John Payne Collier

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John Payne Collier JOHN PAYNE COLLIER “NARRATIVE HISTORY” AMOUNTS TO FABULATION, THE REAL STUFF BEING MERE CHRONOLOGY “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project John Payne Collier HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1789 January 11, Sunday: John Payne Collier was born in London. His journalist father John Dyer Collier would obtain for him a position as leader writer, drama critic, and reporter on the Morning Chronicle. He would continue in such positions until 1847, writing also occasionally for The Times of London. NOBODY COULD GUESS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT John Payne Collier “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1811 John Payne Collier entered the Middle Temple of the British legal profession. He would not be called to the bar until 1829, in part because of his indiscreet publication in 1819 under the pen name “Amicus Curiae,” of CRITICISMS ON THE BAR. LIFE IS LIVED FORWARD BUT UNDERSTOOD BACKWARD? — NO, THAT’S GIVING TOO MUCH TO THE HISTORIAN’S STORIES. LIFE ISN’T TO BE UNDERSTOOD EITHER FORWARD OR BACKWARD. “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project John Payne Collier HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1819 John Payne Collier’s CRITICISMS ON THE BAR was published under the pen name “Amicus Curiae.” He was brought before the House of Commons on an accusation that as a journalist he had reported incorrectly on a speech by Joseph Hume. THE FUTURE IS MOST READILY PREDICTED IN RETROSPECT “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project John Payne Collier HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1820 John Payne Collier’s THE POETICAL DECAMERON, OR, TEN CONVERSATIONS ON ENGLISH POETS AND POETRY, PARTICULARLY OF THE REIGNS OF ELIZABETH AND JAMES I. THE FUTURE CAN BE EASILY PREDICTED IN RETROSPECT “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project John Payne Collier HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1825 From this year into 1827, John Payne Collier would be preparing the volumes of a new edition of DODSLEY’S OLD PLAYS. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1829 John Payne Collier finally was called to the bar, and was able to begin to practice law in England. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1831 John Payne Collier’s 3-volume THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETRY TO THE TIME OF SHAKESPEARE; AND ANNALS OF THE STAGE TO THE RESTORATION. The author was made librarian to the duke of Devonshire, at an annual stipend of £100. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1833 John Payne Collier issued a 4th volume in supplementation of his new 3-volume edition of DODSLEY’S OLD PLAYS, entitled FIVE OLD PLAYS. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1840 John Payne Collier’s OLD BALLADS, FROM EARLY PRINTED COPIES OF THE UTMOST RARITY. NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME COLLECTED (London: Printed for the Percy Society by C. Richards — Henry Thoreau would during December 1841 make an entry about this volume in his Literary Notebook). COLLIER’S OLD BALLADS HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1841 John Payne Collier’s MEMOIRS OF EDWARD ALLEYN; INCLUDING SOME NEW PARTICULARS RESPECTING SHAKESPEARE, BEN JONSON, MASSINGER, MARSTON, DEKKER, & C., for the Shakespeare Society. DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? GOOD. December: Henry Thoreau copied some materials into his literary notebook out of John Payne Collier’s 1840 publication OLD BALLADS, FROM EARLY PRINTED COPIES OF THE UTMOST RARITY. NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME COLLECTED (London: Printed for the Percy Society, by C. Richards, St. Martin’s Lane. MDCCCXL).1 JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1. Suspicions of Collier as a literary forger would not become general for another decade at least. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1843 John Payne Collier followed up his 1841 volume MEMOIRS OF EDWARD ALLEYN by issuing THE ALLEYN PAPERS. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1845 John Payne Collier’s THE DIARY OF PHILIP HENSLOWE. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1852 John Payne Collier’s PERKINS FOLIO, a new edition of the 2d folio of Shakespeare’s plays (from an original copy having that name written on its 1632 title-page: “Tho. Perkins, his booke.”). Collier took the liberty of including a section of emendations, NOTES AND EMENDATIONS TO THE TEXT OF SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS, FROM EARLY MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS IN A COPY OF THE FOLIO 1632, IN THE AUTHORS POSSESSION, alleging that these emendations had originated with “an old corrector.” WHAT I’M WRITING IS TRUE BUT NEVER MIND YOU CAN ALWAYS LIE TO YOURSELF John Payne Collier “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1853 John Payne Collier’s PERKINS FOLIO of 1852 was re-issued with its emendations no longer in a separate section, NOTES AND