San Angelo Diocese Have All Seen Many Tumble- Want to See People Marching and Protesting Ayudas Y Preocupaciones Que Se Tratan En Este V Weeds

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San Angelo Diocese Have All Seen Many Tumble- Want to See People Marching and Protesting Ayudas Y Preocupaciones Que Se Tratan En Este V Weeds AWESTNGELUSTEXAS Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Volume XXXVIII, No. 10 OCTOBER 2018 Faithful venerate relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina — the crusts of his wounds, a handkerchief soaked in his sweat, and a glove worn by the saint — at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in San Angelo, Oct. 7, 2018. (Angelus photo) DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO PO BOX 1829 NONPROFIT ORG. SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 US POSTAGE PAID Inside this issue: SAN ANGELO, TX PERMIT NO. 44 • How the diocese works to keep children safe (Page 2) • Bishop calls for aid after Sonora flood (Page 3) • National Encuentro delegates share what they learned in Grapevine (Page 5) Page 2 OCTOBER 2018 The Angelus The Inside Front Diocesan Safe Environment program explained By Mike Wyse issues will be discov- Chancellor, Diocese of San Angelo ered. Such a phenomenal To Report Sexual Abuse Para Reportar Abuso Sexual audit record is only pos- The Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is firmly La Diócesis Católica de San Ángelo está SAN ANGELO — In 2003 the sible due to the hard committed to creating and maintaining the safest firmemente comprometida a crear y mantener el Diocese of San Angelo established a new work and diligence of possible environment for our children and vulnera- ambiente más seguro posible para nuestros niños Safe Environment Program in light of the hundreds of people ble adults. If you or someone you know has been y adultos vulnerables. Si usted o alguien que requirements of the United State across the diocese — sexually abused by anyone who serves the usted conoce ha sido víctima de abuso sexual por Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter priests, deacons, sisters, Church, and you need a place to talk with some- cualquier persona que sirve a la Iglesia, y necesi- one about your feelings of betrayal or hurt by the ta un lugar para hablar con alguien sobre sus for the Protection of Children and Young lay employees, and vol- Church, we are here to help you. To report inci- sentimientos de traición o herido por la Iglesia, People, which was issued in 2002. As far unteers. In support of the dents, call Lori Hines, Victim Assistance estamos aquí para ayudarle. Para reportar inci- back as August 1994, the diocese already annual audit, we also Coordinator, 325-374-7609 (cell), or write Diocese dentes, llame a Lori Hines, Coordinadora de had a Policy on Sexual Misconduct in conduct an annual safe of San Angelo, Victim Assistance Ministry, PO Box Asistencia a Víctimas, 325-374-7609 (celular), o place which explained the diocesan environment audit for 1829, San Angelo, TX 76902. If the incident escriba a la Diócesis de San Ángelo, Ministerio de expectations of chaste and moral behavior each parish and mission occurred outside this diocese, our Victim Asistencia a Víctimas, PO Box 1829, San Ángelo, Assistance Coordinator will assist in bringing your TX 76902. Si el incidente ocurrió fuera de esta for all clergy and lay personnel working in the diocese to insure concern to the attention of the appropriate dio- diócesis, nuestra Coordinadora de Asistencia a in ministry. that each parish and mis- cese. Please keep in mind that one always has Victimas le ayudará a traer su preocupación a la The directives of the Bishops’ sion is compliant with the right to report abuse to civil authorities, and atención de la diócesis correspondiente. Por Charter for the Protection of Children the requirements of the civil law requires that any abuse of a minor must favor, tenga en cuenta que uno siempre tiene el and Young People set out specific actions Bishops’ Charter. be reported. derecho de reportar el abuso a las autoridades that must be accomplished in every dio- We are often asked civiles, y la ley civil requiere que cualquier abuso de un menor de edad debe ser reportado. cese of the country to help ensure a safe about our background environment for all to whom we minister, check process and the especially children, youth, and vulnerable safe environment train- force, kidnapping, domestic violence; b) Catholic schools and religious education adults. Among these actions are conduct- ing program. We would like to take this registered sex offenders; c) any form of programs in an effort to minimize the ing background criminal records checks opportunity to share a little bit of infor- child abuse; or d) drug manufacturing or possibility of one of them becoming a and safe environment training for all cler- mation about how this is accomplished in distribution. Those in active ministry have victim of sexual abuse. All three of these