Appendix 7.2 Construction and Demolition Materials Management Plan (C&DMMP) for Central Route

Highways Department Agreement No. CE 43/2010 (HY) Central Kowloon Route – Design and Construction Updated Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan (C&DMMP)

217722-REP-023-01 Issue 4 August 2012

This report takes into account the particular instructions Arup-Mott MacDonald Joint Venture and requirements of our client. ArupArup----Mott MacDonald Level 5 Festival Walk It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by 80 Tat Chee Avenue any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any

Kowloon Tong third party. Joint Venture Kowloon

Highways Department Agreement No. CE 43/2010 (HY) Central Kowloon Route - Design and Construction Updated Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan



1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Scope of Project Works 1

2 Purpose and Objective of this Construction & Demolition Material Management Plan (C&DMMP) 3 2.1 Purpose and Objective of the C&DMMP 3 2.2 Implementation Programme and Works Packaging 4

3 Development Constraints 5 3.1 Constraints 5 3.2 Alignment Constraint and Trunk Road Connections 5 3.3 Slip Road Connections 5 3.4 Existing Buildings 5 3.5 Existing Railway Lines 6 3.6 Adjacent Major Infrastructures 6 3.7 Kowloon City PTI 7 3.8 Public Pier 7 3.9 HKCG Ma Tau Kok Gas Work Plant 7 3.10 Geological Constraint in Bored Tunnel Section 8 3.11 Traffic Impact 8 3.12 Environmental Issues 8 3.13 Demolition and Reprovisioning 8

4 Alignment Development 10 4.1 Alignment Review 10 4.2 Preferred Alignment and Construction Scheme 10 4.3 Construction Methodologies 11

5 Management of C&D Materials 13 5.1 Generation of C&D Materials 13 5.2 Demolition Materials from CKR 14 5.3 Excavated C&D Materials from CKR 14 5.4 Minimizing C&D Materials Generation in CKR 14 5.5 Maximizing Reuse of Inert C&D Material on Site 15 5.6 Maximizing Reuse of Inert C&D Material for Temporary Reclamation 16 5.7 Estimated Quantity of C&D Materials in CKR 17 5.8 Concurrent Projects 18

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5.9 Barging Points 19

6 Conclusion 19 6.1 The Key Concerns in CKR C&DMMP 19

7 Recommendation 21

Appendix A An Overview of the CKR Alignment and Location Plan of Possible TSA

Appendix B C&D Material Quantity Estimation for CKR

Appendix C Tentative Construction Programme and Time Chainage Diagram

Appendix D Correspondence

Appendix E Response to Comments on CEDD/ PFC memo dated 15 May 2012

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Highways Department Agreement No. CE 43/2010 (HY) Central Kowloon Route - Design and Construction Updated Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan

1 Introduction

1.1 Background 1.1.1 Central Kowloon Route (CKR) is a proposed dual 3-lane trunk road across central Kowloon linking the in the west and the proposed (KTD) in the east. It will connect the at Interchange with the road network at and the future Trunk Road T2 at KTD which will connect to the future Tseung Kwan O – Tunnel (TKO- LTT). 1.1.2 On 30 June 2011, Highways Department (HyD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region appointed the Arup – Mott MacDonald Joint Venture (AMMJV) under Agreement No. CE43/2010(HY) to provide consultancy services in respect of Central Kowloon Route – Design and Construction (this hereafter called CKR project). 1.1.3 In I&PD consultancy, a C&DMMP was prepared and submitted by Mott Connell- Meinhardt – Hyder Joint Venture in Dec 2008. 1.1.4 After the design review of CKR under current consultancy, the land use, road layout and extent, and the construction programme have been revised from I&PD stage. The alignment has been revised and fine tuned in accordance with the review findings. The review will be completed in early 2012. 1.1.5 In Dec 2011, the Consultants proceed with the advancement of EIA study in order to provide necessary information for the subsequent public consultation in May 2012. The commencement of gazette process is scheduled in August 2012. According to the brief, the CKR construction contract commencement is scheduled in early 2015 while the CKR commissioning is scheduled in year 2020.

1.2 Scope of Project Works 1.2.1 Based on the latest design development, the Project comprises of the followings:- (a) A dual 3-lane east-west trunk road about 4.7km long with about 3.9km in tunnel connecting West Kowloon with the proposed KTD; (b) Connection with Yau Ma Tei Interchange of the West Kowloon Highway and associated road network in West Kowloon; (c) Connection to future Trunk Road T2 and associated road network in Kowloon Bay and KTD;

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(d) A landscaped deck at the west portal and the structure of landscaped decks above the depressed road at east end; (e) Demolition and/or reprovisioning of Government and other facilities affected by CKR; (f) Reprovisioning of the section of Flyover affected by CKR; (g) Conservation of the Yau Ma Tei Police Station; (h) Enhancement works at Yau Ma Tei and Ma Tau Kok; (i) Tunnel ventilation system and air purification system, and associated ventilation buildings, adits and shafts; (j) Administration buildings, tunnel management system and operator facilities for the management and operation of the tunnel; (k) Traffic Control and Surveillance System (TCSS) for CKR, and associated interface with TCSS for other Route 6 projects and CBL, and control centres; (l) Associated environmental, geotechnical, marine, landscape, utility, drainage, traffic engineering, fire services, electrical and mechanical works, and road works and modification works; and (m) All other works associated with the construction or future operation of CKR.

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2 Purpose and Objective of this Construction & Demolition Material Management Plan (C&DMMP)

2.1 Purpose and Objective of the C&DMMP 2.1.1 This updated Construction & Demolition Materials Management Plan (C&DMMP) is prepared with reference to the guidelines and requirements given in Chapter 4 section 4.1.3 of Project Administravtion Handbook (PAH) – ‘Management of Construction and Demolition Materials including rock’ and HyD Technical circular No.7/2003. The main purposes of this update reports are to: • draw up a Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan (C&DMMP) at an early design stage to minimize C&D material generation and encourage proper management of such material.

• vetting of the C&DMMP prior to upgrading of the project to Category A in the Public Works Programme;

• provide the future contractor with information from the C&DMMP in order to facilitate him in the preparation of the Waste Management Plan (WMP) and to minimize C&D material generation during construction.

• enable classification and estimation the quantities of C&D materials generated and their time of generation and disposal method;

• recommend ways to minimise the generation and to maximise the benefical reuse of inert C&D materials;

• investigate the arrangement for the delivery of excavated C&D materials and review possible barging point.

• enable the Vetting Committee to scrutinize and endorse the C&DMMP and monitoring of its implementation;

• provide the information for management of C&D materials in the EIA report for this “Designated Project” under the EIA Ordinance. 2.1.2 As required by the Chapter 4 section 4.1.3 of PAH, a C&DMMP at the feasibility study or preliminary design stage for each project which generates more than 50,000m 3 of C&D material including rock or that requiring imported fill in excess of 50,000m 3 shall be prepared. The CKR project would fall within this category. 2.1.3 The objective of this C&DMMP is to present the estimation of C&D materials. Another objective is to ensure that options are considered in

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the planning and design of the development in order to reduce the generation of C&D material and encourage the reuse of the C&D material generated. The C&DMMP also provides basis for the monitoring and management of the C&D material and imported material throughout the construction period of the Project. The main principle for the management and planning of C&D material includes: • reduce the generation of C&D materials at source; • maximise the reuse of C&D materials; and • maximise the recycling of C&D materials. 2.1.4 This C&DMMP covers the sections of the CKR as shown in Figures CKR/F/01/0001 in Appendix A. This report covers only the CKR C&D materials which excluding the marine sediment, contaminated materials.

