National CSOs Consultation in Libya: Findings and Recommendations September – November 2018 “Développement communautaire en Libye dans le contexte des mouvements migratoires mixtes” project funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs 1 INTRODUCTION & PROJECT INFORMATION 1 2 METHODOLOGY 1 2.1 LIMITATIONS AND CHALLENGES 3 3 FINDINGS 4 3.1 SWOT ANALYSIS 4 3.2 PROFILE OF CSOS 5 3.2.1 Mission objectives 5 3.2.2 Administration and accounting 6 3.2.3 Project cycle management 7 4 FGDS 7 4.1 GENERAL FRAMEWORK 7 4.2 TYPE OF SUPPORT NEEDED 8 4.3 NETWORKING 8 4.4 MEDIA 8 4.5 FUNDING 9 5 CONCLUSIONS 9 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 10 6.1 ANNEX 11 Website: Libya Contact: Emily Beadle, Country Director,
[email protected] HQ Contact: Camille Chemin, Deputy to the Programmes Direction – Grant Management ,
[email protected] 1 INTRODUCTION & PROJECT INFORMATION Since 2011, Libyan Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), charities and activists have become more willing to address the local needs of their communities in collaboration with the Local Authorities (LAs). As the political situation remains uncertain at the national level, CSOs and LAs are key actors for the promotion of local development strategies addressing the needs of citizens, including the most vulnerable categories present in the community. With the purpose of a general understanding of the civil society landscape across Libya, ACTED conducted a national CSO consultation between September and November 2018. By creating snapshot of the CSO landscape, it will strengthen the programming activities and support the ongoing projects.