

INDEX Academy Awards,94,110,202 94,110.202 Academy Awards, 8 9 Adler, Buddyt Buddy, 62,180-182,184,197,198,209 62,180_182,184,197,19 ,20 ArreA~9..of of Re2snn.The, Re-,~~, 'I'ne , 116 Albert, ~ddic,Eddie, ldS,193lE8,193 Albert, ' 82 , 156 ... 70 6 \,I,,, 67 Ale:2:..:'lnd~r I s K~.F!tir:1e,t,J ~~n~J.~t.-R3nd, 67-70,82,15 ..._') ."LI.:,~;.~~~tJ·=e r~Jov"r~r-•n ...... •~••'•'•'••,l.•.... ,.4.. AlA1 t~~chulcr,1tsc1111:Le:r.,l Amecho,Ameche, Don, Do~, 56-58,68,69,193 56-58,68,69,193 Andl::e','ls,Dana,13Dana, 136,1376,137 And~ews, 150 Arrnst:-:-oni,Armst,:,on(!,Frank,145. Frank, 145, 150 Arrov,'s.rnith, 91 Arrow2'.r.1.i on, The, 156 .AAtlr""t~ tlc•.r!ta ;:onctitution,C;or:.cti tuti The, 156 Ayres, -Lew,Lew, 9

Bacon, F'!'Flnk,F!":ink, t::.~ Bacon, ~2 ..Ber}(e:L~Y.'BcginaJ,d, ;3erke:J.~y,·· R,ep:ina.\d, '22 Barnes, George, 4e, 4E,7 744 Lionel 23 Barrymore, I,ionel 23 56 Barthelmess,Barthe1mess, Richard, 56 Bartholomew, Freddie, 61 Bartholomew, 201-203 Bartlett, Sy,sy, 148-150, 201-203 Behind the Screen, 84 Behind 178-179 BehD,Behn, Joe, Joci 75, 157-158, 157-158, 178-179 Bell for Adana, A,125-127 A,125-127 Baxter;-:_'/arner,Baxter;-'"Varner,21 21 04 ' 201-20"..,.. ,,,.,-1,2·- - -- \.,..npl - - f ./ "DelBelov"d,. _._ o~r"d...... \. -- Infidel, 94, 201-204 ~.L} __ ._. -r~•~_-:,I, r '-. r j -::ie-n->t11".t"jen-:<\.l.r,·- f c&'".-,.,;o)-24 C.,"'"f' ,/,. '\. .. 68 berBerlin,. 1_1n, • T-rvine-, Irving, • 68 m~o n2~1 ~i~P3.'u P"~~~eP~r8.~e,... ::, . .i...C-.~-- f ~fThe, q2 ::::,_~p]-ac~"'~n 'Ohe23, 2'3 99-102,103 99-102,103 Black.!-t.. I!\.' S~Rn, ....-." .'. • The,.l-" , Blansford,Blansf'or:cr. Lou,L"O\], 129 81 Brand, Harry, 81 200 Bravados;Bravado~; The, 16, 197-199, 200 Broun,Broun. Heywood, 213 Brower, 77, 77. 79-80, 84 187 Cantein ~ Castile,15-16,133,136, 139, 142-145,169, 187 Canta.in from Castile,15-16,133, Capra, Frank, 92,212 Carolina, 8,22-23 Carousel, 177 -180 Carradine, John, John. 55,93 Carroll.Madeline, Madeline. 5G,6050,60 Carroll, 1 , 55, 92-94 92-9 , Chaney, Lon, 1q5 195 Gianelli,Cianel1i, Eduardo, 126 Cimn!'ron,cima,:,ron,172 172 CinemaScope,CinemaScone, 87,88, 168-170 CinemaScone-55, 178 Circ\JJtRider's ?id0:.-r's ~~ife•Wife, .i,A, 154 Circuit 131, 134,4 175, 180 Clarke, Charles G-.-,-53; G., 53, 131, 13 , 175. 180 120 Cleo~atra,C1eo~atra, 120 5 Cohan,coha~1t Gaor~eGGorr:'c u.hl.,t 5 Cohn, Harry, 211 Col bert Claudette,97-99 Colbert,f Clnudctte, Columbia Pictures, pictures, 96 Command Decision, 145 216 81 Country Doctor, Tho, J4-4o,34-40, 41, 1.2-45,8142-45, Countrv Do0.tor, 'T'h~, Crain,Jeanne, lb? 167 Crain, 75-76 Cummin,o-s,Cummin,qs, Irving,Irvine:, 75-76 115 Darlin~,Darling, William, 73, 115 Darnell, Linda, 93i9h, 93,94, 107,108 Darnell, 50-52, 156-1606 160 Davidcm.