1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA'rE. 4671 4849. By Mr. COOPER of Wisconsin: Petition of citizens of King Oddie Sheppard Wadsworth 'Vllitewater, in the State of Wi ·co~sin, against the passage of La Follette Overman Simmons Walsh, Mass. Lenroot Ow:en Spencer Walsh, Mont. House bill 9753; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Lodge Page Stanfield Warren : 4850. Also, petition of citizens of Janes\Tille, Wis., praying for McCormick Pepper Sterling "'atson, Ga. an amendment to tlie postal employees' pension law; to the Com McNary Phipps Sutherland Williams Moses Pittman Swanson Willis mittee on the Judiciary. Myers Poindexter 'Townsend 4851. By Mr. CULLEN : Petition of the Flatbush Chamber of Kelson l'ornerene Trammell Commerce, Brooklyn, requesting that construction and repair New Rawson Underwood work be continued there; to the Committee on NaYal Affairs. l\lr. SUTHERLAND. I ·wish to annmince that the Senator 4852. By l\1r. GALLIVAN: Petition of Chandler Motors of from North Dakota [l\1r. McCuMBER], the Senator from Utah New England, Boston, Mass., urging passage of Hou ·e bill 9722; [~lr . SA£OOT], the Senator from Connecticut' [Mr. McLEAN], the to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads: S~nator from Vermont [Mr. DILLINGHAM], the Senator from 4853. Also, petition of F. S. Lawrence, Boston, Mass., recom-' Kansas [1\fr. CUR'I'IS], the Senator from Indiana [1\fr. WATSON]: mending the pas~ age of H. R. 289-!; to the Committee on· Inter _the Senator from New York [Mr. CALDER], and the Senator from state and Foreign Commerce. New Jersey [l\lr. FRELINGHUYSEN] are detained at· a meeting 48ii4.
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