. : .: .....,, I a .,1.1 i V. TUESDAY MORNING, NE J I 22. ISA. The 1'latfbrui. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNK i?3, 152. From the Pennspl vaaia INDIANA STATE SENTINEL. York city, Um following letters wer read from Hon. The following ie the platform adopted by the Whig King--. 1 Pierce aud ' -- ' , , Close or the yThc .a avas is fairly V Wo. L. Marcy and HoswD. 8. Dickipm Semn. National Convention on Friday last. The attention of opened. The Whig party BltllTT . CDltl. clofiM llie and anJonti', A&viin . ,...... u..,. i . ..i-- .r i i i .... wm. L.MARC y. i eteruav lonset inu.t i Tin ...la-- a .i. WILLIAM J. BROWN, Editor, letter from THE hon 7" our r nig reauers iscaueu to tue ist ana resolutions. a rMuuiu ou puti-- .auuiuie upon Air A xt sheet and a (Utting tea. Albakt, Jane 8, 1&62. oi tno legislature ever held m Indiana. In a single WitU loud Wiu Nlchola PleaaSnl J That platform, and the candidate upon it look bassai unto tu ir. at- - MeCarty, A. Hackleman, David at I "W TS- - Okntleme: I have received your invitation to aession, including hort Oar henner proudly 1 AVA POT a recess, the entire body of the , p. is Ring; V A a A UJUT tend the meetiBg of the a9semble0 Democracy the Holloway, , John H. Bradley, John i tne! The platform of one complexion aid the can uas oeen And let tue tbemm meet it tkeie city or New York at Tammany Hall, to ratify the nom- - general ias revised, and general law havo D. De frees and the thousand other Indiana Whigs who of quite another. The former tkinlly indorses MONDAY MORNING, - , Inscribed with Pierce and Km( . viws?i ia2 ,or Vice been to J ioalions of tfae pesldent and Presi enacted meet the variety of waMs hitherto I cadidates vat have been heretofore troubled with Free Soil aenti- - 'he compromise, the latter is the champion of the Free Ay let them bear your baut hont. dent, recently made by the Democratic National con- provided for by our local legislation. The task of revis ments, endorse the ! l ing of the Whig What will Seward and To dare taem to the National Democratic Kominutions. vention. I very much regret that I cannot be present Fugitive Slave resolution? Neu party. fray, be most happy ion has, on this occasion been unusually severe. It was his mulatto friends think of the platform, and will Vota Democratic betrta api tug oa on that occasion to join them, as I shood a a rerront. what - an tn conftdence mese notiu- indispensable requisite every j today. to do, in expressing a hearty concurrence in that provision of the The Whigs ol the United States, in convention as-ne- the South say to the candidate? The candidate for Vice nmuoa and proceedings of that body. code shot J be conformed With load aucra, mc. the other to the new Constitution "enabled, adhering to the great conservative republican President ?s a southern man, it is true, but more in name Of NeW ol the dis 1--1 I I . 1 . . . .' Ii, , . .1.,... - - - -- .1 .. I , Hampshire. My knowledge of the political character y .1 in, i:,... .. 111 With oresePted for our suffrages, and North Carolina, though in the hear, of Justice on oar aide array"J. VICE-PRESIDEN- f . tineuishod Democrats , FOR me to will ZnsÖ degree apparent when Our prineiplea well kanwa inv Dersonal acauaintance with them, enable it is 0riUilwAmerican".7neonla. with n hidmo nnnfiden . their the South, is becouiine a manufacturing State, and i be- - . On HI R. kl.Nli. of Alabama. 1 that their' cormpiioti ia dUplayed WILU spealt with continent boldness oi tue.i f""""" .1 ai neny ecry siep ot progress in tue revision, capacity lor and their continued devo- - ginning to talk of protection much in the vein the of With virtue overthrown ; Electoral Ticket. Theu rho ran doubt, that v.ct.n) Democratic principles m'"ue to which might involve thousands . responsibility, tbir fidelity to Democratic J for the establishment and maintenance of which their j J, hd band in this nomination, and will not sup Will crown our hallowed ran-- .... .1 -- A attachment to the Constitution and of dollats and tho interests, to a oreatr nr 1 ... . r j i..- - - . ., When battling well for liberty. STATK AT LAKGK, ...'tlnn!..:..,;.. .L- r ,ha Anmmend them to our lavoraüle Lu" -- .1 . I . ,.r o i I - 9tat.t f 1 11c. d... , ' Ti,. t ... For äqual rights and jOHN PF.TriT, of Tippecanoe County. it: ui oiaie. 11 is nut simple jus-- """"CTt .lmo it:.jv uu maies is 01 t:uJuiuiicu j omens under which the e.invass ooons law. iu.i.ii 0 and it is confined of j JAMKt If LANE, of Dearborn County. tice to the members of this Leg.slature to sa that hracter, to the exercise powers With loud hue Jtv exprel9jy granted by the constitution, and such as may be The candidate is u.st.nctly commuted to the Native Foati DISTRICT ELECTORS, they addressed themselves io the arduous task before necesary and proper for carrying the granted powers : Amerit-.- doctrine, while the platf rm is siient on tho yeara our land Ith anxunt ayaa, BEN R. J. EDMON'STON, of Dubois County. j Haa First them with a cheerfulness and energy worthy of all inl full execution ; and that all powers not thus granted longed tn hil the hour. is -- S. hject. The candidate lias tho tincture ot free aoilism oid JAMES AT HON, of Clark County. When free mm will in str-ne- th "aid o( our LP - . to the last pers.ve.ed in their laudable exer- - rwm l"e while the platform leans tuv Tnird JOHN A. HENDRICKS, of Jeflereoa County. ecTnomil administration " towards the compromise. The To cruah torrupted power. confi- - . ourth DU of Co. people confirm as I Hons until their task was completed, and they could ScJrti et EBENEZER MONT, Dearborn pnhtic affairs. Should the ay 2. The Htate ßovernmt, O.n.1,1 ,ur, i platform itself is a oerf-- terranin dl,!, m. Ja f bat I bo' l bey atrut and UUJ ' bluatrr ftrrce. iienry county. they will tue etioiceoi wie convention, betöre the body - - nw wii.LiAMiiiiusroi denlly lelieve people of the State a of laws which, their reserved rights and the General Government stis flesh foul and W.r - , . ;l And claim the White 1 1. 1 - I . . I fih. J " "I - ' jir. IV Bllll III.. Iioue dome; tiixth W 1. M J. rJKvJVViSjOl Marion I'o'intr- they wili sec-ir- to themselves mis signal messing. ' ..!,-,-- u . ,nei1 ,n are not in their constitutional powers, and that the Lnion With eager hearta. Seventh OLIVER P. DAVIS, of Vermillion eiy nePd ,, the assurances that whatever I . wno" surpassed adaptation cs the doctnnei of the Democratic party. It their ranks we'll Pierre, (nty. ' Kve ovef as nUium of ,j U- - 10 the of h And send them a King home. K iehth LORENZO C. DOUGHERTY, of .,. do to hrin-- ' aout this auspicious result will bedone. wants people, lor whom they are intended, our lihartie affirms that the rovernment is on- - m limifd X r ...... 