Review and Herald for 1988
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ADVENTIST trike up a friendly acquaintance with Seventh-Day Adventists— people who love Jesus and care about others. People who follow the Bible, enjoy exceptional health, and joyously hope ' for the Second Coming. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS: WHO ARE WE? Ordinary people doing extraordinary things BY WILLIAM G. JOHNSSON n a morning slung with low clouds, I met served this day. We don't consider ourselves better Velasquez. He lives on a spongy floating than other Christians because of this—we quietly fol- island far from shore in Lake Titicaca. His low our convictions, putting God and His Word first, piece of real estate, some 30 by 50 yards, is even though the Sabbath at times cuts across our career composed0 of reeds that grow in the 12,500-foot-high choices or aspirations. lake. Velasquez runs a school for the descendants of Then we are Adventists, meaning that we believe in the ancient Incas —a simple two-room wood and iron the second coming of Christ. We take seriously Jesus' structure. words: "I will come again" (John 14:3). Once, born of Velasquez is a Seventh-day Adventist. Mary as a babe in Bethlehem, He came to deal with sin. Five thousand miles to the north, Dr. Leonard Bailey That was His first advent. In the fullness of God's repairs hearts in newborn babies. The skill of his hands time—which we think is near—He will come again, to has made life possible for Baby Moses, Baby Eve, and set right our troubled world, to reign as King of kings many other infants. It also catapulted Loma Linda Uni- and Lord of lords. That will be His second advent. versity Medical Center in southern California to the About 150 years ago many people in North America forefront of medical research. and other countries began to preach that Jesus would Leonard Bailey is a Seventh-day Adventist, and soon come back. The Great Advent Awakening, as it Loma Linda University is a Seventh-day Adventist was called, cut across denominational lines. Huge institution. crowds gathered to hear expositions of the Bible In war-ravaged Uganda another physician, Dr. Sam- prophecies, especially those of Daniel and Revelation. son Kisekka, had to flee for his life. With the turmoil Tracts and pamphlets circulated widely. Eventually that followed Idi Amin's ouster, Kisekka's home was much of the preaching zeroed in on 1844 as the year burned and his property looted. But at length his coun- of Jesus' return. trymen turned to him, calling him from exile in 1986 Jesus didn't return that year, of course. In the wake to be prime minister. They looked for a person of in- of the Great Disappointment the Advent movement tegrity to help restore stability and order. broke up, fragmented. Many people gave up belief in Samson Kisekka is a Seventh-day Adventist. Jesus' soon coming. Michele Bush, crack sprinter at the University of But one group held fast its hope. Its members California at Los Angeles, established National Colle- searched/he Scriptures over and over, and concluded giate Athletic Association track records. In 1984 she they could not abandon the expectation of a speedy forfeited a possible berth on the United States Olympic Second Advent. They would remain Adventists. squad when she refused to compete on Saturday for the Then they made contact with the Seventh Day Bap- Olympic tryouts. tists—Christians who already had been keeping the Michele Bush is a Seventh-day Adventist. Sabbath for several hundred years. Further Bible study Velasquez, Bailey, Kisekka, Bush—what makes led the Adventists to accept the seventh day; hence them tick? What are Seventh-day Adventists really Seventh-day Adventists. like? Those two features still set Seventh-day Adventists The first thing to be said about us is that we are apart. We have never set a time for Jesus' second com- Christians. We believe in Jesus Christ as fully, eter- ing, but we believe and preach that it is near. And every nally God. We confess Him as our Lord and Saviour. Friday evening we quit our work, close our businesses, We love Him, take Him as the pattern for all our living, stop our play, and observe the biblical Sabbath—from and try to carry on His ministry in the world today. sunset to sunset. Our name has two parts—Seventh-day and Adven- Now you understand why Michele Bush refused to tist—and together they highlight the distinctive ele- compete on Saturday, sacrificing fame for her faith. ments of our faith. But why is Velasquez teaching school on a floating We observe the seventh day of the week, Saturday, island in Lake Titicaca in Peru, Dr. Leonard Bailey as the day for worship. Although most Christians go to