• Coneet•t Band Plays Latin A1net•iean Tunes Music of the Latin Americas will be featured by the CPS Concert Band Sunday at 4 p. m. in the Memorial Field House. This program will be the third in a series of con­ certs entitled "Music of the Nations." Professor John O'Connor ------...1.----- by VillarLobos; "The Singing 'l't·ee" has chosen a group of songs, by Villa-Lobos

PAGE TWO THE TRAIL FRIDAY, APRtl 22, 1949 Battin Re-elected Province Governor Letters To The Editor Whwt is .happen·ing around out' I am attempting to point out is DL·. Cl:~arles Battin and his ' school'? Think this over a few b~auty. We need to talte care of "Peot·ia ox· B1:1st" debating team seconds and try to rea.lize the situ­ our school- keep it looking clean returned home this week with six ation. It is not a -situat ion of and fresh. 'rhe campus js well people out of seven placing In the overcrowded conditions. No1· is it laid out and has well kept grounds. Established .Published Weeltly national tournament. September 26, 1922 Dtll'iitg School Year • 4' the old argument that the school The students need to help lteep In extempot·aneous, Bill Kidd re- is too stt·ict. The situation is one the campus this way. OFI!")OIAL PUBLIOA'I'ION OF THE ASSOCIATED S1'UDENTS ceived excenent and Yvonne l:Sat· OOLI.EGE OF PUGET SO'UNl> little 'thing ,that you and I don't In a few years our college could tin good ratings. In disCUfi!Sion, 1948 - 1949 realize. very easily surpass the oldest and ------~~~--~~~--~------Jackie l-Iodgsoo was excellent and The majority of out· students Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in '!'acoma, most traditi~nally beautiful eastern KeJl CampbeiJ good. Barry Gar­ Washington, under the Act of Congt·ess of March 3, 1879 come to school for an eight o'clock colleges. . land and Joyce C<:>usins received class. They have a •brealt at ten. Subscription price 75c per semester; $1.00 per school year by mail Here is thl\l problem. Looking good ratings in oratoty. Alex Mox·­ Maybe they go to the libl'ary ·and EDITOlt BUSINESS MANAGER around the campus we see worn tella.L"O a lso made the trip. . study or maybe they go to the Nadine l(ensler ~'lo-, 1 1 paths in the lawn, cigarette strewn SUB for something to eat. CPS was short a girls' team and po1·ches and steps. Paper cluttet·s '!'hey go baclt to class at -eleven . ' a boY·s' team in order to rate in the hallways ancl desk-s and chairs debate. and are finished with school at Central Board Recognizes 'th h d are indented with pencil carvings. Dr. Battin was re-elected gov­ nooh . They e1 et• go orne an . . . eat or eat at the SUB. Notice Th1s IS the worst crlme that any- et·nol· of the Pacific province of . th' It h t . . ' body could commit against their ' th•s anc1 1n •w a 1s 1ac 1 t1n g. h Associated Women Students Pl Kappa Delta. Pacific province . • sc ool. stretches from the the Canadian The one thl ng lackmg is that the There Is a new organization on Campus. Like all organizations, students need to realize that this Thinlt about this. Remember this one has a name. Like a ll names, they;, get shortened to initials. to the Mexican border, and east to AWS doesn't mean A Wet Spl'lng, either. AWS stands for Associated the •western border of Colorado. is t11eir schaol rather than a place what you put into helping ou~· coil­ Women Student·s. A WS replaces Women's Federation. Only squad and school trophies of buslness - th~y ·need to have ege stay beautiful. Our college some pride about theil· school. could be the prettiest in the North- Miss Jean Button, assistant Dean of Women, and Shirley Klnnane., are awarded in the national -tour­ p.resident of Women's Federation, have been wol'king on plans for AWS nament. Ratings for events range Sure we all ,back our teams, but west. for several months. Their work was t·ewarded Friday when Central I mea,n pride. The kind of pride CHRISTOPHER HOFFMAN. Board okayed the constitution of AWS. The present plan is to give 'from good, tht·o.ugh excellent to AWS a one year's tt·y with finances managed ·by WAA. After that AWS superior. will be on its own .feet. The team debated at College of One object of AWS is to futther the scholat·ship, se·rvice and cultural Idaho, .and Idaha State on the way alms of the women students. Others are to ma~e .possible the repre­ over. They stopped at Ottowa Doris Smith Organ Recital sentation of all women in the organization and to integrate new women students into college U:fe Univet•sity for a banquet and the Why Change? celebration of the founding of Pi Acclaimed As Successful Kappa Delta. Ottowa University is By BOB PETERSON You may ask •why we need the change. The answer is that we Dr. Battin's alma mater, .where the ha.ve outgrown the present Women'S Federation. When the Women's Prqbably the most versati.le of all instruments isthe pipe Federation was 'founded in 1931, there we1•e 569 students enrolled, of first chaptet· of the national for­ which 257 were women. We now have 2,080 students, o! which 594 ensics hOm each of the four classes. 