0 MNI ' With Ninth NORMAN EDDY, of St. Joseph C"nnty o 01 J- - loud buxsaa. Are. an) coue le.ws in tins dor-trin- e l nion. the session has ITtat, wh.le struggling....freedom everywhere en ; yet open, thä door im- - County. hr the wlnh federal of Tenia REUBEN J. DAWSON, of DeKlb ' Eleventh JAMPS F. McDO WELL. M rnt CVinty W. L MARCY. T "d natUra!,Jr.q0MtiT Wheth" fiCouT I - tber llnurock i'uuly leaaocrnti' CgayeajiN 11 Fath ' r Wa - . T . . essryftt money anDOUnced nalioM for but deuies our - it.. u ..i. j r . .. tryi as in hii Farewell Address, of keening fr'lfcw, right even to propa- oaiuiuaiy, nie i.iu uny n june, A. U., I;.. , iu T h KO.M 1 Mfc HUTS UAft tt.U o. K-- ; lor such an object. W e can Democratic State Ticket. i.h rr.K im answer that we have never ourselves free from all entangling alliances with foreign gate our opinions, much less to aid others who stri- - ff he call of Use Central Committee, there . - - - are a.: s I I la m . . 7 a I P'"11 11 s m a known a m countries, lolnever our own to stand npon v;n was nein at urcenneui a and numerously a'- - 0.7 V. i a .jr.o legislative body this or any other State that anuoi quitting t( fl,iiow olir al.o,,t i.ritr f .1 lJar respectable juiw u, , ...... ' t.c. i VOR GOVERNOR, DiM.nariH, w. , loreicn tonnd. I hat our mission, as a Rermblic. is not . . tended convention o! lhe Democrat v where on motion, to i " cu "'-g'- r mi more earnest pur- - ,n JOSEPH A. WRIGHT, of Parke County. Gentlemen: ourfuvor, inviting me attend and to propagttte onr own opinion9 OI ,m pose on coun- - nuo' vet' yarded language, assumes the broadest CrI. George Tagne was chosen President and .ludco - : tuoresa a raeeun- oi tne ueraocrats at lammany haii. jK.se io serve inc .uouc interests t:ian the one which tries our form of Government by artifice or force, but to doctrines of protection. It affirms the compromise, vet Hall and John Martin F.sq Vict Presidents, and OOVBRWOR. r- . f t . r I l a a . a - ". . a . . . . VOM tlEPTKNANT hA rx...... w.;.nf.rr,nr-- ,nD..kanl.aaD.'Aasal. a. - la .. Z' ' w ' ' ' - ÖÄmp,c County. ' haJ,,st aJjo'imed. Errors they doubtless have com- - example and show by our success, moderation, .hrewdlv hints ' aml UeorSe Aikiaon. Secretaries, ASH BEL P. WILLARD, of Fl.yd i i R- t-- f d T t i r that thcreare noobjections to the amend- - " ' justice, theblessings of and the ad- - . . On motion, the several townahips were ca lied all re- - ; mitted. but tbev were no more than we are ment of". . av.. . I ... ia-i- TOR SECRETARY OF STATE, . a w c i w rl' u . vuu " aatasasl u era ! 10 vj I on I X . aic miu fin ii im iiirinL"aü icn i ass f ' vnf oi utitiintiona a ji cnniwici n hn I'ii'i Hl (rfi'lii iHlTC tin .m NEHEMIAH HAYDEN, of Rush County. l'Ä?.that I most deeply regret my inability to attend., by lu regard a. unavoidable in all human councils. We i Bank. Independent Treasury, 4. That where the neonl. makn ml cmiml thn r.n. Distribution. Asiomntion mittee was then annointed to determine .h n.i-- ' r de- - ' AUDlTOE STATE, reason of business engagements already too'long they ,ro,es nomi-lave- FOR Or UlJst a eueroas constituency will dtilv appreciate the ernment should obey its constitution, laws, and of State Debts, Bankrupt Law nor any other ol" the which each township should cast in making a l , , self-respe- P. DUNN, of Perry County. by the unexpected continuance the Baltimore , treaties, as they would and la - , , . . . , , nations, wlto reported in lavor of - JOHN retain their u eivinir each town- Convention By the ol my district. 1 3 ul' traue o. ro TREASURER OF STATK, unanimous voice T respect winch they claim and willeulorec from foreiirn V shin hut one vote which was adopted, whereunon the Was sent a deleaate to that convention, with the exnec lne hallow ariifiue F.I. UAH NEW J, AND, of Washington Cunty. powers. l'a"y and insincerity are stamped several townships retired to prepare their ballots, after tation tuai i woniu cmpioy an nonoraoie cnorts to pro. - s . I be Government should be conducted princi- - upon its every leature. It is not dilficult from wincb the Convention proceeded to which result- Fl.R JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT , " uiwn to trace ballot, cure tne ion ot cass an on : ed in nornina wenerai expectation, i elegraph.c intelligente reached this nly yesterday pies ol the strictest economy, and revenue sufficient for snuh a beginniiiir the the nomination of William Handy for Represents- - WILLIAM '.. STUART, of Caas County, I ruin and defeit which mUSt a a rm w wa - which had neither 'be right nor the inclination to dis- - j Lae- 11. r DAVISON, of Decatur County, noo o( ... nolllin,lloll n Rmn u INri,1T Scott lhe expenses ol an economical administration of the - utc, jonn usDorn lor anerin, jonti Uarrett lor 1 reasu I ' mi a . ANDREW altnniirrh nt r mi m v a n., nr.! nntlitliMlnH-- at- Iia ' "l i . s . c lOll.'W innilinl iaa - i rr,- - , . i I iiiut-n- in iimi-- peace, on lit tt ilfl iV.'d Dill rer, Daniel S. VVilkiaaon and James for j r i vovci - oi til 'I Tyner County SAMUEL E. PERKINS, of Marion County, time of my appointment, rendered my position both i nw may he consuiered a triumph the u.eely nim . . - . . . . . w d f Commissioners, James V. KdanonsM for Recorder, B. ADDISON L. ROACHE, of Parke County. - Jelicate and embarrassing. With what fidelity I dis- Sewtrd Abolition Whigs ol the North over the Clay duties sound policy requires a just disci Imination, He dou't follow the Drum. G. Jay for Surveyor and Joseph R. Tharp for Coroner FOR REPORTER OF THE SUPREME COURT, charged my trust, let the impartial pen of history record. Union yfhis of lhe South. whereby suitable tncouragement mav be nflbrded to The following cominuuication from Hon. Thomas D. Whereupon the Convention appointed the following County. - aj HORACE E. CARTER, of Montgomery It is enough for me to know that my course was greet- . . Vinerican all - named persons a ' ,n,u,MrJ riiuallv in rlau' a"u to all por- Walpole of Hancock county, was handed us delegates to District Convention to be ed Great unanimity iniiM have nrevai cd, inasmuch a yesterday. fi.-.- iij tiie smiles of aoove, at the - liahl at nn(IUf..ft nn il,. C.i.,. 1... f I ior..i FOR CLERK OF THE 8PPREMF. COURT, approving angeis time, , , , Hons ol the country. The Constitution vests Con- , wie in Mr. m alptde has vi ' i oiuiviuii wi nisi uaiuium oi i'iüi.sl. J.'