacles reach into every Gentile Americans of every race, color and creed. They guide, “is coordinated by a special division activity. now comprise a library of hundreds of records... given over to the development of intercultural It is probably the largest and most efficient featuring such personalities as Melvyn Douglas, relations. Working specifically with The Bureau private gestapo in the world today and, without Donald Cook, John Carradine, Quentin For Intercultural Education and with educators doubt, the largest of its kind in the history of Reynolds, and others whose services have been and leaders of all culture groups, this division the world. And—amazing as it may be—this enlisted in the fight. After being broadcast services public and parochial schools, teachers’ vast interlocking system of departments, sections these transcriptions are then made available to work-shops, and the publishers of textbooks and divisions is devoted to but one issue—and school systems all over the country.” used in all school systems. only one issue in spite of propaganda to the Dr. Howard M. LeSourd, heading up the “The work of every division is subject to contrary: political conquest in the name of ADL’s Institute for Democratic Education, was constant tests to determine its effectiveness.” racism! a sponsor of a dinner on “The Century of the We move rapidly down the corridor and Its operations and purposes differ from the Common Man”, held at the Astor Hotel in New pause at an oak-paneled door labeled Federal Bureau of Investigation in every York City on October 27, 1943, under the “INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH”. important aspect. ... The FBI is a national auspices of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee “The division of Scientific Research and governmental agency, created by the Committee. (House Un-American Activities Analysis,” our guide is telling us, “uses representatives of all the citizens of America for Reports, Appendix IX, page 941). Says the campus-tested techniques in measuring the value the specific purpose of safeguarding all the Committee (page 940): of methods employed. Trained sociologists— people of the United States. [H: NOT ANY “The Chairman of the Joint Anti-Fascist experts in the field of inter-group tensions are LONGER, READERS.] The FBI is directed Refugee Committee was Edward K. Barsky, employed. Based on findings, constant by a great American concerned with the well-known Communist leader of a number of revisions of conception and approach are made.” preservation of the Constitution of the United the Communist Party’s front organization which Without pausing in his running account of States, the security of the Republic and the worked in the Spanish field. This organization AJC and ADL activities our guide pauses before peaceful happiness and personal safety of every held a dinner at the Hotel Astor, New York another door on which is lettered man, woman and child, regardless of color, City, on October 27, 1943. Among the “COMMUNITY SERVICE DIVISION”. creed or ethnic origin. [H: This too, is an prominent Communist sponsors of this dinner “It remains for the Community Service outright lie, so could it be that even Senator were the following: Max Bedacht and William Division”—pointing to the door—”to assure that Tenney didn’t know ALL the facts?] Gropper. Listed as trade-union sponsors of the this vast national program will reach every The ADL and the AJC are the antithesis of organization were the following: Ernest De single one in the country.” the FBI. [H: Not any longer, readers.] Maio, Ben Gold, Donald Henderson, and Leading us to another door marked There should be no place in America for Herbert March.” “SPEAKERS BUREAU” he continues: private gestapos. Dr. LeSourd apparently has not been much “One means of accomplishing this is the [H: We will move next in a Summation of of a joiner, as the record does not disclose other maintenance of a Speakers’ Bureau... which ADL activities but I would like to do that in organizational affiliations or connections. And furnishes more than 7,000 Rotary, Kiwanis, and another writing to make this one less his sponsorship of a single affair by the Joint other types of audiences with speakers of lengthy.] Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee does not prove national reputation, carrying the message of that he was, or is, a communist, a communist Democracy into individual communities. Spread [END OF QUOTING] fellow-traveler, or even a communist coast to coast, the Community Service Division sympathizer. And like many other good is subdivided into 14 regional offices, and Now, I think you nice people who would intentioned men, he may not have known maintains an additional 2,000 key men in 1,000 counter the Canadian border confiscation of our anything about the organization or its leaders cities through the country.” paper—first notify that FBI who looks after and fell for the sales talk of those who induced “What do these 2,000 key men do?” we ask “preservation of the Constitution of the United him to sponsor the dinner. And it may well be innocently. States, the security of the Republic and the that he never gave his consent for the use of “They helped handle more than 4,000 peaceful happiness and personal safety of every his name. Like so many other University profs individual cases of anti-Semitism during the man, woman and child, regardless of color, he may know nothing whatever about Marx and past year. ... The American Jewish Committee creed or ethnic origin.” Remember that we do Engels—or Communism. In short, it is quite and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith not have secrets—in fact we publish everything apparent that the good professor didn’t know are forming a protective shield across the that comes along and THE FBI HAS what the organization or the affair was all nation... an armor plate of educated thought... ALREADY INVESTIGATED EVERYONE AND about. Although Paul Robeson was listed as proof against the lies of subversive forces EVERYTHING AROUND THESE PARTS. I one of the dinner speakers, it is quite possible stabbing at America’s vitals. ... A first line of SUGGEST YOU NOW DEMAND THAT that Dean LeSourd believed him to be an defense in the battle to preserve the lives, the ATTENTION TO THE ONES WHO HAVE “agrarian reformer”. After all, the dinner was liberty, and the happiness of every single one ORDERED SUCH MISUSE OF on “The Century of the Common Man”—and to of us!” CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS—BE PUT quote from Henry A. Wallace on the invitations Our ADL guide and spokesman waxes INSTANTLY INTO HANDLING THIS ISSUE Page 44 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

AT TOP LEVELS WHERE CONSTITUTIONAL SUMMATION “captured” are you-the-people in this trap— ABUSE IS RUNNING RAMPANT. OF ADL ACTIVITIES today?] Thank you. In the field of literature, the ADL acts as We have seen the world’s most elaborate pre-publication “adviser” to many publishers. 7/11/98 #2 HATONN private gestapo at work and have learned Where “advice” is ignored the ADL acts as something of its operations. “book stifler”. Books like “All About Us”, SO WHAT, AND WHO WOULD Through their interlocking and coordinated “One God”, and “Gentleman’s Agreement” are BELIEVE US? agencies the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai promoted extensively with the cooperation of B’rith and the American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith lodges and chapters. Wouldn’t we be working at a great shielded by their so-called “minority” character, [H: Please note that movies today such as disadvantage if our writer, et al., were being are able to emotionally stir and activate Schindler’s List, Diary of Anne Frank, The prosecuted and deemed guilty of ? American Jewry and a considerable portion of Holocaust, and now other disinformation NO, STOP THIS NONSENSE. WE HAVE American Gentiles to ideological or political movies, written and stated, in the beginning, NEVER BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF programs. Criticisms and are as only being a movie script—ARE ANYTHING—INCLUDING PLAGIARISM. effectively silenced by the cry of “anti- CONSIDERED DOCUMENTARIES AND WHAT YOU MAY REFER TO IN YOUR Semitism”. MANDATORY SHOWING IS ORDERED THINKING IS THAT EKKERS WERE The national headquarters of the two FOR THE SCHOOLS. The same pictures SOMEHOW FOUND IN CONTEMPT OF organizations direct a vast army of informers in are depicted—some are of Jewish persons— THE JUDGE IN THE FEDERAL COURT— its network of regional offices throughout the who actually look pretty good showing off FIRST IT WAS JUST THE COURT AND country, tabulating, evaluating, cataloguing and their numbers while the most offensive THEN ON CONTINUATION OF GREEN TO filing information on “anti-Semitism”. pictures have NOTHING TO DO WITH SELL SANCTIONED BOOKS THE EKKERS The following is a summation of ADL and HOLOCAUST OR THE GERMAN WERE FOUND GUILTY OF DEFIANCE OF AJC activities: CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Some of the THE JUDGE HIMSELF AND CHARGED Propaganda is furnished to certain radio more disturbing pictures of suffering were WITH FURTHER AND DELIBERATE commentators throughout the country, who, in taken at the time of the worst suffering in CONTEMPT OF HIS ORDERS. THE ISSUE turn, incorporate the planted material in their the U.S. North-South civil war. But your OF PLAGIARISM WAS NEVER HEARD, broadcasts. government wouldn’t let anyone lie to you— NEVER TRIED AND NEVER ORDERED AS Similar propaganda is planted in the nation’s WOULD THEY?] SUCH BY THE COURT. IN FACT, THE press. [H: And NOW, the media is saturated Each year the ADL distributes more than a CASE WAS BROUGHT AGAINST GEORGE to death with whatever is the point chosen million reprints of newspaper and magazine GREEN, DESIREÉ GREEN, AMERICA WEST for the day.] articles. PUBLISHERS AND AMERICA WEST So-called “programs of community action” Through the American Lecture Bureau, 300 DISTRIBUTORS WHO BORE THE FAULT are subtly “put into operation” by regional speakers indoctrinate 7000 audiences with ADL ALL ALONG THE WAY BY NEGLIGENCE offices. propaganda. AND THEN “INTENT” TO, AND DID, JOIN “Nationalist” movements are particularly The ADL arranges to have Rabbis invited to THE OPPOSITION AGAINST THE VERY watched and reported by ADL agents. Christian camps to answer questions about Jews AUTHOR MR. GREEN WAS TO PROTECT The “Civil Rights Division” of the ADL is and Judaism. AND GAIN PERMITS AS PUBLISHER. AND charged with gathering information on “anti- [H: In today’s format the head of Israel, THEN TO HAVE THE PHOENIX INSTITUTE, Semitism” and exposing it as “undemocratic Mr. Netanyahu, even goes personally before FROM WHOM HE STOLE MORE THAN activity”. the Fundamentalist Christian organizations to HALF A MILLION DOLLARS, CAST INTO The ADL’s Radio Department supplies script get financial aid for his Party and Israel— BANKRUPTCY. material and “guidance” to many of the nation’s after the Jewish community turned him down Readers, don’t get sucked into non-truths in most popular networks. for MORE, above and beyond that which is your chattering. There was never a notice of Transcribed “singing commercials” were already taken, AID to the “cause”. What any kind of conviction nor any accusation other broadcast “many times daily by stations all over “cause”? Could this be the “cause” than from Mr. Green’s cohorts in crime. Doris America”. AGAINST Palestine? This is also above and Ekker’s attitude is that she doesn’t care about Eight hundred and fifty radio stations beyond the BILLIONS OF $$$ already those books in point—we’ve written some 230 broadcast the Lest We Forget programs produced supplied in cash payments to Israel. Go look volumes and she could care less about those by the Institute for Democratic Education. it up and stop babbling about those things books other than to never tread on the toes of The transcribed programs of Lest We Forget and offering denial about that which you Judge Coyle—and that is IN RESPECT FOR A are used as “educational aids by 2000 schools know NOTHING. GO LOOK IT UP—IT IS COURT OF LAW IN THE UNITED STATES and school systems in all parts of the country.” PUBLIC RECORD.] OF AMERICA! MR. GREEN AND HIS [H: Note that it is still today under the Nation-wide tours are arranged by the ADL BRIGADE OF ASSOCIATES