2.2 Implementation Programme and Works Packaging 2.2.1 According to the brief, the tentative commencement date for construction is 2015 and the commissioning date of CKR is 2020. 2.2.2 The works implemented by HyD will be divided into different package. Details of works packaging and possible entrustment works (if any) will be updated together later with key dates.

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3 Development Constraints

3.1 Constraints 3.1.1 The CKR cut-and-cover and bored tunnelling will involve excavation of soil (fill) materials, therefore, generation of considerable amount of excavated soils and filling materials will result. Inert excavated materials will be properly segregated and either be reused on site, delivered to quarry and reused for concrete aggregate, or disposed of at designated public fill areas in accordance with the guidance from the Fill Management Division (FMD) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD). 3.1.2 This section provides an insight into the development constraints of the proposed development areas and infrastructure leading to the choice of preferred option.

3.2 Alignment Constraint and Trunk Road Connections 3.2.1 The derivation of CKR Trunk Road alignments is constrained by the mainline connections at either end to existing Yau Ma Tei West Kowloon Area and the committed road alignments at Kai Tak Area (i.e. T2). The proposed CKR alignment will fall within centre of the Kowloon peninsula, where it has been densely developed with high- rise buildings and public facilities.

3.3 Slip Road Connections 3.3.1 The review of the preliminary design identified an issue with the alignment of Hoi Wang Road in that the vertical alignment at the junction with the Lai Cheung Road did not match the existing road alignment. A modification of the profile of Hoi Wang Road was therefore necessitated. This in turn affected the alignment of the CKR depressed road section under Hoi Wang Road.

3.4 Existing Buildings 3.4.1 Due to the potential impacts on private sectors, the alignment aims at minimising the adverse effect in terms of physical impact during construction and future redevelopment potential impact. In order to achieve that, the adopted alignment will affect the least number of private land lots, buildings and units. 3.4.2 Western Section of CKR is located at the residential area of Yau Ma Tei. At the section between Ferry Street and , the existing buildings that may be affected by the project are the buildings of Yau Ma Tei Police Station, CLP substation, Tak Cheong Building and Tak On Building. At the section between Ferry Street and Yau Ma Tei Interchange, the existing structures may be affected by CKR are the

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MTR tunnels (AEL, TCL, XRL and KSL), XRL ventilation builidng, the new YMT Police Station Building and the new residental site at Hoi Wang Road. It is important to ensure sufficient protection measures to protect these buildings against the possible tilting or settlement. The use of diaphragm wall construction is anticipated to provide a water sealed wall with minimum water pumping with the high stiffness wall to control settlement. 3.4.3 CKR bored tunnel will run underneath the existing YMT multi-storey car park building. As the tunnel tubes are too close to the foundation of the building, the stability of the building will be affected and need to be removed. Before demolition of the building, it is required to decant the Yau Ma Tei Public Library and the other government offices in the building. 3.4.4 In the Central portion, to avoid disturbance and significant building demolishment, the CKR Trunk road at the middle portion must be underground by bored tunnel method. The trunk road must be deep enough to avoid encoarching into existing building foundation.

3.5 Existing Railway Lines 3.5.1 The proposed CKR alignment will be constructed underneath a number of existing or commited railway line which include MTR Line, future Kwun Tong Line Extension, East Rail Line, future Shatin Central lane, future Express Rail Line. 3.5.2 5.5% gradient of CKR between the Yau Ma Tei Interchange and Nathan Road is necessary in order to provide sufficient clearance under the MTRC Kwun Tong Line Extension (KTE) and to connect with the existing elevated roads at the West Kowloon interchange.

3.6 Adjacent Major Infrastructures 3.6.1 The alignment of CKR will run underneath the existing Ferry Street Flyover. A section of the flyover (Deck B and C) is therefore required to be underpinned. In detailed design stage, it is required to establish a safe underpinning scheme for the flyover. 3.6.2 In Eastern Portion, The existing submarine gas mains in Kowloon Bay conflicts with the Kowloon Bay section alignment of CKR. The pipeline diversion works will be completed in the 4th quarter of 2013. A disused aviation fuel pipe is known to run north-south between the dolphin in Kowloon Bay and the former runway. The disused pipe decommissioning works, undertaken by CEDD, will be completed in the 4th quarter of 2012. 3.6.3 In association with the proposed KTD project, the Kai Tak Nullah Modification Works and construction of the Multi-Purpose Stadium Complex (MPSC) are scheduled. Adequate liaison between CKR and KTD will be needed to ensure smooth interfacing of the projects, in particular where the MPSC is concerned as the proposed alignment of the CKR depressed road lies immediately south of the MPSC building footprint.

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3.7 Kowloon City PTI 3.7.1 The existing Kowloon City PTI requires re-provisioning for the duration of CKR east end construction activities to provide working and construction space. The temporary PTI will remain in the same vicinity as the existing PTI shifting slightly towards the southern San Ma Tau Street, preserving all existing routes and parking stands. The re-provisioning of the PTI is proposed to be carried out over the course of 4 stages accommodating the advanced construction works including the diaphragm wall installation and demolition of the Ma Tau Kok Public Pier. Sufficient planning and foresight is crucial to ensure that the re-provisioning and advanced works do not inhibit the operation of the Kowloon City PTI which will remain in operation throughout.

3.8 Ma Tau Kok Public Pier 3.8.1 The existing Ma Tau Kok Public Pier requires demolishing to facilitate CKR construction works. Subject to the layout of the approved Kowloon City re-provisioned PTI and the future contractor’s proposed method and sequence of construction works, decking over of the cut and cover tunnel at the east end may be needed to preserve pedestrian means of access to the Kowloon City Ferry Pier.

3.9 HKCG Ma Tau Kok Gas Work Plant 3.9.1 The cut and cover tunnel lies nearby the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd. (HKCG) owned Ma Tau Kok Gas Works Plant which is classified as a potentially hazardous installation for which a 300m consultation boundary is applied. In association with the Gas Plant there are several existing pipelines running from the plant to an existing pigging station and storage tank located between the residential development and the Kowloon Bay seawall. The pigging station is used to transfer liquid gas naphtha which is delivered by barge to the Ma Tau Kok Gas Works Plant. Although the alignment of this existing pipeline does not conflict with CKR works, extreme care shall be taken to ensure sufficient excavation clearance is provided and that ground movements are monitored closely. 3.9.2 An existing 400mm HKCG owned pipeline currently runs between the Kapok Industrial building and the Kowloon City PTI. Although the pipeline does not conflict with proposed CKR excavation works, extremely care shall be taken to ensure that ground movement is mitigated and monitored closely. 3.9.3 HKCG owned pigging station and storage facility in Ma Tau Kok currently receives shipments of naphtha gas via barge delivery. To maintain the shipment off-loading operation, close proximity by the temporary reclamation are proposed in 2 phases under CKR. In addition, maintenance dredging shall be considered to ensure that sufficient draft is provided for the delivery vessel to navigate an alternative route around the proposed Stage 2 temporary reclamation.

