bki Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 169 (2013) 431-456 brill.com/bki The ‘Democratization’ of Memories of Singapore’s Past Kevin Blackburn Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
[email protected] Abstract In Singapore, there has been a ‘democratization’ of memory through heritage blogs and Facebook, YouTube clips of reminiscences about the past, as well as the state sponsored web-based Singapore Memory Project. Many Singaporeans are recording and making public their own memories through the digital media. Is this material mainly nostalgia rather than sources of the past that can give us a greater insight into what happened? Do these memo- ries provide counter-narratives to the official version of the Singapore past, which is known as the Singapore Story? Keywords Singapore, memory, blogs, YouTube, Facebook Memory of Singapore’s past is undergoing what has been called a rapid ‘democratization’ through blogs and Facebook, videos of reminiscences put up on YouTube, as well as web-based memory collections, such as the Singapore Memory Project, which aims to collect five million memories of Singapore. Ordinary Singaporeans can now much more easily record and make public their own memories that previously would have remained private and gradually forgotten. When the state-run Singapore Memory Project was first announced in the Singapore Parliament on 12 March 2010, Irene Ng Phek Hoong, historian and a member of the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), outlined that