AND LAWYERS auspices of “Lest We Forget” that you have for celebrities such as Harold Russell, star of COMMITTED THE CRIME AND THEN all the Holocaust and Nazi programs pouring the “The Best Years of Our Lives”. BROUGHT IT BEFORE THE BENCH TO out upon you through such as Mr. Spielberg ADL’s Foreign Language Department “GET THE EKKERS” AS BOASTED ABOUT as he prepares you for the war of the worlds reaches 22,000,000 people in the United States IN FULL INTENT OF DOING EXACTLY through space garbage.] in their mother tongue, through their “own “THAT”. DON’T GET CONFUSED AS TO Billboards and car-cards “created” by the stories and articles” in 16 languages in 900 ACTUAL HAPPENINGS IN THE COURT BY Institute For American Democracy are seen in foreign language publications. THE SHREWD MANIPULATIONS OF SAME. more than 200 cities. Posters are distributed in clubs and The Ekkers not only showed respect to and Half a million indoor posters have been neighborhood meeting halls. for the court in point, but likewise did all displayed in schools, churches and union halls. Sixty radio programs have been transcribed attending the “services” to observe. Until you A million and a half blotters were in six languages and broadcast by foreign get the dregs of criminal elements OUT OF distributed to children in a six-month period. language stations throughout America. [H: All THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM WITH ITS Over 3400 advertisements have appeared in this and with no taxes, yet.] MANIPULATORS—YOU WILL NOT, CAN 700 newspapers and national magazines. The syndicated articles of ADL’s Education NOT, HAVE JUSTICE—ONLY A KANGAROO Cartoons are sent regularly to 3100 leading Department appear in leading educational STAGE TO PLAY “YOUR IT” GAMES. SO, publications. journals. PATIENCE, MY FRIENDS—PATIENCE! The ADL serves as a “consultant” in the motion The ADL agents infiltrate organizations of picture field and takes credit for having teachers and parents. PART 20: HIDDEN PARASITES “helped” promote such films as Gentleman’s The ADL’s Women’s Department activates Agreement, Crossfire, and Till the End of Time. B’nai B’rith women in its programs. [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by [H: Keep in mind that this was written The Veterans’ Relations Department Senator Jack B. Tenney:] about a half-century ago. How much more infiltrates veterans’ organizations. JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 45

The Christian Friends of the Anti- readers: JUST WHO IS YOUR Benjamin R. Epstein is National Director. Defamation League, said to include 8500 GOVERNMENT, WHO ARE THE CABINET [H: That was “then”; this is “now”. Go clergymen, is an ADL channel into innumerable MEMBERS? WHAT AND WHO, EXACTLY, find out who heads these organizations. You Christian organizations. The ADL IS THE UNITED NATIONS AND WHO will find ONE very high-level officer, leader- propagandizes this group with a monthly RUNS IT WITHOUT HAVING TO director appointed to the task after trying to newsletter containing “material” for sermons QUESTION ANYONE ON ACTIONS? WHO hang O.J. Simpson—is a very high operative and other activities. RUNS YOUR GOVERNMENTS, YOUR in the organization—his name is Fred Each ADL regional office is an “ADL BANKS, YOUR LIVES, YOUR PROPERTY, Goldman. Does Goldman know who did the miniature”. Each office probes “local YOUR CITIZENSHIPS, YOUR VERY murders? Of course, and the payoff for discrimination” and encourages and attempts to ACTIVITIES? WHO MAKES THE keeping shut-up is this high-paying position direct “community action”. Each office LEGISLATION AND LAWS AND HOW DO of honor. Every political move has a sponsors community projects that reach into the THE CONGRESSIONAL ENTITIES PLANNED ORCHESTRATION.] smallest hamlets. Each office seeks to establish BECOME TOTALLY UNIMPORTANT? The Pacific Southwest Advisory Board is Fair Employment Practices Boards. Each office THEREFORE, WHO DO YOU SERVE, composed of the following: Hon. Stanley Mosk, seeks to influence organizations such as the CITIZENS? THESE MISERABLE SLAVE- Los Angeles, President; Jack Y. Berman and American Legion. MASTERS ARE NOT OF GOD—SO I Harry Graham Balter, Los Angeles, Vice- Each office, in brief, is repugnant to every ASK—AGAIN—WHO DO YOU SERVE?] Presidents; Isaac Sukmann, Long Beach, cherished American tradition, and a The United Jewish Welfare Fund of the Los Treasurer, and I.B. Benjamin, member, National disservice to American Jewry. Angeles Jewish Community Council publishes a Commission. In purporting to combat anti-Semitism the year book containing an “Honor Roll” of those The Executive Committee is chairmaned by ADL actually engenders anti-Semitism. In who contributed $25.00 or more to the UJWF the Hon. David Coleman of Los Angeles. advocating extension of freedom it would curtail the year previous. The 1952 publication David Goldman, Pasadena, is Vice-Chairman. freedom. contains 88 pages without the cover. At page Sam Faber, Los Angeles, is Treasurer. Mrs. Thus, the ADL is in the paradoxical position 7 under Joint Defense Appeal of the American Henry Levy of Los Angeles is Secretary. of creating that which it would destroy, and Jewish Committee—Anti-Defamation League of Executive Committee members are as follows: destroying that which it would create. B’nai B’rith appears the following: Harry Graham Balter, Stanley Bergerman, Jack [H: OK, doubters, GO READ THE “These two oldest and largest national Y. Berman, David Blumberg, Harry Braverman, PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION Jewish agencies combatting anti-Semitism and Edward Breitbard, Donald Breyer, Hyman O. and perhaps you can finally see through the promoting intergroup harmony—are financed Danoff, Mrs. Gilbert Denton, Norman Godell, charade and hiding behind the Jewish people through the Joint Defense Appeal. Charles Goldring, Mrs. Charles Goldring, J. Leo that has happened to you-the-people. We are “Believing that the most effective way to Gordon, Irving Hill, Lawrence Irell, Moe offering you historical FACTS; what does it safeguard the welfare of Jewry is to preserve Kudler, Mrs. Moe Kudler, Jules Lindenbaum, take for you to raise your eyes, open your and extend the democratic liberties of all Hon. Stanley Mosk, O.H. Prinzmetal, Aaron ears—see and hear?] Americans, the AJC and ADL: (1) seek to Riche, Mrs. Ben Rosenthal, Irving Schulman, educate the American people on the need for Joseph D. Shane, Larry Simon, Edward Stodel, ADL more adequate protection of human rights Jacob Stuchen, Isaac Sukmann, Mrs. George BUREAUCRACY through the law, and (2) endeavor to create a Taussig, Philip Wain and Mrs. Morris Wesser. climate of opinion hostile to hate and prejudice. We have learned that the American Jewish “Through 38 AJC Chapters and 27 ADL MILITANT ARM Committee and the Anti-Defamation League of regional offices, the two agencies seek to reach OF ZIONISM B’nai B’rith are ostensibly concerned with the American people at every stage where propaganda and information on anti-Semitism attitudes are formed: through all the media of The secret political police of the Czars were and anti-Semites. That their purposes are mass communications, through work with church the terror of Russia. The secret political police strictly political is obvious. The first activity groups, labor groups, labor unions, veterans of Stalin are no less terrifying. The secret takes many forms. We have seen a few of its organizations and other influential, opinion- police of European nations were a continuous operations as we visited the various sections of moulding groups; through action in the nightmare to the people. If they had, or have, the “Press Division”. legislative field and through scientific study of any excuse whatever for existence, it is on the In the “Fact-Finding, Legal and Investigative the causes of bigotry. In foreign affairs the basis of governmental operation for internal and Divisions” we learned of the organizations’ AJC-ADL, working closely with the U.N. and external security reasons. They have never second—and perhaps most important—activity, through offices in Washington and overseas, created or preserved loyalty. the collection of files on so-called “anti- seek to strengthen support of Israel, work for The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Semites”. [H: These are now referred to as enforcement of the human rights provision of and the American Jewish Committee do not have “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS”.] We had a the U.N. Charter and help to liberalize any excuse whatever for their operations. Their glimpse of the extensive rows of cabinets America’s immigration laws.” [H: This refers secret agents spy upon American citizens. containing data on thousands of individuals to Jewish immigration laws AND TO Extensive files and dossiers are compiled on who, for one reason or another, qualify by ADL ALLOWANCE OF any wealthy and those whom they dislike; those with whom they standards as anti-Jewish, actually or potentially. influential persons to enter, freely, American disagree, and those who, in any way, criticize ADL files are of three categories. The first space.] their activities or the ambitions of Zionism. set consists of newspaper and magazine AJC and ADL received an allocation of They penetrate the political field, injecting clippings supplied from many sources. The $98,000 in 1951 [H: ALL TAX-DEDUCTIBLE racism into political campaigns. Through their second set of files are designated (Free)!!] from the United Jewish Welfare Fund multitudinous controls of the media of “confidential”—and YOUR name may be of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Council. communication they are capable of destroying included. A third set of files—not housed at [H: Who didn’t pay taxes in the first place!] reputations and silencing all rebuttal. By “book ADL headquarters—are kept by SECRET OR The Pacific Southwest Regional Office of stifling” and the American Jewish Committee UNDER COVER AGENTS. These files cannot the ADL is located at Suite 217, 590 North technique of “quarantine”, critics are denied a be easily reached by Congressional subpoenas— Vermont Avenue, the new headquarters of the public audience for either attack or defense. because Arnold Forster declares there are no Los Angeles Jewish Community Council. Milton While these organizations do not have the secret agents or secret files. A. Senn is the Executive Director. governmental power to penalize their victims [H: These secret documents are now Hon. Meier Steinbrink of New York is they possess equally effective powers. In handled, under the Freedom of Information National Chairman, Phillip M. Klutznick, heavily populated Jewish political districts a Act, as “National Security” documents too Chicago; Maurice Dannenbaum, Houston; and candidate for public office is completely at their dangerous to the U.S. to be made public—or Edmund Waterman, New York, are National mercy. A memorandum from the local ADL to any nation run by these organizations— Vice-Chairmen. Richard E. Gutstadt of Chicago office charging that a particular candidate is which is just about every nation remaining is National Executive Vice-Chairman. Jacob “anti-Semitic” or supported by someone else named in the world. Look around you, Alson of New York is National Treasurer. alleged to be anti-Semitic is sufficient to insure Page 46 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 the defeat of the candidate. And it makes no Philadelphia synagogue, and, one by one, the trained to use it—and given great reward by difference that the candidate may be completely shop-worn prejudices of the Old World would these organizations in exchange. Note that that free of such bias. fall away. is well covered, as well, in the Protocols of In certain fields of endeavor, both The only ghettos in America were the Zion. Who is at fault in this “CONTACT” professional and non-professional, where ghettos built by the Jews themselves. [H: And sending out “Hate Literature”? Which journalist employers are predominantly Jewish, a word today those ghettos are the most expensive is being targeted? There is even a statement in from the regional office that John Doe is “anti- and lavish areas of the city. Oh, there may the paper that denies responsibility of the Semitic” is sufficient for ending John Doe’s well be a few Jewish