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Communication between HKCG and CKR will be critical in the lead up to the Stage 2 temporary reclamation; care should be taken to ensure that the delivery vessel staff/pilots are well briefed on the revised operational arrangements.

3.10 Geological Constraint in Bored Tunnel Section 3.10.1 From geological consideration, the rockhead level along the adopted alignment is generally high. In specific, the main trunk road can pass through strong Grade II rock with sufficient bedrock cover to the bored tunnel aim at gaining sufficient bedrock cover to tunnel can increase the excavation stability and reduce the geotechnical risk by drill and blast method. However, local weak seam and rockhead depression may still exist and impose fine adjustment of tunnel vertical profile.

3.11 Traffic Impact 3.11.1 The works of CKR will affect some major roads including Gascoigne Road, Ferry Street, Kansu Street, Battery Street, , , and Area. All those roads shall be maintained operation during the construction stage. 3.11.2 In the design stage, it is necessary to establish a traffic deck system to temporary support the existing roads at the period after diaphragm wall construction in cut and cover section. The system shall also be used to temporarily support/protect the existing utilities. 3.11.3 The petrol stations along the south side of Kai Fuk Road will remain operation during the construction stage. The designed works should not encroach into the area. To ensure the petrol stations are accessible during construction stage, the existing access should be maintained unless with an alternative route as agreed by the operators of the petrol stations and other government departments.

3.12 Environmental Issues 3.12.1 Landscaped deck will be constructed at the tunnel portals so that the vehicular entrance and exit will be moved further away from the residential buildings. This arrangement will also provide additional greening to the area. 3.12.2 The ventilation buildings will be relocated from the previously proposed location near Ferry Street to the Yau Ma Tei Interchange of the West Kowloon Highway. This new location will maximise the separation and better dispersion of tunnel exhaust so as to reduce air quality impact on existing dwellings close to the portal.

3.13 Demolition and Reprovisioning 3.13.1 During the ground preparatory works, demolition and re-provisioning of existing structures such as lavatory, public library, refuse collection points, box culverts, multi-storey carpark building, public pier and

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methadone clinic is needed. Tourist-areas such as the Jade Market will need to be re-located. The AA Club area and Ma Tau Kok Public Pier will also be entirely demolished and required disposal. 3.13.2 The cut and cover tunnel of CKR will be constructed underneath the building of YMT Police Station. The police station needs to be decanted for the CKR construction works. A new police station building will be built beside Yau Cheung Road. After the tunnelling works of CKR, the existing police station will be revitalize for other purpose. 3.13.3 The existing Special Clinic Extension Building (SCEB) at Battery Street is also required to be demolished for the construction of CKR. A new building will be constructed in Queen Elizabeth Hospital to house the special clinic. 3.13.4 The existing Methadone Clinic at the ground floor of SCEB will be relocated to a new clinic building within the area of the adjacent Jockey Club Polyclinic Building. The works is included in the scope of CKR. 3.13.5 The existing single storey buildings for Jade Markets at Battery Street are located on the alignment of CKR. The buildings also need to be removed for the constuction of cut and cover tunnel. A temporary building will be built on the existing Kausu Street Rest Garden on the south side of multi-storey car park building to house the affected hawkers of the Jade Markets. After completion of the cut and cover tunnel, the temporary building will be removed and the hawkers will be decanted to the new buildings located at the original Jade Market position.

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4 Alignment Development

4.1 Alignment Review 4.1.1 During the course of design development in I&PD Stage and review phase of Detailed Design Stage, various alignments and construction schemes have been considered and reviewed together with the connectivity and constraints in Section 3. The latest preferred scheme and corresponding alignment are discussed and presented in this section. It should be noted that the preferred scheme adopted may be subject to fine tuning change by the Detailed Design Consultants.

4.2 Preferred Alignment and Construction Scheme 4.2.1 In the preferred alignment, the west end of CKR will connect to the existing Yau Ma Tei Interchange of the West Kowloon Highway. It will be a side-by-side tunnel running along Kansu Street (with the portal at Hoi Wang Road), entering into a twin-bored tunnel underneath Nathan Road, and passes below MTR KTE Line. The bored tunnel then runs under Ho Man Tin, before passing through a relatively short submarine tunnel under the harbour at Ma Tau Kok and emerging at KTD.

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4.3 Construction Methodologies 4.3.1 In view of the topography and geology of constraints on the CKR, the anticipated construction methods are summarized in the table below:-

Chainage Portion Assumed Construction Scheme

West Kowloon Depressed Road and The connecting road and depressed approach road will Interchange - Connecting Roads to West comprise of at grade roads, viaduct structures and 1050 Kowloon Interchange depress link road by open cut method which link to the West Portal.

1050 – 1440 West Cut & Cover Tunnel The trunk road will be formed inside reinforced concrete cut and cover tunnel boxes. The concrete box will be constructed by top-down excavation method with diaphragm perimeter walls.

1440 – 4230 Mined Tunnel The mined tunnel section will be mainly excavated by Drill & Blast. Temporary rock support measures will be installed before the completion of permanent horseshoe shape concrete lining and trunk road slab.

4230 – 4330 East Cut & Cover Tunnel The road will be formed inside reinforced concrete cut and cover tunnel boxes. The concrete box will be constructed by bottom up excavation method with diaphragm perimeter walls.

4330 – 4700 East Cut & Cover Tunnel Temporary reclamation by two phases will be carried out (underwater) before the construction of the underwater cut and cover section. The underwater tunnel box structure is to be cast insitu as per these two stages and once completed would be joined together by breaking through the interfacing diaphragm walls.

4700-Kai Tak Depressed Road and The connecting road and depressed approach road will Interchange & Connecting Roads to Kai Tak comprise of at grade roads, viaduct structures and future T2 Interchange and future T2 depress link road by open cut method which link to the Trunk road East Portal.

4.3.2 Drill and Blast Tunnel Method The mined tunnel will be constructed by the Drill and Blast (D&B) method. This is commonly used for excavation of hard rock tunnels which is small in size and short in length. It is an economical way and less restricted by site condition for equipment set-up, where tunnelling by TBM is not possible given the large diameters involved and the extreme wear and tear expected due to the hard rock strata. However,

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non-blasting mechanical excavation will be adopted in difficult geological condition or vibration sensitive area.

4.3.3 Underwater Tunnel Different construction methodologies for the underwater tunnel have been discussed in I&PD stage prior to the recommendation of the cut and cover construction method with temporary reclamation. Those construction methodologies include the use of Bored Tunnel (or mined tunnel), Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), Immersed Tube Tunnel (IMT) and Full Flyover. Based on the preliminary review on the feasibility of using these alternatives, it is considered that the use of cut and cover construction with temporary reclamation is still the most appropriate method for the construction of the underwater tunnel in term of constructability, engineering feasibility and safety concerns.

4.3.4 Cut-and-cover Tunnel Cut-and-cover is a common method of construction for relatively shallow tunnels where a trench is excavated and roofed over. In order to reduce impacts on the environment and existing traffic, diaphragm wall with top-down construction will be adopted for cut-and-cover tunnels. A shallow excavation is made to allow the tunnel roof to be constructed. Once the tunnel roof is completed, the ground surface is reinstated. This allows early reinstatement of the roads, the disturbance to public will be therefore minimised. Further excavation and construction of lower part of the tunnel will be carried out under the completed tunnel roof away from direct impact on the public.

