L'ä?.That I Most Deeply Regret My Inability to Attend., by Lu Regard A
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. : .: .....,, I a .,1.1 i V. TUESDAY MORNING, NE J I 22. ISA. The 1'latfbrui. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNK i?3, 152. From the Pennspl vaaia INDIANA STATE SENTINEL. York city, Um following letters wer read from Hon. The following ie the platform adopted by the Whig King--. 1 Pierce aud ' -- ' , , Close or the yThc .a avas is fairly V Wo. L. Marcy and HoswD. 8. Dickipm Semn. National Convention on Friday last. The attention of opened. The Whig party BltllTT . CDltl. clofiM llie and anJonti', A&viin . ,. .. u..,. i . ..i-- .r i i i .... wm. L.MARC y. i eteruav lonset inu.t i Tin ...la-- a .i. WILLIAM J. BROWN, Editor, letter from THE hon 7" our r nig reauers iscaueu to tue ist ana resolutions. a rMuuiu ou puti-- .auuiuie upon Air A xt sheet and a (Utting tea. Albakt, Jane 8, 1&62. oi tno legislature ever held m Indiana. In a single WitU loud Wiu Nlchola PleaaSnl J That platform, and the candidate upon it look bassai unto tu ir. at- - MeCarty, A. Hackleman, David at I "W TS- - Okntleme: I have received your invitation to aession, including hort Oar henner proudly 1 AVA POT a recess, the entire body of the , p. is Ring; V A a A UJUT tend the meetiBg of the a9semble0 Democracy the Holloway, Schuyler Colfax, John H. Bradley, John i tne! The platform of one complexion aid the can uas oeen And let tue tbemm meet it tkeie city or New York at Tammany Hall, to ratify the nom- - general ias revised, and general law havo D. De frees and the thousand other Indiana Whigs who of quite another. The former tkinlly indorses MONDAY MORNING, - , Inscribed with Pierce and Km( . viws?i ia2 ,or Vice been to J ioalions of tfae pesldent and Presi enacted meet the variety of waMs hitherto I cadidates vat have been heretofore troubled with Free Soil aenti- - 'he compromise, the latter is the champion of the Free Ay let them bear your baut hont. dent, recently made by the Democratic National con- provided for by our local legislation. The task of revis ments, endorse the ! l ing of the Whig What will Seward and To dare taem to the National Democratic Kominutions. vention. I very much regret that I cannot be present Fugitive Slave resolution? Neu party. fray, be most happy ion has, on this occasion been unusually severe. It was his mulatto friends think of the platform, and will Vota Democratic betrta api tug oa on that occasion to join them, as I shood a a rerront. what - an tn conftdence mese notiu- indispensable requisite every j today. to do, in expressing a hearty concurrence in that provision of the The Whigs ol the United States, in convention as-ne- the South say to the candidate? The candidate for Vice nmuoa and proceedings of that body. code shot J be conformed With load aucra, mc. the other to the new Constitution "enabled, adhering to the great conservative republican President ?s a southern man, it is true, but more in name Of NeW ol the dis 1--1 I I . 1 . .' Ii, , . .1.,... - - - -- .1 .. I FRANKLIN PIERCE, Hampshire. My knowledge of the political character y .1 in, i:,... .. 111 With oresePted for our suffrages, and North Carolina, though in the hear, of Justice on oar aide array"J. VICE-PRESIDEN- f . tineuishod Democrats , FOR me to will ZnsÖ degree apparent when Our prineiplea well kanwa inv Dersonal acauaintance with them, enable it is 0riUilwAmerican".7neonla. with n hidmo nnnfiden . their the South, is becouiine a manufacturing State, and i be- - . On HI R. kl.Nli. of Alabama. 1 that their' cormpiioti ia dUplayed WILU spealt with continent boldness oi tue.i f""""" .1 ai neny ecry siep ot progress in tue revision, capacity lor and their continued devo- - ginning to talk of protection much in the vein the of With virtue overthrown ; Electoral Ticket. Theu rho ran doubt, that v.ct.n) Democratic principles m'"ue to which might involve thousands . responsibility, tbir fidelity to Democratic J for the establishment and maintenance of which their j J, hd band in this nomination, and will not sup Will crown our hallowed ran-- .... .1 -- A attachment to the Constitution and of dollats and tho interests, to a oreatr nr 1 ... r j i..- - - . ., When battling well for liberty. STATK AT LAKGK, ...'tlnn!..:..,;.. .L- r ,ha Anmmend them to our lavoraüle Lu" -- .1 . I . ,.r o i I - 9tat.t f 1 11c. d... , ' Ti,. t ... For äqual rights and jOHN PF.TriT, of Tippecanoe County. it: ui oiaie. 