PEOPLE in some other Management of the paper for contents and career. The terror carries over into Gentile types of economically limited circumstances opinions of contributors. concerns where the Gentile employer is who live among “we-the-people” citizens but, Don’t shy away from this offensive persuaded to “go along”. otherwise, you find the Jew listed as the manipulation, readers; this of all things to date The press is extremely sensitive to ADL doctors, lawyers, judges, merchandisers, HAS MADE “MY” DAY! IF YOU USE THIS “suggestions” and “recommendations”. commercial Elite and political hierarchy.] AS THE OPPORTUNITY IT PRESENTS— “Gentlemen’s agreements” are made whereby They were understandable ghettos—colonies of YOUR FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN JUST certain ADL pet-hates are never to be mentioned people who spoke the same mother tongue, and MIGHT GAIN A LITTLE INSIGHT AND in print. adhered to the same traditions, customs and TRUTH. The amazing part of the whole sordid story religion. But there were the “official” Jews May we ever walk and think within the is the fact that Americans—including American who remembered the power and the authority of guidance of GOD that we never fail HIM—or Jews—know so little about it. Those who have the “official Jews” of Europe’s walled ghettos— our country, nation, planet and fellow-travelers. had occasion to learn a little of ADL and AJC ”official Jews” who fought individual May we continue to shine brightly in the operations are fearful to do or say anything emancipation and insisted on a new type of darkness for only then shall Man find his way. about them. Legislators who have some ghetto they call the “Jewish nation”. They You have NOTHING to lose, goodly people— knowledge of the facts are fearful of taking any became the spirit of American Zionism—the but you have EVERYTHING OF VALUE TO action because they well know that they would driving force of the Anti-Defamation Leagues GAIN. IF YOU DO NOT STAND AGAINST be smeared as “anti-Semites” in the next and organized Jewry. EVIL OR WRONG—WHO SHALL? I DID election. No newspaper will risk its advertising American Jewry must carefully examine the NOT SAY “GO TO WAR” FOR THAT IS A contracts by telling the story. operations and activities of the many SILLY AND STUPID CONCEPT EVEN WHEN Most American Jews would be happy to organizations it supports. Because these SPEWED FORTH BY MR. CARVELL WHO IS integrate into American life; to be Jews only in organizations are labeled “Jewish” the general GOING “TO WA-AH” IN THE CLINTON matters of conscience—and American in all else. public assumes the responsibility of American CLEANSING PROGRAM. If left to themselves, the great majority of Jews to determine what these leaders are saying Are there good people among the politicians American Jews would resent implication that and what the organizations are doing—determine in Washington? I don’t know, I can’t find any. they owe allegiance to a foreign state. whether or not the Anti-Defamation league is Sort of like Soddom—you know, “find one No reasonable person can find legitimate within the American tradition—whether or not innocent and goodly man and...”. I find none fault with the deep sense of concern and warm the ADL, in its alleged fight for the without either full action or intent of hiding, compassion exemplified by American Jews over preservation of “democracy”, is actually treading secreting, criminal concepts and actual criminal the plight of persecuted Jews, a concern and in totalitarian footsteps. ongoing actions. I find no respect for the compassion shared by every person of good will The cry of “anti-Semitism” has ceased to an judicial system, no recognition of honor among and decent instincts, regardless of race, color or effective smoke-screen. the outspoken attorneys who already have creed. These instincts are among the highest convicted the victim of choice, and no moral virtues of both Judaism and Christianity. It is [END OF QUOTING] integrity pushing through the tide of immoral the perversion of them that is objectionable. acceptance. “Sex in the Oval Office is OK” but Under the broad protective shield of the We can take up with The American Jewish lying under oath is not! This is why “oaths” Constitution of the United States the Jew has Committee next session. are a stupid concept. A Man is a liar if he every right accorded every other person—but no Dharma, I believe if we have another writing lies—PERIOD, and sex as in adultery is an more. There is no right claimed by a Gentile or two we can put Sen. Tenney’s books behind adulteration of marital contractual commitment that should be denied a Jew or any other us. We will need to focus on how to handle and the laws have always stated that that person, and it follows that no Jew or any other the “hate-material” charges running around the behavior is basis for divorce and annulment of person should be given preferential rights. borders and, yes, it is time to take on these the marriage itself. So how can it be a No group of citizens, regardless of race, organizations who proclaim that citizens do not personal “thing” or a proper thing—anywhere— color or creed, should constitute itself a private have rights under the Constitution. If we are but much the more in the offices of the highest agency for a foreign government. No group of not willing to take a stand for right, who shall? officers of the NATION? American citizens may take into itself the CONTACT doesn’t have as many paid SO BE IT, READERS. MAY THE LIFE characteristics of a police state and retain the subscribers as there are employees in one branch YOU SAVE BE YOUR OWN! affection and respect of other American groups. office of the ADL, so how dangerous could a Propaganda breeds counter-propaganda, and bunch of goodly people be to the steam-roller 7/11/98 #3 HATONN espionage results in counter-espionage. Both army of the marching New World Order? Well, activities create distrust and suspicion. There apparently we represent God and that might just PART 21: HIDDEN PARASITES can be no peace nor brotherhood in an twitch their noses a bit, but once again, we atmosphere of distrust and suspicion. have done NOTHING to ANYONE and yet the [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by The United States, breaking away from the slap and assault is AGAINST us, citizens in a Senator Jack B. Tenney:] police states of Europe, establishing human FREE NATION (??) ACTUALLY TRYING TO dignity and personal freedom, became a beacon PROTECT THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THE THE light of hope to the oppressed Jews of the MISPERCEPTIONS FOISTED OFF ONTO AMERICAN JEWISH world. They trickled into the colonies from THEM FOR GENERATIONS. COMMITTEE Spain and Portugal; from Germany and Holland What can we do? Well, we take it up under after the American Revolution, and from Eastern the protective LAWS OF THE LAND—IN The American Jewish Committee, as has Europe by the hundreds of thousands at the turn CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, damages against been seen, works very closely with the Anti- of the century. They joyfully left the lands of business harassment and whatever else seems Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. The funds their birth, happy to breathe the clear, clean air appropriate—the list is so long as to go into of both organizations are raised by the Joint of freedom and opportunity. Gone were the Federal Racketeering offenses—you know, Defense Appeal. secret political police, the hateful preachers of RICO. There is also a RIGHT of the The charter of the American Jewish pogroms, and the accumulative dossiers. A ACCUSED to face HIS ACCUSER! Now isn’t Committee provides that: Benjamin Franklin would be first among that a quaint concept in this world of paid-for “The objects of this corporation shall be, to Gentiles with a generous contribution for a “eyewitnesses” who are fed the testimony, prevent the infraction of the civil and religious JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 47 rights of Jews, in any part of the world; to Gentile. In New York the Kehillah, under the Rabbi Lee J. Levinger observed that “the render all lawful assistance and to take English title of the Jewish Community of New strength of the American Jewish Committee lies appropriate remedial action in the event of York City, became the most powerful Jewish in the individual power and influence of its threatened or actual invasion or restriction of organization in the world. Delegates at the first members, not in its representing anybody or such rights, or of unfavorable discrimination open meeting of the organization represented being elected or instructed by any constituency with respect thereto; to secure for Jews equality more than 200 Jewish societies, synagogues, of the Jews of the United States.” of economic, social and educational opportunity; lodges, philanthropies, political and industrial. A brief glance at the record since the to alleviate the consequences of persecution and A year later 700 Jewish organizations were formation of the American Jewish Committee in to afford relief from calamities affecting Jews, represented. [H: Could this possibly be 1906 would seem to indicate that the where-ever they may occur; and to compass associated with Pat Robertson’s 700 Club? organization’s conception of fighting anti- these ends to administer any relief fund which Then, if not, tell me exactly what “700 Club” Semitism was an all-out attack on Christianity shall come into its possession or which may be means.] and its “Christological” manifestations. received by it, in trust or otherwise, for any of This sudden frenzy of open organization was Here are a few picked at random: Petition the aforesaid objects or for purposes the direct result of a government investigation protesting the acknowledgment of Christ in a comprehended therein.” [H: This represents of the “White Slave Traffic”, the result of State Constitution; agitation in many cities nothing more than articles of incorporation which was uncomplimentary to the Jews. A against Bible reading; opposition to Christmas and by-laws. Don’t be fooled by righteous police commissioner of the City of New York celebrations and carols; protests to a Governor wording. Anyone could, and probably was alleged to have declared that the Jews were against “christological expression” in his should, start some corporations to counter responsible for fifty percent of the crime in Thanksgiving Day proclamation; protests against these very entities, such as American Jewish New York City. Intensive organization of the “christological prayers” at high school Non-exclusive Association (AJNA); American Kehillah was the answer of New York Jewry. graduating exercises; opposition to daily Bible Affiliation with God Association (AAGA); Dr. Judah Leon Magnes became the reading in schools; against merchants United Union with God Assn. (UUGA)—instead Kehillah’s president. Much of the power of the who opened on Saturdays; protests against the of the usual Nanu-Nanu we can use Uuga- New York Kehillah ultimately passed quietly recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in schools; Uuga. It can be the new language to suit the into the hands of the American Jewish protests against Friday evening night-school recognition by using the English alphabet Committee. sessions because the Jewish Sabbath begins at (instead of Hebrew) and call it the Uuga- Operating under the name of the Jewish sundown on Friday; opposition to Christian Uuga Uugish language to suit whatever Uuga- Community of New York City, the Kehillah songs being sung in schools; protests against Uuga instruction book (Bible) we choose to joined in the creation of the American Jewish Christmas trees and reference to the season in create out of the depths of our Uuga-Uuga Committee, expressly delegating to the AJC “the schools; and agitation to remove Christmas from Nanu-Nanu linguistic approach to a new exclusive jurisdiction over all questions of a the list of official holiday in schools. [H: As language for the nations of Babel. This is, national or international character affecting the goodly Uuga-Uugans we can protest indeed, as simple as it gets, readers—now Jews generally”. The combination of the two EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, don’t