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5 Management of C&D Materials

5.1 Generation of C&D Materials 5.1.1 C&D materials (divided into two types - inert and non-inert) would be generated from the demolition of the existing building, bridges, excavation works in the cut and cover tunnel construction, mined tunnel construction, shaft construction and removal of temporary reclamation within underwater tunnel. 5.1.2 C&D materials do NOT include the dredged marine sediment, wet soil with moisture content over 25% and contaminated soil. In particular, the seabed near Kai Tak would be temporarily backfilled during underwater tunnel construction. Those backfill will be excavated or dredged after the cut & cover box formation. 5.1.3 The inert material comprises of rock, soils, debris, rubble, bitumen materials and broken concrete that can be used as fill materials for reclamation and earth filling projects. The C&D material generated would be considered to be reused in the subsequent stage of temporary reclamation, cut & cover tunnel backfilling, site formation works for buildings if appropriate. 5.1.4 The non-inert portion of construction waste comprises timber, metal, glass, steel, packaging waste, organic materials and plastic. Some non- inert construction waste can be reused or recycled prior to disposal of at landfill. Recyclables include mainly of metals, paper/ cardboard packaging and plastic (plastic bottles/ containers, plastic sheets/ foam from packaging materials). Non-recyclable materials are treated as general refuse requiring landfilling. 5.1.5 A breakdown of C&D materials by type and volume expected from construction of the CKR and the schedule of quantities generated and required are presented in Appendix B. 5.1.6 A summary of breakdown of C&D material generation and demand is presented in Table B1. The summaries of quantities of C&D material generated and fill material required at each portion are shown in Table B2 and Table B3 respectively. 5.1.7 Soil type excavated materials will mainly arise from the excavation works of the east and west cut and cover tunnels. Those will take place upon completion of the diaphragm walls at the Ma Tau Kok East Portal (including underwater tunnel) and Yau Ma Tei West Portal. 5.1.8 Rock type excavated material will be created by central bored tunnel excavation by drill and blast. The retrieval quantity of rocks material from the bored tunnel has been estimated and splitted into (a) YMT west portal (b) HMT central shaft and (c) MTK east portal. 5.1.9 The schedule of quantities of inert C&D material at YMT west portal, HMT central shaft and MTK east portal generated and required are presented in Table B4, Table B5 and Table B6 respectively.

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5.1.10 The schedules of overall quantities of C&D materials generation and demand are also shown in Table B7 and Table B8. Besides, the overall schedules of bulked quantities of C&D materials generation is shown in Table B9. The schedule of quantities of fill material required in CKR is presented in Table B10. 5.1.11 Tentative construction programme & Time-Chainage diagram are presented in Appendix C.

5.2 Demolition Materials from CKR 5.2.1 Based on the latest design of the Project, demolition material will be generated from the removal of existing flyover, the demolition of buildings in Yau Ma Tei Area and Ma Tau Wei Area, site clearance and modification of West Kowloon Interchange. 5.2.2 C&D material generated from the demolition works will be sorted on- site into public fill (which should be re-used on-site as far as possible) and C&D waste (which will require disposal to landfill). C&D material arising from the demolition of highway structures will comprise primarily concrete. It is assumed that approximately 85% of the C&D material will be public fill and the rest will be C&D waste.

5.3 Excavated C&D Materials from CKR 5.3.1 In view that the volume of grade I/II rock generation from CKR would be quite substantial, it is proposed to manage the possible recycling of the surplus rock by local quarries (e.g. Lam Tei Quarry). The detail arrangement to be discussed with Mines/Quarry division. Correspondence from Mines Division of CEDD regarding proposed disposal of surplus rock is presented in Appendix D. Continue liaison with Mines Division of CEDD and exploration of other alternative disposal sites for surplus rock will be made. It is anticipated that part of the rock material can be exported to Mainland China for reuse purpose. In the CKR contract, flexibility in the contractual arrangement for transporting rock to alternative disposal sites would be allowed. 5.3.2 It is proposed that rock crusher plants should be adopted in CKR central tunnel. It aims at controling the mucking out, transportation (potential vertical conveyor) and standard requirements in public fill site (250mm down) and quarry and the re-use of selected public fill on site. The maximum size of imported rock should be agreed between the CKR contractor and the quarry contractor.

5.4 Minimizing C&D Materials Generation in CKR 5.4.1 In order to minimize the generation of CKR C&D materials, the future Contractor should plan the construction methods to minimize the generation of C&D materials and to incorporate a Waste Management System into the WMP for effective management and control of C&D materials to avoid, reduce, minimize the generation of C&D materials during construction.

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5.4.2 These include but not limited to the following key consideration:- (a) Good site management to minimize over ordering; (b) Better programming of works to minimise stockpiling and maximise reuse opportunity; (c) Use of reusable steel formwork (e.g steel shutter for tunnel lining); (d) On site material sorting or in designated sorting area and separate C&D materials into public fill and C&D waste and sorting of C&D materials by category to facilitate reuse / recycling; (e) On site rock crushing to control the size of excavated rock from tunnel; (f) Use of excavated soft materials for landscaping works as far as possible; (g) Use of pre-cast construction method for elevated structures to minimise the amount of C&D materials generated on site (h) Reuse or recycle construction/ demolition waste with recyclable values such as reinforcement bars, steel mesh etc. These wastes should either be reused on site or collected by outside licensed waste recycling agents. 5.4.3 Under the contract, the contractor will also be required to minimize the generation of C&D materials and reuse it on site by complying with the following guidelines and documents: ••• Works Bureau Technical Circular No 06/2002 & 6/2002A, Enhanced Specification for Site Cleanliness and Tidiness, Works Bureau; ••• Works Bureau Technical Circular No 22/2003A, Additional Measures to Improve Site Cleanliness and Control Mosquito Breeding on Construction Sites, Works Bureau; ••• Chapter 4 Section 4.1.3 of PAH, Construction and Demolition Materials, Project Adminstrative Handbook for Civil Engineering Works ••• Works Bureau Technical Circular No 6/2010, Trip Ticket System for Disposal of Construction & Demolition Materials, Works Bureau; ••• Works Bureau Technical Circular No 19/2005, Environment Management on Construction Sites, Works Bureau; ••• Practice Note for Authorised Persons and Registered Structural Engineers

5.5 Maximizing Reuse of Inert C&D Material on Site

5.5.1 The C&D material generated from the excavation works will be re- used as far as practicable. 5.5.2 As described in Section 5.2, demolition materials will be generated from the removal of infrastructures. C&D materials generated from the demolition will be sorted into public fill and C&D waste. On site sorting will be implemented by employment of appropriate sequential demolition to facilitate recovering all reusable and recycle material. 5.5.3 As described in Section 5.3.2, rock crusher plants should be established. The maximum size of imported rock should be agreed between the CKR contractor and the quarry contractor.

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5.6 Maximizing Reuse of Inert C&D Material for Temporary Reclamation

5.6.1 The use of inert C&D material has been further explored and maximized as far as practicable. The use of selected public fill material (below grade 200) for the temporary reclamation and backfilling seabed has been considered. 5.6.2 The programme constraint of the overall development and in particular the required handover dates for the CKR is an important factor in deciding the reclamation method. 5.6.3 Temporaray reclamation works could use selected public fill material with no oversize (below grade 200), otherwise it would cause obstructions for the subsequent diaphragm wall construction. Apart from the selected public fill generated from site, selected public fill can also be obtained from fill banks at Tseung Kwan O and . 5.6.4 For the use of public fill material of Grade 200, further liaision with CEDD/ Fill Management Division on the details of the proposed arrangement is required.