operating on babies with defective hearts, and Dr. Sam- church on Sunday, the first day of the week, several son Kisekka helping to lead Uganda? Because Seventh- hundred Christian groups worship on the Sabbath. day Adventists are also people with a mission and a Seventh-day Adventists are by far the largest and most better way of life to share with the world. widespread of all Sabbath-observing Christians. We celebrate the Sabbath because our study of the The Mission Scriptures shows us that Christ and the apostles ob- We believe that God wants us to tell the world—yes, 2 (402) ADVENTIST REVIEW everyone—that Jesus is coming again soon. Our God is communities break the cycle of poverty and famine. so good—He sent His Son to die for the world—that we • Own and operate more than 50 publishing cannot keep the gospel to ourselves. His love has won houses, with total sales worldwide of more than $100 our hearts and sends us everywhere to tell others. million annually. In North America Adventist presses Jesus predicted: "This gospel of the kingdom will be produce well-known magazines such as Signs of the preached in the whole world as a testimony to all Times, Message, Vibrant Life, and Listen. nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14, • Produce and sponsor radio programs like the NIV). He also commanded: "Go and make disciples of Voice of Prophecy and La Voz de la Esperanza, and TV all nations" (Matthew 28:19, NIV). God has many shows It Is Written, Christian Lifestyle Magazine, agents and means to effect His will, but we believe that Breath of Life, and Ayer, Hoy y Mariana. the special mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Adventists are ordinary people doing extraordinary Church is to go into the whole world proclaiming the things for God. We have limited resources, but we good news of Jesus Christ as Saviour and follow a global mission. We are weak and subject to the soon-returning Lord. frailties of our common hu- Adventists are everywhere and growing very fast. manity, but we love and Our records in 1988 list more than 5.5 million names. serve a big and wonderful However, when government census takers poll people God. concerning their religious preference, in country after For we dream dreams, fol- country the numbers are far higher. Some 10 to 20 low a star—the hope of our million others —"anonymous Adventists"—identify blessed Lord Jesus Christ re- with us. turning on the clouds of Adventists Travel the globe and you will meet Seventh-day heaven. The Scriptures tell Adventists everywhere. From Punta Arenas, the south- us that when that day comes, ernmost point of Chile, to Lapland in the far north of a multitude of His followers believe Jesus Norway. In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. On from every nation, tribe, and mainland China. Even in the South Pacific on Pitcairn people, won by the everlast- is fully, Island, of Captain Bligh and the Bounty fame. ing gospel, will greet Him (Rev. 14:6, 7). We long for The Better Way of Life that day and work with all eternally God But Adventists do more than simply preach. Jesus diligence to help make it spent most of His ministry in healing, in raising men happen. and confess and women, boys and girls, to a full, happy life. We try This special issue will tell to carry on His work. So Seventh-day Adventists: you more about us. In the • Own and operate a network of more than 500 pages ahead you will read Him as hospitals, clinics, and health-care facilities around the how we observe the Sabbath world. Some of these institutions are large, such as (do we sleep all day?), why Saviour and Florida Adventist Hospital in Orlando, Florida, with the Adventist lifestyle has more than 1,000 beds. Some are on the cutting edge of become a model for medical medical science, such as Loma Linda University, with researchers (why do we live Lord. its work on infant organ transplants and its installation so much longer?), and why of the first proton-beam accelerator, a $40 million cen- family is a favorite word of ter for cancer treatment. ours (how can a church with • Run schools, academies, colleges, and universi- members in 190 countries be ties—about 5,000 worldwide. With more than 700,000 one in Christ?). students and nearly 55,000 teachers, Adventists have You will also see a sampling of the Adventist fam- one of the largest Protestant school systems in the ily—not just the Baileys and the Kisekkas, but the world. housewives and the mechanics. The faces and stories • Carry on extensive community services and relief in the parade of people will give you a glimpse of an programs for the poor, the homeless, the hungry, and exciting world—Seventh-day Adventists.