~ and B: Batl1~~l~"' th:-;h~ ~• 12, 50-52, 15 - Dav~d ~o Davies, G;&ricDi..2r1cnit 80 176 Davis,Georrre(art Georrre(artdirector), director), 176 Davis, tr2.iner), 944 David, George(horseGeo:rp-e(horse trainer), 9 ~ Waters, 1J6-1J7 136-137 Deen 157 Demillef Cecil B., 157 De~ille, 10 Des noines Moines Re~ister, 10 Devin:e:-Andy,Andy, 30 Devine, 194 Dinlo~atic Courier, 194 Director'sGuild, "171171 Director's 210 DirtvDirty pozen,Dozen, ~he,The, 210 Donlevy, brian;-JB Brian, 18 Dresser, Louise, 5,9 5 Dunn, James, James,S 159 Dunne, Philip, 84-85,8lJ.-85, 159 Eberle, Ed, 63-64 63-64 Eilers,Sally, 8,9 Eilers, 209 ElenhantElephant Tree, Th9, The, 209 Ephron,Ephron, Henry, 179 EphroEphron,n, Phoebe, 179 Evans, Robert, 194-197 191.-197 Evans, 4 --EvesBves~---- -of ----- the ~orld, World, 4 Fain,Sammy, 177 Fain, J Fairbanks, Douglas, 3 Fairbanks,Dou~las, Douglas, Jr., 21321J Fairbanks, Jl, 92-93 Farmer Takes P.A Wife, 31, 92-93 Farrell,Farrell.·charles;b" Charle~· Feld, Fritz, 167 Feldman,Charles, Charles. 139-140 139-140 Feldman, 93-94,4 ·201-204 Fitzuerald,Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 93-9 , "201-204 Fleming, Victor, 31 ~rrol, 188, 193 Flynn, ~rrol, 188, 19373,93 Fonda, Henry, 29-32, 29-32, 73,93 Ford, John, 89-92 89~92 FortysccondStreet, street, 68 Fortysecond 9,97 Foster, Uorman, Uorrr.an~97 J4,J7, 91 FoX Film corporation,Corporation, 4-5, Jl, 31, 34,37, 91 Fox Film 46 Frederick, Pauline, 46 Froman, Jane, 156 Furthman, Jules, 5 ~y,FrtP:V, 56 181-183, 185 Gardner,Ava, 164-166, 1~4-~66, 176, 181-183, 185 G2rdner, 23, J0-311 Gaynor,Jan~t, Janat, 6e bf E,l],t,l].• 2), )0-3 Gaynor, 116 Gibbs, Sir Philip, 116 "Giftof the Vagi",Fa!!i" i 166-168 "Gift H·;-106,10o 110 GeeGoe-tz. tz, \:';i.lli2r:'i~··:/ilii sr,1 t 72,72~ J.03- , 110 Robert, 208 Goldstein, Robert, 208155, 213 Goldwyn, Samuel, 91, 155, 213 Goodwin, Ira, 23 I Gomez, Vincente, 166 J 217 Grable, Bettyt Betty, 95-96 95-96 Graham,Grah~m, Sheilah, 201, 203 Th'?_, 29-90 Gran,-'sGr~1.?~~s ~~~J;of c:,~;,~,~i~'i.'rath,t.~.,' T.ho, 89-90 Gre?._1_G r.~;c c;~i:r~_°i)y,(0_ ~:.c:",-' -'...'1"'.)-·1;0, 993 3 Green, i.iarsnall. biarsnall. 200 Green,Paul, 8t22, 8,22, 198 15~J • 214 0 - ~h 0 f '-?~J • 1~1) - 197, ~'i~hter,'-" - ' ~ The, 23, 151-153, 197, 214 ~•·nfi~ht._,. LA,. - ,___ Halnrin,Halprin, Sol, 169 Harris,}iarris, Cora, 154 154 Hayvmrd,Hayward, Susan, 154. 