University of Wollongong Research Online Department of Computing Science Working Faculty of Engineering and Information Paper Series Sciences 1983 A screen oriented simulator for a DEC PDP-8 computer Neil Gray University of Wollongong,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Gray, Neil, A screen oriented simulator for a DEC PDP-8 computer, Department of Computing Science, University of Wollongong, Working Paper 83-2, 1983, 65p. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library:
[email protected] THE UNIVERSITY OF WOlLONGONG DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING SCIENCE A SCREEN ORIENTED SIMULATOR FOR A DEC PDP-8 COMPUTER .". N.A.B. Gray Department of Computing Science University of Wollongong Preprlnt No 83-2 January 25. 1983 P.O. Box 1144. WOLLONGONG. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA telephone (042)-282-981 telex AA29022 A Screen Oriented Simulator for a DEC PDP-8 computer. N.A.B. Gray. Department of Computing Science. University of Wollongong. PO Box 1144. WOllongong NSW 2500. Austr"1lia. ABSTRACT This note describes a simulator for the DEC PDP-8 computer. The simulator is intended as an aid tor students starting to learn assemDly language programming. It utilises the simple graphIcs capaDilities of the terminals in the department's laboratories to present. on the termI nal screen. a view of the operations of the simulated computer. The complete system comprises two versions at me program tor simulating a PDP-8 computer and a simplified "assembler" tor prepar Ing students' programs for execution.