. WILLIAM B. BEACH, of Boone County. anu mat IM Mn i trou was uierauy sirew;n witu ocon received one ei,riorm cole more man tea necetnir gress the power to open aud repair harbors and remove always been one ol the most active or at such other time as mav be ceJ on. to nnmln... v u-ir- i - "I wc i aiaaa iiius- ; anU FOE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, iTiiiio .tniiui uui iuoi nominate h tin obstructions from navigable rivers. It is expedient that influential Whigs in Indiana. He was the Whiir a Democratic candidate for Judge of the Com t of Com- - tii iii statesmaa upon whom our expectations nave cen W M ( I.ARRABEE, of Putnam Cowty. These Whigs thought it a ureat evidence of discord Von&ress hould exercise such power whenever such Presidential Elector in this District in 1S48. Thousands mo? au a stale senator lor the Counties .I Han- - - M 1 W I tred Em the first office in tho gift of a free people was a r nrm.A.., j a... a. I. at aW.lp n f I a a a. a VI .11 . a.,... T.U D T . II t miiMUiciiiciin älü IICJe?Srt:V tIJT IIU' LMimillCJIl UeienCe '- uu vvtii. wmx, Jt'illl JT. Xai.K, JTVICII- - it the Democrats should have balloted y'ury-nin- e - t i L...tave heretofore voted the Whig not selected, we can unite our congratulations that 'hat tinet anj f, :if nriiteotion nnd failitt. nf rm moroa xt--it IS llokett Me,g the ard DobbinSi Jam;.s Hlirictt) Si.UOn A Williams. Daniel - was spontaaeously conferred upon one so eminently wor- two-third- s M lilinm Williams and Ashbel Willaid, llnder the rule, helore they maJe their :.lmost foreign nations or amono the States, said improvements PartJ' abandoning principles for expediency and availa-- ' New, John Stephens, Samuel Hottle, George W. Sain-th- i. Iree-wil- as the l offering of the Democracy of the in ( andidates for Lieutenant liovernor. will address their frlloiv m s nominB(lon and roJilMod ,ha( haimonions leing every iasUnce national and general in their bility will follow this noble example. pie Benjamin F. Caldwell, David Huntington, Levi I well, and t tiiiens aa follows : Union. know, and know Franklin Pierce . character...... Smith, Jamea Frost, William Frost. Isaac Barrett. hieh-minde- v A 1 V 1 d - '"ggery would make a choice on the second or third UUl) : 18 ireeuurgh, liersuir ro.. VednesUay, June 23d. at o'clock, William R. Kinc Two more and honora- 6. The Federaland State Governments are parts of! ' JU"e "; 'D James H. Leary, Levi Leary. Levi Dobbins. David P. M. w J- ble men have never lived. They will do honor to the ballot. What will thev think when it is known that tin-part- y one alike for Brown, Esq.. Nir Opposed as lam to the Caldwell, Wm. Caldwell, Perry Versailles, Ripley co., Thursday. June 21th. at 1 o'clock. P. M. system, necessary the common prosperity J. Brmegar, Rexin its rtandard-beaiers- , 10 for- - at 1 which has selected them as c,er it peace, and seoirity, and oujrht be e,ect,'on of Scotf lno Presidency, yon will please Perry. Reuben Barnard, James M. Ely. Samuel jwreutpuiujii, IJcarborn Co.. Friday, June 25ili. o'clock, a majority rule, required fifty lhree balloting to . to regarded alike with sv Shocklv. ac- - a a . a . - W aa r , ... .1.1.. . t I a I a . - . . p nd to the stations to which they will be elected by a - ",c y t. -- li ..' K cordial, habitual, and romovab e Re- rreaioeiiuni eiecuon. evin ueeves,- James 3lcU icrrv, bird l.acv, T nominale a w candidate by the tkin of their teeth. attachment. ul" Shadnck Aurora, Dearborn ro , Friday, June 25tb. t o'clock, P. M. clamalion. The Democratic party, which has been un- - '"S THOMAS D. - spect for tho of and WALPOLE. H. Arnett. James Dunn. John Collins John Tmri;n .- I authority each acqiiiesence in Kising San, Saturday. 96th. at 1 o'clock, P. M. - .. . . . i ir ' . v e .. uru: :n i. - i. i -- i . a. . the Ohio Co.. June f anu Dy tno.l 01 tne TL.mo in nnuc.i u a mucn uaroer joo Varay. Sarttxcrland co.. MoDdar, June th, at 1 o'clock. P. M lortunaieiy aistractcti oiviueu, action aauigpanv t" jnst constitutional measures of each are duties requited George Y. Atkiton, Joseph R. Tharp. B. B. Gray Baltimore unam- - M idlaon, .Irfferson co., Tuesday, Juiip 29th, at 7 o'clock, P. M Convention, is united upon the men elect "Old Fuss and Feathers" than his pccnliai friends by the plainest consideration of national, of State and Higiifalutei) at the Deep Diggings. James Ross, John Rynearson. The Convention by a mously designated, and upon a national platform which p' individual welfare, I . ca again6t two, determined in lavor Jid to nominate him The Mil; . Hn . ... it... , ,. r l"wns"ips ean be read without magnifying classes, and undei stood thlrtv-fim- in .fc., at me uuiiiiuauuu ui ? llift DemoerM f for (",.. That tire series ol acta of ihn t p,,,,ro.a . 0 takin ....ie candidal - - Snitnrtn. A in i's However, undc all . he ;u,d in view .'114 statement has been published several papers without the aid of a dictionary It now upon its ccmiuuces f. k J; Scott breaks lorth n the following lofty style. Madison county if the Democracy of Madison counts ancient footing, and the road to an old fashioned the the in this State that the indictment against Hon. J. S. He- upon remarkable unanimity of Convention, which eluded, aro received and acquiesced in by bare - to a candidate for that office, and in 1 the Whio par "The announcement of the name of Gen. Win- w'1 I,resert that Uinttvri' . at aaa...... I . it a am. a ster, for forging for a soldier's 'lt.t"l nominated hi field Scott for the first office within the gift of peo- - ov'nt Hancock claims to present the candidate for the papers necessary securing I the have the honor to be, pie of this great, free, and prosperous Republic causes Juags'P of the Court of Common Pleas, whereupon Lack pay, was quashed the late term of the V . S. Dis- - carry a mini at With kind regard, your fiiend, the nublic heart m throl. with th rAiUnii... the convention instructed in favor of David S. Goodinir rlct Court Leid in this city, on thegrotind that the indict- D. S. DICKINSON large as the number of ballot required to nominate him, we will maintain them and insist upon their enforcement gallant and patriotic deeds that have illustrated for half 9 lhe Democratic candidate for Judge of the Court of ment was barred by the Statute of Limitations. This I Vit : fifty three. Pierce will get all the balance, while until time and experience shall demonstrate the neces- - a century the life of the Patriot Chief, before whose Common Pleas by a vote of nine townships for him, to