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'l{ated "All American" • edited and Managed By Collegiate Press t Entirely by Students Z-7?9 Waahingtoo and Lee University Semi-Weekly VOL. XLIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 NUMBER 31 Smoking Prohibited in Reference Room, Cagers Meet Downie, Armstrong Outline Stacks of New Library; Rules Announced Blue Devils Pl c F · p d Spt ·d ers H ere' ans 10r ormtng 150- oun ~~:~~::=~~~~~: Football Team, State League Next Tuesday, Friday •--------* Sport to Operate wasblngton and Lee, driving un- Seal Juke Boxes der full power to clinch a SOuthern es, Trustees . On Basis Similar IConference tournament b e r t h . Lose Small Change 1opens it 1\nal two-game home The Board or Trustees today stand here Tuesday evening when T p kin M approved the plan for consoll- To Lacrosse Start the Ot!nerals clash with Duke Uni- ~ 0 ar g eters dated control ot athletics as Plans for the organization of a versity's basketeers at 7:45. We used to stick our pennies in pro):osed by the special com- 150-s;ound football team a t Wash- FoUowfD&' the Blue Devil the slots ot scales to ftnd out what mlttee of alumni. faculty and lngton and Lee and the es t.abllsh rame, W&L will appear lD Dore- we weighed and what the future students, authorized an appro- ment of a lightweight grid league mus um only once more- held In store tor us. and we used prlatJon of $250 "for permanent among neighboring Virginia col- aralnst Richmond Friday. to put our nickels into the Corner equipment for the University leges were outlined today by BUl Coach Cookie Cunningham has store's "Juke box" to bear the lat- Boat club," voted an approprl- Armstrong, intermediate law stu Ihad his own version of "Boys in est Miller or Dorsey hit while ation of $ 100 toward TKl's dent. and Walt Downie, Junior in The new McCot·mick library. <Photo courtesy The Roanoke Times> Blue" gunning for the Dukesters downing a coke or a milkshake. But .. iron lung" drive and granted a the academic school. Who Upset the ~nerals by a one- tho•e pennies and nickels are find- ptomotlon to John G. Varner. ot '-"""' ~ t the English department. The team, accordlna' to plans point margin in their only meeting lng new slots to explore now hat In a statement issued at the now belnc worked out by the * Four Rooms Unfinished *I at Durham last winter. The Duke Lexington's streets have become conclusion of their meeting. the two sponiOn, would operate In- As Students BeJEin Use Troubs Hold :~e= :,~C:Ct :;::a~ytpere p~i~:i~ punlciLit~~~~a' lwonithofP~~einmg err:~~rson. members ot the Board said they dependent or the AthleUc as- Wright Resigns " .... • wa ..,.. had "approved the general prln- soclatlon In much the same Rules and regulations concern- adminlatered the Durham invasion MaiD and Nelson street& was clple of consolidated control tor manner u did the lacroue ing the U!e of the new Cyrus Hall Rehearsals for here In 1939 when Bobby Gary's completed early lD the week, athletics ... with certain modi- team In ita flnt yean of eU.t- Lexington Post McConnlck library. which was last-second circus shot brought and oWDen of can who park ncatlons to be determined by ence. opened to students early this week, ~R Se • ' the Ot!nerals a similar one-point wdbln the meter areas from the Executive Committe <of the "IJghtwelght football Is design- For Deanship were issued today by Poster 8 . oom rvtce triumph. Coach Eddie Cameron now OD wW pay a dollar 11 Uley ( See TRUSTEES, P..,e 4) ed to give boys who are too liJht Mohrhardt, librarian. did not brlng the Blue Devils to don't feed tbe meter enoarb for varalty competition, but who The Rev. Thomas H. Wrlaht. Smoking will be permitted in Settling down after the Inter- Lexington last season. to take eare of their pu-kiDJ. like to play, a chan.ce to be mem- Rector for the past seven years of the basement rooms. and on the ruptton of examinations and In 'riew of Ulne put two Pf:J'· TweiYe minutes' INU'kln6 II pro- Commerce Qub bers of a squad which plays a reg- the Robert E. Lee Memorial Epls- main noor In the lobby. the re- Fancy Dress. the Troubadours are formaaee. dllplaJed In tbe ri· vtded for a peJUIY, wblle an ular schedule," Downie said th1a copal church. this week tendered served book room. and the maga- now holding rehearsals every nlght Y&lr7, ~ here look lor • boar's Ume can be bad lor a afternoon in explalning the pro- his resignation In order to accept a z1ne room. No smoking will