Pastoralism, the Backbone of the World's Drylands
1 - Introduction Pastoralism, the backbone of the world’s drylands The path to greener pastures Pastoralism, the backbone of the world’s drylands 1 The path to greener pastures PASTORALISM, THE BACKBONE OF THE WORLD’S DRYLANDS Author: Andreas Jenet Co-authors: Nicoletta Buono, Sara Di Lello, Margherita Gomarasca, Cornelia Heine, Stefano Mason, Michele Nori, Rita Saavedra, Koen Van Troos. Editor: Paul Mundy Thanks to Lassina Ballo, Chiara Cannizzo, Eunice Obala, Agathe Pain and Rosmery Villca Casas for coordinating information gathering in each country. Published by VSF International, in collaboration with AVSF, VSF Belgium, VSF Germany, SIVtro - VSF Italia and VSF Justicia Alimentaria Global. Realized with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). January 2017 This study was conducted as part of the project “Regional Consultation with pastoralist and livestock breeder CSOs – Towards better policies in support of pastoralism”, co-funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The content of this publication expresses the view of the author. It does not necessarily reflect in all aspects the position of VSF International, and should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of IFAD. Citation: Jenet, A., N. Buono, S. Di Lello, M. Gomarasca, C. Heine, S. Mason, M. Nori, R. Saavedra, K. Van Troos. 2016. The path to greener pastures. Pastoralism, the backbone of the world’s drylands. Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International (VSF-International). Brussels, Belgium. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 6 Twelve narratives on pastoralism ..........................7 Framework of this report ...................................... 9 Information sources ..............................................10 Counting herders ................................................... 13 Defining pastoralism ............................................. 14 Sustainability and resilience .................................
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