in- ol legislation tw0 for ol!,er A central statement is not troe Mr Hester positively refused as The telegraphic reports of Friday evening were he is clearing his throat for his ' hasty plate of sovp " furlher to guard against the evasion of military prowess, in the evening of his days, pales the P"ons. committee was then j the law on the one hand and tho abuse of their : renown ol the phosen. with power to nil all vacancies that may occur correct in some Much was omitted To ' power on most illustrious' heroes of the world in acquittal on that ground. indictment was quashed paiticulars. n The 0"William A. Graham, of North Carolina, was the other, not impairing their present efficacy ; and we this or any other age.'' lheir own body, or of any delegates to any convention upply the deficiency, we publish the following which is by t!te Court liecause there was cant action.'' all lurther agitat.on ol the questions thus set - ; and ''no of ..ouiinatcd late on yesterday afternoon for the Vice The fame of Wellington and Napoleon, : ' ' aenalorialII,,8t"cl ufPrete Washington . . a I from AS if ' I T 1 J CI the Madison Banner of yesterday. itiiir to nnr nnarii nnri will ilitoniintonanoa - yV n ...Mi 'I UffUni .4JI l: 'Jill U I Tue general expression of public sentiment, and es- J 111 a nal T ,.L . anil v I I. .1' . , i XXJ I ? R a 7 R I "l". . J . . Presidency by the Whig Convention. llt'WS i , nw iL. leach' nl aaflnrUaa tri n..nrinns - rPnove artilat'iAr. ww aic uc.uic me mg ue oy - June 18, 3 P. M. uaa v uiui varr i vuv n jhlut.K nrUnAio.iivrilC ; pruwosui uj periormea said committeo. :aiU committee con- pecially of the Senate of which Mr. Hester was so Baltimore, tiitaiiuti We learn that the committee on the platform has re ed here over the wires of the Wade telegraph line at 7 wherever, and however the attempt may be made; and candidate. Well, this is a free country, and a man has a s',t' of tne following persons, Col. George Tague, Ne- - useful member, aaa a .a.aa vill Reeves, a is, that the indictment was procured solved to report the Southetn platform with a few reso-- o'clock, P M. Mr. t;raham is Mr. Fillmore's Secretary we Wl" nantain this system as essential to the nation- - right to make himself ridiculous if he chooses Chilton Banks, James McKeen, Hiram, by the most desperate afcftl of one or more of his per- lotions. ,. amy oi me it mg ana me integr ly oi me t nion. lyner, John btephens. Lsq., B. B. Gray, Samuel f H the .Navy, and i evidently thrown out as a bait lor priv This evening the Convention was called to order Shockley, James P. New, Perry J. Brinegar, James H. sonal enemies, and the result, so highly honorable to Mr. at ILT live o'clock. lhe Fillmore men to nibble at. . - Our City Marshal put a stop to the bonfires on Leary and John S. Fitznatrick. The convention an- - Hester, has given sa li -- faction lhe grrat throughout A -- tiinan, chaii man of the on resolution A remarked to us, on bearing the news, "Who ! ' lhe night of tl.e Democratic demonstration. The Whig Pointed the following named persons delegates to tbe committee ' The editor of the Ohio, . iaß-afcH- Ironton, Register (Vh,g) Congressional and Judicial Circuit Lysan- - community. presented a report, saying they had adopted resolutions Tl .I il.m'i L,w,i. a" iKa, .... , ... Conventions: ... Li. .u,u ..a n.c li his "p i ning irom earnest boyhood icnown lien. Fierce, j ' der Sparks, John Hubbard, Seth Walker James Tvner with almost entire unanimity as received and as presented a i i . U- .1 -- - - r--. 1 ,irL at : - .,n.l...-L.- .. i. r .L- .1 r, 2 .,' a.. .1 110 - ir nn - .v.') - t r.. hows, aim saiu. 01 ouuin is uoiiiiiitt- umioi io .nich uo is. no anon iioui wuiuiy a!:i anu tne giori-;' Mnoograss, 1 nomas XVlcKennon . Hen- - tflT'JuNF's one of the in bg the Southern delegates and published in the Philadel- uraiiaui, Liiiuiin.i hm riANKLia uir munai, avid L. Fkknih Ciaccs, beat the 1 " Wo lknil.rl,l lV.,r,. l1Ä E R tvr. was born about fifty years ago in Hillsborough Robert phia papers. tAt. WW V. ällUUi:it, 11 Will lUtllTT 'IIT Vi IHÜ WinVT ..r..11 o ions" chpps who hicconglafd hnzzas for Scott were un- - backer, Wallace. Joseph Wright, Reubeu A country, will perform in this city on Saturday and Mon-lay- , county Sew and Benjamin Choate is now delivering an speech. Hampshire, is the son oi Rilev, George Y. Atkison, David S. eloquent ihat the Whigs wot.ld scorn to nominate an obscure Pierce who was high Sheriff for oleted. Had they been Pierce men, most probably, g Thoma? w,lTarr" the 3d anJ 5th of July. Amsn j ths article of this Skcond Evening Despatch. Choate concluded of that county many Jams Fr0,t John man. -years ; Governor of the State in the vears 1827 and 1829. it would have been otherwise. Wonder if the Marshal Rotiert I.. Chamber H H Hull ic.,! Circuis are several French Utiles, whose daring feat amid tremendous cheers. . Z. i in a and withal a Revolutionary soldier. ' The ' - - RnrVr IimWl."'--T - lather was a will VI Snider I.awiaw nwJnhn . t . Gen. in ad- a - lilt.:,..Ji: '.,...,.1li KvflUVWa I'Utt . " - J vmm Alir.rrtio.i n,, a. 'UEIn.,..jIIBIU, ot s Anderson, of Ohio, followed an eloquent " lt horsemanship are superior to the best male eqnes-trian- Compromise very illiterate an dress, sustaining the resolutions. He was The Resolution. man, unwavering Democrat, and an Samuel Heavenridge, James W. Edmonson, Laban E. in the vrofid. repeatedly unsullied patriot, both and son The Boston Post Mr. Green, one of the editors of, father were flaming Draper, Charles Hood, Jesse Cook. Rezin Perry , interrupted by enthusiastic cheers that make the build- V James men f and an3 Monday night the higs ratified by a liberal con- - ing shake. winch, was a member of the late Convention-th- us d.v Jack,so,n la lhe, tltD. Adams Jackson, H. Leary. Levi Leary . Levi Dobbin,, John Reeves, Sia, i It Kaaaa Um. C . - .1 -1 I . .1 ' TT ml I that eanblm am ...... i - r lTl I II iJ"Tbe following advariiseme it appoa.vd in ike Pitts w uciivt i uui. i niiaiiii una iic.ciliai.f iircu siiijclicu ui tiiujhiuh ui imi t is. in y " tj iio.rb iii'Kt altü 9iUlü9 . VT nunilllgion tii.U ö. CaiUweil.l. The eighth resolution was amended as follows : i lies the scene in that body on the adoption of the plat- r. being anything else but the fiercest sort of a radical i. Tne following resolution : busgh Statesman, twenty. six years ago: Resolred, That the series of acts ol the thirty-firs- t The Journal savs lht gathered from town was unanimously adopted form. It will be seen to be uttlerly at variance with the