be a1- in the Troub theatre In prepara- pitch battle Tuesday enDlnr. DickeL Up to fln peDD.Ies can Asks Placement posais. call to become Dean of Grace Ca- lowed In the large reference room. tlon for their presentation of ~emeata are beJDr made be deposited at one Ume, but u wu pomted oat t.bal while thedral in San Francisco, Calif. to the right of the main entrance. "Room Service." for one ol t.be Wiest crowds tbe meter. wW take oaly one the team weald DO& be a pari of Dr. wrtrht, who rece.lved u.e or In any of the stacks. Students Setting tor the play, a comedy of t.be 1941 docket. Dickel at a time. Aid for Seniors t.be UDlftnlty's oftlclal athleUc derree of Doctor of DinmtJ have been requested to keep ashes concerning the production of a This week's activity provides Red "violation" flags come Into (H'OP'&ID, Ita orpab&Uon bad from Wa.abiqton and Lee lD and cigarettes oft the ftoor, as ash- play, wm be the White Way hotel, W&L supporters with their ftnal view when the time runs out, and Establishment of a coordinated receJYed the eDdenement of June, 1940, came to Lexlqton trays have been adequately pro- "Just ott Broadway." opportunity of witnessi"- three aU vehicles observed In a space on placement bureau to assist Wash- ICbool athleUc and admlnlstra- lD January, 1934, from New vided. Director Ed Boyd Is working soung men who have been scam- which the time has run out will be ington and Lee students In ob- ttve oftlclala. York, where he had been len· Mr. Mohrhardt pointed out that with a sllahtly reorganized cast. pering about the Doremua bud· tagged, town ofilcials have an- talning employment upon gradua- Cap'n Dick Smith, dlrector of lnJ as secretary of cotlere work smoking In the reading rooms Is George Parton Is taking the part of wood for four seasons. Capcam nounced. The town council has set tlon was proposed 1n a letter ad- athletics. said that WU.On fteld for the National Council of the an unu.sual experiment here at Faker Englund which was former- Howard Dobbins. Bobby Gary and a nne of $1.00 tor each violation, dressed to memb2rs of the Com- would be made avaUable for ita Epl11copal church. W&L, and expressed the hope of ly assigned to Mike Watt, who has Dick Pinck will climax starry ca- payable at pollee headquarters merce school faculty and to the games it the schedule waa ar- He previously had served as pas- the IJbrary committee that the tranaterred to Northwestern unl- reers on their home court which withJn 24 hours. Administration by AI Fleishman, ranged so as not to connlct with tor of Tl'lnity church in Lumber- students will cooperate with the versity. began back In 1937. the season they president of the William L. Wilson varsity and freshman practices ton. N. C.. and as student pastor at Ubrary staff. Miss Alma Sue Slmn•on of joined tor an unbeaten year aa Pollee omclalsh have.... askedt kthat in commerce club• yesterday · and ..-""es~ . added that the Ath- The entire building, because of ...., freshmen. car owners w o w...... o par letlc association would probably be the Unlverslty of North Carolina. the present library budget will be Southern Seminary is playing the The Dler U1 vtnte wUI the maln part of town lonr enough Accordlq to the proposals let able to turnJah some "castoff Dr. Wright. in his seven yeara open only at the followlni times: feminin e lead as Christine. "Room ':, In wtUl to see a show. or attend to bust- forth ln tbe letter. a detailed 1et equipment" and capped his en- in Lexington, has been active ln Service" wlll be the ftrst Troub tQaare 0 ...:::rabl P ness which requl-- more than an or ftles eonrlna' the •uallftca- work among \V&L and VMI at u- Wee k .....,..._a...aA... " . m. to 10 p. m · production In which a SOuthern Ed C.Ubao• the JaDJor •-..__ _. hour's time. we .....the tacilltlea of- ..wou and d-•~....__ o 1 mem-...___ of dorsement by otrerinl to help with dents. Christmas and Easter serv- Saturday-S a. m. to 8 p. m. Sem girl has taken part since m"nef.al wbo wu a t.eammate fered by free parking lots main- the ,hmlor and senior ca.... the ~hlnl . ta Cy Y ices featuring student partlcipa- Sunday- 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. "Front Page" played here three of the pftYioas three u a talned by the town. One of these woald be compUed and located fo~er1 v=~e ~etball o~ Uon have been held by hJs church years ago. ~earUDr. and LeftJ Leo B~o, l.s located to the rear ot the State lD an omce t~b whlch au for the past several years.