154, 164 161, Becht, Ben, 99-101 , 1-4 Hell 181-18 J, 184-186, 192 Hemin.rrway,HeminFway, 1:<,;rnest, Ernest, 161-16 161-163, 3, 181-183, 184-186, 192 Henried, Paul, 176 Herbert, Hugh, 127-128 Herzcholt, Jean, 2,J,J8r42-4J 2,3,38,42-43 Holden, viilliam,Vlilliam, 175-17~ Hough, Stnnley, Stanley, 172 House of Connellv, 8,22 Houseof Rothschi'ld,i-uri~hsc.hild, 60 House Committee, 1J2-J.JJ House Un-American Activities Committee, 132~133 Hudson, Rochelle, Jl31 Hudson, Rock, 200-201 Hull, Henry, 28

8 6 Jesse JamesL Ja~~L 16-20, 16-20~ 28,Jl-32,46-48,70-8J,102,1J6,214 28,31_32,46-48,70- 3,102,13 ,214 Jessel, GeorFe, George, 160-161 Johnson,,Johnny, Johnny, 147 70, Johnson, 23, 28-29, Jl-J6, 39-l~0, 55, 60, Nohnson,~ohnson, NUnnally,13,16_17,23,28-29,31-36,39-40,55,60,70,Nunnally, 13, 16-17, 75-76,90,93,151-152,156,202-2G3 156,202-2G3 75-76,90,9),151-152, 177 181-182,185,205-206206 Jones, Jennifer, 107,108-111,167,175-177, 107,108-111,167,175- , 181-182,185,205- 208 208 211 Jo~enhJoseph and His Brethern, 211 Kent, Sidney, 24-26 202-203 Kerr, Deborah, 202-203 168,170-1710 1 Kin~King of the Khvier Khvper Rifles, Rifles,168,17 - 71 KIrkwood:-James,Kirr:wood-;-;.fames, 5 Arthur, 168 Knight, Arthur, 168 120-121 Knox, Alexander, 116-117, 120-121 Koster, Henry, 87-88 Landi,IJandi. Eliss2, Elissa, 6,22 LaShelle, Joseph,125 14° ,, LLay, ay , B Bierne,1481. e rn e , : CJ , Leal, Alfredo, Alfredo. 195-190195-19b Levathes, ictert Peter, 20f-209 208-209 Levien, Sonya,8, sonya,8, J4-J5, 34-35, 37 u",htin'Li£Yhtin 1 ,4-5 Little,-J,1 . t'tJ-;:-'Ph""'B"47.<.," Thonas,47 ~.. ' >.0, 85'-86 1 York, B5-86 ---LittleIj.tt1-e --~\ldC ld Nf:w-- L~E2~~. 218

Macf.:owan,Macgowan, Kenneth, 84 Macomber~acomber Affair, The, 164 McCrea, Joel,5 -- McLean, Barbara,39,53-54,58-59,62,93,109,124,l3J-1J4,144,166 Barbara,39,53_54,58-59,62,93,109,124,133-134,144,166 MacRae, Gordon, 179 . Mandaville, Molly, 171 March, Frederic, 59 Margie, 40-41,52-53, 127-133 ~arieMarie Galante, 15,24- 2727 Marion, Frances, 213 lViarsh,Marsh, Mae, Mae,5 5 Marvland,Maryland, 85 Merelv !12rv narv Ann, 5-6 1',1etro-Goi~yn-I::ayer,Nietro:Go:LOW;rn-li:ayer,11,176 11,176 Miller, Seton, 99-100 Mitchell, Thomas,117 J,1i[(!itchum,Robert, tchum, Robert, 172 I.Toffat,l:ioff2,t, Ivq,n,IV(1,n, 204-20620Lf-200 9 J\'Iont:;romery,I\'lont,r::omery t Robert, 9 Moran, Lois, 213 Morosco, Walter, 127 Mother Wore Tights, 156 --Muhl,nuhl, Edward, Edward-;'200- 200 Newman,Ne~man, Alfred, 54,177 New York News, The,213 Vo'l"'kt::.i=---;y:ho -127 -Ne'w-V-o,...k,,:;:.-c:·;hONew~. ",-_>.",.-,..I.-~~''''.. 1..--' .,l..JA.'lo.o<''-127 ...... 