Democrat. Rttoh ed, we Congress, known as the compromise, the fugitive slave 1 ery That fully approve of the nominations Son. nun Fire." C'OBTT. "He is an eloquent speaker, a fierce declaimer, a man and . om the country-v- ! The bonfires o( p, if ä Gev FaAN.Ktls Wm King af)d ,hal aw by maueuy - . - a a a R a a . a included, are receiver! and acouiesced in the ".awnicni ui" r.iciiing rosi: . aWa E I S . I a .J I m . a I a a . mm r PROCKF.DIXG, AMD SCDDEN -- " snrewuness- -a complete wire untu miun.g.u, next morning at unywenk, ihey we endorse and adopt the Baltimore platform of 1852, Whig party of the United States as a settlement, in of uT-l- . oiau BARBF.ROL'S The next work was the adoption the platform. T The subscriber has no hesitation in On this point there was a most L". " J h ' were an neaps oi smouider.ng ruhhisn, excepting one, a ia.iaaiijpract.ee r.; z-z- ' " endeavors-iw- ays says I F"' informing his friends and on 21 . . never tai. Convention adjourned.B"7 customers, that the day . zi . r- . . rH - zz . .. . . " " VT u tz.iiioco.miry.nnu auiuu. yrc.icr Hnl- f . tt- Democratic watebfire, which was still burning brightly of the present month, April, a writ of Fiery Facias was a""" '":ri...: . GEORGE TAGUE, Pres.dc.t eonccrneu, we win maintain tnem andr insist npon their mity as to the manner in which taese wants ' jiild be i in sennd on his shop, which ejected him from the V.....,. front of the Capital House. Long live Sloan! it IT i Eat to ...foreeraent until time and experience shall demonstrate met, than was anticipated. The good fceli .g, Ll Ta., ! T U.i, t tie IVett, or side of Wood JE? ! h ,h v,ce 'res m. Court street, directly opposite tbe necessity of further legislation to guard against the sire for union, the determination to stand am RfSI jgP .VSST JohnMartiv far-fame- the smokiog ruins of his eld and d stand, or ' JW& Por .he Daily Indiana State Sentinel. Georoje W. Sample, ) evasion of the law on the one hand, and the abuse of liberal, and truly national platform, were from the first ?e " " öecl 8 Moscow in miniature, next door to the noted Temple Geohue Y. v. oj their power on tha other, not impairing their ef-- auspicious; and l.en Governor Brown, of Tennessee, fne c' tl 2 En. Sentinel Having spent a lew hours litis morn- Atkison, lnuuctnee. He U happy to say that the goat has escaped dcaey:andwe deprecate all lurlher agitatf--n 'annonneed Jleli'u hr.ÄatFal?laHaÄ ing on business connected with the movements of the of the informally during the ...lottng, that a large vVrtirev io-wo.o- with little injury, and not a single hair of the monkey's I (For the Indiana Stale .Sentinel. ty. nad agreed tOi - - .a . tmirlba aa n State Agricultural Socieiy. was much surprised to find k I a tail has been singed. His gallery oi Paintings has re- - is iu me nomination, llie A.'Zlafr saVS: All in Ell. va I . I ... Iiscontmue all efforts to continue or renew such iigita- a platform, there was oeneral toy iu the Convention : .id tne citizens ol place so little interested in the de- - 1 lie 1 crtl nnu o ol '- .s a ' unuei slIieil Ji'ls lice's ceived additional brilliancy from the illuminatio.i and his o..n ...1. I I ,l...... o.:n -I .1. e ... i . . . it nomination coupled with that o Mr. Kin,., lor , ,hi ' mmu w ue usages..." o, .i u was uc-tc- Z- eision lh;i, j, dxa made nexi Monday, which fixes tbe laiure and others who have been no w so ' rr!,"TLT:u..... ",nj. tne party, Vj).e pre,ide,.t in way caCMUted to ,rin." Razor aad Scissors are completely case hardened tie made;: and we will maintain this systemli as essential 5".'.B"u.Pmined selected vo - place at which tho F.iir of said is to be held. House since the by to wait until candidates were before ' I same was taken Mr. D. C. Minick need Ii. or no is VV":,; . . t . Wei, all ihat a good deal for Ä tie Zlr i . a to In plain English, he ...... i Whaf, sharpening. to- ' Ii.... n.n.,. it,., ,,,i .....i,. ..,.1 .1... I I v .: i i i uri v. ... I, i . . is.aymg iiiiiuiiaui il.Lii ..ill's til i null Lin L"" ui iiiii, fill rfiiiifiiiiiiv iii'ii n'.r ffi.li ii' ill. TW risatin dotmoittee M solicit subscriptions for the the present proprietor, take in testi-chose- n Head-Quarter- OT J " " pleasure besring mow fully reinstated at his JVrir Jackoiiian Ika, Tlmmmm, ' l,", c i J than purpose ot" this the tucy were wnu oome A securing as point, have made mony to the gentlemanly and agreeable hospitality irceiveu greni ,h ..i;, fc t. . . of mJLmmtmmm unnti, Of bo. ... . , . I I where he hopes long to flourish the Concave, or CmlLmmwmJ - --TTTi 11 , t IM JtMNtcr takeshimto ik.Ill I, t(. i,-.- ,wO ...... A . I . I - . ..aUa...... - II.,. I 1 i llllerfl I'll irlfi lit K.An rA Ilm"-v..-- .,.. u ' ' iw,,u..u ..Iun.. ,.L.U.I PS...'. flu- Ol Ol .11 Ht'M oio iiiuuut-.- well allow 11 II il Ulli I Silll I, 1. :. Ai..rtu , n!- 1 mo,.CIo, ao iur nonesiy, activity, L- l-- i mg Darlington's superior Scargill Convex, to the entire - i ... I : i v. -.- "J "CKei of one lculated to win. that we haHaiii k " io iiiciiiutis n.i'ig icurrsi.. in men ui ocuiir jtocaci s approved; wnue me new resoiuuons. suggested uy tne -- ..a-av. af- - r- - jr. profwwmw success, lue amount"""V""suoserioed ruu promptness 01 n.s servants in tneir Rttentions to as-- t pretty generally coi ou m satisfaction of all who know him, but to the utter iiccucu an nanus. vin. cnq. alwillt iS.)i) one-tlnr- d mm - I from a and Teaches mst - of- tliA thnce la ho enll tliia u.-ii-n. . .I , certain candidate, denied the of - arannnt ten. at. LT...1 1 existence prcaent condition of the country, which contained the J ' nL...nt,i, . II 11 ,il i .f. IUI U 1 1 1 C I nishment of Travelers and others. III- - til,. - . ..1 A . I . l 1 such ol' - . - lllreil eiMTeiK of. l.Vlll.' Kna- , mwil Anna mm, fr . f inii.t li.c . , r... . . , i I -,r letters. frank guarantees of tbe party on the sectional issues - j "" ...... u u o u ..Iran,i iruuru nie , nnu April 10. 1826. E. F PRATT, Tonsor. - How mem. a ueiegate irom r lorida said tne BMffiU.ri iron ir- the day, so free from local asperity, so nobly national, ii grieves strange to me that every hotel will not give from $100 , we are sure that travelers ami boarders will Hud ii tn ginia had such letters. so soundly constitutional, were received with immense i tie opposition journals are in great tribulation on to ifiHHl to secure the privilege o making a cool thou- - their advantage to call at the Carlisle House where ayß. Cin-omtiat- i, Botts then read the letter referred to, in which he applause. When resolution acquiescing iu the Com account of the National Eemocratic Convention having sand or two. The experience of Hotel proprietors in every attention will be given to their comfort F. Saodtord, (of Sandlbrd and Park) of the : - , ind chtroes 1 1 . I . . 