Minghui Report: 129 Known Cases of Chinese Judges Receiving Karmic Retribution for Their Role in the Persecution of Falun Gong

Appendix 3: Selected Cases of Chinese Judges Suffering from Illness or Injury

Yang Ying: Chief Judge of the Shunyi Court, Beijing

Yang Ying has followed the Jiang Zemin clique closely in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. She has sentenced many practitioners to prison since 2001, with the longest term being 12 years and the shortest 7 years.

Yang was diagnosed with breast cancer and eventually became bedridden.

Chen Hongtao: President of the Jinzhou New District Court, Dalian City, Liaoning Province

Chen Hongtao closely followed the CCP in persecuting Falun Gong and presided over many sham, or predetermined trials.

Chen suffered from heart disease and had a heart attack.

Na Yanxia: Chief Judge of the Court, City, Province

Na Yanxia actively persecuted practitioners in her position as a judge and gave many of them long sentences from 2002 to 2004. Practitioner Yan shufen was sentenced to 14 years in prison; Yan Shuhua received 13 years, Wang Li 12 years, Xu Youxin 15 years, Huang Yanzhen 7 years and Guo Fenglan 7 years. They were imprisoned in the Harbin Women's Prison and suffered torture. Some practitioners were given forced labor terms and detained in the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp and Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp.

Na now suffers from very poor health.

Sun Baoliang: Deputy President of the Aimin District Court, City, Heilongjiang Province

Sun Baoliang was in charge of Falun Gong cases for the Aimin District Court. He sentenced over 30 practitioners, among which, more than ten were given forced labor terms. The most severe sentence was 17 years.

Sun was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in May 2003.

Xiao Delong: Former President of the City Intermediate Court, Heilongjiang Province

Xiao actively defamed Falun Gong in many meetings and ordered subordinates to persecute practitioners. Several practitioners were sentenced as a result.

Xiao suffered liver failure and spent tens of thousands of yuan on a liver transplant. He now depends on drugs to stay alive.

Li Junying: Judge from the Fuping County Court, Hebei Province

Li Junying, a judge from the Fuping County Court, Hebei Province, sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiuzhong to four years in prison.

Li Junying fell from the roof of a house, fracturing a hip and three ribs.

Su Qing: Judge from the Zhanjiang City Court, Guangdong Province

Su Qing was well known for taking bribes from relatives of defendants. He sent many Falun Gong practitioners to prison.

In 2004 Su was diagnosed with liver cancer and had a liver transplant. http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/1/9/明慧报告-陷害好人-中共法官遭恶报 -339671.html