33 New York Yor]: 'I;iin"e's;"Times;- ~--The,The,33 -NOWNow --Vova£ter,\iOV2:g-er,1'76- l?b O'Hara, Maureen, 101 ~D:~V'O 'Henrv' s l"ull~.... ull House,HOLl§, 166-168 One Mo~eNo~e Snrin~,Suring, 27 Over-theOver the HilLHill, 5 Paramount Pictures,37 pictures,37 Patton, 127· · John, 98 Payne,Payne;Peck, Gregory, John, 98 51_52,94,150-153,163,165-166,170,197,201-203,214 Peck, Gregory, 51-52,94,150-153,163,165-166,176,197,201-203,214L 10 Perlberr:,Perlberg, Willia.'n, 'liil1iall1,62,96-97, 62,96-97,104-l0L;,,109-110104-10 '·,109-1 Peters, Jean. Jean, 136,1J9.142-145136,lJ9~ll~2-145 Peterson,Dorothy, 42-43 Peterson, 1' n,. i'locc•""br.>'l"')_, ...... ,.;,1 c_ · PQ".!"'S-' .. _,(".:;1,. Portrait+ of,.a n,':Ju~)en(it'.•.,(.•--~ ...,nn{· e,r,e~J..,.see Roses in December) -tra1·!. .~ lJ of 101,142, PoPov{ei;'l~yrone,12,23,28 , 56:3-9~6J;6U, 6J, 6:3, '7,2-'?3,7;~-'(J:8Lj,-8 84-85,5.95-96, 95-96, lOl,lIJ.2, Power, '.i.'yrono, J.t:, 2J, 26, 56-59, 169,172,187,192-194169,172~187,192-194 P""eminger,Premin~er, Otto,179 otto,179 Pr.i.ncePri.ncE!.of of FoxeB,FoxC.Q, 60-61, 137-142 137-142 Raines, Clauce, Claude, 201 21.0

t::._( 6.? ,,.,,, 10,.. 1 ,.-/ "''M"n.., l•r:: l•7 ...,, J"L, .. jD _'::::.-.'.:.'.-:'...RRCl~~D2rl}5-L~7~ ..·.C::':r·"~)---i- ~ _,.)t56t62, '74.102,156·*•- ka~olf,H.atoff, Cretrory,Grerrorv. 1)9-,40 139-1Lj,O RK0Ri:O ~'ictu1~r)s,niC~'uro~ e9,~?l ~o oi .:r-:fc.2. [L'3.::, s1 6-G0,1O7 Rc7n0:::bc~ 81-8) ~~i~~:~8~+.!Q¥~?-j~;;,;~~~;9~et\1:r~;1 ot· -/~.~~_:1)-: t;·r:7:"~c0, T};.e,+~~; 81-83 Revere, Anr1, Ann, 109 . --- Robards,RobaTd 8, Jason, 205 Robs.1D2,Robe,~'he, 8?-89, 87-P9. 157,1:69 157,±69 Robes~n,Robeson, Eleanor, 6 Robin~onrRobinson, C~sev, Casey. 161-164, 161-1611, 199-202 Rogers, ~ill, ~-5,6-9,11, 6?-62a Q~ f 1"1.·, .C,. ?--n~li'n.t. .Lrn I p p ;..., .:.., j_ J.. c..t,. ... _:.,, RooRoosevelt,0~evel-~ · " -0 f Franklin D. 82,121 RossRosa; J.~irl DccGmber,:)ccr;::1ber, 209-210 Ross,Ross f Frank,iranJ.~. 67,298-~:89 . Rubin,Rubinl Alr:,a,Alma, 1 Ruth, Babe, 153 Sabatini, Rafael,Pafael, 100 Sanders, Geor~e,23 Geor2e,23 15U 156 Po,-.t-....:;.·.. m·,ni:,l ---,., ' ', SaturdNV'\rA,.....; Even'inn:...... 1,..!...;. no-... _ Po-4. ct The , 154,156 Sa+•n~"iaV\,•L, .... ~___:.:.,._ -· Schenck, Josepn Joseph M. 107-108 Schreiber.Schreiber, Lew,3Lew,J22 Scott, A11an,96-97,160Allan,96-97,160 Seaton, George,104~105 George,104':'10 5 Sed~liaSedelia Gazette, The, 29 Selzn.icktSelzriick. David o-.-,-108,110,150,J.85,204-209 0:-,-108,110,150,185,204-209 Sennett, ~ack, r.~ac}::,192 192 ....P~a~ ~.vl..:.f 6J-~4...__,, Sersen,~or~nn~-V ...._,1c;"-~, Fred, 63-64 Seventh Peaven,ueav0n, 61-62,08-99 61-62,9B-Q9 . Seventh 137-138,8 141,148,169,1 l 75 Sha!'"