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5.7 Estimated Quantity of C&D Materials in CKR 5.7.1 The total volume of C&D material generated from both demolition work and excavation works are summarised in Table 5.1 below:-

3 Table 5.1 – Summary of C&D Material Excavated & Generated (million cubic metre Mm )

Grade II or Grade III or Inert Soft Broken Reclaimed Bentonite C&D Volume above Rock below Rock C&D Concrete Asphalt Slurry Waste (Mm 3) (Granite) (Granite) Materials Pavement (RAP)

West YMT 0 0.135 0.716 0.084 0.014 0.050 0.012 1.011 Portion

Central HMT 0.880 0.077 0.019 0 0 0.002 0 0.978 Tunnel

East MTK 0 0.019 1.327 0.007 0.012 0.102 0.002 1.469 Portion

Total Excavated 0.880 0.231 2.062 0.091 0.026 0.154 0.014 3.458 Volume

Adopted Bulk x 1.8 x 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.3 - Factors 1.584 0.300 2.680 0.119 0.033 0.201 0.017 4.934 Total Generated (Bulk) Volume

5.7.2 Public fill is required from either CKR project or from Tsueng Kwan O and /or Tuen Mun Fill Bank which will depend on the availability of temporary stockpile area (TSA) and the programme or interacting activities. For the temporary reclamation works in underwater tunnel, selected public fill is necessary for the cut and cover box construction and reclamation filling. 5.7.3 Wet public fill from diaphragm walls, tunnel construction and temporary reclamation will temporarily stockpile on TSA Those will then deliver to the fill bank when moisture content less than 25%. Althernatively, wet public fill will be mixed with cement before tranporting to the fill bank. 5.7.4 Reclaimed asphalt pavement will not be mixed with other C&D materials when delivered to public fill reception facilities.

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5.7.5 The amount of selected public fill materials required in the projects is given in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 – Summary of Fill Material Required (million cubic metre Mm 3)

Material East MTK Central West YMT Total Portion Portion HMT Tunnel

Selected Public Fill 0.752 0 0.207 0.959

5.7.6 Based on the current design development, the availibility for TSA is very limited. However, the possible land allocation of TSA for GLA- TK389 and Housing Authority Mock Up Centre are under study and a location plan is attached in Appendix A. Other possible TSA will be explored. In case of no TSA is available, the inert and non-inert C&D material will be disposed directly to public fill reception facilities and landfills respectively. The schedule of C&D material generated is given in table 5.3

Table 5.3 – Schedule of C&D Material Generated (in bulk volume) (half year) Grade II or Grade III Inert soft Broken RAP Bentonite C&D Waste above or below C&D Concrete Slurry (Granite) (Granite) material 2015 Jan - Jun 0 0.117 0 0 0 0 0.007 Jul - Dec 0.010 0.071 0.460 0.013 0.008 0.043 0.007 2016 Jan - Jun 0.089 0.043 0.114 0.011 0.003 0.006 0 Jul - Dec 0.273 0.040 0.619 0.043 0.008 0.055 0.001 2017 Jan - Jun 0.416 0.026 0.359 0.041 0.008 0.020 0.001 Jul - Dec 0.416 0.002 0.278 0.010 0.003 0.013 0.001 2018 Jan - Jun 0.294 0.001 0.147 0 0.001 0.010 0 Jul - Dec 0.086 0 0.405 0 0.001 0.037 0 2019 Jan - Jun 0 0 0.192 0.001 0.001 0.016 0 Jul - Dec 0 0 0.106 0 0 0.001 0 2020 Jan - Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jul - Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub -Total 1.584 0.300 2.680 0.119 0.033 0.201 0.017 Total 4.934

5.8 Concurrent Projects 5.8.1 A number of concurrent projects is identified which will potentially have major public fill demand during the CKR construction period (i.e. 2015 to 2020). Those potential projects with major fill demands include (a) Third Runway of Hong Kong International Airport; (b) Shatin Central Link Cross Harbour Section; and (c) Other potential CEDD reclamation project in study stage. 5.8.2 One of the potential major projects is the New Third Runway of Airport Authority. Based on item 5.68 of HKIA Master Plan 2030

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Technical Report, the estimated required quantity of rockfill and rock armour will be 15 million cubic metres. The expected time frame should be overlapped with CKR construction period based on the latest information. Airport Authority Hong Kong will be consulted to seek the possibility to absorb the CKR fill materials.

5.9 Barging Points 5.9.1 It is recommended that C&D material should be transported off-site by barge wherever possible to reduce impacts from road transport. 5.9.2 There are four numbers of existing or planned temporary barging points in the Kowloon peninsula for the MTR projects. They are (a) Nam Chong XRL Temporary Barging Point, (b) West Kowloon XRL Temporary Barging Point, (c) Finger Pier KTE Temporary Barging Point and (d) Kai Tai SCL Barging Point. 5.9.3 However, based on the latest information from Planning Department, the existing Nam Chong XRL barging point at Wholesale Food Market cannot be allocated to CKR project as the site will be used for other purposes. Similar situation applies to the rest of the temporary barging points listed above. 5.9.4 There is the other potential barging point (being used by XRL project) at underneath Cheung Tsing Bridge. DLO/TW&KT has allocated the site until August 2015 to RDO/HyD. Close liaison with DLO/TW&KT will be needed for the possibility of taking over the site for CKR. The correspondence from DLO/TW&KT is presented in Appendix D. Continue liaison with DLO and other relevant offices on any possible barging points will be needed.

6 Conclusion

6.1 The Key Concerns in CKR C&DMMP 6.1.1 To maximise the reuse of inert C&D materials, materials generated from tunnel excavation shall be sorted and temporarily stockpiled if a Temporary Stockpile Area is available. 6.1.2 To minimise the generation of C&D material, in particular C&D waste, the requirement for drawing up a Waste Management Plan for the implementation of the waste management and reduction measures will be incorporated in all works contracts for the project. 6.1.3 The estimated quantities of various types of C&D materials produced and the fill material required in the reclamation and tunnel backfilling works, their respective volume are summarized in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 below:

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Table 6.1 – Summary of C&D Materials and Waste Generated (million cubic metre Mm3)

Material Grade II Grade III Inert Broken Reclaimed Bentonite C&D or above or below Soft Concrete Asphalt Slurry Waste Rock Rock C&D Pavement (Granite) (Granite) Material (RAP)

West YMT 0 0.135 0.716 0.084 0.014 0.050 0.012 Portion (0.176) (0.930) (0.109) (0.018) (0.065) (0.015)

Central HMT 0.880 0.077 0.019 0 0 0.002 0 Tunnel (1.584) (0.100) (0.024) (0.003)

East MTK 0 0.019 1.327 0.007 0.012 0.102 0.002 Portion (0.025) (1.726) (0.010) (0.015) (0.133) (0.002)

Total Quantity 0.880 0.231 2.062 0.091 0.026 0.154 0.014 Generated (1.584) (0.300) (2.680) (0.119) (0.033) (0.201) (0.017)

Quantity to be 0 0 0.959 0 0 0 N.A. re-used on site (1.247)

Notes (i) : For those figures in brackets, they are bulk volume. The bulk factors of soft material and rock are 1.3 and 1.8 respectively. (ii) : Continue liaison with CEDD/ Mines Division and exploration on other other alternative projects such as export to Mainland China and other construction projects in Hong Kong are required

Table 6.2 – Summary of Fill Material Requirement (million cubic metre Mm3)

Material East MTK Central HMT West YMT Total Portion Tunnel Portion

Selected Public Fill 0.752 0 0.207 0.959 (0.978) (0.269) (1.247)

Total Volume Required (in-situ) 0.959 Total Volume Required (bulk) 1.247

Notes (i): For those figures in brackets, they are bulk volume. The bulk factors of soft material and rock are 1.3 and 1.8 respectively.

