A Study for the Coordination of Education Information and Data Processing from Kindergarten Through College

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A Study for the Coordination of Education Information and Data Processing from Kindergarten Through College DOCUMENT RESUME ED 035 317 24 EM 007 717 AUTHOR Keenan, W. W. TTTLR A Study for the Coordination of Education Information and Data Processing from Kindergarten through College. Final Report. INSTITUTION Minnesota National Laboratory, St. Paul. SDONS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO BR-8-v-001 PUB DATE Sep 69 GRANT OEG-6-8-008001-0006 NOTE 165p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$8.35 DESCRIPTORS Computer Oriented Programs, *Educational Coordination, Educational Planning, *Electronic Data Processing, Feasibility Studies, Indexing, Institutional Research, *State Programs, *State Surveys ABSTPACT The purpose of this project was to study the feasibility of coordinating educational information systems and associated data processing efforts. A non-profit organization, representing key educational agencies in the state of Minnesota, was established to advise and guide the project. A statewide conference was held under the auspices of the Governor to mobilize interest, to provide and disseminate information, and to do preliminary planning. A status study was conducted which covered all institutions in the state and included hardiare utilized, plans, training of staff and special projects and efforts that might be underway. On the basis of the conference, the status study, and subsequent meetings, a basic overall plan for the coordination and development of information systems in education in the state of Minnesota was completed and disseminated. Appendixes include a report on the conference, the status report, and the resultant state plan. (JY) 4 FINAL REPORT Project No. 8-F-001 Grant No. OEG-6 -8 -008001-0006 A STUDY FOR THE COORDINATION OF EDUCATION INFORMATION AND DATA PROCESSING- FROM KINDERGARTEN THROUGH COLLEGE W. W. Keenan Minnesota National Laboratory 295 North Griggs Midway Bldg. 1821 University Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 September 1969 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Office of Education Bureau of Research U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION I WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION Nft THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE runt PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS prN STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION um% POSITION OR POLICY. pr Final Report Project No. 8-F-001 LLi Grant No. OEG-6 -8-008001-0006 A STUDY FOR THE COORDINATION OF EDUCATION INFORMATION AND DATA PROCESSING FROM KINDERGARTEN THROUGH COLLEGE W. W. Keenan Minnesota National Laboratory St. Paul, Minnesota September 1969 The research reported herein was performedpursuant to a grant with the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health,Edu- cation, and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are encouragedto express freely their professional judgment in the conduct of theproject. Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore,neces- sarily represent official Office of Educationposition or policy. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Office of Education Bureau of Research TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION iii CHAPTER I Overview and Perspective.. 1 CHAPTER II The Governor's Conference on Computers in Education 5 CHAPTER III A Status Report on Electronic Data Processing in Education in Minnesota 9 CHAPTER IV The Statewide Plan 10 APPENDIX A Report of Governor's Conference on Computers in Education 12 APPENDIX B A Status Report on Electronic Data Processing in Education in Minnesota 52 APPENDIX C The State Plan (Characteristics of a Network Model for Regional Information Systems for Minnesota Elementary and Secondary School Dis- tricts) 113 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The contributions and support of the following are gratefully acknowledged: Governor Harold LeVander, State of Minnesota Dr. James Scamman and Dr. Kenneth Garland of the Midwestern States Educational Information System. The Minnesota State Department of Education with special reference to Mr. Harlan Sheely, Director of Information Systems Section The members of the Minnesota Council on Educational Information Systems who are shown below: Educational Research and Development Council of Central Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council of Northeast Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council of Northwest Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council of Southern Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council of Southwest and West- Central Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Inc. Edu-Cultural Services Center Midwestern States Educational Information Systems Minnesota Association for Educational Data Systems Minnesota Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Minnesota Association School Business Officials Minnesota Catholic Education Association Minnesota Education Association Minnesota Elementary School Principals Association Minnesota Federationof Teachers Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Commission Minnesota School Boards Association LI El Minnesota State CollegeBoard Minnesota StateDepartment of Education 4...... Minnesota State JuniorCollege System Minnesota State PlanningAgency Minnesota State Teachers RetirementAssociation University of Minnesota Upper Midwest Regional EducationalLaboratory H l 1- ii INTRODUCTION This study was carried out in relation to a number of studies in process or completed in Minnesota which were concerned with information systems and data processing. The purpose of this project was to study the feasibility of coordinating educational information systems and the associated data processing efforts. The study was aimed at uncovering the existence of common data needs among educational organizations operating at all educational levels and to provide recommendations concerning the procedures for affecting coordination and compati- bility among the several systems now being developed. The project sought to facilitate communications between educational organiza- tions and institutions and illuminate the areas where coordination is needed. CHAPTER I. Overview and Perspective. of active inter- Today more than ever we arefaced with the problem During the most ested involvement insocial problems andpolicies. president, more eligiblevoters failed recent electionheld in 1968 for It is clear that moreand to vote than at anyother time in our history. which they live. more of ourcitizens are alienatedfrom the society in size but also to an increase This is clearly due notonly to increase in in the impersonalizationof human relations. Occasionally there is atechnical developmentof enormous impor- the computer is such adevelopment. It has tance. The development of that the ability to developed very rapidlyduring the past 15 years so much more rapidly than make and use the actualmachines has moved ahead maximum use from society's ability to adapt tothese machines and get much more severe by their very great potential. The problem is made force for the fact that computers arepotentially a very powerful rapidity that they will increasing impersonalizationand because of the become available and usedby large segments ofsociety. developed, they will notonly become more avail- . As computers are their applications. able but will be far moreflexible and adaptable in used more and more for com- In education it isclear that they will be data processing kinds puter-assisted instructionrather than for narrow community must adapt notonly of activity. Therefore, the educational functions. These to changes innumbers of computers butalso in their the planning and kinds of developmentsplace an enormous burden on It is clear thatisolated management functionsavailable in education. complete chaos. efforts by various educationalagencies would be almost educational agencies It is clear that jointeffort by all of the various is vitally necessary. there Despite the fact that jointeffort is so crucially necessary, for the various edu- is relatively littleincentive or even motivation there is the prob- cational agencies to worktogether. On the other hand, is best to simply look ability that the variousagencies may feel that it It turned out that manyagencies did out for themselvesand go it alone. feel that they would have to goit alone simply becausethere was no means by whichthey could participatein planning. effort was devoted by In the first phase orpre-project era, much and identifying the Minnesota NationalLaboratory staff to locating Meetings were held interest in planning to usecomputers in education. in Minne- and a group was organizedrepresenting all educational groups This group was sota that wereconcerned with computersin education. and interests of theeduca- very valuable inelucidating the attitudes tional community. 1 After several meetings whichwere held in 1967, it became clear that three areas emerged of major significanceand may be listedas follows: 1. The need for a major involvement ofeducators, computer specialists, community leaders underthe leadership of the Governor. 2. The need to determine and disseminateinformation about the status of computers in educationin the state. 3. The need for a modelor plan that could be used to guide planning and development ofcomputers in education. The major effort of the projectwas directed in these threeareas and resulted in the followingproducts: 1. For area of major involvement, theproduct was a Gov- ernor's Conference and thereport which is part of this report and ie. entitled, "Reportof Governor's Con- ference on Computers in Education."
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