!~OY,Sha:rl~oy',l,eon-,-51-52,61,H)2,l1S,123, Leon, 51-52, 61,102,118,123, 137-13 ,141,1 ,8,169,175 Sh2.!'.":roy,She7Croy, :,:ary, :','ary,118 118 Shaw, Peter, 114 111+ Sheehan, Winfield,5-8,10,22,25-26,27-28,JO '(linfield,S-8, 10,22, 2S-26, 27-28,30 Showboat,Showboa.-t, 165 She Goes to Wat,lWa~,l Shriner, Her~62 Her~62 SiePel,Sie7el, Sol, 137 Silver Sroon, Spoon, 136 Si~on,Simon, SImOne.62Sirnone,62 Simpson, ?.ussell,30 Russel1,30 Sinatra, Frank, 177-179 Sinatra, 111 115 SSin~in~1.nrr1nP-• . ,.un,,-, ~un. "'h The,-'-de, Ill-lIS_ - 192,205 Skouras,Snyros,Skouras, Snyros. 192,205 . snowcv , BobBob,t 164164- Snowdy, 41,102-lll,115,117,184,206 ~Son!'."' of ~adett~,Berr..arlette, T)-;~,14, Th~,14. 41,102-111,11S,l17,184,206 Soundof :f,iusic, "usic, :!.'he,The, 210 Sound f 176 f' 181 117 41 f 124 I-.-161 166 Sncus of Eii3]fc",n,iaY'o,F~ Tn-.r ~...... -'--'J_~_H_, The,41,124,161-166,176,181he .::-n"•··•s~J,'\,]tT. _..;::.i'.J.._..~,.~~•,".'..•o+· i-:; Sta.nle',T 2ndanc ~JiLivin~~~one.vi nS::STone, 71,71,8J-85 B3-8 5 Stnnlev 9? Stc1.tGState ?aii;E;'?..Ir~ b-11,6_11,22.62-62a,97 22 t b.2-62a. Steinbeck, ,John,S9LTohn,89 Stelle!:Stell~ D~11n~,1~5-l.56,9lJ Da1la~,155-1S6,?13 Stf:':"[~1.rt,~;~~.:~:.r~irt, /,J 8.~8r~s.r:P::~,f tlbl OJ.....0.11->':;~;;'·lr)e{c'ee kosEc·sQoeoeo in I}Cr'Cl"JbBr)December) StorvS"'o'~vv -'-,__ of ..:.. ::";_lA",::::,,~_"_'_\uGw:6r:::.::une ( [~ce .. ~:;> ..... ;:. - ,~ ..... '-' •• ~ Sur:1merville,Summerville, -:;:i Slim,30 in:, JO Strono:,stronf!, rhil,?hil,7 7 SunSWl Also Rises.Rises, The,16,164, 181-197 Suyin, Han, 177,212 117,212 220 Technico1or,Technicolor, hS-48,?4,102 45-48,74,102 c:~ ~ ;\.!1 rr-'h...t- r,O[, r1oq lfn."''n'l"'nr ....-; . : ; <' +"'+'[1" "1' nht! ~- • Lno', -;- - .:. .• < I ': , "00? ~.=-":;'::'::~._T- ., l l_;_'_Q_[ .:!:-..:.~.=~~..::-~ ..::!'.:..::: , ,,,. ' .• ' , L '+- c: rrh3.1bsr2"~rrhsl:Jerr-, Irvinr-,rrv i n«, }Q5195 • <" ;-:~ " 199 201 2QC'0 1'IH'l'1n,-j <::c: '-.'~-,,-._,__-,.,"'nr~;- l' r- ,,',' no 109 201t 20# 1 -~,--"-' , ::.::'~~;~~ ::.,~~.....:-~ 1-:2. :.:.-..~_~~_'::.' · ·· ..... ~~ " 7- , • ~. ~~U-P'lCP~~ o~ Tracyi~racy-.... c;. '- ~ Suencer. '_' ~.. .- ~. Ud,25,85f 05c, t L' J Tri~~crnomet~v.Tri ;,rre:rnam[~tX'yf 151 Tro'tti,rl"rotti, LEDa-r7 Laaa r , 15, 45-46,68-69,1345-46,68-69,1J4--135,1564,-135,156 'l'ucl:e:r,'Tucl-cerr I,.'