'l{ated "All American" • edited and Managed By Collegiate Press t Entirely by Students Z-7?9 Waahingtoo and Lee University Semi-Weekly

VOL. XLIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 NUMBER 31 Smoking Prohibited in Reference Room, Cagers Meet Downie, Armstrong Outline Stacks of New Library; Rules Announced Blue Devils Pl c F · p d Spt ·d ers H ere ' ans 10r ormtng 150- oun ~~:~~::=~~~~~: Football Team, State League Next Tuesday, Friday •------* Sport to Operate wasblngton and Lee, driving un- Seal Juke Boxes der full power to clinch a SOuthern es, Trustees . . . On Basis Similar IConference tournament b e r t h . Lose Small Change 1opens it 1\nal two-game home The Board or Trustees today stand here Tuesday evening when T p kin M approved the plan for consoll- To Lacrosse Start the Ot!nerals clash with Duke Uni- ~ 0 ar g eters dated control ot athletics as Plans for the organization of a versity's basketeers at 7:45. We used to stick our pennies in pro):osed by the special com- 150-s;ound football team a t Wash- FoUowfD&' the Blue Devil the slots ot scales to ftnd out what mlttee of alumni. faculty and lngton and Lee and the es t.abllsh­ rame, W&L will appear lD Dore- we weighed and what the future students, authorized an appro- ment of a lightweight grid league mus um only once more- held In store tor us. and we used prlatJon of $250 "for permanent among neighboring Virginia col- aralnst Richmond Friday. to put our nickels into the Corner equipment for the University leges were outlined today by BUl Coach Cookie Cunningham has store's "Juke box" to bear the lat- Boat club," voted an approprl- Armstrong, intermediate law stu­ Ihad his own version of "Boys in est Miller or Dorsey hit while ation of $ 100 toward TKl's dent. and Walt Downie, Junior in The new McCot·mick library. Blue" gunning for the Dukesters downing a coke or a milkshake. But .. iron lung" drive and granted a the academic school. Who Upset the ~nerals by a one- tho•e pennies and nickels are find- ptomotlon to John G. Varner. ot '-"""' ~ t the English department. The team, accordlna' to plans point margin in their only meeting lng new slots to explore now hat In a statement issued at the now belnc worked out by the * Four Rooms Unfinished *I at Durham last winter. The Duke Lexington's streets have become conclusion of their meeting. the two sponiOn, would operate In- As Students BeJEin Use Troubs Hold :~e= :,~C:Ct :;::a~ytpere p~i~:i~ punlciLit~~~~a' lwonithofP~~einmg err:~~rson. members ot the Board said they dependent or the AthleUc as- Wright Resigns " .... • wa ..,.. had "approved the general prln- soclatlon In much the same Rules and regulations concern- adminlatered the Durham invasion MaiD and Nelson street& was clple of consolidated control tor manner u did the lacroue ing the U!e of the new Cyrus Hall Rehearsals for here In 1939 when Bobby Gary's completed early lD the week, athletics ... with certain modi- team In ita flnt yean of eU.t- Lexington Post McConnlck library. which was last-second circus shot brought and oWDen of can who park ncatlons to be determined by ence. opened to students early this week, ~R Se • ' the Ot!nerals a similar one-point wdbln the meter areas from the Executive Committe lder. W B. Freshman leadllll' In its statement that the Bouton Wokeneld on arrange- Dick Butler, sophomore from dent of the Stutz Motor corpora- semester. They are R. G. Barr. or outhrle. w. B.-All A'&- von Kali nowski, o. E . All A'l faculty did not make reeommen­ mrn!.ll The chu h·m«'n of the re- Freeport. N. Y .. was elected trea- lion. He has bten active In the Vlr~rln l a Beach, LL.B.; J . w. w ar- Freshman Wukcfleld. a. M. Al l A'IJ daUou for "alteraUona" In the pc.c tlve commltt.et! are Buzz Lee surer for lhe 1941-U aeaslon. dev ~ l opmen t of American avia- ner, Tuscaloosa. Ala.. B .S. In com- Herndon, R . M. Wehncke, J . Freshman plan. The •uesUon ol "allocation" ~o r the uppcn·lai!Smen, Haven Uon, and esptclally Interested In merce: J . E. Delehanty, Wappln- Hunter, E. E.-All A's Wilcox. W. 8 . All A'&- or membtrsbip from the eon.~tltu­ Mankln for the freshmen. and F b J1 M the extension of airlines throurh- gers Falls, N. Y.; E. T. Halsllp, Johnson, R. F.-All A's- Fre hman ent rroup• represented on the pro­ Or. Wllllnm w. Morton for the oot a anagen out south America . Caldwell. N. J .: J . E . .Lindsey , Ft-eshman Wllllams, PhJUp, J r All A'a poled committee did not come up roculty. FootbaU man&~er AI 0Yerton Jtl8 VMI talk 1s schtduled to Ringold. Va.; S. D. Pruitt. Nar- Kearns. o. E.. Jr. Wilson, T c .. J r. All A's for dlac... ton . The laealty illd, 1'hl' faculty committee, In addl- today ~...... all ...... deal with "tome of the mistakes berth , Pa.; R . P. Ruoff, Washing- Kimbrough. H. M. Wl.swell, M P .. J r. however, YcKe for a tbanae In the tlon to Dr. Morton, lncludta Dr. fer lHl Yanlty roota.u man- mad,. durlnr lhe World war," ac- ton. D. C.: H. L. Smith. Staunton, Kirkpatrick, F. s. Wyatt. N F. All A'a method of cb001l.q Ita own mem­ J me 8 . Motralt, Professor F. anr to report to t.be Ulll.DUium cordlna to Oen Kilbourne's an- and C. 0 . Thalhlmer. Richmond, Kopald, 8 . L.. Jr. Zelnlcker. E. A.. Jr bership, by deelarlnr Itself In fa­ J umcs Dames n , Professor Earl liiODdaJ al 2:M p. m. nouncemcnt. A.B.'s. Leake, R. s. vor