you feel a bit foolish to fall for such organizations gave the Jewish Community of including the Jewish right to any of these tricks and chicanery? All you have to do is New York City “a voice in shaping the policy things adverse to our Uuga-Uuga form a favored corporation and call it a of Jewry throughout the land”. [H: Well, don’t Constitution-Bible-Talmud.] religion, a race, or a creed, and set up the Uuga-Uugas have RIGHTS too?] business, get tax-free donations to the “cause” The American Jewish Committee was PROGRAM (whatever it might be)—go under the shelter founded in 1906. Until 1936 it consisted of AND ACTIVITIES of some already manifest group—and GO only fifty individuals. [H: Surely the Uuga- FOR IT! Indeed it is totally LEGAL UNDER Uugas could find fifty individuals.] Today it The American Jewish Committee believes YOUR CONSTITUTION.] has 38 chapters in as many cities and a that “American Jews have a compelling stake in The officers of the American Jewish membership of 20,000 individuals. [H: And, world affairs.” [H: Well, good grief, so too Committee as of March, 1951 were the all the Uuga-Uugas would have to prove is do Uuga-Uugans, don’t they?] following: Jacob Blaustein, President; Irving M. that they are NOT anti-Semitic.] Among this Without attempting to define what it means Engel, Chairman, Executive Committee; John membership are the owners of powerful by the term “democracy” the AJC declares that Slawson, Executive Vice-President; Joseph M. newspapers, Federal, State and Municipal it believes “that American Jews have a vital Proskauer, Honorary President; Herbert H. officials, members of the judiciary, financiers, stake in the maintenance and expansion of Lehman and Samuel D. Leidesdorf, Honorary bankers, mercantile and manufacturing owners, democracy in the United States.” It should be Vice-Presidents; Ely M. Aaron, Albert H. doctors, rabbis, scientists, lawyers, educators, noted that the Socialists and the Communists Lieberman, Charles W. Morris, Nathan M. business men and labor leaders. [H: Well, also are very much devoted to the term Ohbach, Harold Riegelman, Lester Roth, David perhaps there aren’t fifty people left, after “democracy”. The word does not appear in any Sher, Alan M. Stroock, and Joseph Willen, all.] All shades of politics are represented official United States document, including the Vice-Presidents; Gustave M. Berne, Treasurer; together with Republicans and Democrats. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights—and the Maurice Gilnert, Associate Treasurer, and viewpoints of the members are diverse. They “maintenance and expansion” of the idea, Edward A. Norman, Secretary. are orthodox, conservative and reform in therefore, is the maintenance and expansion of [H: And, if you don’t like the diet plan, religion, and they are Zionist and non-Zionist. something foreign to the United States. the study plan or the encroachment of other However divergent their views on religion, The AJC does not believe that anti-Semitism would-be Constitutional Citizens—call it the economics and politics, they appear to be bound is solely a “Jewish problem”. It maintains that REFORMED UUGA-UUGA CHURCH OF together for one, great, overwhelming purpose— it is a disease, a mental sickness. It finds UUGASHAN and make sure that you give full the welfare of the Jews—as Jews—throughout nothing whatever in its own activities or in the credit to GOD for your changes—you know, the world. [H: This does NOT say: “Jewish activities of myriads of similar Jewish REVELATION OF THE ARCH-DIOCESE.] people”.] The attainment of their purpose organizations that might account in any way for apparently contemplates the reshaping of an unfriendly feeling toward the Jewish people. THE America and the world to a Jewish pattern. The AJC believes these aberrations are curable. KEHILLAH “Such an institution in America at this time As a start it prescribes reminding Americans of has a heavy responsibility,” declares the AJC. “the nature, the meaning, and the traditions of The “Kehillah” has the same meaning as “For today the mobilization of the moral and Judaism, its mainsprings and its contributions to “Kahal” which signifies “community”, intellectual forces of society can provide a the American way of living”. “assembly” or “government”. [H: Well, by strength beyond that of armies.” (Emphasis On the other hand, it believes that “early golly, you can now have a Kahal-Kehillah of supplied.) attitudes of hostility are often firmly implanted the Uuga-Uuga Church of the Alliance Assn. The first president of the American Jewish through Christian teachings” and that these (KKUUCAA).] It represents the Jewish form of Committee was Judge Mayer Sulzberger of teachings must be altered. government in dispersion. The Kahal, from its Philadelphia; his successor was Louis Marshall The AJC believes that it is “essential that inception, has always been pro-Jewish and anti- of New York City. Jews understand clearly the meaning of their Page 48 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

Jewishness.” moved in and TOOK the Palestinian country been able to coordinate our efforts and activities “In its earliest years,” we are told, “the away and pronounced it “Israel”. The with those of the United Nations designed to American Jewish Committee was predominantly natives have suffered enough at the hands of guarantee safety to all population groups.” concerned with the persecution of Jews abroad, the TRUE anti-Semites and probably won’t The AJC spares no cost in propagandizing and action was largely achieved through want the Uuga-Uugas on welfare programs the public, pressuring the members of Congress diplomatic representation in Washington and and would already be suspicious that once and interested governmental agencies in behalf elsewhere. [H: Surely the Uuga-Uugans again their Sovereign lands would be stolen of the Genocide Convention, “proposals dealing deserve as much. We have been far too easy by some Apache-Ute-Uuga Uuga alliance and with statelessness, displaced persons, etc.” in not forcing these special things beyond the treaty. No, I’m not jesting—this is the way Behind the Marshall Plan and the “Point usual Constitutional rights of mere citizenship the game gets going until it takes the world, Four Program” is the American Jewish which demand and require loyalty to the my friends.] Committee. It is behind the American State or Nation of said citizenship—or go Shorn of its self-serving phrases the Association for the United Nations and the back to where you came from and were more foregoing account of AJC programs and United Nations agencies. It propagandizes and loyal.] In the 1920s, with the increasing activities may be reduced to the following: assists in “educational programs” on the evidence of anti-Semitism in America, coupled (1) Pressures on Washington and elsewhere in “meaning of the United Nations”. It opposes with the dangerous efforts to restrict matters of international concern. an American loan to “Franco Spain”. It exerts immigration to this country from Eastern (2) Political pressures on Congress to open up an intensified program of pressuring Congress Europe, an educational program was directed to and liberalize immigration for Eastern on the one hand, and “educating the public” on the general American public stressing the European Jews (EEJ) [H: Or, the EEJs.] the other, to let down the immigration bars for incompatibility of prejudice and true (3) Expanded programs of domestic espionage the influx of greater numbers of Jews. It seeks Americanism. In the ’30s, that program was and propaganda against those who to re-educate Germany and exerts pressure on markedly expanded with a two-fold purpose: (1) opposed AJC political activities. non-Jewish organizations for this purpose. It to detect, expose and defeat organized anti- (4) Rehabilitation of foreign Jews. opposes nationalism and particularly the Semitism and rabble-rousers; (2) to immunize (5) Promoting the United Nations. “resurgence of nationalism” in Germany. Americans against the Nazi thesis of the ‘master (6) Creation and support of the State of Israel. As has been indicated, AJC activities are race’ and their campaign against the Jews. (7) Promoting and assisting in the President’s international in character. It maintains offices This became a life-and-death task for the next Report on Civil Rights. and agents in Paris, London, Buenos Aires, and decade and a half. In both aspects of this (8) Agitation among other minority groups as Israel. It publishes a French periodical, program, the investigative and educational, AJC an implement for strengthening the “Evidences”, which circulates in Western Europe was thought of as working for Jews (rather than AJC’s own objectives, particularly in the and North Africa. with them) and the general American public was fields of employment, housing and In Latin America the AJC proceeds considered the target. education. cautiously. AJC “techniques in community “In the ’40s, the necessity for reconstruction (9) Planting propaganda with “opinion molders”, relations and in combating anti-Semitism” must and the rehabilitation of Jews abroad, the need the press and radio, organization leaders, be “related to the political temper of those for liberalized immigration into this country, the community leaders, educators, etc. countries.” It works through agents in South necessity for understanding and supporting the (10) Promoting Judaism and Jewishness as Ameri- America and brings pressures “through frequent United Nations: particularly with respect to the canism. and regular conferences with appropriate inclusion of the human rights concept in its [H: Do you suppose we Uuga-Uugas can American governmental and non-governmental charter, the struggle over Israel and its ultimate get recognition, equal rights, and other agencies”. creation, were all reflected in AJC’s expanded special things if we form enough Early in 1950 the AJC established the program of domestic education, as well as in its corporations? We’ll work on it from that Argentine Jewish Institute for Culture and on-the-spot activities abroad. more practical side rather than what is right Information and is working on a similar project “In the late ’40s, spurred on by the historic and what is wrong. Our national anthem can in Brazil. President’s Report on Civil Rights, in the come from the Ford Motor Company’s horn “Yedies” [H: And you thought Uuga-Uuga preparation of which we assisted, and firmly system—UUGA-UUGA (pronounced ooga- sounded strange?], a mimeographed Yiddish believing in its thesis that ‘the achievement of ooga)! Our instrument for making this Press Bulletin, is prepared in AJC’s New York full Civil Rights in law may do as much to end musical anthem will not be the “harp”, it will office. This propaganda sheet is designated for prejudice as the end of prejudice may do to be the acclaimed Ford Motor Car—horn. It the Yiddish press in Latin America. Its achieve full Civil Rights’, AJC became is long past time that the Uuga-Uugas stop editorials are reprinted and distributed through increasingly and correctly concerned with being dispersed! Now tell me, readers, do schools and various organizations. injustice to all minority groups, and focused its you even remember what UUGA means and The AJC is active in the Middle East educational program upon the need for stands for? I thought not and this is the facilitating the emigration of Jews to Israel. Its legislation dealing with discrimination in way with all intentional confusions. (Union agents are in the Near East, in Iraq and in employment, in housing, in education. We of United Gooks Association?) OH WELL!] Egypt. [H: OOPS!] Continually pressuring undertook constructive research into the nature Egyptian publishers and editors, it seeks to of human behavior and we utilized all our THE propagandize the Egyptian public in behalf of channels of communications (continuously UNITED NATIONS Israel and to offset adverse publicity. [H: And evaluating our methods and techniques for doing now you know why the Mossad was a heavy so) to convey our findings and our increased Basing its current program and activity on player in the killings within Egypt of tourists knowledge to opinion molders, organization the belief “that American Jews have a within this year.] leaders, community leaders, educators, and