'rhis is a representative total the local radio station from Don ever certain stops were operated. of four independents and four organized (sorority). Bennett (CPS alum). They gave (Continued From Page One) '!'his concert was one of the most terrific. While mest of ·the legis- The duties o-f the legislative council will be to appt·ove ,bills pre­ the weather reports, read commer­ enjoyruble ever presepted -by a C-PS sented by any members of the legislative council, to accept Ol' 1·eject cials and acted as disc jockeys. lators are not corrupt, they can­ music senior. not help being influenced to some the annual uce Rector's suitcase was of new officers f?r the following term. in the car that' didn't break down, degree. Any me~ber of AWS may present a wl'itten statement of grievance he borrowed socks for two days. Spring Play In view of this lobbying he said, to the secretary bef<:>re the meeting. The powers of individual organi~ "I certainly think that the churches zations represented in AWS are not to be interfe1·ed with by AWS. (Continued From P a:ge One) sho~.t1d make their views apparent ~s 'far as requirements for A WS office are concerned, all candidates ' must have been active in A WS :f!or at least one yeat'. All candidates able article," says that the poet's to the legislators." shall be slated for office in the year of actual participation. The presi­ Miss Miles Sings "Feeling for things weak and hum­ He closed his address with the dent and the vice~presldent must be chosen from the junior Ol' senior On Standard Hour ble and ruined- lends his verse a observation that "Legislation on a class. The tt·easurer shall be chosen from any class and should have grace greater even than the grace Christian basis calls for a Christian a knowledge of acco-unting. The secretary and the publicity chah·man By BOB PETERSON lent to It by his genius." -constituency. If we want good gov­ shall be chosen from any class One of the few nationally lmown That he was a genius is one point et·nment, we can get it." The AWS president shall preside at all AWS assemblies, executive soloists to appear on the NBC's and legislative council meetings. The president has the power to call on •which Stacpoole and Stevenson Dul'ing a special Chapet·assembly Standard Hour was Margaret special meetings and may act as ex-officio member of all committees. heartily copcur. His translator calls Tuesday, Robert A. Watson, presi­ 'l'he president will also represent tbe women of CPS at regional and Milt\s, voice instructor at the Coll­ 1lim "the only French poet w~o is dent of the Pacific Council of the national A WS conferences when possible. The president will appoint ege of Puget Sound. The Easter International Brotherhood of Pulp, a.ll vacancies for offices with th appt·oval of the legislative council. Sunday program featured Miss entirely real," while the Scottish poet says of him, "Beside that of Sulphite and Papermill Wot·kei's, The vice-president w,ill preside at the 1·equi1'ed meetings in the absence Miles and the Seattle Symphony of the president, and will attend -the confet·ences when impossible for traced briefly the development of Orchestra under the dl.rec! ion of his contemporaries, his writing, so the president to do so. The standing .committee chairmen will ibe full of colour, so eloquent, so pic­ the labor movement in America l'esponsible to the vice-president. The vice-president will represent AWS Eugene Linden. on Central BoardJ · turesque, stands out in almost with special emphasis on religious Despite the fact that the con­ miraculous isolation". connections. The secretary will manage the correspondence and lteep files of tralto was suffering with a tel"l'ific important papers for A WS. He could write ballads against "The organized clergy was slow cold, her voice showed no tt·aces The treasuz·-er wm manage the finances of the association, formulate the enemies of France, er a prayer to adjust to the demands of the of the malady. She was extra­ the annual budget, make an annual report of t he years finances, and to the Virgin for his mother, and industrial revolution. But with .the ordinarily well t·eceived by ·both have the books audited by a certified public accountant at the end of he repeatedly hymued the praises application of a re-vitalized ideol­ .her term of office. I studio and radio audiences. of red: Burgundy wine. ogy, the t•elationship of church and The .publicity chairman will handle all notices and news articles, Her ftt•st solo, "Omnipotence" by labor has become closer." ,and keep a scrapbook of AWS activities. Among his translators have been . Schubert, displayed her 'range and StiCh noted names a.s William Ern­ A panel compooed of Dr. F. J . total abilities. The second was Executive Council • est Henley, Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Rigos, a Tacoma physician; Elw·in The executive council wilt meet once a. month. The legislative council "Have Mercy, Lord on Me," a Algernon Swinburne and J . M. H . Scheyer, executive secretary of will m_eet twice a month There wlll ·be two g:enenl.l assemblies a year difficult work •both in timing and the Methodist Board of Education --one m the fall and -one in the spring. At the spt"ing meeting\elections Synge. interpretation. Her approach and . in Tacoma; and Bursar Gerard will nstitutioh ,and .by-laws will ·be The story o.f "If I Were King," presented. vocal ability ·proved that J\ers Is Banks di·scussed "Can a Scientist • actually takes place o-ne year after Written applications 'for office must •be presented to the legislative a voice of definite professional Accept God?", in the SUB lounge Villon's disappearance from• history council for consideration. Of the women running for the office of quality. Monday. in 1463. .president, the one recefving the greatest number of votes will be presi­ I dent. The woman with tbe second greatest number of votes will be In discussing the relationship of It is concerned with what might scientific thought to religious 'be­ vice-president. Voting will be by general vote. Home Ec ·Students 1lave happened, •but did not, as a. Amendments to the constitution and by-laws should be presented to lief, Mr. Banlts said that "Nature the legislativ-e council at least orm month in advance of the general Plan Conferences result of an early incident in the has adapted to man as much as ass~mbly. Amendments must have the approval of Central Board. poet's life. Author Justin McCarthy man has adapted to nature. The Votlng will ·be by secret ballot. Pt·e-registratlon confet·ences for resurrects a.t least one of Villon's possibilities of coiJ).Cidence in main~ all majors and minors in Home The standing committees of AWS are job opportunities career possi­ roguish companions who had al­ taining perfect condtions for the bilities and cax·eer conferences, activity committee, faculty ~elations com­ Economics as •well as othev stu­ ready passed to the gibbet, and survival of human life on our tt;littee, and high school relations committee. Under the faculty rela• dents interested in any heme eco­ tlons committee comes a chaperone service and a ·baby-sitting service gives the ,poet's life the happy end­ planet are so small a:s' to be incal­ nomics course are being held now Unde~ th·e high sc~ool relations committee is a high school day and ing which he apparently thinks it culabh~.'; with Mrs. Sullivan, head of the big :nster aid for mcoming freshmen. Besides the acti:vitles of the deserved, rather than the son:y one Dr. Rigos shared this viewpoint standing committees there will be a tea for incoming fre.shmen, a tolo home economics department. it probably suffered. (without a king and queen) and a. banquet for all women students At with, "J:t tWould ·be v_ery difficult Students may sign the conference this banquet the new officers of A WS will ·be installed and new me~bers The play is dramatized .by Mc­ to explain the laws o'f the universe of the women's honoraries announced. schedule sheet on the -bulletin -board Cat·thy from his own novel. It has • in regards to chance. Biological A WS finances will be obta.tned from the stud

• ' Little Brother Joins CPS Student Gets Lost and Fo Dept. HonorableMention Big Brother Askari In Art League Show Boasts Shirts, Books.. Lit tle brother, Nahld, has joined big brother, Rafid B y JACK R APHAEL The ninth annual Southwest . You don't have to get into a crap game t o lose your (Askari), at CPS. Nahid began his three-mont h journey Washington art exhibition was ~h1rt. As proof, there are t wo of t he long-tailed garments from Bagdad to Tacoma last November. After arriving via opened to the public last week in m the lost-and-found department of the Bursar's office. Beir ut, Cairo, Athens, Paris, London, New York, Washington, Jones Hall third floor studios. Books are the most numerous articles in the hodge-podge D. C., and Whipple Center , of n e g 1 e c t e d belongings. it is the most bea.utrrul city in the The show secured by the Tacoma There are approximately $175 tume jeweh'Y, a social security card, Iowa, N ahid enrolled here for United States,'' he s~tys. The Na­ Arr. League, represents the wor k of worth of volumes. They range spectacles, and a well-gnawed pipe. tional Gallery of Arts partlcula.l'ly Accot·ding to Mrs. Carol Angst, a semester of general educa­ artists in the southwest portion of frOJI!o "Child Ca.t·e and Training" tion. captivated him. and ''Navigating Your Airplane" al'tlcles are held for· a-bout a yeat· Nahid found the English mot·e lhe stale. and then given to the Goodwlll or Nahid ~:~tudied ro r· lht'ee ye

• PAGE FOUR. . 11-fE TRAIL FRIDAY, APRil 22, ~949 Bursar ·Collects Fines, ·fee;. Cadets Give Dinner Students'·Poll Sho~s To IIonor Critics Put Money In Tl1e Pot, Bovs CPS Cadet teachers are giving War Within 10 Years I The bursar will get you if you don't watch out! Unless a dinnet· Tbut·sday e.yening at the A gloomy outlook was indicated in a poll made by Dr. you tread the straight and narrow you are liable to an New. Yorker in honor and appre­ Tomlinson in his contemporary affairs classes. impressive list of fines and fees. ciation of the Critic teachers who Out of 95 students polled, 52 expected another world war. have assiste

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After The Lord Jeff t•wootHARA'" 70% wool• 30o/c flllfr 12.50 VARSITY BALL • Let's all drop i11 with the gang for a snack or dinner. Have a large T-Bone ·Steak that is delicious . • ' 80 DAYS OF TIMK Aft about thfs convenient Busch's Drive-In· lh•l'9• plan.