of eledlnr Ita repret~entaUYea ...... _.. P. Oat--. our own untrained and tone-deaf ear finds it not quite lilce other music. lAtter to the Editor- If there is anything that can be done about Washington and Lee University CAMPUS .COMMENT it, we sug&est that whoever should do some­ By Pete Barrow, Jr. Semi-Weeldy thing about it, whenever he gets time, do it. Keep the Library Open Until12 ------Editor, Rlna-tum Phi The Washington and Lee Com­ Mtu.brr M1JOH ADO : One of the queer­ "Sure." she chirped. "Didn't you WaahiDJton and Lee University merce and Law libraries are avail­ PM Makes a Noise est little stories to linger on after know?" Lexlnrton, VIrginia able to the students of these ~s'io c ial ed Colll•t;talc Pres\ schools at all hours and lt hardly PM-a confusing paper, on which Rafe Fancy Dress concerns a young lady This type of thlng can grow Into Dear Blll: Oi\trlbutor of who participated in the floor show. a. phobia necessitating treatment seems selfish or us to ask for an Colle5iole Die;est Fuller, who graduated here last year, works­ This yo un g by a psychoanalyst II it happens During the last few days I have additional two hours each night. is trying to clean up the U. S. State Depart. lady was attrac­ o(ten enough, and Murdock ought heard any number of boys express Keeping the readlng room and tive, young and _.,..:.or.:~n<"' Published every TUesday and Friday of the colle­ ment. It says a lot of bad things about it; says to be worried, since it's the third the desire that some arrangement reference room open would not impulsive. Be­ tlme this year for hlm. be made for keeping the reading require the duties of a full time giate year. Entered a t the Lexlngton, Virginia, post­ them loud and long, and dosen't mince words. cause aU three office as second-class mall matter. room, reserve boolu. references and librarian. The stacks would con­ It says the department is honeycombed with of lhe above FIJI: Scott Gilmer took. a swing study facUlties of our new library tinue to be closed at 10 o'clock.. National s.dvertlslng representative: The National pro-Nazis, although it doesn't make itself ex­ facts were a.t a visiting Wahoo last week-end, open to students past 10 o'clock at a.nd no books would be checked out Advertising Service, Inc .. 420 Madison Avenue, New known to him, and said Wahoo spent the next night. or returned after that hour. After York City, New York. clear. Apparen tly the State Department hasn't her father ac­ three days ln the Fiji bouse re- We are all Justly proud of the 10 o'clock a student assistant Subscription $3.10 per year, in advance acted in every crisis exactly as PM would have companied her covering.... For years Homer McCormick Library, and I believe would be on duty and would be done. to Lexington. Jones has talked about someone that the scholaatlc aver&~e of the responsible for closing up at mid­ Bn.L BUCHANAN ...... Editor At one point named "Tubby.'' Last week the lads entire student body wlll beneftt by night. HOMER A. JONES, JR...... Business Manager It also charges the department with com­ to lhe evening, got their first look at her. It was a the excellent studying conditions It is hoped too that the Ubra.ry placency-charges that most of its big shots she met a young "big" occasion. . . . Bill Burns made possible for us by the gener- wUl be open on Saturday and Bun­ EdJtorial Board are rich fellows who think in grooves. It is man. came back and wolfed no less than oslty of the McCormick Estate and day nights, rather than follow the Bayard Berghaus, Fred Farrar, AJ Fleishman, Bob Two and two twenty dates. . . . Herman was the energy and application of the old schedule or closlna at 8 o'clock steele. La.tbrun Thigpen still living in the nineteenth century, says PM, make four. and Barrow upset, since his onlY love, Iser, was preaent library sta1f and Untwr· on these days. Managlna' EdJton which admits, however, that Cordell Hull is a when the floor here, but with one of the Murray slty admlnlatration. However, most Theee sut~eatlon.s. to my tmowl­ Ned Burks and Bob Campbell nice old man, and knows his stuff in a dufferish show ended, the young lady was twlns. of the students here do their aeri- edp, are endol'8Cd by a large ma­ nowhere to be found. Several hours oua studyl.na after dinner every jority of the students, and I feel Copy EdJtor Desk EcUtor sort of way. Walt Downie Marshall Johnson later. her father noticed this. THE WORM TURNS: It's hard evenlna, and lt would undoubtedly certain that It It ts poll81ble to Now there is a possibility that PM, in its "No. no." he shouted. "Not that! to tell who the Joke Is on ln th18 be a treat help to them all lt they make tbeee oban1es. the librarians NewsEdJtor Anything but that!" And straight story. could enJoy the f1ae ot tbe librarJ will lend every etrort toward put­ Bud Levy mission to save America and adapt it to "the to the nearest telephone he went, A short whlle back we mentioned untll 12 o'clock, or in &117 event 11 tlng them into etrect soon. Sports Editors modern world,' is cutting off too big a chaw. from which point he called Dean the fact that Marie Lackey, who Is o'clock. Under the present ached- Sincerely Dick Wright and Ray Whitaker Maybe PM itself isn't always right. Gilliam. Art Koontz' only reason for Uving, ule