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(ii): Tentative sources of selected imported public fill is proposed to be from Fill Banks and/ or other alternative sources, liaison with CEDD/ Fill Management Division on the details of the proposed arrangement is required

7 Recommendation

7.1.1 To identify the management of excavated rock material to CEDD rock quarry site and Mainland China. CEDD/Mines division supports the proposal of importing good quality rock generated from CKR project to their quarries for beneficial reuse of the surplus rock. Continue liaison with CEDD/ Mines Division and exploration of other alternative disposal sites such as export to Mainland China and other construction projects in Hong Kong are required. 7.1.2 To explore the feasibility of using the inert C&D materials in products with recycled aggregates such as concrete or paving blocks in the project. 7.1.3 To take over potential temporary barging point for CKR project, Continue liasion with DLO/TW&KT is required for the possible taking over for barging a barging point at Kwai Chung underneath Cheung Tsing Bridge. Continue liaison with DLO and other relevant offices on any possible barging points will be needed. 7.1.4 Continue exploration of possible TSA is needed so as to re-use the public fill on site as far as possible. 7.1.5 Continue to liaise with potential concurrent project is needed so as to re-use in other construction projects in Hong Kong. 7.1.6 This C&DMMP shall be regularly reviewed and updated during the detailed design as well as construction stage. The construction works on site should also be closely monitored.

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Appendix A An Overview of the CKR Alignment and Location Plan of Possible TSA

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3 44.5

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68.1 H 68.2 K ¹C¼ 66.3 68.5 W 61.8 ¨¬² Playground Joint Venture TS 66.6 O

N 68.4

e 68.2 Project title

G Football Field

s u

o L 68.3

H S L ¥ 68.2

n T


a d o L L Agreement No. CE 43/ 2010 (HY) R

M a ± d d a E g o

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Appendix B C&D Material Quantity Estimation for CKR

217722-REP-023-01 | Issue 4 | August 2012

217722-REP-023-01 REV 4.RTF Page 23

Project: Arup-Mott MacDonald Joint Venture AGREEMENT NO. CE 43/2010 (HY) CENTRAL KOWLOON ROUTE - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Div/Dept Job Ref 287786 HKT Calculation for: Calculated by: Date: Page: CY 31-May-12 C&D material for C&DMMP Checked by: Date: 1 RC 31-May-12 Table B1. Summary of Breakdown of C&D Material Generation and Demand: (All Quantities are in-situ volume, cu.m) East MTK Portion Central HMT Portion West YMT Portion Underwater Depressed Demolish Cross- Shaft (1) & C&C Depressed Demolish C&C Tunnel Tunnel Road Shaft (1) Structures passage Bored Tunnel Bldg. Tunnel Road Shaft (1) Structures Total C&D Material Generation A) Inert C&D Material 1) Grade II or above Rock 0 0 0 0 0 20800 849657 9659 0 0 0 0 880116 2) Grade III or below rock 0 0 0 18500 0 1600 74600 450 0 0 135000 0 230150 3) Inert Soft C&D Material 241875 684688 145680 140000 115340 0 0 19013 504400 101430 0 110283 2062709 4) Broken Concrete 0 0 0 0 7242 0 0 0 0 0 0 84155 91397 5) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 1750 0 3640 0 6100 0 0 0 4900 2450 0 6856 25696 6) Bentonite Slurry 23625 55013 19320 0 4393 0 0 2138 33300 16380 0 406 154575

Sub-total for Inert C&D Material (cu.m) 267250 739701 168640 158500 133075 22400 924257 31260 542600 120260 135000 201700 3444643 Sub-total for Inert C&D Material (M cu.m) 0.267 0.740 0.169 0.159 0.133 0.022 0.924 0.031 0.543 0.120 0.135 0.202 3.444

B) Non-Inert C&D Material Non-inert C&D Waste 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 2000 8000 0 14000 Sub-total for Non-inert material (cu.m) 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 2000 8000 0 Sub-total for Non-Inert C&D Material (M cu.m) 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.008 0.000 0.014

Total C&D Material Generated 3.458

Fill Material Required Selected Public Fill 120000 619900 12000 0 0 0 0 0 207200 0 0 0 959100

Sub-total for Fill Material (M cu.m) 0.120 0.620 0.012 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.207 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.959

Table B2. Summary of Quantities of C&D Material at Each Portion (All quantities are in-situ volume, cu.m) East MTK Portion Central HMT Portion West YMT Portion Total

Inert C&D Material Generation (cu.m) (M cu.m) (cu.m) (M cu.m) (cu.m) (M cu.m) (

1) Grade II or above Rock 0 0.000 880116 0.880 0 0.000 0.880 2) Grade III or below Rock 18500 0.019 76650 0.077 135000 0.135 0.231 3) Inert Soft C&D Material 1327582 1.327 19013 0.019 716113 0.716 2.062 4) Broken Concrete 7242 0.007 0 0.000 84155 0.084 0.091 5) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 11490 0.012 0 0.000 14206 0.014 0.026 6) Bentonite Slurry 102351 0.102 2138 0.002 50086 0.050 0.154

Sub-total for Inert C&D Material (M cu.m) 1.467 0.978 0.999 3.444

Non-inert C&D Waste Sub-total for Non-inert material (cu.m) 2000 0.002 0 0.000 12000 0.012 0.014

Total C&D Generation 1.469 0.978 1.011 3.458

Table B3. Summary of Quantities of Fill Material Required at Each Portion (All quantities are in-situ volume, cu.m) East MTK Portion Central HMT Portion West YMT Portion Total Fill Material Required (cu.m) (M cu.m) (cu.m) (M cu.m) (cu.m) (M cu.m) ( Inert C&D Material (Selected Public Fill) 751900 0.752 0 0.000 207200 0.207 0.959

Sub-total for Non-Inert Material (M cu.m) 0.752 0.000 0.207 0.959

Notes: 1. Shaft refers to an underground vertical tunnel from top down which provides vertical passage for tunnel construction and mucking out Table B4 - Schedule of quantities of Inert C&D material generated and required at West YMT Portion (All quantities are in-situ volume, cu.m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Rock III or below 90000 45000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135000 Inert Soft C&D Material 0 0 0 81428 151756 140657 108086 108086 108086 18014 0 0 716113 Broken Concrete 0 7951 6477 31232 29793 7702 0 333 667 0 0 0 84155 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 0 0 0 3579 4820 2482 1050 1050 1050 175 0 0 14206 Bentonite Slurry 0 0 0 6456 11315 9718 7136 7136 7136 1189 0 0 50086 Selected Public Fill Demand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207200 0 0 207200