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. •• • • ..' ' : (~ •· I:. •. ~ • • • ~ · '.' • . • • • , • •• • • Let The Chins Fall. • . t '. • • • . • ... • • ' . . I . 4 ..... ,·• •' . By CECE REIMER, Sports Editor ' • - '.. ) Here's another one for the records ... Harry S. Truman, who seems to do all right predicting against the experts, did just that again last Monday. The president was helping the American League open their baseball season in Wash­ jngton. The Washington Senators were to play the Phila­ delphia Athletics to get baseball off to a flying start. The A's were picked by famous sports scribes all over the country to win in a walk. But the scribes and nearly everyone else overlooked the president's prediction that the Senators would win. G10ing into the ninth inning, the Senators were dow.u OPS tracltsters workout in preparation for their triangular meet tomorrow at Bellingham • two runs and it loolted as though the old Truman luelt was with Westen Washington a11d UBC. Left to right are: Burt Ross, Dwayne Westlin, Dick about to give out. But the Senators got going with a. Jast­ Lewis, Howie Mason, John McCorry and Bob Rieflin.- Photo by Vern Svensson. ilming raJ.ly and edgePY birth­ Pacific at Seattle. In Saturday wln this one. Of Golf Tourney twin-tillls, Eastert• faces Mont:a.na day to Joe Nugent, Logger Tennis player and currently No. Western •boasts a good crop of Election of officers was pri,mary 2 man on the net squad ... Elliott Metcalf, former sports U. at Cheney, Whitworth taltea on cllstance runners, and also have business at the first meeting of North Idaho College at Lewiston, editor of the Tacoma Times, is now doing publicity for the some good men in the field ev~ts. the newly established Rally Com­ local fight promoters . . . Clay Huntington, former sport­ and Central and Paci1lc Lutheran Leaving tomorrow morning to mittee. meet at Pat•kland; St. Martin's bas scribe for the Times, is now manager of tbe Tacoma branch Tabuln.tlons revealed Sandy Brem­ of a national advertising firm. wear the maroon and white are: a single game slated with Seattle Mile- Aliment and Ball. ner president; Ron Stenger, secl'&­ Pacific at Olympia. taty; and Doris Beardsley, treas­ Eastern and Gonzaga U. renew Chinook to Hold Kappa Sigs Strong 440- Light, Fabulich and May or urer. tbeit· always hot baseball rivalry Brown. Chuck Caddey proposed that the Final Ski Races In Mural Baseball 100-Light, Rieflin and Ma.y. with a single tilt at Cheney Thurs­ Rally Committee sponsor a hole­ day. CPS skiers w111 be given one After Kappa Slgs won the basket­ 120 High Hurdles-Lewis, Kelly in-one tourney, to ·be held on the final chance to prove their ability, ball championship, other clubs are and Westlin. campus. Proceeds from the tourney CPS sends its tennis and golf in the Chinook sponsored giant out to slow them down on the teams against Western today at 880--Fabulich, Norton or Mason. would be used to send the CPS slalom. The ski race, to be held <"iamond. In thP!;· Lrst two g'l.m ~ a golf team to the National Inter­ Bellingham, while the Pacific at the Cayuse Pass ski area, wlll the Kappa Sigs showed a lot of 220 Low Hurdles- Lewis, Kelly, Lutheran netmen and llnksters and McCorry or Mason. Collegiate Golf Tournament in be on Sunday, May 1. power, dl)wning the Omicrons 8 to California next June, move into Olympia Friday for The giant slalom is an all-school 1, and the Sigma Nus 17 to 0. 2-Mile- Waldron and BalL Jack Babbit was appointed to action with St. Martin's. Whit­ Fab- affair. All etud·ents except mem­ The hard and frequent hitting Pi 1-Mlle Relay-Light, Le!wis, head a committee to Investigate aJl worth's racket wieldet·s wl11 test bers of the ski team may enter. Tau Omegas pounded out an im­ ulich and Rieflin. possibilities of Caddy's suggestion, Montana U. Thursday at Spokane. Students who wish to enter the pressive 21-4- score over the Delta Javelin-Thompson and Stark. Those x·epresentlng the various All eight conference track squads t·ace must sign a Jist In Dr. Kaps. Other scores in last weelt's Shot-put- Kowalski, Thompson social groups on the committee in­ will be in action tomorrow In a. Sprenger's office by 12:00 noon play were: Indees 9, Todd Hall 7; and Carlson. trio of triangular meets. Western • clude Doris Bea.rdsley, Gamma; April 2~. Mu Chis 5, Sigma Nus 0. Pole Vault-Giske and Oaks. "Sk,eeter'' Ellis, Beta; Sue Pringle, Washington will host the cinder­ Chinook president Ed La. Chapelle High Jump-Mann, Westlln and Pi Phi; Lorrayne Wl1loughby, men from the University of Bl"ltlsh and Chuck Howe, working with Dr. There will be separate races In Maitland. Lambda; Virginia Soltis, Indees; Columbia and College of Puget Sprenger In organlzlng the ski meet, both men's and •women's beginner Sound. Cheney wn be the scene Broad Jump-Rieflin, Thompson