one can barc1ly get settled to I ' Editorlal Associates But it is refreshing to find a paper that is It was four a. m. and the Dean had sold him down the river and studying or readina before the A SOPHOMORE Walter Browder, AI Darby, Joe Ellls, Dick Houska, definitely did not feel like playing was attending the set with Paul doors are cloaed. trying to do some muckraking. Hudson Millar, Bill Noonan, Lou Shroyer, Ramsay hide and seek with wayward Sanders, a Phi Delt. RecoiJlizing the fact that most Glee Club Meeting Taylor, Ed Zelnicker It disturbs complacency to see a respectable daughters. so he called Charley We are now very amused to an- studying is done at nllht, other Chapman and went back to bed. schools in some reapecta a1mllar to The Glee clab meetlna' oria'· Reporters newspaper saying nasty words about people, Charley didn't feel like it either, nounce that Sanders met the same W&L provide tor this by keeplnl ..._. tet for Tand&J, Febnl· Albury, Brown, Cabn, Clayton, Cronin, Davis, Eck. without even the excuse of politics. But it is but there was nobody he could call, fate Koontz met in the form of a their libraries open until mldn11ht. aJ7 11, baa been cbanred to Gates, Hall, Johnson, Keller, MncCacbran, McCoy reviving to note that somebody dares brave-­ so he dressed and set out. late date. A lale date, in Itself, Princeton close.s its libraries at 12 Monday, February 10. McGraw, Moore, Petriken. Putnam, Sacks, Shirk, He found the young lady in a isn't so unusual. and except for o'clock, Williams and Rutgers at Baritones will meet at '7:15 Talbott, Thomas, Thompson. Williams not censorship by government-but the more fraternity bar, Ustenlng to victrola one factor, Sanders would prob- 11 o'clock. and the rest. ol the club at 8:15. nerve-sapping censorship of public Lassitude records with her date, and de­ alookbly hita. ve been big enough to over- r======• BUSINESS STAFF and disapproval of evil smells. livered her forthwith to her Irate papa. This pruticular factor, gentle- ! Advertising Manacen Sure, they'll say, "If you're going to criti· Papa seemed somehow annoyed men. Is the subject of her late I Oscar C. Dunn. W. 0. Shropshire cize, do it constructively. Don't tear down, that all the dreadful things he date. After racking Koontz for Dean's List-January 30, 1941 Promotion JUanarer build up." More potential reformers have been had pictured hadn't happened. Sanders. Miss Lackey rung up a Jack Barrie perfect average by throwing Sa.n- 1 Adams, R. H. McCarthy, E. J. Assistant Advertlslnr Manaren silenced by that platitude than by all corrupt TYP!OAL EVENING : Bob Schel- ders over to have a late date with I Alevlza.tos, E. C. McClure, H. N. James G. LaPlante, Hill Maury, E. F. Robb, Jr. suppression. len burg has them constantly. a VM1 cadet, who ran the block for Allen, D. T., Jr.-Freshman McConnell, J . R. Charles T. Sardeson, Ernest E. Smith The ability to build up is not given to every Last night he finished dinner that very purpose. Allen, F. M. McGehee, J. w .. Jr. promptly at seven. "Ah." he said. Koontz thought the whole thing Armstrona. A. W., Jr. McGill, R. D. Circulation l'lanaren man, nor is the talent for distruction. But with u. Grey Flowers, Jr., Joseph E. Lee ''I'll get In a good evening's work." was vet·y funny, and showed up at Armstrong. W. H. McKay, G . E. each plying his trade the world seems to rock In his apartment he turned on the Phi Delt house with Black 1 MacCachran, R. F. Subscription Manarer Baker, Paul. Jr. along in a more interesting manner. the radio and picked up a book. Agnes for the sole purpOse of I Bannon, J . E. Martin, T. L. Corneal B. Myers Lew Rehr walked ln. "Game or smirking. Barker, M. D., Jr. Martire. J . G. Accountant So hooray for PM, whose crusades make pool?" Lew suggested. Off hand, we would say he had It Barritt, C. W. Mize, W . B . George R. Eshelman interesting reading, and who, even if wrong, "Sure," said Bob. . . . coming. Berghaus, B. S. Monroe. D. M .. Jr. Advertlatq Consultant has energy enough to make a noise. He got In from this at nine- Bishop, A. T., Jr. Morris, T. G. Jack Doherty thirty. As he entered the door, he PATTElt: Miss Becky Morgan Blum, N.-JI'resbman Myers, c. B., Jr. heard a tunny noise upstairs. and was on the campus last week. Miss Bratenahl, A. Neal, J. R .. Jr. February '7 , 1941 was forced to go up to Investigate. Becky is the grand neice of J. Brizendine, T. B. Neilson, R. H .. Jr. THE FORUM It was Jim Clarke, trying to study. Pierpont Morgan, and was escort­ Browder. W. R. Nelson, ¥ . R. They talked until eleven p. m., at ed by Jack Peacock.... Scene: Bruinsma, T. A. Noonan. W. J .. Jr. We Stay Sane which time Barrow called up. Dinner at the Beta House. One of Buchanan, W. Norton. J . F. ··oame of pool?" the brothers sa.w smoke coming Burks, D. C. O'Connor. J. H.-Freshman Only fifty students want military training if Wanted: A Pre-E"am Breather "Sure ... :· out of Alex Bratena's pocket. Burks. E. C. Orslnger, C. G . This Le I b B WbJ time he got in at twelve- "Hey Alex," he shouted. "You're Carlson, G. W. Peery. R. C. it doesn't get them commissions. And of this From the h r rown" te fttteen. but he was hungry and had I on fire!" Alex looked down and Charles, T. J., Jr. Plock, R . L. fifty, one-fourth are still unwilling to commit The first semester's final examinations took to go out again. When he got In at perceived the flame. "So I am," C1ark. T. A. Pruitt. s. o ., Jr. themselves. their usual toll of students who to put it one, he went straight to bed, he remarked. calmly fin ishing his Clendaniel, K. S. Rast. c. L .. Jr.