11. n r ' . 1 says: ''I will wriie nothing to the convention or to measures was the was - iiomiimicu.1Tr rana insicau oi ouruanau, ;s, or omer rsiates. on i.Ke occasions, te;is a very ia:r story as reasonable. Con-nersvill- promise read, cheering treinen- rieree and associates, are establishing a bank at e, any individual be! jro the nomination ; but, should 1 be dous. The members again were on their seats, and the some other man that was prominent belore the Lonveu- - to profits. In truth, tbe omnibus of each hotel will AG. HANN A, A. J. BOONE. Indiana, with a capital of flOO.OUO, which will nominated, I will, in my letter o acceptance, express most intense excitement ruled the assemblv. These tiou. Thev think that these gentlemen have been badly i clear twice the amount of the heaviest subscription. EMANUEL WITHERS. L. C. DOUGHERTY, go into operation soon alter the first of July. myself as strongly in favor of the compromise as I did resolutions had been submitted to the leaatias men 0fitreat call them great statesmen and honors to the Every burlier shop, every bakery, every grocery everv THOMAS WASHBURN. THOS. A K1NNARIJ. , n v.r li i.. . . r.: . n . . .i .. ... , i .U. i : . . .. 1 - . i , .. n . i . . i. . r. : i . . U ....) ..a...... : i...... 1 io juii uciorc. oy me same to my iiieuus, uotts, Citaie. norm and souih, and it needed no debate to carry ""u "Bl s0, mem on m, nuu ich us mat me lauuie io up auu sunt u yt pmuiciic i iu icu nines mel amount ROBERT NEWELL, JAS. P. MILLIKEN, Jones, and others." them. was by And nominate some one of them is a procedure "subversive of anv subscription made by the respective proprietors HIRAM KXOWLTON, HENRY Dele-gal- e The platfrrm adopted acclamation. ECBE8T, DetH or I Delegate. Horace Gay, Esq.. a - Botts then read a resolution, approved by General thus the principle as well as the men of the National j f lBe principles of true republicanism.'' What by poo- of the same. And shall we let the ten thousand dollars THOS. S. GUNN, MILTON WALKER ' to the late Democratic Convention from Rochester, Scott, in favor of the compromise and in opposition to Oemocratie party are now fully and frankly belore the r'8'' " ' not known that these lamentations are feign- - that would otherwise be left in ibis community be scat-slaver- , June 12, 1S.VJ. N'ew York, died at Baltimore last Thursday, of pleurisy. agitation. people. The platform c mes up to the mark of thele(l' If Gen. Cass or Mr. Buchanan had been nomina- - lei ed among the more liberal and consequently more Archer, ol a.,said this letter was read herewith crisis in lhe history of the country. le" om Maine to Lalilorma, every federal parrot dese. ving people ol Yv ayue, ot Putnam, or Jeflerson or Suit ide. On Saturday morning, George Sin nip, of no unders'anding with Gen. Scott beforehand There I would have uttered the contemptible tales about "he Shelby? I trust ..ot. Our central locality our facili- - Logansport, Indiana, out his throat at the American n, '"Dr. Hatnes, the Phrenologist, is still at the Cap- was no in n "DroKen Demo, for a horrid from - collusion this matter between Gen. Scott and jr-l- hi aermon at the Masonic ast Sunday sword," "extra pay," tne "last drop of ties transporting, to our place, citizens from all parts manner, the effects of which he died yes- ha4 E7 aä , ... , fill KillmräSa . ' ital House, and will he pleased to give any one a chart. lim.air .4v a. ,.. . i a a a e kl cratic blood," and "ten cents a day. ceitainly can be easily seen. These considerations will tcrday morning. The deceased Iks been partially de. m . m I Ft ftf Via-- ti t ' I U a I I . O . . I I .1 I I a - a .. T . . - k aa Ml Oll 'I III UJ,W Will" iirM i i ... " JJayton. ol IN. J., said that he communicated the reu- - ''g. a"ur fow they are heartily grieved that seme ol our great have their weight; but a little moie of the needful rangedlielor some weeks, and....bv tu advice of his nhvai an- - les. ba a rl'ords any ? General Pierce's Shortcoming. olntion referred to, to Scott, but never receired any I English language scarcely more j men have not been nominated. We befeve that they are ready cash must offered by the committee of our c'nn was on his way to visit fiiends near LnÄMatai s wer from bira. sincere in their lamentations; but their sorrow flows county society, or we will have the chagrin of seeing His wife accompanied him. Just as tbey were to The Whigs complain of the Democrats in not bring- apt, elegant, and pointed. start Cat tel asked Bous if be had not auother letter from ,' , . . , from a different source from that they would have us others reap the harvest of our own sowing. he rent to bis room, opened his trunk, out bis ing out the merits of the Democratic We Kerne mnercu to mm who has no is tok candidate. Scott in his possession if the delegate from Syracuse jojs, other joy, j They behold the enthusiasm with which the A CITIZEN FARMER. rautor, went to tho mirror, and taking a fair view, cut a assure them, that tbey shall have no cause to complain oo,i ive. district, New York, did not tell Scott that, if he wrote a lho a egga dreams of, but never tastes iu nominations are received by the masses of the Democ- - Our friend, the editor of tue Locomotive, will tremendous gash, reaching from ear to ear, severing his on this point between now and tbe election. confer a letter, he would lose 'be free-so- il support. his waking moments." racy every where united, they know that Whiggerv is great lavor by introducing so much of the above as he windpipe, but not quite reaching bis Jugular hen Bot to make up for onr delinquency, the Whigs are to his for Botts said he had no more letters, but asserted Scott bank-note- doomed, and that Frank Pierce, if he lives until the 4th niav consider proper. thev went room him he was on the floor wel- - not slow in bringing charges nomi- hopes are like broken s never serious against onr to be in favor of the platform now presented. He theu of March next, will he inaugurated President of these tenng in his blood an awful sight. He lived about nee ; and for fear that any part of his life should escape and becoming and worthless. asked C il intended for very safe, daily more more l nited I his source Daily twenty-tw- o hours, but was insensible to the virtuperaiion they his very ittel he had io vote Scott under Maie. is the Irom