gy, religious, employees, and volunteers the diocese. their background check automatically training programs are mandated by the in our many church programs and min- Background checks are conducted updated every five years. Bishops’ Charter. istries. before anyone is permitted to work All who work in ministry around chil- All are invited to become familiar An additional requirement of the around children, youth, or vulnerable dren, youth, or vulnerable adults must with our diocesan Policies on Ethics and Charter is that the safe environment pro- adults. To date, the diocese has conducted also participate in the diocesan Safe Integrity in Ministry. This policy is avail- gram of each diocese is subject to an 14,233 background checks. Of those Environment Program. This entails a two able on the Diocese of San Angelo web annual audit by an independent auditing applications that have been approved, 74 and a half hour workshop which covers site: firm contracted by the United States applications have had limitations placed the topics of child sexual abuse and the ronment. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Since on them, such as: a) may not work around diocesan Policies on Ethics and Integrity Much has been accomplished in our 2003, the Diocese of San Angelo has been children; b) may not handle parish funds; in Ministry. More than 10,500 people diocese over the years to provide the audited 15 times and has never been or c) may not drive for parish functions or have attended these workshops. A work- safest environment we can for our chil- found non-compliant in any area of the activities. Additionally, 191 applications shop covering sexual abuse of children is dren and youth. We extend our gratitude Bishops’ Charter. Recently, the diocese have been rejected for various offenses provided to parents at least once a year in to all those dedicated persons who work completed its 16th audit for 2018 and we such as: a) violent offenses – murder, sex each parish. Lastly, age-appropriate train- tirelessly to create a safe environment in expect that, once again, no compliance crimes, assault, robbery, use of deadly ing is provided to the children in our our Church activities. Pastoral planning process underway in diocese West Texas Angelus church’s service, a short survey that all are encour- People in Deacon Medina’s group were quite aged to complete, and a series of larger open listen- pleased with the opportunity to sit down and express SAN ANGELO — The Diocese of San Angelo ing sessions at various churches throughout the dio- what they wanted from the Church, and were partic- has launched its pastoral planning process, “A cese. ularly happy when Bishop Michael Sis joined the Future Full of Hope,” and is currently gathering The survey, provided in both English and group, allowing for the participants to ask him ques- input from local Catholics to help guide the direc- Spanish, is available on the diocese’s pastoral plan tions directly. “It provided them an avenue to talk tion of diocese in the near future. webpage. It is available both as an online survey and with the leadership,” Medina said, noting that one The official launch of the process was coordinat- as a PDF that may be printed out, completed, and participant referred to the bishop as a mero-mero, ed with an introductory video featuring Bishop returned to the diocesan pastoral center or any informal Spanish for “top dog,” and welcomed the Michael J. Sis explaining the purpose of pastoral parish office. For those without internet access, opportunity to dialogue with the leader of the dio- planning and how the parishioners of the diocese parish offices can make physical copies of the sur- cese in a comfortable environment. While the bish- can participate. Bishop Sis asked that this video be vey available. All responses to the survey will be op’s presence was appreciated, the focus of the shown in all parishes in mid-September. The video, anonymous. The deadline for completing this survey group was largely on local parish concerns and a in English and Spanish, can also be found on a page is Nov. 5. desire for more parish retreats. on the diocesan website created specifically for the The listening sessions, which are facilitated in “This is a very good idea,” Medina said of the pastoral planning process. These videos and other both English and Spanish, are open to all who wish listening sessions where people can come together to information related to the diocese’s pastoral plan can to attend to provide their input into the future direc- have questions answered about their parish and the be found at tion of the diocese. These sessions began on Oct. 1 diocese. “It needs to be a continual thing.” plan. with a session at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Future listening sessions are scheduled as fol- A major component of the pastoral planning in San Angelo, followed by dates in Abilene and Big lows: process is the gathering of information from as Spring.
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