-Freshman L d d · dd.' . h. 1 thinking what a good evening's dessert .... Torrington is a bum. Cobb. A. W.- Freshman Raymond. J. D. bl I A an IS That shows that W &L remains civil-minded, unt y, umce out; an , a mon to t 1 work...... That last was an editorial Cooper, E. M. Refo. c. L. that it has not quite yet gone war-nutty with group, there was the usual number who did comment .... One more crack Delehanty, J. E. Renick. R. M. the rest of the country. very poorly. Many students whose marks were GLAMOUR BOY : Lynn Mur- from you. Governor, and we'll dig Dempsher, J. Rosenfeld. R. 8 . . . . . dock thought he was doing pretty you out of your grave of anonlmity Disney, M. K. Runyan. I. V. Thanks, General Lee. not up to thetr expectations reahzed that thiS well with his Fancy Dress date, and cruelly you all over again. .. . Dorsey. J . L . Sartor, C. L. was partly due to an off-balance examination Jerry Beck, until he noUced a Surpll.!.lngly. the new bar at the Downie. W. G. Sater, S. L. schedule which forced them to give a relatively d.iamond engagement. ring on her Phi Gam house is still Intact after Eccleston, C. Scherr. E. H. The Library, Etc. third finger left hand. one week . ... BUl Broders was a Ellla, J.P., Jr. Schewe!. B. ft.. small amount of time to preparation for each This happened In the middle of mite upset when his date asked Eshelman, G. R. Sellen, P. A. Chairs with red cushions. final. the dance ftoor. him to take her to Lynchburg In a Espy, R. B. Shatmon, W. L. Obviously no shifting of the exam schedule "Hey," Murdock said. ·'What the tax!. The bill was seven dollars ... Faison, S. M . Shepard. R. H. Lights bright enough to read by, but with hell.'' which she promptly paid. Plttlpoldi, w. v. Shirk. K . L., Jr. will present every student with enough time no glare. PltZP&trlck, J. B.-Freshman Shoemaker. R. H. for adequate study. There will always be an Fleishman, A. T . Shropshire. W. 0 . Lavatories. unlucky few who are acutely over-rushed. To Plemlnl, T. 0 . Silverstein, J. A. Drinking fountains. Foard. J. E. Smith. H. W. eliminate this evil, many colleges and univer­ Previews and Reviews Pountaln, E. M. Smith, H. L. Quiet. sities have instituted a plan known as "reading By AI Fleishman Franze, E. F. Spindle. R. B .. m Smoke. period." Prledber&, J. S . Steele. R. E .. m Friedman, H. P., Jr. Steenland. N. C. To put it originally, it's too good to be true. At present a committee from the combined Looks to us like the Lyric Is the J On Saturday, if you overlook the Gaae, R. D., m Sterrett. J. R. It destroys the Ring-tum Phi's only good councils is working on prospective changes in winner of lhe week ... . "The Mark Lyric's "Take Me Back to Okla­ Galloway, L. W. Sullivan, L. C.- Freshman long-time subject for protest. But we're still the University calendar. One of the items ot Zorro" last Wednesday and "Es- homa" with Tex Ritter (we don't . Garretson, D. E. Taylor. T. R. Garten. c. T. Tenney, H. K. happy. We' ll find another one. which will come under their consideration is cape to Glory'' on Monday and know why we even mentioned Tuesday we re thlsl. there will be a. good show In Gllbert, N. C. Thalhlmer. c. G. Anyone who has fumbled about other libra­ the suggested reading period. If the commit· far above what town. . . . We think It's 1ood Goldstein, S. R. Thlll)en. L. L .. Jr. ries will appreciate ours. tee finds the plan feasible, its recommendation the State had to nnyway- it's the Inimitable W. C. Guthrie, W. B.-Preahman Trueheart, T . s. Haislip, E. T. Tull, A. D. There is something else he will appreciate should do a lot toward the institution of the offer - even If Fields. as Egbert souse tyes, they did call the Souse) ln ''The Bank Dick.'' ... Heartwell, W. L., Jr. Underwood. B. T. more. And that is the staff-which leu you period at Lehigh. Lyric s hows It's a screwball story as only Fields Henderson, J. 8 ., Jr. Van Gelder, W. B.-Freshman browse about when you want to, and helps you The major argument in favor of the reading second-rate. . . . co:.tld thJnk up under the peeudo· Herndon. R. M . vaughan, R. T. Hunter, E. E .. Jr. von Kalinowski. G. E. when you need it. period is the aforementioned fact that many We enJoyed nym of Mahatma Kane Jeeves . ... t h e m m u c h The press sheets say It's filled with Jeter, H. H. Wakefield, B. M .. Jr. There are two kinds of Library assiscanu. students do not have time to prepare for more thorouah- Fleldslan whlmsicalltles - well. Jeter, R. M ., Jr. Weathers, J. W., Jr. One says " Over on the third shelf from the finals. Cessation of classes for a few days be­ Jy tha.n the cur- that's putting it very, very mildly. Johnson, R. C. Webb, W. B. Johnaon, R. P.-Preahman Weed, H. M. top just as you go thro ugh the second door on fore the exams might save many from the rent smellers. . . . Anyway, back to the story, "Flight Co m - Fields accidentally gets hirruJelt Johnson. W. M. Wehncke, J .