Jaclt Babbit, Mu Chl; Sandy announced that the race will be and inte1·mediate classes. Appro­ Bremner, Sigma Nu; Hillis Griffin, of competition among the b-ack and May. divided into four individual classes. priate prizes for the winners of Omicron; Riclt HeaJy, Kappa Slg; and .field performers from Whit­ Discus - Nelson, Kowalski and Teams wJU also race. these classes. Jim Hudson, Pl Tau; Ron Stenger, worth, Gonzaga and Eastern. Glslte. • Delta Kappa; and Tom Rutledge, Pacific Lutheran will bring St. Indees. Chuck Caddey represents Martin's and Central's squads to • the yell team. 1 Parkland for a triangular affair. , The next meeting of thel Rally Next Tuesday will be a busy day Committee wlll be held Tuesday at for conference teams. The CPS 4- p. m. in the SUB. and PLC baseball teams will clash C. A. C. IS •' again, this time at Parkland, and St. Martin's nine will be at Seattle WAA Plans Picnic; Paci.flc. The Logger ·and Lute ten­ CABO nis and golf teams will also be SAVE! Installs Officers battling away at Parkland, and the Initiation of pledges and lnstalla­ J same will be true with Eastern • JOIN CAMPUS AUTO CLUB llon of officers were held at the and Gonzaga at Spoltane. The WAA meeting Monday evening. St. Martin's netmen will ·be facing A coast to coast organization--MEMBERSHIP $1, through Oct. 1, Nannette Linstrom, Freda Garnett, the Seattle Pacific team on the Jo Copple, Marion Earle, Lorralne Rangers' court-a. 1949-$2, through June 1, 1950. We GUARANTEE within six Ha.n•bet·g were initiated. months you'll save double the price of your investment or your Ruth Ann Potter turned· ove1· her • gn.vel to Lita Johnson; Barbara money back! P1·echek bowed out to Jeanne Golf Team Upsets Shugard; Pat Smith gave the min­ Un-beaten Seattle HOW YOU CAN SAVE • utes to Fern McCullough; Corine . ' Puget Sound linksmen hung up 40% OFF. ON REGULAR LUBE JOBS. This means you get lubes for $1. Engle took the treasurer's duties their second straight victory when from Pearl Moberg; Harriet Warne 10% OFF ON MOTOR REPAIR LABOR. they rolled over the Seattle Uni-. handed over the program chalr­ versity squad by a score of 13% 5%-20% OFF ON MOTOR PARTS, varyin;r with individual Items. mansb.ip to Chris Ostrum; Jo to 4'1.: at Fix·crest Monday. Copple received publicity problems 15% REDUCTION ON ACCESSORIES- Radios, beaters, spotlights, etc. Soa.py Youngman again led the from Nadine Clarey; June Larson Loggers with a 76, despite the fact 15% REDUCTION ON TIRES AND SEAT COVERS at Don Molzan's Chevron Service. gave her aspirins and central board that he used 6 strokes on the par 5c off on every quart of oil. headaches to Jean Tippie. four 18th hole. Jerry Dl'lscoll led • 2c off on evet·y gallon of gas. his Seattle mates with a 78 total. Gamma's Six Win Seattle U. wa.s pt·evlously un­ Service is conventently located · ------~ ·beaten in four matches- bwo with at 6th and Adams Chevron St,ir Inter-Sorority Cup PLC, one with Western Washing- tlon and at Walker Chevrolet Special Notice • Company, Division Avenue at On all major mechanical repait·s 15% discount In a fourth quarter rally, Gam­ ton and one with St. Martin's. Wright Park. will be given on Labor. Prices will be taken mas pulled ahead o:t the Indees to Here's the summary: directly from the ·boolis and the discount given win the W AA basketball champion­ Seattle U. OPS ft·om the factory specified price. NO PAD­ ship, 28-15. Indee gua1·ding could­ Drop in and pick up your mem­ DING of time and labor- this includes motor, Gjelesteen ....0 I Youngman ... .8 bership card directly from them. transmission, differential and aU general me­ n't hold back speedy Gamma for­ Driscoll --··-···2% I Andreasen .... lri: For further information contact chanical repair. wards, Bev Johnson, Jean Tippie J. Codd ...... · .. 0 I Ba.ro'fsky ... ~ ... 8 • Rogers Ringstad or Larry Rod­ gers, CPS sales managers. a------and Virginia Wahlquist. The Mathews ·-·····0 • Althuser ···-···8 Gamma's win cinched their poe­ Conroy ...... 2 I Mozel ·····-···-.. 1 session of the Inter-sorority cup. B. Codd ...... 0 I Carter ....._ .. _.s • PAGE SIX THE TRAIL FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1949 Lettermen Plan Annual Ball At Odd Fellows Hall Tonight