compelling stake in the world affairs”, the In behalf of Israel the AJC exerts its average Americans. American Jewish Committee has plunged into techniques and pressures on officials of the “Finally, with the creation of the State of the promotion of the United Nations and its American government and the United Nations. Israel and attendant confusion with respect to agencies. No reasonable person can contemplate this the age-old problem of American Jews—namely, “As a member of the Consultative Council partial view of American Jewish Committee the achievement of balance between integration of Jewish Organizations,” says the AJC, “an activities without a sense of alarm. Sigmund into American society and retention of Jewish officially credited consultant to the United Livingston had declared that the charge of an identity—we have been working intensively with Nations Economic and Social Council, it (AJC) “international conspiracy” on the part of the Jews, rather than for them, to clarify the issues has been able, together with its colleagues in Jews was an absurd folly; that the “Jews have at stake and to help them understand how England and France, to influence Jewish no recognized organization on world affairs”, Americanism and Judaism can mutually activities in behalf of human rights and that the Jews did not have “even a chief rabbi— strengthen and enrich one another.” [H: fundamental freedoms. Through direct no bishops, no archbishops, no pope, or any Perhaps the Native Aboriginal people will let cooperation with the United States Mission to other office of comparable dignity or power”. we Uuga-Uugas join them? I doubt it the United Nations and with the United States [H: My goodness, doesn’t that exactly because look what happened when the U.N. National Commission for UNESCO we have describe the Uuga-Uuga?] After briefly JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 49 viewing the subtle techniques of AJC Acts at all levels of government. governmental force to deprive Americans of propaganda, the behind-the-scene pressures, Like the Communist Party, AJC freedom of choice. In the name of “Civil national and international intrigue; network of propagandizes for “fair educational practices” in Rights” the AJC would destroy ALL civil rights. agents, and the sundry details of efficient and, colleges and universities, in graduate and Under the pretext of extending freedom, the for the greater part, anonymous operations, professional schools. AJC would restrict freedom. Under the guise Sigmund Livingston’s statement assumes the Behind the agitation and propaganda in of creating equality, the AJC would legislate proportions of falsehood. public housing stands the American Jewish preferred classes. Adolf Hitler, “the high priest of false Committee. It takes credit for “recent victories The net result of these AJC activities, ably propaganda”, said: with respect to racial restrictive covenants”. assisted by the Communists and the Socialists, “THE VERY ENORMITY OF A LIE The Communist Party is also boisterously active is the creation of “minority consciousness” CONTRIBUTES TO ITS SUCCESS... THE in this field. AJC was behind the creation of among otherwise well integrated Americans. MASSES OF THE PEOPLE EASILY the New York Committee Against Discrimination With the exception of the bureaucracy of Jewish SUCCUMB TO IT AS THEY CANNOT in Housing, “a pattern of organized community organizations few of the so-called “minority BELIEVE IT POSSIBLE THAT ANY ONE action recommended for AJC chapters groups” consider themselves anything other than SHOULD HAVE THE SHAMELESS throughout the country”. Americans and do not desire to be a preferred AUDACITY TO INVENT SUCH THINGS... Pressures on administrative agencies for class by statutory enactment. And the EVEN IF THE CLEAREST PROOF OF ITS enforcement of statutes against “discrimination overwhelming majority of American Jews would FALSEHOOD IS FORTHCOMING, in hotels, resorts, restaurants, theaters and normally prefer to be integrated Americans if SOMETHING OF A LIE WILL transportation” is an important aspect of the the AJC and its coordinated network of NEVERTHELESS STICK.” AJC program. Private clubs and associations organizations would let them alone. are included, and particular attention is being F E P C given to “discrimination in medical training and [END OF QUOTING] licensing, appointment to hospitals, public Although the Charter of the American Jewish assistance rolls, etc.”. I ask to break this writing here at this point Committee restricts its activities to the welfare Behind the opposition to “released time” for because we will take up the topic of “Freedom of world Jewry, the directing heads of the religious education from public schools stands of Speech” next and I want your full attention, organization, for the AJC. please. Salu. obvious mass- Because psychological “THE VERY ENORMITY OF A immigration 7/11/98 #4 HATONN reasons, have and extended its LIE CONTRIBUTES TO ITS naturalization PART 22: HIDDEN PARASITES propaganda-agitation SUCCESS... THE MASSES OF THE laws “and to include other so- PEOPLE EASILY SUCCUMB TO IT many related [QUOTING, ZION’S FIFTH COLUMN, by called “minority AS THEY CANNOT BELIEVE IT administrative Senator Jack B. Tenney:] groups”. regulations This technique is POSSIBLE THAT ANY ONE affect Jews FREEDOM a development of SHOULD HAVE THE SHAMELESS adversely” OF SPEECH AJC’s public- AUDACITY TO INVENT SUCH AJC works relations approach to THINGS... EVEN IF THE incessantly The American Jewish Committee utilizes Gentile reaction—the CLEAREST PROOF OF ITS for the every susceptible non-Jewish organization in its “amalgamation “revision of propaganda drives. Every medium of method”—including FALSEHOOD IS FORTHCOMING, ourcommunication—radio, press, magazines, motion “all Americans” in SOMETHING OF A LIE WILL permanent pictures, television—are pressed into service by publicity broadsides NEVERTHELESS STICK.” immigration one device or another. Its Chapters are as a shield for its statutes”. stimulated to feverish action and “competent exclusive Jewish Inprofessional” field staffs are used “to activate activity. Browder made excellent use of this addition to exerting pressures in appropriate community-wide efforts” among special interest technique in the slogan, “Communism is places together with the combined techniques of organizations “such as church groups, women’s Twentieth Century Americanism”, thereby propaganda and agitation, the AJC resorts to groups, labor groups, etc.” creating the false assumption that “anti- litigation. Amicus curiae briefs were filed by Those who understand and oppose AJC and communism is un-American”. [H: And boy, AJC and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai ADL activities are marked down as “rabble- did that one ever work wonders and B’rith in the following cases: Shelley vs. rousers”. Similar to the “book stifling” miracles.] Kraemer, which struck down racial covenants; technique of the Anti-Defamation League of The AJC puts it this way: While the McCollum case, attacking the constitutionality B’nai B’rith” is the “Quarantine Treatment” of “charter calls for securing for Jews ‘equality of of “released time” for religious education; the AJC. This device was “developed by a economic, social and educational opportunity’ Sweatt case, involving validity of racial member of the AJC staff” and requires the ...we have come to know that the welfare of segregation by the University of Texas Law cooperation of newspapers, radio, etc. That its Jews is inextricably bound up with the School; a brief attacking the constitutionality of application is as un-American as “book stifling” establishment of fundamental freedoms and the a provision of their citizenship if they reside goes without saying. It is “effective” in preservation of constitutional guarantees for all abroad longer than five years; a brief before the “handling rabble-rousers”, declares the AJC, as racial, religious and national groups. This is a New Jersey Supreme Court successfully it deprives “them of their life-line, publicity”. large order. The AJC in 1951, possessing attacking segregation in a municipal public [H: Ooooh, read it again, please.] limited funds and resources, must therefore housing project; a brief before the Connecticut The strange twisted thinking of the men narrow its field of action. Its ultimate goal is, Supreme Court involving employment behind the AJC is well illustrated by this of course, the elimination of discrimination and discrimination, etc. brazenly avowed conspiracy to throttle free segregation from every phase of American life. Most of these AJC activities are in violation speech. It is consistent, however, with much of But its activity and the projects it undertakes of the fundamental principles of American the inconsistency of its entire program. The envision specific, obtainable goals. The range freedom. If freedom is the right to life and AJC would exalt Judaism as “Americanism” and of our concern in the areas of the liberty, the right to acquire, own, use and “alter” the “false teachings of Christianity”; in discriminations has widened rapidly in recent dispose of property, circumscribed only by the the name of civil liberties it would destroy years.” same rights of others, regardless of race, color individual freedom; in the name of equality it In conformance with this announced policy or creed, then these AJC activities can only be would create preferred classes; in the name of AJC, like the Communist Party, “works with evaluated as an attempt to limit and restrict freedom of the press it engages in “book numerous organizations” agitating and freedom. Under the false label of “Fair stifling” and in the name of freedom of speech propagandizing for Fair Employment Practices Employment Practices Acts” the AJC would use it applies the “Quarantine Treatment”! Page 50 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998

The AJC is not only concerned with what it impudent manifestation of arrogant conceit in on a part-time consultative basis.” [H: Yes, calls the “blatant” anti-Semite; it is concerned the history of the world than the statement that I’m sure, because if you can’t pay adequately also with the “potential” anti-Semite. We have anti-Semitism is a disease! In its essence it and above average salaries—you don’t get the seen how the ADL espionage network operates, proclaims Jewish perfection, Jewish virtue and help.] and the part played by the AJC in its activities. Jewish superiority, while relegating the The Declaration of Human Rights is In the reprisal field AJC takes credit for having unimpressed, the critical and the un-worshipping designed to destroy all American rights. The been instrumental in revoking the tax-exempt to the insane asylum! [H: Then of course, proposals contained in this document, says status of the Judge Armstrong Foundation. Any that relegates them to inclusion in “the Frank E. Holman, Past President of the attempt, of course, against its own tax status infirm, the elderly, the stupid, etc.”, American Bar Association, are based on the un- would elicit vociferous cries of anti-Semitism. categories of those who need to be American theory that “although our basic In its international espionage work the AJC annihilated in a depopulation purge per rights cannot be changed by acts of our own believes it “has uncovered evidence of Jason Brent (Judge) of the Mensa Society for Congress or by our State Legislatures, they increasing collaboration between American and brainy, mostly Jews, segment of the stupid can be impaired, policed and even destroyed European fascists and anti-Semites” and has population—THEY BEING THE by international action, and our social and made the results of its international snooping EXCEPTION.] economic policies defined and fixed by “available to the proper authorities”. It would appear that the psychiatrist might international declarations and treaties.” This play on words should be clarified. benefit by a few psychiatrical treatments before One of the propaganda objectives of the AJC Because few Americans understand what the continuing his practice. is to condition American thinking about term “fascism” really means, plus the fact that Americans. Here is a self-avowed “minority Fascist Italy was allied with Hitler in World “BRAIN-WASHING” group” brazenly announcing that it intends