11 is nut simple jus-- """"CTt .lmo it:.jv uu maies is 01 t:uJuiuiicu j omens under which the e.invass ooons law. iu.i.ii 0 and it is confined of j JAMKt If LANE, of Dearborn County. tice to the members of this Leg.slature to sa that hracter, to the exercise powers With loud hue Jtv exprel9jy granted by the constitution, and such as may be The candidate is u.st.nctly commuted to the Native Foati DISTRICT ELECTORS, they addressed themselves io the arduous task before necesary and proper for carrying the granted powers : Amerit-.- doctrine, while the platf rm is siient on tho yeara our land Ith anxunt ayaa, BEN R. J. EDMON'STON, of Dubois County. j Haa First them with a cheerfulness and energy worthy of all inl full execution ; and that all powers not thus granted longed tn hil the hour. is -- S. hject. The candidate lias tho tincture ot free aoilism oid JAMES AT HON, of Clark County. When free mm will in str-ne- th "aid o( our LP - . to the last pers.ve.ed in their laudable exer- - rwm l"e while the platform leans tuv Tnird JOHN A. HENDRICKS, of Jeflereoa County. ecTnomil administration " towards the compromise. The To cruah torrupted power. confi- - . ourth DU of Co. people confirm as I Hons until their task was completed, and they could ScJrti et EBENEZER MONT, Dearborn pnhtic affairs. Should the ay 2. The Htate ßovernmt, O.n.1,1 ,ur, i platform itself is a oerf-- terranin dl,!, m. Ja f bat I bo' l bey atrut and UUJ ' bluatrr ftrrce. iienry county. they will tue etioiceoi wie convention, betöre the body - - nw wii.LiAMiiiiusroi denlly lelieve people of the State a of laws which, their reserved rights and the General Government stis flesh foul and W.r - , . ;l And claim the White 1 1. 1 - I . I fih. J " "I - ' jir. IV Bllll III.. Iioue dome; tiixth W 1. M J. rJKvJVViSjOl Marion I'o'intr- they wili sec-ir- to themselves mis signal messing. ' ..!,-,-- u . ,nei1 ,n are not in their constitutional powers, and that the Lnion With eager hearta. Seventh OLIVER P. DAVIS, of Vermillion eiy nePd ,, the assurances that whatever I . wno" surpassed adaptation cs the doctnnei of the Democratic party. It their ranks we'll Pierre, (nty. ' Kve ovef as nUium of ,j U- - 10 the of h And send them a King home. K iehth LORENZO C. DOUGHERTY, of .,. do to hrin-- ' aout this auspicious result will bedone. wants people, lor whom they are intended, our lihartie affirms that the rovernment is on- - m limifd X r . ... .. 0 MNI ' With Ninth NORMAN EDDY, of St. Joseph C"nnty o 01 J- - loud buxsaa. Are. an) coue le.ws in tins dor-trin- e l nion. the session has ITtat, wh.le struggling....freedom everywhere en ; yet open, thä door im- - County. hr the wlnh federal of Tenia REUBEN J. DAWSON, of DeKlb ' Eleventh JAMPS F. McDO WELL. M rnt CVinty W. L MARCY. T "d natUra!,Jr.q0MtiT Wheth" fiCouT I - tber llnurock i'uuly leaaocrnti' CgayeajiN 11 Fath ' r Wa - . T . essryftt money anDOUnced nalioM for but deuies our - it.. u ..i. j r . .. tryi as in hii Farewell Address, of keening fr'lfcw, right even to propa- oaiuiuaiy, nie i.iu uny n june, A. U., I;.. , iu T h KO.M 1 Mfc HUTS UAft tt.U o. K-- ; lor such an object. W e can Democratic State Ticket. i.h rr.K im answer that we have never ourselves free from all entangling alliances with foreign gate our opinions, much less to aid others who stri- - ff he call of Use Central Committee, there . - - - are a.: s I I la m . 7 a I P'"11 11 s m a known a m countries, lolnever our own to stand npon v;n was nein at urcenneui a and numerously a'- - 0.7 V. i a .jr.o legislative body this or any other State that anuoi quitting t( fl,iiow olir al.o,,t i.ritr f .1 lJar respectable juiw u, , . ' t.c. i VOR GOVERNOR, DiM.nariH, w. , loreicn tonnd. I hat our mission, as a Rermblic. is not . tended convention o! lhe Democrat v where on motion, to i " cu "'-g'- r mi more earnest pur- - ,n JOSEPH A. WRIGHT, of Parke County. Gentlemen: ourfuvor, inviting me attend and to propagttte onr own opinion9 OI ,m pose on coun- - nuo' vet' yarded language, assumes the broadest CrI. George Tagne was chosen President and .ludco - : tuoresa a raeeun- oi tne ueraocrats at lammany haii. jK.se io serve inc .uouc interests t:ian the one which tries our form of Government by artifice or force, but to doctrines of protection. It affirms the compromise, vet Hall and John Martin F.sq Vict Presidents, and OOVBRWOR. r- . f t . r I l a a . a - ".