Table B5 - Schedule of quantities of Inert C&D material generated at Central HMT Portion (All quantities are in-situ volume, cu.m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Rock II or above 0 5795 49087 151598 231231 231231 163395 47779 0 0 0 0 880116 Rock III or below 450 0 24142 30741 20227 436 436 218 0 0 0 0 76650 Inert Soft C&D Material 0 0 0 865 5185 5185 5185 2593 0 0 0 0 19013 Bentonite Slurry 0 0 0 97 583 583 583 292 0 0 0 0 2138

Table B6 - Schdeule of quantities of Inert C&D material generated and required at East MTW Portion (All quantities are in-situ volume) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Rock III or below 0 9250 9250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18500 Inert Soft C&D Material 0 354210 88115 393073 119196 68000 0 200532 40106 64350 0 0 1327582 Broken Concrete 0 1810 1810 1811 1811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7242 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 0 5783 2132 2050 1525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11490 Bentonite Slurry 0 33399 4318 35939 3383 0 0 21094 4218 0 0 0 102351 Selected Public Fill Demand 51558 319347 86000 0 58000 121247 99248 0 0 16500 0 0 751900

Table B7 - Schedule of overall quantities of C&D material generated and required (All quantities are in-situ volume, cu.m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Rock II or above 0 5795 49087 151598 231231 231231 163395 47779 0 0 0 0 880116 Rock III or below 90450 54250 33392 30741 20227 436 436 218 0 0 0 0 230150 Inert Soft C&D Material 0 354210 88115 475366 276139 213842 113271 311211 148192 82364 0 0 2062709 Broken Concrete 0 9761 8287 33043 31604 7702 0 333 667 0 0 0 91397 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 0 5783 2132 5629 6345 2482 1050 1050 1050 175 0 0 25696 Bentonite Slurry 0 33399 4318 42492 15281 10301 7719 28521 11354 1189 0 0 154574 C&D Waste 5333 4667 0 769 1137 736 429 429 429 71 0 0 14000 Selected Public Fill Demand 51558 319347 86000 0 58000 121247 99248 0 0 223700 0 0 959100

Table B8 - Schedule of overall quantities of C&D material generated (All quantities are in-situ volume (M cu.m)) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Rock II or above 0.000 0.006 0.049 0.152 0.231 0.231 0.163 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.880 Rock III or below 0.090 0.054 0.033 0.031 0.020 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.231 Inert Soft C&D Material 0.000 0.354 0.088 0.476 0.276 0.214 0.113 0.311 0.148 0.082 0.000 0.000 2.062 Broken Concrete 0.000 0.009 0.008 0.033 0.032 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.091 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 0.000 0.006 0.002 0.006 0.006 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.026 Bentonite Slurry 0.000 0.033 0.004 0.042 0.015 0.010 0.008 0.029 0.012 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.154 C&D Waste 0.006 0.005 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 Total C&D Material Generated 3.458 Notes: Inert Soft C&D Material will be generated by the excavation of depressed roads and C&C tunnels, mined tunnel construction, construction of bridge footings, demolition of structures and TTM implementation Rock (Grade I/II) will be generated by mined tunnel construction Non-inert C&D Waste will be generated by the general site clearance and demolition of structures

Table B9 - Schedule of overall quantities of C&D material generated (All quantities are "bulked" volume (M cu.m)) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Rock II or above 0.000 0.010 0.089 0.273 0.416 0.416 0.294 0.086 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.584 Rock III or below 0.117 0.071 0.043 0.040 0.026 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.300 Inert Soft C&D Material 0.000 0.460 0.114 0.619 0.359 0.278 0.147 0.405 0.192 0.106 0.000 0.000 2.680 Broken Concrete 0.000 0.013 0.011 0.043 0.041 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.119 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 0.000 0.008 0.003 0.008 0.008 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.033 Bentonite Slurry 0.000 0.043 0.006 0.055 0.020 0.013 0.010 0.037 0.016 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.201 C&D Waste 0.007 0.007 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.017 Total C&D Material Generated 4.934 Remarks: The bulk factor of rock and soil is 1.8 and 1.3 respectively

Table B10 - Schedule of quantities of fill material required (All quantities are in-situ volume (M cu.m)) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Jan - Jun Jul - Dec Selected Public Fill Demand 0.052 0.319 0.086 0.000 0.058 0.121 0.099 0.000 0.000 0.224 0.000 0.000 0.959 Total Fill Demand 0.959 Notes: Selected Public Fill will be required for backfill C&C tunnel, temporary reclamation works and the transition between underwater tunnel & depressed road

Appendix C Tentative Construction Programme and Time Chainage Diagram

217722-REP-023-01 | Issue 4 | August 2012

217722-REP-023-01 REV 4.RTF Page 24

Figure C1 - CKR: Tentative Programme for the C&D Material Generation and Fill Material Demand (In-situ) (m3) Activities Grade II Grade III Inert soft C&D Material Broken Concrete RAP Bentonite Slurry C&D Waste Filling VolumeDuration Duration 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 or above rock or below rock Start Finish (month) 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 WEST PORTION Depressed Road - Excavation 101430 0 2450 16380 2000 08-2016 08-2017 13 ## ## ## TTM implementation, Building Basement & Demolish Bridges 110283 48148 6856 406 08-2016 08-2017 13 ## ## ##

Demolish Multistory Carpark - Stage 1 0 13252 10-2015 02-2016 5 0 0 Demolish Multistory Carpark - Stage 2 0 9466 09-2016 03-2017 7 0 0 Demolish YMT Specialist Clinic Extension 0 5249 09-2016 02-2017 6 0 0 Demolish the Existing Flyover 0 2040 08-2016 10-2016 3 0 Demolish Ferry Street Subway 0 1000 12-2018 02-2019 3 0 0

C & C Tunnel - Excavation 504400 0 4900 33300 2000 04-2017 07-2019 28 ## ## ## ## ## ## C & C Tunnel - Backfill 207200 08-2019 11-2019 4 ##

Foundation Excavation for Bridge Construction 5000 03-2016 07-2017 17 0 0 0 0 Assess Shaft - Excavation 135000 8000 01-2015 09-2015 9 0 0 CENTRAL PORTION Non-blast tunnelling -Mined Tunnel (1440-1600) 59370 01-2017 06-2017 18 ## ## ## Drill and Blast Tunnelling (1600-3200) 520075 05-2016 04-2018 23 ## ## ## ## ## Excavation of Shaft (Rock Grade III or below) 450 01-2015 06-2015 6 ## Excavation of Shaft (Rock Grade I/II) 9659 07-2015 04-2016 10 ## ## Drilling and Blast Tunnelling (3200-4180) 329582 12-2016 09-2018 22 ## ## ## ## ## Non-blast tunnelling - Mined tunnel (4180-4230) 15229 05-2016 11-2016 7 ## ## Cross Passage (26 Nos.) & Pump Sumps 20800 12-2016 09-2018 22 ## ## ## ## ## Cross Passage (2 Nos.) & Ventilaton Bldg Basement Construction 1600 2138 19013 12-2016 09-2018 22 73 ## ## ## ## EAST PORTION C & C Tunnel - Phase 1 Excavation 168975 1225 16200 2000 08-2015 12-2015 5 ## C & C Tunnel - Phase 1 Backfill 84000 04-2016 05-2016 2 ## C & C Tunnel - Phase 2 Excavation 72900 525 7425 09-2016 11-2016 3 ## C & C Tunnel - Phase 2 BackfilI 36000 02-2017 03-2017 2 ##