Sweaters and Letters To Be Awarded Faculty Bridge-Ball Greek Row. • • • DOROTHY ROSS To Deserving Athletes for This Year Is Mermaid Theme Omicron ... DK • • • The old Odd Fellow's Hall, long Dick Lewis is responsible 'for the Ten me.mbers of Delta Pi Omi- Rabbi Bernard Rosenberg spoke There is no need for alarm when a mecca of folk dances, takes on a traditional a.'te like programs. cron recently journeyed to Seattle to the members of Delta Kappo. Harvey deCarteret, general chair­ sea-creatures begin taking over the new atmosphere thiJ weelc-end. The to visit their own prospective na­ Phi at their meeting during Re­ man, has announced that the SUB, Friday, April 29. It is just tional !ratemity, the University of walls and floor o'f the hall resound ligious Emphasis week. patrons and patronesses Include part of the decox·ations for the Washington chapter of Theta Chi. Don Jenicl{e has accepted a bid with the beat and tempo of modet-n Mr. and Mrs. John O'Conner, Mr. Mermaid Faculty bridge-ball which A fdendly little gam·e of softball to pledge Delta Kappa. Phi and music, and the shuffle of young and Mrs. John Heindck, and Mr. was entered into by both the took tbe covenant Monday evening. wll be held that evening. people's feet. and Mrs. Harry Bird. Omicrons and the 'l'heta Chis. The Ron Stenger was elected to re­ The affair has ·been slated as The committees consist of: Pro:f. And how Is ~his change to ta.lte CPS rept·esentatlves t·ept·esented present the DK fraterniby on tho informal. Suits a l' e in order for and JY.J;rs. John O'Connor-, g.eneral the campus well, however, by tak­ ' • place? Changing their athletic abil~ Rally Committee. the men while for the women chait·man, with Miss Frances ing the game at a score of 9 to ~· i:ty to a. more soclal purpose tbe aftet-noon dresses and high heels Chubb, Mrs. Lyle Jamieson, and The nationals took the loss well CPS Lettermen will roll up their will be the ,proper atth·e. M;rs. Edward d-oroan assisting; Dr. and invited the ten members to Pi Tau Omega . • .. sleeves and trans!ol'm the Odd Fel­ The highpoint of the .evening will and Mr·s. Hughes Tudor, with Mrs. dinner. Pi Tau Omega's representative low's Hall into what they promise naturally be the presentation of Weldon Rau, Mrs. John Blake, Mrs. The Motbet·'s Club of Della Pl. to the newly established Rally will ·be the moat. unique de.corations sweaters and letters to deserving Stanley. Champ, Mrs. Schiffbauet·, Omicron has been a Committee will be Jim Hudson. yet used aL a college dance. athletes. Mrs. Leroy Ostransky, Mrs. John rummage. sale during lbe .past two Bill Stidwell and Clarence Shuh Joe Hedges, decot·alion chair­ All formet· lettermen, their .Magee, and Mrs. Christian Millet· weeks. The prolit !rom the sale were formally added to tho pledge man, and his staff of workerS friends, and alumni of the college will be used .!o1· the purchase of assisting; Mrs. Bruce Coulter, re­ • class of Pi Tau Omega at IMt have been developing· \.he plans for are especially invited to attend the ft•eshment chait·man, with Mrs. a new 1·e.Crigerator for the fraternity week's fraternity meeting. approximately two weeks. dance. Tickets may be purchased Gerard Banks and Mrs. E. Delmer house. Earl Birnel bas succeeded in at the door. Gibbs assisting; Prof. and Mrs. Hal securing the music of Irving Scho­ Murt.land, decoration chairmen, Gamma . .. • Sigma Nu ••• land a.nd his orchestra ft·om the wilh Prof. and Mrs. Jack. Enright, 'l.'he first anniversary dance of A songfest practice was held last Evergreen Ballroom. The ballroom Students Collect Dt·. and Mrs. Mar·tin Nelson, Mr. Sigma Nu will be held Friday eve.­ Monday after a short business is located near Olympia, a.nd For Cancer Fund and Mrs. Ray Mahnkey, D. Robert ning, April 29, at the Top of the meeting to discuss plana for the "Scholand's band bas proven very Smith, Ivan Rasmussen, and D1·. Ocean. spring dance. popular among students," said Fraternity and sorority membet·s and Mrf:l. Robert Sprenger. Chah·man o£ the dance is Bob Rev. Ernst addressed tho sorority Bil'Del. collect~d $1150 for the cancer drive Rule. Sandy Bremner and Phil Wednesday for Religious Life Em­ Acco1·ding to publicity notices on Tacoma's downtown streets Sat­ Hansen at·e in charge of the fin~nce phasis Week. sent out by Ed Notley the dance urday. Their goal was $400. committee; Diclt Henderson, music, is set for nine o'cloclc tonight. Fox· A public address system was set Beta Dinner Dance and How,i.e Meadowcroft, arrange­ Lam bda ... the a dmission price of $1.50 cou ples up at T.entll and Bt•oadway, where Has Spring Motive ments. will be a ble to dance until mid­ five and t•ne-half cancer donation The theme of the dance will be Lambda Sigma Chi members gave Spring will be the motive for night. The hall is located at Sixth cans wet e fill eel wltb everything the fir1:1t annlverstllt'Y of the Zeta a father-daughtel' banquet Wect­ the annua l dinner-dance to .be held and Tacoma Ave. from pennies to five dollat· ·bills. Alpha chapter installation into ":lesday evening at C•·awford's. Co­ by the members of Alpha Beta Mrs. Fred Pflam, secretary of the Sigma Nu. chairmen of the banquet were Mary Upsilon on April 29. The dance Tacoma Cancer Society, said, "We Rev. MilLon Marcy spoke to the Louise Moon and Joyce Christie. will be in the Rainbow Room of Spur-Knight Picnic are overwhelme.d by the splendid member·s of Sigma Nu during Re­ The tables were decor ated