whence their Por Ihr Indiana State Sentinel. last. Cot um. their start with biitb. They any circumstances. They are the worst investmei'. a man can make, for the sorrow flows. Pennwylranian bat Journal, June 14. complain bitterly, To the Public. Cattel said that under no circnm&tancea would he vote 1. That be was born at all. more he has of them the poorer he is." A lor a man opposed to principles dear to him. Card. It n known to many that my.name ha been Sice.ness on the Plains Emigrants Returning. They tell all foreigners not to vole for him because The immens crowd which filled the Hall at an arly Exhibit of the Evansvili.e and Illinois Railroad mentioned in connection wilh the office of Sheriff of Botts said this was no answer P.llffOWV 1. t r. ,m 11. I... The VubR, down from tbe Missouri on Saturday was born in the United whose . . - . " T ,' n...na.i innni'iv.ratml oy be States, Constitution i.l -- A -- L ...... viimnii td., ho lit wlonli Mr K thil , " in. vinuifiii niwuiiii'iairu. . . . i. inc Marion county, and that the partiality of some or my -rlia,.v I' r hour 1 inan-r- hü. noon ... . brought to this city thirty gentlemen who had ui. wmm aamik.i wno oUi in -f - - left the excluded all adopted citizens forever being President or i L.egisiaiure oi tne Slate oi Indana on the MOM ol Jan- Inends will induce them to place il before the county r,l,er in., affection and memory of the people of Indianapolis, 1849, frontier for California, and had travelled nearly 200 Vice President, ami uary, and organized by the election of directors convention. Jn view of this slate of things, a report Botts then continued that he merely rose-t- repel an -- .. , , . miles across the Plains. They belonged to rat ions com- 3. Tbev tell the Catholics not to vote for him, because , ad officers on the 18th of August, of the same year. circulation, alliances i nstnuai .on against acott. g.. bat been put in that improper and rutnie. all of whom bad suffered mote or less from tke in de- Us were construct a railroad from he was born New Hampshire, whose Constitution 11., n . . , I DM.I. . I I I . ifinu I IAH ' have been made and entered into between uuiivoii ranru...11. ouus iu uiuei adr ttance and were thus deprived of the nr .;,u xlZZZ" 1:.., . iZ . v.m", arranpomenis ravages of the cholera. These gentlemen became dis- - bars all Catholics from office. .tl m oi anu my- - Choate then rose and disclaimed any intention to of b I, , i ', T mTT unniei McMmien rrnnaim lownamn, hearten at the prospect before them, and wiselv con- - Tbe first charge is a serious one in tbe eyes of aC.in hearintr hn ..reach will .leased to know .Zii .uv.u w. v. Zu we every eulogise Webster, but merely to advooale the adoption - " ' . .ij .. iv auiuiuiii seil, to tne etieet, mat are io am eacn otner in our c ndud m ninrn Tho Vol.. . r - "j .. y ust ra.iroads, at the camtal o the , Whig. If Pierce never had been born, be never could of the platform. ,ial the same in manner, style, and senti. converging Ind.anapol.s, miItua efforts to be made Sheriff. I am at a loss to had among her passengers forty men who rJtl 1. St tc and also to construct one imnortunt link of a . i . 1. i. 1 i. wc Frestdent in aJ or this unlortunnte error Mr. ,upnt , on-- , . rfn. unow uy a uc u , Botin said the honor of the comiiromise belonged to that he was when among a few years ago . i . . i i i wiim jirocesa siicn reun uuiicru lor Calitornia, who. nivm hearinu the d sconran nr. i f i now i 15 i. - nai '.ii aii imiiuAU?, uti to ill :iiiu rganizing, and the busy tongue of misrepresentation has not in. raeivwl from th Pia aaa - " .i V c,y- - d,d fo Choate s advocating Web- - ly improved in every respect w..,. second still ' T "e. . nt Nf uniting the lakes of the North, with the sea board ol the The is more serious. native to be tbe . i .. formed me. neither has the author of the rumor stated St , .am m tha raanintin.. . m j.i.,'.i.i,:. imJ am , imi uiijDcicu io ma licpircimiiii uitvivQ., . , i Tnhr von inen nominee for an office, from w hie h the foreign born are South. In t i.i nnlilm inn in n cfwcs ol the al ptred consmrani'...... : ' - .1 I n . moved adoption of the a - I a - r-- . o. a auBjicious anu r 10 Botts then the platform. 111 - TV uioio pcriou, ail OM8 DSCr the The company has now built and in Opera- . excluded, will lone him vote all For Ko.-T- New success Im, pvar had tili-- . iTfMil fortune to nosspss tlip ,u I . the of those foreigners Piercr akd h. York Daily Star . ranManna.. ijii e. . r i that the line lying fin ill, smut: n i, i. uu Him who are not naturalized. heretofore a neutral has hoisted the Pierce and tio.n Ptionof between Evansville, and good will of many persons who differ with me on - . and Princeton, from depot to depot 27 J miles, with the I The third will work more serious injury yet. Irishmen colony ol sixty persons, gathered Irom Ioith- 1 ii political principles,i and should always reel proud A (Gen. u K; fl iL7 i r to! Scene. Scott and his lid walking M-- ac n n,l ..Kn,n K-- w York- - .11 ami nas oegan ne oattie maiiluiiy in the exception or a few hundred yards Princeton, - - - cmaIi am I lO .. I aa I . . mm , PrHv-- -- at now Io muri I 1 f.. a. ... Germans are peculiarly anxious mrm - , 'It - . t li. r.i.n1.L:.M HI.. JJ 1: , u anl to set np, and sus - ...... l .. ' . i i umi n n.c in 4 ne i ii r s imu 1 iu n fl ClOs rw- "iram louu -, ir rat uui t It COai f around k im I I ui.. . I. a- ., iniiui i ,r. a . T a - v.j l .u I. .. r)iiini.rfliin. . v . In. . . . ,, W n r., .i, u .i Iipino coin.ilclPil , ami Bluinf fom milaa ,,.,r., . . . n a ...... it w u.ii i o::. Dl:i.. y , . ana (, v, .'. i , uuu n - - or.mna...... r w l i:.:i v OO fr.