Underwater Tunnel - Stage 1 Reclamation (Selected Public Fill) 360905 06-2015 12-2015 7 ## ## ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 1 Excavation 277700 29700 07-2016 01-2017 6.5 ## ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 1 Backfill seabed (Selected Public Fill) 44000 06-2017 07-2017 2 ## ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 1 Removal and Restore Reclamation 102000 06-2017 08-2017 3 ## ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 2 Reclamation (Selected Public Fill) 198495 11-2017 02-2018 4 ## ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 2 Excavation 240638 25313 08-2018 01-2019 6 ## ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 2 Backfill seabed (Selected Public Fill) 16500 07-2019 08-2019 2 ## Underwater Tunnel - Stage 2 Removal and Restore Reclamation 64350 07-2019 10-2019 3 ##

Depressed Road - Excavation 145680 3640 19320 08-2015 01-2016 6 ## ## Backfill for Transition at C & C Tunnel & Depressed Road 12000 08-2015 01-2016 6 ## Foundation Excavation for Bridges / Underpass Construction 140000 07-2015 06-2017 24 ## ## ## ## Demolition of Structures 115340 7242 6100 4394 07-2015 06-2017 24 ## ## ## ## Ventilation Shaft - Excavation 18500 07-2015 06-2016 12 0 0

Appendix D Correspondence

217722-REP-023-01 | Issue 4 | August 2012

217722-REP-023-01 REV 4.RTF Page 25

Appendix E Response to Comments on CEDD/ PFC memo dated 15 May 2012

217722-REP-023-01 | Issue 4 | August 2012

217722-REP-023-01 REV 4.RTF Page 26

Agreement No. CE 43/2010 (HY) Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan (C&DMMP) Central Kowloon Route (CKR) – Design and Construction Response to Comments

Comments received: Responses: PFC, CEDD Ref : (0SQ54-01) in FM PF/CDM/00 Date : 15 May 2012 CEDD/ PFC’s Comments on 15 May 2012 (i) Para.2.1.4 – In para. 5.1.2, it stated that the Removal of public fill from temporary reclamation is backfill excavated / dredged from the included in the C&DMMP. The last sentence in para. temporary reclamation near Kai Tak will not 5.1.2 is deleted instead. be covered by this C&DMMP and the relevant excavation/ dredging proposal for the backfill will be submitted separately to Marine Fill Committee and the Environmental Protection Department. In this connection, please amend the last sentence of this paragraph as “This report covers only the CKR C&D materials which excluding the marine sediment, contaminated materials and the excavated/ dredged public fill from the temporary reclamation near Kai Tak.”

(ii) Para.5.1.5 – This paragraph stated that a Noted and the para. 5.1.5 was duplicated to para.5.1.6. breakdown of estimated volume of C&D para. 5.1.5 was deleted accordingly. materials to be reused was provided but was found missing. (iii) Para.5.3.1 – It is noted that Mines Division of We will closely liaise with CEDD/ Mines Division and CEDD advised that it is unlikely to accept the explore other alternative disposal sites such as the Third rock generated from CKR under the current Runway of Hong Kong International Airport and other contracts, and importing of rock from CKR to construction projects in Hong Kong. We will also Lam Tei Quarry (LTQ) could only be include contract provisions for alternative disposal sites materialized if the quarry operation of LTQ is arrangement in the contract. to continue beyond 2015 under a new contract. The para. 5.3.1 was amended accordingly. As the disposal site of rock is not secured yet, please continue to liaise with Mines Division and also explore other alternative disposal sites such as export to Mainland China and other construction projects in Hong Kong. Please include the details and progress of the liaison of exporting rock to Mainland China. (iv) Para.5.3.2 – Please be reminded that disposal Noted. The selected public fill will be re-used on site as of rock to public fill reception facilities should far as possible and disposal of rock to public fill be considered as the last resort. reception facilities will be considered as the last resort. The para. 5.3.2 was amended accordingly. (v) Para.5.6.3 – Public fill of grade 200 available Noted and we will closely liaise with Fill Management at the fill banks is of limited amount, please Division on the details of proposed arrangement. Para. liaise with Fill Management Division on the 5.6.4 in the report is added accordingly. details of the proposed arrangement. (vi) Para.5.7.5 – Please provide a location plan for The possible land allocation of TSA is Housing the possible temporary stockpile area (TSA). Authority Mock Up Centre and the location is attached We would like to reiterate that disposal of in Appendix A for your information. Further exploration public fill to public fill reception facilities of possible TSA will be carried out. should be considered as the last resort. Please continue to explore possible TSA so as to re-

P:\Hong Kong\BRI\287786 CKR D&C\07 Documents\Deliverables\21 Updated C&DMMP\15 RtC on PFC (15 May 2012)\RtC - CEDD_PFC_HyD comment.doc

Page 1 Agreement No. CE 43/2010 (HY) Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan (C&DMMP) Central Kowloon Route (CKR) – Design and Construction Response to Comments

Comments received: Responses: use the public fill on site as far as possible. (vii) Para.5.9.4 – Please continue to liaise with Noted and we will continue to liaise with DLO and DLO and other relevant offices on any relevant offices on the possible barging point location. possible barging points. The para. 5.9.4 was amended accordingly. (viii) Table 5.1 – According to PAH Appendix 4.9, The breakdown of C&D materials in Table 5.1 was please breakdown the C&D materials into amended in accordance with the PAH Appendix 4.9. different types of materials (e.g. Inert soft C&D materials, Grade II of above rock (granite or volcanic or others), Grade III or below rock, C&D waste, etc.). (ix) Table 5.3 – Please follow the classification of The breakdown of C&D materials in Table 5.3 was C&D material in item (viii) above amended in accordance with the PAH Appendix 4.9. (x) Table 6.1 – Please note item (viii) above. For Table 6.1 was amended. We will closely liaise with each type of C&D material, please provide a CEDD/Mines Division and explore other alternative breakdown of (a) total quantity generated, (b) disposal sites. The quantities of items c, d and e will be quantity to be re-used on site, (c) quantity to provided. be re-use in other projects, (d) quantity to be delivered to mainland and (e) quantity to be delivered to public fill reception facilities/ landfills. (xi) Table 6.2 – Please include the source of public Noted and the source of public fill imported was fill imported. included in the table 6.2. (xii) Para.7.1.1 – this paragraph did not adequately Para. 7.1.1 was amended. We will closely liaise with reflect Mines Division’s comments provided CEDD/Mines Division and explore other alternative via their memo ref. MQ 2A/13/39 dated 30 disposal sites. January 2012. As pointed out in item (ii) above, disposal site of rock from CKR is not secured and the project office is requested to continue the liaison with Mine Division and also explore other alternative disposal sites. (xiii) Para.7.1.3 – What are the reasonable measures Paras. 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 were amended accordingly. to minimize the generation of C&D materials and to maximize the use/ reuse of C&D materials? Details of the proposed measure such as exploration of TSA, liaison with potential concurrent projects, etc. should be clearly stated as the way forward in the Recommendation Section.

P:\Hong Kong\BRI\287786 CKR D&C\07 Documents\Deliverables\21 Updated C&DMMP\15 RtC on PFC (15 May 2012)\RtC - CEDD_PFC_HyD comment.doc

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