-Freshman the left after you turn right at the top of the rigors of all-night cramming. m a n d a n d tangled up wi th a burglar against , JUJller, R. s. Wells, E. D., Jr. first Right of stairs.' ' The majority of students will welcome a "Chad Hanna." hls will, trips up the burglar also Kearns, G. !l., Jr. Wersel, R. F. Kimbrough, H. M. Wilcox. W. J .. Jr. The other makes you fill out a slip, and you reading period as a li·fe saver before the ordeal And I.,CAldn: FlelsJmlan against his wlll, and becomes a. of "Chad Han- hero. very much according to his Kirkpatrick, F. S. Wilcox, W. B.-Freshman pat your foot while he disappears. In half an of finals. Let's have it, committee. na" we'd mJrbt as well bawl over wlll .... He gets a Job In a bank as Kopald, S. L., Jr. Wllklns, W. J .. Jr. hour he returns to tell you the book is out. IPUt milk. . . . And speaklnr of n s ~.o ednl policeman and gets tan­ Lanier, C. H . Wllllams, Philip, Jr. Wilson. T. C .. Jr. Your only solace is a card catalog, in which split. milk. ln tbe words of lhe gled up In more lhinss or Interest LaPlante. J. G. prophet, "Laurh and the world j1 t here. . . . There's plenty of the Leake, R. S. Wiswell. M . P .. Jr. you can browse. Thoughts Abroad from Home laurb.s wilh you. cry and your mas- old vaudeville slapstick around. Lee, R. E. Woodward. H. M .• Jr. We'll stack W&L's up against anybody's, c:ara runs," "Chad IJanna" wu but It 1s funny .... It's slUy, you Lehr, R. E. Wonns. L ., Jr. I Lemkuhl. C. A .. Jr. Wyatt, N. P . for cooperation and absence of red tape, for well-aplU and not. worth u ylnr tnLellectuals will say. but it's e. lot over .... The dory concerned tht of fun .... In fact, It's the best so Levin, B. Yonge, H . M . steermg a helpful medium course between the Oh, to be In England 1 ~~mall town boy who booked up far lhls werk- lt thnt•s saying any­ Levy, H. R. zelntclter. E. A., Jr. two. Now that Goering's there, with the smaU-time circus, with thlna. ... Fields pulls some of hl8 Lewis, D. C., Jr. And especially to Mr. Mohrhardt goes this And whoever wakes In England t.he blr time rlamour glrt, La- old tricks over and over. but they're I Sees. come morning, unaware, issue's little white bouq uet. mour. . . . 1'he small tm'n bOY IJust as effective and runny as ever. ·~======:::=:=:::::;;:; That the simplest boughs and things most Innocent (Ileal')' Fonda) pr~eds to ad- .. Una Merkle, Cora Witherspoon, .:;; --- He designed the thang, and it's our belief Are by bomblnas tragically rent, vance by euy strides to h ead man Jess:1 ie Ralph. Franklin Pangborn, that as we usc it mort•, :ts o ur hooks expand In th" 1how. ftn&lly rets flred from and Dick Purcell are about all that While the blood and frlah ~ or war make St. Paul's to meet its capacity, Washington and Lee will the outftt, but comes b1u:k Just. In there Is In lhe cast besides Fields. a slouah Ume to save the works from bt'· ..• But Fields Is enough to make A. C. MILLER reali2e more fully that the plans were well In Enalnnd- nowl lnr wrecked . . .. Now. we hate to It cnJoynl>lc. . . . Incidentally, 2 Tucker StHet laid. be blUer, but how In the d!cl&tnl there's some olufi about lhe movies 1 COAL II did r.uc:h a thlq evtr get. on any In lhls plctur• a dlrect.or and a And arter Goering, when HilLer follows. ICrt'en .... Dottle Lamour should I screen show written by bank de- l":======; New Note in Local Music 1tlcll to her saroq and leave uch ' tecllve Field.'! get mixed ln some r- And Nazi arroaance destroys and wallowa! tbinrs as elrcus bareback rldlnr 1 v.ny. . . All arrive at practically Menrion of the library recalls a complaint Hark, where my blighted pear-tree ln lhe hedge jobe aJonf' .. . . She't be:'IS. with her the Mme end. . . More fun. Have you tried our Special Student Menu of one of the m usic devotees, who w11l soon Leans to the neld and scatters on the clover aultl')' sln.rlns- and notblnr else- Th~ State Is brtnrlnr b&C!ll to 111 In fact, Wf''re not so sure that tbe't on Monday and Tuetlday the fa-.1 from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.? be moved from t h at nccousucally atrocious Naught but blt~r drops of misery at lhe d~ad nf'n aood at that.. . . Meanwhl~ . moWJ ''Gone with the Wind.'' ... l wiJ'a edae- cubby.hole in the Srudent Un1on to better, there was an a.wrully r ood eut Thry PY the~·· nothlnr cut but 1 For instance- soundp roof quarte rs m the new building. Thal'a the sad Briton; he alnl!S each sons twice over wutecl ln an awfully poor show. the price-but. It's still awfully I Lest you should think lh('re Is chance to recapture . . . John Carradlne, Guy Klbb<'r, hard for "' to slt. In onf' place for DELICIOUS It seems that the vic has something wrong A lost and atorloua rapture! J sa nc DarwclJ, RoAooe Ates, and four lonr hours . ... But don't SIZZLING STEAKS with it. And as the nelda look rouah with hoary dew, la.'lt by no mf'an'l lu'!t Linda Oar- ml'l underttlllnd u!t, ''Gone with the It p lays all rs g hr- starts at the beginmng It Wind " Is wUhout a doubt the best I So will they be when r"'ld-llme nus anew nt>ll wtre all mlxrd up I n .. . . movll" we 've ever ~en . . .. We I and finishes pro mptly nr the end of each re· The crater-holes. lhe lltLie chlldi·en'a dower Earh of them Is rcod ordJnarllv, rnJoyt-d ~. a ccol)('r Union. AND SHOES FOR }'OUNG GENTLEMEN tomorrow's mtet Is expected to be 388 plna. 