to War II, the term is always good ammunition for IN THE U.S. change the pattern of thinking of the majority the propagandists. Because Mussolini’s Fascists of the people among whom it dwells. [H: And crushed Communism in Italy in 1922 the term The American Jewish Committee, working on so it has.] The thinking pattern about has been anathema to the communists the world or through Harper Brothers, published, in 1950, Americans is to be one of heterogeneity—while over. Its use, in communist jargon, indicates a five-volume work, Studies In Prejudice. It the American Jew is to be made “aware of his “anti-Communism”. [H: And just how do purports to be the culmination of years of Jewishness”, his “oneness with world Jewry”— YOU, American, account for the Fascist research by “outstanding American social his “oneness with Israel”! Unless this pattern symbols of the tied-together rods with the scientists, historians, psychologists, etc.” under of American thinking is altered the AJC is axe-head Fasces decorating your American the supervision of the AJC—which, of course, convinced that “the most well-intentioned Government’s Congressional HALL? Also, I immediately destroys its value as a scientific legislative victory and the most principled court believe you will find that symbol with the study. decision will continue to be subtly sabotaged in Illuminati symbol on the Federal Reserve In connection with the last statement, it the factory, in the university and in club houses notes backed by NOTHING.] should be recalled that Hitler caused a number of many American communities.” Fascism may be properly defined as an of volumes to be published purporting to be the Working on this project AJC has insinuated economic system characterized by complete culmination of years of research by outstanding itself into such campaigns as Crusade for control of production and marketing within the German social scientists, historians, Freedom, the Freedom Train, the celebration of framework of private property. [H: Well???] psychologists, etc. [H: The same ones yet!], the Statue of Liberty Anniversary, Bill of Rights In its final stages it becomes a police state, under the supervision of his Nazi experts on the Day, I Am An American Day, United Nations unrestrained and all-powerful, under a ruthless “master race”. [H: Jewish Jason Brent Week and has planted its propaganda through dictatorship. [H: Well???] It is distinguished (Judge) said, “the only thing wrong with the American Heritage Foundation, the Veterans by economic planning, wage and price fixing Hitler was that he blew it for ever having a of Foreign Wars, United States Department of and controls, deficit spending, militarism and ‘master race’.] The AJC would undoubtedly Justice, the National Broadcasting Company, imperialism. In short, New Deal and Fair Deal agree that the German work would have little and the American Association for the United policies are embryonic fascist policies. There value as a scientific study. Nations. were no racial planks in Mussolini’s fascism. Scientific knowledge is not produced by In connection with these activities AJC has [H: In the words of your ex-President partisans with a preconceived theory to prove. prepared 30-second “spot announcements” for Reagan: “Uh-Well—??] Hitler could not do it; Stalin cannot do it—and network and local broadcasting, and taken over Consequently, the information that there is the AJC cannot do it. the complete planning and responsibility for collaboration between American and European The AJC carries on continuous activities in special celebrations, which includes preparation Fascists might be embarrassing in certain college and university centers. of news releases, editorials, cartoons, posters, quarters. It conducts special opinion polls and related pamphlets, feature stories, etc. There is no law of God or man that says an studies, probing for anti-Semitism. Baltimore, Furtherance of the drive for American individual cannot be anti-Semitic or anti-Gentile. Minneapolis and St. Paul have been recent “brain-washing” are such programs as “Panel for There is no law of God or man that says an guinea pigs. Together with the ADL, the AJC Americans”. Together with the ADL, AJC individual must like spinach or pastry. The made a “study” of Michigan State College in supports the Bureau of Intercultural Education. laws of God and man only declare that the 1950 as background for propaganda in rural It has prepared and distributed to educational individual must exercise his freedom in such a areas. AJC used 4-H club leaders, farm journal and communal organizations “A Brief Study of manner as not to encroach upon the freedom of editors, community teachers, etc., as the the Major Agencies in the Field of Inter-cultural others. Enmity and hostility are overcome by propaganda carriers. Education” in which “are highlighted research friendliness and friendship. To declare that a In St. Louis the AJC used a union to findings, programs and activities in this area”. man is “sick” because he doesn’t like you is not “study” the effects of the “union efforts to The American Jewish Committee proposes to apt to win his confidence—let alone his attack attitudes of discrimination among union rewrite the textbooks and study material used in friendship. An ancient saying, that AJC might members”. the public schools of America. It is particularly very well study, advised that “when in Rome, An AJC staff member was “loaned” to the interested in revising the text concerning Jews, do as the Romans do”. It was sound advice United States National Commission for the crucifixion, and filling in on modern and it has been the basis of winning friends in UNESCO “to develop a nationwide educational Judaism. many foreign lands by courteous and friendly program to be carried out by the Commission, For this purpose AJC has moved in on travelers. Its application in America by the to spread knowledge and understanding of, and textbook publishers and school boards in several AJC will win more friends for the Jews in one to encourage concrete action with respect to, the communities “to determine proper and effective day than AJC activities will win in a thousand Declaration of Human Rights. Characterizing remedial action with respect to current years. the report submitted as ‘an outstanding textbooks”. And it wouldn’t be amiss if the AJC did a contribution’, the chairman of UNESCO Reverting to the use of the mystery word little mirror gazing before brushing anti- requested the further loan of an AJC person for “democracy”—which, as we have seen, is no Semitism off as “mental sickness”. one year. Because of limited funds available, part of the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of There has rarely been a more glaring and assistance is currently being rendered UNESCO Rights—AJC quotes the American Council of JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 51

Education, which complains that “no text makes qualified candidates” of the presidency— You have been “hoodwinked” (a good old a major point of the remarkably close Eisenhower and Stevenson, according to Mr. Masonic saying), you blundering humanity relationship of the Jewish religious ideal to Cohen. tide of mindless followers.] American Democracy”. “Overwhelming all else,” he writes, “was an AJC has successfully launched “a teachers “AJC considers itself largely responsible,” alarmist screaming, a warning of one dire unit on the history of the Jews in America” in declares AJC, “for the growing awareness of menace after another detected within our own connection with teacher training in the Catholic youth leaders that true character-building calls sheepfold. The Black Tide of Reaction. University of America. for a thoroughgoing understanding and Bourbonism. The Pentagon Mind. Red Infiltration of Christian theological acceptance of the Hysteria. Neo- seminaries and teacher training institutes is diversity that is Fascism. progressing. AJC has “introduced competent America.” It is important to reemphasize Finally these instruction” into the curricula of those AJC staff members nightmares were institutions covering Jewish theology, ethics, were planted in the that even though these attitudes to materialize history, and contemporary Jewish affairs. AJC, 1950 White House and activities are carried on in into twin super- through graduate fellowships, is indoctrinating Conference on the name of American Jewry, the menaces of such several Christian theological students in Jewish Children and Youth in average American Jew is hardly terrifying theological seminaries. a Democracy and more responsible for them than is dimensions as to Prepared propaganda material is supplied through AJC planning eclipse totally Christian religious publications. and research the the average American. That the such trumped-up The “newly created Division of Christian Conference “dealt American Jew should be the bogies as Stalin. Education of the National Council of Churches” extensively with exploited victim of the grandiose “MacArthur! has given the AJC and the ADL “an problems of inter- scheme of a handful of so-called McCarthy! Can unprecedented opportunity” for injecting group relations”. In leaders is regrettable. That he one recall propaganda into lesson materials, study guides, addition, AJC was able anything like the audio-visual aides, etc., for use in educational to place a full-time must be the victim of their wave of terror activities sponsored by Protestant Churches and scientist on the ambitions is tragic. that swept organizations. Conference staff. through the AJC completed its analysis of films Another AJC staff ranks of the depicting the Crucifixion Story in 1950 “and the member was able to develop a “religious” aspect enlightened as MacArthur’s plane approached results were made available to community dealing “with the needs of children”, while the these shores—it was Hitler entering the councils through the National Community head of AJC’s Scientific Research Department Chancellery all over again: nothing could save Relations Advisory Council”. Pressure is now and Youth Division were maneuvered into us now!” being exerted to coerce “leading educators and important chairmanships and key spots on Of course Mr. Cohen is writing about the film producers to modify those films believed “official program planning and research “alarmist watchmen”—the “intelligentsia”, the to affect adversely Jewish-Christian committees”. “enlightened”. relationships”. AJC, working through Harper Brothers, But he was also writing about General of “Since over 300,000 Protestant Churches published The Jews, Their History, Culture and the Army Douglas MacArthur and Senator now use film and film strips as part of their Religion, edited by Dr. Louis Finkelstein as part Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin! educational program,” says AJC, “this provides of its program to promote Judaism in America. an important area in which corrective action is AJC also subsidized the publication of an “CORRECTING” CHRISTIANITY indicated.” [H: CORRECTED? This verifies encyclopedia, The Jewish People, Past and the use of such as Schindler’s List—a pure Present, also part of the propaganda program to The American Jewish Committee believes fabrication—to be used as teaching tools in “provide Americans with a true picture of “that early attitudes of hostility—are often YOUR public schools. It also allows that contemporary Judaism.” firmly implanted... through perpetuation of such as Shakespeare’s MERCHANT OF In furtherance of the program AJC “called historical inaccuracies about Jews and Judaism VENICE (because the lead role is a Jew) to wide attention to the celebration of the 200th in Christian teaching.” be REMOVED FROM USE IN THE PUBLIC anniversary of the Temple Beth Elohim in In order to revise Christian teaching in the SCHOOL SYSTEM FROM GRADE SCHOOL Charleston, S.C.” Together with the ADL, AJC field, AJC, through the Drew Theological THROUGH UNIVERSITY.] subsidized a commemorative volume on The Seminary, conducted an exhaustive study of In the strictly American-Jewish field the Jews of Charleston. religious textbooks currently used in Protestant AJC program is different. Jews are not only AJC edits and publishes the American schools. AJC’s conception of statements “American” citizens; they are ALSO JEWS. Jewish Year Book, which in 