-- W I l.i tain doctrines, and will be qj no ikiii rne, yet I nanra v. In ,n ' naiitm especial ui in in is inionooii icn 1 n , I ... their grnti ai ic ineo inc oiin uuai i . . i uiiici nil not ' u uriirvtu . .... a ...... i n . . ii . . .1 inose ... . .i.ir nnmai. iia. ..llllllllr U1H1kl... r-io- ... aa sanation to dou irom tne oia Uemocratic party, because (announced ry A. J . Davis, et at.) have purchased ,UUU Maine, the enthusiasm Tor the young Northern F.agle is V iu " river, in tne neari exrreot to comproruit any political position or principle .firf de Camp From the gra.iite hills Genet at the birth-plac- e of the of in miles from of 0M P?Pn,oa. -- nd ferule agricultural secure nominee de't suit them. acres land a splendid location, about 40 nf ,K. mfl.. rtl,:ra:n a.,..,., k:u i r J r,."110'1 ot Democracy, in order to the support of men of Gen Scott T vierce, to the marrow of th " 1 hon. Sorely we pity Why, O why. I regions oi me atate which is last being prepared lor the opposite I ' Pierce. was he bom to the head of steamboat navigation on the Kanawha, and . . ' ,l" ",u" the Party. am now. always have been, and and deadens hone K the Soulh. brings usassurances ol a and will be this season. ironble Wings, and why, O why, did not reform the fifty miles from Charleston, Va., upon which they nave 'st " eat. tri. triU. in operation always expect to be a radical and unflinching Democrat, jtid de Camp Bear up the South ssafl mmmA 1 ne Constitution Of New Himpwi re. before ho hm! mw nl ettlpd Thir rln ant ham cnmmnnitv nf nrrinArtv nmnbant victor V The oooal rrop hravala nn remainder Ol the line to incennes being VJ -- nrl rinnnl to anhmit to the will and BBaanaa nf mi' lam. fririk it km... his own. Sorely the Frenchman was right when he but each ia miles beyond Patoka has been located and estimated, friends read , man steward o( his own substance'1 Main ocratic Gut. Scott Ah me! That breeze. I and is ready ot way, fear, will never the charges against Pierce and exclaimed. "Vir la tabling Unity of Faith in 'he Bonds of Peace." On tbe , , , .. . mi nearly lor letting. Aad the right In reference to the above named slanderous report come to roe as once ir - - 'twere wont. Twas balmv then , we o was yes- ,s - e unueistano mat nJB. b,,t trttling will no iron- -- Ha jatell:'' C'n. Enq. propet ly are mills, a tavern stand, post-offic- and .. oj j. with exceptions, which e.ve ,iin- n.n- here- -tn atMe inlhe most nosi.iv mi evAl,.f h m .:i. . .7 '..-I.- nim lUa .11 -"- . me uroccn ar" i tic ol ..il..uy .L.rme tiovernor commissioner to pre- - ",l " r manner, that it is J false and withoutr.." itf.":,w,u"i iu.wn Among emigrants is Kv. 1. L. Harris New ierii.iy appointeu totally loundatHU. de Citmp Despond not on tha eve of the oreat - zyTt. Cleveland Plaindealer says that ibe main i ork, who is to edit a weekl paper, soon to be estab- pare the Revised Statutes lor publication, and super- - and that no arrangement, understanding, promise, or battle. General. The summer ana of York wilPsoou ! tislaed Baltimore and Ohio Railway. j rain of the Cleveland, Colombus and Cincinnati railroad, l.y the Society w,e n,s ,. an concert of action, in regard to the office of Sheriff has break forth, and make all cheerful n mienu P""ng oi wem. i excellent The its wwy down on Friday last, ran over a little child I Baltimore Pnrr.or, of the 8lh inst.. announces the existed between Mr. McMullen and myself, but op j Scott T' ... . 'I a . k . a a . . tver Uta. That sun of York is veiled in vapor from and cannot Ian to numerous completion dis-- ! eighteen month oid, breaking its jaw in and ft I appointment, gratiiy the of this work to the Monongahela river, a the contrary, I expect to support whoever may be notni, the foul tiro places, ' Tha T1. nll.r.mi I nä. . ... I. .11 l 1. I . I tevert breathed, and warms not as it should i " 7 w,e, of one twenty-lou- r every ..thsrwise injuring? it so that life is des of. i- friends of Mr. in Ihis city and lance hundred and miles this side of : nated for that and for other office, bv the Demo de its rail el It ..wm.. r. a aakj- w - L. Hester elsewhere At I 1 r-- . . . Jltd Camp I'll call your faithful servitors, . , . ... ;,; ri:mir. nuum me oniy one oi v. tu General ,l tfce uinuerianu i ne worn on tho remainuer oi tno roau is crane county convention. Sewnrd, and Orceley. and 5 - p,ay,,g Mexica Gt f w3om ihpy n t - Thad, who'll comfort sneak . j- i at t sa s so ml I. - id far advanced is it will be a mm.- x, in tl.A b-i- - n. that it calculated completed Your obedient T wrsi rtr . vuo Um. 4 . .. . ! ervatit, auu iiojii- ' ' iT rii;i- aa aaubV nrA iiuW aimiaovnrinfr. as wa aä. nw a SW LA IB a k. . J i a t I : . irucw. f j wawiaw r- ranair , I mI r v n v a .i, --- . II - r I I r V "V ,aw - . . naiam'it.1 I. If ..vIn .AH II - aaOJ Plltla, . ...niKIIIRM YPIIOrilflV liv I'll W net-nn-. ncer who took it for a chunk of wood. The' children ' sirii ail j ' j n uy iqo ISl Ol lanUHrv. BENJAMIN MORGVN. Gen. Scott No more. Tbev are the r .11 of the inconveniences of great - ezper. I h Id b- -e left by the mother alone . .. h "TT":. 7 .,?.Bn- is nr--c it in the around. will be found at the end as The r.v.nn. nn knth a ralifvin innre Townaajp, June 21, 1852. khm ho.,, n.ar - .T Thev r.,l., . .bo, Franklin woe, and will be of my death. enreu tue cnnuiaaia. wno is uesct dv tue dos on ar- - ,l , ... 1 to7 ey were beginning: the aatai. 2 ..i (Exit, both with ) allow them "picture in " at the stuck m Wt fJW' i rweful rounUnaneet lists to take hi. little I Cc Enq ,or 5 Titon II raranlin K' lilJVJ (IIm O n Bosfon Transcript n,- lU0 ,n2! ynr It CHM III . a (Wbi. thos sneaks ol W.k will- anon h a familiar- ,,.,Kli a x.m..mm. .rao"ln lVl n - 1 Piem..'. - - the- - - , -l V. 1 V, , I B?"?" n acs.gn we ever sawon tne On rrTie V WV1. stem wa 141,724 13, aad of the Wasbing-o- branch prettiest tombstone to-- Monday Gen. Pimm as i" , name has become already to lhe oar.Philadel- - of a child was a lark soaring upward with a rosebud next haoks will leave Rockford, In 33 jo diana. for Columbus, and will ia of bomb-shel- in ran daily afterward. " Ha a gentleman noble aad cordial address, and Isdgtr. old l lvinir in the yard of the South its mouth. What conld be more sweetly emblematic Tbe Pa 0An a a aa " I rMiirnHn I in nnu ia. a si. a W.. t 1 .1 (CT-T- hs vil would make a most competent. . and patriotic President Boston Foundry, was with a hammer the in 'nn . I struck other Nationrl I.telligencer, speaking of Gen. .a. distance from rT,c well as iropolitn tor Uie ft is useless as Whig press to ICTDoes not every body know that if tbe Democracy day with a view of breaking it, when it exploded and Pierre, : " Mis ' says exparisne ha., therefore, been mlM, aml lb far. from thi, itw h.m as a wank candidate He will rally tn-- ! " aasar at the had for injured .- an angel a candidate, tha Federal prii ts woold severely several persons. Some of the frag, practical to an exten to qualify him to administer the ti.T3 W u.,. i.t. 1.. fi.J. T"". strength f the Dem. racv and will pr .v s paint i tire most him black, and whenever ha was seen, cry out mants were thrown fo the distsnee of sn einhth of a affairs of tha n..m nam should the People call him to "Concord seems the Democratic motto as f'oncord ni.ho.1 m Pi,imi.... a .:. . candidata I ' ' 1 formidable thtrt goes tha devil mile. that trust, n paetablv and in a National spirit ' ia the resident, of Pi,rc. fjTjU; g . '