'lbla 1ood aet enabled Feb 15 Yale, CitY Colleae of the lii!H ound ao bf'twetn Charley him to advance to second ploce In New Yotk Martha Washington Candies Lanier, the dependable General. the individual averaaea with 110.81 F b 22 University or Chicago. and Jim Well of Carolina. Lut for the 42 aames bowled. Flrt1t March 1 Columbia. season Well aalncd a narrow de- pia~ II held by a member of the March a Bt·own clslon over the W&L man. ' Royal Arcanum team with an av- Malch 1r> Univ. West Vira1nl&. Tht' WotrJ,ack also boatts a eraae of 111.22. Harold Lauck Is In Unlv Florida strona team. Latrst or their con- fourth place with 108.93. March 2:! Wheaton, Louisiana 1 ST. VALENTINE'S DAY, FEB. 14 th qucat.a wall a 28·8 victory over VPI The Pacult.y team Ia In ft 111L Slate Unlv., Unlv. Wlscon- ln DlocklibUl l Not. until the ftnal place In the team atandlnta and r. ln, Cornell. two matches wrre the Gobblcra has a IJood chance of ftn lahina Man h :JO Unlv Illinois nolr to tlore o. poi nt. In 11140, the the &eason In that position if they Oc•wral.s won Crom Sta~e . 211·5. can auccesstully neaoUate their FrNhmen Couch Mathis wa1 appartntly mate!\ next Wednt'sday nlaht with F\'b. J II Ynlt' " May We Mllil a Dux for You?" 11au~ned wltll thr ehowlna hla boys the second place Royal Arcllnum Feb 22 Unlv Chlcaao. madr a~tahv.t llllnola beCause he outnt. March 8 Bl own. 1 1 lnn~ to ttlrk to th«" an m" line-up Faculty members bowllna lut Mnrrh 10 Unlv w eat Vlratnla, with vera! po81'1ble exceptions Wednesday nlaht. In addition to Woodberry Forest SiUII Orallam. Bud Robb. and Cap- Watkin were Foster Mohrhardt, Mnrch 22 Loulalnna Slate u.. Call 57 and 75 tulu Tommy P'ulll'r. tlll' thref' W&L Cy Younr Harold Lauck. Charlle Unlv. WI ton In, Com«'ll wlllnrrt In the Illlnl me ·L , art." McDowell and Cookie Cunnlna· March 20 -Unlv Illinois. Colum­ I I .. T H A\' P. ta, N 1- W l 0 R K lllltUIIlll t."XPf'\'lcd to wr tie In the ham. 1 bln . Page Four THE RING-TUM PHI Commerce Oub White Friars to Meet Lee Dinner Forum Debate Tryouts, to Select Team The White Friars, sophomore The Lee Dinner Forum wUl meet Continued from pare one honorary society, will meet Mon­ Sunday evening, February 9, at ~letter was written after the day, Pebruary 10, at 7:30 ln the 6:30 In the Robert E. Lee hotel, Commerce club had conducted a Student Union. president Charlie Hobson an­ For Southern Trip, Start Today poll among Juniors and seniors to ------nounced today. determine whether or not such a Gordon Von Kalinowski will be service would be desirable. Over 75 lSO-Lb. Football leader o! the forum. The subject S d 0 H * per cent of the men included in the has not been determined. qua pens ome honorary debate fraternity, as comparative newscomers to the survey said that they did not have ConUnued from pare one Season Next Friday the national intercollerlate sub- squad, and Clendaniel and Ellis Wrestling positions which they were sure ot "is Just like varsity football. I ts A · p 1 · ject for the 1941 season. saw service in several debates last e.ntering upon graduation, wblle otfenslve formations usually run gaanst ennsy vawa on next Friday, February 14, season. Friedman. Ashcraft and 106 or the 142 students who an- out of a. slngle wing .... Deten- ADAIR-HUTTON, Inc. Full length debate tryouts to the Washington and Lee debaters Hobson will act as critics of this . OonUnued from pqe three swered the questionnaires indlcat- sively, the Fifties use all the stand- detet1ltine which members of the will entertain and debate a Unl- debate. and Fuller to move up a class. ed that they would make uae ot ard lineups. . . . But since all twenty-odd man squad will make versity of Pennsylvania team. The Bill Armstrong, member of last In the preliminary match Satur- the proposed bureau. All but 19 o! players wetah about the same , there is a premium on pre- at 4 o'clock lh1s afternoon in the bers of the student body are in- will debate a freshman team com- yearlings. The unavallabUlty of ments were not rendering sufficient cision, speed, t1m1ng ... strategies Over Half Century" Literary society room of the Stu- vited. particularly members of the posed of Bill wucox and Frank Jim Olles, and the loss of Vernon assistance in finding employment are more daring, more spectacu- dent union when Hugh Ashcraft Forensic Union, public speaking Johnson on Tuesday, Briggs and Millsap, who recently had hls ap- for graduates. lar." and Herb Friedman, supporting class. political science classes and Clendaniel will criticize, and Arm- pendlx removed. leaves Mathi.s These results, torether wtth Downie and Annlltronr said the a1lllrmaUve side of the ques- modern history classes. Penn will strona and Fitzpatrick wm present with only one wrestler to fill the other information o b t a 1 ned that "Interested local perso0.1" LEXINGTON,* VA. tion, and Charles Hobson and Bob present t.he negative arguments on the affirmative. lowest two classes. Jim Berry, who throUJh the survey, were lnclud- had already qreed to contrib- Worrel, negative, engaged on the tbe national subject, and Wash- wrestled at 128 against Woodberry eel ln th.e letter's introductory ute $200 toward the proposed PHONE 58 subject: Resolved, the natlons of ingtoo and Lee's two debaters, yet Armstrong and Wllcox will be Forest, will hold down the 121- paraJT&phs. The