1950 was given concerning the Jews in relation to Christianity Emphasis is always placed on the necessity of further distribution to universities, public reflecting on the Jews or Judaism “have been the survival of Jewry as Jewry. Justice Louis libraries and research organizations “through the and will continue to be tabulated and brought D. Brandeis, of the Supreme Court of the promotional activity of Doubleday and to the attention of Protestant educators and United States, in an address to the Eastern Company”. textbooks publishers”. AJC reports “significant Council of the Central Conference of Reform AJC produces special radio network progress in the elimination” of material to Rabbis on June 28, 1915 declared that “Jews are programs in connection with Jewish holidays which it objects. a distinct nationality of which every Jew, and other special events. It is working, on a more limited scale, for whatever his country, his station or his shade of AJC produced a weekly television show, revision of Catholic Sunday and parochial belief, is necessarily a member.” Television Chapel and plans greatly expanded school material. AJC staff acted in a “Special studies by AJC’s Scientific use of television for its propaganda purposes. “consultative capacity” in the preparation of a Research Department,” declares AJC, “will be Present programs call for an intensified Syllabus on Intercultural Education, utilized for future programming in this area. propaganda drive to build “understanding of, experimentally developed in the parochial The studies, designed to reveal attitudes of Jews and sympathy toward, the State of Israel”. classes of Greater New York by Catholic school to themselves, their non-Jewish neighbors and authorities. The AJC “maintains close their co-religionists abroad, etc., point up GENERAL cooperation” with the Department of Education problems particularly disturbing to American MacARTHUR of the National Catholic Welfare Conference in Jews today.” Washington, D.C. AJC was successful in The AJC keeps close contact with Israel. Commentary is AJC’s principal publication. placing its own “education material” in more “Clarification with respect to relationship of An article written by Elliot E. Cohen, editor of than 150 Catholic high schools throughout the American Jewry and Israel,” it declares, “has Commentary, was reproduced in Time Magazine country. [H: Do you still “wonder” at the been vigorously pursued by our President, Jacob for September 8, 1952. Writing in retrospection miraculous appearance of a “Rapture” and Blaustein, and our officers, through personal Mr. Cohen looks forward with hope to the “believe on the NAME of Jesus” and you are visits to Israel at the request of Mr. Ben- selection of one or the other of “two excellently everlastingly saved from any responsibility? Gurion, and through conferences with top Page 52 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 officials of the Israeli government, both in the Library of Jewish Information. In addition field of propaganda. These AJC campaigns are America and Israel. Through distribution of to servicing the interlocking network of Jewish subtle and “multi-faceted”—to use its own term. pertinent speeches, press stories and background organizations throughout the country, AJC was They include: memoranda, AJC constituency and Jewish successful in 1950 in placing its propaganda Placing well-known people on special community leaders are kept abreast of current material in more than 700 agencies, “including programs—to secure wider audiences. developments, trends and problems.” such organizations as the Russell Sage Feeding propaganda to newscasters. Foundation, New York Public Library, Federal Dramatic and documentary productions. FANTASTIC Council of Churches, Columbia University Injecting special AJC “angles” and ACTIVITIES Press, and numerous magazines and “subjects” into scripts for quiz shows, newspapers”. discussion programs, children’s programs, etc. The scope and magnitude of these amazing Typical of this planted propaganda—referred Working on or with producers and writers to activities, when viewed in their entirety for the to as “basic facts and essential data” by AJC— inculcate AJC ideas and attitudes with respect first time, must appear fantastic and are the following: to handling of “minority problems”. unbelievable. That any group of Americans “A memorandum on Genocide and the Television, magazines—in fact all available should undertake such activities is even more Genocide Convention to form the basis of our media is utilized by AJC for its propaganda. It incredible. testimony before Congress; has been successful in planting articles and Only an American “apart” from all other “A fact sheet distributed to organizations stories favorable to the Jews in the press, and Americans can believe that he has “a vital stake whose cooperation was sought on behalf of the has been powerful enough to either modify or in the maintenance and expansion of democracy Genocide Convention; eliminate articles and stories containing in the United States”, and “a compelling stake “A survey of American educational and references to the Jews that AJC brass believed in world affairs”. If there is any logical orientation activities currently being carried on offensive. answer at all to these frenzied quasi- in Germany; The AJC prepared and distributed to several governmental activities of the American Jewish “A continuing report of the situation of Jews hundred small and middle circulation Committee and its network of similar in Iron Curtain countries; newspapers a series of thirty editorials and organizations, it must be found in the “Analysis of nationalist and anti-nationalist feature articles; four newspaper ads; a comic proposition that a Jew believes he is something statements appearing in the general American strip; a clip sheet containing 16 statements by separate and distinct from the tradition and life press; prominent individuals together with their of the country where he is born or where he “Summary of developments in the field of photographs, and two picture stories of resides, and, although not of it, he must mold civil liberties and civil rights.” immigrants’ adjustment to American life. it to his needs and to his pattern—that his Regular reports on anti-Semitism and A picture booklet, The Face At the Window, relation to, and his attitude toward, the world kindred matters are received from chapter a tear-jerker about refugees, was distributed to at large is much the same, amplified by his offices and from the “professional field staff”. 75,000 leaders and editors throughout the “oneness” with international Jewry. “On-the-scene” surveys are frequently made by country. It is important to reemphasize that even AJC agents—such as in Peekskill following the In addition AJC insinuates itself into the though these attitudes and activities are rioting over the communist nature of the preparation of spot announcements, speeches, carried on in the name of American Jewry, the meeting and the appearance of Paul Robeson. radio scripts, etc. average American Jew is hardly more AJC refers to the affair as “race riots”. It activates veteran, labor, youth, church and responsible for them than is the average “Facts dealing with the nature and extent of all other susceptible organizations in behalf of American. That the American Jew should be organized and latent anti-Semitic activities are its programs and projects. the exploited victim of the grandiose scheme of constantly reported and analyzed by trained During its stepped up propaganda campaign a handful of so-called leaders is regrettable. investigators and lawyers with extensive on the Genocide Convention it prepared up-to- That he must be the victim of their ambitions background and experience in this work.” date “fact” sheets for editors, newscasters, is tragic. These “facts” are secured through confidential organization leaders, etc.. Whenever a investigations. “favorable opinion” was expressed by an PROPAGANDA Through AJC’s Washington office, pertinent “influential citizen” the citizen and the opinion AND SNOOPING developments in the nation’s capital of concern were publicized. to American Jews are immediately flashed to Says the AJC: “We work with and through The program of the American Jewish AJC heads. the major national organizations and special Committee is formulated “by its two major lay Monthly reports of trends on Jewish interest groups in which millions of Americans bodies”—the Executive and Administrative problems come from AJC’s offices in Europe, are active, i.e., labor unions, veterans Committees. In addition there are “29 national Buenos Aires, London and Israel. organizations, youth groups, church groups, lay committees with a total membership of A special mailing list of 600 correspondents educational associations.” approximately 450 individuals who assume an in 300 cities receive AJC propaganda regularly. AJC works closely with the Anti-Defamation active role in the job of program-making for the The list includes members of local boards of League of B’nai B’rith, as has been seen. agency”. education, church groups, librarians, educators, Through the National Community Relations The use of the term “lay” in reference to club leaders, and other key “bodies” and “committees” of a private figures. Mailings carry “up-to- association or corporation is interesting. The date information on the status word “lay” properly refers to the laity, which, of anti-Semitism and national in turn, is defined as “the people distinguished and international issues having from the clergy” or “those outside any a bearing on Jews. Books, profession”. Other meanings of “lay” include articles, radio programs, etc., “nonprofessional” and “inexperienced”. With are given particular promotion these definitions in mind, it seems proper to when they further AJC’s inquire if the American Jewish Committee, as program.” such, considers itself in the category of the In a period of five years “clergy”, “professional Jews” or just as AJC has been responsible, “experienced Jews”. Are these “lay bodies” and either wholly or in part, for five “lay committees” to be considered something thousand radio programs. aside, subordinate, and subservient to the ruling Needless to say there were few heads of the Committee? of these programs listed as AJC In any event the AJC program is said to be productions. A “lay committee” developed on the basis of “facts”. That these of radio producers, network “facts” are particularly its own is evidenced by officers, writers and radio the AJC statement that they are secured from personalities is utilized in this JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 53