with the Towers. Dinner star ts at 7:30 work done last Saturday. You can ligious Emphasis Week. sprays of dogwood and miniature At l .ake Gen eva count on us to call on CPS to help p. m. Iverson Cozad and his band place cards with silhouettes of a Past Spurs a.nd Knights, with out again." will furnish the music. . father and daughter. Guest speaker members o't. these orga.nizatlons Bob Rinker was general chair­ Donna Arnold ls general chair- Beta • • • was Rev. Harold Long. Entertain­ from other colleges, are invited to man. Claire McNeill was chairman man of the dlnner-da.nce. Assist­ The Eastet· Bunny called on the ment was a reading by Ellen attend a picnic being given by the for the Lambdas; Joan Harrison, Ing bet· in making the arrange­ membet·s of Alpha Beta Upsilon Davenport, and a group of marimba present CPS Spurs and Knights. Betas; Barbara Albertson and Doris ments are: decorations, Pat Lem­ early last week when he came In selections played by Cam and Carol The picnic will be May 7 at Lake Beardsley, Gammas; Gretchen ley; tickets, Nanette Lindstrom; on lop of a five-pound 'box of candy Hinds. The committee consisted of Geneva. Picnic information can be Swayze, Pi Phi; Bill CleJ.D, P i Tau; and alums, Aleatha Dietrick. to announce the engagement of Betty Rusk, Georgianna Frank, and obtained from Allee Palmer, Jeanne Ed Lane, Delta Kaps; Dave Rees, Dr. and Mrs. Seward ancl Dr. Lorraine Anderson to Louis Parker. Ellen Davenport, entertatnme.nt; Sbugard, Ralph Wehmhoff and Mu Chi; Ray West, Omlct·ons; and and Mrs. Thompson. are the chap- Beverly Hanson r eceiVed a snap Bev Sinkovicb, Cathy Dougherty, James Ernst Howard Meadowcroft, Sigma Nu. erones for the dance. bid to join Alpha Beta Upsilon. and Joanna Brock, decor ations. ------~------• • '

Sa lly JtA EII i ngto ~ 1 CPS AI u ;,,, Relates Her Experiences As A J-3 In Japan Since the ,-.a.t· many people have is a long metal thing electrically altos on another. About half '1 tell much about tho outside. From colle~ students; about ao in each volunteered three years of their hea.te.d which you put in the water dozen wm·e sitting by themselves this sll·cct you go through a gate class. Jives to leaching In foreign coun- after having filled the tub.. It - I asked what they ·were, and they and a yard. Of course, you take "Simply froze to death in the h'les. One of these Is Sally Elling- takes two hoUl'S to heat the wate1·. said, 'basso.' It is ,pr etty str·enuous o.ff your shoes at the door. . The Japanese church service. Spent a ton who is a J-3 (Japan for 3 "That night we saw Mt. Fugl to teach music in English because floot·s at·e covered with thick couple of hours preparing a paper yeat·s). Sally graduated :from CPS by moonlight. I have never seen you have to sing along with them strruw-like mats (tatami). You sit for the Sunday evening discussion in l!M5, went to John Hopkin's anything like it. Until then I lo try to help them get the right on the floor on .flat cushions. You group. The subject was commun­ Hospital whet·e she received her hadn't been much impressed with words with the right notes. , They at·e really supposed to sit very ism. They definitely feel that Com­ cadet nurse's training, and then it. Compare.d with Mt. Rainier, it are very eagel' and give very good quietly on your heels but we wiggle munism and Christianity a re op- • attended Drew University, receiv­ has seemed t•atber insignificant to attention. I taught them Jingle at·ouncl and change :!rom side to posing ideologies. However, the ing her M.A. in missionary work Bells; they liked this very much. me, but that was really sometb'ing. . side. There are sliding doors be­ opinion was also expressed tbal last June. Sally's brother, Bill It wasn't very bright, of course, ''We went to a discussion group tween the rooms which are paper unless Christianity offers the people Ellington, is a sophomot·e at CPS, rather mystical and eerie- like lt at Elllot's-college boys and girls. (wooden rt·ame). These are re­ something tangible as well as and bet· father is pastot• at Bethany was lighted faintly from 'Wilbin. The topic was boy and girl rela­ moved to malce the room larger. spiritual, the people will probably Methodist. tionships. It was very interesting This homo hacl a beautiful baby choose communism. On November lS one. of the few Cute Kids to hear their problems; the gu·ls did grand piano which took up about ships leaving tJ. S. porta look Sally "The little kids are so cute. A most or the talking and were quite half tho. small room. Night School • ancl sevel'a.l othe1·s to Japan. They lot of them wear these bright disgusted with the boys because "I was surprised to see the little "Every Monday, Wednesday and al'rived December 1 . .Following are 'flowered coats- evidently well pad­ they didn't enter in. I thinlc they childt·en sitting on the men's lmees Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:80 excerpts from some of the letters ded or with a lot under \.hem so really frightened the poor boys. instead or the women's. 