~el,r:.el, 200 Twelvev P. 0 OjClcck 1 C 1 c c k Hi~ht14S-1S1Hi r: h t 1 1+ S-1 Sl Tvrn J. 37 ITwentfeth-cen""curyCen-:.:ury p'ictures:·ictt.n--es,p 31,31,31.1- ~Y+,t 37 i'wentieth 1 1 2 Twentieth Cen1:ury-Fox century-Fox Film Corporationtl4,49,91,11-1,3.168,l92, corporation,1 .f,49,9 ,14-3,168,19 , 199,205,211 UnttedUn:tted Artists,3 Universal Studios, studios, 199-200,209 199-200,209 UntamedUntamed,171-174 ,171-174 .Velez, Lupe,2,3 Vidor, Kinp:,92Kin2:,92 Viertel,Peter, 164,181,185 164,181,185 Viertel, December) VirginVirp:in of Guadalune(~ee Guadalune(see Roses In December) 160-161 \'iaitTillWait Till the Sun Shines Nellie, 160-161 Wald, Jerry Jerry, ,-202-204- 202-204- Warner Brothers,68 Warner,Jack, 169 Warner, 62 '!!§;!_~ Do\"~Dm·rn ~2st,:~2si:;, 29-30, 29-30,3 31,1,33-3 33-34,4,62 i'ia.yne,Via.yne. John, john, 73 . 1 0 Webb, RobertHobert D.,16_20,37,42,47,53-5~.,16-20,J7,42,47,5J-54,6-,6J,76,9J,122,128-1JO,4,6-,63,76,93,122,123- 3 , 133,138133,138 Webster, Paul Francis, 177 WeinsteinrWeinstein, Henry,207 Welles, Orson, 138-142 Werfel,\'lerfel,Franz F'ranz,104-105 ,104-105 Whalen, Micha~l, Michael, 57 ~·ffiho 26 'f 187\.._ I U/h1"+eWhite_,__ ... _., .,":),_,-:--,,,,'(,,,.#of~~"+~~ Sister, The, 26,187 Wilkie, ';;ende11,96-97Wendell, 96-97 . Wilson, 50,116-125 50,116-125 WiVii th th- £:£, S-:;: -J; or· 'a o om 1'";( 6 Wom2n~~ ~in ~:=.-Lf?oom 1.J, Wrir;ht,Wright, EarHar old :Bell, Bell, 4 Wurtzel, Sol, 8,45-46,90 8,45-46,90 Wyler, Wiliam, 24, 146 Yank in the ?~?,A,94-96 c::: i-•· ·1 ,-.3 Ve,,J.. ~. -LlO"' ~ ~~ i._ 1-. V t ,._ ':J Yordan, Fhi\ip, 198-199 Youn~, Lo~etta, 46 Pohur~ ' 03r..,. You '1~l. :.. J '\. ._ ._ ....,_ V iL l~C,-46 ~ 51~-157 • 60, Zanue};. Darryl F. ,11_14,15-16,28,31-3215-16, 28, Jl-32 t 34-hl,J4- l, Lf5-46.5!f-57,60, Zanuck, Darryl F'., 11-14, i1•,r) JO'? 11f..1 71r, 7r,1 ,-~-.t:.-,.l"'~; ?.p nO; '7':" 01 <;":;').,PP'~') OU of-.,,,.,of, (,'700 nc 1(\,"'Ci,) ir),) 10'7-~. ~--'-..4..---1 (...... 11(\ ---':1,,J..L_1?1 ''''7 \J,:_,;.:i ,,,, "i (.,., ,,..:I ',.), 07 '.._~." ,.,'.. ~ •.. ,J': , - •... •• ' -_- - .f ~ •'.·.--L,,.,•~J_~·-'·"'·L-. " -..t.. .,' ~ .~., '- - - " \"c ...... --' -.- - / ~ .1...... • i./'_ , • C,/, f..1-.: (\.}.'_.,.,__t··· --. ·i{..~ 12.,;.:_1r.:? l(:n 1r,1 J -·L ~-' j t '0-, ,,-.;, J~t,.·, •1i.;.:.• lii-tJ/ _./ .__,. i •J V f '-·' -~ t .i ...... )-j.o·1'·'- ./')r 1-;~1):t-'--~):'f ,·'.o1"·") 11,n]1'1'1_l'\. .. 'i'-' ·ii'"...... ,, r f ' ) f ..,_,li'K f" ,_' _...'''? -1'-:' ?-:; ·;-,h ·1-:,, 1-7_) t -· j .. f ~•- "f" \.. ',J.-(~~-····"""t - '; _.,/ t li."-j.Ur_·t_,-l . ..J'~i 1-'('1(1CJ, )_1_· .-/ l1 _,,/ _.,• fi ..- _.J l f ..,, ~ _.} ·- t 164,167,171,172,lb0-19J,195-197,211164,167,171,172,180-193,195-197,211 Zanuck, Susanrli-i-0 Susan,140 Zanuck, Virrinia,39,140 Virvinia,J9,140