Middle Ages Reference Library: Cumulative Index 10 987654321 Printed Intheunitedstatesofamerica Produced Bypermissionofthecorbiscorporation
MA.cu-ttlpgs. qxp 3/31/04 10:17 AM Page 1 Reference Library Cumulative Index MA.cu-ttlpgs. qxp 3/31/04 10:17 AM Page 3 Reference Library Cumulative Index Cumulates Indexes For: Middle Ages: Almanac Middle Ages: Biographies Middle Ages: Primary Sources Judy Galens, Index Coordinator Staff Judy Galens, Index Coordinator Pamela A. E. Galbreath, Senior Art Director Kenn Zorn, Product Design Manager Marco Di Vita, Graphix Group, Typesetting This publication is a creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair competition, and other applicable laws. The author and editors of this work have added value to the underlying factual material herein through one or more of the following: unique and original selection, coordination, expression, arrangement, and classification of the in- formation. All rights to the publication will be vigorously defended. Copyright ©2001 U•X•L, an imprint of The Gale Group All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. ISBN 0-7876-5575-9 The front cover photograph of crusaders disembarking in Egypt was re- produced by permission of the Corbis Corporation. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Middle Ages Reference Library: Cumulative Index Middle Ages Reference Library Cumulative Index A=Middle Ages: Almanac B=Middle Ages: Biographies PS=Middle Ages: Primary Sources A Abraham Bold type indicates set title, A 66 main entries, and their page Aachen Abu al-Abbas numbers. A 34–36 A 37 B 1: 64, 66, 66 (ill.), 2: 205 Abu Bakr Italic type indicates volume Abbasid caliphate A 68 numbers.
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