club's propos- WaahlDa"ton and Lee project. the western hemisphere should to be selected, will argue the at- critics on the following day when pound assignment but the Blue wlll a1s foDowed, after which was Endorsing the plans along with form a permanent. union. ftrmative side of the question. Jim Stanfield and Bert Myers be forced to forfeit the 128-pound Included the club's offer "to help Cap'n Dick and Cy Young was Dr R w Nelson announced Tbe Southern tour wlll ret argue the affirmative in opposl- match. In any way ln tbls or&'anlzatlon Dean G11liam, who said the plan the ~hedul~ of the tryouts at a under way on Monday, February tion to Bill Murchison and Dick The remainder of the W&L fresh -either in Initial formation or "was In perfect agreement with squad meeting on Tuesday after- 1'7, when three memben of the Shimko. All these debaters t 8~ team will include John Derr. at ln the future operation of the the give-football-back-to-the-boys Studetrls noon at 5 o'clock. De outlined squad, whose names will be an- freshmen who have stood ou 136, 145-pound Bob Holt, Dave bureau." theory" and that "I hope the ln detail the plans of the coun- nounced after the present eeries the fall practice sessions. Embry at 155, Bill Muehlelsen, who Fleishman said it was the club's movement w111 be successful.'' BEFORE ell for the coming season, ex- of tryouts, leave by automobile Thursday will flnd Al Overton. will handle the 165-pound duties, hope that the letter would result Another supporter of the plan or plaiDed the procedure of prn.c- to debate Blrmlnrham-Southem , member of last year's Eastern tour, Roger Soth who will work at 175 tn the establishment or a central- pointed out that a 150-pound grid AFTER Uce debates and briclly summar- Ole 1\llss, Southwestern, Oentre and Friedman working against and Ed Waddington, the only W&L ized bureau by the University. Such program might contribute to the lzed the geMral cases, botb neg- and the University of Kentucky. Walt Van Gelder and Stan Sacks. winner in the Woodberry Forest a bureau, he pointed out, would National Defense program 1n that THE SHOW atlve and affirmative. to be used On Monday Ray Briggs and Ken Johnson and Myers will judge the meet, will again wrestle heavy- probably consist of the proposed lt would alford plenty of exercise by tbe teams on the Wes tern Clendaniel will support the affirm- debate, and the negative side will weight. files at first, but the possibility of and physical development tor nu- STATE Bemlspbere wuon topic, which atlve against Mitchell Disney and be carried by Van Gelder and having a full- or part-time dlrec- merous boys who have done little DRUG CO. was seleeted by Pi Kappa. Delta, Joe Ellis. Briggs and Disney are 8acks. Basketball tor to make outside contacts with in the way of athletics since enter- Tickets on Sale Monday Sports Writers Wanted abulsosine broughss andt up.industria The blureau, flnns after was iiin~g~c~o~ll~eg~e~.r. ;;;;:=.==;;;;:===JM~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trustees Oontlnaed from pare t.hree development, could handle em- For Lexington's Birthday All freshmen who are ln.ter­ Continued from pqe oae es&ed In worldq on the &lor­ sured the Generals of third po- ployment negotiations for alumni Ball to Be Held Feb. 28 tum Phi eporla staft are request­ sitlon in the Southern conference and for students desiring work dur­ A. L. Smith Board> at its next meeting.'' ing the school year or during va­ Tickets wlil go on sale Mon­ Feature of the proposed con­ ed to repOrt to the ollce ln the standlngs, and a win from Mary- cations. he added. day for Lexington's version of the solidated program is the abo­ Student Union buUdlnc Mon­ land wUl endanger South Caro- TEXACO SERVICE STATION President's Birthday ball, plans lition of the present faculty da)' afternoon at 2:08. for whJch have vlrtua.Uy been llna's runner-up spot. IOU Texaco Gaa and Motor Oils . . . Firestone committee on athletics a.nd of Coach cookie Cunningham's Fancy Dress s completed by a committee beaded the Athletic councll and re­ Tires and Tubes ••• Washing, Polishing by RUey Smith, W&L backfield charges downed the Terrapins on Sam Rayder, treasurer of the placement by a. nine-man com­ and Marfax Lubrication coach. mHtee composed of five faculty Previews the local court three weeks ago to student body fund. today urged The party will be staged in the the tune of 69-41, and are favored all students who have not yet paid members. two alumni and two Continued from pare two to hand the luckless Terpa their their Fancy Dress IOUs to do so pine room of the May.flower hotel students and a Graduate Direc­ A. L. SMITH, Prop. on February 28 under the spon­ Lor of Athletics who would be WatUur and efti'J rrowl by Scar- 14th consecutive defeat of the sea- immediately, as they a.re past due TELEPHONE 1010 sorship of the local Kiwan1s club. responsible to and an ex-officio leU: an4 there'• no doubt about son tomorrow nllbt. and must be collected. MAIN & NELSON STS. LEXINGTON, VA. The affair was originally sched­ w Tbe W&L basketeers are also member of the nine-man com­ It-It wu epleal. · · · e reeom- tied tor the lead with Vlri1nia. ln uled to talie place on January 30, mittee. mend yoa tee It, if you bayen't; their Old Dominion Big Six title along with