'l'he men ·we go to school n.t the Army Edu­ ' to her famJiy. Het· mother, Mrs. they at·e real fat al'Ound the middle. 'l'he git·ls that were there were seemed very affectionate toward cation Center, studying Japanese. J". J. Ellington, read pal'ts o'f Sally's They all say 'hello' and 'goodby.' t.ho Francis E. Willa1·d type (leader them. ~rhe women are very gra­ Have I told you about the Japanese letters 'to the Kappa Phi members "In the afternoon Bessie (o.nol.he.t· in women su!,frage and WCTU)­ cious, the bowing which the guests bath? Most of the missionu.l'les at the last mectln~. teacher) and I wenl over to Elliot's right in thel'e pitching and fighting and the hostess (and host) do is seem to go for them in a big way. "When we got up at 7:00 this (a clirectol' of the school) to help for their rights. They all spealt quite impressive. They kneel down In fact Miss Wolfe just bad one moming we could dimly see Mt. him with a Christmas pa.t·ty for pretty good English and are quite and put thcit· heacls to the floor. put in het·e. But thank goodness Fugi, and tho outllne of Japan. hi$ junior high English speaking militant about the problem. Of 'l'hey not only bo-w once, but several we also have a bathtub. Of cou1·se, We were then 86 miles from Yoka­ class. There at·e both boys and course, \.he gt·eat difficulty is that ltmes. it taltes an awful lot of electricity, hama. We just went topside; real girls in it which is something new they arc bound by tradition. The therefore we can't have man;r exciting, are close enough to see in Japan. They are vet·y bright­ main trouble is •they expressed it Discussion Grout> baths. The Japanese bath i& heat­ the terraced hillsides. You'd never the little boys especially. Did I with their· parents. They said that "1 went to a discussion group ed by a small wood burner. The think terra firma would be such tell you that a great. many of the their parents don't even sit to­ immediately artet· suppe1·. It was tub is a wooden one with high aides a welcome sight. This excitement tnen and boys ~ave shaved beads? gether in their homes. However, with a wooden top-! don't know or going into port the sailors call with college students. The topic One of the little boys was so re­ in Christian homes they said then· whetbet· you keep the top on when 'channel fever.' fot· the night was democracy. They cently shaved that we called him pa1·ents are more democratic and you are in it Ol' not. You are 'cue ball.' let the boys and girls mingle and are very concerned over the sub­ Located Belongings • supposed to wash off with soap "Tuesday .r spent the day again "Two of Bessie's students came study with each othe1•. In the non- ject and don't talco it rot· granted before you get in the tub. I should at th~ dock- finally located all 23 in the morning and stayed all day. Christian homes the par.ents feel like we do. They expressed the. think one would freeze to death pieces of my things. This business It seems that they don't know how that this is dangerous. They tend idea that democracy is based upon in the process. The!}. they get in of not ·being able to talk to people to leave although they realize you to keep tbe old feudalistic cus­ Christianity. Even In the mission this red-hot water and soak. Every is discow·aging tt1 say the least. are busy and so at·e they. Taking toms and feel they are responsible schools, Christianity is given less one in the family soaks In the I had a terrible time at the dock. leave is very awkward for them for theh· children (especially time tho.n other subjects. We are same tub of water. I'm not plan­ Finally a soldier got an interpreter and they just don't know how to claughtet·s) until they marry. now teaching two classes at n~ht ning to participate (unless, of fot· me. I'm learning sign language do it." school at Yokosuka community course, I am the fii'st one in tbe fast. Dec. 20: "Had four music classes. Visit Japanese Home center at 'raura. I teach a be­ tub). They cla im you are clean "Yesterday was Sunday. In t he We sang ca rols, of cour-se. 'r hey "T hat night I went to my first ginning and a second year cl!Uis. ' before you get in, but you can't moming, I had the luxury ~t a are w onderful singers, good clear Japanese home. It is an upper It is a very heterogeneous group, tell me they get as clean sponging bath. We have a •bathtub- the voices, always sing parts. I as)ted middle class home, I ,believe. It There n.t·e some v~ry sweet little off in a cold room as they do pt·oblem 1e the hot water. Ther e the sopra nos to slt on one alde- was dark and rainy so I couldn't eighth gx·ade gir ls, business men, soaking in hot water."