LAND AT GREAT CHALFIELD, NR BROUGHTON GIFFORD, WILTSHIRE, SN12 8NX Two interconnected parcels of permanent pasture with a small block of mixed woodland on the eastern side. Roadside access available from the western boundary. Approximately 18.09 acres (7.3 hectares) in total. Great Chalfi eld Manor 0.5 miles s Broughton Giff ord 1.5 miles Melksham 4 miles Savills Bath Edgar House, 17 George Street Bath, BA1 2EN
[email protected] 01225 474500 Description Rights of way and reservations Health and Safety The property extends to approximately 18.09 acres in total which is mainly The land is sold subject to and with the benefi t of all rights, including Given the potential hazards of the property, we would ask you to be as down to permanent pasture (16.1 acres) but also has an area of woodland rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water vigilant as possible for your own personal safety when making your (1.9) acres along the eastern boundary along with other smaller planting and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and inspection. within the enclosures. Located just north of the village of Great Chalfi eld quasi easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed Agents Note and Restrictive Covenants and Great Chalfi eld Manor (a National Trust property). It is approximately wayleaves, masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains and water, gas and other four miles west of the town of Melksham. The land is down to permanent pipes whether referred to in the particulars or not.