s1mil&r dances through­ What the "certain modl.flca­ out the nation, but was postponed tions'' concerned was not stated, bat we Jut don't think we could defense. take U a eecond Ume• ••• Salt ------­ because of a confiict in dates with but they are scheduled to be Buy at- W&L's Fancy Dress set. yoanell-wba&eHr you do wiD be acted upon by the Board's Exe­ rla'ht. The ball will be informal, and cutive committee at a meetlna PEOPLES of you will be interested in 1-M Matches The will serve as part of Rockbridge later this month. They were Most HOSTETTER'S county's drive to raise funds for understood to be of a minor na­ Monday and Tuesday's slate at the Continued rrom pare t.b.ree the national campaign against in­ ture. LYrtc .... That slate shows "The The scheduled Beta-Phi Kappa fantile paralysis. Music will be Mr. Varner was promoted Mummy's Hand" with Dick Po- Sigma engagement waa postponed CUT-RATE NATIONAL BANK furnlshed by the VMI Command- from 1nstructo.r in English to ran, Pei8'Y Moran, Wallace Pord, and w111 be run oft tontaht. Two ers. Assistant Professor. Eduardo ClannelU, George Zucco, other matches are to be held to­ and Tom Tyler.... Tbe cast is ..1 ..ht hi h t.h.e DII!D... meet Where the Best "DEPENDABLE THROUGH THE YEARS" ------quite a motley crew. but so is the u-. 1n w c ..-_.-.. Senator Taft to Speak Wilcher Asks Student Aid picture .. .. It's the same old Junk ATO, and the Phi Ph1a will engage COSTS LESS . b F b 12 . about the expedition uncovering the ZBTI. SAE w1ll encounter the Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Cot·poration In H arrason urg e . In Enforcmg New Rules some tombs in Eaypt which weren't PiKA8 next Monday nilht. Tickets for an after- dinner Governing Union Building suppoeed to be uncovered. thereby The intramural handball ls still • speech by the Hon. Robert A. Taft, brlnglna down the wrath of the ln the ftrst round staae. a.nd • United states senator rrom Ohio, Denny Wilcher, Student Religi- high priest and a 3000-year old matches are beinl run oft on at the Masonic Temple In Harris- ous director, asked all students to mummy who has been kept alive schedule every day. onburg on WedneSdaY. February assist him 1n enforcing the notice by some mysterious substance Cy Twombiy, director of the 12, at '1 :30 p. m. can be ordered posted in and outside or the s tu- known as Tan& leaves .... It aets intramural athletic protram re­ DO YOU SMOKE JHI CIGAIIlTI throurh J . A. Garber, First Na- creepy 1n a couple of spots. . .. quested that each fraternity and tiona! Bank bullding, Harrison- dent Union bulldlllll prohibitinl Tbe proteuor's daulhter 11, of the NPU have repreaentatives to burg. use of the building by anyone ex- course, kidnapped and then saved check each day on the IJDlnasium Price of the atfair is $1.25, and cept students enrolled in the Oni- by the handsome hero, who at the bulletin board for their scheduled ...... ~ ... THA~fo reservations must be made ln ad- versity and their friends. · same time kills the bad boys and contests. especlally lndlvidual such CAIOL laUCI vance with the money enclosed. ftnda just loads o( Jewels .... Sure as handball, to avoid defaults and ======---===:j The new r e g u 1 a t i 0 n allows ls a start tor another gala week. conftlcttng postponments. Granunarthe ping-pong school equipment ch11Wren between~ UN ;:======~ W A R N £ R B R 0 S. two and four In the afternoon. Wilcher urged students ~ help him see that it is not used bY out­ Haas Tailoring Display STATE siders at any other time. Wilcher said that the regula­ tions had been put in force be­ New Spring and Summer Samples LAST TIMES FRIDAY cause of the use o.f the buildlni by some "Irresponsible persona." He FEBRUARY 10, 11 and 12 asked for direct prohibitive action In keeping check on these persons. "Take the action and then report Ed. Deaver & Sons DOROTHY LAMOUR it to the proper authorities," WU­ J. cher said. Phone 25 MaiD Street Graham-LeeMeetsTuaday :======:=::::=::::::==::;:=:; The Graham-Lee Llteraryeo­ clety will meet to eleet oftl.cen Chad Hanna Tuesday, February 11, at 5 GROCERIES CANNED GOODS o'c:lock in the Student Union SATURDAY bullclinr.

W. C. FIELDS ~ PEnDER ·1 1,/ ., • ' .. / 'r . 1 \ ;c· l Bank Dick 1 A CREAlt! RDmiiiiGE WE SOLICIT FRATERNITY ACCOUNTS 1\tON.-TUES.-WED. -THIATRI­ Gone With IUIMVIITA.YA.·,._• SATURDAY, FEB. I The Wind Continuous 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.

3 SIIO\VS J)AILY WALLACE BEERY in 11 :30 a.m.-~:30 p.m.-'7::10 p.m. "WYOMING" 40c Including Tax if'• tlte miiJer ~Jidnlte Show SUN. FEB. 9 Beforr 5:30 p. m. IJeHer-taatlng cigarette MONDA\', FEB. 10 YOU CAN LOSE SSe Including Ta .... ••• tile smoker's cigarette ON STAGE-IN PERSON After 11:30 11. m. 'DON 11REO" BARRY when you bet on a horse Chesterfield hu 10 many things and his W est em Show ON CREEN race . • • . But you don't a amoker likee 10 weU that it's s.o.o.N juat naturally called the Jmojer'! Don " Rrd" Barry gamble when you patron· Virginia uwyoming Wildcat" cigarette. You alway• enjoy ize our advertisers . . You Oleeterfield'e COOLER, IEnEI TASTE Comrade X TUE DAY, FEB. 11 ••• and they're really MILDER-not Dorothy Robert can't lose! strong or harsh. Get yourself a Philadelphia t.AMOUR PRESTON pack of Cheeterfielda. "TYPHOON'' Story In T£0TINICOLOR Wqr iRing-tum J~i