EMENDATIONS TO THE TEXT OF SHAKESPEARE, but instead incorporated into the Shakespeare corpus itself. Collier alleged that he was merely bringing forward emendations made in a previous generation of scholarship. Samuel Weller Singer, however, in THE TEXT OF SHAKESPEARE VINDICATED FROM THE INTERPOLATIONS AND CORRUPTIONS ADVOCATED BY JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ., IN HIS NOTES AND EMENDATIONS, disputed the authenticity of these emendations. CHANGE IS ETERNITY, STASIS A FIGMENT John Payne Collier “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1855 Andrew Edmund Brae’s LITERARY COOKERY WITH REFERENCE TO MATTER ATTRIBUTED TO COLERIDGE AND SHAKESPEARE. A LETTER ADDRESSED TO “THE ATHENAEUM”; WITH A POSTSCRIPT CONTAINING SOME REMARKS UPON THE REFUSAL OF THAT JOURNAL TO PRINT IT disputed the authenticity of the emendations that John Payne Collier had been making to Shakespeare’s texts. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1859 The Reverend Alexander Dyce’s STRICTURES ON COLLIER’S NEW EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE brought to an end a long friendship. A. DYCE’S STRICTURES The jury was in, in regard to the little matter of whether the noted Shakespeare scholar John Payne Collier was or was not a fraud. The Duke of Devonshire, owner of the original copy of the “Perkins” copy of the 2d folio of Shakespeare’s plays, had submitted that document to experts at the British Museum so that the “paper trail” on these emendations made by Collins could be most closely examined — and, Collier’s story that he had merely been following emendations that had originated elsewhere and elsewhen, with “an old corrector” from a previous generation of Shakespeare scholarship, was entirely discountenanced. It had become abundantly clear that these emendations were recent, amounting to forgeries, and that Collier was either himself the forger or the unknowing dupe of some other contemporary scholar who was the forger. HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1860 In England, Nicholas Hamilton’s INQUIRY had exposed prominent Shakespeare scholar John Payne Collier as either himself a forger, or the dupe of a contemporary forger. When other evidence was brought forward, evidence having to do with falsifications that it was clear Collier had himself perpetrated in some other manuscripts at Dulwich College, it became apparent to all that this man did not deserve the benefit of any further doubt. He had entirely sacrificed all scholarly reputation. No-one of his former colleagues would ever trust him again. This was in addition the year in which Eugene Schieffelin released European sparrows in New-York’s Central Park because he was so enamored of Shakespeare, and because that Elizabethan playwright had mentioned this bird. –Plus, Schieffelin in his environmental innocence considered that the sparrows might help us deal with our abundant caterpiggles. (If only we had considered the merits of this Schieffelin’s emendation of ecosystems as carefully as we had considered the merits of this Collier’s emendations to Shakespeare manuscripts!) Henry Thoreau delivered an address to the Middlesex, Massachusetts Agricultural Society entitled “The Succession of Forest Trees” in which he analyzes aspects of what would later come to be understood as forest ecology and urge farmers to plant trees in natural patterns of succession; the address would later be published, among other places in EXCURSIONS in 1863, becoming perhaps his most influential ecological contribution to the movement of that time that considered itself “conservationist thought.” ECOLOGY Frederic Edwin Church painted “Twilight in the Wilderness;” throughout this era, he and numerous other eminent academic artists were exploring the power of American landscape as symbol and artistic subject in a profoundly influential body of work. CONSERVATIONISM Thomas Starr King published THE WHITE HILLS: THEIR LEGENDS, LANDSCAPE, AND POETRY, which would quickly be recognized as a classic celebration of the White Mountains of New Hampshire in the best tradition of mid-century nature-related travel literature. CONSERVATIONISM In this year and the following one, Thomas Starr King would be presenting a series of articles on Yosemite Valley, California in the Boston Evening Transcript which would help publicize the Yosemite wilderness to Easterners.2 CONSERVATIONISM HDT WHAT? INDEX JOHN PAYNE COLLIER JOHN PAYNE COLLIER 1861 C.M. Ingleby’s COMPLETE VIEW OF THE SHAKESPEARE CONTROVERSY. 2. The conservation movement was little more than a shabby fraud. From the historical record, these early environmental technocrats were intent not on solving our ecological crisis but on destroying the earth as quickly as possible. Their net impact has been negative: we would have been better off had we never had a conservation movement, to teach us how to manage our looting so that we looted with greater and greater effectiveness and economy. According to Samuel P. Hays’s EXPLORATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY: ESSAYS BY SAMUEL P.
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