Advisory Council it keeps contact with It is un-American to assume the re-education American society to use the facilities of numerous Jewish organizations, including the and reorientation of American thinking in accord communication and information by controlling National Jewish Welfare Board, Synagogue with the design of a foreign minority bloc— its “lay members” in such facilities, advertising Council of America, American Association for especially when that bloc seeks to preserve its mediums, or by other devices of pressure, for Jewish Education, B’nai B’rith, etc. AJC separate entity internationally and nationally. the dissemination of its own particular maintains close contact with world Jewry It is un-American for a so-called minority propaganda to an unsuspecting public. through such organizations It is un-American to as the Jewish Agency for apply “book stifling” Palestine, the Alliance ACTIVITIES STRICTLY POLITICAL and “quarantine Israelite Universalle, the treatments” to writers Anglo-Jewish Association and speakers with the and the American Jewish This is the story, in brief—and largely in its own words attendant coerced Joint Distribution from its own documents—of the amazing American Jewish “cooperation” of Committee. Committee. That it is an almost incredible story is conceded. newspapers and other AJC works on, with and To have told it is to be called an “anti-Semite”—which, media of through American communication government officials and of course, completely begs the question. It is a shop-worn indicated in such agencies as well as on, with retort that knows no better answer. The story should be told process. and through governments whether the organization be Irish, Swedish or Jewish. Race In short, the abroad. and religion have nothing to do with it. activities, methods and The American Jewish These activities are political. Semitism and Judaism are techniques of the Committee considers that this American Jewish is a “highly critical moment” mere shields which have effectively cloaked these activities. Committee, in the in history, and “that the The deceit must be torn aside to that the American people opinion of this writer, opportunity” before the Jews may see what it hides. are repugnant and “is greater than at any other Many of these political activities are un-American in that obnoxious to every time since the birth of the they seek to pervert our Republic and our government and American tradition and United Nations in San practice. Francisco”. [H: Oh yes it make it something never intended by the Constitution. It is obvious that was! Where did YOU It is un-American to seek foreign control over our the American Jewish think it was birthed?] domestic laws by the ratification of United Nations treaties— Committee is not such as the Genocide Convention and the Declaration of American. It remains ACTIVITIES for American Jewry to STRICTLY Human Rights—which, under our own Constitution, become say whether or not it is POLITICAL the supreme law of the land. JEWISH. It is un-American to assume the re-education and [H: IT IS ALSO This is the story, in reorientation of American thinking in accord with the design OBVIOUS THAT brief—and largely in its own of a foreign minority bloc—especially when that bloc seeks THERE IS NO words from its own RIGHT TO STOP documents—of the amazing to preserve its separate entity internationally and nationally. LITERATURE American Jewish Committee. It is un-American for a so-called minority group to create REGARDING THIS That it is an almost and maintain a vast espionage system, to establish and TOPIC AT ANY incredible story is conceded. maintain a network of national and international organizations NATIONAL BORDER To have told it is to be and agents for its own particular purposes—whatever they IN ANY NATION ON called an “anti-Semite”— THIS GLOBE. which, of course, completely may be. WHERE ARE YOU, begs the question. It is a It is un-American for any segment of American society to AMERICA—WHERE shop-worn retort that knows use the facilities of communication and information by ARE YOU, WORLD?] no better answer. The story controlling its “lay members” in such facilities, advertising should be told whether the mediums, or by other devices of pressure, for the END OF ZION’S organization be Irish, FIFTH COLUMN Swedish or Jewish. Race dissemination of its own particular propaganda to an and religion have nothing to unsuspecting public. [END OF do with it. It is un-American to apply “book stifling” and “quarantine QUOTING] These activities are treatments” to writers and speakers with the attendant coerced political. Semitism and I will leave this to Judaism are mere shields “cooperation” of newspapers and other media of your minds, readers. which have effectively communication indicated in such process. We owe much to the cloaked these activities. The In short, the activities, methods and techniques of the likes of Senator Tenney deceit must be torn aside to American Jewish Committee, in the opinion of this writer, are who was asked to do a that the American people repugnant and obnoxious to every American tradition and job and accepted it even may see what it hides. though it was painfully Many of these political practice. illuminating in ways activities are un-American in It is obvious that the American Jewish Committee is not none of us like to face. that they seek to pervert our American. It remains for American Jewry to say whether or What he found, Republic and our government not it is JEWISH. however, and is a usual and make it something never finding—THE JEWISH intended by the Constitution. POPULATION, IN It is un-American to seek REALITY, ARE THE foreign control over our domestic laws by the group to create and maintain a vast espionage MOST DAMAGED, THE MOST ratification of United Nations treaties—such as system, to establish and maintain a network of SUSCEPTIBLE TO FURTHER DAMAGE— the Genocide Convention and the Declaration of national and international organizations and AND THE ONES DESTINED, IF LEFT TO Human Rights—which, under our own agents for its own particular purposes—whatever THEIR DEVICES, TO EXTINCTION. Constitution, become the supreme law of the they may be. So be it, and from Uuga-Uuga land I bid land. It is un-American for any segment of you good evening. Page 54 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998 Latest New Releases Rise Of Antichrist Vols. 1-4 THERE IS NOTHING THAT THE INTERNATIONAL JEW FEARS SO MUCH AS THE TRUTH, OR ANY HINT OF THE TRUTH ABOUT HIMSELF OR HIS PLANS. AND, AFTER ALL, THE ROCK OF REFUGE AND DEFENSE, THE FOUNDATION OF ENDURANCE FOR JEW OR GENTILE MUST BE THE TRUTH. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO CHANGE THIS CIRCUMSTANCE UPON YOUR WORLD AND TURN ABOUT INTO GOODNESS—BUT YOU MUST FIRST LEARN AND KNOW WHAT IS THE FUNDAMENTAL TROUBLE OR WRONG INVOLVED. ONLY THEN CAN YOU “FIX” THAT WHICH IS BROKEN OR CORRECT THAT WHICH IS WRONG. RISE OF ANTICHRIST RISE OF ANTICHRIST RISE OF ANTICHRIST —VOL. 1 —VOL. 2 —VOL. 3 $6.00 198 Pages #227 $6.00 207 Pages #228 $6.00 201 Pages #229

I would like the next series of Journals to be This Journal concludes the Rise Of Antichrist In this Journal we continue the series entitled listed as RISE OF ANTICHRIST. Essays begun in Vol. 1 of this series and GLOBAL PARASITES [Parts 7-14]—reprinting What will I use to kick off this next informa- introduces a 3-part series entitled Plot and the information presented in The Dearborn tion? Some Essays on Antichrist as offered by Plotters, Anti-Gentilism. Also in this Journal we Independent in the 1920s entitled The International Rev. Charles E. Coughlin. If you know of him, begin the series entitled GLOBAL PARASITES— Jew and other related topics. fine; if not, never mind. He served well, he un- reprinting the information presented in The Some Topics: derstood, and he can have what rest can be gained Dearborn Independent in the 1920s entitled The •Vince Foster; More Zipper Update? by his work’s purpose and his alliance with God. International Jew. •Princess Di You will NOT find this book available anywhere, Some Topics: •Anti-Semitism—Will It Appear In The U.S.? probably, so don’t waste your time searching. •The Great Betrayal •Patriot Groups And Biological Agents This was sent to us to assist Dharma in her own •The Jew In Character And Business •Jewish Question Breaks Into The Magazines work, by excellent summarizing which gives YOU •Jewish History In The United States •Clinton Hoodwinked On Iraq Disinformation published backup and confirmation. Is it not •The Last Ends Of Masonry Campaign By Mossad amazing how •Arthur Brisbane Leaps To The Help Of Jewry “when the student •Does A Definite Jewish World Program Exist? is ready, the teacher appears” ? RISE OF ANTICHRIST And, isn’t it won- RISE OF drous that when —VOL. 4 we are ready to be- $6.00 227 Pages #230 gin a new and In this Journal we continue the series entitled touchy topic—the GLOBAL PARASITES [Part 15-24]—reprinting information flows the information presented in The Dearborn Inde- like a fountain from ANTICHRIST pendent in the 1920s entitled The International Jew. the mountain? Some Topics: Some topics: •“Jewish” Plan To Split Society By “Ideas” •Killers Of A Series •Did The Jews Foresee The World Wars Women And Chil- ! •“When Prophets Speak” dren! W •Is The Jewish “Kahal” The Modern “Soviet”? •Sananda: It Is O N •How The “Jewish” Question Touches The Farm Time To Awaken E L •Does Jewish Power Control The World Press? From The Lie B •Does This Explain Jewish Political Power? •Vatican III A IL •The All-Jewish Mark On “Red Russia” Quickly Needed A V •Jewish Testimony In Favor Of Bolshevism •War In The A Heavens Why don’t the Jewish controllers make •War On Earth a big play for shutting down such as CONTACT and these Journals? One major •The Militiamen reason is that there have been so many •The Mystical years of publicity on their activities via Body Of Satan In these routes that any assault NOW would Action BY end up with worldwide attention to the •Bill Clinton work in progress, namely, giving away GYEORGOS CERES HATONN their secret PLANS. A major court And The confrontation would undo THEM, not us, Rockefellers A PHOENIX JOURNAL this time. •Jerry Falwell, —HATONN Christian? JULY 14, 1998 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR Page 55 New Gaia Products ** SHIPPING & HANDLING RATES: Order by Mail1998 Order Form Order by Phone FOR: CA, WA, OR, AZ, FOR THE REST OF MT, UT, ID, CO, NM, CONTINENTAL USA New Gaia Products 1 (800) NEW-GAIA (639-4242) WY, NV P.O. Box 27710 1 (702) 263-5181 FAX $ 0-100 $6.00 $ 0-100 $8.00 Las Vegas, NV 89126 $ 101-200 $7.00 $ 101-200 $9.00 (Please Print) $ 201-300 $8.00 $ 201-300 $10.00 $ 301-400 $9.00 $ 301-400 $11.00 Name Date $ 401-500 $10.00 $ 401-500 $12.00 $ 501-600 $11.00 $ 501-600 $13.00 Street Address ALASKA & HAWAII PLEASE CALL FOR SHIPPING RATES NOTE: City/Town State/Prov. Zip Code ** For UPS 2nd day to Rural Alaska, please call for rates. ** For Priority Mail to any locations, please call for rates. Daytime Phone No. ** All Foreign orders, please contact our office in writing for specific rates as rates vary greatly. When ordering cases of product call for shipping rates. Credit Card No. (Visa, Master Card or Discover) Expiration Date ** FOR ALL BREAD MACHINES, BREAD MIXES, FLOUR Signature For Credit Card Orders ORDERS, PROGRAM STARTING PACKAGES AND MAINTENANCE PACKAGES, CALL FOR SHIPPING COSTS.

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— 30 Day Supply $ 35.00 T (Whole Wheat & Spelt) GAIATRIM GAIASPELT $ 3.50 (24% Extract) GINKGO BILOBA 180 TABLETS $ 24.95 BREAD MIX (Pure Spelt) OLIVE LEAF 60 TABLETS $ 24.00 2.50 OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT 35 PG. $ 2.75 T GAIASPELT FLOUR 2 lbs. @ $1.25/lb. $ by James R. Privitera, M.D. S&H $ 5.00 BOOKLET included WHOLE GRAIN 4 lbs. @ $1.25/lb. RARE EARTH CAPSULES 60 CAPSULES $ 6.00 8 lbs. @ $1.25/lb. $ 10.00 60 CAPSULES $ 6.00 POSLIN CAPSULES T 4 lbs. @ $1.25/lb. $ 5.00 60 CAPSULES/450mg. EA. GAIASPELT KERNELS ALOE PLUS 77 $16.95 $ 12.50 Alfalfa & Minerals 10 lbs. @ $1.25/lb. ALOE FREEZE DRIED CAPS 90 CAPSULES $30.00 TPROGRAM STARTING PACKAGE 60 CAPSULES $22.00 NONI 1 Bottle Gaiandriana (1 qt.) $11.00 MEGA-MULTI VITAMINS 30 CAPSULES 1 Bottle AquaGaia (1 qt.) $130.00 Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Concentrate 2 Bottles GaiaLyte (2 liters each) ALOE JUICE 1 liter $ 18.00 (10X STRENGTH) 4 Pkgs. Spelt Bread Mix SUPER OXY (CHERRY-BERRY) (CRANBERRY-APPLE) 1 quart $18.00 5 Audio-cassettes BODY BOOSTER 32 oz. $20.00 LIQUID LIFE 32 oz. $22.00 TMAINTENANCE PACKAGE $20.00 GAIAGLO LOTION 4 oz. 1 Bottle Gaiandriana (1 qt.) $ 8.00 $ 80.00 HORSETAIL TINCTURE 2 oz. 2 Bottles GaiaLyte (2 liters each) GAIA VITE Colloidal Multi-Vitamin & Mineral 2 oz. $10.00 4 Pkgs. Spelt Bread Mix GAIACOL 2 oz. $10.00 Colloidal Silver with trace minerals & Trace Gold 16 oz. $56.00 T TM MiCROWATER ELECTROLYSIS $1100.00 suspended in a distilled water fluid $ 96.00 32 oz. ALKALINE/ACIDIC WATER SYSTEM GAIAGOLD 2 oz. $20.00 Colloidal Gold 16 oz. $112.00 VORTEX KIT $ 8.00 32 oz. $192.00 $ 50.00 GAIA DHEA Colloidal Dehydroepiandrosterone 2 oz. $20.00 ADZUKI BEANS 50-LB BAG Colloidal Copper $10.00 GAIA CU-29 2 oz. RED LENTILS 50-LB BAG $ 30.00 GAIA TI-22 Colloidal Titanium 2 oz. $20.00 GAIALIFE COLLOIDAL MINERALS 121++ 2 oz. $10.00 PLEASE USE THE SHIPPING RATE CHART (located on the top of this order Please make all checks and TOTAL form) WHEN CALCULATING SHIPPING FOR ALL New Gaia Products. money orders payable to: SHIPPING & HANDLING T FOR PROGRAM STARTING PACKAGES and MAINTENANCE New Gaia Products SUB TOTAL PACKAGES, BREAD PRODUCTS, MICROWATER TM ELECTROLYSIS, P.O. Box 27710 SALES TAX Nevada Residents only: add 7% BEANS AND LENTILS PLEASE CALL FOR SHIPPING RATES. Las Vegas PLEASE ALLOW 3 TO 6 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. NV 89126 TOTAL ENCLOSED Page 56 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR JULY 14, 1998


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